.bk A16 .fl -MX12-99.J .fd -MX12-99.J .fn edited by eDB R720, by sG on R721 .fn removed B10 entries see Rx19gB.J .fn removed ct cv entries because now entered by program Rx21 gB .rd M922 .ri fAB -DY Today we are continuing to remove the phase 4 red in the entire area f313, f314, and f318. The northern side is mostly exposed to the stones but the western side contains a thicker layer of red material at a higher elevation and will take a few more days to remove it. We have decided to only remove 10 centimeters at a time in case we find structures or seal impressions, however we are under the assumption that this red material is red wall fall of the palace and contains no structures or features below. The red material should sit directly on top of the stone pavement a12. .rd M923 -DY We continued to expose the stone courtyard by removing the last 10-20 cm of red on top of the pavement. The sections were drawn, photographed, and partially excavated. The pit f250 continues to go down and is currently 1 meter below the stone pavement. .rd M919 -SN Portions of the east section k208, k209 are being removed today .rd M923 -SN The north section of k205, k206, and k207 was drawn, photographed, and a portion of it has been removed. The east section k209 was also drawn and photographed. This section shows gray and red bricks on the lower side. They appear to lie flat but are too irregular in shape to be a wall. Likely they are part of the re-use of the stone pavement. To the south of these gray and red bricks lays f259, a possible red wall 4 courses in height. .rd M909 -MK bWP put in a new marker (m2933) located on the north baulk of k207 on the eastern side. .rd M929 a 2 ;O01 v0090 a 10 ;O01 v0105 a 12 ;O01 v0089 ;O01 v0089a ;O01 v0089b ;O01 v0089d ;O01 v0090 ;O01 v0094a ;O01 v0100 ;O01 v0100a ;O01 v0106 ;O01 v0107 ;O01 v0109 ;O01 v0109a .rd M922 a 16 C01 we continued to remove the last of this burial including the brick walls in the side. The bricks come down directly on top of the stones from the pavement. ;G09 f233, f234 .rd M929 O01 v0089a .rd L831 a 17 B10 ^pt B11 Large pit in lower A16 that cut the stone pavement. D01 k108 ;G09 f179,f189,f157,f161,f183,f187,f176,f171,f185,f212 .rd M929 O01 v0089d O01 v0090 .rd M903 a 18 B10 ^bu D01 k108 ;G09 i83, i84, f305, f258 .rd M929 ;O01 v0090 O01 v0090a ;O01 v0095 O01 v0095a O01 v0095b ;O01 v0095c .rd M908 a 19 B10 ^bu B11 Adult burial in a square cut pit with bricks covering the top. The body was found intact facing North cut into phase 4 red material and is presumably the same phase. .rd M917 .ri aP B11 A burial composed by i96 (human body),i97, i98 (jars) and i101 (pin). The digging of the burial began on M908. It belongs to f277 in k207 which is the fill of the pit f276. The human body is in fetal position with the hands in front of the head. The orientation is towards the north. It belongs to an adult. Near the head we found a red jar i98, without any kind of decorations. It's broken but it's possible to restore since we found all the sherds. Near the feet another jar i97 was found, white in color carinated and with a ribbed decoration at the base of the rim. The aggregate was excavated by Ahmed and Diadin with the dental pick. During the excavation it seemed strange that there was no bowl and in fact today removing the bones a fragmentary part of a bowl emerged which presents traces of bitumen probably for repairing the bowl. In this occasion a pin was also found which was between the teeth of the skeleton. We presume this burial belong to phase 4. .rd M909 .ri lR C01 Yesterday we found the human remains 40cm below the bricks f276 redefining it as a burial instead of a pit. The skeleton was partially excavated which yielded two ceramic vessels. One vessel is in a poor state of conservation with many pottery sherds scattering the area. The burial was completely excavated this morning and was photographed and drawn. .rd M908 D01 k207 ;G09 f276, f277, f274, i96, i97, i98, i101 .rd M929 O01 v0093 O01 v0096 O01 v0096a O01 v0096b O01 v0097 .rd M914 .ri aP a 20 