; File processed on 2024-10-01 ; A14.1 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2001-06-30_L701ED.j !! bowl A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V14d2601 A14.1 L716 ms.jpg B10 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed bowl B11 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed Carinated bowl D1 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed k2 D3 0000-00-00_L629JL.r ed r1 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: SE edge of i1) F51 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed i1 (bowl) sits in f10 (fill) G1 2001-06-26_L627JL.j jl a1 G17 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed q13 J1 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed 4 J3 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed 12 J5 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed 5 BA1 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed bowl BA2 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed 4 BA5 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed 12 BA6 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed cl BA9 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed complete carenated bowl K3 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed cl K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL bowl ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL carinated ZcaS2 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL sharp (carination) ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 12 O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V14d2601 A14.1 L716 ms.jpg O4 2001-07-07_A14_VWX.j cw L_W14d2501 A14.0001 L707 cw cv f10k2.jpg O13 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed v3 O13 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed v3a O13 2001-06-26_L627JL.j jl v2 P99 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed To MS ; A14.2 A20 !!_!! !! organic A21 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j !! human body A35 2001-06-26_L627JL.j !! v2 B10 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw human body B11 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Human remains from burial aggregate a1 D1 2001-06-26_L627JL.j jl k2 D3 2001-06-27_L629JL.r jl r3 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: approximate center of burial) F51 2001-06-26_L627JL.j jl i2 (human body) sits in f10 (fill) G1 2001-06-26_L627JL.j jl a1 G17 2001-06-26_L627JL.j jl q13 BA1 2001-06-26_L627JL.j jl human body BA9 2001-06-26_L627JL.j jl human bones from a1 burial O13 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed v3 O13 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed v3a O13 2001-06-26_L627JL.j jl v2 ; A14.3 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2001-06-30_L701ED.j !! figurine B10 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed figurine B11 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed Forequarter of animal figurine. It shows depositional stain on one side. D1 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed k2 D3 2001-06-27_L629JL.r ed r2 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: #####) F51 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed i3 (figurine) sits in f7 (accumulation D) G17 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed q17 J1 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed 4.7 J2 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed 2.9 J3 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed 2 BA1 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed figurine BA2 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed 5 BA3 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed 3 BA4 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed 2 BA6 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed cl BA9 2001-06-26_L627JL.j ed probably an animal figurine K3 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed cl K6 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed 10YR 7/1 (surface) P99 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed To RAH. ; A14.4 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2001-06-30_L701ED.j !! lithic artifact B10 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed lithic artifact B11 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed Pestle. D1 2001-06-26_L627JL.j jl k3 D3 2001-06-27_L629JL.r jl r4 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2001-06-26_L627JL.j jl i4 (lithic artifact) sits in f11 (topsoil) G17 2001-06-26_L627JL.j jl q19 J1 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed 5.8 J4 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed 6.5 BA1 2001-06-26_L627JL.j jl lithic artifact BA3 2001-06-26_L627JL.j jl 6.5 BA4 2001-06-26_L627JL.j jl 7 BA9 2001-06-26_L627JL.j jl circular grinding stone K3 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed lithic P2 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed ZSB120 ; A14.5 A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact A21 2001-06-30_L701ED.j !! metal artifact B10 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed metal artifact B11 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed Piece of bronze ring. D1 2001-06-28_L629JL.j jl k12 D3 2001-06-27_L629JL.r jl r9 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: NE corner of k13) F51 2001-06-28_L629JL.j jl i5 (metal artifact) sits in f8 (topsoil) G17 2001-06-28_L629JL.j jl q28 J1 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed 0.6 J4 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed 0.1 BA1 2001-06-28_L629JL.j jl metal artifact BA2 2001-06-28_L629JL.j jl 0.6 BA3 2001-06-28_L629JL.j jl 1.1 BA4 2001-06-28_L629JL.j jl 0.1 BA6 2001-06-28_L629JL.j jl bz BA9 2001-06-28_L629JL.j jl piece of bronze ring K3 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed metal P99 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed To SB. ; A14.6 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2001-06-30_L701ED.j !! lithic artifact B10 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed lithic artifact B11 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed Broken stone-donut. D1 2001-06-28_L629JL.j ed k12 D3 2001-06-27_L629JL.r ed r11 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: bottom of i6) F51 2001-06-28_L629JL.j ed i6 (lithic artifact) sits in f19 (accumulation D) G17 2001-06-28_L629JL.j ed q32 J1 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed 6.5 J4 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed 17 BA1 2001-06-28_L629JL.j ed lithic artifact BA2 2001-06-28_L629JL.j ed 6 BA4 2001-06-28_L629JL.j ed 16.2 BA6 2001-06-28_L629JL.j ed li BA9 2001-06-28_L629JL.j ed broken stone doughnut K3 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed lithic P2 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed ZSB120 ; A14.7 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2001-06-30_L701ED.j !! figurine A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V14d2610 A14.7 L722 gg.jpg B10 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed figurine B11 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed Head of feminine figurine. D1 2001-06-30_L702JL.j ed k1 D3 2001-06-30_L630JL.r jl r32 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: bottom of i7) F51 2001-06-30_L702JL.j ed i7 (figurine) sits in f25 (accumulation D) G17 2001-06-30_L702JL.j ed q46 I3 2001-09-16_L916MKB.j MKB Phase 5 I99 2001-09-16_L916MKB.j MKB Khabur Period J1 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed 2.5 J1 2001-09-16_L916MKB.j MKB 2.7 J2 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed 2 J3 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed 2 J4 2001-09-16_L916MKB.j MKB 2.4 @back of head BA1 2001-06-30_L702JL.j ed figurine BA2 2001-06-30_L702JL.j ed 2.5 BA3 2001-06-30_L702JL.j ed 2 BA4 2001-06-30_L702JL.j ed 2 BA6 2001-06-30_L702JL.j ed cl BA9 2001-06-30_L702JL.j ed head of a human figurine K3 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed cl K5 2001-09-16_L916MKB.j MKB light red, red K6 2001-09-16_L916MKB.j MKB clay body 2.5YR 7/6, paint 10R 4/8 K8 2001-09-16_L916MKB.j MKB smoothed on all surfaces K9 2001-09-16_L916MKB.j MKB painted with dark red paint on the head covering, around the lower portion of the chin and the outer portion of the cheeks. The figure was not painted on the main portions of the face as was the case for the Khabur period head found in Area C K11 2001-09-16_L916MKB.j MKB break at top of the neck but does not appear to be so large as to indicate that the head was attached to the rest of the body at the neck. The reverse has a small break on one side but there is no indication that it was attached to something at the back. No ware pattern on any of the edges indicates that it was inserted into a larger panel or composition. K13 2001-09-16_L916MKB.j MKB headdress or hat consists of a high smooth band around the front and sides of the head extending down at the level of the ears. The top of the head was covered with the same head covering but the front, band portion extends higher than the piece covering the top of the head. Her eyes are made with small applied round flat disks but her nose is modeled out of the same clay as the head. Her eyebrows are an extension of the same modeling as the nose and on both sides of the face for the full width of the face. Her cheeks are shown as high and prominent. This facial characteristic is similar to the very prominent cheek bones of the clay statuette found in A12 in MZ 12 (1999). While she does have a prominent chin her mouth is only indicated by a short shallow line. At the back her head appears to be covered by the same head covering which forms a projecting arch around the flat central portion. K99 2001-09-16_L916MKB.j MKB It is possible that this head was attached to a portion of the body but it is more likely that it is an independent piece for an unknown use. K99 2001-09-16_L916MKB.j MKB red clay with some calcite inclusions O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V14d2610 A14.7 L722 gg.jpg O4 2001-07-18_A14_VWX.j fg L_W16b2715 A14.0007 L718 fg su f25 k1.jpg O4 2001-07-18_A14_VWX.j fg L_W16d2748 A14.0007 L718 fg su@ZB725 aMA f25 k1.jpg O4 2001-07-19_A14_VWX.j sg L_W14c2501 A14.0007 L719 sg fg f5k1.jpg O13 2001-06-30_L703JL.j ed v5 P99 2001-06-30_L701ED.j ed To MKB. ; A14.8 A20 !!_!! !! other A21 2003-08-25_N830SB4.j !! tool A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2739 A14.8 N807 gg.jpg B10 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl metal artifact B10 2003-08-25_N830SB4.j sb tool B11 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl possibly encrusted metal pin D1 2001-07-01_L702JL.j ed k1 D3 2001-07-01_L702JL.r ed r33 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: #####) F51 2001-07-01_L702JL.j ed i8 (tool) sits in f25 (accumulation D) G17 2001-07-01_L702JL.j ed q51 J2 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl 3.9 J3 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl 0.2 BA1 2001-07-01_L702JL.j ed metal artifact BA2 2001-07-01_L702JL.j ed 4 BA3 2001-07-01_L702JL.j ed 0.2 BA4 2001-07-01_L702JL.j ed 0.2 BA6 2001-07-01_L702JL.j ed mt BA9 2001-07-01_L702JL.j ed bronze nail K3 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl metal K11 2003-08-25_N830SB4.j sb bronze chiesel N3 2003-08-12_N830SB4.j sb treated by BM O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2739 A14.8 N807 gg.jpg O2 2003-09-08_A14_VWX.j dia L_V16d2831 A14.8 N908 dia ma.jpg O2 2003-09-08_A14_VWX.j dia L_V16d2832 A14.8 N908 dia ma.jpg O2 2003-09-08_A14_VWX.j dia L_V16d2833 A14.8 N908 dia ma.jpg O4 2003-09-09_A14_VWX.j rm L_W16b2730 A14.0008 N909 rm mt.jpg O4 2003-09-09_A14_VWX.j rm L_W16d2730 A14.0008 N909 rm mt @ZB726 aMA.jpg P99 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl to sb ; A14.9 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2001-07-07_L708ED.j !! bead B10 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl bead B11 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl Bead shaped as a drop, orangish D1 2001-07-02_L702JL.j ed k3 D3 2001-07-02_L702JL.r ed r39 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: f17) F51 2001-07-02_L702JL.j ed i9 (bead) sits in f17 (accumulation D) J1 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl 1 J2 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl 2 J3 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl 1.7 BA1 2001-07-02_L702JL.j ed lithic artifact BA2 2001-07-02_L702JL.j ed 1.0 BA3 2001-07-02_L702JL.j ed 1.8 BA4 2001-07-02_L702JL.j ed 1.9 BA6 2001-07-02_L702JL.j ed li BA9 2001-07-02_L702JL.j ed fallen from E baulk of k3, has no q-lot; red stone, smooth, maybe carnelian? K3 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl lithic P2 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl ZSB 12-8 ; A14.10 A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact A21 2001-07-07_L708ED.j !! metal artifact B10 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl metal artifact B11 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl flat ring D1 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl k2 D3 2001-07-02_L702JL.r ed r40 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: f32) F51 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl i10 (metal artifact) sits in f32 (accumulation) G1 2003-08-13_N907JL.j !! a11 G17 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl q70 J4 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl 0.7 J7 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl 0.2 BA1 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl metal artifact BA9 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl maybe metal, maybe not; tiny perforated disk with a spiral pattern on the surface K3 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl metal P99 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl To SB ; A14.11 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j !! figurine A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V14d2603 A14.11 L722 gg .jpg B10 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw figurine A99 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Record contains only field data D1 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl k1 D3 2001-07-02_L702JL.r jl r41 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: NE corner of k1) F51 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl i11 (figurine) sits in f34 (accumulation D) G17 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl q71 BA1 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl figurine BA2 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl 3.0 BA3 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl 6.5 BA4 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl 3.7 BA6 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl cl BA9 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl animal fg body K3 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw cl O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V14d2603 A14.11 L722 gg .jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V14d2604 A14.11 L722 gg .jpg ; A14.12 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j !! bowl A35 2001-07-02_L703JL.j !! v7 B10 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw bowl B11 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Fragments of carinated bowl. B99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Record contains only field data and photograph of context. D1 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl k2 D3 2001-07-02_L702JL.r jl r42 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: SE corner of k2) F51 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl i12 (bowl) sits in f29 (accumulation D) G1 2001-06-26_L819JL.j jl a3 G17 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl q70 BA1 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl bowl BA9 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl pieces of a carenated bowl K3 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw cl O13 2001-07-02_L703JL.j jl v7 ; A14.13 A20 !!_!! !! other A21 2001-08-22_L822JL.j !! specimen A35 2009-09-24_A14_VWX.j !! L_V22d7983 A14i13 T924 dM sh f29.jpg B10 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl specimen B11 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl pieces of shell D1 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl k2 D3 2001-07-02_L702JL.r jl r45 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: E side of k2) F51 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl i13 (specimen) sits in f29 (accumulation D) G1 2001-06-26_L819JL.j jl a3 G17 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl q70 BA1 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl specimen BA9 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl 2 pieces of shell, found north of i12 K5 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl mother-of-pearl O2 2009-09-24_A14_VWX.j dM L_V22d7983 A14i13 T924 dM sh f29.jpg O2 2009-09-24_A14_VWX.j dM L_V22d7984 A14i13 T924 dM sh f29.jpg O13 2001-07-02_L703JL.j jl v7 P2 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl ZSB26-3 ; A14.14 A20 !!_!! !! organic A21 2001-08-22_L822JL.j !! tooth A35 2001-07-02_L703JL.j !! v7 B10 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl tooth B11 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl tooth found in bowl D1 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl k2 D3 2001-07-02_L702JL.r jl r46 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: same as r42) F51 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl i14 (tooth) sits in f29 (accumulation D) G1 2001-06-26_L819JL.j jl a3 G17 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl q70 BA1 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl bone BA9 2001-07-02_L702JL.j jl piece of bone found inside i12 O13 2001-07-02_L703JL.j jl v7 P2 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl ZSB15-5 ; A14.15 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2001-07-07_L708ED.j !! figurine B10 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl figurine B11 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl Hind leg of animal figurine D1 2001-07-04_L706JL.j jl k1 D3 2001-07-04_L706JL.r jl r51 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: k1 north baulk) F51 2001-07-04_L706JL.j jl i15 (figurine) sits in f39 (topsoil) G17 2001-07-04_L706JL.j jl q95 J1 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl 7 J3 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl 3.5 J7 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl 2 BA1 2001-07-04_L706JL.j jl figurine BA2 2001-07-04_L706JL.j jl 2.2 BA3 2001-07-04_L706JL.j jl 7.6 BA4 2001-07-04_L706JL.j jl 2.3 BA6 2001-07-04_L706JL.j jl cl BA9 2001-07-04_L706JL.j jl animal leg, maybe equid K3 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl cl K6 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl 10YR 7/3 P99 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl To RAH ; A14.16 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2001-07-08_L709JL.j !! figurine B10 2001-07-08_L709JL.j ed figurine B11 2001-07-08_L709JL.j ed hindquarters of animal figurine D1 2001-07-05_L706JL.j jl k2 D3 2001-07-04_L706JL.r jl r52 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: f32) F51 2001-07-05_L706JL.j jl i16 (figurine) sits in f32 (accumulation) G1 2003-08-13_N907JL.j !! a11 G17 2001-07-05_L706JL.j jl q101 J1 2001-07-08_L709JL.j ed 1.7 J2 2001-07-08_L709JL.j ed 3.8 J7 2001-07-08_L709JL.j ed 2.2 BA1 2001-07-05_L706JL.j jl figurine BA2 2001-07-05_L706JL.j jl 3.6 BA3 2001-07-05_L706JL.j jl 1.5 BA4 2001-07-05_L706JL.j jl 2.3 BA6 2001-07-05_L706JL.j jl cl BA9 2001-07-05_L706JL.j jl forequarters and neck of animal ^fg K3 2001-07-08_L709JL.j ed cl K5 2001-07-08_L709JL.j ed light gray K6 2001-07-08_L709JL.j ed 10YR7/2 P99 2001-07-08_L709JL.j ed to rah ; A14.17 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2001-07-08_L709JL.j !! bowl A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V14d2602 A14.17 L716 ms.jpg B10 2001-07-08_L709JL.j ed bowl B11 2001-07-08_L709JL.j ed miniature of carinated bowl with horizontal incised lines on the shoulder D1 2001-07-05_L706JL.j jl k12 D3 2001-07-04_L706JL.r jl r53 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: north-east k12) E1 2001-07-05_L706JL.j jl north end slopes down 15 degrees E2 2001-07-05_L706JL.j jl 0 degrees - flat E3 2001-07-05_L706JL.j jl It is a completely round vessel - it has no orientation. F51 2001-07-05_L706JL.j jl i17 (bowl) sits in f40 (accumulation D) G17 2001-07-05_L706JL.j jl q109 J1 2001-07-08_L709JL.j ed 4.5 J3 2001-07-08_L709JL.j ed 4.5 J5 2001-07-08_L709JL.j ed 2.5 BA1 2001-07-05_L706JL.j jl ceramic vessel BA2 2001-07-05_L706JL.j jl 4.5 BA4 2001-07-05_L706JL.j jl 5.0 BA6 2001-07-05_L706JL.j jl cl BA9 2001-07-05_L706JL.j jl cup K3 2001-07-08_L709JL.j ed cl K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL cup ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL other O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V14d2602 A14.17 L716 ms.jpg P99 2001-07-08_L709JL.j ed to ms ; A14.18 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2001-07-07_L708ED.j !! figurine A35 2003-09-07_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2826 A14.18 N907 dia fg.jpg B10 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl figurine B11 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl Hindquarters of animal figurine. It is without legs and has an axle-hole piercing it, probably for a set of wheels. D1 2001-07-07_L711JL.j jl k12 D3 2001-07-07_L708ED.r jl r54 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: NW of k12) F51 2001-07-07_L711JL.j jl i18 (figurine) sits in f43 (accumulation D) G17 2001-07-07_L711JL.j jl q120 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl 5.5 J2 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl 7.5 J7 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl 5.5 BA1 2001-07-07_L711JL.j jl figurine BA2 2001-07-07_L711JL.j jl 6.0 BA3 2001-07-07_L711JL.j jl 7.6 BA4 2001-07-07_L711JL.j jl 5.8 BA5 2001-07-07_L711JL.j jl 4.3 K3 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl cl K6 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl 5YR 7/4 O2 2003-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V16d2826 A14.18 N907 dia fg.jpg O2 2003-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V16d2827 A14.18 N907 dia fg.jpg O2 2003-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V16d2828 A14.18 N907 dia fg.jpg O2 2003-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V16d2829 A14.18 N907 dia fg.jpg O2 2003-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V16d2830 A14.18 N907 dia fg.jpg O4 2005-09-18_A14_VWX.j eAN L_W18b3102 A14.0018 P918 eAN x a.jpg O4 2005-09-18_A14_VWX.j eAN L_W18b3103 A14.0018 P918 eAN x b.jpg O4 2005-09-18_A14_VWX.j eAN L_W18b3104 A14.0018 P918 eAN x c.jpg O4 2005-09-18_A14_VWX.j eAN L_W18d3102 A14.0018 P918 eAN x a @ZB731 aMA.jpg O4 2005-09-18_A14_VWX.j eAN L_W18d3103 A14.0018 P918 eAN x b @ZB731 aMA.jpg O4 2005-09-18_A14_VWX.j eAN L_W18d3104 A14.0018 P918 eAN x c @ZB731 aMA.jpg P99 2001-07-07_L708ED.j jl To RAH ; A14.19 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j !! figurine B10 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw figurine B11 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Head of equid. B99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Record contains only field data. D1 2001-07-08_L711JL.j jl k11 D3 2001-07-08_L709JL.r jl r63 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: f37) F51 2001-07-08_L711JL.j jl i19 (figurine) sits in f37 (accumulation D) G17 2001-07-08_L711JL.j jl q132 BA1 2001-07-08_L711JL.j jl figurine BA2 2001-07-08_L711JL.j jl 4.4 BA3 2001-07-08_L711JL.j jl 3.3 BA4 2001-07-08_L711JL.j jl 1.8 BA6 2001-07-08_L711JL.j jl cl BA9 2001-07-08_L711JL.j jl equid head K3 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw cl ; A14.20 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j !! bowl A35 2001-07-07_L819JL.j !! v13 B10 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw bowl B11 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw bowl, otherwise undescribed from burial a6 B99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Record contains only field data D1 2001-07-08_L711JL.j jl k12 D3 2001-07-08_L709JL.r jl r64 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: f47) F51 2001-07-08_L711JL.j jl i20 (bowl) sits in f47 (burial) G1 2001-08-19_L819JL.j jl a6 G17 2001-07-08_L711JL.j jl q142 BA1 2001-07-08_L711JL.j jl bowl K3 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw cl O13 2001-07-07_L819JL.j jl v13 O13 2001-07-07_L819JL.j jl v13a O13 2001-07-07_L819JL.j jl v14 ; A14.21 A20 !!_!! !! organic A21 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j !! human body A35 2001-07-07_L819JL.j !! v13 B10 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw human body B11 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw human remains from burial aggregate a6. B99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Record contains only field data D1 2001-07-08_L711JL.j jl k12 F51 2001-07-08_L711JL.j jl i21 (human body) sits in f47 (burial) G1 2001-08-19_L819JL.j jl a6 G17 2001-07-08_L711JL.j jl q142 BA1 2001-07-08_L711JL.j jl human body BA9 2001-07-08_L711JL.j jl includes bone from q-lots 142 and 146 O13 2001-07-07_L819JL.j jl v13 O13 2001-07-07_L819JL.j jl v13a O13 2001-07-07_L819JL.j jl v14 ; A14.22 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2001-08-22_L822JL.j !! clay artifact B10 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl clay artifact B11 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl large, rough ring of clay B11 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Clay mass roughly shaped like a donut and found in burial a6 B99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Record contains only field data D1 2001-07-08_L711JL.j ed k12 D3 2001-07-08_L709JL.r ed r65 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: f47) F51 2001-07-08_L711JL.j ed i22 (clay artifact) sits in f47 (burial) G1 2001-08-19_L819JL.j jl a6 G17 2001-07-08_L711JL.j ed q142 J3 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl 5.4 J7 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl 2.1 BA1 2001-07-08_L711JL.j ed clay artifact BA2 2001-07-08_L711JL.j ed 2 BA5 2001-07-08_L711JL.j ed 6 BA6 2001-07-08_L711JL.j ed cl BA9 2001-07-08_L711JL.j ed clay doughnut? K3 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl cl K5 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl orange P2 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl ZSB7-20 ; A14.23 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j !! seal impression A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V14d2605 A14.23 L722 gg .jpg B10 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw seal impression B11 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Impressions of a single seal rolled several times. Scene is a presentation to a seated, robed figure with left arm raised. A robed, male standing figure leads a robed female standing figure to be presented. B99 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Record contains only field data, drawings, and photographs D1 2001-07-10_L711JL.j ed k1 D3 2001-07-10_L819JL.r ed r66 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: f51) D99 2001-07-09_L819JL.j ed The relay for this object has no solution, and is unrecoverable. The object is a seal impression discovered in the pit a4. However, due to the great depth of the pit at this point, we were almost three meters below any agailable marker pegs, and since we were within a pit, we could not sight down from them, either. The relay was taken by stretching two meter tapes, joined together, over a large wall into A10, from an approximate location above the seal impression. The resulting numbers, not entirely surprisingly, form an impossible relay, given the large quantity of inaccuracy present in such a method. However, it was the only method agailable at the time to attempt the relay. F51 2001-07-10_L711JL.j ed i23 (seal impression) sits in f51 (fill) G1 2001-08-19_L819JL.j !! a4 G17 2001-07-10_L711JL.j ed q163 BA1 2001-07-10_L711JL.j ed seal impression BA2 2001-07-10_L711JL.j ed 4.5 BA3 2001-07-10_L711JL.j ed 5 BA4 2001-07-10_L711JL.j ed 2.5 BA6 2001-07-10_L711JL.j ed cl BA9 2001-07-10_L711JL.j ed sealing with several rollings K3 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw cl O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V14d2605 A14.23 L722 gg .jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V14d2606 A14.23 L722 gg .jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V14d2607 A14.23 L722 gg .jpg O2 2002-10-04_A14_VWX.j fab L_V15d9162 A14.23 Mx04 fab si.jpg O2 2002-10-04_A14_VWX.j fab L_V15d9163 A14.23 Mx04 fab si.jpg O2 2002-10-04_A14_VWX.j fab L_V15d9164 A14.23 Mx04 fab si.jpg O2 2002-10-04_A14_VWX.j fab L_V15d9165 A14.23 Mx04 fab si.jpg O4 2001-09-03_A14_VWX.j ed L_W14b2504 A14.0023 L903 ed si.jpg O4 2001-09-03_A14_VWX.j ed L_W14b2505 A14.0023 L903 ed si.jpg O4 2001-09-03_A14_VWX.j ed L_W15c2502 A14.0023 L903 ed si.jpg O4 2001-09-03_A14_VWX.j ed L_W15d2502 A14.0023 L903 ed si @ZB803 aMA.jpg O4 2002-09-04_A14_VWX.j flp L_W15c2503 A14.0023 M904 flp si f51.jpg O4 2002-09-04_A14_VWX.j flp L_W15d2503 A14.0023 M904 flp si @ZB803 aMA f51.jpg O4 2002-09-18_A14_VWX.j flp L_W15c2504 A14.0023 M918 flp si f51 a.jpg O4 2002-09-18_A14_VWX.j flp L_W15c2505 A14.0023 M918 flp si f51 b.jpg O4 2002-09-18_A14_VWX.j flp L_W15d2504 A14.0023 M918 flp si @ZB804 aMA f51 a.jpg O4 2002-09-18_A14_VWX.j flp L_W15d2505 A14.0023 M918 flp si @ZB804 aMA f51 b.jpg ; A14.24 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2001-08-22_L822JL.j !! figurine B10 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl figurine B11 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl figurine head, neck, and forequarters, badly worn D1 2001-07-23_L726RD.j jl k11 D3 2001-07-23_L819JL.r rd r67 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: east baulk of k11) F51 2001-07-23_L726RD.j jl i24 (figurine) sits in f64 (topsoil) G17 2001-07-23_L726RD.j jl q211 J1 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl 5.7 J2 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl 4.4 J3 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl 3.0 BA1 2001-07-23_L726RD.j jl figurine K3 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl cl K5 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl white K6 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl 2.5Y8/1 P99 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl to rah ; A14.25 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2001-08-22_L822JL.j !! seal B10 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl seal B11 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl uncarved stone cylinder seal, pierced D1 2001-07-24_L726RD.j jl k2 D3 2001-07-23_L819JL.r rd r68 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: east baulk of k2, southeast corner) F51 2001-07-24_L726RD.j jl i25 (seal) sits in f68 (accumulation D) G17 2001-07-24_L726RD.j jl q218 J2 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl 3.2 J3 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl 1.9 BA1 2001-07-24_L726RD.j jl lithic artifact BA3 2001-07-24_L726RD.j jl 3.3 BA4 2001-07-24_L726RD.j jl 1.5 BA9 2001-07-24_L726RD.j jl blank cylinder seal? K3 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl lithic K5 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl white P2 2001-08-22_L822JL.j jl ZSB16-21 ; A14.26 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j !! seal impression A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2740 A14.26 N810 gg.jpg B10 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw seal impression B11 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Impressions of a single seal rolled several times. Scene is a presentation to seated robed figure with both arms raised. The other figure is rampant equid with its forelegs on the lap of the seated figure. B99 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Record contains only field data, drawings, and photographs C99 2003-07-14_N828JL.j jl This seal impression was not found in the course of normal excavation. It was taken out of the baulk by a workman cleaning the section in the days leading up to the beginning of excavation this season. Hence, it has no q-lot number. D1 2003-07-11_N811RF1.j jl k3 F51 2003-07-11_N811RF1.j jl i26 (seal impression) sits in f30 (accumulation D) BA1 2003-07-11_N811RF1.j jl seal impression K3 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw cl O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2740 A14.26 N810 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2741 A14.26 N810 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2751 A14.26 N814 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2752 A14.26 N814 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2753 A14.26 N814 gg.jpg O2 2004-07-13_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2719 A14.26 O713 gg cv.jpg O2 2004-07-13_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2720 A14.26 O713 gg cv.jpg O2 2004-07-13_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2721 A14.26 O713 gg cv.jpg O2 2004-07-13_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2722 A14.26 O713 gg cv.jpg O2 2004-07-13_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2723 A14.26 O713 gg cv.jpg O4 2003-07-16_A14_VWX.j flp L_W16b2721 A14.0026 N716 flp si.jpg O4 2003-07-16_A14_VWX.j flp L_W16d2721 A14.0026 N716 flp si @ZB727 aMA.jpg O13 2003-07-23_N908JL.j jl v61 O13 2003-07-23_N908JL.j jl v61a O13 2003-07-23_N908JL.j jl v61b P99 2003-07-14_N828JL.j jl to mkb ; A14.27 A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact A21 2003-07-14_N803DC.j !! metal artifact A35 2003-07-13_N908JL.j !! v43 B10 2003-07-14_N803DC.j jl metal artifact B11 2003-07-14_N803DC.j jl Large piece of crushed metal found in wadi wash, possibly a can, dirt encrusted. D1 2003-07-13_N811RF1.j jl k12 D3 2003-07-13_N715JL.R jl r69 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: south corner of object) F51 2003-07-13_N811RF1.j jl i27 (metal artifact) sits in f79 (topsoil) G17 2003-07-13_N811RF1.j jl q235 BA1 2003-07-13_N811RF1.j jl metal artifact BA9 2003-07-13_N811RF1.j jl piece of metal in wadi wash O13 2003-07-13_N908JL.j jl v43 O13 2003-07-13_N908JL.j jl v43a O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p5 P99 2003-07-14_N803DC.j jl to conservation ; A14.28 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2003-07-22_N803DC.j !! clay lump A35 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j !! p6 B10 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl clay lump B11 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl piece of burnt clay, originally mistaken for a seal impression. D1 2003-07-13_N811RF1.j jl k3 D3 2003-07-14_N715JL.R jl r76 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: find spot) F51 2003-07-13_N811RF1.j jl i28 (clay lump) sits in f30 (accumulation D) G17 2003-07-13_N811RF1.j jl q246 BA1 2003-07-13_N811RF1.j jl seal impression O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p6 O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p7 P1 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl discarded ; A14.29 A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact A21 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j !! jewelry item A35 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j !! p9 B10 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb jewelry item D1 2003-07-15_N811RF1.j jl k1 D3 2003-07-15_N715JL.R jl r81 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-15_N811RF1.j jl i29 (jewelry item) sits in f81 (fill) G1 2003-07-14_N907JL.j !! a8 G17 2003-07-15_N811RF1.j jl q249 BA1 2003-07-15_N811RF1.j jl metal artifact BA9 2003-07-15_N811RF1.j jl bronze(?) ring in pit K3 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb metal K11 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb strange shape;it looks like a large ring with a sort of spout.Dark metal, not bronze N1 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb the metal is darkened but not too incrusted with corrosion, it is probably modern N99 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb it may come from a contaminated soil O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p9 P2 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb for BA to check ; A14.30 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2003-07-21_N803DC.j !! ceramic vessel A35 2003-08-11_A14_VWX.j !! L_W16d2731 A14.0030 N811 ii li @ZB729 aMA f81.jpg B10 2003-07-21_N803DC.j jl ceramic vessel B11 2003-07-21_N803DC.j jl Unfired clay vessel, one side broken, oblong in shape, like a smal dish, but with a large slot at one narrow end. D1 2003-07-15_N811RF1.j jl k1 D3 2003-07-15_N715JL.R jl r83 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-15_N811RF1.j jl i30 (ceramic vessel) sits in f81 (fill) G1 2003-07-14_N907JL.j !! a8 G17 2003-07-15_N811RF1.j jl q249 J1 2003-07-21_N803DC.j jl 4.2 J2 2003-07-21_N803DC.j jl 13 J3 2003-07-21_N803DC.j jl 7.9 J7 2003-07-21_N803DC.j jl 1.8 BA1 2003-07-15_N811RF1.j jl clay artifact BA9 2003-07-15_N811RF1.j jl strange vessel, may be hand-molded K3 2003-07-21_N803DC.j jl cl K5 2003-07-21_N803DC.j jl light brownish gray K6 2003-07-21_N803DC.j jl 10YR6/2 O4 2003-08-11_A14_VWX.j ii L_W16b2731 A14.0030 N811 ii li f81.jpg O4 2003-08-11_A14_VWX.j ii L_W16d2731 A14.0030 N811 ii li @ZB729 aMA f81.jpg O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p9 P99 2003-07-21_N803DC.j jl to conservation ; A14.31 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j !! sherd A35 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j !! p9 B10 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw sherd B11 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Field identification was decorated sherd. With no further information it must be categorized as a clay artifact rather than a clay vessel. B99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Record contains only field data D1 2003-07-15_N811RF1.j jl k1 D3 2003-07-15_N715JL.R jl r87 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of object) F51 2003-07-15_N811RF1.j jl i31 (sherd) sits in f81 (fill) G1 2003-07-14_N907JL.j !! a8 G17 2003-07-15_N811RF1.j jl q249 BA1 2003-07-15_N811RF1.j jl clay artifact BA9 2003-07-15_N811RF1.j jl piece of a decorated vessel O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p9 ; A14.32 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j !! sling ball A35 2003-08-20_A14_VWX.j !! L_W16d2736 A14.0032 N820 wh li @ZB729 aMA f91.jpg B10 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw sling ball B11 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw A broken clay ooblong object, most likely a slingball based on the drawing. D1 2003-07-15_N811RF1.j jl k3 D3 2003-07-15_N715JL.R jl r90 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of findspot) F51 2003-07-15_N811RF1.j jl i32 (sling ball) sits in f91 (accumulation D) G17 2003-07-15_N811RF1.j jl q253 BA1 2003-07-15_N811RF1.j jl clay artifact BA9 2003-07-15_N811RF1.j jl strange oblong clay object K3 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw cl O4 2003-08-20_A14_VWX.j wh L_W16b2736 A14.0032 N820 wh li f91.jpg O4 2003-08-20_A14_VWX.j wh L_W16d2736 A14.0032 N820 wh li @ZB729 aMA f91.jpg ; A14.33 A20 !!_!! !! organic A21 2003-07-23_N807DC.j !! root A35 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j !! p12 B10 2003-07-23_N807DC.j raf root D1 2003-07-16_N811RF1.j jl k1 D3 2003-07-15_N716JL.R jl r95 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: findspot) F51 2003-07-16_N811RF1.j jl i33 (root) sits in f81 (fill) G1 2003-07-14_N907JL.j !! a8 G17 2003-07-16_N811RF1.j jl q260 BA1 2003-07-16_N811RF1.j jl ah BA9 2003-07-16_N811RF1.j jl charred root - carbon 14? K5 2003-07-23_N807DC.j raf black O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p12 P1 2003-07-23_N807DC.j dc discarded ; A14.34 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2003-08-25_N830SB4.j !! clay artifact A35 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j !! p12 B10 2003-08-25_N830SB4.j sb clay artifact D1 2003-07-16_N811RF1.j dc k3 D3 2003-07-15_N716JL.R jl r96 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: findspot) F51 2003-07-16_N811RF1.j dc i34 (clay artifact) sits in f91 (accumulation D) G17 2003-07-16_N811RF1.j dc q256 BA1 2003-07-16_N811RF1.j dc clay artifact BA9 2003-07-16_N811RF1.j dc fragments of a clay artifact, with holes and chaff pieces K3 2003-08-25_N830SB4.j sb cl K11 2003-08-25_N830SB4.j sb 8 fragments of mixed pieces N1 2003-08-25_N830SB4.j sb one piece of sealing impression O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p12 ; A14.35 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2003-07-22_N803DC.j !! clay artifact A35 2003-07-16_N908JL.j !! v50 B10 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl clay artifact B11 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl Large brick sample. The brick is unfired and broken, and one face is covered with a thick bitumen paste. D1 2003-07-16_N811RF1.j jl k3 D3 2003-07-15_N716JL.R jl r97 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: findspot) F51 2003-07-16_N811RF1.j jl i35 (clay artifact) sits in f91 (accumulation D) G17 2003-07-16_N811RF1.j jl q259 J2 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl 16.5 J3 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl 15.5 J7 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl 7.2 BA1 2003-07-16_N811RF1.j jl brick BA9 2003-07-16_N811RF1.j jl brick with bitumen coating K3 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl cl K5 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl black (at bitumen) K6 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl 10YR6/4 O13 2003-07-16_N908JL.j jl v50 O13 2003-07-16_N908JL.j jl v50a O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p12 P2 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl ZSB 101.4 ; A14.36 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2003-07-23_N807DC.j !! clay artifact A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2797 A14.36 N820 gg.jpg B10 2003-07-23_N807DC.j raf clay artifact B11 2003-07-23_N807DC.j dc Rim of a bowl. Two evident horizontal lines. Vertical and wavy appliques. Ware: chaffy. D1 2003-07-16_N811RF1.j jl k1 D3 2003-07-15_N716JL.R jl r100 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: findspot) F51 2003-07-16_N811RF1.j jl i36 (clay artifact) sits in f81 (fill) G1 2003-07-14_N907JL.j !! a8 G17 2003-07-16_N811RF1.j jl q262 J2 2003-07-23_N807DC.j raf 10.1 J3 2003-07-23_N807DC.j raf 50 J4 2003-07-23_N807DC.j raf 8.1 J7 2003-07-23_N807DC.j raf 1.1 J99 2003-07-23_N807DC.j raf w1 is the diameter of the rim BA1 2003-07-16_N811RF1.j jl ceramic vessel BA9 2003-07-16_N811RF1.j jl decorated sherd K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL pot K5 2003-07-23_N807DC.j raf pinkish gray K6 2003-07-23_N807DC.j raf 7.5YR6/2 ZcaS4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL handle: type unspecified O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2797 A14.36 N820 gg.jpg O4 2003-07-27_A14_VWX.j ra L_W16b2807 A14.0036 N727 ra cv f81 k1.jpg O4 2003-08-17_A14_VWX.j kf L_W16d2807 A14.0036 N817 kf li f81 k1.jpg P99 2003-07-23_N807DC.j dc to be drawn and photoed. ; A14.37 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j !! jar A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2761 A14.37 N816 gg.jpg B10 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw jar B11 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Small, whole jar. D1 2003-07-17_N811RF1.j jl k3 D3 2003-07-17_N717JL.R jl r101 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: findspot) F51 2003-07-17_N811RF1.j jl i37 (jar) sits in f92 (topsoil) G17 2003-07-17_N811RF1.j jl q265 J3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 3 BA1 2003-07-17_N811RF1.j jl jar BA9 2003-07-17_N811RF1.j jl little jar K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL jar ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL small or miniature O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2761 A14.37 N816 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2762 A14.37 N816 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2763 A14.37 N816 gg.jpg O4 2003-06-02_A14_VWX.j kf L_W16e2842 A14.0037 N602 kf cv f92.jpg O4 2003-08-12_A14_VWX.j ii L_W16b2849 A14.0037 N812 ii cv f92.jpg O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p13 ; A14.38 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2003-07-20_N803DC.j !! clay lump A35 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j !! p14 B10 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl clay lump B11 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl Large chunk of clay, possible impressions of leather, straw or other unidentified substances. D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k3 D3 2003-07-19_N719JL.R dc r107 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i38 (clay lump) sits in f93 (fill) G1 2003-07-17_N907JL.j jl a10 G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q276 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl clay artifact O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p14 P2 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl ZSB 8.19 ; A14.39 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2003-07-20_N803DC.j !! ceramic vessel A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2733 A14.39 N806 gg.jpg B10 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl ceramic vessel B11 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl Small jar, smooth surface, base not flat but at an angle. D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k3 D3 2003-07-21_N721JL.R jl r126 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i39 (ceramic vessel) sits in f94 (topsoil) G1 2003-07-17_N907JL.j jl a10 G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q276 J3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 4 J7 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl .4 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl ceramic vessel BA2 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl 8.9 BA4 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl 2.5 BA5 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl 7.2 BA6 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl cl BA9 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl small vessel K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL bottle K5 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl light brown K6 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl 7.5YR6/3 ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 1 O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2733 A14.39 N806 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2734 A14.39 N806 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2735 A14.39 N806 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2736 A14.39 N806 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2737 A14.39 N806 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2738 A14.39 N806 gg.jpg O2 2003-08-02_A14_VWX.j gg L_V16d2716 A14.39 N802 gg x see_16d2733-38.jpg O2 2003-08-02_A14_VWX.j gg L_V16d2717 A14.39 N802 gg x see_V16d2733-38.jpg O4 2003-07-22_A14_VWX.j ra L_W16b2803 A14.0039 N722 ra cv.jpg O4 2003-07-29_A14_VWX.j kf L_W16d2803 A14.0039 N729 kf cv.jpg O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56 O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56a O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56b O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56c O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p16 P99 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl to conservation ; A14.40 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2003-07-20_N803DC.j !! ceramic vessel A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2701 A14.40 N805 gg.jpg B10 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl ceramic vessel B11 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl Small jar, red orange paint or slip, darker on one side, encrusted partially with some material. D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k3 D3 2003-07-21_N721JL.R jl r127 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i40 (ceramic vessel) sits in f93 (fill) G1 2003-07-17_N907JL.j jl a10 G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q276 J3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 6 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl ceramic vessel BA2 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl 9.5 BA4 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl 4.2 BA5 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl 10.8 BA6 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl cl K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL jar K5 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl light reddish brown K6 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl 5YR6/4 ZcaD1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 1 ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL necked ZcaS2 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL flaring (necked) ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 2 O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2701 A14.40 N805 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2702 A14.40 N805 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2703 A14.40 N805 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2704 A14.40 N805 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2705 A14.40 N805 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2706 A14.40 N805 gg.jpg O4 2003-07-22_A14_VWX.j ra L_W16b2802 A14.0040 N722 ra cv.jpg O4 2003-07-29_A14_VWX.j kf L_W16d2802 A14.0040 N729 kf cv.jpg O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56 O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56a O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56b O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56c O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p16 P99 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl to conservation ; A14.41 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j !! jar A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2710 A14.41 N805 gg.jpg B10 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl ceramic vessel B10 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb jar B11 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl Large, overfired vessel, rim and part of one side broken off, mostly intact. D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k3 D3 2003-07-21_N721JL.R jl r123 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i41 (jar) sits in f93 (fill) G1 2003-07-17_N907JL.j jl a10 G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q276 J3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 8 J4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 6 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl ceramic vessel BA2 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl 16.5 BA4 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl 7.1 BA5 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl 2.7 BA6 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl cl K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL jar K5 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl pale yellow K6 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl 