.bk A15 .fl N720ms.j .fd daily journal N720 .ed N720 .ei ms .rd N720 .ri ms -dy got two new shovelmen, Jawan and Muhammad. Continued going down in all loci. k 5 dy continued removing a f397 to n of pit f394. Uncovered large stone, f410, perhaps in line or at same level as stones and sherd pavement from MZ14, f208. Also uncovered possible burial, f403, but it was only an animal. Took photo and removed it. Continue talking f397 to s and down. Will start going down at lower levels. gb believes these are part of large gray accumulation. We will assign new feature number although it is well seen in the baulk. This will be f411. k 15 dy continued going down in f407, accumulation. Originally kept to lines of baulk but have decided to remove what's left of baulk to get continuation between k15 and k14. Uncovered small pebble layer in ne cornder of k. This is f409. Consists of small rounded, gray pebbles and goes into the baulk, which is another reason to remove baulk. This is not seen in section on the other side. f407 is dark brown and seemingly damp. This seems to be the same material in the baulk. k 14 dy removed sherds from f384, sherd/pebble layer. It seemed as though the floor continued more to the n but it was only a single line of sherds that continued. We did find one Khabur sherd in this area but it ismore to the east and in a less compacted area than the bitument painted sherd. Also removed sherds from sherd layer f399. Uncovered bu f408 just north of the pedestal we have left for the large stones, f376. It is unusual because it does not appear to be a burial placement but instead is just a skeleton dumped in the middle of the kiln waste. There is no cut and apparently no burial goods. Meesa is excavating the skeleton and it will probably be ready for photos and removal tomorrow. Bones are i236, hb. k 13 dy still removing f373. Continuing to level of kilns and below. Kiln waste remains uniform. There are areas of red and gray that sometimes appear to be the start of kilns but none have panned out. We are perhaps reaching the end of the kiln waste to the n of the k. We can clean and scrape tomorrow to get a better idea.