B10 ^bu D01 k205 ;G09 i114, i115, i123, i130, i124, f304 .rd M929 .ri lR O01 v0099 O01 v0107 .rd M922 a 21 B10 ^bu .rd M923 C01 yesterday the burial was fully articulated and exposed. During the afternoon it was removed and three metal objects were found. Two pins around the chest region were discovered likely for a garment, and a small metal disk under the skull (a possible hair ornament). Underneath i122 more bones were discovered and at first we thought it might belong to a small child but after exposing the bones it revealed to be the head of an animal complete with teeth, jaw, and some of the skull intact. The animal bones i163 were photographed then removed. The burial walls and cut were also removed today. .rd M929 O01 v0107 .rd M922 a 22 B10 ^pt .rd M922 D01 k205 ;G09 f289, f250, f291 C01 The pit continues to go down below the stone pavement and is currently 1 meter below the level of the pavement. The fill alternates from a brown ash, dark black ash, and white ash mixed with brown soil. The fill contains lots of large pottery sherds, rims, bases, burnt bones, and other objects. In the south there are two baked bricks seen in the pit wall but are most likely not linked to the other baked bricks since they are rather high in elevation and look jumbled. Below these approx 42 cm down are a line of baked bricks probably those of a24. A few look vertical. The material below the baked bricks f326 is a bright orange clay f334. This pit continues to go down and we left a section to the north but have stopped digging for the moment since we are currently one meter below the stone pavement. .rd M923 B11 Circular pit that cuts the stone pavement in k207 started approx 1 meter above the stone pavement. .rd M929 v 89 B11 Eastern view of the excavation area for the beginning of the season MZ15 and the top of f250 pit. f206 burial is in view which was excavated last season and part of a16. This view also shows the split of the east baulk into two new loci k208 and k209. .rd M923 ;added a22 gB Rx02 a 22 .rd M929 O01 v0089a O01 v0089c O01 v0089d O01 v0094 O01 v0098 O01 v0098a O01 v0102 O01 v0109 O01 v0109a .rd M927 a 23 B10 ^ta B11 Tannur like item found on top of a thin gray layer on the stone pavement. This feature has a rounded shape made out of clay with traces of burning on the surface. A series of small holes are found on the inner surface. The tannur suffers from damage on the eastern side and is just a fragment of the complete clay artifact. It was removed by the conservator and is currently being restored. D01 k209 ;G09 f341, f328, f329 a 24 B10 ^pb B11 Baked brick pavement below the stone pavement a12. ;G09 f194, f327, f326 a 25 B10 ^bu B11 Burial found in A13 pit that cut through the stones of the pavement a12. .rd MZ01 B11 Pit that cut through the stone pavement a12 with a burial inside containing the remains of i175. This pit was partially excavated three years ago by A13 but was terminated due to the lack of time and the realization that there was a burial inside. A13 partially exposed the skull and chest region then covered it back up. It is still unclear whether this pit was created for the burial or whether it was first a pit then re-cut into a burial since the body seems tucked too far to the north for the whole pit to be a burial. The body also appears secondarily fired given that the bones are a darker color and very hard. Usually the skeletons uncovered are brittle and white, these bones are hard and solid much like cooked animal bones. The pit fill f343 is all ash with chunks of charcoal found around the body. It is possible that either the body was filled with soil then later secondarily fired from the top, or that during burial it was fired. We removed the bones after photographing them and will leave the situation as it is until next season when we have more time to excavate this fill and understand better the situation. No items were found with the burial except for several pottery sherds that are part of the fill. One sherd was lodged around the left femur, a carinated green