2.5Y7/3 K11 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb almost complete jar, greenish ware because overfired, the whole rim and few pieces of the neck detached ZcaD1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 2 ZcaD2 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL I1 ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL shouldered ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 5 N1 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb the jar has an old fissure due to bad firing N3 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb reconstructed by Steff and Yestafad N99 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb to be photographed and drawn O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2710 A14.41 N805 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2711 A14.41 N805 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2712 A14.41 N805 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2713 A14.41 N805 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2714 A14.41 N805 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2715 A14.41 N805 gg.jpg O4 2003-07-24_A14_VWX.j ra L_W16b2801 A14.0041 N724 ra cv.jpg O4 2003-07-29_A14_VWX.j kf L_W16d2801 A14.0041 N729 kf cv.jpg O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56 O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56a O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56b O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56c O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p16 P99 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl to conservation ; A14.42 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j !! bowl A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2721 A14.42 N805 gg.jpg B10 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl ceramic vessel B10 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb bowl B11 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl Fragments of a Broken vessel D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k3 D3 2003-07-21_N721JL.R jl r124 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i42 (bowl) sits in f93 (fill) G1 2003-07-17_N907JL.j jl a10 G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q276 J3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 12 J4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 3 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl ceramic vessel BA6 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl cl K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL bowl K5 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl light yellowish brown K6 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl 2.5Y6/3 K11 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb almost complete bowl found broken in a few pieces ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL round sided ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 4 N1 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb the fine clear ware is in good condition, there are traces of burning in a section of the edge N3 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb reconstructed by Steff and Yestafad, a thin section of the rim is missing N99 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb to be photographed and drawn O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2721 A14.42 N805 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2722 A14.42 N805 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2723 A14.42 N805 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2724 A14.42 N805 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2725 A14.42 N805 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2726 A14.42 N805 gg.jpg O4 2003-07-29_A14_VWX.j ra L_W16b2805 A14.0042 N729 ra cv k3.jpg O4 2003-07-31_A14_VWX.j kf L_W16d2805 A14.0042 N731 kf cv k3.jpg O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56 O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56a O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56b O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56c O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p16 P99 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl to conservation ; A14.43 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2003-07-20_N803DC.j !! stone mace A35 2003-07-29_A14_VWX.j !! L_W16d2701 A14.0043 N729 kf li f94.jpg B10 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl stone mace B11 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl Smooth granite mace-head, perforated. D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k3 D3 2003-07-21_N721JL.R jl r125 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i43 (stone mace) sits in f93 (fill) G1 2003-07-17_N907JL.j jl a10 G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q276 J1 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl 4.7 J4 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl 6.0 J5 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl 2.9 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl wp BA6 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl li K3 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl lithic K5 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl black and white O4 2003-07-23_A14_VWX.j hm L_W16b2701 A14.0043 N723 hm li f94.jpg O4 2003-07-23_A14_VWX.j hm L_W16d2701 A14.0043 N723 hm li @ZB729 aMA f94.jpg O4 2003-07-29_A14_VWX.j kf L_W16d2701 A14.0043 N729 kf li f94.jpg O4 2003-07-29_A14_VWX.j kf L_W16d2749 A14.0043 N729 kf li f94.jpg O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56 O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56a O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56b O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56c O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p16 P99 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl to conservation ; A14.44 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j !! jar A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2727 A14.44 N805 gg.jpg B10 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl ceramic vessel B10 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb jar B11 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl Fragments of a broken bowl, double incised line on outer surface, perforated handle-like protrusions D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k3 D3 2003-07-21_N721JL.R jl r119 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i44 (jar) sits in f93 (fill) G1 2003-07-17_N907JL.j jl a10 G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q276 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl ceramic vessel BA6 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl cl K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL jar K5 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl pale yellow K6 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl 2.5Y7/3 K11 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb almost complete jar found broken in many pieces ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL necked ZcaS2 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL flaring (necked) ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 1 N1 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb fine clear ware with some calcareous incrustation N3 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb reconstructed by Steff and Yestafad, one large portion of the rim and body is missing. There is no flat base, but a rounded one N99 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb to be photographed and drawn O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2727 A14.44 N805 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2728 A14.44 N805 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2729 A14.44 N805 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2730 A14.44 N805 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2731 A14.44 N805 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2732 A14.44 N805 gg.jpg O4 2003-07-29_A14_VWX.j ra L_W16b2806 A14.0044 N729 ra cv.jpg O4 2003-07-31_A14_VWX.j kf L_W16d2806 A14.0044 N731 kf cv.jpg O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56 O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56a O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56b O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56c O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p16 P99 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl to conservation ; A14.45 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j !! jar A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2707 A14.45 N802 gg.jpg B10 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl ceramic vessel B10 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb jar B11 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl Fragments of broken vessel D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k3 D3 2003-07-21_N721JL.R jl r120 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i45 (jar) sits in f93 (fill) G1 2003-07-17_N907JL.j jl a10 G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q276 J3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 12 J4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 6 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl ceramic vessel BA6 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl cl K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL jar K5 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl very pale brown K6 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl 10YR7/3 K11 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb almost complete jar or deep bowl broken in a few pieces ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL hole mouth ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 2 ZcaS4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL handle: single pierced lug N1 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb fine buff ware with some reddish parts, there is one small handle, the other may be missing N3 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb reconstructed by Steff and Yestafad, one large portion of the rim and body is missing N99 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb to be photographed and drawn O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2707 A14.45 N802 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2708 A14.45 N802 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2709 A14.45 N802 gg.jpg O4 2003-07-29_A14_VWX.j ii L_W16b2804 A14.0045 N729 ii cv.jpg O4 2003-07-31_A14_VWX.j kf L_W16d2804 A14.0045 N731 kf cv.jpg O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56 O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56a O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56b O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56c O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p16 P99 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl to conservation ; A14.46 A20 !!_!! !! organic A21 2003-07-20_N803DC.j !! human body A35 2003-07-20_N908JL.j !! v56 B10 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl human body B11 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl Human skeleton from burial a10. D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k3 D3 2003-07-21_N721JL.R jl r121 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: at feet) D3 2003-07-21_N721JL.R jl r122 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: at head) F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i46 (human body) sits in f93 (fill) G1 2003-07-17_N907JL.j jl a10 G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q276 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl human body O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56 O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56a O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56b O13 2003-07-20_N908JL.j jl v56c O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p16 P99 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl to conservation lab ; A14.47 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2003-07-22_N803DC.j !! sling ball A35 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j !! p15 B10 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl sling ball B11 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl clay sling ball D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k100 D3 2003-07-20_N721JL.R rd r109 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i47 (sling ball) sits in f80 (accumulation D) G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q274 J2 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl 4.3 J3 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl 3.3 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl clay artifact BA9 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl sling ball K3 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl cl K5 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl grayish brown K6 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl 10YR5/2 O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p15 P2 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl ZSB 7.25 ; A14.48 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2003-07-22_N803DC.j !! sling ball A35 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j !! p15 B10 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl sling ball D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k3 D3 2003-07-21_N721JL.R jl r117 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i48 (sling ball) sits in f93 (fill) G1 2003-07-17_N907JL.j !! a10 G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q276 J2 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl 3.8 J3 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl 2.8 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl clay artifact BA9 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl sling ball K3 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl cl K5 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl brown K6 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl 7.5YR5/2 O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p15 P2 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl ZSB 7.25 ; A14.49 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2003-08-25_N830SB4.j !! figurine A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2775 A14.49 N818 gg.jpg B10 2003-08-25_N830SB4.j sb figurine D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k1 D3 2003-07-21_N721JL.R jl r113 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i49 (figurine) sits in f95 (fill) G1 2003-07-14_N907JL.j !! a8 G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q275 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl figurine K3 2003-08-25_N830SB4.j sb cl K11 2003-08-25_N830SB4.j sb animal figurine in 2 pieces N3 2003-08-19_N830SB4.j sb glued by BA O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2775 A14.49 N818 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2776 A14.49 N818 gg.jpg O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p15 ; A14.50 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2003-08-25_N830SB4.j !! figurine A35 2003-08-23_A14_VWX.j !! L_W16c2703 A14.0050 N823 cw x.jpg B10 2003-08-25_N830SB4.j sb figurine D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k1 D3 2003-07-21_N721JL.R jl r114 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i50 (figurine) sits in f95 (fill) G1 2003-07-14_N907JL.j !! a8 G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q275 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl figurine K3 2003-08-25_N830SB4.j sb cl K11 2003-08-25_N830SB4.j sb figurine in 3 fragments N3 2003-08-22_N830SB4.j sb glued by BA O4 2003-08-23_A14_VWX.j cw L_W16c2703 A14.0050 N823 cw x.jpg O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p15 ; A14.51 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j !! seal impression A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2746 A14.51 N810 gg.jpg B10 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb seal impression D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k3 D3 2003-07-20_N721JL.R rd r110 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i51 (seal impression) sits in f96 (accumulation D) G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q277 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl seal impression BA9 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl to mkb K3 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb cl K11 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb piece of a sealing impression with cross etching motif;dark grey clay. One small chip in a side N1 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb the piece was relatively clean, it only showed the fresh break of a corner N3 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb glued the detached piece O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2746 A14.51 N810 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2747 A14.51 N810 gg.jpg O2 2003-08-21_A14_VWX.j gg L_V16d2757 A14.51 N821 gg si.jpg O4 2003-08-24_A14_VWX.j flp L_W16c2711 A14.0051 N824 flp si f96.jpg O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p15 P2 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb back to MKB ; A14.52 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2003-07-20_N803DC.j !! wheel A35 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j !! p15 B10 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl wheel B11 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl Large type I wheel. D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k1 D3 2003-07-21_N721JL.R jl r112 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i52 (wheel) sits in f95 (fill) G1 2003-07-14_N907JL.j !! a8 G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q275 J3 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl 9.6 J4 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl 3.8 J5 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl 1.3 J7 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl 5.3 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl wheel K3 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl cl K5 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl light brown K6 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl 7.5YR6/3 O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p15 P2 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl ZSB 5.7 ; A14.53 A20 !!_!! !! other A21 2003-07-20_N803DC.j !! soil sample B10 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl soil sample B11 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl Soil within clay vessel i41, from burial a10. D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k3 F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i53 (soil sample) sits in f93 (fill) G1 2003-07-17_N907JL.j jl a10 G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q276 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl ss BA9 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl soil within i41 ; A14.54 A20 !!_!! !! other A21 2003-07-20_N803DC.j !! soil sample B10 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl soil sample B11 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl Soil within clay vessel i44, from burial a10. D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k3 F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i54 (soil sample) sits in f93 (fill) G1 2003-07-17_N907JL.j jl a10 G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q276 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl ss BA9 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl soil within i44 ; A14.55 A20 !!_!! !! other A21 2003-07-20_N803DC.j !! soil sample B10 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl soil sample B11 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl Soil within clay vessel i45, from burial a10. D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k3 F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i55 (soil sample) sits in f93 (fill) G1 2003-07-17_N907JL.j jl a10 G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q276 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl ss BA9 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl soil within i45 ; A14.56 A20 !!_!! !! other A21 2003-07-20_N803DC.j !! soil sample B10 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl soil sample B11 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl Sol within clay vessel i42, from burial a 10. D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k3 F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i56 (soil sample) sits in f93 (fill) G1 2003-07-17_N907JL.j jl a10 G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q276 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl ss BA9 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl soil within i42 ; A14.57 A20 !!_!! !! other A21 2003-07-20_N803DC.j !! soil sample B10 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl soil sample B11 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl Soil within clay vessel i39, from burial a10. D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k3 F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i57 (soil sample) sits in f93 (fill) G1 2003-07-17_N907JL.j jl a10 G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q276 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl ss BA9 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl soil within i39 ; A14.58 A20 !!_!! !! other A21 2003-07-20_N803DC.j !! soil sample B10 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl soil sample B11 2003-07-20_N803DC.j jl Soil within clay vessel i40, from burial a10. D1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl k3 F51 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl i58 (soil sample) sits in f93 (fill) G1 2003-07-17_N907JL.j jl a10 G17 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl q276 BA1 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl ss BA9 2003-07-20_N811RF1.j jl soil within i40 ; A14.59 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2003-07-22_N803DC.j !! clay artifact A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2785 A14.59 N820 gg.jpg B10 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl clay artifact D1 2003-07-21_N811RF1.j jl k1 D3 2003-07-21_N721JL.R jl r129 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-21_N811RF1.j jl i59 (clay artifact) sits in f95 (fill) G1 2003-07-14_N907JL.j !! a8 G17 2003-07-21_N811RF1.j jl q283 J3 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl 6.9 J7 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl 1.8 BA1 2003-07-21_N811RF1.j jl clay artifact K3 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl cl K5 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl light brown gray K6 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl 10YR6/2 K11 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb whole round clay objects, shaped as a very large button with a concave back N1 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb there was a partial crack running across the whole piece, but not all the way through:the crack was only evident in front N3 2003-07-23_N830SB4.j sb the crack was consolidated by injecting glue O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2785 A14.59 N820 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2786 A14.59 N820 gg.jpg O4 2003-07-31_A14_VWX.j wh L_W16b2713 A14.0059 N731 wh li f95 k1.jpg O4 2003-07-31_A14_VWX.j wh L_W16d2713 A14.0059 N731 wh li @ZB725 aMA f95 k1.jpg O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p17 P99 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl to sb ; A14.60 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2003-07-22_N803DC.j !! clay artifact A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2760 A14.60 N816 gg.jpg B10 2003-07-22_N803DC.j raf clay artifact B11 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl A very smooth, rounded clay disk, with a notch in the center on one side, the same side has a partial incision around the circumference. D1 2003-07-21_N811RF1.j jl k1 D3 2003-07-21_N721JL.R jl r130 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-21_N811RF1.j jl i60 (clay artifact) sits in f95 (fill) G1 2003-07-14_N907JL.j !! a8 G17 2003-07-21_N811RF1.j jl q283 J2 2003-07-22_N803DC.j raf 8.2 J7 2003-07-22_N803DC.j raf 1.8 BA1 2003-07-21_N811RF1.j jl wheel K5 2003-07-22_N803DC.j raf brown K6 2003-07-22_N803DC.j raf 7.5YR5/3 O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2760 A14.60 N816 gg.jpg O4 2003-08-11_A14_VWX.j ra L_W16b2719 A14.0060 N811 ra wh f95 k1.jpg O4 2003-08-11_A14_VWX.j ra L_W16d2719 A14.0060 N811 ra wh @ZB726 aMA f95 k1.jpg O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p17 P99 2003-07-22_N803DC.j jl to mkb, to be drawn and photoed ; A14.61 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j !! sling ball A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2783 A14.61 N820 gg.jpg B10 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw sling ball D1 2003-07-21_N811RF1.j jl k1 D3 2003-07-19_N722JL.R dc r131 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-21_N811RF1.j jl i61 (sling ball) sits in f98 (fill) G1 2003-07-14_N907JL.j !! a8 G17 2003-07-21_N811RF1.j jl q285 BA1 2003-07-21_N811RF1.j jl clay artifact BA9 2003-07-21_N811RF1.j jl clay sling ball? K3 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw cl O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2783 A14.61 N820 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2784 A14.61 N820 gg.jpg O4 2003-07-24_A14_VWX.j ra L_W16b2703 A14.0061 N724 ra li f98 k1.jpg O4 2003-07-24_A14_VWX.j ra L_W16d2703 A14.0061 N724 ra li @ZB725 aMA f98 k1.jpg O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p18 ; A14.62 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2003-07-23_N807DC.j !! clay artifact A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2765 A14.62 N816 gg.jpg B10 2003-07-23_N807DC.j raf clay artifact B11 2003-07-23_N807DC.j dc Sling ball. One extremity is well preserved. Missing other extremity because of transversal cut (pick signs on the break). D1 2003-07-21_N811RF1.j jl k1 D3 2003-07-23_N723JL.R jl r132 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-21_N811RF1.j jl i62 (clay artifact) sits in f34 (accumulation D) G17 2003-07-21_N811RF1.j jl q289 J2 2003-07-23_N807DC.j raf 4.9 J7 2003-07-23_N807DC.j raf 3 BA1 2003-07-21_N811RF1.j jl clay artifact BA9 2003-07-21_N811RF1.j jl sling ball K5 2003-07-23_N807DC.j raf pinkish K6 2003-07-23_N807DC.j raf 7.5YR6/2 O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2765 A14.62 N816 gg.jpg O4 2003-08-06_A14_VWX.j ra L_W16b2716 A14.0062 N806 ra li f34 k1.jpg O4 2003-08-06_A14_VWX.j ra L_W16d2716 A14.0062 N806 ra li @ZB725 aMA f34 k1.jpg O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p19 P2 2003-07-23_N807DC.j dc ZSB 7.26 P99 2003-07-23_N807DC.j dc to be drawn and photoed ; A14.63 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j !! clay lump A35 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j !! p21 B10 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw clay lump B11 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Minimal data in field record with no indication that it functioned as a sealing or that mentioned a rolling or fingerprints. B99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Record contains only field data. D1 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j dc k3 D3 2003-07-26_N726DC.R dc r137 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j dc i63 (clay lump) sits in f96 (accumulation D) G17 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j dc q292 BA1 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j dc seal impression BA9 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j dc seal impression? K3 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw cl O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p21 ; A14.64 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2003-08-04_N830SB4.j !! blade A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2720 A14.64 N804 gg.jpg B10 2003-07-25_N803DC.j rd2 metal artifact B10 2003-08-04_N830SB4.j sb blade B11 2003-07-25_N803DC.j jl Large piece of bronze. D1 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j dc k3 D3 2003-07-26_N726DC.R dc r139 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j dc i64 (blade) sits in f96 (accumulation D) G17 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j dc q294 J2 2003-07-25_N803DC.j rd2 4.1 J3 2003-07-25_N803DC.j rd2 .9 J7 2003-07-25_N803DC.j rd2 .4 BA1 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j dc metal artifact BA9 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j dc bronze K3 2003-08-04_N830SB4.j sb metal K5 2003-07-25_N803DC.j jl green K11 2003-08-04_N830SB4.j sb whole bronze blade N1 2003-08-04_N830SB4.j sb one sharp edge and one thick, it is unclear if the short ends are broken or finished; incrusted with green corrosion O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2720 A14.64 N804 gg.jpg O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p21 O23 2003-08-04_N830SB4.j sb GG N804 bt P2 2003-08-04_N830SB4.j sb treated by BM P99 2003-07-25_N803DC.j jl to sb ; A14.65 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2003-07-25_N803DC.j !! sling ball A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2780 A14.65 N820 gg.jpg B10 2003-07-25_N803DC.j rd2 sling ball B11 2003-07-25_N803DC.j jl Clay sling ball, excellent condition. D1 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j rd2 k1 D3 2003-07-26_N726DC.R dc r140 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j rd2 i65 (sling ball) sits in f99 (accumulation A) G17 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j rd2 q295 J2 2003-07-25_N803DC.j rd2 5.3 J7 2003-07-25_N803DC.j rd2 3.2 BA1 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j rd2 clay artifact K5 2003-07-25_N803DC.j rd2 very dark gray K6 2003-07-25_N803DC.j rd2 5YR3/1 O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2780 A14.65 N820 gg.jpg O4 2003-07-27_A14_VWX.j hm L_W16b2707 A14.0065 N727 hm li f99 k1.jpg O4 2003-07-27_A14_VWX.j hm L_W16d2707 A14.0065 N727 hm li @ZB725 aMA f99 k1.jpg P99 2003-07-25_N803DC.j jl to be drawn and photoed. ; A14.66 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2003-07-25_N803DC.j !! bead A35 2003-09-06_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2806 A14.66 N906 dia x.jpg B10 2003-07-25_N803DC.j rd2 bead B11 2003-07-25_N803DC.j jl small cylindrical bead, glazed blue. D1 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j rd2 k1 D3 2003-07-26_N726DC.R dc r141 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j rd2 i66 (bead) sits in f99 (accumulation A) G17 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j rd2 q295 J2 2003-07-25_N803DC.j rd2 .6 J7 2003-07-25_N803DC.j rd2 .6 BA1 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j rd2 bead K5 2003-07-25_N803DC.j jl light blue O2 2003-09-06_A14_VWX.j dia L_V16d2806 A14.66 N906 dia x.jpg O2 2003-09-06_A14_VWX.j dia L_V16d2807 A14.66 N906 dia x.jpg O2 2003-09-06_A14_VWX.j dia L_V16d2808 A14.66 N906 dia x.jpg O4 2003-07-29_A14_VWX.j ra L_W16b2708 A14.0066 N729 ra bd f99 k1.jpg O4 2003-07-29_A14_VWX.j ra L_W16d2708 A14.0066 N729 ra bd @ZB725 aMA f99 k1.jpg O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p21 P99 2003-07-25_N803DC.j jl to be drawn and photoed ; A14.67 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j !! figurine A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2771 A14.67 N817 gg.jpg B10 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw figurine B11 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Figurine likely that of an ovid, type unclear. B99 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Record contains field data and photo. D1 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j raf k3 D3 2003-07-26_N726DC.R dc r144 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j raf i67 (figurine) sits in f96 (accumulation D) G17 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j raf q296 BA1 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j raf figurine BA9 2003-07-24_N811RF1.j raf almost complete figurine K3 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw cl O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2771 A14.67 N817 gg.jpg O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p21 ; A14.68 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j !! clay artifact A35 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j !! p21 B10 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw clay artifact B99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Record contains only incomplete field data. D1 2003-07-26_N811RF1.j dc k3 D3 2003-07-26_N726DC.R dc r145 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-26_N811RF1.j dc i68 (clay artifact) sits in f96 (accumulation D) G17 2003-07-26_N811RF1.j dc q296 BA1 2003-07-26_N811RF1.j dc clay artifact BA9 2003-07-26_N811RF1.j dc clay artifact with hole inside O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p21 ; A14.69 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2003-07-27_N803DC.j !! figurine A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2772 A14.69 N817 gg.jpg B10 2003-07-27_N803DC.j raf figurine B11 2003-07-27_N803DC.j raf Equid. Preserved torso and hindquarters. Missing head and forequarters. Visible hole on the superior part of the body. D1 2003-07-27_N811RF1.j dc k3 D3 2003-07-27_N728DC.R dc r158 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-07-27_N811RF1.j dc i69 (figurine) sits in f96 (accumulation D) G17 2003-07-27_N811RF1.j dc q302 J2 2003-07-27_N803DC.j raf 7.5 J7 2003-07-27_N803DC.j raf 4 BA1 2003-07-27_N811RF1.j dc figurine BA9 2003-07-27_N811RF1.j dc torso and hind-quarters of a figurine K5 2003-07-27_N803DC.j raf pale brown K6 2003-07-27_N803DC.j raf 10YR6/3 O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2772 A14.69 N817 gg.jpg O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p22 P99 2003-07-27_N803DC.j raf to rah ; A14.70 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j !! bowl A35 2003-06-02_A14_VWX.j !! L_W16e2859 A14.0070 N602 kf cv f82.jpg B10 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw bowl D1 2003-07-28_N811RF1.j amm k1 D3 2003-07-28_N728DC.R jl r167 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center) F51 2003-07-28_N811RF1.j amm i70 (bowl) sits in f82 (fill) G1 2003-07-14_N907JL.j !! a9 G17 2003-07-28_N811RF1.j amm q309 J3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 8 J4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 4 BA1 2003-07-28_N811RF1.j amm ceramic vessel K3 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw cl K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL bowl ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL carinated ZcaS2 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL rounded (carination) ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 105 O4 2003-06-02_A14_VWX.j kf L_W16e2859 A14.0070 N602 kf cv f82.jpg O4 2003-08-24_A14_VWX.j wh L_W16b2866 A14.0070 N824 wh cv f82.jpg ; A14.71 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2003-08-20_N830SB4.j !! figurine A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2770 A14.71 N817 gg.jpg B10 2003-08-20_N830SB4.j sb figurine D1 2003-07-28_N811RF1.j amm k1 D3 2003-07-28_N728DC.R jl r171 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center) F51 2003-07-28_N811RF1.j amm i71 (figurine) sits in f82 (fill) G1 2003-07-14_N907JL.j !! a9 G17 2003-07-28_N811RF1.j amm q312 BA1 2003-07-28_N811RF1.j amm figurine K3 2003-08-20_N830SB4.j sb cl N3 2003-08-20_N830SB4.j sb cleaned by BA O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2770 A14.71 N817 gg.jpg ; A14.72 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j !! clay lump B10 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw clay lump B99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Record contains only minimal field data. D1 2003-07-28_N811RF1.j amm k100 D3 2003-07-28_N728DC.R jl r176 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center) F51 2003-07-28_N811RF1.j amm i72 (clay lump) sits in f101 (accumulation A) G17 2003-07-28_N811RF1.j amm q314 BA1 2003-07-28_N811RF1.j amm clay lump ; A14.73 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j !! figurine A35 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17c2506 A14.0073 O724 vve fg f173.jpg B10 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw figurine B11 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Figurine is likely that of an ovid, type unknown B99 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Record contains field data and drawing D1 2003-07-28_N811RF1.j amm k100 D3 2003-07-28_N728DC.R jl r177 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center) F51 2003-07-28_N811RF1.j amm i73 (figurine) sits in f107 (topsoil) G17 2003-07-28_N811RF1.j amm q311 BA1 2003-07-28_N811RF1.j amm seal impression K3 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw cl O4 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j vve L_W17c2506 A14.0073 O724 vve fg f173.jpg ; A14.74 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2003-07-29_N805DC.j !! lithic artifact A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2766 A14.74 N816 gg.jpg B10 2003-07-29_N805DC.j rd2 lithic artifact B11 2003-07-29_N805DC.j dc Lithic arifact. Possibly vulcanic stone (with mica). Flat surfaces. Rectangular in shape. Worked on both sides. Burnisher? See D. Oates-J. Oates-H. McDonald, Excavations at Tell Brak, vol. 2: Nagar in the third millenium BC, Cambridge/London 2001, 268. D1 2003-07-29_N811RF1.j amm k2 D3 2003-07-29_N729JL.R dc r184 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center) F51 2003-07-29_N811RF1.j amm i74 (lithic artifact) sits in f109 (accumulation D) G17 2003-07-29_N811RF1.j amm q319 J2 2003-07-29_N805DC.j rd2 8.9 J7 2003-07-29_N805DC.j rd2 1.3 BA1 2003-07-29_N811RF1.j amm lithic artifact BA9 2003-07-29_N811RF1.j amm stone with flat surfaces, strangely shaped K5 2003-07-29_N805DC.j rd2 black K6 2003-07-29_N805DC.j rd2 2.5Y2.5/1 O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2766 A14.74 N816 gg.jpg O4 2003-08-11_A14_VWX.j wh L_W16b2732 A14.0074 N811 wh li f409 k2.jpg O4 2003-08-11_A14_VWX.j wh L_W16d2732 A14.0074 N811 wh li @ZB729 aMA f409 k2.jpg O13 2008-05-23_S523CKH.j cKH p24 P99 2003-07-29_N805DC.j dc to mkb, to be drawn and photoed ; A14.75 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j !! wheel B10 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw wheel B99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Record contains only miinimal field data. D1 2003-07-29_N811RF1.j amm k2 F51 2003-07-29_N811RF1.j amm i75 (wheel) sits in f110 (fill) G1 2003-07-14_N907JL.j !! a8 G17 2003-07-29_N811RF1.j amm q320 BA1 2003-07-29_N811RF1.j amm wheel ; A14.76 A20 !!_!! !! other A21 2003-08-13_N830SB4.j !! tool B10 2003-08-13_N830SB4.j sb tool D1 2003-07-29_N811RF1.j amm k2 D3 2003-07-29_N730JL.R jl r198 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center) F51 2003-07-29_N811RF1.j amm i76 (tool) sits in f110 (fill) G1 2003-07-14_N907JL.j !! a8 G17 2003-07-29_N811RF1.j amm q320 BA1 2003-07-29_N811RF1.j amm metal artifact K3 2003-08-13_N830SB4.j sb metal K11 2003-08-13_N830SB4.j sb possibly a whole bronze blade N1 2003-08-13_N830SB4.j sb thereis a very thick soil incrustation which makes impossible understanding the original shape, it could be completely altered by corrosion P2 2003-08-13_N830SB4.j sb treated by BM ; A14.77 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-09-14_O914JW.j !! jar A35 2003-07-31_N908JL.j !! v70 A98 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw Assigned to a new, separate q-lot, A14q846, for analysis as regular pottery. B10 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw jar B11 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw Sherds from a vessel excavated in MZ16 that, when analyzed by mkb, proved non-restorable. D1 2003-07-29_N811RF1.j jl k2 F51 2003-07-29_N811RF1.j jl i77 (jar) sits in f104 (various) G1 2003-09-08_N908JL.j jl a12 BA1 2003-07-29_N811RF1.j jl ceramic vessel BA9 2003-07-29_N811RF1.j jl removed to protect pieces of vessel O13 2003-07-31_N908JL.j jl v70 O13 2003-07-31_N908JL.j jl v70a O13 2003-08-02_N908JL.j jl v72 P99 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw Now in A14q846. ; A14.78 A20 !!_!! !! other A21 2003-08-01_N809DC.j !! sample B10 2003-08-01_N809DC.j jl sample B11 2003-08-01_N809DC.j jl Soil within i 77. D1 2003-08-02_N811RF1.j jl k2 F51 2003-08-02_N811RF1.j jl i78 (sample) sits in f104 (various) G1 2003-09-08_N908JL.j !! a12 BA1 2003-08-02_N811RF1.j jl sample BA9 2003-08-02_N811RF1.j jl soil within i77 P2 2003-08-01_N809DC.j jl ZSB 121.4 ; A14.79 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2003-08-01_N809DC.j !! sealing B10 2003-08-01_N809DC.j jl sealing B11 2003-08-01_N809DC.j jl Part of rounded disk of sealing. D1 2003-08-02_N811RF1.j jl k100 D3 2003-08-02_N908JL.R jl r214 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-08-02_N811RF1.j jl i79 (sealing) sits in f119 (fill) G1 2003-07-14_N907JL.j !! a9 G17 2003-08-02_N811RF1.j jl q332 J2 2003-08-01_N809DC.j jl 5.6 J3 2003-08-01_N809DC.j jl 3.1 J7 2003-08-01_N809DC.j jl 1.3 BA1 2003-08-02_N811RF1.j jl seal impression BA9 2003-08-02_N811RF1.j jl sealing, perhaps with impression K5 2003-08-01_N809DC.j jl dark gray P2 2003-08-01_N809DC.j jl ZSB 11.15 ; A14.80 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2003-08-05_N810DC.j !! ceramic vessel A35 2003-08-16_A14_VWX.j !! L_W16d2726 A14.0080 N816 ii li @ZB729 aMA f120.jpg B10 2003-08-05_N810DC.j rd2 ceramic vessel B11 2003-08-05_N810DC.j dc Part of a ceramic vessel. Clearly defined spout on the surface to be used maybe for liquids. Flat superior edge. D1 2003-08-03_N811RF1.j jl k2 D3 2003-08-03_N909JL.R jl r250 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-08-03_N811RF1.j jl i80 (ceramic vessel) sits in f120 (accumulation D) G17 2003-08-03_N811RF1.j jl q338 J2 2003-08-05_N810DC.j rd2 12.5 J5 2003-08-05_N810DC.j rd2 10.5 J7 2003-08-05_N810DC.j rd2 9.9 BA1 2003-08-03_N811RF1.j jl ceramic vessel BA9 2003-08-03_N811RF1.j jl large, interesting sherd K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL pot K5 2003-08-05_N810DC.j rd2 very pale brown K6 2003-08-05_N810DC.j rd2 10YR7/3 ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 107 ZcaS4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL handle: single pierced lug O4 2003-08-16_A14_VWX.j ii L_W16b2726 A14.0080 N816 ii li f120.jpg O4 2003-08-16_A14_VWX.j ii L_W16d2726 A14.0080 N816 ii li @ZB729 aMA f120.jpg P99 2003-08-05_N810DC.j dc to be drawn and photoed. ; A14.81 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2003-08-03_N809DC.j !! seal impression A35 2003-08-23_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2799 A14.81 N823 gg si.jpg B10 2003-08-03_N809DC.j rd2 seal impression B11 2003-08-03_N809DC.j jl Seal impression D1 2003-08-03_N811RF1.j amm k2 D3 2003-08-03_N909JL.R rd2 r257 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-08-03_N811RF1.j amm i81 (seal impression) sits in f120 (accumulation D) G17 2003-08-03_N811RF1.j amm q338 J2 2003-08-03_N809DC.j rd2 3.6 J7 2003-08-03_N809DC.j rd2 2.1 BA1 2003-08-03_N811RF1.j amm clay lump K5 2003-08-03_N809DC.j rd2 black K6 2003-08-03_N809DC.j rd2 5YR2.5/1 O2 2003-08-23_A14_VWX.j gg L_V16d2799 A14.81 N823 gg si.jpg O2 2003-08-23_A14_VWX.j gg L_V16d2801 A14.81 N823 gg si.jpg O2 2003-08-23_A14_VWX.j gg L_V16d2802 A14.81 N823 gg si.jpg O4 2003-08-06_A14_VWX.j flp L_W16b2718 A14.0081 N806 flp si f120.jpg O4 2003-08-06_A14_VWX.j flp L_W16d2718 A14.0081 N806 flp si @ZB727 aMA f120.jpg O4 2003-09-11_A14_VWX.j kha L_W16b2729 A14.0081 N911 kha li f120 k02.jpg O4 2003-09-11_A14_VWX.j kha L_W16d2729 A14.0081 N911 kha li @ZB729 aMA f120 k02.jpg P99 2003-08-03_N809DC.j jl to mkb ; A14.82 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j !! seal impression A35 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2743 A14.82 O731 gg si.jpg B10 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw seal impression B11 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Seal impression. Single rolling.. Fingerprints on surface. B99 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Record contains field data and photo D1 2003-08-03_N907JL.j amm k2 D3 2003-08-09_N909JL.R rd2 r286 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-08-03_N907JL.j amm i82 (seal impression) sits in f122 (accumulation D) G17 2003-08-03_N907JL.j amm q341 BA1 2003-08-03_N907JL.j amm clay lump K3 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw cl O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2743 A14.82 O731 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2744 A14.82 O731 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2745 A14.82 O731 gg si.jpg O4 2003-09-03_A14_VWX.j kha L_W16b2746 A14.0082 N903 kha si f122.jpg O4 2003-09-03_A14_VWX.j kha L_W16d2746 A14.0082 N903 kha si @ZB730 aMA f122.jpg ; A14.83 A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact A21 2003-08-25_N830SB4.j !! jewelry item B10 2003-08-25_N830SB4.j sb jewelry item D1 2003-08-06_N907JL.j amm k2 D3 2003-08-06_N909JL.R jl r265 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-08-06_N907JL.j amm i83 (jewelry item) sits in f122 (accumulation D) G17 2003-08-06_N907JL.j amm q347 BA1 2003-08-06_N907JL.j amm metal artifact K3 2003-08-25_N830SB4.j sb metal K11 2003-08-25_N830SB4.j sb silver earring N3 2003-08-20_N830SB4.j sb treated by BA ; A14.84 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j !! bead A35 2003-08-20_A14_VWX.j !! L_W16d2741 A14.0084 N820 wh bd @ZB730 aMA f122.jpg B10 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw bead B11 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Cylindrical bead, material unknown. B99 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Record contains field data and drawing D1 2003-08-06_N907JL.j amm k2 D3 2003-08-06_N909JL.R rd2 r268 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-08-06_N907JL.j amm i84 (bead) sits in f122 (accumulation D) G17 2003-08-06_N907JL.j amm q347 BA1 2003-08-06_N907JL.j amm bead O4 2003-08-20_A14_VWX.j wh L_W16b2741 A14.0084 N820 wh bd f122.jpg O4 2003-08-20_A14_VWX.j wh L_W16d2741 A14.0084 N820 wh bd @ZB730 aMA f122.jpg ; A14.85 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j !! token A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2794 A14.85 N820 gg.jpg B10 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw token B11 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Plain clay disk divided into quarters with two incised lines. B99 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Record contains field data, photo, and drawing. D1 2003-08-07_N907JL.j rd2 k3 D3 2003-08-07_N909JL.R rd2 r276 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-08-07_N907JL.j rd2 i85 (token) sits in f130 (accumulation D) G1 2003-08-13_N907JL.j !! a11 G17 2003-08-07_N907JL.j rd2 q355 BA1 2003-08-07_N907JL.j rd2 clay artifact K3 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw cl O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2794 A14.85 N820 gg.jpg O4 2003-08-12_A14_VWX.j wh L_W16b2720 A14.0085 N812 wh li f130 k3.jpg O4 2003-08-12_A14_VWX.j wh L_W16d2720 A14.0085 N812 wh li @ZB726 aMA f130 k3.jpg ; A14.86 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j !! bead A35 2003-08-12_A14_VWX.j !! L_W16d2733 A14.0086 N812 wh bd @ZB729 aMA f129 k3.jpg B10 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw bead B11 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Holed, disk-shaped bead.Material unknown. B99 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Record contains field data and drawing. D1 2003-08-09_N907JL.j rd2 k3 D3 2003-08-09_N909JL.R rd2 r277 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-08-09_N907JL.j rd2 i86 (bead) sits in f129 (accumulation D) G17 2003-08-09_N907JL.j rd2 q357 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s10-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h6-JPA BA1 2003-08-09_N907JL.j rd2 bead O4 2003-08-12_A14_VWX.j wh L_W16b2733 A14.0086 N812 wh bd f129 k3.jpg O4 2003-08-12_A14_VWX.j wh L_W16d2733 A14.0086 N812 wh bd @ZB729 aMA f129 k3.jpg ; A14.87 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j !! stone tool A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2798 A14.87 N820 gg.jpg B10 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw stone tool B11 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Flat, oblong stone tool, perhaps a polisher. B99 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Recor contains field data, photo and drawing. D1 2003-08-10_N907JL.j rd2 k2 D3 2003-08-10_N909JL.R raf r289 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-08-10_N907JL.j rd2 i87 (stone tool) sits in f33 (accumulation D) G1 2001-06-26_L819JL.j !! a3 G17 2003-08-10_N907JL.j rd2 q365 BA1 2003-08-10_N907JL.j rd2 lithic artifact K3 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw lithic O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V16d2798 A14.87 N820 gg.jpg O4 2003-08-13_A14_VWX.j wh L_W16b2725 A14.0087 N813 wh li f33 k2.jpg O4 2003-08-13_A14_VWX.j wh L_W16d2725 A14.0087 N813 wh li @ZB726 aMA f33 k2.jpg ; A14.88 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j !! clay artifact B10 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw clay artifact B99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Record contains only minimal field data. D1 2003-08-12_N907JL.j rd2 k11 D3 2003-08-11_N909JL.R rd2 r311 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: center of item) F51 2003-08-12_N907JL.j rd2 i88 (clay artifact) sits in f133 (accumulation D) BA1 2003-08-12_N907JL.j rd2 clay artifact ; A14.89 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-06-21_O627GM.j !! figurine A35 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7741 A14.89 O830 dia fg f169.jpg B10 2004-06-21_O627GM.j gm figurine B11 2004-06-21_O627GM.j gm Piece of animal figurine, maybe an equid; head and neck with mane still remain. D1 2004-06-21_O626GM.j gm k15 D3 2004-06-21_O625JW1R.j gm r369 (40990 33673 - 8166 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-21_O626GM.j gm i89 (figurine) sits in f169 (laminations) G17 2004-06-21_O626GM.j gm q411 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-06-21_O627GM.j gm 3.33 J2 2004-06-21_O627GM.j gm 1.52 J3 2004-06-21_O627GM.j gm 1.74 BA1 2004-06-21_O626GM.j gm figurine BA2 2004-06-21_O626GM.j gm 3 BA3 2004-06-21_O626GM.j gm 1.5 BA4 2004-06-21_O626GM.j gm 1.5 BA6 2004-06-21_O626GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-06-21_O626GM.j gm pale brown BA9 2004-06-21_O626GM.j gm animal K3 2004-06-21_O627GM.j gm cl K5 2004-06-21_O627GM.j gm very pale brown K6 2004-06-21_O627GM.j gm 10YR8/2 O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7741 A14.89 O830 dia fg f169.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7742 A14.89 O830 dia fg f169.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7743 A14.89 O830 dia fg f169.