.bk A15 .fl ZHz08jW.j .fn revisions to aggregate log and new features f589 f590 .ed ZHz08 .ei jW .ri jw .rd ZHz08 -rc The original aggregate log for the north portion of A15 was published on L916 by the supervisor, oKK, after the excavation terminated for the season. It did not include some signficant objects and included others not generally relevant such as accumulations. Based on the journal entries and the views (no templates were in the record), I have revised the aggregate log for that period to reflect what was clerly said and shown. As part of my analysis I prepared templates for the most significant and illustrative views. f 589 df be ds bench built into north wall of storage room a13. Mentioned but not assigned a feature nember at excavation time. Function not clear. tc ab f84 tc re f87 f 590 df dw ds doorway between work area a2 and storage room a13. Formed by wall f60 on north side and wall f7 on the south side. Not assigned a feature number at time of excavation. tc bo f65 tc bo f7 f 591 df bk-is ds small rectangular brick enclosure in the center of industrial courtyard a54. Function not known. Not assigned a feature number at the time of excvation. cn Cut by gully f40. North side intact. lg 200 w1 50 tc si f107