colored rim sherd. This sherd can be found in the pottery q-lot and is seen in the drawing and photograph. .rd M927 ;G09 f342, f343, i175 .rd MZ01 N99 The skull of i175 was excavated three years ago by A13 and re-covered. Cloth was placed on top of the bones then plastic and covered with soil to protect the bones. When uncovered this year, some damage occurred over the years. The cloth had dissolved and attached to some of the skull creating black splotches. The skull became more brittle and cracked. Evidence of water seepage was seen by the chin which contained laminations. Better methods for preserving exposed bones must be employed. Likely the best technique is to cover the bones only with soil avoiding plastic and cloth. .rd M928 .ri fAB c 1 B11 Composite seal impression drawing made up of two rollings on i136. .rd L609 f 6 B10 ^w .ri jLW B11 presumed wall running south to west in k5. This wall was assigned to a projected wall but after excavating the area the wall f6 does not exist in the area and therefore f6 contains no data. .ri fAB D01 k5 .rd M929 .ri lR f 153 O01 v0090 f 157 O01 v0090 f 180 O01 v0090 O01 v0090a O01 v0091 O01 v0095 O21 t f 189 O01 v0090 O01 v0102 f 190 O01 v0089b O01 v0090 O01 v0095 ;.bk A16 ;.fl -MX12-99.J ;.fd -MX12-99.J O01 v0106 .rd MX02 f 193 D01 k108 .rd M929 O01 v0089 O01 v0089b O01 v0089d O01 v0094a O01 v0107 O01 v0109 O01 v0109a f 194 C03 there are several arguments for the eroded areas; one that the bricks were cut by the pit a17 that left gaps of disintegrated bricks, or two that the presence of water seeped it through the cracks and eroded small areas. One eroded area measures 40 x 10 cm linear in shape running north to south across 3 rows of bricks. There is a small circular hole in one of the northern stones that may have funneled water causing the eroded bricks. It is unclear whether this circular hole is natural or man made but was in place when the stone pavement was in use and therefore inadvertently caused water to funnel through this hole and settle on the baked bricks possibly eroding them over time. .rd M919 f 206 C01 Today we uncovered the remains of i60 which were left in place from last season due to lack of time and comprehension of the situation. The bones were covered up with nylon then back-filled to protect them from the elements. This season after reviewing this tomb it became visible that the pit face extended further east making i60 part of f206. This season we will remove i60 and completely excavate this burial. .rd M929 O01 v0089 O01 v0089a O01 v0089c O01 v0094 .rd L609 .ri jLW f 249 B11 pize wall running west to east in the northern side of the area. D01 k112 D06 8722 @top f 250 ;B10 ^vr B11 circular round shape found in the southwest area of k110- possible a pit of some sort. D01 k110 D06 8722 @top .rd MX02 .ri lR F02 cu f0193 .rd M929 O01 v0089 O01 v0089a O01 v0089c ;O01 v0089d O01 v0094 O01 v0094a O01 v0098 O01 v0102 O01 v0107 O01 v0109 O01 v0109a .rd L609 .ri jLW f 251 B10 ^vr B11 small pize "L" shaped formation found while scraping the area during the end of the season. D01 k111 D06 8722 @top .rd M929 .ri lR O01 v0099 .rd L609 .ri jLW f 252 B10 ^aa B11 accumulation seen in the north section given after excavation and contains no pottery lots to date. This accumulation sits directly on top of the stone pavement in k109. D01 k109 f 253 B10 ^aa B11 accumulation seen in the small pillar section. This feature equals f252 but in k108 and was excavated before assigning this feature. The feature assignment was necessary for strata assignment. D01 k108 f 254 B10 ^ly D01 k109 .rd M903 .ri lR f 255 B10 ^ly B11 The first layer in k201, this is mostly contaminated since it has been left exposed to the elements for 3 years and was left by A10. This layer consists of 10cm of soil with no distinct characteristics and contains a mixture of material. Assigned for the cleaning and scraping of the locus. .rd M923 C01 10 cm of this feature was removed today but was decided to remain unexcavated since the stone courtyard stops and presumably does not