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p38 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p39 P99 2004-06-21_O627GM.j gm To RAH for further analysis ; A14.90 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-06-22_O627GM.j !! clay artifact A35 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2631 A14.90 O721 gg si.jpg B10 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm clay artifact B11 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm Clay object with rectangular shape; two of the corners are broken; on three of the longest sides there are parallel cuts, on the fourth a grid has been engraved. Probably a tablet or a game piece. D1 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm k14 D3 2004-06-22_O625JW1R.j jw r376 (40587 34140 - 8223 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm i90 (clay artifact) sits in f173 (topsoil) G17 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm q421 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 2.03 J2 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 3.98 J3 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 2.22 J8 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 26 BA1 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm clay artifact BA2 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm 2 BA3 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm 4 BA4 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm 2 BA6 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm brown BA9 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm game piece K3 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm cl K5 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm gray K6 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 10YR5/1 O2 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2631 A14.90 O721 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2632 A14.90 O721 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2633 A14.90 O721 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2634 A14.90 O721 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2635 A14.90 O721 gg si.jpg O4 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j vVE L_W17b2901 A14.0090 O721 vVE la f173.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p38 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p39 P99 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.91 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-06-22_O627GM.j !! wheel A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p38 B10 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm wheel B11 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm More than a half of a clay wheel, type I; finger prints on the surface; the edges of the objects are partially broken. D1 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm k3 D3 2004-06-22_O625JW1R.j gm r377 (41159 34462 - 8238 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm i91 (wheel) sits in f174 (laminations) G17 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm q419 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 2.59 J4 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 4.71 J8 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 16 BA1 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm clay artifact BA2 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm 2.8 BA5 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm 4.8 BA6 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm tan BA9 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm clay wheel K3 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm cl K5 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm very pale brown K6 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 10YR8/2 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p38 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p39 P2 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm ZSB 7-31 ; A14.92 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2004-06-22_O627GM.j !! lithic artifact A35 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2946 A14.92 O830 dia la f170.jpg B10 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm lithic artifact B11 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm Stone tool with a lengthened shape; hole made near the edge on one of the sides, that doesn't go throughout the object. Concretions on he surface. maybe unfinished bead or weight. D1 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm k5 D3 2004-06-22_O625JW1R.j gm r381 (41255 33693 - 8187 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm i92 (lithic artifact) sits in f170 (layer) G17 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm q417 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s5-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 4.87 J2 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 1.04 J3 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 1.31 J8 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 13 BA1 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm lithic artifact BA2 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm 4.8 BA3 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm 1.2 BA4 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm 1.6 BA6 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm li BA8 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm tan BA9 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm stone tool K3 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm lithic K5 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm tan O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2946 A14.92 O830 dia la f170.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2947 A14.92 O830 dia la f170.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2948 A14.92 O830 dia la f170.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2949 A14.92 O830 dia la f170.jpg O4 2004-08-20_A14_VWX.j cVP L_W17b2938 A14.0092 O820 cVP la.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p38 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p39 P99 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.93 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-06-22_O627GM.j !! figurine A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2617 A14.93 O717 gg.jpg B10 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm figurine B11 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm Animal figurine, from neck (with the beginning of a mane), to the back part of the body, with the beginning of hind legs and of tale; 1/3 of the surface seems to have been in contact with fire (colour dark gray). Finger prints near tale and between tale and right hind leg. D1 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm k14 D3 2004-06-22_O625JW1R.j gm r387 (40927 34186 - 8198 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm i93 (figurine) sits in f173 (topsoil) G17 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm q415 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 3.75 J2 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 6.34 J3 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 3.34 J8 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 45 BA1 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm figurine BA2 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm 4 BA3 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm 6.5 BA4 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm 3.5 BA6 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm tan BA9 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm animal K3 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm cl K5 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm very pale brown K6 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 10YR8/2 O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2617 A14.93 O717 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2618 A14.93 O717 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2619 A14.93 O717 gg.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p38 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p39 P99 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.94 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-06-22_O627GM.j !! clay artifact A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p38 B10 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm clay artifact B11 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm Six pieces of a clay object, with fragments of charcoal visible in the section. D1 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm k87 D3 2004-06-22_O625JW1R.j gm r388 (40502 36060 - 8327 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm i94 (clay artifact) sits in f177 (accumulation D) G17 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm q423 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 2.19 J2 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 6.96 J3 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 3.50 J99 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm Bigger piece measured, broken after measurements. BA1 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm clay artifact BA2 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm 3 BA3 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm 7 BA4 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm 4 BA6 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm dark brown BA9 2004-06-22_O626GM.j gm 6 pcs of door seal bigger measured K3 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm cl K5 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm gray K6 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm 10YR5/1 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p38 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p39 P2 2004-06-22_O627GM.j gm ZSB 7-31 ; A14.95 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-06-23_O627GM.j !! sling ball A35 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7897 A14.95 O901 dia ca f176.jpg B10 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm sling ball B11 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm Clay object, with an oblong shape; surface aren't well preserved. All over the object there are roots. The edges are rounded, but not the sides. D1 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm k13 D3 2004-06-23_O625JW1R.j gm r392 (40510 34769 - 8273 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm i95 (sling ball) sits in f176 (topsoil) G17 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm q428 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J2 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 10.30 J3 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 4.87 J8 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 209 J99 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm Seen that the sides have almost the same dimensions, measured only length and width. BA1 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm clay artifact BA2 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm 5.5 BA3 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm 10 BA4 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm 6 BA6 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm light brown BA9 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm clay object K3 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm cl K5 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm pinkish gray K6 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 7.5YR7/2 O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7897 A14.95 O901 dia ca f176.jpg O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7898 A14.95 O901 dia ca f176.jpg O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7899 A14.95 O901 dia ca f176.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p38 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p39 P99 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm To photography ; A14.96 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-06-23_O627GM.j !! sling ball A35 2008-09-18_A14_VWX.j !! L_V21d8716 A14i96 S918 dM f176.jpg B10 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm sling ball B11 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm Two pieces of an entire clay artifact, with oblong shape; surfaces are well preserved, traces of roots and burned spots; almost triangular section. D1 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm k13 D3 2004-06-23_O625JW1R.j gm r412 (40647 34869 - 8272 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm i96 (sling ball) sits in f176 (topsoil) G17 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm q428 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J2 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 9.45 J3 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 4.45 J99 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm The two pieces have been measured together; seen that the sides have almost the same dimensions, measured only length and width. BA1 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm clay artifact BA3 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm 9.5 BA4 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm 5 BA6 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm light brown BA9 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm 2 pcs of a clay object measured together K3 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm cl K5 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm pinkish gray K6 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 10YR7/3 O2 2008-09-18_A14_VWX.j dM L_V21d8716 A14i96 S918 dM f176.jpg O2 2008-09-18_A14_VWX.j dM L_V21d8717 A14i96 S918 dM f176.jpg O2 2008-09-18_A14_VWX.j dM L_V21d8718 A14i96 S918 dM f176.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p38 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p39 P99 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm To conservation ; A14.97 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j !! sling ball A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p38 B10 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw sling ball B11 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Unusual situation where this item designation serves as the "home" for two sub-items that were fully described in the lab (i97.1 and i97.2. Although broken, these items are most likely sling balls. D1 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm k13 D3 2004-06-23_O625JW1R.j gm r393 (40567 34769 - 8270 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm i97 (sling ball) sits in f176 (topsoil) G17 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm q428 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA BA1 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm clay artifact BA3 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm 10 BA4 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm 5 BA6 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm light brown BA9 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm 2 pcs of 2 clay objects, bigger measured O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p38 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p39 ; A14.97.1 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-06-23_O627GM.j !! sling ball A35 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7894 A14.97.1 O901 dia ca f176.jpg B10 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm sling ball B11 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm One fragment of an oblong clay object, not well preserved; surface is cracked, traces of roots; almost triangular section. J2 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 8.27 J3 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 7.50 J8 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 160 J99 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm Seen that the sides have almost the same dimensions, measured only length and width. K3 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm cl K5 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm pinkish gray K6 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 7.5YR7/4 O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7894 A14.97.1 O901 dia ca f176.jpg O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7895 A14.97.1 O901 dia ca f176.jpg O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7896 A14.97.1 O901 dia ca f176.jpg P99 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm To photography ; A14.97.2 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-06-23_O627GM.j !! sling ball A35 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7908 A14.97.2 O901 dia ca f176.jpg B10 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm sling ball B11 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm One fragment of an oblong clay object, not well preserved; surface is cracked, traces of roots; almost triangular section. J2 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 9.03 J3 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 4.50 J8 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 137 J99 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm Seen that the sides have almost the same dimensions, measured only length and width. K3 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm cl K5 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm pinkish gray K6 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 7.5YR7/4 O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7908 A14.97.2 O901 dia ca f176.jpg O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7909 A14.97.2 O901 dia ca f176.jpg O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7910 A14.97.2 O901 dia ca f176.jpg P99 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm To photography ; A14.98 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j !! sling ball A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p38 B10 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw sling ball B11 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Unusual situation where this item designation serves as the "home" for two sub-items that were fully described in the lab (i98.1 and i98.2. Although broken, these items are most likely sling balls. D1 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm k13 D3 2004-06-23_O625JW1R.j gm r394 (40585 34728 - 8267 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm i98 (sling ball) sits in f176 (topsoil) G17 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm q428 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA BA1 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm clay artifact BA3 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm 11 BA4 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm 5.5 BA6 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm light brown BA9 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm 2 clay objects, smaller one measured O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p38 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p39 ; A14.98.1 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-06-23_O627GM.j !! sling ball A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2780 A14.98.1 O731 gg.jpg B10 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm sling ball B11 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm Well preserved oblong clay object; almost triangular section, roots and traces of roots; surface is cracked. J2 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 10.75 J3 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 5.16 J8 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 239 J99 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm Seen that the sides have almost the same dimensions, measured only length and width. K3 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm cl K5 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm pinkish gray K6 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 7.5YR7/4 O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2780 A14.98.1 O731 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2781 A14.98.1 O731 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2782 A14.98.1 O731 gg.jpg O4 2004-08-10_A14_VWX.j cVP L_W17b2937 A14.0098.01 O810 cVP la.jpg P99 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.98.2 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-06-23_O627GM.j !! sling ball A35 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7885 A14.98.2 O901 dia ca f176.jpg B10 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm sling ball B11 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm Well preserved oblong clay object; almost triangular section, roots and traces of roots; surface is cracked. J2 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 10.53 J3 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 5.16 J8 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 261 J99 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm Seen that the sides have almost the same dimensions, measured only length and width. K3 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm cl K5 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm pink K6 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 7.5YR7/4 O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7885 A14.98.2 O901 dia ca f176.jpg O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7886 A14.98.2 O901 dia ca f176.jpg O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7887 A14.98.2 O901 dia ca f176.jpg O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7888 A14.98.2 O901 dia ca f176.jpg P99 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm To photography ; A14.99 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-06-23_O627GM.j !! sling ball A35 2008-09-18_A14_VWX.j !! L_V21d8719 A14i99 S918 dM f176.jpg B10 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm sling ball B11 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm Very lengthened clay tool, broken in two pieces; almost triangular section, roots and traces of roots; well preserved; lack of one fragment. D1 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm k13 D3 2004-06-23_O625JW1R.j gm r395 (40541 34856 - 8265 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm i99 (sling ball) sits in f176 (topsoil) G17 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm q428 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J2 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 11.35 J3 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 4.40 J99 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm Seen that the sides have almost the same dimensions, measured only length and width. BA1 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm clay artifact BA3 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm 11.5 BA4 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm 4.5 BA6 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm light brown BA9 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm 1 clay tool in 2 pcs, measured together K3 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm cl K5 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm very pale brown K6 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 10YR7/3 O2 2008-09-18_A14_VWX.j dM L_V21d8719 A14i99 S918 dM f176.jpg O2 2008-09-18_A14_VWX.j dM L_V21d8720 A14i99 S918 dM f176.jpg O2 2008-09-18_A14_VWX.j dM L_V21d8721 A14i99 S918 dM f176.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p38 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p39 P99 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm To conservation ; A14.100 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-06-23_O627GM.j !! sling ball A35 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7903 A14.100 O901 dia ca f176.jpg B10 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm sling ball B11 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm Three pieces of clay objects; the surfaces are ruined, lack of fragments; almost triangular section; roots and traces of roots. D1 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm k13 D3 2004-06-23_O625JW1R.j gm r396 (40589 34682 - 8256 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm i100 (sling ball) sits in f176 (topsoil) G17 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm q428 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J2 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 8.26 J3 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 4.12 J99 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm Seen that the sides have almost the same dimensions, measured only length and width. BA1 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm clay artifact BA3 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm 8 BA4 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm 4.5 BA6 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm light brown BA9 2004-06-23_O626GM.j gm 3 pcs of clay objects, better preserved measured K3 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm cl K5 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm pink K6 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm 7.5YR7/3 O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7903 A14.100 O901 dia ca f176.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p38 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p39 P99 2004-06-23_O627GM.j gm To photography ; A14.101 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2004-06-24_O627GM.j !! lithic artifact A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p38 B10 2004-06-24_O627GM.j gm lithic artifact B11 2004-06-24_O627GM.j gm Stone tool with almost spherical shape; the edge is cracked but almost flat; on the other end the object is broken; probably hematite. D1 2004-06-24_O626GM.j gm k13 D3 2004-06-24_O625JW1R.j gm r408 (40581 34813 - 8248 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-24_O626GM.j gm i101 (lithic artifact) sits in f181 (accumulation) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j !! a24 G17 2004-06-24_O626GM.j gm q435 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-07-10_O710MKB.j !! Phase 3. I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-06-24_O627GM.j gm 3.00 J4 2004-06-24_O627GM.j gm 2.70 J8 2004-06-24_O627GM.j gm 51 BA1 2004-06-24_O626GM.j gm metal artifact BA2 2004-06-24_O626GM.j gm 3 BA5 2004-06-24_O626GM.j gm 3 BA6 2004-06-24_O626GM.j gm mt BA8 2004-06-24_O626GM.j gm dark gray BA9 2004-06-24_O626GM.j gm stone "ball", very heavy K3 2004-06-24_O627GM.j gm lithic K5 2004-06-24_O627GM.j gm bluish black O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p38 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p39 P99 2004-06-24_O627GM.j gm To photography ; A14.102 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-06-24_O627GM.j !! sling ball A35 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2954 A14.102 O830 dia la f182.jpg B10 2004-06-24_O627GM.j gm sling ball B11 2004-06-24_O627GM.j gm One clay object, well preserved, with an "egg" shape, rounded with conic ends. D1 2004-06-24_O626GM.j gm k25 D3 2004-06-24_O625JW1R.j gm r411 (40384 33488 - 8126 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-24_O626GM.j gm i102 (sling ball) sits in f182 (topsoil) G17 2004-06-24_O626GM.j gm q433 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-06-24_O627GM.j gm 4.71 J2 2004-06-24_O627GM.j gm 3.14 J3 2004-06-24_O627GM.j gm 2.75 J8 2004-06-24_O627GM.j gm 40 BA1 2004-06-24_O626GM.j gm clay artifact BA2 2004-06-24_O626GM.j gm 4.7 BA3 2004-06-24_O626GM.j gm 3.2 BA4 2004-06-24_O626GM.j gm 2.8 BA6 2004-06-24_O626GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-06-24_O626GM.j gm brown BA9 2004-06-24_O626GM.j gm clay "egg" K3 2004-06-24_O627GM.j gm cl K5 2004-06-24_O627GM.j gm pinkish gray K6 2004-06-24_O627GM.j gm 7.5YR7/2 O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2954 A14.102 O830 dia la f182.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2955 A14.102 O830 dia la f182.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2956 A14.102 O830 dia la f182.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p38 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p39 P99 2004-06-24_O627GM.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.103 A20 !!_!! !! glass artifact A21 2004-06-27_O627GM.j !! glass artifact A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p41 B10 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm glass artifact B11 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm Little glass sherd, maybe modern, with a drawing on the surface; almost transparent, very thin, shows iridescences. D1 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw k13 D3 2004-06-27_O627JW-R.j jw r420 (40390 34588 - 8242 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw i103 (glass artifact) sits in f176 (topsoil) G17 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw q438 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 0.17 J2 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 1.94 J3 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 1.20 BA1 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw glass BA2 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 0.1 BA6 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw gl BA9 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw modern glass in ancient context K3 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm glass or frit K5 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm transparent O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p41 P2 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm ZSB 29-14 ; A14.104 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2004-06-27_O627GM.j !! bead A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p41 B10 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm bead B11 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm Little lithic bead, in the shape of an oval; the material shows a little transparency. D1 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw k13 D3 2004-06-27_O627JW-R.j jw r421 (40512 34609 - 8246 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw i104 (bead) sits in f176 (topsoil) G17 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw q439 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J2 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 1.01 J3 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 0.72 BA1 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw bead BA2 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 1 BA5 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 0.7 BA6 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw li BA8 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw brown BA9 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw carnelian bead K3 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm lithic K5 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm brown O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p41 P99 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.105 A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact A21 2004-06-27_O627GM.j !! metal artifact A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p41 B10 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm metal artifact B11 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm Iron nail covered by concretions, bended (90° angle); probably modern. D1 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw k13 D3 2004-06-27_O627JW-R.j jw r422 (40392 34538 - 8244 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw i105 (metal artifact) sits in f176 (topsoil) G17 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw q438 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 5.02 J2 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 2.85 J3 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 0.65 J8 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 8 BA1 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw metal artifact BA3 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 7 BA5 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 0.6 BA6 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw mt BA9 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw iron nail K3 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm metal K5 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm brown O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p41 P99 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm To conservation ; A14.106 A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact A21 2004-06-27_O627GM.j !! metal artifact B10 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm metal artifact B11 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm Iron object, probably a nail, covered by a thick concretion, and where it has fallen down the metal is rusty; it's bended in several points of its length. D1 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw k13 D3 2004-06-27_O627JW-R.j jw r423 (40395 34531 - 8244 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw i106 (metal artifact) sits in f176 (topsoil) G17 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw q438 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 9.45 J3 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 0.77 J4 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 0.29 J8 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 11 J99 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm w1 and w2 measured in the points with and without concretion. BA1 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw metal artifact BA3 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 9 BA5 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 4 BA6 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw mt BA9 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw iron rod K3 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm metal K5 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm dark brown P99 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm To conservation ; A14.107 A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact A21 2004-06-27_O627GM.j !! metal artifact A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p41 B10 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm metal artifact B11 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm Two pieces of an iron object, covered by a thick concretion; it's shape is almost rectangular, and the object in section seems to be very thin, and bended. Maybe it was a sort of plaque, probably modern. D1 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw k13 D3 2004-06-27_O627JW-R.j jw r424 (40393 34524 - 8245 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw i107 (metal artifact) sits in f176 (topsoil) G17 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw q438 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 1.51 J2 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 9.03 J3 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 3.00 J8 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 31 J99 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm Bigger piece measured BA1 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw metal artifact BA2 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 1.5 BA3 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 11 BA4 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 3 BA6 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw mt BA9 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw iron chunk K3 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm metal K5 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm brown O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p41 P99 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm To conservation ; A14.108 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-06-27_O627GM.j !! clay lump A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p41 B10 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm clay lump B11 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm Two pieces of clay lumps, with a globular shape; the bigger one shows on its surface several imprints, like seeds and a texture made of very thin and parallel lines (like the smaller piece). D1 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw k24 D3 2004-06-27_O627JW-R.j jw r425 (40252 34139 - 8202 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw i108 (clay lump) sits in f183 (topsoil) G17 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw q439 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 2.35 J2 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 3.43 J3 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 3.19 J8 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 21 J99 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm Bigger piece measured BA1 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw clay lump BA2 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 2.5 BA3 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 4 BA4 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 3.5 BA6 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw cl BA9 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 2 pcs of clay lump K3 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm cl K5 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm light brownish gray K6 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 10YR6/2 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p41 P2 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm ZSB 8-23 ; A14.109 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-06-27_O627GM.j !! clay artifact A35 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7893 A14.109 O901 dia ca f176.jpg B10 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm clay artifact B11 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm Four pieces of clay object, with oblong shape, rounded edges, almost triangular section, plain sides, roots and traces of roots, burned spots. D1 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw k13 D3 2004-06-27_O627JW-R.j jw r428 (40613 34650 - 8231 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw i109 (clay artifact) sits in f176 (topsoil) G17 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw q427 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J2 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 6.20 J3 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 4.00 J8 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 82 J99 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm Better preserved measured; seen that the sides have almost the same dimensions, measured only length and width. BA1 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw clay artifact BA2 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 4 BA3 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 6 BA4 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 4.5 BA6 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw cl BA9 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 6 pcs of clay objects, first one outside f181 K3 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm cl K5 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm light gray K6 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm 10YR7/2 O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7893 A14.109 O901 dia ca f176.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p41 P99 2004-06-27_O627GM.j gm To photography ; A14.110 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-06-27_O628GM.j !! clay artifact A35 2008-09-18_A14_VWX.j !! L_V21d8713 A14i110 S918 dM f181.jpg B10 2004-06-27_O628GM.j jw clay artifact B11 2004-06-27_O628GM.j jw Two pieces of a clay object, with oblong shape, triangular section, plain sides, rounded edges, roots and traces of roots on the surface and in section. D1 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw k13 D3 2004-06-27_O627JW-R.j jw r432 (40666 34747 - 8237 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw i110 (clay artifact) sits in f181 (accumulation) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a24 G17 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw q445 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-07-10_O710MKB.j !! Phase 3. I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J2 2004-06-27_O628GM.j jw 11.21 J3 2004-06-27_O628GM.j jw 4.79 J8 2004-06-27_O628GM.j jw 4.79 J99 2004-06-27_O628GM.j jw The two pieces measured together; seen that the sides have almost the same dimensions, measured only length and width. BA1 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw clay artifact BA2 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 5 BA3 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 11 BA4 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw 5 BA6 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw cl BA9 2004-06-27_O628GM2.j jw whole oblong clay object K3 2004-06-27_O628GM.j jw cl K5 2004-06-27_O628GM.j jw pink K6 2004-06-27_O628GM.j jw 7.5YR7/4 O2 2008-09-18_A14_VWX.j dM L_V21d8713 A14i110 S918 dM f181.jpg O2 2008-09-18_A14_VWX.j dM L_V21d8714 A14i110 S918 dM f181.jpg O2 2008-09-18_A14_VWX.j dM L_V21d8715 A14i110 S918 dM f181.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p41 P99 2004-06-27_O628GM.j jw To conservation ; A14.111 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-06-28_O628GM.j !! clay artifact A35 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7904 A14.111 O901 dia ca f181.jpg B10 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw clay artifact B11 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw Irregular clay "ball" with cracked surface, roots and burned spots. D1 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw k13 D3 2004-06-28_O628JW-R.j jw r437 (40655 34864 - 8234 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw i111 (clay artifact) sits in f181 (accumulation) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a24 G17 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw q449 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-07-10_O710MKB.j !! Phase 3. I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J4 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw 6.49 J8 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw 214 BA1 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw clay artifact BA5 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw 6 BA6 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw cl BA8 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw red-brown BA9 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw clay ball, probably an oblong object before shaping K3 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw cl K5 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw light brown K6 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw 7.5YR6/4 O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7904 A14.111 O901 dia ca f181.jpg O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7905 A14.111 O901 dia ca f181.jpg O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7906 A14.111 O901 dia ca f181.jpg O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7907 A14.111 O901 dia ca f181.jpg O13 2004-06-28_O702JW.j jw v122b O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p42 P99 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw To photography ; A14.112 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-06-28_O628GM.j !! clay artifact A35 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7979 A14.112 O931 dia ca f181.jpg B10 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw clay artifact B11 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw Clay object with oblong shape, plain sides, rounded edges, triangular section, roots and traces of roots, burned spots. D1 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw k13 D3 2004-06-28_O628JW-R.j jw r438 (40645 34848 - 8234 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw i112 (clay artifact) sits in f181 (accumulation) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a24 G17 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw q449 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-07-10_O710MKB.j !! Phase 3. I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw 3.85 J2 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw 9.84 J3 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw 4.40 J8 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw 157 BA1 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw clay artifact BA2 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw 4.5 BA3 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw 10 BA4 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw 4.5 BA8 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw red-brown BA9 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw whole oblong object K3 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw cl K5 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw pink K6 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw 7.5YR7/3 O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7979 A14.112 O931 dia ca f181.jpg O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7980 A14.112 O931 dia ca f181.jpg O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7981 A14.112 O931 dia ca f181.jpg O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7982 A14.112 O931 dia ca f181.jpg O13 2004-06-28_O702JW.j jw v122b O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p42 P99 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw To drafting and photography ; A14.113 A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact A21 2004-06-28_O628GM.j !! metal artifact A35 2004-06-28_O702JW.j !! v124 B10 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw metal artifact B11 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw Modern soda can and sardine can. D1 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw k24 D3 2004-06-28_O628JW-R.j jw r443 (40124 34141 - 8157 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw i113 (metal artifact) sits in f185 (accumulation) G17 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw q454 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA BA1 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw modern cans BA2 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw 7 BA3 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw 10 BA4 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw 10 BA6 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw mt BA9 2004-06-28_O628GM2.j jw soda can and sardine can K3 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw metal O13 2004-06-28_O702JW.j jw v124 O13 2004-06-28_O702JW.j jw v124a O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p42 P2 2004-06-28_O628GM.j jw ZSB 29-14 ; A14.114 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j !! figurine A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17b2908 A14.0114 O721vVE ma f216.jpg B10 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw figurine B11 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Figurine of unknown animal (or perhaps a chariot) with holes for an axle. B99 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Record contains field data and inapplicable drawing. D1 2004-06-29_O629GM2.j jw k15 D3 2004-06-29_O701JW2R.j jw r469 (40767 33647 - 8150 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-29_O629GM2.j jw i114 (figurine) sits in f163 (topsoil) G17 2004-06-29_O629GM2.j jw q461 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA BA1 2004-06-29_O629GM2.j jw figurine BA2 2004-06-29_O629GM2.j jw 6 BA3 2004-06-29_O629GM2.j jw 7 BA4 2004-06-29_O629GM2.j jw 5.5 BA6 2004-06-29_O629GM2.j jw cl BA8 2004-06-29_O629GM2.j jw tan BA9 2004-06-29_O629GM2.j jw figurine with axle holes K3 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw cl O4 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j ma L_W17b2908 A14.0114 O721vVE ma f216.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p43 ; A14.114.1 A20 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw ceramic vessel A21 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j !! cup B10 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw cup B11 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Sherds of second conical cup in i114 B99 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Apparently, there were two separate cups recovered. Both were fragmented when excavated and restored as separate items in the lab. ; A14.115 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2004-06-30_O702GM.j !! lithic artifact A35 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7994 A14.115 O931 dia fg f163.jpg B10 2004-06-28_O629GM.j jw figurine B10 2004-06-30_O702GM.j jw lithic artifact B11 2004-06-28_O629GM.j jw Fragment of an animal figurine, with part of the trunk, the beginning of the hind legs and of the tale; the legs have holes in them, that go throughout (maybe to insert wheels); one side of the trunk is described as covered by fur, with long vertical cuts in the clay. B11 2004-06-30_O702GM.j jw Basalt granding stone, or weight; rounded profile, but not such regular, with a hole in the middle. Rough surface. D1 2004-06-30_O702GM1.j jw k4 D3 2004-06-30_O701JW2R.j jw r481 (41405 34518 - 8211 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-06-30_O702GM1.j jw i115 (lithic artifact) sits in f197 (accumulation) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-06-30_O702GM1.j jw q474 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-06-28_O629GM.j jw 5.92 J1 2004-06-30_O702GM.j jw 22.10 J2 2004-06-28_O629GM.j jw 7.25 J3 2004-06-28_O629GM.j jw 5.33 J3 2004-06-30_O702GM.j jw 6.13 J4 2004-06-30_O702GM.j jw 4.82 J8 2004-06-28_O629GM.j jw 168 J99 2004-06-30_O702GM.j jw w2 is the diameter of the hole; wt > 1 k BA1 2004-06-30_O702GM1.j jw lithic artifact BA2 2004-06-30_O702GM1.j jw 7 BA5 2004-06-30_O702GM1.j jw 22 BA6 2004-06-30_O702GM1.j jw li BA8 2004-06-30_O702GM1.j jw pale brown BA9 2004-06-30_O702GM1.j jw stone "donut" (door socket?) K3 2004-06-28_O629GM.j jw cl K3 2004-06-30_O702GM.j jw lithic K5 2004-06-28_O629GM.j jw light gray K5 2004-06-30_O702GM.j jw dark gray K6 2004-06-28_O629GM.j jw 10YR7/2 O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7629 A14.115 O831 dia la f193.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7630 A14.115 O831 dia la f193.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7631 A14.115 O831 dia la f193.jpg O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7994 A14.115 O931 dia fg f163.jpg O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7995 A14.115 O931 dia fg f163.jpg O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7996 A14.115 O931 dia fg f163.jpg O13 2004-06-30_O702JW.j jw v127 O13 2004-06-30_O702JW.j jw v127a O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p43 P99 2004-06-28_O629GM.j jw To RAH for further analysis P99 2004-06-30_O702GM.j jw To drafting and photography ; A14.116 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-06-30_O702GM.j !! jar A35 2004-07-28_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2746 A14.116 O728 gg cv.jpg B10 2004-06-30_O702GM.j jw jar B11 2004-06-30_O702GM.j jw Fragments of a jar; the ring base tells us that it's a Nuzi jar, with the outer surface decorated with red slip. B11 2004-06-30_O704GM.j jw Fragments of a jar; it shows a ring base, and the outer surface is decorated with red slip. D1 2004-06-30_O702GM1.j jw k4 D3 2004-06-30_O701JW2R.j jw r484 (41365 34615 - 8198 / Relay location: center of object) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f197 and jar cache a20 F51 2004-06-30_O702GM1.j jw i116 (jar) sits in f197 (accumulation) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-06-30_O702GM1.j jw q474 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J5 2004-06-30_O702GM.j jw 4.53 BA1 2004-06-30_O702GM1.j jw jar BA2 2004-06-30_O702GM1.j jw 12 BA5 2004-06-30_O702GM1.j jw 12 BA6 2004-06-30_O702GM1.j jw cl BA8 2004-06-30_O702GM1.j jw red BA9 2004-06-30_O702GM1.j jw ring-base jar (estimated dimensions) K3 2004-06-30_O702GM.j jw Nuzi K3 2004-06-30_O704GM.j jw Bi-Color Ware K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh xfc K10 2004-06-30_O702GM.j jw Broken into small pieces, rim missing K10 2004-06-30_O704GM.j jw Broken into small pieces, rim missing. K99 2004-06-30_O704GM.j jw typology sorted by MKB K99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh possibly imitation BC O2 2004-07-28_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2746 A14.116 O728 gg cv.jpg O2 2004-07-28_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2747 A14.116 O728 gg cv.jpg O2 2004-07-28_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2748 A14.116 O728 gg cv.jpg O2 2004-07-28_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2749 A14.116 O728 gg cv.jpg O2 2004-07-28_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2750 A14.116 O728 gg cv.jpg O2 2004-07-28_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2751 A14.116 O728 gg cv.jpg O4 2004-08-07_A14_VWX.j cVP L_W17b2445 A14.0116 O807 cVP cv f197.jpg O4 2004-09-08_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2445 A14.0116 O908 kf cv f197.