.bk A15 .fl L812jlw1.j .fd daily journal for A9 assistance to A15 on L728 .ei jlw .ed L812 .rd L728 .ri jlw -eq train installed to remove backdirt from k15 and k5 as well as other nearby A15 worksites. -wk 7 picks and 18 in support reported for work. Ramadan, from A15 detailed to us to help organize overall dirt removal. -sg in a meeting on the evening of L727, gb proposed to use A9 excavators to work in k13 and k14 to the north of k15 since there was an indication that the palace wall may well extend into these loci. This would be in lieu of opening up either k25 or k95 to the east and west, respectively of where we are presently working in k5 and k15. okk preferred to use her own workforce for k14, so we will deploy only to k13. It is on the outside perimeter of part of the Khabur settlement further to the north in A15 and A16, but only a doorway and a set of low entrance walls appear along the north baulk of k13, which has been partially excavated this season. k 13 sg remove the features currently exposed and excavate rapidly to reach the level of the Phase 2 palace structure, some two meters below. dy removed wall, f50, sherd and pebble walkway, f53, and threshold, f308, along the north baulk and brick pathway, f51, along the east baulk. Began excavating accumulation, f56, which is very hard and dense with some soft pockets. This material is typical of the bottom layer of a gully, and is found here because this locus lies in the path of the lowest level of the modern gully, which runs E-W here. In section along the north baulk, noticed a layer of crumbly red packing, f309, possibly associated with the threshold, f308. k 15 dy finished excavating topsoil, f306, immediately under which was gully wash accumulation, f307, which was removed. Under this was a N-S line of broken bricks, f312, along most of the east side, a stone and sherd surface, f310, in the south half, extending roughly diagonally from the SE corner, NW to the middle and accumlation, f311, primarily in the north half and far SW corner. After removing these, there was another line of bricks, f318, in the SE corner, which were possibly a lower course of f312, that had been overlaid by the stones, f310. f 307 df ad ds gully wash under topsoil, f306, in k15. Similar to f301 in k5. tc co f310 tc co f311 tc co f312 tc co f318 f 308 df bk ds two-brick wide threshold for what appears to be an entrance to a pathway through several buildings of a settlement to the north along the N baulk of k13. There is a door socket at the SE corner. Also, there is a single course of bricks, f50, several bricks wide on either side which suggests the presence of a building to the south for which this was part of a doorway. tc ab f50 f 309 df ba ds a band of red, crumbly material appearing in section in the north baulk of k13 at the elevation of the brick threshold, f308, in the N baulk of k13. It is impossible to tell if they are associated. tc si f56 f 310 df pc ds a stone and sherd surface, f310, in the south half, extending roughly diagonally from the SE corner, NW to the middle of k13. ds layer of stones and sherds. ;tc si f307 ;tc co f318 tc ab f312 tc ab f318 f 311 df a ds accumulation, under accumulation, f307, primarily in the north half and far SW corner of k15. tc co f322 f 312 ;df bk df w ds a line of deteriorated bricks along the east edge of k15. ;tc si f307 tc co f323 f 313 ;df bk df w ds E-W line of bricks along the north edge of the SE quadrant of k5. tc ab f315 f 314 df a ds accumulation, under accumulation, f305, in the SW quadrant of k5. P99 last feature excavated in MZ14 in SW quadrant of k5. Starting point for next season of excavation. f 315 df a ds accumulation, under accumulation, f303, in the SE quadrant of k5. It abuts the line of bricks, f312 to the north. Similar to, if not the same as, f304. P99 last feature excavated in MZ14 in SE quadrant of k5. Starting point for next season of excavation. f 316 df pt-c ds cut of a pit that intersects part of a line of bricks, f320, and that is located in the west side of the middle of k5. tc in f320 f 317 df fi ds fill in pit cut, f316, in the middle of k15. Bottom is lined with individual bricks. tc si f316 f 318 ;df bk df w ds series of bricks, abutting the stone and sherd surface, f310, in the SE corner of k15. ;tc si f307 tc ab f323