.bk A15 .fl L724okk.j .fd field journal feature descriptions .ed L724 .ei okk .rd L724 .ri okk f 33 df a ds accumulation below topsoil in k13. This accumulation consists of brown earth with large chunks of brick in it. f 34 df a ds accumulation below f22, the k3. This accumulation appears to be less hard and compacted than f22, and is brown in color rather than the hard, compacted grey matrix of f22. tc co f41 f 22 tc co f34 f 35 df ts ds topsoil in k12. The incline of the slope is approximately 20 degrees at the beginnng of excavation. tc co f42 tc co f43 tc co f44 f 36 df a ds accumulation south of wall f31 and bounded by the south baulk. This accumulation is a grey matrix with large pieces of baked brick throughout. On top of this accumulation lays a matrix of red accumulation with white pieces, f47. f 37 df w ds EW wall which forms the northern boundary of k100. This wall bonds with NS wall f6 in the west and wall f60 in the east. This wall has an interesting construction in that it has a niche inset in it towards the western end. This niche is approximately half a metre in width and 40 cm in depth. Set within this niche is a large storage vessel. This wall is plastered on the inner face (southern). The niche is plastered, and the storage vessel is bricked in the niche with a few small bricks and then plastered over. Once a window was cut in to see the depth of the vessel, it turns out that the vessel is turned upside down. tc bo f6 tc bo f60 f 38 df bf ds brickfall in eastern third of k13. This brickfall consists of large grey chunks of sun-dried brick. tc co f46 f 39 df f ds floor in E section of k11 associated with basin f27. This floor is only seen as a small sloping remnant of floor sloping from the northern edge of the basin in section. There was no such remnant in the southern section of this square above the basin and no further evidence of a floor at the same level throughout the rest of the square. tc ov f27 tc ov f23 f 40 df cut ds cut made by the wadi channel through southern end of squares 1 and 11. This is a modern wadi channel, which begins in the easternmost extent of k11 and meanders through to the westernmost extent of k1. The fill f82 of this cut contained plastic bags and a tin can, indicating its modern origin. tc cu f5 tc cu f8 tc cu f23 tc cu f26 tc cu f21 tc cu f107 tc cu f137 tc cu f139 f 42 df w ds NS wall in k12. This wall is found next to and parallel to the eastern baulk of k12. Since this wall was first discovered, it was difficult to distinguish individual bricks from eroded bricks. Because of this, it was first thought that wall f42 was connected to wall f43, but after scraping it became clear that there was a doorway that separated these two walls. At the northern end of this wall the wall juts out, making a small niche for the doorway. f 43 df w ds EW wall in k12. This wall was first thought to connect to wall f42 in the easternmost part of the square, but it is now clear that this wall begins to the west of the doorway, also forming a small niche to accommodate the doorway as with f42. The wall continues to the edge of the eastern baulk. f 44 df a ds accumulation inside the corner made by walls f42 and f43, and bounded by the E baulk and S baulk. Once these walls were distinguished from the top, this feature was given from the top of these walls inside this room. The accumulation consists of grey matrix with small pieces of brick. At the eastern end of this feature, next to wall f42 was fallen bricks which at first appeared to have fallen from the wall f42. Now since the wall appears to be intact, these fallen bricks might be the same as the brickfall f38 in the adjacent square, and thus may have fallen from some structure to the east of the current excavation. f 46 df a ds accumulation below f33 and f38. It is a grey matrix which is relatively loose, with large pieces of soil when it is excavated. This is a relatively shallow feature, as soon after excavation was begun we found walls f50 and f51. tc co f50 tc co f51 tc co f52 f 47 df a ds compacted red matrix with white chunks in the S of k2. This accumulation forms a semi-circle against the south baulk. It is composed of red matrix which chunks of white conglomerate (or calcium carbonate?). It is to the south of the southernmost wall f31, so it is an extramural feature. It appears to be the same composition and level as f28 ain the adjacent square k3, and so f28 is probably a continuation of this feature. Ther have been multiple interpretations of this feature; one that it could be eroded from some type of construction that is no longer extant, and two that it could be a pit of building material that was used for some type of building material such as is used by levelling. It seems likely that it could be such a pit as it is outside of the walls. tc co f36 f 48 df ad ds wadi wash, a group of large stones and bricks which appeared as a tumble from the eastern baulk downslope. This wadi wash sits on top of