.bk A12 .fl N809dc.j .fd object descriptions .ed N809 .ei dc .rd N723 .ri raf i 164 df ma lg 4.6 th .1 co pale green c# 1FORGLEY7/2 .ri dc ds Bronze nail wire P99 to sb .ri raf q 1027.2 df sp lg 2.9 th .6 co pinkish gray c# 7.5YR7/2 .ri dc ds Probable small fragment of wood on a clay matrix. P99 to sb .ri raf q 1026.14 df ma lg 3.2 th 1.8 co pale green c# 1FORGLEY6/2 .ri dc ds L-shaped bronze fragment. Linear body ending with rounded extremity. P99 to sb .ri raf q 1026.5 df cs co black P1 discarded .ri raf q 1029.2 df kw lg 3.4 th 1.2 co dark reddish gray c# 2.5YR4/1 .ri dc ds Cylindrical shaped kiln waste. P2 ZSB 10.2.10 .ri raf q 1027.1 df ma lg .6 th .5 co pale green c# 1FORGLEY7/2 .ri dc ds Small rounded bronze. One half well preserved. A possible decoration. P99 to sb .ri raf q 1025.2 df ca lg 3.7 th 1.1 co pale brown c# 10YR6/3 .ri dc ds Clay arifact of irregular shape. Traces of work. Visible hole in the wider base. Undefined function. P2 ZSB 7.25 .ri raf q 1026.3 df cs co black c# 5YR2.5/1 P1 discarded .ri raf q 1026.6 df la lg 4.1 th .7 co gray c# 2.5Y5/1 .ri dc ds Flint blade. Clearly defined parallel lines of the blade on the external surface. One side is fragmentary. Break on one corner in the inner side. P2 ZSB 16.30 .ri raf q 1026.12 df sp co black c# 5YR2.5/1 P1 discarded .ri raf q 1030.4 df la lg 3 th 2.1 P1 discarded .rd N801 .ri rd2 q 1043.1 df sm .ri jl ds Piece of partially charred. P2 ZSB 29.11 .ri rd2 q 1043.2 df kw lg 3.3 th 1.5 co olive gray c# 5Y4/3 .ri jl ds piece of kiln waste P2 ZSB 10.2.10 .rd N801 .ri jl i 68 df ma th .3 co green ds Bent bronze pin P99 to sb .rd N804 .ri rd2 i 169 df fg lg 4.5 th 3.9 w1 3.5 co very pale brown c# 10YR7/4 .ri jl ds Figurine hindquarters P99 to rah .ri rd2 i 170 df fg lg 5.5 th 3.6 w1 2.8 co light red c# 2.5YR6/6 .ri jl ds Animal figurine body. P99 to rah