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p43 P99 2004-06-30_O702GM.j jw To conservation ; A14.117 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-01_O702GM.j !! seal impression A35 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2644 A14.117 O721 gg si.jpg B10 2004-07-01_O702GM.j gm seal impression B11 2004-07-01_O702GM.j gm Little clay lump with finger prints and two impressions on two different sides. B11 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb object has two sides on the exterior roled with seal impressions, on reverse peg impression D1 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm k14 D3 2004-07-01_O701JW2R.j jw r501 (40918 34154 - 8171 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm i117 (seal impression) sits in f203 (fill) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j !! a15 G17 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm q483 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s46-JPA I3 2004-07-10_O710MKB.j !! This one q lot is Phase 4. I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h4-JPA J1 2004-07-01_O702GM.j gm 0.99 J2 2004-07-01_O702GM.j gm 2.42 J2 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 1.5 J3 2004-07-01_O702GM.j gm 1.56 J3 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 2.3 J7 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 0.9 J99 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb measured along axis of the most complete rolling BA1 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm seal impression BA2 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm 1.3 BA3 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm 2.2 BA4 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm 1.6 BA6 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm gray BA9 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm seal impression K3 2004-07-01_O702GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-01_O702GM.j gm light gray K5 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb light reddish gray K6 2004-07-01_O702GM.j gm 10YR7/1 K6 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 2.5YR7/1 K13 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb two rollings, more complete rolling: tall table with x decoration in the center of the legs, human facing left holding one arm up toward the table and the other across the body, unclear figure that might be a person facing right. Other rolling: unclear figure, table with interior x design, and two flat objects placed horizontally on top of the table (bread?) these objects extend over the left edge of the table and under these objects is a small human? figure K15 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb the preserved human figure has an elongated body and arms, lips made as two straight lines extending outward from the face, may be wearing a chignon. The style is dated to the Post Imperial Akkadian period K99 2004-07-01_O702GM.j gm To MKB K99 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb red, but no visible inclusions K99 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb similar design to A14q805.1 O2 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2644 A14.117 O721 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2645 A14.117 O721 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2646 A14.117 O721 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2647 A14.117 O721 gg si.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p33 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p43 ; A14.118 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-09_O710GM.j !! bowl A35 2004-07-01_O702JW.j !! v128 B10 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb bowl B11 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb Straight sides bowl with slightly convex base. D1 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-01_O701JW2R.j jw r499 (41317 34660 - 8192 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm i118 (bowl) sits in f197 (accumulation) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm q486 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J3 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb 26 J99 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb colour taken on the body BA1 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm jar BA9 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm jar K3 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware K3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware K4 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb bs1 K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL bowl K5 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb pale yellow K6 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb 2.5YR8/2 ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL straight sided ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 1 O13 2004-07-01_O702JW.j jw v128 O13 2004-07-01_O702JW.j jw v128a O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p43 P99 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb To conservation, drafting and photography ; A14.119 A20 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-09_O710GM.j !! cup A35 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7690 A14.119 O907 dia cv f193.jpg B10 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb cup B11 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw large conical cup with string-cut base. Wheel marks, some wide and deep, on upper body. C99 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw There were several piles of a black, bitumen-like substance found in the vicinity of this and other jars in the cache. D1 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-01_O701JW2R.j jw r500 (41292 34616 - 8194 / Relay location: center of object) D99 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb to mkb D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f197 and jar cache a20 F51 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm i119 (cup) sits in f197 (accumulation) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm q486 G99 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Part of a20 cache. I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 3 I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 13.1 J3 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 13.5 J5 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 5.5 BA1 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm cup BA9 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm conical cup K3 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Fine Chaff Temper Ware K3 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw cl K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh cc-3 K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL cup K5 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw light gray K6 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 5Y7/2 K10 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Approximately one-third of cup is missing, but a full vertical section remains. K11 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Reassembled from fragments. It appears as if this vessel was repaired in antiquity because there are black marks that cover cracks on both the inside and outside of the vessel. ZcaD1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 1 ZcaD2 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL B6 ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL conical (cup) ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 3 O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7690 A14.119 O907 dia cv f193.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7691 A14.119 O907 dia cv f193.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7692 A14.119 O907 dia cv f193.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7693 A14.119 O907 dia cv f193.jpg O4 2004-09-04_A14_VWX.j iI L_W17b2424 A14.0119 O904 iI cv f193.jpg O4 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2423 A14.0119 O907 kf cv f193.jpg O13 2004-07-01_O702JW.j jw v128 O13 2004-07-01_O702JW.j jw v128a O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p43 P99 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw To photography and drafting prior to storage at Mozan. ; A14.119.1 A20 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw ceramic vessel A21 2004-08-15_O815JW.j !! cup A35 2004-09-06_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2420 A14.0119.01 O906 kf cv f278.jpg B10 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw cup B11 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw half rim and body section of large, but delicately made conical cup. Base missing. Some wheel marks on interior. G99 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Part of a20 cache. I3 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 3 J1 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 9.4 J3 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 10 J99 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Dimensions are for extant portion, with rim diameter estimated by chart. K3 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Fine Chaff Temper Ware K5 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw light gray K6 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 2.5Y7/2 K11 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Re-assembled from fragments. O4 2004-09-04_A14_VWX.j iI L_W17b2423 A14.0119.01 O904 iI cv f278.jpg O4 2004-09-06_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2420 A14.0119.01 O906 kf cv f278.jpg P2 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw To photography and drafting prior to storage at Mozan. ; A14.120 A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact A21 2004-07-01_O702GM.j !! metal artifact A35 2004-07-14_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2716 A14.120 O714 gg ma.jpg B10 2004-07-01_O702GM.j gm metal artifact B11 2004-07-01_O702GM.j gm Bronze fragments embedded in dirt matrix. D1 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-01_O701JW2R.j jw r506 (41298 34675 - 8187 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm i120 (metal artifact) sits in f197 (accumulation) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j !! a20 G17 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm q486 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA BA1 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm metal artifact BA9 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm bronze K3 2004-07-01_O702GM.j gm metal K5 2004-07-01_O702GM.j gm green O2 2004-07-14_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2716 A14.120 O714 gg ma.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p43 P99 2004-07-01_O702GM.j gm To conservation ; A14.121 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-09_O710GM.j !! jar A35 2004-09-08_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2449 A14.0121 O908 kf cv f197.jpg B10 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb jar B11 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb Small jar, jms3; flat base with most string cut lines removed. B11 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jar D1 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-01_O701JW2R.j jw r502 (41309 34732 - 8196 / Relay location: center of object) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh From f197 and jar cache a20 F51 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm i121 (jar) sits in f197 (accumulation) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm q486 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 11 J3 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb 8 J3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 7 J4 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb 9.70 J4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 11 J5 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb 4.22 J5 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 5 BA1 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm jar BA9 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm small jar K3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh Fine Chaff Temper Ware K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jo-9 K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL jar K5 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb pale brown K5 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh pale yellow K6 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb 5Y8/2 ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL necked ZcaS2 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL straight ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 3 N99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh restored from fragments O4 2004-08-10_A14_VWX.j cVP L_W17b2449 A14.0121 O810 cVP cv f197.jpg O4 2004-09-08_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2449 A14.0121 O908 kf cv f197.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p43 P99 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb To conservation, drafting and photography ; A14.122 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-09_O710GM.j !! jar A35 2004-08-08_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2401 A14.0122 O808 kf cv f193.jpg B10 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb jar B11 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb Jar with slightly convex base, type jnf1; handle type tsp. D1 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-01_O701JW2R.j jw r503 (41296 34728 - 8200 / Relay location: center of object) D99 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb Fragments in connection with q 486.2 D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 F51 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm i122 (jar) sits in f197 (accumulation) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm q486 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb Phase 3 I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J3 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb 10 J99 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb Colours taken on the neck, on the transition part and on the body BA1 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm cup BA9 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm conical cup K3 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb Bi-Color Ware K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jnf-2 K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL jar K5 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb brown K5 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb reddish yellow K5 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb strong brown K6 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb 7.5YR4/2 K6 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb 7.5YR5/6 K6 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb 7.5YR7/6 K99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh possibly imitation BC ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL necked ZcaS2 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL straight ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 8 ZcaS4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL handle: single pierced lug O4 2004-08-08_A14_VWX.j iI L_W17b2402 A14.0122 O808 iI cv f193.jpg O4 2004-08-08_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2401 A14.0122 O808 kf cv f193.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p43 P99 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb To conservation, drafting and photography ; A14.123 A20 !!_!! !! other A21 2004-07-01_O702GM.j !! sample A35 2004-07-01_O702JW.j !! v129 B10 2004-07-01_O702GM.j gm sample B11 2004-07-01_O702GM.j gm Clay sample from clay egg factory. D1 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm k13 D3 2004-07-01_O701JW2R.j jw r508 (40590 34764 - 8228 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm i123 (sample) sits in f189 (accumulation) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a24 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA BA1 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm sample BA6 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm cl BA9 2004-07-01_O702GM1.j gm clay used to make goose-eggs K3 2004-07-01_O702GM.j gm cl O13 2004-07-01_O702JW.j jw v129 O13 2004-07-01_O702JW.j jw v129a O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p43 P2 2004-07-01_O702GM.j gm Ready for storage ; A14.124 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-04_O704GM.j !! jar A35 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7869 A14.124 O901 dia ja f205.jpg B10 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw jar B11 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb Solidly painted small jar; the paint goes over the rim on the inside and down part of the neck. Shape related to jnf2. D1 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm k14 D3 2004-07-04_O706GM-R.j jw r525 (40747 34313 - 8163 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm i124 (jar) sits in f205 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm q501 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s10-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h6-JPA J3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 5 J99 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb colour taken on the body BA1 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm jar BA8 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm light brown BA9 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm small jar K3 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware K4 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw jnf-2 K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL jar K5 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb light brown K6 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb 7.5YR6/4 K99 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw to MKB K99 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb ROG, but very coarse K99 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw According to mkb the shape is related to jnf-2, but not identical. The ware, ROG, is very coarse. ZcaD1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 1 ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL necked ZcaS2 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL flaring (necked) ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 2 O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7869 A14.124 O901 dia ja f205.jpg O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7870 A14.124 O901 dia ja f205.jpg O4 2004-08-12_A14_VWX.j cVP L_W17b2443 A14.0124 O812 cVP cv f205.jpg O4 2004-09-08_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2443 A14.0124 O908 kf cv f205.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p44 P99 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw To conservation P99 2004-07-09_O710GM.j mkb To conservation, drafting and photography ; A14.125 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2004-07-04_O704GM.j !! lithic artifact A35 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2996 A14.125 O830 dia la f167.jpg B10 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw lithic artifact B11 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw Stone tool, a pestle, with the shape of a trunked cone; the surface is smoothed but it's still a little rough; the sections are elliptical and almost half of the object is covered by concretions. D1 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm k5 D3 2004-07-04_O706GM-R.j jw r526 (41352 33887 - 8189 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm i125 (lithic artifact) sits in f167 (laminations) G17 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm q500 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw 6.46 J2 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw 5.80 J3 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw 4.81 J8 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw 290 BA1 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm lithic artifact BA2 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm 6.5 BA3 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm 6 BA4 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm 5 BA6 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm li BA8 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm gray BA9 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm pestle K3 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw lithic K5 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw dark brown O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2996 A14.125 O830 dia la f167.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2997 A14.125 O830 dia la f167.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2998 A14.125 O830 dia la f167.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p44 P99 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw To photography ; A14.126 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-04_O704GM.j !! sealing A35 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2976 A14.126 O830 dia sl f207.jpg B10 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw sealing B11 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw Sealing with almost rounded profile, with the upper side convex and the lower side with the imprint of the object that was sealed, probably the top of a bottle; it shows an outer perimeter of smoothed material with a central and deeper circle. D1 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm k15 D3 2004-07-04_O706GM-R.j jw r530 (40867 33871 - 8090 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm i126 (sealing) sits in f207 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm q495 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s55-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw 1.95 J2 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw 5.39 J3 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw 4.94 J8 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw 49 BA1 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm sealing BA2 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm 2 BA5 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm 5 BA6 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm black BA9 2004-07-04_O705GM2.j gm mushroom shaped sealing K3 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw cl K5 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw gray K6 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw 10YR6/1 O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2976 A14.126 O830 dia sl f207.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2977 A14.126 O830 dia sl f207.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2978 A14.126 O830 dia sl f207.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p44 P99 2004-07-04_O704GM.j jw To photography ; A14.127 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2004-07-05_O705GM.j !! lithic artifact A35 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7623 A14.127 O831 dia la f213.jpg B10 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm lithic artifact B11 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm big grinding stone (basalt); one side has almost a rounded shape, instead the other is flat; the surface is rough. D1 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-05_O706GM-R.j gm r535 (41363 34517 - 8197 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm i127 (lithic artifact) sits in f213 (floorsurface in general) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm q474 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52b-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm 7.47 J2 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm 30.50 J3 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm 19.80 J99 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm wt > 1 k BA1 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm lithic artifact BA2 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm 7 BA3 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm 30 BA4 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm 20 BA6 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm li BA8 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm pale brown BA9 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm lithic grand stone K3 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm lithic K5 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm dark gray O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7623 A14.127 O831 dia la f213.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7624 A14.127 O831 dia la f213.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7625 A14.127 O831 dia la f213.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p44 P99 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm to photography ; A14.128 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-05_O705GM.j !! figurine A35 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7828 A14.128 O831 dia fg f220.jpg B10 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm figurine B11 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm fragment of a clay figurine, an animal, with the entire trunk and the beginning of all four legs, of the tail and of the neck. D1 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm k15 D3 2004-07-05_O706GM-R.j gm r539 (40687 33744 - 8070 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm i128 (figurine) sits in f220 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm q512 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s57-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm 3.66 J2 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm 6.76 J3 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm 3.71 BA1 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm figurine BA2 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm 3 BA3 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm 6 BA4 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm 3 BA6 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm animal K3 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm light gray K6 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm 10YR7/2 O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7828 A14.128 O831 dia fg f220.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7829 A14.128 O831 dia fg f220.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7830 A14.128 O831 dia fg f220.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7831 A14.128 O831 dia fg f220.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7832 A14.128 O831 dia fg f220.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p44 P99 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm to RAH for further analysis ; A14.129 A20 !!_!! !! other A21 2004-07-05_O705GM.j !! sample A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p44 B10 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm sample B11 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm fragment of pottery, maybe Islamic; the internal surfaces show the stripes made by the wheel, with traces of green slip; the external surface is decorated with emerald green slip, and is vetrified; more than a half of it is lucid, instead the rest of the surface is opaque. D1 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm k5 D3 2004-07-05_O706GM-R.j gm r540 (41187 33737 - 8104 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm i129 (sample) sits in f167 (laminations) G17 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm q516 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm 1.11 J2 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm 8.69 J3 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm 7.84 J99 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm colour taken on the section BA1 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm sample BA2 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm 1 BA3 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm 9 BA4 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm 8 BA8 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm green BA9 2004-07-05_O705GM2.j gm green-glaze sherd K5 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm light reddish brown K6 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm 5YR6/4 K99 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm the sections reveals that the clay used is similar to that used to make the clay "eggs", but with more inclusions, i.e. lots of minute white stones. O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p44 P2 2004-07-05_O705GM.j gm ZSB 29-14 ; A14.130 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j !! figurine A35 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7968 A14.130 O931 dia fg f194.jpg B10 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm figurine B11 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm Fragment of an animal figurine, very well shaped and smoothed; it shows the entire body from the beginning of the neck to the hind legs and the tail; all four legs are broken. D1 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm k25 D3 2004-07-06_O706GM-R.j gm r546 (40581 33663 - 8052 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm i130 (figurine) sits in f194 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm q522 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s57-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm 2.41 J2 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm 4.95 J3 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm 2.71 BA1 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm figurine BA2 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm 2.8 BA3 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm 5.5 BA4 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm 3 BA6 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm animal K3 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm cl K5 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm white K6 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm 10YR8/2 O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7968 A14.130 O931 dia fg f194.jpg O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7969 A14.130 O931 dia fg f194.jpg O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7970 A14.130 O931 dia fg f194.jpg O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7971 A14.130 O931 dia fg f194.jpg O4 2005-08-20_A14_VWX.j vE L_W18c1803 A14.0130 P820 vE fg f194.jpg O4 2005-08-20_A14_VWX.j vE L_W18d1803 A14.0130 P820 vE fg @ZB809 aMA f194.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p44 P99 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm To RAH for further analysis ; A14.131 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j !! figurine A35 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2801 A14.131 O731 gg fg.jpg B10 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm figurine B11 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm Fragment of an animal figurine; it shows the head, with the head composed by two concavities (where the eyes are rendered with two little holes in the clay), divided by a long and sharp nose; the animal has a long neck, and the trunk widens in the back part of the body; all four legs are broken, no tail. D1 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm k25 D3 2004-07-06_O706GM-R.j gm r547 (40516 33704 - 8049 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm i131 (figurine) sits in f194 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm q529 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s57-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm 5.67 J2 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm 9.80 J3 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm 4.27 J8 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm 115 BA1 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm figurine BA2 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm 4.5 BA3 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm 10.5 BA4 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm 4.5 BA6 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm animal K3 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm cl K5 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm white K6 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm 10YR8/2 O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2801 A14.131 O731 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2802 A14.131 O731 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2803 A14.131 O731 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2804 A14.131 O731 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2805 A14.131 O731 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2806 A14.131 O731 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2807 A14.131 O731 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2808 A14.131 O731 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2809 A14.131 O731 gg fg.jpg O4 2004-08-10_A14_VWX.j cVP L_W17b2931 A14.0131 O810 cVP fg.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p44 P99 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm To RAH for further analysis ; A14.132 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j !! wheel A35 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7756 A14.132 O830 dia wh f229.jpg B10 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm wheel B11 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm Almost half of a clay wheel, type II; the perimetral edge preserves its original shape; surfaces are covered by concretions. D1 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm k15 D3 2004-07-06_O706GM-R.j gm r557 (40982 33737 - 8055 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm i132 (wheel) sits in f229 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm q535 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s58a-JPA I3 2004-07-10_O710MKB.j !! Phase 3 I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm 4.08 J4 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm 7.82 J8 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm 66 BA1 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm wheel BA2 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm 4 BA5 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm 8 BA6 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm cream BA9 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm 1/2 wheel K3 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm cl K5 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm pale yellow K6 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm 2.5YR8/2 O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7756 A14.132 O830 dia wh f229.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7757 A14.132 O830 dia wh f229.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7758 A14.132 O830 dia wh f229.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p44 P99 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm To photography ; A14.133 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j !! figurine A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2615 A14.133 O717 gg.jpg B10 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm figurine B11 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm Head and part of the neck of an animal figurine, probably a cow or a bull; it has a long "nose", the eyes have been shaped to the sides of the head; there are fragments of the ears, and between them there are two rounded clay applications, maybe the horns. D1 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm k15 D3 2004-07-06_O706GM-R.j gm r558 (40923 33823 - 8058 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm i133 (figurine) sits in f229 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm q535 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s58a-JPA I3 2004-07-10_O710MKB.j !! Phase 3 I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm 6.56 J2 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm 6.37 J3 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm 5.88 BA1 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm figurine BA2 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm 5 BA3 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm 8 BA4 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm 5 BA6 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-06_O707GM4.j gm cow head? K3 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm cl K5 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm pale yellow K6 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm 2.5YR8/2 O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2615 A14.133 O717 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2616 A14.133 O717 gg.jpg O4 2004-08-10_A14_VWX.j cVP L_W17b2934 A14.0133 O810 cVP fg.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p44 P99 2004-07-06_O707GM2.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.134 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j !! figurine A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p44 B10 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j gm figurine B11 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j gm Fragment of an animal figurine, that shows the back part of the trunk and the beginning of the hind legs; the object is ruined, lack of many fragments. D1 2004-07-07_O707GM4.j gm k23 D3 2004-07-07_O707GM-R.j gm r564 (40049 34533 - 8212 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-07_O707GM4.j gm i134 (figurine) sits in f221 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-07_O707GM4.j gm q551 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j gm 6.22 J2 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j gm 5.81 J3 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j gm 4.68 J8 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j gm 112 BA1 2004-07-07_O707GM4.j gm figurine BA2 2004-07-07_O707GM4.j gm 5.5 BA3 2004-07-07_O707GM4.j gm 5.5 BA4 2004-07-07_O707GM4.j gm 4.5 BA6 2004-07-07_O707GM4.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-07_O707GM4.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-07_O707GM4.j gm animal K3 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j gm cl K5 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j gm light gray K6 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j gm 10YR7/2 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p44 P99 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j gm To RAH for further analysis ; A14.135 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j !! figurine A35 2004-07-15_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2724 A14.135 O715 gg fg.jpg B10 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j gm figurine B11 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j gm Almost entire human figurine, masculine; the body has the shape of a bell, with the base concave; male genitalia have been put in evidence (maybe anthropomorphic fertility image?). the top part of the figurine shows the beginning of the arms, and a little and stylized head. surfaces aren't well shaped, still a little rough. D1 2004-07-07_O707GM4.j dc k221 D3 2004-07-07_O707GM-R.j gm r565 (39944 34308 - 8214 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-07_O707GM4.j dc i135 (figurine) sits in f135 (topsoil) G17 2004-07-07_O707GM4.j dc q551 J1 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j gm 3.91 J2 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j gm 2.69 J3 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j gm 2.37 J8 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j gm 16 BA1 2004-07-07_O707GM4.j dc figurine BA2 2004-07-07_O707GM4.j dc 4 BA3 2004-07-07_O707GM4.j dc 2.5 BA4 2004-07-07_O707GM4.j dc 2.3 BA6 2004-07-07_O707GM4.j dc cl BA8 2004-07-07_O707GM4.j dc tan BA9 2004-07-07_O707GM4.j dc human figurine K3 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j gm cl K5 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j gm light gray K6 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j gm 10YR7/2 O2 2004-07-15_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2724 A14.135 O715 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-15_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2725 A14.135 O715 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-15_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2726 A14.135 O715 gg fg.jpg O4 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j vve L_W17c2507 A14.0135 O724 vve fg.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p44 P99 2004-07-07_O707GM2.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.136 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-08_O710GM.j !! wheel A35 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7753 A14.136 O830 dia wh f237.jpg B10 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm wheel B11 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm Clay wheel, type II; it's broken, and the perimetral edge doesn't preserve its original rounded shape. D1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm k24 D3 2004-07-08_O710GM5R.j gm r572 (40352 34148 - 8085 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm i136 (wheel) sits in f237 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm q560 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s55-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 4.27 J4 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 6.82 J8 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 73 BA1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm wheel BA2 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm 4.3 BA5 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm 6.5 BA6 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm clay wheel K3 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm pale yellow K6 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 2.5Y8/2 O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7753 A14.136 O830 dia wh f237.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7754 A14.136 O830 dia wh f237.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7755 A14.136 O830 dia wh f237.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p45 P99 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm To photography ; A14.137 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-08_O710GM.j !! jar A35 2004-09-08_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2450 A14.0137 O908 kf cv f238.jpg B10 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm jar B11 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm Fragments of a medium jar. B11 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jar D1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm k14 D3 2004-07-08_O710GM5R.j gm r574 (40820 34305 - 8191 / Relay location: center of object) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f238 F51 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm i137 (jar) sits in f238 (accumulation A) G17 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm q563 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s54-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 11 BA1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm jar BA8 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm jar K3 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm Chaff Tempered K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jns-5 K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL jar K5 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm pale yellow K6 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 5Y8/3 K6 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 5Y8/2 K99 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm to MKB K99 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm Typology sorted by MKB ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL necked ZcaS2 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL straight ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 5 N99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh restored from fragments O4 2004-09-08_A14_VWX.j iI L_W17b2474 A14.0137 O908 iI cv f238.jpg O4 2004-09-08_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2450 A14.0137 O908 kf cv f238.jpg O13 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j jw v135a O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p45 P99 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm To conservation ; A14.138 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-08_O710GM.j !! jar A35 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j !! v135a A98 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw Assigned to a new, separate q-lot, A14q845, for analysis as regular pottery. B10 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm jar B11 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw Sherds from a vessel excavated in MZ17 that, when analyzed by mkb, proved non-restorable. D1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm k14 D3 2004-07-08_O710GM5R.j gm r575 (40822 34266 - 8193 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm i138 (jar) sits in f238 (accumulation A) G17 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm q563 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s54-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA BA1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm jar BA8 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm jar K99 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm to MKB O13 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j jw v135a O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p45 P99 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw Now in A14q845. ; A14.139 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-08_O710GM.j !! jar A35 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j !! v135a A98 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw Assigned a new, separate q-lot, A14q844, for analysis as regular pottery. B10 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm jar B11 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw Sherds from a vessel excavated in MZ17 that, when analyzed by mkb, proved non-restorable. D1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm k14 D3 2004-07-08_O710GM5R.j gm r576 (40853 34253 - 8189 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm i139 (jar) sits in f238 (accumulation A) G17 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm q563 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s54-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA BA1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm jar BA8 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm jar K99 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm to MKB O13 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j jw v135a O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p45 P99 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw Now in A14q844. ; A14.140 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-08_O710GM.j !! figurine A35 2004-07-15_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2728 A14.140 O715 gg fg.jpg B10 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm figurine B11 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm Fragment of an animal figurine, masculine; it shows almost the entire body: the neck, with the ending part of a kind of mane, decorated with vertical engraved lines (it's position suggests that the head was turned to the left); the four legs, broken, with well shaped and described muscular partitions and anatomy, as well as the genitalia. The hind legs are wider and bigger than the front ones. Fingerprints on surface; the object is very well preserved. D1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo k24 D3 2004-07-08_O710GM5R.j gm r578 (40391 33938 - 8057 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo i140 (figurine) sits in f237 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo q567 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s55-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 6.06 J2 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 8.73 J3 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 3.69 J8 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 77 BA1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo figurine BA2 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo 6 BA3 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo 8.5 BA4 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo 3.5 BA6 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo cl BA8 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo tan BA9 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo animal figurine K3 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm pale yellow K6 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 5Y8/2 O2 2004-07-15_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2728 A14.140 O715 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-16_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2729 A14.140 O716 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-16_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2730 A14.140 O716 gg fg.jpg O4 2004-07-27_A14_VWX.j vve L_W17c2505 A14.0140 O727 vve fg f237.