.bk A15 .fl N818ms.j .fd daily journal .ed N818 .ei ms .rd N818 .ri ms -dy removed jars from installation a34 a 34 dy began removal of jars from this installation today. Declared new feature, f523 to be the fill currently exposed. Until now, f411 was used for the accumulation. The four largest jars, i237, i244, i245 and i246 were defined on N721, and N724 and are part of f411. Today we numbered jars i289, i290, i292, and i293. We also uncovered two more fairly complete, small vessels, i296 and i297, and these were also removed. These latter jar are part of f523. nr We first thought that this was a ph 3 installation because a number of the larger vessels are similar to those found in f1 which was dated to ph 3. We have been considering the idea that this may be ph 2 because of walls we are finding in k14 which may be higher ph 2. The dating is questionable at the moment. We have not reached the floor yet which is apparent because we still have jars coming up. We originally thought i245 was incomplete, but it now appears to be more vertical and therefore the base would be on the floor, presumably. Also, we excavated accumulation, f521 on N817 in the afternoon and uncovered a number of baked bricks which are sitting at angles. This also indicates we have not reached the floor. f508 is asssumed to be the eastern wall but there is no good face. We uncovered a stone foundation on N817 which is a good indication that this is a wall, but it may have been cut away by pit f460. The eastern face is also not very good, but we do seem to have a line of plaster for it seen when clearing the accumulation, f509. sg we will continue removing the accumulation f523 on N819 and hopefully reach the floor. It should only be 10 to 15cm below current levels. We also hope the floor will give us some connection with all the walls, f508 to the east, f413 to the west and f458 to the south. There may also be a connection with f208 to the north.