.bk A14 .fl O628jw5.j .fd daily journal O628, descriptions f188-f191 .ei jw .ed O628 .rd O628 .ri jw -wk 23 reported for work. -sf jw sole staff member in field for the entire day as gm continued to work at home as she recovers from illness. -sy bp surveyed points on large surface stones f165 and f190 as an aid in drawing them. -wk continuing operations in three loci, k25, k24, k13. As time permits, we are also re-cutting sections on the N side of N baulks in k1 thru k5. k 25 dy now definitely below topsoil and in level accumulation, f186, where we are approaching the elevation of the floor of the retangular portion of the abi. We are looking for a possible wall network which will define the western boundary of a possible sacral precinct, extending south from the platforms and west from the entrance to the abi. k 24 dy continuing to remove large quantities of accumulation, f185, from the entire locus. We are continuing to find modern material in the matrix, including today, white and blue plastic sheeting and cans for soda and meat. This indicates that f185 continues to be a mixture of old and new gully wash, rather than accumulation, and that pottery taken from here will not be useful in dating this stratum. f 185 df vm ds gully wash consisting of mixture of soil and stones containing relatively large quantities of ancient pottery and modern material including plastic sheeting and food and drink cans 150cm below the surface. Origninally mis-identified as accumulation belonging to a stratum from an occupational phase. k 13 dy continuing to excavate matrix containing clay projectiles and evidence of their manufacture here. A few being found in all parts of the locus except the SE corner where there is a concentration of baked and unbaked reddish bricks, f187, surrounded by a soft, brownish accumulation, f191. f 188 df a ds combined accumulation and wash found in the partially excavated north baulk of k3. It is a remnant of previous excavations of the AK palace walls immediately to the north. f 189 df a ds somewhat reddish brown accumulation throughout locus k13 except in the SE quadrant where brickmass, f187, and brownish accumulation, f191 are located. A few of the 200 clay projectiles and fragments were found here although most were concentrated in the NE quadrant, f181. f 190 df pb ds large ashlar in k4 N baulk line. It appears to be aligned E-W with the extant Ph 2 AK palace walls immediately to the north. f 191 df a ds brownish accumulation which surrounds brickmass f187 in the SE corner of k13.