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p45 P99 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm To drafting, photography and conservation ; A14.141 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-08_O710GM.j !! figurine A35 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7840 A14.141 O831 dia fg f237.jpg B10 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm figurine B11 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm Fragment of animal figurine, from the neck, long and thin, showing the ending part of a mane, to the hind legs, broken like the front ones, and larger than them; there's a hole in the back, maybe to insert something made of a different material, like a tail or a decoration. D1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo k24 D3 2004-07-08_O710GM5R.j gm r579 (40387 33879 - 8057 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo i141 (figurine) sits in f237 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo q567 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s55-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 4.35 J2 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 5.80 J3 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 2.88 J8 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 29 BA1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo figurine BA2 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo 4.1 BA3 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo 5.5 BA4 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo 3.2 BA6 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo cl BA8 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo tan BA9 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo animal figurine K3 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm light gray K6 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 10YR7/2 O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7840 A14.141 O831 dia fg f237.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7841 A14.141 O831 dia fg f237.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7842 A14.141 O831 dia fg f237.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7843 A14.141 O831 dia fg f237.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7844 A14.141 O831 dia fg f237.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7845 A14.141 O831 dia fg f237.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7846 A14.141 O831 dia fg f237.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p45 P99 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm To RAH for further analysis ; A14.142 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-08_O710GM.j !! seal impression A35 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2651 A14.142 O721 gg si.jpg B10 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm seal impression B11 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm Clay lump with a seal impression on surface. B11 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb long, narrow peg, trace of one leather strap and two knots D1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo k14 D3 2004-07-08_O710GM5R.j gm r580 (40783 34251 - 8168 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo i142 (seal impression) sits in f216 (layer) G17 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo q566 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 1.40 J2 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 3.40 J2 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 3.4 J3 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 2.26 J3 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 2.3 J7 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 1.3 J99 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb height measured along the axis of the peg BA1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo seal impression BA2 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo 1 BA3 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo 3 BA4 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo 2 BA6 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo cl BA8 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo gray BA9 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo seal impression K3 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm gray K5 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb reddish gray K6 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 2.5Y5/1 K6 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 2.5YR6/1 K13 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb two rollings. top rolling: figure facing right with staff in hand, two wavylines that may be long horns of a reversed animal, figure with raised arms? Lower rolling: traces of two unclear figures K99 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb no clear inclusions but clay secondarily fires O2 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2651 A14.142 O721 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2652 A14.142 O721 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2653 A14.142 O721 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2668 A14.142 O724 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2669 A14.142 O724 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2670 A14.142 O724 gg si.jpg O4 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17b2943 A14.0142 x x ma.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p33 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p45 P99 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.143 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-08_O710GM.j !! figurine A35 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7613 A14.143 O831 dia fg f233.jpg B10 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm figurine B11 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm Fragment of an animal figurine; the head is ruined, but turned to the left; the entire body remains, except for the legs and the tail, broken. D1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo k14 D3 2004-07-08_O710GM5R.j gm r581 (40810 34205 - 8163 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo i143 (figurine) sits in f216 (layer) G17 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo q566 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 5.12 J2 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 6.21 J3 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 2.80 J8 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 47 BA1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo figurine BA2 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo 5 BA3 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo 6.5 BA4 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo 3 BA6 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo cl BA8 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo tan BA9 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo figurine K3 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm light gray K6 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 10YR7/2 O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7613 A14.143 O831 dia fg f233.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7614 A14.143 O831 dia fg f233.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7615 A14.143 O831 dia fg f233.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7616 A14.143 O831 dia fg f233.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7851 A14.143 O831 dia fg f216.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7852 A14.143 O831 dia fg f216.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7853 A14.143 O831 dia fg f216.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7854 A14.143 O831 dia fg f216.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p45 P99 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm To RAH for further analysis ; A14.144 A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact A21 2004-07-08_O710GM.j !! metal artifact A35 2004-07-14_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2715 A14.144 O714 gg ma.jpg B10 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm metal artifact B11 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm Long metal needle, bended and partially covered by concretions; traces of oxydization. D1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo k14 D3 2004-07-08_O710GM5R.j gm r582 (40897 34262 - 8181 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo i144 (metal artifact) sits in f216 (layer) G17 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo q566 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J2 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 10.35 J3 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 0.26 BA1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo metal artifact BA3 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo 10.5 BA5 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo 0.5 BA6 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo ma BA8 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo green BA9 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j jo wive (silver?) K3 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm metal K5 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm brown-green O2 2004-07-14_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2715 A14.144 O714 gg ma.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p45 P99 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm To conservation ; A14.145 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-08_O710GM.j !! clay artifact A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2609 A14.145 O717 gg.jpg B10 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm clay artifact B11 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm Clay weight, maybe used for weaving; it has the shape of a spinning top, with a hole in the middle that goes throughout the object. D1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm k14 D3 2004-07-08_O710GM5R.j gm r589 (40864 34228 - 8162 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm i145 (clay artifact) sits in f241 (floor, type b) G17 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm q570 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s54-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 2.37 J4 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 2.89 J8 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 17 BA1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm clay artifact BA2 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm 2.5 BA5 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm 3 BA6 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm weight? K3 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm light brownish gray K6 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 10YR6/2 O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2609 A14.145 O717 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2610 A14.145 O717 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2611 A14.145 O717 gg.jpg O4 2004-07-20_A14_VWX.j vve L_W17c2502 A14.0145 O720 vve la f241.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p45 P99 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.146 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2004-07-08_O710GM.j !! lithic artifact A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2812 A14.146 O731 gg.jpg B10 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm lithic artifact B11 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm Stone tool, smoothed and polished, with rounded edges and corners, except for one, that has been sharpened, maybe to obtain an eraser. D1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm k14 D3 2004-07-08_O710GM5R.j gm r590 (40832 34212 - 8159 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm i146 (lithic artifact) sits in f241 (floor, type b) G17 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm q570 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s54-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 5.20 J2 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 1.80 J3 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm 1.35 BA1 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm lithic artifact BA2 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm 3.2 BA3 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm 2 BA4 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm 1.5 BA6 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm li BA8 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm dark gray BA9 2004-07-08_O710GM2.j gm stone tool K3 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm lithic K5 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm black O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2812 A14.146 O731 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2813 A14.146 O731 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2814 A14.146 O731 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2815 A14.146 O731 gg.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p45 P99 2004-07-08_O710GM.j gm To photography ; A14.147 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-11_O711GM.j !! clay artifact A35 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7617 A14.147 O831 dia ca f221.jpg B10 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm clay artifact B11 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm Block of clay, broken, with painted stripes (black and red) on each side; on one of them there's also a concavity that seems to trace the perimeter of a square, or maybe a rectangle, with another circular concavity in the middle of it. Maybe it was a cart. D1 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm k23 D3 2004-07-11_O719GM-R.j gm r601 (40029 34349 - 8168 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm i147 (clay artifact) sits in f221 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm q582 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 5.46 J2 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 5.65 J3 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 4.52 J8 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 129 BA1 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm lithic artifact BA2 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm 5 BA3 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm 6 BA4 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm 5.5 BA6 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm li BA8 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm andiron? K3 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm light gray K6 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 10YR7/2 O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7617 A14.147 O831 dia ca f221.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7618 A14.147 O831 dia ca f221.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7619 A14.147 O831 dia ca f221.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7620 A14.147 O831 dia ca f221.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7621 A14.147 O831 dia ca f221.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7622 A14.147 O831 dia ca f221.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P99 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.148 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-11_O711GM.j !! seal impression A35 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2642 A14.148 O721 gg si.jpg B10 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm seal impression B11 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm Clay lump with seal impression. B11 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb trace of cord impression, part of irregularly flat base D1 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm k14 D3 2004-07-11_O719GM-R.j gm r602 (40742 34076 - 8150 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm i148 (seal impression) sits in f244 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm q579 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 1.26 J2 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 1.97 J2 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 2.0 J3 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 1.62 J3 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 1.7 J7 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 1.2 J99 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb measured in direction of rolling BA1 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm seal impression BA2 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm 2 BA3 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm 1.8 BA4 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm 1.5 BA6 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm gray BA9 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm seal impression K3 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm dark bluish gray K5 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb dark reddish gray K6 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 2 FOR GLEY 4/5PB K6 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 10R3/1 K13 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb standing lion? second rolling? K15 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb ED style K99 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb red crumbly secondarily fires O2 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2642 A14.148 O721 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2643 A14.148 O721 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2672 A14.148 O724 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2673 A14.148 O724 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2674 A14.148 O724 gg si.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p33 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P99 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm To MKB ; A14.149 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-11_O711GM.j !! figurine A35 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7607 A14.149 O831 dia fg f221.jpg B10 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm figurine B11 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm Fragment of animal figurine, that shows the back part of the trunk, and the bottom, with the beginning of the tail and the hind legs (put as if the animal was stretching out), that have a hole which goes throughout them, to insert wheels. D1 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm k23 D3 2004-07-11_O719GM-R.j gm r604 (40128 34584 - 8157 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm i149 (figurine) sits in f221 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm q582 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 4.00 J2 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 7.16 J3 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 7.03 J8 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 143 BA1 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm figurine BA2 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm 4 BA3 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm 7 BA4 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm 7 BA6 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm animal with holes K3 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm reddish yellow K6 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 5YR7/6 O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7607 A14.149 O831 dia fg f221.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7608 A14.149 O831 dia fg f221.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7609 A14.149 O831 dia fg f221.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7610 A14.149 O831 dia fg f221.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P99 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm To RAH ; A14.150 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-11_O711GM.j !! seal impression A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p46 B10 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm seal impression B11 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm Clay lump with seal impression. D1 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm k14 D3 2004-07-11_O719GM-R.j gm r606 (40798 34052 - 8137 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm i150 (seal impression) sits in f244 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm q586 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 0.95 J2 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 1.94 J3 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 1.34 BA1 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm seal impression BA2 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm 1 BA3 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm 2 BA4 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm 1.5 BA6 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm gray BA9 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm seal impression K3 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm dark bluish gray K6 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 2 FOR GLEY 4/5PB K99 2004-07-11_O713GM.j gm Not seal impression, clay lump (typology sorted by MKB) O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P2 2004-07-11_O713GM.j gm ZSB 8-23 P99 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm To MKB ; A14.151 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-11_O711GM.j !! seal impression A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p46 B10 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm seal impression B11 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm Clay lump with seal impression. D1 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm k14 D3 2004-07-11_O719GM-R.j gm r608 (40711 34140 - 8135 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm i151 (seal impression) sits in f244 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm q592 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 1.46 J2 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 2.43 J3 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 2.06 BA1 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm seal impression BA2 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm 2 BA3 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm 2.5 BA4 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm 1.5 BA6 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm gray BA9 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm seal impression K3 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm light brownish gray K6 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 10YR6/2 K99 2004-07-11_O713GM.j gm Not seal impression, clay lump (typology sorted by MKB) O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P2 2004-07-11_O713GM.j gm ZSB 8-23 P99 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm To MKB ; A14.152 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-11_O711GM.j !! seal impression A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p46 B10 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm seal impression B11 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm Clay lump with seal impression. D1 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm k14 D3 2004-07-11_O719GM-R.j gm r609 (40774 34196 - 8140 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm i152 (seal impression) sits in f244 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm q592 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 1.07 J2 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 2.18 J3 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 1.20 BA1 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm seal impression BA2 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm 1 BA3 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm 2.2 BA4 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm 1 BA6 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm gray BA9 2004-07-11_O717GM.j gm seal impression K3 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm dark bluish gray K6 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm 2 FOR GLEY 4/5PB K99 2004-07-11_O713GM.j gm Not seal impression, clay artifact (typology sorted by MKB) O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P2 2004-07-11_O713GM.j gm ZSB 7-32 P99 2004-07-11_O711GM.j gm To MKB ; A14.153 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-12_O712GM.j !! seal impression A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p33 B10 2004-07-12_O712GM.j gm seal impression B11 2004-07-12_O712GM.j gm Clay lump with seal impression. B11 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb all surfaces except sealed surface broken D1 2004-07-12_O717GM.j gm k14 D3 2004-07-12_O719GM-R.j gm r615 (40813 34081 - 8119 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-12_O717GM.j gm i153 (seal impression) sits in f244 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-12_O717GM.j gm q599 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-12_O712GM.j gm 1.70 J2 2004-07-12_O712GM.j gm 1.19 J2 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 1.8 J3 2004-07-12_O712GM.j gm 1.04 J3 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 1.0 J7 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 1.1 J99 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb measured along axis of rolling BA1 2004-07-12_O717GM.j gm seal impression BA2 2004-07-12_O717GM.j gm 1.7 BA3 2004-07-12_O717GM.j gm 1.2 BA4 2004-07-12_O717GM.j gm 1 BA6 2004-07-12_O717GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-12_O717GM.j gm gray BA9 2004-07-12_O717GM.j gm seal impression K3 2004-07-12_O712GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-12_O712GM.j gm dark bluish gray K5 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb very dark gray K6 2004-07-12_O712GM.j gm 2 FOR GLEY 4/5PB K6 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb Gley13/N K13 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb small part of unclear figure, lower half of figure in ankle length garment facing right K15 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb ankles and feet shown as triangles K99 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb chaff inclusions O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p33 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P99 2004-07-12_O712GM.j gm To MKB ; A14.154 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-13_O713GM.j !! seal impression A35 2004-07-14_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2717 A14.154 O714 gg si.jpg B10 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm seal impression B11 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm Clay lump with seal impression. B11 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb rounded edge of flat bottom with two long narrow impressions as if thin pegs but these depressions are not patterned differently than the rough texture of the rest of the flat base. One cord impression and a hint of a peg impression D1 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm k14 D3 2004-07-13_O719GM-R.j gm r627 (40894 34072 - 8105 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm i154 (seal impression) sits in f244 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm q612 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm 4.41 J2 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm 3.92 J2 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb 4.2 J3 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm 1.52 J3 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb 3.4 J7 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb 1.4 J99 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb measured along the axis of the design BA1 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm clay lump BA2 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm 2 BA3 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm 4.5 BA4 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm 4.5 BA6 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm brown BA9 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm clay lump K3 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm light gray K5 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb light reddish brown K6 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm 10YR7/2 K6 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb 2.5YR 7/3 K13 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb one rolling with a border between the rolling and the bottom of the object. Legs facing right, one cuneiform sign, lower legs and feet of a lion facing left, bull legs facing right, lower 2/3 inscription, upper 1/3 upper legs of a rampant bull facing right held by a nude hero facing left, lower part of a lion facing right K15 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb the nude hero has a clear fully modeled body with his lower stomachmodeled separately from his thigh, his leg muscles extend from the back of his legs, his knees are clearly depicted K99 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb compact brown clay, secondarily fired on the reverse O2 2004-07-14_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2717 A14.154 O714 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-14_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2718 A14.154 O714 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-15_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2601 A14.154 O715 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-15_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2602 A14.154 O715 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-15_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2603 A14.154 O715 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-15_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2604 A14.154 O715 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-15_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2605 A14.154 O715 gg si.jpg O4 2004-09-11_A14_VWX.j flp L_W17c2521 A14.0154 O911 flp si f244.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p33 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P99 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm To MKB ; A14.155 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-13_O713GM.j !! figurine A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p46 B10 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm figurine B11 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm Fragment of an animal figurine, that shows less than a half of the trunk, the back part of the body and the hind legs. The surface is partially burned. D1 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm k5 D3 2004-07-13_O719GM-R.j gm r628 (41120 33788 - 8135 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm i155 (figurine) sits in f236 (floor, type d) G17 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm q610 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s54-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm 2.72 J2 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm 2.87 J3 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm 2.65 BA1 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm figurine BA2 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm 2.8 BA3 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm 3 BA4 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm 2.7 BA6 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm animal K3 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm pale yellow K6 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm 5Y8/2 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P2 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm ZSB 2.13-6 ; A14.156 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-13_O713GM.j !! clay artifact A35 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7735 A14.156 O830 dia ca f182.jpg B10 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm clay artifact B11 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm Clay tool with cylindric and lengthened shape; one of the bases, both broken, shows an elliptical concavity. The other instead is convex, with six holes in it, five as the corners of a pentagon, and the fourth in the middle. D1 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm k25 D3 2004-07-13_O719GM-R.j gm r630 (40634 33784 - 8135 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm i156 (clay artifact) sits in f182 (topsoil) G17 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm q616 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm 8.70 J4 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm 2.47 J8 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm 61 BA1 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm clay artifact BA2 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm 8.5 BA5 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm 3 BA6 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm clay tool K3 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm very pale brown K6 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm 10YR8/2 O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7735 A14.156 O830 dia ca f182.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7736 A14.156 O830 dia ca f182.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7737 A14.156 O830 dia ca f182.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P99 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.157 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-13_O713GM.j !! bowl A35 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7642 A14.157 O831 dia la f250.jpg B10 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm bowl B11 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm Unusually shaped bowl B11 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm Bowl with interior rounded rim. D1 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm k23 D3 2004-07-13_O719GM-R.j jw r631 (39922 34369 - 8122 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm i157 (bowl) sits in f250 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm q625 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s10-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h6-JPA J99 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm Colours taken first on the outside and then on the inside walls. BA1 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm bowl BA2 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm 9 BA5 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm 22 BA6 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm cl BA9 2004-07-13_O717GM.j gm unusually shaped restorable bowl K3 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL bowl K5 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm pale yellow K5 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm reddish yellow K6 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 2.5Y8/3 K6 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 5YR7/6 K99 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm Typology sorted by MKB. ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL round sided ZcaS4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL rim: in-turned O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7642 A14.157 O831 dia la f250.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7643 A14.157 O831 dia la f250.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7644 A14.157 O831 dia la f250.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7645 A14.157 O831 dia la f250.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P99 2004-07-13_O713GM.j gm To conservation ; A14.158 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-14_O716GM.j !! figurine A35 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7601 A14.158 O831 dia fg f251.jpg B10 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm figurine B11 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm Fragment of an animal figurine, maybe a dog or a ram; it's the front part of the body, with the head (ears or horns?), the neck and the front legs; in both neck and legs there are two holes, one for each, that go throughout the object. Part of the trunk also remains. The hole in the legs was probably for the wheels. Bad conservation, surface covered by concretions. D1 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm k23 D3 2004-07-14_O719GM-R.j gm r640 (39913 34452 - 8116 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm i158 (figurine) sits in f251 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm q633 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s55-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 7.42 J2 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 6.13 J3 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 5.56 J8 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 132 BA1 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm figurine BA2 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm 5.5 BA3 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm 8.8 BA4 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm 6 BA6 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm animal K3 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm white K6 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 5Y8/1 O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7601 A14.158 O831 dia fg f251.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7602 A14.158 O831 dia fg f251.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7603 A14.158 O831 dia fg f251.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7604 A14.158 O831 dia fg f251.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7605 A14.158 O831 dia fg f251.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7606 A14.158 O831 dia fg f251.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P99 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.159 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-14_O716GM.j !! clay artifact A35 2004-08-10_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17b2927 A14.0159 O810 cVP fg.jpg B10 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm clay artifact B11 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm Decorative fragment of some kind of vessel. It shows a pair of horns rolled up around two clay applied pellets; below the two horns there are two round holes, in the middle of a sphere that juts out from the hind surface of the object. The holes go throughout the fragment, and on the back of it they face a concavity that crosses all the length of the object; this groove has broken edges, and on the opposite side of one of them there's another concave surface, maybe the external part of the object, with the lower edge broken too. Part of the surface is covered by white plaster. D1 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm k23 D3 2004-07-14_O719GM-R.j gm r642 (40130 34621 - 8115 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm i159 (clay artifact) sits in f250 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm q632 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s10-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h6-JPA J1 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 5.54 J2 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 10.25 J3 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 6.17 J8 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 138 BA1 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm clay artifact BA2 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm 4 BA3 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm 10.5 BA4 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm 6.5 BA6 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm clay artifact K3 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm reddish yellow K6 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 5YR7/6 O4 2004-08-10_A14_VWX.j cVP L_W17b2927 A14.0159 O810 cVP fg.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P99 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.160 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2004-07-14_O716GM.j !! lithic artifact A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p46 B10 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm lithic artifact B11 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm Lithic tool with almost globular shape; in the middle there's a hole that doesn't go throughout the object. D1 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm k14 D3 2004-07-14_O719GM-R.j jw r643 (40984 34456 - 8167 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm i160 (lithic artifact) sits in f254 (accumulation A) G17 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm q645 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s56-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 2.82 J2 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 2.87 J3 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 2.25 J8 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 26 BA1 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm lithic artifact BA2 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm 2.5 BA5 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm 2.5 BA6 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm li BA8 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm black BA9 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm pierced stone cylinder K3 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm lithic K5 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm dark gray O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P2 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm ZSB 20-13 ; A14.161 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-14_O716GM.j !! clay lump A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p46 B10 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm clay lump B11 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm Clay lump with fingerprints on surface. D1 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm k14 D3 2004-07-14_O719GM-R.j jw r644 (41085 34271 - 8163 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm i161 (clay lump) sits in f254 (accumulation A) G17 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm q645 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s56-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 2.58 J2 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 2.77 J3 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 2.17 BA1 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm clay lump BA2 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm 2 BA3 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm 3 BA4 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm 2.5 BA6 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm gray BA9 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm possible si K3 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm dark bluish gray K6 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 2 FOR GLEY 4/5PB O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P2 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm ZSB 8-23 ; A14.162 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-14_O716GM.j !! clay lump A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p46 B10 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm clay lump B11 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm Clay lump with one side flat and rounded edges. D1 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm k14 D3 2004-07-14_O719GM-R.j jw r645 (40808 34407 - 8080 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm i162 (clay lump) sits in f254 (accumulation A) G17 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm q645 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s56-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 4.10 J2 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 2.97 J3 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 2.18 BA1 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm clay lump BA2 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm 2 BA3 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm 4 BA4 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm 2.5 BA6 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm gray BA9 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm possible si K3 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm dark bluish gray K6 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 2 FOR GLEY 4/5PB O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P2 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm ZSB 8-23 ; A14.163 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-14_O716GM.j !! seal impression A35 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2680 A14.163 O724 gg si.jpg B10 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm seal impression B11 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm Clay lump with seal impression B11 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb thick tag with a roughly patterned but flat reverse with the part near the middle thicker than the tapered ends, one small knob-like projection on the reverse D1 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm k14 D3 2004-07-14_O719GM-R.j jw r646 (41098 34194 - 8169 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm i163 (seal impression) sits in f254 (accumulation A) G17 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm q645 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s56-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 4.23 J2 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 3.86 J2 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb 4.2 J3 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 1.64 J3 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb 3.7 J7 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb 1.3 J99 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb height measured with scene upright BA1 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm seal impression BA2 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm 1.5 BA3 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm 4.5 BA4 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm 4 BA6 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm gray BA9 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm seal impression K3 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm dark bluish gray K5 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb dark reddish gray K6 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 2 FOR GLEY 4/5PB K6 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb 2.5YR 4/1 K13 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb unusual for a tag in that there are two rollings one at a slight diagonal to the other. The upper rolling does have a border above it as is typical for tags. Upper rolling: unclear animal above a head and torso of a horizontally placed human figure. Large bird with body and outstretched wings shown frontally, head in profile facing facing right above the legs of the horizontally placed human. Human in long skirt with frontally shown body with arms outstretched to each side, head is shown in profile facing left. Lower rolling: large birs above the legs of the horizontal human K15 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb same style as the circus K99 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb red crumbly appearing in section but compact clay, perhaps because secondarily fired O2 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2680 A14.163 O724 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2681 A14.163 O724 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2682 A14.163 O724 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2683 A14.163 O724 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2684 A14.163 O724 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2685 A14.163 O724 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2686 A14.163 O724 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-26_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2727 A14.163 O726 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-26_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2739 A14.163 O726 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-26_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2740 A14.163 O726 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-26_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2741 A14.163 O726 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-26_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2742 A14.163 O726 gg si.jpg O4 2004-09-06_A14_VWX.j flp L_W17c2519 A14.0163 O906 flp si f254.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p33 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P99 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm To MKB ; A14.164 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-14_O716GM.j !! clay lump A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p46 B10 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm clay lump B11 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm Clay lump with one side convex and a concavity on the opposite side. D1 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm k5 D3 2004-07-14_O719GM-R.j jw r647 (41345 33948 - 8118 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm i164 (clay lump) sits in f256 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm q649 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s56-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 2.98 J2 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 5.52 J3 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 4.57 J8 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 53 BA1 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm docket BA6 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-14_O717GM.j gm docket K3 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm pale brown K6 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm 10YR6/3 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P2 2004-07-14_O716GM.j gm ZSB 8-23 ; A14.165 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2004-07-15_O716GM.j !! bead A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2629 A14.165 O721 gg.jpg B10 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm bead B11 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm Lithic bead with romboidal shape; the edges that show the holes are thicker than the two lateral corners. Lack of two fragments on one of the two sides. D1 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm k23 D3 2004-07-15_O719GM-R.j jw r651 (39898 34466 - 8102 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm i165 (bead) sits in f257 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm q658 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s56-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm 0.60 J2 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm 2.15 J3 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm 1.62 BA1 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm bead BA2 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm 0.5 BA3 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm 2 BA4 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm 1.5 BA6 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm li BA8 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm gray BA9 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm bi-conical, flattened bead K3 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm lithic K5 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm gray O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2629 A14.165 O721 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2630 A14.165 O721 gg.jpg O4 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j vVE L_W17b2902 A14.0165 O721 vVE la f257.