.bk A15 .fl N803jw1.j .fd daily journal and comments on f475 and axial definitions for i237, i244-i246 .ri jw .rd N803 .ed N727 .ei jw i 237 df ja in 0 rim SE or NE rim i 244 df ja in 0 rim WSW or SSE rim i 245 df ja in 80 rim NNE or ESE rim i 246 df ja in 0 rim SSW or ESE rim .rd N803 f 475 df ly ds very thin ash layer in the middle of k2. It is only a few millimeters thick and separates a brown accumulation above (f474) from a more reddish brickmelt below (f476). It resembles the thin ash layer f450 seen in k15 at approximately the same elevation which also overlays reddish material. -wk Muhammad Khir departed to work in J1 as a pickman and was replaced by M'hd Turkey. fab took Muhammad Juma and Muhammad Turkey to work on the joint A15/A17/A18 dirt train. -sg gb, fab, ms, jw, and jo met at the site to analyze the stratigraphic implications of the material being excavated in k2, k13, k14 and k15 in light of the working hypothesis about the distinct phases of occupation of Tell Mozan. Late Khabur houses are just below the ground and can be seen in section high in the east baulk of k13 to k15. They were built atop a massive dump of kiln waste (early Khabur) to the north and a cleaner fill to the south. Particularly in the south, we found some evidence of Phase 4 occupation, namely a large paved surface (f451) and a stone/sherd deposit (fin k15. Pits for the kiln waste were dug into reddish material seen clearly in sections of the east and north baulks of k13. Yesterday we found a stone and sherd pavement (f467) just below the bottom of the northernmost of two pit kilns excavated in MZ14. It is at elevation 8634, approximately the same as the elevation of the stone and sherd pavement in front of a cache of large jars in k5 (8645), which are probably Phase 3. The k13 pavement was covered by a reddish layer resembling brickmelt (f469) and this in turn was covered by a thinner clean, brown accumulation (f468). The sections of k13 and k2 show the deep red associated with brick walls in the Phase 2 palace. jw suggested that a sequence of post-palace occupation consisting of immediate re-use of the open areas in Phase 3 while the walls were extant, followed by abandonment of this region of the tell during which the walls melted over the Phase 3 structures may explain what we see. At a later time, limited Phase 4 occupation was established (seen in k15 and possibly destroyed by the Phase 5 pits in k13 and k14). In the next few days we will carfully remove the melt in k2 and k13 (a blend of red and fine-grained brown material) to look for the walls whose possible presence is indicated by disturbed foundation stones in line with extant foundations and the deposits of deeper red, which include some bricks and the crumbly red matrix from which they are made.