.bk A15 .fl Nx27jw.j .fd object descriptions .ri jw .rd N913 .ed Nx27 .ei jw i 278 df shell ds scallop shell, pierced for possible use as a pendant wm sh lg 2.75 w1 2.9 ht 1.4 P99 to drafting and photography q 1172.1 df shell ds miniature conch shell with burned outer surface wm sh w2 1.1 ht 2.1 P2 ZSB 26-6 q 868.1 df shell ds broken half clam shell wm sh lg 2.9 w1 1.3 ht 0.5 P2 ZSB 26-6 q 877.2 df shell ds intact half clam shell wm sh nt measurements not recorded P2 ZSB 26-6 q 1220.11 df shell ds cache of shells consisting of two half clam shells, four small conch shells, and three snail shells. The largestt clam shell has a hole in it, but unclear whether it is man-made wm sh nt the dimensions given are for the clam shell with the hole lg 5.6 w1 2.9 ht 1.1 P2 ZSB 26-6 q 1163.1 df shell ds half shell of clam wm sh lg 6.9 w1 4.0 ht 0.4 P2 ZSB 26-6 q 728.1 df shell ds two small snail shells wm sh nt dimensions are for the largest shell w2 1.1 ht 0.6 P2 ZSB 26-6 q 1161.2 df shell ds broken clam half shell wm sh lg 5.9 w1 3.8 ht 1.4 P2 ZSB 26-6 q 943.1 df shell ds fragment of broken clam half shell wm sh lg 4.4 w1 1.9 ht 0.5 P2 ZSB 26-6 q 1163.1 df shell ds approximately 27 shells of clam larvae wm sh nt dimensions are for typical speciman lg 0.6 w2 0.2 P2 ZSB 26-6 q 1239.1 df shell ds cache of one broken clam shell and 3 small conch shells wm sh P2 ZSB 26-6 q 1169.2 df shell ds cache of six snail larvae wm sh P2 ZSB 26-6 q 1143.2 df ca ds rectangular fragment from a larger clay object. This extant protion has been heated, but probably not baked. It has two flat sides, one of which is rough and burned, the other of which is smooth, partly burned and decorated along one edge with two inscribed parallel lines about 0.8cm apart and between which are punched holes of diameter 0.3cm spaced 0.75cm apart between centers. mkb has identified a similar fragment as part of an andiron. wm clay lg 11.4 w1 7.1 ht 7.7 c# 10YR5/3 co reddish brown nt color is that of core. Surface color varies from 10YR7/1 to 10YR5/1 on the partially burned parts P99 to drafting and photography q 751.2 df to-s ds section of chert tool with triangular cross-section. One of the two blades has been retouched with a series of notches or serrations. The rest of the tool section is covered with bitumen, suggesting that the blade was attached to a wooden handle and used as a tool to harvest and/or process grain wm li nt measurements not recorded P2 ZSB 20-13 i 243 df cv ds two large sherds forming most of the base of a flat-base vessel. No other sherds found in adjacent q-lots that could have been used to complete the vessel wm ROG2 c# 7.5YR7/3 co pink w2 12.3 ht 5.2 nt height is of extant part P2 ZSB 6-10 q 961.1 df ca ds cylindrical piece of worked, but unbaked, clay which sits upright, although leaning a bit off-center wm clay w2 8.6 ht 7.8 c# 10YR7/2 co light gray nt interior color is 5YR6/4, light reddish brown P2 ZSB 7-30 q 980.1 df sm wm clay-baked ds chunk of melted mudbrick and overlaying accumulation containing a horizontal line of plaster that is believed to be from the vertical face of a fallen major wall of the Ph2 palace nr a far more extensive sample, encompassing over 4 sq meters, was taken as A15.279 and will be analyzed by conservators during MZ17 P2 ZSB 121-5 q 1220.10 df sm ds impression and residue from a coated, woven fiberous substance. The object that made the impression may have been a basket, but it is impossible to know for certain lg 12.7 w1 8.9 ht 4.6 nv this material was among the jars of cache a34 P2 ZSB 121-5 wm clay q 932.1 df sm ds burned wood that was originally intended as a charcoal sample but inadvertently touched by a workman. The largest piece may still be useful in identifying the type of wood in the sample lg 5 w1 4 ht 2.5 nt size is approximate for largest piece P2 ZSB 121-5 wm wd .rd N914 .ri ms i 260 df je-mix ds cache of beads and copper alloy pieces that probably comprised a necklace in antiquity. It consists of 42 