.bk A15 .fl N813mkb.j .fd notes on features 486, 502, 491 .rd N804 .ri mkb f 486 ns These notes reflect analysis for dating purposes; q987 Simple ware cups and a bowl with a cut base, bowl with a square rim, 1 Imitation Metallic ware body sherd; q1121 string cut base of bowl and conical cup, small cup with outturned rim, typical Phase 2 plate with inturned rim, bowl with strong wheelmarks on rounded base; q1116 much Simple ware, 1 BC bowl rim; q995 2 conical cup rims of ROG1 ware, bowl with strong wheelmarks on the base, conical cup with cut base in FC ware, 1 IM body sherd and small jar rim, 1 jar with rope decoration; q1127 WS body sherd, Phase 4 wide flat base with exterior ledge, FC string cut base, 1 IM body; q966 1 Simple ware body sherd and conical cups, 1 Habur painted body sherd, q1136 large amount of Simple ware, 1 ROG bowl with string cut base; q1109 Simple ware conical cup rims, string cut base and body sherds, 1 Habur painted body sherd, 1 Ninevite V body sherd. While some q lots are mixed, the date of this feature is Phase 2. .rd N806 .ri mkb f 488 ns I checked your q971 and there are only Phase 4 sherds in it including a ribbed rim bowl and two sharply carinated bowls, both typical for Phase 4.