continue into this area. There is a possibility that stones are located in the north next to the section. .rd M903 D01 k201 f 256 B10 vm D01 k209 f 257 B10 vm B11 This loci similar to f256 is technically the east baulk (northern portion) of k110 and contains many layers. This feature was assigned to facilitate with the removal of the baulk and contains all the features in the section. D01 k208 .rd M929 f 260 O01 v0100 O01 v0100a f 263 ;F02 cu f0276 f 266 O01 v0094a f 267 O01 v0091a O01 v0094 O01 v0094a f 268 ;F02 cu f0272 ;F02 cu f0273 ;F02 cu f0298 O01 v0092 O01 v0093 f 272 B11 small shallow pit found while scraping the area k207. This pit is cut by our south section and contains an ashy fill with some pottery. The pit measured 12 cm deep. ;F02 cu f0268 O01 v0091a O01 v0092 O01 v0100 O01 v0100a f 273 B11 small shallow pit found while scraping the area k207 and is located approx 10 cm north of f272. Similar to f272, this pit was very shallow only 14-20 cm deep. ;F02 cu f0268 O01 v0092 O01 v0100 O01 v0100a O01 v0107 f 274 B11 Several bricks laid out in the a square-like area. These bricks are gray and orange and do not seem to make a clear pattern. These bricks were the top of a square cut tomb that when removed exposed burial a19 below. ;F02 ca f0276 O01 v0093 O01 v0093a f 276 F02 cu f0274 F02 cu f0263 O01 v0093 O01 v0096 O01 v0104 O01 v0105 O01 v0107 f 277 O01 v0096 O01 v0096a O01 v0096b O01 v0097 f 279 O01 v0089b O01 v0090 O01 v0095 f 280 O01 v0089b O01 v0090 O01 v0095 f 281 O01 v0089b O01 v0090 O01 v0090a O01 v0095 O01 v0095a f 282 O01 v0094a f 283 O01 v0090 O01 v0090a O01 v0095 .rd M911 f 288 B10 ^w B11 Possible wall inside f250 circular pit. Contains two bricks that are in line and are located along the western side of f250. D01 k205 D06 8550 .rd M929 O01 v0098 .rd M911 P02 removed M910 f 289 B10 ^fi D01 k205 D06 8545 .rd M929 O01 v0094 O01 v0094a O01 v0098 O01 v0098a O01 v0109 O01 v0109a .rd M911 .ri fAB f 290 B10 ^rh .rd M917 .ri aP C01 Today during the excavation of pit f216 we found a small circular hole 43 cm below the baked bricks located on the eastern section. It was excavated and emptied with a spoon by Hamadi since the fill proved soft and excavating it with a spoon would preserve the original face of this hole without scraping off any original markings. .rd M911 .ri fAB D01 k207 .ri lR f 291 B10 ^pt D01 k205 D06 8526 .rd M929 O01 v0102 .rd M911 f 292 B10 ^ly B11 gray ashy layer seen in the south section that slopes up from west (lowest point) to the east (hight point), This layer lies in between a number of sloping layers but is the most distinct and thickest gray one. D01 k206 D06 8563 .rd M929 O01 v0094 O01 v0094a O01 v0105 O01 v0107 .rd M911 f 293 B10 ^ly B11 Reddish brown layer next to the gray f292. Seen in the south section, this reddish brown layer lies underneath f292 and slopes up. D01 k206 D06 8563 .rd M929 O01 v0094 O01 v0094a O01 v0105 .rd M911 .ri aP f 294 B10 ^ly B11 layer below f268 found throughout the locus. This layer retains a uniform brown color with chunks of charcoal and orange color clay inclusions. D01 k207 D06 8557 .rd M929 .ri lR O01 v0100 O01 v0100a O01 v0104 O01 v0104a O01 v0105 f 295 O01 v0100 O01 v0100a .rd M922 f 296 A01 f0299 .rd M929 f 297 ;O01 v0107 f 298 ;F02 cu f0268 O01 v0092 O01 v0107 .rd M922 f 299 A01 f0296 .rd M919 C01 The fill of this small pit was removed today and we noticed a change in the matrix. The fill of f299 retained a soft, ashy, gray fill with lots of pottery and vitrified clay material that looks like kiln waste. The gray color stopped approx 30cm down and the soil changed to a moist brown color. We decided to remove a few more centimeters to make sure it was the end of the pit and encountered i222, a whole ceramic vessel indicative of a burial. .rd M929 O01 v0107 f 301 O01 v0106 f 304 O01 v0105 O01 v0107 v 0095b B11 Overhead view of a18 burial. This photo shows the position of the body facing the north and resting in fetal position. The skull was cut by the pit a17 causing damage and what remained was removed. f 305 O01 