round, faience beads(typical w2 of 0.55cm and th of 0.28cm), one round white stone bead(w2 of 0.55cm and th of 0.31cm), three miniature gold beads(typical w2 of 0.25cm and th of 0.25cm), and one carved rectangular lapis lazuli bead (lg of 1.10cm, w1 of 1.03cm, and ht of 0.51cm). The bronze pieces are rectangular and may have originally been joined(first has lg of 1.90cm, w1 of 0.98cm, and th of 0.30cm; second has lg of 1.73cm, w1 of 0.96cm and th of 0.27cm). Restoration will be needed to determine the function of the bronze pieces as they are badly corroded, although one piece appears to have been bent back over itself. nt the gold beads appear to be cylindrical and formed by bending a thin strip of gold into a circle and joining the ends. The lapis bead has two holes, both toward the outer edges of opposite narrow sides. One large side of the lapis bead has goove down the middle, while the other is carved into a set of four concentric circles, piled one atop the other into a hemisphere. N99 the bronze needs restoration P99 to photography and drafting, then to Deir ez-Zor museum. wm mt i 279 df sm ds collection of five small pieces of plastered mudbrick that was culled from a larger sample taken from the remains of a fallen wall face, f489 in k2. nm after being packed for shipping, the container is 11.5cm by 11.5cm by 3cm nv for purposes of ID and tracking, sample is designated A15.279, sub item number 100 wm mud bk P99 with the permisssion of the Syrian Department of Antiquities in Damascus, the sample will be exported for more extensive analysis i 273 df pl ds large platter with flat bottom. Parts of top surface show signs of burning N99 restored wm P w2 39.1 ht 7.3 c# 10YR6/3 co pale brown P99 to drafting and photography i 272 df ja nr two clay vessels were found sitting side-by-side in accumulation f486. Each was designated an item, relayed, and removed to the house for restoration. After restoration, jw noticed that there were two items numbered A15.271. These were redesignated A15.271.1 and A15.271.2, under the assumption that that item consisted of two restorable vessels. As time went by, it became clear that one of these two must originally have been A15.272. However, it was impossible to tell which is which. P1 discarded for record purposes on N914 q 1328 ds this is a lot created to account for a number of samples taken in MZ14 by yt, an expert in the manufacture of ceramics, to help understand the operation of kilns a30 and a31 in k13/k14. There are samples of clay(A15q1328.1), raw sheep dung(A15q1328.2), ash from a modern tannur(A15q1328.3), burned dung from a modern tannur(A15q1328.4), and clay from which a modern tannur was made(A15q1328.5) P2 ZSB 29-13 i 245 df ja ds large-mouthed jar with rope decoration and convex base wm ROG2 nt dimensions not recorded c# 10YR7/2 co light gray N99 restored nr restored from many small, deteriorated pieces. Many holes in body P99 to drafting and photography, then to Deir ez-Zor museum. q 772.2 df ca ds two fragments of a baked brick associated with the lining of the north kiln in k13 wm bak bk c# 10YR7/3 co very pale brown nm measurements are for the larger of the two pieces lg 28 w1 14 ht 7.5 P2 ZSB 101-5 i 241 ;df bak bk df bk ds two large fragments of highly overheated baked bricks from the top of the north kiln in k13. One can see traces of vitrified clay and animal dung(used as fuel) incorporated into the resulting burned and melted matrix. nm measurements are given for the larger of the two pieces c# 10YR5/1 co gray wm bak bk lg 16.8 w1 16.8 ht 8.5 P2 ZSB 101-5 q 1233.11 df bk ds large baked brick found in accumulation f523 in k5 that contained many of the jars, bowls, and cups of cache a34. According to gb, baked bricks are associated with the use of water, and this would suggest that the room containing the jars was in active use, not just a storeroom. wm bak bk lg 33 w1 32.5 ht 7 c# 10YR7/2 co light gray P2 ZSB 101-5 q 887.2 df la ds large, loaf-shaped stone