f41, the hard grey matrix. tc ov f41 f 49 df ts ds topsoil in k14. The incline of the slope is about 20 degrees eastward. tc co f61 tc co f63 f 50 df w ds EW wall which begins at the eastern baulk of k13, about 30 cm from the northern baulk. This wall is composed of eroded bricks which were difficult to distinguish. After scraping the top of the wall well, it became clear that there was a doorway at the eastern end, and a stone door socket which appear to still be in situ. This wall forms the southern boundary for the pavement f53 to the north of it. When this wall was first found, it appeared that it might be as much as four lines of brick wide, but when we tried to excavate to find the face, the "bricks" appeared to be only compacted mud. Beneath these "bricks" to the south is a highly compacted mud layer with an uneven upper surface. tc re f56 f 51 df w ds NS wall against the eastern baulk of k13. This wall is perpendicular to f50, but is different in construction. There is only one course of bricks, and then a step of compacted grey matrix. This step of compacted earth appears to be the same as f56, the floor surface that these walls f50 and f51 sit upon. tc re f56 f 52 df aa ds accumulation north of wall f51 in k13. This accumulation begins at the top of wall f51. It is a shallow layer of brown earth under which was found a pebble-sherd pavement f53. tc co f53 f 53 df pv ds pebble-sherd pavement in the northern area of k13, of which we only see about a 30 cm corridor, and the rest of it continues into the norther baulk. There is a basin which rests on this pavement, half of which is within the baulk. The pavement abuts wall f51 to the south, but does not have a very clear western boundary, but seems to peter out. tc ab f51 f 54 df bf ds brickfall in k100, which is to the east and higher than wall f37 and wall f7. This brickfall is the continuation of the brickfall from A16k7 and k8. The brickfall consists of large chunks of grey brick tumbled together. It is relatively loose and easy to excavate. f 55 df bf ds brickfall to the north of wall f43 in k12, and bounded by the northern and eastern baulks. This feature consists of a mix of red and light yellow colored bricks, many of which are whole. The whole feature is quite compacted. This feature is the same in consistency and elevation as f23 in k11. This was confirmed when the northern baulk of k12 was excavated and it became clear that these layers are contiguous. This brickfall is bounded by wall f43, thus f43 is the wall against which this brickfall fell. f 56 df a ds accumulation which covers the eastern 2/3 of k13, upon which walls f50 and f51 rest. f 57 df he ds fill of hearth in the NW quadrant of k1. This feature appeared as a circle of ash from the top, and it wasn't certain whether it was a pit or hearth. After cleaning it well, it was a circle with a small trough dug out in front of it facing west. When we began to dig it, it was full of homogeneous ash, and so confirmed that it was a hearth and not a pit. We took the ash as a sample for flotation; the whole hearth was at least half a garbage bag full. f 58 df cut ds cut of hearth a, of which f57 is the fill. This hearth appears to be dug into the accumulation beneath floor f26, f107. f26 didn't continue in the western half of k1, but it is it is probably due to erosion. Functionally it seems most likely that this hearth belongs to the same phase as the room in which it sits, near to where wall f6 continues southwards. tc cu f107 f 59 df w ds stones laid in a line, which were first seen as 3 stone in the eastern baulk of k2. They are laid NS, and form the eastern edge of the small room in k2. Once the eastern baulk of k2 was removed, more stones appeared and now it is clear that these stones form a wall. f 60 df w ds NS wall which bonds with wall f37 and creates a corner of the room. This is a very small wall as there is a doorway only about 2 metres to the south from the beginning of the this wall. It is plastered on its inner (western) face. tc bo f37 f 61 df ac ds accumulationt to the west of wall f63 and wall f88 in k14. This accumulation began from the top of wall f63 and continued until gully wash was found in the western part of the square and a hard mud accumulation was found next to wall f63. f 62 df a ds accumulation to the west of f56 in k13, in a corridor in the western third of the square. This accumulation was soft brown earth with a lot of sherds and pebbles. It was determined that it was gully wash, probably the same as f48 in the adjacent square k3. Below this feature, f56 continues, forming a step about 30 cm high. This could be due to a cut that the wadi channel made into the hard accumulation. f 63 df w ds wall that runs NS next to the eastern baulk. f 64 df ab ds accumulation in k100 beneath the brickfall f54. This accumulation is bounded by the walls f65 and f85. It covers the floor of this small room or closet. It is composed of clayey brown compacted earth.