v0090 O01 v0090a O01 v0095 O01 v0095a O01 v0095b O01 v0095c f 306 O01 v0107 .rd M919 f 309 B11 A mixture of gray soil with charcoal inclusions and brown chunky clay located in the North baulk of k206, k207, and k205. .rd M922 f 313 C01 The phase 4 red layer. This material consists of a uniform color containing chunks of bright reddish clay with calcar inclusions. When wet the color becomes much brighter. Currently only 10 centimeters of soil remains on top of the stones and small pockets of charcoal are emerging to the south. We have collected some charcoal samples from this red. Next to the charcoal a large greenish body sherd is emerging from the east section lying flat and we are leaving it for the moment. .rd M929 O01 v0094a O01 v0100 O01 v0100a f 314 O01 v0106 f 317 O01 v0106 .rd M923 f 318 C01 This feature was completely removed today. .rd M929 f 319 O01 v0109 O01 v0109a .rd M923 f 325 B11 material in the East baulk. Contains fragments of red and gray bricks. C01 removed 15 cm of this feature today. .rd MZ01 f 341 B11 Thin gray layer that f328 sits on. This gray is directly on top of the stone pavement and is localized in the south. f 342 B10 ^pt B11 A13 pit found in season K located south of k205. This pit cuts the stone pavement a12 and is filled with a gray ashy fill. Inside this pit are the remains of a burial a25 with i175. This pit has not been completely excavated but in the north section of the pit baked bricks are visible probably part of a24 although very high in elevation. To the south in section a second large stone is seen below the stone pavement. C01 The burial inside this pit was removed today after photographing the body. F02 cu f0193 f 343 B10 ^fi B11 soft gray ashy pit fill inside f342 pit that covered i175 burial, part of a25. f 344 B10 ^ly .rd L715 i 34 K05 ceramic vessel- The lower portion of a khabur jar in which the head of i31 (human skeleton) rested on. .rd M906 i 53 J04 2 J07 1.3 K03 li K05 gray .rd M920 i 54 P99 to Natural science lab i 55 C99 found in burial a15 J02 1.6 J04 1.3 J07 0.6 K03 li P99 to be photographed .rd M918 i 58 C99 found associated with a burial J01 7.5 J04 16.2 K03 cl K05 dark gray ;K10 restored ;P99 to drafting and photography .rd M919 i 60 C01 Today we uncovered the remains of i60-part of a burial, which was left in place from last season due to lack of time and comprehension of the situation. The bones were covered up with nylon then back-filled to protect them from the elements. This season after reviewing the tomb f206 it became visible that the pit face extended further east and therefore we had not finished excavating the fill of the tomb. The bones i60 are localized in the Eastern end of the tomb and are in an extremely fragile condition making removal difficult. When brushed they turn into white powder and we have resorted to scooping up the bones with our trowels and placing them in a box. Last season they were also in a fragile condition but after being exposed for one year they have become even more brittle. They are mixed with animal bones and several jaw fragments were recovered indicating that this is a multi-burial believed to be a re-use since the bones are found in a pile (not laid out) concentrated towards the eastern side. The main burial was found in the west suggesting that someone at a later date re-used this tomb and simply moved the older bones to the side. These bones are on top of some stones and red packing material. .rd M920 P99 to Natural science lab i 61 B11 flat rectangular bead with rounded edges. The stone color is two toned- half transparent brown and the other white with striations. Perforated lengthwise. See bead i55 for similar type and color found in the same burial a16. C99 found in a burial J02 1.7 J04 1.1 J07 0.5 K03 li i 65 J04 1 J07 0.9 K03 li ;P99 to photography i 66 B11 round metal bead with protrusions jutting out where the perforation is located, somewhat lemon shaped. The perforation measured .3cm diameter. J02 1 J04 0.8 K03 mt ;P99 to Conservation i 68 ;B11 jar with three grooves at rim then