with very smooth surface and burn marks that was found in an area of burned material. Surface suggests use as a tool, while the findspot suggests use as part of a hearth. A jar(A15q887.1) was found in close proximity wm li co brown lg 16.2 w1 11.9 ht 7.2 P2 ZSB 105-14 c 1 df si ds compostite drawing of five impressions from the same seal. The sources were: A15.325, A15326.1, A15.326.2, A15.326, and A15.331. The scene depicts two seated figures with a table between them. Another figure walks toward them from the left. There is a cabinet to the right and at least 5 jars. Several unidentified objects "float" above the table. nv all seal impressions came from f551 O99 Drawing W16b3847 A15c1 N915 flp si f551.jpg shows which parts of individual seal impressions were used as references for each part of the composite ;c 1.1 ;df si ;ds this drawing shows which parts of individual seal impressions were used as references for each part of the composite .rd N918 q 1329 df p ds this is a lot to collect the restored parts of 6 jars from a number of q-lots associated with the jar cache, a34 in k5. The sherds not specifically assockated with items and q-items by the excavators were combined int one large group by conservators ba and bm in a mis-informed attempt to find more restorable jars. The former individual identities and provenience of the fragments were therefore lost and require a new lot to track progress through restoration, drafting, photography and storage. q 1329.1 df ja ds restorable protion of large red jar with rope decoration, consisting of 3 pieces wm CH c# 2.5YR6/4 co light reddish brown lg 40.3 w1 23.5 th 1.4 nt size given for the decorated piece P99 to drafting and photography q 1329.2 df cv ds restorable portion of clay vessel wm CH c# 7.5YR6/4 co light brown w2 40 ht 23.1 th 1.3 nt ht measurement is for the extant portion of the vessel. w2 is diameter of original estimated from sherd tables. P99 to drafting and photography q 1329.3 df ja ds restorable portion of large jar with two adjacent lines of rope decoration. Bitumen coats the interior wm CH nt ht measurement is for the extant portion of the jar. w2 is diameter of original estimated from sherd tables c# 10YR8/1 co white w2 30 ht 20 th 1.6 P99 to drafting and photography q 1329.4 df ja ds restorable portion of large jar with one line of rope decoration wm CH w2 51 ht 16 lg 34.5 c# 10YR8/1 co white th 1.6 nt ht measurement is for the extant portion of the jar. w2 is diameter of original estimated from sherd tables P99 to drafting and photography q 1329.5 df ja ds restorable portion of large jar with two widely separated lines of rope decoration wm CH nt ht measurement is for the extant portion of the jar. w2 is diameter of original estimated from sherd tables w2 50 ht 25.5 th 2.4 c# 10YR10/2 co very pale brown P99 to drafting and photography q 1329.6 df ja ds restorable portion of large jar with short neck wm ROG2 nt ht measurement is for the extant portion of the jar. w2 is diameter of original estimated from sherd tables. w2 20 ht 15.7 c# 10YR7/2 co light gray P99 to drafting and photography q 1209.2 df ja ds large jar with out-turned rim, probably used for cooking. Undergoing restoration. Many sherds burned wm P w2 24 c# 7.5YR6/4 co light brown P99 returned to sb for additional restoration in MZ17 i 237 df ja ds large jar with bulging sides and convex base wm CH w2 50.1 ht 55.1 w1 27.5 c# 10YR8/2 co very pale brown N99 preserved pv a few chips in rim and a few holes in body P99 to drafting and photography, then to Deir ez-Zor museum i 303 df bo ds shallow bowl with string-cut base wm CH w2 14 ht 5.2 c# 10YR7/2 co light gray N99 preserved pv two thirds of rim and body preserved P99 to drafting and photography q 1330.1 df si ds seal impression clearly depicting a group of figures with lots of legs. Too dirty to be positively identified nv found in baulk by workman who was installing tent cover used to preserve walls. wm clay P99 to mkb for processing in MZ17