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P99 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.166 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2004-07-15_O716GM.j !! bead A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2627 A14.166 O721 gg.jpg B10 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm bead B11 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm Quartz bead, that shows a little transparency, with the shape of a drop. Hole in the upper part of the object, near the edge. D1 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm k23 D3 2004-07-15_O719GM-R.j gm r657 (39870 34471 - 8102 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm i166 (bead) sits in f257 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm q661 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s56-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm 2.39 J4 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm 1.60 J8 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm 8 BA1 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm bead BA2 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm 2.5 BA3 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm 1.5 BA4 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm 1.5 BA6 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm li BA8 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm transparent BA9 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm quartz (?) bead K3 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm lithic K5 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm transparent O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2627 A14.166 O721 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2628 A14.166 O721 gg.jpg O4 2004-07-22_A14_VWX.j vVE L_W17b2904 A14.0166 O722 vVE x f257.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P99 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.167 A20 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-15_O716GM.j !! cup A35 2004-09-08_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2444 A14.0167 O908 kf cv f255.jpg B10 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm cup B11 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm Conical cup with signs of the wheel on the inside surface. B11 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm Conical cup with string cut base. D1 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm k23 D3 2004-07-15_O719GM-R.j gm r658 (40041 34615 - 8097 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm i167 (cup) sits in f255 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm q653 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 8.63 J3 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm 10.5 J3 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 11 J4 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm 8.00 J5 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm 5.50 J5 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 5.67 J99 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm Colours taken first on the outside and then on the inside walls. BA1 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm cup BA4 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm 10.5 BA5 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm 5.5 BA8 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-15_O717GM.j gm conical cup K3 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL cup K5 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm pink K5 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm reddish yellow K6 2004-07-15_O716GM.j gm 7.5YR7/4 K6 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 5YR7/6 K99 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm Typology sorted by MKB. ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL conical (cup) ZcaS2 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL rough ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 1 O4 2004-08-07_A14_VWX.j cVP L_W17b2444 A14.0167 O807 cVP cv f255.jpg O4 2004-09-08_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2444 A14.0167 O908 kf cv f255.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p46 P99 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm To drafting ; A14.168 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j !! figurine A35 2004-07-26_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2732 A14.168 O726 gg fg.jpg B10 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm figurine B11 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm Fragment of animal figurine, that shows more than half of the head, with horns (fingerprints in the middle), the beginning of the front and hind legs, the trunk, and the back part of the body with the tail. Half of the surface is covered by a thick concretion. D1 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm k25 D3 2004-07-18_O829JW2R.j gm r687 (40453 33831 - 8063 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm i168 (figurine) sits in f200 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm q674 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm 4.98 J2 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm 6.77 J3 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm 2.65 J8 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm 54 BA1 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm figurine BA2 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm 4.5 BA3 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm 7 BA4 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm 2.8 BA6 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm animal K3 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm cl K5 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm pale yellow K6 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm 5Y8/2 O2 2004-07-26_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2732 A14.168 O726 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-26_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2733 A14.168 O726 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-26_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2734 A14.168 O726 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-26_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2735 A14.168 O726 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-26_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2736 A14.168 O726 gg fg.jpg O4 2004-07-26_A14_VWX.j vve L_W17c2508 A14.0168 O726 vve fg f200.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p51 P99 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.169 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j !! figurine A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p51 B10 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm figurine B11 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm Fragment of animal figurine, with the beginning of the neck and of the four legs, the entire trunk and the back part of the body, broken. D1 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm k25 D3 2004-07-18_O829JW2R.j gm r688 (40476 33801 - 8050 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm i169 (figurine) sits in f269 (accumulation A) G17 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm q680 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s58a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm 4.76 J2 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm 9.45 J3 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm 3.33 J8 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm 130 BA1 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm figurine BA2 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm 5 BA3 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm 9.5 BA4 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm 3.5 BA6 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm animal K3 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm cl K5 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm very pale brown K6 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm 10YR8/3 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p51 P2 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm ZSB 2.13-6 ; A14.170 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j !! bead A35 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7786 A14.170 O830 dia bd f269.jpg B10 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm bead B11 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm Lithic bead with lengthened, cylindric shape; the hole, made in one of the two bases, is very deep, but doesn't go throughout the object. Surface still a bit rough. D1 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm k25 D3 2004-07-18_O829JW2R.j gm r698 (40462 33802 - 8052 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm i170 (bead) sits in f269 (accumulation A) G17 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm q680 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s58a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm 3.90 J4 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm 1.17 BA1 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm bead BA2 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm 4 BA5 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm 1.2 BA6 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm li BA8 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm bead K3 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm lithic K5 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm light brown O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7786 A14.170 O830 dia bd f269.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7787 A14.170 O830 dia bd f269.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7788 A14.170 O830 dia bd f269.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p51 P99 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.171 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j !! ceramic vessel A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p51 B10 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm ceramic vessel B11 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm Little bowl of a long-stemmed cup, with thin edges and holes in the inner surface; the outer surface shows a second layer of clay, covered by fingerprints. The object is broken at the beginning of the stem. D1 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm k13 D3 2004-07-18_O829JW2R.j gm r699 (40519 34597 - 8194 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm i171 (ceramic vessel) sits in f267 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm q678 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm 2.78 J3 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm 5.75 J4 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm 2.67 BA1 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm ceramic vessel BA2 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm 3 BA4 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm 5.5 BA5 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm 2.7 BA6 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm bowl of a long-stemmed cup K3 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm cl K5 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm very pale brown K6 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm 10YR7/4 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p51 P99 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm To photography ; A14.172 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j !! lithic artifact A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p51 B10 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm lithic artifact B11 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm Very big grind stone (basalt), with the upper side slightly convex and smoothed. D1 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-18_O829JW2R.j gm r700 (41329 34340 - 8226 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm i172 (lithic artifact) sits in f223 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm q692 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm 20 J2 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm 59 J3 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm 40 J99 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm wt > 1 k BA1 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm lithic artifact BA2 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm 10 BA3 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm 61 BA4 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm 40 BA6 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm li BA9 2004-07-18_O908JW2.j gm long,curved anvil grinding stone K3 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm lithic K5 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm black O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p51 P99 2004-07-18_O719GM2.j gm To photograph ; A14.173 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2004-07-19_O721GM.j !! lithic artifact A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p52 B10 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm lithic artifact B11 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm Stone tool with almost rectangular shape, with rounded sides and edges. Surface is smoothed. D1 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw k4 D3 2004-07-19_O829JW4R.j jw r708 (41340 34435 - 8197 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw i173 (lithic artifact) sits in f223 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw q697 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 5.11 J2 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 7.76 J3 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 6.60 J8 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 458 BA1 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw lithic artifact BA2 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw 5 BA3 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw 7 BA4 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw 7 BA6 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw li BA8 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw gray BA9 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw stone tool K3 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm lithic K5 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm dark gray O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p52 P2 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm ZSB 20-15 ; A14.174 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-19_O721GM.j !! clay lump A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p52 B10 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm clay lump B11 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm Clay lump with a rounded, thin edge; the object is thicker on one side than on the other. On the thicker side there's a semi circular concavity. Imprints of vegetal fibres. D1 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw k4 D3 2004-07-19_O829JW4R.j jw r709 (41386 34302 - 8195 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw i174 (clay lump) sits in f223 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw q697 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 1.36 J2 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 3.98 J3 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 2.44 BA1 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw clay artifact BA2 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw 4 BA3 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw 2 BA4 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw 1.2 BA6 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw cl BA8 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw black BA9 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw incised K3 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm dark bluish gray K6 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 2 FOR GLEY 4/5PB O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p52 P2 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm ZSB 8-24 ; A14.175 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j !! seal impression A35 2004-07-25_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2707 A14.175 O725 gg si.jpg B10 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm clay lump B10 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb seal impression B11 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm Clay lump with one side flattened and showing a burned surface; on the opposite side there could be the trace of a seal impression. B11 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb jar stopper with slightly concave base with traces of burning covering all the center with a slight unburnt edge all around the exterior of the base. Top rises from a thin edge impressions of a fine textile on thickest part of top,thicker center as if it originally had a knob for lifting D1 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw k3 D3 2004-07-19_O829JW4R.j jw r713 (40973 34869 - 8245 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw i175 (seal impression) sits in f260 (accumulation) F51 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb i175 (seal impression) sits in f268 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw q699 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s57-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 4.40 J2 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 4.27 J2 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 5.1 J3 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 2.00 J3 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 3.7 J7 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 2.0 J8 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 28 J99 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb measured with longest preserved length as the length BA1 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw clay artifact BA2 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw 2 BA3 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw 4.5 BA4 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw 3.5 BA8 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw pale brown BA9 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw rounded edge of a clay cat K3 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm pink K5 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb red K6 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 7.5YR7/3 K6 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 2.5YR5/8 K13 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb one rolling roled around the exterior of the edge. Unclear figure, crescent in upper part of the seal design, two unclear figures K99 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb red with fine chaff K99 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb rolled on jar stopper O2 2004-07-25_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2707 A14.175 O725 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-25_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2708 A14.175 O725 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-25_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2709 A14.175 O725 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-25_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2710 A14.175 O725 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-25_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2711 A14.175 O725 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-25_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2712 A14.175 O725 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-25_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2713 A14.175 O725 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-25_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2714 A14.175 O725 gg si.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p33 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p52 P99 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm To MKB ; A14.176 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-19_O721GM.j !! seal impression A35 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2648 A14.176 O721 gg si.jpg B10 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm seal impression B11 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm Clay lump with the lower part of a seal impression; fingerprints on the surface under the impression. More than a half of the main side is burned. B11 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb tag, essentially flat but has a slightly undulating back, front flat with sealing. Seal rolled so that there is a blank border along the base, wider at the one end preserved. A portion of the front of the tag is secondarily burned D1 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw k13 D3 2004-07-19_O829JW4R.j jw r711 (40780 34558 - 8192 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw i176 (seal impression) sits in f274 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw q700 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 0.93 J2 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 4.92 J2 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 3.1 J3 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 3.21 J3 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 4.8 J7 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 1.1 BA1 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw seal impression BA3 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw 4.7 BA4 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw 3.1 BA5 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw 0.6 BA6 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw cl BA8 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw black K3 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm pinkish gray K5 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb pink K6 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 7.5YR7/2 K6 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 5YR7/3 K13 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb unclear figure, figure in calf length garment facing right with one arm raised, seated figure facing left wearing a calf length garment, this figure is holding a crescent shaped object in one raised hand, seated figure facing right wearing a calf length vertically pleated garment. Both figures are seated on paterned stools with herring bone design, both have raised backs. K15 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb ED III style K99 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb fine chaff temper O2 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2648 A14.176 O721 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2649 A14.176 O721 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-21_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2650 A14.176 O721 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2675 A14.176 O724 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2676 A14.176 O724 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2677 A14.176 O724 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2678 A14.176 O724 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-24_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2679 A14.176 O724 gg si.jpg O4 2004-09-05_A14_VWX.j flp L_W17c2514 A14.0176 O905 flp si f274.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p33 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p52 P99 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm to MKB ; A14.177 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2004-07-19_O721GM.j !! lithic artifact A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2657 A14.177 O721 gg.jpg B10 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm lithic artifact B11 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm Grindet with almost cylindric shape (the height is convex), and a deep hole in the middle. The upper edge is rounded but broken. The outer surface is greatly smoothed, as the inside, which is polished, maybe by use. D1 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw k4 D3 2004-07-19_O829JW4R.j jw r714 (41267 34343 - 8204 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw i177 (lithic artifact) sits in f223 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw q697 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 12.30 J4 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 14.95 J5 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 11.39 J99 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm wt > 1 k BA1 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw lithic artifact BA2 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw 13.7 BA4 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw 13 BA8 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw black BA9 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw grinder K3 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm lithic K5 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm gray O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2657 A14.177 O721 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2658 A14.177 O721 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2659 A14.177 O721 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2660 A14.177 O721 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2661 A14.177 O721 gg.jpg O4 2004-07-22_A14_VWX.j vVE L_W17b2903 A14.0177 O722 vVE la f223.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p52 P99 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.178 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-19_O721GM.j !! figurine A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p52 B10 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm figurine B11 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm Fragment of animal figurine, that shows the beginning of the four legs (the front ones are almost missing), the entire trunk and the back part of the body. D1 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw k4 D3 2004-07-19_O829JW4R.j jw r718 (41151 34221 - 8193 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw i178 (figurine) sits in f223 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw q697 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 2.52 J2 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 6.02 J3 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 2.90 J8 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 40 BA1 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw figurine BA2 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw 2.5 BA3 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw 6 BA4 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw 2.5 BA6 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw cl BA8 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw tan BA9 2004-07-19_O908JW2.j jw animal K3 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm pale yellow K6 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm 2.5Y7/3 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p52 P2 2004-07-19_O721GM.j gm ZSB 2.13-6 ; A14.179 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-20_O721GM.j !! figurine A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p52 B10 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm figurine B11 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm Fragment of an animal figurine, that shows the beginning of the neck, the trunk, the hind legs, broken, and the back part of the body, with the tail. The front legs aren't preserved. D1 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm k22 D3 2004-07-20_O829JW4R.j jw r725 (41003 34515 - 8196 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm i179 (figurine) sits in f258 (topsoil) G17 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm q709 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 4.37 J2 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 5.50 J3 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 3.25 J8 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 39 BA1 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm figurine BA2 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm 3.8 BA3 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm 6 BA4 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm 3.5 BA6 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm animal K3 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm very pale brown] K6 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 10YR7/3 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p52 P2 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm ZSB 2.13-6 ; A14.180 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-20_O721GM.j !! seal impression A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2768 A14.180 O728 gg.jpg B10 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm seal impression B11 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm Clay lump with the lower part of a seal impression; below it there are several fingerprints. On the opposite side there's a deep and thin groove that goes all along the lump; above it there are some unclear imprints, and below it there's a flat surface with traces of fibres. B11 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb flat base,one diagonal, thin cord impression, above is one peg impression or a tiny container neck D1 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm k13 D3 2004-07-20_O829JW4R.j jw r728 (40429 34506 - 8163 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm i180 (seal impression) sits in f276 (fill) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j !! a19 G17 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm q706 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 1.49 J2 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 2.73 J2 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 2.4 J3 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 1.72 J3 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 2.2 J7 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 1.0 J99 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb measured along axis of rolling BA1 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm seal impression BA2 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm 1 BA3 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm 2.3 BA4 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm 2.3 BA6 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm gray BA9 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm seal impression? K3 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm dark gray K5 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb reddish gray K6 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 10YR4/1 K6 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 5YR5/2 K13 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb one rolling, rampant lion with tail raised, nude hero facing right K15 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb typically Akkadian style K99 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb few inclusions, dark compact clay O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2768 A14.180 O728 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2769 A14.180 O728 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2770 A14.180 O728 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2771 A14.180 O728 gg.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p33 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p52 P99 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm To MKB ; A14.181 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-20_O721GM.j !! clay lump A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p35 B10 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm clay lump B11 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm Clay artifact, thin and with a flattened side. D1 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-20_O829JW4R.j jw r729 (41306 34441 - 8195 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm i181 (clay lump) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j !! a20 G17 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm q712 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 1.43 J2 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 5.29 J3 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 3.89 BA1 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm clay artifact BA2 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm 1.5 BA3 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm 5 BA4 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm 4 BA6 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm clay lump (tablet?) K3 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm gray K6 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 7.5YR5/1 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p52 P2 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm ZSB 8-24 ; A14.182 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-20_O721GM.j !! seal impression A35 2004-09-08_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17c2520 A14.0182 O908 flp si f268.jpg B10 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm seal impression B11 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm Thin and lengthened clay lump with the lower part of a seal impression. B11 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb seal impression on a tag B11 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb tag with roughly textured back but no single clear impression of a piece of chaff D1 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm k3 D3 2004-07-20_O829JW4R.j jw r731 (40826 34990 - 8238 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm i182 (seal impression) sits in f268 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm q715 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 1.95 J2 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 3.67 J2 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb 1.8 J3 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 0.70 J3 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb 3.5 J7 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb 0.7 J99 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb measured along the axis of the design BA1 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm seal impression BA2 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm 2 BA3 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm 3.5 BA4 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm 0.8 BA6 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm seal impression? K3 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm very pale brown K5 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb light reddish brown K6 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 10YR7/3 K6 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb 2.5YR 6/4 K11 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb reverse and part of the front secondarily fired K13 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb one rolling rolled so that an upper smooth border between the top of the seal impression and the top of the tag preserved. One figure facing right with an arm raised and touching the parallel raised arm of a second figure facing left. Sun in the upper part of the rolling behind the second figure. K15 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb dotted eye style K99 2004-09-11_O914MKB.j mkb compact red clay with no visible inclusions O4 2004-09-08_A14_VWX.j flp L_W17c2520 A14.0182 O908 flp si f268.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p33 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p52 P99 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm To MKB ; A14.183 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-20_O721GM.j !! seal impression A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2764 A14.183 O728 gg.jpg B10 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm seal impression B11 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm Clay lump with one side convex, decorated with several lines; the opposite side shows deep imprints, with traces of vegetal fibres. B11 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb two short peg impressions one at 90 degrees to the other, one leather knot impression, at top curls outward toward the sealed surface, at the bottom curls under D1 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-20_O829JW4R.j jw r732 (41195 34541 - 8194 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm i183 (seal impression) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j !! a20 G17 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm q712 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 2.61 J2 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 3.81 J2 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 2.6 J3 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 1.86 J3 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 3.7 J7 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 1.6 J99 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb measured with part curling out of the sealing at top BA1 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm clay lump BA2 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm 2 BA3 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm 3.8 BA4 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm 3 BA6 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm cl BA9 2004-07-20_O908JW2.j gm clay lump (decorated?) K3 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm light brown K5 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb red K6 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm 10YR6/3 K6 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 2.5YR5/8 K13 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb unclear but could be a bird with outstretched wings with body frontally positioned (similar to IMDUGUD), legs of unclear figure K99 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb red clay but with fewer inclusions than red crumbly, similar to inclusions in RC1 ware O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2764 A14.183 O728 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2765 A14.183 O728 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2766 A14.183 O728 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2767 A14.183 O728 gg.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p33 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p52 P99 2004-07-20_O721GM.j gm To MKB ; A14.184 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-21_O721GM.j !! clay artifact A35 2004-07-22_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17b2905 A14.0184 O722 vVE x f268.jpg B10 2004-07-21_O721GM.j gm clay artifact B11 2004-07-21_O721GM.j gm Clay artifact with "egg" shape and sharp ends; fingerprints on surface. Little rectangular groove, not very deep, on surface. D1 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc k3 D3 2004-07-21_O721JW2R.j jw r742 (40952 34779 - 8223 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc i184 (clay artifact) sits in f268 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc q723 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J2 2004-07-21_O721GM.j gm 5.28 J4 2004-07-21_O721GM.j gm 3.27 J8 2004-07-21_O721GM.j gm 53 BA1 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc clay artifact BA3 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc 5.3 BA4 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc 3.5 BA8 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc pale brown BA9 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc sling ball K3 2004-07-21_O721GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-21_O721GM.j gm light brown K6 2004-07-21_O721GM.j gm 7.5YR6/3 O4 2004-07-22_A14_VWX.j vVE L_W17b2905 A14.0184 O722 vVE x f268.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p47 P99 2004-07-21_O721GM.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.185 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-22_O723JW.j !! jar A35 2004-08-24_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2402 A14.0185 O824 kf cv f278.jpg B10 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw jar B11 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jar D1 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc k4 D3 2004-07-21_O721JW-R.j jw r755 (41236 34493 - 8191 / Relay location: center) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 E2 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw 0 rim S E3 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw E rim F51 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc i185 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) F99 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw rests on floor, f213 G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc q729 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 45 J3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 23 J4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 31 J5 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 19 BA1 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc jar BA9 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc NW jar in a20 cache K3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jns-7 K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL jar K5 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh pink K6 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 5YR7/4 ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL necked ZcaS2 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL straight ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 7 N99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh restored from fragments O4 2004-08-22_A14_VWX.j iI L_W17b2406 A14.0185 O822 iI cv f278.jpg O4 2004-08-24_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2402 A14.0185 O824 kf cv f278.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p47 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p49 ; A14.186 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-22_O723JW.j !! jar A35 2004-09-06_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2417 A14.0186 O906 kf cv f278.jpg B10 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw jar D1 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc k4 D3 2004-07-21_O721JW-R.j jw r754 (41229 34564 - 8195 / Relay location: center) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 E2 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw 90 rim - F51 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc i186 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) F99 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw rests on floor, 213 G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc q729 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA BA1 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc jar BA9 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc NE jar in a20 cache K3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh Fine Chaff Temper Ware K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh xfx O4 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j iI L_W17b2416 A14.0186 O901 iI cv f278.jpg O4 2004-09-06_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2417 A14.0186 O906 kf cv f278.jpg O13 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j jw v146e O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p47 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p49 ; A14.187 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-09-08_O909JW.j !! bowl A35 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7694 A14.187 O907 dia cv f278.jpg B10 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw jar B10 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh bowl B11 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw Wide-mouth jar with rope decoration and narrow, turned-out rim. Base is clearly defined, but slightly convex. Decoration is one horizontal band, 2cm wide and 1cm thick, set 6cm below the rim. Light turn marks on outside of body. B11 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh deep bowl D1 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc k4 D3 2004-07-21_O721JW-R.j jw r756 (41047 34475 - 8187 / Relay location: center) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 E2 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw 0 rim W E3 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw S rim F51 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc i187 (bowl) sits in f278 (accumulation A) F99 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw rests on floor, f213 G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc q729 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw 42.8 J1 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 43 J3 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw 45.7 J3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 40 J4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 35 J5 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw 23.5 J5 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 24 BA1 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc jar BA9 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc SE jar in a20 cache K3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh Chaff Tempered K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh bd-5 K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL bowl K5 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh pale yellow K6 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw 2.5YR7/3 K6 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 5Y8/2 K10 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw One large piece, about one-fifth the diameter, missing from rim just before turn of body to base. K11 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw Restored from fragments ZcaD1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 3 ZcaD2 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL A1 ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL deep ZcaS2 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL rope decoration ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 102 N99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh restored from fragments O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7694 A14.187 O907 dia cv f278.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7695 A14.187 O907 dia cv f278.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7696 A14.187 O907 dia cv f278.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7697 A14.187 O907 dia cv f278.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7698 A14.187 O907 dia cv f278.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7699 A14.187 O907 dia cv f278.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d9301 A14.187 O907 dia va f278.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d9302 A14.187 O907 dia va f278.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d9303 A14.187 O907 dia va f278.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d9304 A14.187 O907 dia va f278.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d9305 A14.187 O907 dia va f278.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d9306 A14.187 O907 dia va f278.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d9307 A14.187 O907 dia va f278.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d9308 A14.187 O907 dia va f278.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d9309 A14.187 O907 dia va f278.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d9310 A14.187 O907 dia va f278.jpg O4 2004-08-17_A14_VWX.j iI L_W17b2410 A14.0187 O817 iI cv f278.jpg O4 2004-09-05_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2405 A14.0187 O905 kf cv f278.jpg O13 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j jw v146c O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p47 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p49 P99 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw to Deir ez-Zor ; A14.187.1 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-09-08_O909JW.j !! jar A35 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2435 A14.0187.01 O907 kf cv f278.jpg B10 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jar B11 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jar D1 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc k4 D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 F51 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc i187.1 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j !! a20 G17 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc q729 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA BA1 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc jar BA9 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc 2nd possibly restorable jar from i187 in a20 cache K3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh Fine Chaff Temper Ware K5 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh very pale brown K6 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 10YR8/2 N99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh restored from fragments O4 2004-09-02_A14_VWX.j iI L_W17b2438 A14.0187.01 O902 iI cv f278.jpg O4 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2435 A14.0187.01 O907 kf cv f278.jpg ; A14.188 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-22_O723JW1.j !! clay artifact A35 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j !! v147 B10 2004-07-22_O723JW1.j jw clay artifact B11 2004-07-22_O723JW1.j jw Approximately 1m length of clay pipe, probably for carrying water and a part of the palace/abi complex. Found in the vicinity of tumbled stones. B11 2005-09-17_P917JW4.j jW A length of fired, cylindrical clay pipe, approximately 80cm long, probably made to transport water. It was more likely than not made by placing loops of pottery clay around a form and smoothing the exterior by hand. Finger marks on the diagonal can be clearly seen on the exterior, which is roughened, either by inclusions in the clay's temper or natural concretions deposited after it was made. It is tapered, the diameter ranging from 14cm at one end to 19cm at the other. It is about 1.5cm thick. D1 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc k22 D3 2004-07-21_O721JW2R.j jw r748 (39721 34900 - 8268 / Relay location: center of object) E2 2004-07-22_O723JW1.j jw 30 rim S E3 2004-07-22_O723JW1.j jw E rim F51 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc i188 (clay artifact) sits in f277 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc q728 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s10-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h6-JPA J2 2005-09-17_P917JW4.j jW 78.8 J4 2005-09-17_P917JW4.j jW 19 J7 2005-09-17_P917JW4.j jW 1.5 BA1 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc clay artifact BA3 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc 100 BA5 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc 15 BA9 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc water pipe K5 2005-09-17_P917JW4.j jW very pale brown K6 2005-09-17_P917JW4.j jW 10YR8/2 K10 2005-09-17_P917JW4.j jW There is a small chip in the rim with the larger diameter,; otherwise it is intact. O13 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j jw v147 O13 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j jw v147a O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p47 P99 2005-09-17_P917JW4.j jW Packaged for shipment to Dier ez-Zor museum. ; A14.189 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j !! bowl A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p47 B10 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw bowl B99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Record contains only minimal field data. D1 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc k13 D3 2004-07-21_O721JW2R.j jw r749 (40422 34654 - 8145 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc i189 (bowl) sits in f280 (accumulation A) G17 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc q730 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s55-JPA I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s56-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA BA1 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc bowl BA9 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc May rest on floor, f281. Not recovered this season. May be the neck of a jar. K3 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw cl O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p47 ; A14.190 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-21_O721GM.j !! figurine A35 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7991 A14.190 O931 dia fg f268.jpg B10 2004-07-21_O721GM.j gm figurine B11 2004-07-21_O721GM.j gm Fragment of animal figurine, maybe a horse, with the entire head, the long neck with the mane, the beginning of the four legs, the trunk and the back part of the body, with the beginning of the tail. In the back part of the neck there's a hole that goes throughout the object. D1 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc k3 D3 2004-07-21_O721JW2R.j jw r753 (40916 34822 - 8208 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc i190 (figurine) sits in f268 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc q724 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-21_O721GM.j gm 6.08 J2 2004-07-21_O721GM.j gm 7.69 J3 2004-07-21_O721GM.j gm 3.42 J8 2004-07-21_O721GM.j gm 71 BA1 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc figurine BA2 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc 3 BA3 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc 7.5 BA4 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc 7 BA6 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc cl BA8 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc brown BA9 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc animal (horse?) K3 2004-07-21_O721GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-21_O721GM.j gm pale yellow K6 2004-07-21_O721GM.j gm 2.5YR7/4 O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7991 A14.190 O931 dia fg f268.jpg O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7992 A14.190 O931 dia fg f268.jpg O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7993 A14.190 O931 dia fg f268.jpg O4 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_W18b2601 A14.0190 x x fg x.jpg O4 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_W18d2601 A14.0190 x x fg x @ZB805 aMA.