widens in the middle. Chaff tempered ;P99 to drafting and photography .rd M918 i 69 ;B11 chaff tempered carinated bowl ;C99 found in burial a15 J01 4.5 ;J04 124 K03 cl ;P99 to drafting and photography .rd M920 i 70 B11 thin elongated flat piece of metal with rounded edges. Purple in color with a perforation at one tip. Found with burial a15. P99 to Conservation i 72 ad jewellery B11 metal bracelet similar to i73 J04 4.35 J07 0.6 K03 mt i 74 B11 8 metal rings belonging to a15 burial. .rd M918 i 77 ;B11 carinated bowl found in a15 burial C99 found in burial a15 J01 4.8 ;J04 134 K03 cl ;P99 to drafting and photography .rd L715 i 80 ad uncertain clay artifact ;D01 k110 F02 si f0237 G03 associated q-lot: 665 J01 7 ;J04 10.5 K03 cl i 81 B10 door socket ct laf i 82 ;B10 ^la .rd M920 ;B10 ^cv ;ct cv .rd L715 ;B11 door socket located at the end of the sherd pavement- the item is still in place in the field .rd M920 B11 jar with rope design on the neck. Jar in too fragile condition for description and sent to the conservator. P99 to Conservation .rd M903 i 83 ;B10 ^cv ;ct cv B11 small jar with incisions associated with the burial a18 .rd M917 .ri aP ;C01 The skeleton which belongs to a baby (the age possibly 1 or 2 years) was in fetal position with its orientation towards the north. The funerary set was simply composed of a small jar devoid or other items. The jar laid close to the head. Given the nature of the burial's deposition in the earth without any other features suggests that it is a simple kind of burial. ;*** which skeleton it belongs? may be i84: R812 pC: I put the info in i84 .rd M903 .ri lR D01 k108 F02 si f0182 .rd M929 O01 v0090a O01 v0091 O01 v0095a O01 v0095b .rd M903 i 84 B10 ^hb B11 human remains of burial a18 next to i83 jar ds The skeleton which belongs to a baby (the age possibly 1 or 2 years) was in fetal position with its orientation towards the North. The funerary set was simply composed of a small jar devoid or other items. The jar laid close to the head. Given the nature of the burial's deposition in the earth without any other features suggests that it is a simple kind of burial. D01 k108 F02 si f0182 .rd M929 O01 v0090a O01 v0091 O01 v0095 O01 v0095a O01 v0095b O01 v0095c .rd M904 i 85 ad fill B11 fill from MZ14 i63 cv associated with a15 burial inside the ceramic burial jar i71 D01 k110 F02 si f0227 i 86 ad fill B11 fill from MZ14 i62 cv associated with a15 burial inside the ceramic burial jar i71 D01 k110 F02 si f0227 .rd M905 i 87 ad sealing .rd M920 B10 ^cl .rd M905 D01 k110 F02 si f0237 G03 associated q-lot: 697 J01 2 J02 1.2 K05 gray ds small gray lump of clay with possible impression .rd M920 P01 discarded .rd M905 .ri fAB i 88 ad bead D01 k207 F02 si f0268 G03 associated q-lot: 701 K05 light blue i 89 ad ^si D01 k203 F02 si f0264 G03 associated q-lot: 700 i 90 B10 ^si ;D01 k203 F02 si f0264 G03 associated q-lot: 700 i 91 B10 ^si D01 k203 F02 si f0264 G03 associated q-lot: 700 i 92 B10 ^si D01 k203 F02 si f0264 G03 associated q-lot: 700 .rd M907 .ri lR i 93 B10 pin ct maf .rd M920 ad needle .rd M907 ;B11 metal pin .rd M920 B11 long pin thicker at the top with a perforation then tapers out at the bottom. .rd M907 D01 k207 F02 si f0268 G03 associated q-lot: 703 .rd M920 J02 6.6 J07 0.3 K03 mt P99 to Conservation i 94 B10 uc ct maf .rd M907 .ri aP B11 fragments of metal object .rd M920 .ri lR B11 three bronze fragments that fit together. Flat shaped possibly a metal blade. .rd M907 .ri aP D01 k203 F02 si f0264 G03 associated q-lot: 704 .rd M920 .ri lR ;P99 to Conservation .rd M907 i 95 ;B10 ^si D01 k203 F02 si f0264 G03 associated q-lot: 704 .rd M909 i 96 B10 ^hb B11 remains of burial a19 .rd M920 B11 The human remains of burial a19. The bones of this adult were placed in two boxes; one for the skull and the other for the body. The body was found 40cm below the top of the tomb lying in fetal position facing north. .rd M909 D01 k207 F02 si f0277 G03 associated q-lot: 729 .rd M929 O01 v0096 O01 v0096a O01 v0096b O01 v0097 O21 t .rd M920 P99 to Natural science lab .rd M909 i 