.bk A14 .fl O801jw.j .fd daily journal for O731 .ei jw .ed O801 .rd O731 .ri jw -wk 15 workmen on site to excavate and assist in cleanup. -sf gm departed for Italy in the morning of O731. dc and jo on site to supervise the final excavation of the E baulk of k4, supervise the cleaning of the unit for final photographs, and to draw a section. jw worked at home reviewing sections prior to scanning. -sn dc and jo drew the section of the north face of the parts of the north baulks of k1, k2, and k3 which had been trimmed to a uniform E-W line earlier in the season. This should help guide excavations in MZ18. Elevation of the string was m3430+54-165=8289cm. k 4 dy Finished excavating the final 25 cm of the E baulk. We decided not to bring the level of k4 and k3 to the same elevation. Although there are strong signs that floor, f213, extends east into k3, the likely living accumulation above it in k3, f299, was too thick to excavate this season, even though there were jar fragments appearing in the matrix. -ph gg and jw took a series of final photographs of each of the loci both in the morning and the afternoon. Several more remain to be taken on O801.