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p47 P99 2004-07-21_O721GM.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.191 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-22_O723JW.j !! jar A35 2004-08-29_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d7507 A14.0191 O829 cd cv f278.jpg B10 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw jar B11 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh base D1 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc k4 D3 2004-07-21_O721JW-R.j jw r758 (41042 34282 - 8182 / Relay location: center) D3 2004-07-22_O722JW-R.j jw r777 (41081 34401 - 8186 / Relay location: redo of r758) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 E2 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw 30 base SE E3 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw NE base F51 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc i191 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) F99 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw rests on floor, f213 G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc q729 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 25 J4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 27 J5 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 3 BA1 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc jar BA9 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc SW jar in a20 cache K3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh xh K5 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh very pale brown K6 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 10YR8/3 ZcaS4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL base: hollow N99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh restored from fragments O4 2004-08-29_A14_VWX.j cd L_W17d7507 A14.0191 O829 cd cv f278.jpg O13 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j jw v146b O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p47 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p48 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p49 ; A14.192 A20 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-22_O723JW.j !! cup A35 2004-09-06_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2418 A14.0192 O906 kf cv f278.jpg B10 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw cup B11 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Approximately two-thirds of a conical cup with string-cut base. Transition from base to body more rounded than the typical exemplar of a conical cup. D1 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc k4 D3 2004-07-21_O721JW-R.j jw r757 (40991 34495 - 8187 / Relay location: center) E2 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw -45 rim NW E3 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw SW rim F51 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc i192 (cup) sits in f278 (accumulation A) F99 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw rests on floor, f213 G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc q729 G99 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Part of a20 cache I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 3 I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 8.9 J3 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 11 J5 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 3.3 BA1 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc cup BA9 2004-07-21_O908JW2.j dc whole conical cup from a20 cache K3 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware K3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL cup K5 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw very pale brown K6 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 10YR7/4 K10 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Entire base and vertical section extant, allowing a full determination of form. ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL conical (cup) ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 3 O4 2004-09-04_A14_VWX.j iI L_W17b2421 A14.0192 O904 iI cv f278.jpg O4 2004-09-06_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2418 A14.0192 O906 kf cv f278.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p47 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p49 P99 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw To photography and drafting prior to storage at Mozan. ; A14.193 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-22_O724GM.j !! clay artifact A35 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7878 A14.193 O901 dia ca f43.jpg B10 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm clay artifact B10 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw jar B11 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm More than a half of an oblong clay object, with triangular section, plain sides, sharp end and rounded edges. Surface is cracked. D1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc k4 D3 2004-07-22_O722JW-R.j jw r766 (41047 34512 - 8188 / Relay location: center of object) E2 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw 0 rim SW E3 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw SE rim F51 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc i193 (clay artifact) sits in f278 (accumulation A) F99 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw rests on floor, f213 G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc q729 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm 4.13 J2 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm 8.34 J3 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm 4.94 J8 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm 138 BA1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc jar BA9 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc Far E jar in SE quadrant in a20 cache K3 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm pale brown K6 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm 10YR6/3 O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7878 A14.193 O901 dia ca f43.jpg O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7879 A14.193 O901 dia ca f43.jpg O2 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7880 A14.193 O901 dia ca f43.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p48 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p49 P2 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm To photography ; A14.194 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-22_O723JW.j !! jar A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p35 B10 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw jar D1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc k4 D3 2004-07-22_O722JW-R.j jw r767 (41080 34271 - 8181 / Relay location: center of object) E2 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw 10 rim E E3 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw N rim F51 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc i194 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) F99 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw rests on floor, f213 G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc q729 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA BA1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc jar BA9 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc Far W jar in SW quadrant in a20 cache O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p48 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p49 ; A14.195 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-22_O723JW.j !! jar A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p35 B10 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw jar D1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc k4 D3 2004-07-22_O722JW-R.j jw r768 (41091 34447 - 8185 / Relay location: center of object) E2 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw 0 rim NE E3 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw NW rim F51 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc i195 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) F99 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw rests on floor, f213 G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc q729 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA BA1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc jar BA9 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc Far W jar in SE quadrant in a20 cache O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p48 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p49 ; A14.196 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-22_O723JW.j !! jar A35 2004-09-06_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2413 A14.0196 O906 kf cv f278.jpg B10 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw jar B11 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh base D1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc k4 D3 2004-07-22_O722JW-R.j jw r769 (41060 34447 - 8188 / Relay location: center of object) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 E2 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw -90 base - F51 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc i196 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) F99 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw rests on floor, f213 G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc q729 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 7 J4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 22 BA1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc jar BA9 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc Between i195 and i187 in SE corner in a20 cache K3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh Chaff Tempered K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh xfc K5 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh pale yellow K6 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 5Y8/2 N99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh restored from fragments O4 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j iI L_W17b2413 A14.0196 O901 iI cv f278.jpg O4 2004-09-06_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2413 A14.0196 O906 kf cv f278.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p48 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p49 ; A14.197 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-22_O723JW.j !! jar A35 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7524 A14.197 O828 cd cv.jpg B10 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw jar B11 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jar D1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc k4 D3 2004-07-22_O722JW-R.j jw r770 (41205 34549 - 8190 / Relay location: center of object) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 E99 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw too fragmented to define axially F51 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc i197 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) F99 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw rests on floor, f213 G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc q729 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 25 J3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 13 BA1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc jar BA9 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc Black jar in NE corner in a20 cache K3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh Pebble Temper Ware K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jh-2 K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL jar K5 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh very dark grayish brown K6 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 10YR3/2 ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL hole mouth ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 2 N99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh restored from fragments O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7524 A14.197 O828 cd cv.jpg O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7525 A14.197 O828 cd cv.jpg O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7526 A14.197 O828 cd cv.jpg O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7527 A14.197 O828 cd cv.jpg O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7528 A14.197 O828 cd cv.jpg O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7529 A14.197 O828 cd cv.jpg O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7530 A14.197 O828 cd cv.jpg O4 2004-08-29_A14_VWX.j cd L_W17d7505 A14.0197 O829 cd cv f278.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p48 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p49 ; A14.198 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-22_O723JW.j !! jar A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p35 B10 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw jar D1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc k4 D3 2004-07-22_O722JW-R.j jw r771 (41244 34594 - 8200 / Relay location: center of object) E99 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw too fragmented to define axially F51 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc i198 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) F99 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw rests on floor, f213 G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc q729 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA BA1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc jar BA9 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc Far NE jar in NE corner in a20 cache O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p49 ; A14.199 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-22_O723JW.j !! jar A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p35 B10 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw jar D1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc k4 D3 2004-07-22_O722JW-R.j jw r772 (41096 34346 - 8186 / Relay location: center of object) E99 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw too fragmented to define axially F51 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc i199 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) F99 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw rests on floor, f213 G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc q729 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA BA1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc jar BA9 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc Between i191 and i194 in SW corner in a20 cache O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p48 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p49 ; A14.200 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-22_O723JW.j !! jar A35 2004-09-06_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2416 A14.0200 O906 kf cv f278.jpg B10 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw jar B11 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Base of a flat-bottom jar. D1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc k4 D3 2004-07-22_O722JW-R.j jw r773 (41036 34443 - 8187 / Relay location: center of object) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 E2 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw -90 base - F51 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc i200 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) F99 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw rests on floor, f213 G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc q729 G99 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Part of a20 cache. I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 3 I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 3.5 J5 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 5 J99 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Measurements pertain to extant portion. BA1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc jar BA9 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc Round bottom S of 196 in a20 cache K3 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware K3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh Fine Chaff Temper Ware K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh xfx K5 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw very pale brown K6 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 10YR8/3 K10 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Only base, turn, and 5cm of body extant. K11 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Reconstructed from fragments. O4 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j iI L_W17b2415 A14.0200 O901 iI cv f278.jpg O4 2004-09-06_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2416 A14.0200 O906 kf cv f278.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p48 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p49 ; A14.201 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-22_O723JW.j !! jar A35 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2436 A14.0201 O907 kf cv f278.jpg B10 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw jar B11 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh base D1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc k4 D3 2004-07-22_O722JW-R.j jw r774 (41084 34366 - 8185 / Relay location: center of object) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 E2 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw 90 base - F51 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc i201 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) F99 2004-07-22_O723JW.j jw rests on floor, f213 G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc q729 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 10 BA1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc jar BA9 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc E of i199 and W of i191 in a20 cache K3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh Chaff Tempered K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh xrd K5 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh pale yellow K6 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 5Y8/2 N99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh restored from fragments O4 2004-09-02_A14_VWX.j iI L_W17b2439 A14.0201 O902 iI cv f278.jpg O4 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2436 A14.0201 O907 kf cv f278.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p48 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p49 ; A14.202 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j !! sling ball A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p48 B10 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw sling ball B99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Record contains only minimal field data. D1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc k12 D3 2004-07-22_O722JW-R.j jw r765 (40349 34995 - 8270 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc i202 (sling ball) sits in f43 (accumulation D) G17 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc q737 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA BA1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc clay artifact BA2 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc 4.3 BA3 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc 7.2 BA4 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc 4.3 BA9 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc End of an oblong ca K3 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw cl O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p48 ; A14.203 A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact A21 2004-07-22_O724GM.j !! metal artifact A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2731 A14.203 O726 gg.jpg B10 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm metal artifact B11 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm Three fragments of a metal artifact, probably modern, bended on itself and very thin. Surface covered by concretions. D1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc k22 D3 2004-07-22_O722JW-R.j jw r786 (40033 34972 - 8233 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc i203 (metal artifact) sits in f277 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc q740 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s10-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h6-JPA J1 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm 0.53 J2 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm 4.21 J3 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm 2.74 J99 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm Bigger piece measured BA1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc metal artifact BA6 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc mt BA8 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc greenish gray BA9 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc piece of metal K3 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm metal K5 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm brown O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2731 A14.203 O726 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2759 A14.203 O728 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2760 A14.203 O728 gg.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p48 P99 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm To conservation ; A14.204 A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact A21 2004-07-22_O724GM.j !! metal artifact A35 2004-07-28_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2816 A14.204 O728 gg ma.jpg B10 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm metal artifact B11 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm Iron nail, or maybe a needle, bended, with sharp end and rounded head. D1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc k12 D3 2004-07-22_O722JW-R.j jw r787 (40437 34949 - 8258 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc i204 (metal artifact) sits in f284 (fill) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j !! a21 G17 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc q743 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s46-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h4-JPA J2 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm 10.52 J4 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm 0.38 BA1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc metal artifact BA6 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc mt BA8 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc black BA9 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc metal nail K3 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm metal K5 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm dark brown O2 2004-07-28_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2816 A14.204 O728 gg ma.jpg O2 2004-07-28_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2817 A14.204 O728 gg ma.jpg O2 2004-07-28_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2818 A14.204 O728 gg ma.jpg O2 2004-07-28_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2819 A14.204 O728 gg ma.jpg O4 2004-08-15_A14_VWX.j cVP L_W17b2926 A14.0204 O815 cVP ma.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p48 P99 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm To conservation ; A14.205 A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact A21 2004-07-22_O724GM.j !! metal artifact B10 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm metal artifact B11 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm Little fragments of unworked bronze embedded in dirt matrix. D1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc k3 D3 2004-07-22_O722JW-R.j jw r788 (40978 34821 - 8208 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc i205 (metal artifact) sits in f260 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc q733 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s57-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm 0.87 J2 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm 1.83 J3 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm 1.88 J99 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm Bigger piece measured. BA1 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc metal artifact BA6 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc mt BA9 2004-07-22_O908JW2.j dc fragments of bronze K3 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm metal K5 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm green P99 2004-07-22_O724GM.j gm To conservation ; A14.206 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-26_O726GM.j !! clay lump A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p53 B10 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm clay lump B11 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm Clay lump with thin and long grooves all over surface. Imprints of vegetal fibres on surface. D1 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw k12 D3 2004-07-25_O830JW-R.j jw r795 (40472 35048 - 8236 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw i206 (clay lump) sits in f284 (fill) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j !! a21 G17 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw q755 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s46-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h4-JPA J1 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 1.22 J2 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 2.66 J3 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 2.39 BA1 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw clay lump BA2 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw 1 BA3 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw 2.5 BA4 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw 2 BA6 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw cl BA8 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw dark brown BA9 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw possible seal impression K3 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm gray K6 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 10YR5/1 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p53 P2 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm ZSB 8-24 ; A14.207 A20 !!_!! !! organic A21 2004-07-25_O726GM.j !! bone artifact A35 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7855 A14.207 O831 dia ba f42.jpg B10 2004-07-25_O726GM.j gm bone artifact B11 2004-07-25_O726GM.j gm Bone artifact with a circular and thin base, with a large hole in the middle; the hole continues in the upper part of the object, broken, and is centered on the below base. The upper part of the artifact has a cylindric shape and a very thin thickness. D1 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw k12 D3 2004-07-25_O830JW-R.j jw r798 (40480 35333 - 8320 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw i207 (bone artifact) sits in f42 (accumulation D) G17 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw q756 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-25_O726GM.j gm 1.76 J3 2004-07-25_O726GM.j gm 1.64 J4 2004-07-25_O726GM.j gm 2.58 BA1 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw clay artifact K3 2004-07-25_O726GM.j gm bone K5 2004-07-25_O726GM.j gm brown O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7855 A14.207 O831 dia ba f42.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7856 A14.207 O831 dia ba f42.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7857 A14.207 O831 dia ba f42.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p53 P99 2004-07-25_O726GM.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.208 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-26_O726GM.j !! clay artifact A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p53 B10 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm clay artifact B11 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm Clay artifact, broken, with rectangular shape; fingerprint on one side, imprints of vegetal fibres on the opposite. Maybe a fragment of tannur. D1 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw k12 D3 2004-07-25_O830JW-R.j jw r812 (40525 35159 - 8301 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw i208 (clay artifact) sits in f88 (accumulation C) G1 2003-08-13_N907JL.j !! a11 G17 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw q759 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 2.87 J2 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 5.86 J3 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 3.64 J8 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 71 BA1 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw clay artifact BA2 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw 2.5 BA3 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw 5 BA4 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw 3.8 BA6 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw cl BA8 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw brown BA9 2004-07-25_O908JW2.j jw rectangular object K3 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm pale brown K6 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 10YR6/3 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p53 P2 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm ZSB 7-31 ; A14.209 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-09-08_O909JW.j !! jar A35 2004-09-06_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2411 A14.0209 O906 kf cv f278.jpg B10 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jar B11 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jar D1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-26_O830JW2R.j jw r818 (40992 34469 - 8183 / Relay location: center of object) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 F51 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm i209 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j !! a20 G17 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm q768 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 26 J4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 25 BA1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm jar K3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh Fine Chaff Temper Ware K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh xrd K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL jar K5 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh very pale brown K6 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 10YR8/2 ZcaS4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL base: rounded N99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh restored from fragments O4 2004-08-19_A14_VWX.j iI L_W17b2407 A14.0209 O819 iI cv f278.jpg O4 2004-09-06_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2411 A14.0209 O906 kf cv f278.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p54 ; A14.210 A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact A21 2004-07-26_O726GM.j !! metal artifact A35 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2795 A14.210 O731 gg ma.jpg B10 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm metal artifact B11 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm Bronze object with lengthened cylindric shape. On one of the two circular sections there's a smaller rounded end, just on top. Partially covered by concretions. D1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm k21 D3 2004-07-26_O830JW2R.j jw r819 (39634 35350 - 8364 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm i210 (metal artifact) sits in f282 (topsoil) G17 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm q767 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J2 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 5.53 J4 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 0.98 J8 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 20 BA1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm metal artifact BA3 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm 5.5 BA5 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm 0.9 BA6 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm mt BA8 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm green BA9 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm metal artifact K3 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm metal K5 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm green K99 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm The photo made after cleaning suggests that it possible may be a whistle. O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2775 A14.210 O728 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2776 A14.210 O728 gg.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2795 A14.210 O731 gg ma.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2796 A14.210 O731 gg ma.jpg O4 2004-08-10_A14_VWX.j cVP L_W17b2928 A14.0210 O810 cVP ma.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p54 P99 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm To conservation ; A14.211 A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact A21 2004-07-26_O726GM.j !! metal artifact A35 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2797 A14.211 O731 gg ma.jpg B10 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm metal artifact B11 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm Metal object, maybe an arrowhead, with a larger "body", with sharp end, and a thinner part. Partially covered by concretions. D1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm k11 D3 2004-07-26_O830JW2R.j jw r820 (40305 35513 - 8325 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm i211 (metal artifact) sits in f124 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm q761 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J2 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 7.04 J3 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 0.32 J4 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 0.94 J8 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 11 BA1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm metal artifact BA3 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm 7 BA5 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm 1 BA6 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm mt BA8 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm green BA9 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm bronze arrowhead? K3 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm metal K5 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm green O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2772 A14.211 O728 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2773 A14.211 O728 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2774 A14.211 O728 gg.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2797 A14.211 O731 gg ma.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2798 A14.211 O731 gg ma.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2799 A14.211 O731 gg ma.jpg O4 2004-09-08_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2503 A14.0211 O908 kf ma.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p54 P99 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm To conservation ; A14.212 A20 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw ceramic vessel A21 2004-09-08_O909JW.j !! bowl A35 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d9311 A14.212 O907 dia ja f278.jpg B10 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw jar B10 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh bowl B11 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw Wide-mouth jar with out-turned rim. Bottom is spherical and has a formed hole 2cm in diameter in the center. Horizontal rope and combed decorations. Rope decoration (1cm wide and 0.7cm thick) forms jar's maximum diameter and is located 6cm below the rim. Lower comb (below rope) is 1cm thick and horizontal. Top comb (above rope) is sinusoidal wave with peak-to-peak amplitude of 2cm and a period of 7cm. A99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Part of a20 jar cache. C31 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw At various times in the recovery, restoration, and analysis phases this item was identified as both a jar and a bowl. Clearly the photos show that it is a bowl. C33 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw In some way, associated with item q768.2. Unclear whether the q-item was the source of the fragments or contained unrelated sherds. D1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-26_O830JW2R.j jw r821 (41097 34305 - 8181 / Relay location: center of object) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 F51 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm i212 (bowl) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm q768 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw 36.2 J3 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw 36.5 J4 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw 41.5 BA1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm jar BA9 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm jar fragments (W jar) in a20 cache K3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh Chaff Tempered K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh bd-5 K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL bowl K5 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw pale yellow K6 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw 5Y8/2 K10 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw One large piece, about one-eigth diameter missing from rim to mid-body. Several other body sherds missing. K11 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw restored from fragments. ZcaD1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 3 ZcaD2 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL A4 ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL deep ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 23 O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d9311 A14.212 O907 dia ja f278.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d9312 A14.212 O907 dia ja f278.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d9313 A14.212 O907 dia ja f278.jpg O2 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d9314 A14.212 O907 dia ja f278.jpg O4 2004-08-19_A14_VWX.j iI L_W17b2408 A14.0212 O819 iI cv f278.jpg O4 2004-09-05_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2403 A14.0212 O905 kf cv f278.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p54 P99 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw to Deir ez-Zor ; A14.213 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-09-08_O909JW.j !! jar A35 2004-09-09_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2475 A14.0213 O909 kf cv f278.jpg B10 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jar B11 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jar D1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-26_O830JW2R.j jw r822 (41093 34368 - 8179 / Relay location: center of object) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 F51 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm i213 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm q768 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 25 BA1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm jar BA9 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm jar fragments (middle jar) in a20 cache K3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware K5 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh very pale brown K6 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 10YR8/3 ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL shouldered N99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh restored from fragments O4 2004-09-09_A14_VWX.j iI L_W17b2475 A14.0213 O909 iI cv f278.jpg O4 2004-09-09_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2475 A14.0213 O909 kf cv f278.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p54 ; A14.214 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j !! jar A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p35 B10 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw jar B99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Record contains only minimal field data. A99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Part of a20 jar cache. D1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-26_O830JW2R.j jw r825 (41132 34413 - 8182 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm i214 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm q768 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA BA1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm jar BA9 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm jar fragments (E jar) in a20 cache K3 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw cl O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p54 ; A14.215 A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact A21 2004-07-26_O726GM.j !! metal artifact A35 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2777 A14.215 O728 gg.jpg B10 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm metal artifact B11 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm Very thin metal pin, with rounded ends, one larger than the other. All covered by concretions. D1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm k21 D3 2004-07-26_O830JW2R.j jw r832 (39838 35436 - 8333 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm i215 (metal artifact) sits in f282 (topsoil) G17 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm q767 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J2 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 6.24 J4 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 0.41 BA1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm metal artifact BA3 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm 6 BA5 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm 0.3 BA6 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm mt BA9 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm bronze nail K3 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm metal K5 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm gray O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2777 A14.215 O728 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2778 A14.215 O728 gg.jpg O2 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2779 A14.215 O728 gg.jpg O4 2004-08-10_A14_VWX.j cVP L_W17b2929 A14.0215 O810 cVP ma.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p54 P99 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm To conservation ; A14.216 A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact A21 2004-07-26_O726GM.j !! metal artifact A35 2004-07-28_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2752 A14.216 O728 gg mt.jpg B10 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm metal artifact B11 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm Fragment of metallic object which has been bended on itself to form on the upper side a sort of triangular "tongue". All covered by concretions. D1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm k11 D3 2004-07-26_O830JW2R.j jw r833 (40166 35425 - 8311 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm i216 (metal artifact) sits in f134 (accumulation D) G17 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm q772 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 1.26 J2 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 4.04 J3 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 3.76 J8 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm 48 BA1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm metal artifact BA2 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm 1 BA3 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm 4 BA4 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm 4 BA6 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm mt BA9 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm metal artifact K3 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm metal K5 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm gray O2 2004-07-28_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2752 A14.216 O728 gg mt.jpg O2 2004-07-28_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2753 A14.216 O728 gg mt.jpg O2 2004-07-28_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2754 A14.216 O728 gg mt.jpg O2 2004-07-28_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2755 A14.216 O728 gg mt.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7679 A14.216 O831 dia ma f134.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7680 A14.216 O831 dia ma f134.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7681 A14.216 O831 dia ma f134.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7682 A14.216 O831 dia ma f134.jpg O2 2004-08-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7683 A14.216 O831 dia ma f134.jpg O4 2004-08-15_A14_VWX.j cVP L_W17b2922 A14.0216 O815 cVP ma.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p54 P99 2004-07-26_O726GM.j gm TO conservation ; A14.217 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-09-08_O909JW.j !! jar A35 2004-09-05_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2404 A14.0217 O905 kf cv f278.jpg B10 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jar B11 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw globular-base jar with out-turned rim. B11 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jar A99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Part of a20 jar cache. C33 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw In some way, associated with item q768.8. Unclear whether the q-item was the source of the fragments or contained unrelated sherds. D1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-26_O830JW2R.j jw r834 (41103 34469 - 8173 / Relay location: center of object) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 F51 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm i217 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm q768 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw 34.7 J1 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 32 J3 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw 12.3 J3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 10 J4 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw 27.0 J4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 26 BA1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm jar BA9 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm q-lot 768.8: r834 in a20 cache K3 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware K3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jns-5 K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL jar K5 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh very pale brown K6 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 10YR8/2 K10 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw Holes in rim and body K11 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw restored from fragments ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL necked ZcaS2 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL straight ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 2 N99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh restored from fragments O4 2004-08-18_A14_VWX.j iI L_W17b2409 A14.0217 O818 iI cv f278.jpg O4 2004-09-05_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2404 A14.0217 O905 kf cv f278.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p54 P99 2004-08-17_O914JW.j jw to Deir ez-Zor ; A14.218 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-09-08_O909JW.j !! jar A35 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7501 A14.218 O828 cd cv.jpg B10 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jar B11 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jar A99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Part of a20 jar cache. C33 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw In some way, associated with item q768.10. Unclear whether the q-item was the source of the fragments or contained unrelated sherds. D1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-26_O830JW2R.j jw r835 (41078 34522 - 8172 / Relay location: center of object) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 F51 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm i218 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm q768 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 10 J4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 19 BA1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm jar BA9 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm q-lot 768.10: r835 in a20 cache K3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh Bi-Color Ware K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jns-1 K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL jar K5 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh reddish brown K6 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 5YR4/4 K99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh possibly immitation BC ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL necked ZcaS2 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL straight ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 3 ZcaS4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL handle: semi-circular, exterior N99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh restored from fragments O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7501 A14.218 O828 cd cv.jpg O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7502 A14.218 O828 cd cv.jpg O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7503 A14.218 O828 cd cv.jpg O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7504 A14.218 O828 cd cv.jpg O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7505 A14.218 O828 cd cv.jpg O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7506 A14.218 O828 cd cv.jpg O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7507 A14.218 O828 cd cv.jpg O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7508 A14.218 O828 cd cv.jpg O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7509 A14.218 O828 cd cv.jpg O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7510 A14.218 O828 cd cv.jpg O4 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_W17d7503 A14.0218 O828 cd cv f278.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p54 ; A14.219 A20 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw ceramic vessel A21 2004-08-15_O815JW.j !! cup A35 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7511 A14.219 O828 cd cv.jpg B10 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw cup B11 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw conical cup with string-cut base. A99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Part of a20 jar cache. C33 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw In some way, associated with item q768.13. Unclear whether the q-item was the source of the fragments or contained unrelated sherds. D1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-26_O830JW2R.j jw r837 (41054 34470 - 8169 / Relay location: center of object) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 F51 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm i219 (cup) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm q768 G99 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Part of a20 cache. I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 3 I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 9.7 J3 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 9.7 J5 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 4.5 BA1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm jar BA9 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm q-lot 768.13: r837 in a20 cache K3 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware K3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh Fine Chaff Temper Ware K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh cc-1 K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL cup K5 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw pale yellow K6 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 2.5Y7/3 K10 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Approximately three-quarters remains. Vertical section complete. Most of bottom broken out. K11 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw re-assembled from fragments. Traces of black material on inside of base may indicate repair was attempted in antiquity. ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL conical (cup) ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 1 O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7511 A14.219 O828 cd cv.jpg O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7512 A14.219 O828 cd cv.jpg O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7513 A14.219 O828 cd cv.jpg O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7514 A14.219 O828 cd cv.jpg O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7515 A14.219 O828 cd cv.jpg O2 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_V17d7516 A14.219 O828 cd cv.jpg O4 2004-08-28_A14_VWX.j cd L_W17d7502 A14.0219 O828 cd cv f278.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p54 P99 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw To photography and drafting prior to storage at Mozan. ; A14.220 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j !! jar A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p35 B10 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw jar B99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Record contains only minimal fielsd data. A99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw part of a20 jar cache. D1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-26_O830JW2R.j jw r838 (41025 34499 - 8178 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm i220 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm q768 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA BA1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm jar BA9 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm r838 in a20 cache O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p54 ; A14.221 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j !! jar A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p35 B10 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw jar B99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Record contains only minimal fielsd data. A99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw part of a20 jar cache. D1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-26_O830JW2R.j jw r836 (41072 34536 - 8172 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm i221 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm q768 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA BA1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm jar BA9 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm r836: half under E section in a20 cache O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p54 ; A14.222 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j !! jar A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p54 B10 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw jar A99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Part of a20 jar cache. C33 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw In some way, associated with item q768.14. Unclear whether the q-item was the source of the fragments or contained unrelated sherds. D1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-26_O830JW2R.j jw r839 (41018 34458 - 8173 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm i222 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm q768 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA BA1 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm jar BA9 2004-07-26_O908JW2.j gm q-lot 768.14: r839 in a20 cache O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p54 ; A14.223 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2004-07-27_O727GM.j !! polishing stone A35 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7975 A14.223 O931 dia la f278.jpg B10 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm polishing stone B11 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm Lithic tool, broken, with a lengthened shape and a lengthened elliptical section; edges are rounded, surfaces are smoothed and polished. Maybe it was a tool to sharpen blades. D1 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-27_O830JW4R.j jw r870 (41151 34440 - 8178 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm i223 (polishing stone) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm q783 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm 6.13 J2 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm 3.59 J3 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm 1.97 J8 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm 78 BA1 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm lithic artifact BA2 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm 2 BA3 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm 6.5 BA4 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm 3.5 BA6 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm li BA8 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm dark gray BA9 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm little grindstone in a20 cache K3 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm lithic K5 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm very dark gray O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7975 A14.223 O931 dia la f278.jpg O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7976 A14.223 O931 dia la f278.jpg O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7977 A14.223 O931 dia la f278.jpg O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7978 A14.223 O931 dia la f278.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p55 P99 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm To drafting ; A14.224 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2004-07-27_O727GM.j !! grinding stone A35 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2950 A14.224 O830 dia la f278.jpg B10 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm grinding stone B11 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm Lithic tool with trapezoidal shape, rounded edges, surfaces flattened and smoothed; some parts are consumed, maybe by use. D1 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-27_O830JW4R.j jw r871 (41154 34338 - 8179 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm i224 (grinding stone) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm q783 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm 5.71 J2 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm 7.81 J3 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm 8.11 J99 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm wt > 1 k BA1 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm lithic artifact BA2 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm 6 BA3 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm 7.5 BA4 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm 8 BA6 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm li BA8 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm dark gray BA9 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm little grindstone in a20 cache K3 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm lithic K5 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm dark gray O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2950 A14.224 O830 dia la f278.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2951 A14.224 O830 dia la f278.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2952 A14.224 O830 dia la f278.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2953 A14.224 O830 dia la f278.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p55 P99 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm To drafting ; A14.225 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j !! jar A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p35 B10 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw jar B99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw Record contains only minimal fielsd data. A99 2022-10-24_ZGx24jW.j jw part of a20 jar cache. D1 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-27_O830JW4R.j jw r872 (41084 34432 - 8174 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm i225 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm q783 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA BA1 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm jar BA9 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm jar with decorated walls in a20 cache O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p55 ; A14.226 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-08-15_O815JW.j !! jar A35 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2438 A14.226 O907 kf cv f278.jpg B10 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw jar B11 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Base and part of the body section of a flat-bottom jar. D1 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-27_O830JW4R.j jw r873 (41097 34394 - 8170 / Relay location: center of object) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 F51 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm i226 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm q783 G99 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Part of a20 cache. I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 3 I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 14.2 J5 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 11 J99 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Measurements pertain to extant portion. BA1 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm cup BA9 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm conical cup? in a20 cache K3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh xfx K5 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw very pale brown K6 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 10YR7/3 K10 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Base and vertical slice of body section just shy of maximum diameter extant. K11 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Reconstructed from fragments. K99 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Small portion of what may be a horizontal combed decoration at very top of extant body section. Burn mark on part of interior on bottom and side. O4 2004-09-01_A14_VWX.j iI L_W17b2442 A14.226 O901 iI cv f278.jpg O4 2004-09-07_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2438 A14.226 O907 kf cv f278.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p55 P99 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw To photography and drafting prior to storage at Mozan. ; A14.227 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2004-07-27_O727GM.j !! grinding stone A35 2004-08-09_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2504 A14.0227 O809 cvp x.jpg B10 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm grinding stone B11 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm Lithic tool with lengthened shape and one side larger than the other; surfaces are consumed in some points, maybe by use. D1 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-27_O830JW4R.j jw r874 (41001 34426 - 8179 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm i227 (grinding stone) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm q783 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm 5.83 J2 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm 15.79 J3 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm 7.46 J99 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm wt > 1 k BA1 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm lithic artifact BA2 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm 6 BA3 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm 16 BA4 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm 7.5 BA6 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm li BA8 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm dark gray BA9 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm grindstone in a20 cache K3 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm lithic K5 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm dark gray O4 2004-08-09_A14_VWX.j cvp L_W17d2504 A14.0227 O809 cvp x.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p55 ; A14.228 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-27_O727GM.j !! figurine A35 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2787 A14.228 O731 gg fg.jpg B10 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm figurine B11 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm Almost entire animal figurine, a dog; it shows a lengthened face, with the ears to the sides; the neck shows an applied collar with two parts jutting out to the sides of the neck, and a third on the back of it, bigger, with a hole in it. Then the entire trunk, the genitalia, and the four legs, broken. Fingerprints on surface. D1 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm k3 D3 2004-07-27_O830JW4R.j jw r876 (41181 34903 - 8195 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm i228 (figurine) sits in f298 (laminations) G17 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm q788 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm 3.40 J2 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm 4.81 J3 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm 2.10 J8 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm 20 BA1 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm figurine BA8 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm brown BA9 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm dog K3 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm very pale brown K6 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm 10YR7/4 O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2787 A14.228 O731 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2788 A14.228 O731 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2789 A14.228 O731 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2790 A14.228 O731 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2791 A14.228 O731 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2792 A14.228 O731 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2793 A14.228 O731 gg fg.jpg O2 2004-07-31_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2794 A14.228 O731 gg fg.jpg O4 2004-08-10_A14_VWX.j cVP L_W17b2930 A14.0228 O810 cVP fg.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p55 P99 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm To drafting and photography P99 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm To drafting ; A14.229 A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact A21 2004-07-27_O727GM.j !! metal artifact A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p55 B10 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm metal artifact B11 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm Very thin bronze pin, bended; one end is sharp, the other is larger and rounded. D1 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm k3 D3 2004-07-27_O830JW4R.j jw r877 (41104 34704 - 8187 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm i229 (metal artifact) sits in f290 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm q782 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s50-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J2 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm 7.10 J4 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm 0.28 BA1 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm metal artifact BA9 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm pin? K3 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm metal K5 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm green O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p55 P99 2004-07-27_O727GM.j gm To conservation ; A14.230 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j !! token A35 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2972 A14.230 O830 dia la f270.jpg B10 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw token B11 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw Decorated clay disk. D1 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-27_O830JW4R.j jw r879 (40864 34428 - 8180 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm i230 (token) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j !! a20 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA BA1 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm clay artifact BA2 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm 0.2 BA5 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm 3.5 BA6 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-27_O908JW2.j gm decorated clay disk or token, maybe with writing K3 2022-10-23_ZGx23jW.j jw cl O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2972 A14.230 O830 dia la f270.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2973 A14.230 O830 dia la f270.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2974 A14.230 O830 dia la f270.jpg O2 2004-08-30_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d2975 A14.230 O830 dia la f270.jpg O4 2004-08-14_A14_VWX.j cVP L_W17b2932 A14.0230 O814 cVP la.jpg O4 2004-08-14_A14_VWX.j cVP L_W17b2933 A14.0230 O814 cVP la.jpg O13 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j jw v156 O13 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j jw v156a O13 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j jw v156b O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p55 ; A14.231 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-28_O728GM.j !! chariot model A35 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7983 A14.231 O931 dia fg f277.jpg B10 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm chariot model B11 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm Fragment of a clay chariot, with only one entire wheel (wheels are united to the body of the cart); it shows more than a half of the charioter's standing place, with the rudder on the front of it. D1 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm k22 D3 2004-07-28_O831JW-R.j gm r915 (39951 35223 - 8305 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm i231 (chariot model) sits in f277 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm q808 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s10-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h6-JPA J1 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 4.84 J2 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 5.44 J3 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 5.21 J8 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 79 BA1 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm figurine BA2 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm 5 BA3 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm 5.5 BA4 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm 5 BA6 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm brown BA9 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm chariot? K3 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm very pale brown K6 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 10YR8/3 O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7983 A14.231 O931 dia fg f277.jpg O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7984 A14.231 O931 dia fg f277.jpg O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7985 A14.231 O931 dia fg f277.jpg O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7986 A14.231 O931 dia fg f277.jpg O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7987 A14.231 O931 dia fg f277.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p56 P99 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.232 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-28_O728GM.j !! clay lump A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p56 B10 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm clay lump B11 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm Clay lump with almost triangular shape, with a flattened part on one side. D1 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm k22 D3 2004-07-28_O831JW-R.j gm r916 (39720 35148 - 8303 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm i232 (clay lump) sits in f277 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm q808 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s10-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h6-JPA J1 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 3.14 J2 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 4.76 J3 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 1.93 BA1 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm seal impression BA2 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm 3 BA3 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm 5 BA4 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm 2 BA6 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm seal impression K3 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm pink K6 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 7.5YR7/3 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p56 P2 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm ZSB 8-24 ; A14.233 A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact A21 2004-07-28_O728GM.j !! stone tool A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p56 B10 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm stone tool B10 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm tool B11 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm Fragment of a lithic tool, maybe an eraser. Lengthened elliptical shape, one edge sharpened. Surface polished, partially covered by concretions. D1 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm k22 D3 2004-07-28_O831JW-R.j gm r917 (39973 35226 - 8306 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm i233 (stone tool) sits in f277 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm q808 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s10-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h6-JPA J1 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 2.30 J2 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 3.26 J3 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 1.40 J8 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 15 BA1 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm lithic artifact BA2 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm 2.2 BA3 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm 3.5 BA4 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm 1.5 BA6 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm li BA8 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm black BA9 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm eraser? K3 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm lithic K5 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm black O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p56 P2 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm ZSB 20-16 ; A14.234 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-28_O728GM.j !! figurine A35 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d7997 A14.234 O931 dia fg f278.jpg B10 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm figurine B11 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm Almost entire animal figurine, maybe an onagre; it shows a lengthened face, broken, the neck with a high and thin mane, the trunk, the back part with the tail and the genitalia, the four legs, broken.wm cl D1 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm k5 D3 2004-07-28_O831JW-R.j gm r921 (40945 34403 - 8162 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm i234 (figurine) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j !! a20 G17 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm q805 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 3.91 J2 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 6.02 J3 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 2.86 J8 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 34 BA1 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm figurine BA2 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm 4.5 BA3 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm 6 BA4 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm 3 BA6 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm tan BA9 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm animal K5 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm pale yellow K6 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 5YR8/2 O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7997 A14.234 O931 dia fg f278.jpg O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7998 A14.234 O931 dia fg f278.jpg O2 2004-09-31_A14_VWX.j dia L_V17d7999 A14.234 O931 dia fg f278.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p56 P99 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm To drafting and photography ; A14.235 A20 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm ceramic vessel A21 2004-07-28_O728GM.j !! cup A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p56 B10 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm cup B11 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm Bottom and part of the body of a vessel, maybe a conical cup, broken in two pieces, with the base that shows a spiral incised, maybe the sign of the wheel. D1 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm k5 D3 2004-07-28_O831JW-R.j gm r929 (41221 34085 - 8149 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm i235 (cup) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm q805 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 4.96 J2 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 9.18 J3 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 6.03 J99 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm The two pieces have been measured together. BA1 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm cup BA2 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm 4.5 BA4 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm 9.3 BA5 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm 6 BA6 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm cl BA8 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm reddish brown BA9 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm bottom sitting on floor K3 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm very pale brown K6 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm 10YR7/3 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p56 P2 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm ZSB 6-11 ; A14.236 A20 !!_!! !! other A21 2004-07-28_O728GM.j !! specimen A35 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j !! v157 B10 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm specimen B11 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm Two modern cans. D1 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm k22 D3 2004-07-28_O831JW-R.j gm r928 (39973 35279 - 8302 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm i236 (specimen) sits in f277 (accumulation) G17 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm q808 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s10-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h6-JPA BA1 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm specimen BA6 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm mt BA9 2004-07-28_O908JW2.j gm rusted modern can in gully wash immediately adjacent to 3rd millennium entrance to abi K3 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm metal O13 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j jw v157 O13 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j jw v157b O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p56 P2 2004-07-28_O728GM.j gm ZSB 121-6 ; A14.237 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-07-29_O729GM.j !! seal impression A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j !! p33 B10 2004-07-29_O729GM.j gm seal impression B11 2004-07-29_O729GM.j gm Clay lump with lengthened shape, one side concave with an imprint on it, and the other convex with a seal impression on it, cut by parallel imprints of tiny strings. Fingerprints on surface. B11 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb thick peg impression, rest broken D1 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm k13 D3 2004-07-28_O831JW-R.j gm r943 (40721 34902 - 8300 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm i237 (seal impression) sits in f176 (topsoil) G17 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm q820 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s2-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h7-JPA J1 2004-07-29_O729GM.j gm 3.30 J2 2004-07-29_O729GM.j gm 3.76 J2 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 3.3 J3 2004-07-29_O729GM.j gm 1.92 J3 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 3.2 J7 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 1.9 J99 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb measured along axis of peg impression BA1 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm seal impression BA2 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm 4.3 BA3 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm 4.5 BA4 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm 3 BA8 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm dark gray BA9 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm seal impression K3 2004-07-29_O729GM.j gm cl K5 2004-07-29_O729GM.j gm dark bluish gray K5 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb weak red K6 2004-07-29_O729GM.j gm 2 FOR GLEY 4/5PB K6 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb 10R5/2 K13 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb geometric pattern partly obliterated by very fine impression of a strand of textile (or fine cord) K99 2004-09-09_O909MKB.j mkb red crumbly secondarily fired O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p33 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p56 P99 2004-07-29_O729GM.j gm To MKB ; A14.238 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-09-08_O909JW.j !! bowl A35 2004-09-09_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2476 A14.0238 O909 kf cv f278.jpg B10 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh bowl B11 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh other bowl D1 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-28_O831JW-R.j gm r944 (41131 34371 - 8172 / Relay location: center of object) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 F51 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm i238 (bowl) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm q822 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 20 J3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 24 J5 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 12 BA1 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm jar BA8 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm yellow BA9 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm half jar in a20 cache K3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh bo-5 K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL bowl K5 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh pale yellow K6 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh 2.5Y8/2 ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL other ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 5 N99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh restored from fragments O4 2004-09-09_A14_VWX.j iI L_W17b2476 A14.0238 O909 iI cv f278.jpg O4 2004-09-09_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2476 A14.0238 O909 kf cv f278.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p56 ; A14.239 A4 2004-09-09_ZI930mKB.j mKB c1 A21 2004-09-09_ZI930mKB.j !! door sealing A35 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j !! L_V17d2822 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg B10 2004-07-29_O803JW.j jw seal impression B10 2004-09-09_ZI930mKB.j mKB door sealing B11 2004-07-29_O803JW.j jw seal impression with inscription. B11 2004-09-09_ZI930mKB.j mKB three rollings of the Ishar-kinum inscribed seal all facing in the same direction; peg impression and four cord impressions. D1 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-28_O831JW-R.j gm r946 (41140 34599 - 8216 / Relay location: center of object) E2 2004-07-29_O803JW.j jw 90 heads_of_figures_in_most_complete_rolling N E3 2004-07-29_O803JW.j jw E face_of_sealing_with_impressions F51 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm i239 (door sealing) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j !! a20 G17 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm q831 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA I99 2004-07-29_O803JW.j jw Later analysis by gb of the text revealed that it named a previously unknown enden of Urkesh, Ishar-napshum. As the context was a sealed living accumulation, f278, above the material from re-modeling of the palace, we have tentatively assigned the stratum of the findspot to Phase 3b. BA1 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm seal impression BA8 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm brown BA9 2004-07-29_O908JW2.j gm seal impression with visible writing K13 2004-09-09_ZI930mKB.j mKB Middle rolling: figure wearing a long garment with fringe running at least half way up the garment; this figure is seated on a stool divided into nine compartments, stool is placed on the back of a standing lion facing right with an open mouth, above the lion's head is the inscription box. Standing figure in a long belted skirt with fringe along the bottom. This figure has a long beard and is wearing a half circle shaped hat. In his left hand he is holding up a long, straight partially undulating implement; his right arm is extended and holding a cup-like vessel with a tall base and pouring an undulating liquid into a vessel positioned between him and a standing lion facing left with an open mouth. Above his head is an eight pointed star. K13 2004-09-09_ZI930mKB.j mKB Lower rolling: Small figure facing left wearing a long skirt, Seated bearded figure facing left wearing a long garment with fringe both at the hem and going up the skirt. This figure is a deity as he is wearing a crown with horns on top of which is a plant motif. The stool of the deity is placed on the back of an open mouthed lion facing right and above his head is the inscription box. Standing bearded figure in a long fringed skirt with a belt; he is facing right with arms extended. K13 2004-09-09_ZI930mKB.j mKB Upper rolling: feet of two human figures facing left both positioned above the tail of a lion, bottom of a stool divided into three spaces placed on the back of the standing lion facing right, figure wearing a long garment facing right. O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2822 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2823 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2824 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2825 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2826 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2827 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2828 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2829 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2830 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2831 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2832 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2833 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2834 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2835 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2836 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2837 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2838 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2839 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2840 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2841 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2842 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2843 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2844 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2845 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2846 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2847 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2848 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2849 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2850 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2851 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2852 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2853 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2854 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2855 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2856 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2857 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2858 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2859 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O2 2004-07-30_A14_VWX.j gg L_V17d2860 A14.239 O730 gg si.jpg O4 0000-00-00_A14_VWX.j si L_W17b2913 A14.0239 fLP si f278.jpg O4 2004-08-11_A14_VWX.j fLP L_W17b2910 A14.0239 O811 fLP si f278.jpg O4 2004-08-11_A14_VWX.j fLP L_W17b2911 A14.0239 O811 fLP si f278.jpg O4 2004-08-11_A14_VWX.j flp L_W17c2510 A14.0239 O811 flp si f278.jpg O4 2004-08-11_A14_VWX.j flp L_W17c2511 A14.0239 O811 flp si f278.jpg O4 2004-08-11_A14_VWX.j flp L_W17c2512 A14.0239 O811 flp si f278.jpg O4 2004-08-11_A14_VWX.j flp L_W17c2513 A14.0239 O811 flp si f278.jpg O4 2004-08-14_A14_VWX.j fLP L_W17b2912 A14.0239 O814 fLP si f278.jpg O13 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j jw v164 O13 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j jw v164b O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p33 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p56 P99 2004-07-29_O803JW.j jw to mkb for immediate cleaning and processing ; A14.240 A20 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw ceramic vessel A21 2004-08-15_O815JW.j !! cup A35 2004-09-06_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2419 A14.0240 O906 kf cv f278.jpg B10 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw cup B11 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Conical cup with string-cut base. D1 2004-07-31_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-31_O831JW-R.j dc r948 (41203 34632 - 8189 / Relay location: center of object) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 F51 2004-07-31_O908JW2.j gm i240 (cup) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-31_O908JW2.j gm q836 G99 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Part of a20 jar cache. I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 3 I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 9.5 J5 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 4.7 J99 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Height is of extant portion. BA1 2004-07-31_O908JW2.j gm cup BA8 2004-07-31_O908JW2.j gm light brown BA9 2004-07-31_O908JW2.j gm conical cup in a20 cache K3 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Fine Chaff Temper Ware K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh xfc K5 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw light gray K6 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw 10YR7/2 K10 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Base and much of body extant. Rim missing. K11 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw Reassembled from fragments. O4 2004-09-04_A14_VWX.j iI L_W17b2422 A14.0240 O904 iI cv f278.jpg O4 2004-09-06_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2419 A14.0240 O906 kf cv f278.jpg O13 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j jw v175 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p56 P99 2004-08-15_O815JW.j jw To photography and drafting prior to storage at Mozan. ; A14.241 A20 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc ceramic vessel A21 2004-08-03_O814JW.j !! cup A35 2004-09-08_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2446 A14.0241 O908 kf cv f278.jpg B10 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc cup B11 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc Conical cup with string-cut base. Resembles type cc-3, but it has a somewhat greater outward-inward turn at the rim than the exemplar in the catalog. Rim color is 10YR8/2, very pale brown. Body and ware color is 10YR7/4, very pale brown. D1 2004-07-31_O908JW2.j gm k4 D3 2004-07-31_O831JW-R.j dc r949 (41208 34602 - 8189 / Relay location: center of object) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 F51 2004-07-31_O908JW2.j gm i241 (cup) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 G17 2004-07-31_O908JW2.j gm q836 G99 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc Part of a20 jar cache I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc 3a I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc 7 J3 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc 5 J4 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc 10.3 BA1 2004-07-31_O908JW2.j gm cup BA8 2004-07-31_O908JW2.j gm reddish brown BA9 2004-07-31_O908JW2.j gm cup in a20 cache K3 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc Fine Chaff Temper Ware K3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh cc-3 K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL cup K5 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc very pale brown K6 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc 10YR7/4 K10 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc One piece broken out of rim and several small rim chips. ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL conical (cup) ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 3 O4 2004-08-07_A14_VWX.j cVP L_W17b2446 A14.0241 O807 cVP cv f278.jpg O4 2004-09-08_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2446 A14.0241 O908 kf cv f278.jpg O13 2004-07-05_O911JW2.j jw v175 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p56 P99 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc To drawing and photography in preparation for storage in the Dier ez-Zor museum. ; A14.241.1 A20 !!_!! !! other A21 2004-08-03_O814JW.j !! soil sample B10 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc soil sample B11 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc Sample of the soil contained in the conical cup A14.241. D1 2004-07-31_O908JW2.j gm k4 F51 2004-07-31_O908JW2.j gm i241.1 (soil sample) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j !! a20 G17 2004-07-31_O908JW2.j gm q836 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA BA1 2004-07-31_O908JW2.j gm sample BA9 2004-07-31_O908JW2.j gm contents of A14.241 cup P2 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc ZSB 121.6 ; A14.242 A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel A21 2004-08-12_O812JW.j !! jar A35 2004-09-05_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17d2406 A14.0242 O905 kf cv f278.jpg B10 2004-08-12_O812JW.j jw jar B11 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc Round-bottom jar with slightly out-turned rim. B11 2004-08-12_O812JW.j jw Round-bottom jar with out-turned rim. Part of jar cache a20. D1 2004-08-12_O908JW2.j jw k4 D3 2004-08-12_O831JW-R.j jw r950 (41041 34596 - 8181 / Relay location: center of object) D99 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh from f278 and jar cache a20 E2 2004-08-12_O812JW.j jw 0 rim NE E3 2004-08-12_O812JW.j jw NW rim E4 2004-08-12_O812JW.j jw 6 half of rim missing F51 2004-08-12_O908JW2.j jw i242 (jar) sits in f278 (accumulation A) G1 2004-09-11_O911JW.j jw a20 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s52a-JPA I3 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc 3a I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3b-JPA J1 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc 20 J3 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc 10 J4 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc 16.3 BA1 2004-08-12_O908JW2.j jw jar BA9 2004-08-12_O908JW2.j jw round-bottom jar from a20 cache K3 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc Fine Chaff Temper Ware K3 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware K4 2004-09-08_O909JW.j hh jns-9 K4 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL jar K5 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc pale yellow K6 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc 2.5Y7/3 K10 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc About one sixth of rim extant, otherwise only a few repairable cracks. ZcaS1 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL necked ZcaS2 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL straight ZcaS3 2017-04-17_ZB417RL.j rL 2 O4 2004-08-18_A14_VWX.j iI L_W17b2411 A14.0242 O818 iI cv f278.jpg O4 2004-09-05_A14_VWX.j kf L_W17d2406 A14.0242 O905 kf cv f278.jpg O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH.j cKH p35 O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p56 P99 2004-08-03_O814JW.j dc to conservation, drafting, and photography in preparation for storage in the Deir ez-Zor Museum. ; A14.243 A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact A21 2004-09-14_O914JW.j !! figurine A35 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j !! p50 B10 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw figurine B11 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw Hindquarters and a substantial part of the body of a female animal. Genitalia prominently displayed. D1 2004-08-26_O908JW2.j jw k25 D3 2004-08-26_O828JW-R.j jw r951 (40233 33798 - 8047 / Relay location: center of object) F51 2004-08-26_O908JW2.j jw i243 (figurine) sits in f233 (pavement, type c) G17 2004-08-26_O908JW2.j jw q837 I1 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! s58b-JPA I3 2004-08-24_O824JW.j !! h3a-JPA J1 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw 4.88 J2 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw 8.05 J3 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw 4.82 BA1 2004-08-26_O908JW2.j jw figurine BA2 2004-08-26_O908JW2.j jw 4.5 BA3 2004-08-26_O908JW2.j jw 8 BA4 2004-08-26_O908JW2.j jw 5 BA6 2004-08-26_O908JW2.j jw cl BA8 2004-08-26_O908JW2.j jw tan BA9 2004-08-26_O908JW2.j jw hindquarters of animal K5 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw very pale brown K6 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw 10YR8/2 K10 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw Head, forequarters and half the hind legs are missing. Attachment for a tail is also broken off. O13 2008-05-28_S528CKH1.j cKH p50 P2 2004-09-14_O914JW.j jw to drafting and then ZSB storage ; A14.430.1.1 A35 2004-07-22_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17b2907 A14.0430.1.1 O722 vve x f181.jpg O4 2004-07-22_A14_VWX.j vve L_W17b2907 A14.0430.1.1 O722 vve x f181.jpg ; A14.430.1.7 A35 2004-07-22_A14_VWX.j !! L_W17b2906 A14.0430.1.7 O722 vve x f181.jpg O4 2004-07-22_A14_VWX.j vve L_W17b2906 A14.0430.1.7 O722 vve x f181.jpg