97 ;B10 ^cv ;ct cv B11 carinated jar with 2 rope designs associated with burial a19 .rd M920 B11 jar with rope design on the neck. Jar in too fragile condition for description and sent to the conservator. .rd M909 D01 k207 F02 si f0277 G03 associated q-lot: 729 K05 white .rd M929 O01 v0096 O01 v0096b .rd M920 ;P99 to Conservation .rd M909 i 98 ;B10 ^cv ;ct cv B11 broken jar associated with burial a19 D01 k207 F02 si f0277 G03 associated q-lot: 729 K05 red .rd M929 O01 v0096 O01 v0096a .rd M909 i 99 D01 k205 F02 si f0266 G03 associated q-lot: 728 .rd M920 i 100 B10 ^si P99 to mKB i 101 df pi B11 long metal pin with a point in one end and the other forming a bulb. J02 10.7 J07 0.4 K03 mt .rd M929 O01 v0097 .rd M920 ;P99 to Conservation i 102 B10 ^fg B11 small clay head of an animal figurine with finger impressions visible. Has a pinched face with perforated eyes and small ears. J02 2.1 J07 1 K03 cl ;P99 to drafting and photography i 103 df earring ct maf B11 thing round metal ring J04 1.5 ;P99 to Conservation i 104 B11 gold item with a bright shiny yellow color. This item may be a possible head or seal holder. This item is thin and forms a cap- hollow inside with a hole at the end. J01 0.7 ;P99 to Conservation i 108 B11 Seal impression with a seated figure visible. Sent to conservation for cleaning. .rd M929 O01 v0104 O01 v0104a O01 v0105 .rd M920 ;P99 to Conservation .rd M929 i 114 B11 ceramic vessel that includes i115. When a20 emerged we believed that the body rested on two different jars but after viewing it properly, they are from the same jar so i115 and i114 are combined. O01 v0099 O01 v0105 O01 v0107 i 115 B11 combined ceramic vessel with i114. This item should be found as i114. O01 v0107 .rd M918 i 116 ;B10 ^ca J02 3.5 ;P99 to Conservation i 120 B10 uc ct maf ;B11 long cylindrical piece of metal in two pieces- either a needle or end of a pin. J02 3.3 J07 0.4 ;P99 to Conservation .rd M920 i 122 ;ad ^ja .rd M919 C01 This item was discovered while clearing f299 pit. The item lies a few centimeters below the end of the pit. The body of the ceramic vessel was noticed first and part of the neck exposed. The jar rests at an angle (rim facing east) and appears slightly compressed with an egg shape. We will leave this jar in place until we come down on it from the top. .rd M920 J01 32 J03 10.5 K03 cl ;P99 to drafting and photography ;i 123 ;B10 ^fg .rd M918 .ri aP ;B11 Inside the jar i114 and i115 we discovered a human body, belonging to a baby, of female sex (presence of earrings). The position is not fetal, the legs are open and the arms go down along the hips so it seems that the baby is sleeping. On the right and on the left ear a circle bronze earring. The bones except for the skull are in a good state of preservation (we found also the fingers of hands and feet). Below the left foot, attached to the jar, there are small salt crystals incrusted on the vessel. .rd M920 ;.ri lR ; NB R812sC the ds of the animal figurine has been wrongly assigned to A16.123 but this i number corresponf to hb found within burial a2o in k205 ;B11 fragment of a bovis muzzle with two holes indicating the nose and under it another hole indicating the mouth. A line crosses through the mouth- appears smudged. ;B11 remains of the body laid across the pot smash i114 and i115. This is the body of a small child. ;J02 1.6 ;J07 1.3 ;K03 cl P99 to Natural science lab ;P99 zsb 2T.2 i 129 ad uncertain clay artifact B11 Clay piece appears like an anthropomorphic shape with a round torso and nubs for the arms, no head. The thickness increases at the bottom and rounds off. J01 2.7 J04 1.5 J07 1 ;P99 to drafting and photography .rd M918 .ri aP i 134 ;B10 ^ma D01 k205 F02 si f0304 i 135 D01 k205 F02 si f0313 G03 associated q-lot: 829 i 136 D01 k203 F02 si f0314 G03 associated q-lot: 830 .rd M920 .ri lR i 137 df uk ct maf ;B11 Solid piece of bronze shaped in the form of an animal with long slits for the eyes, possibly a cow. .rd M918 .ri aP D01 k205 F02 si f0313 G03 associated q-lot: 833 .rd M920 .ri lR ;P99 to Conservation .rd M919 .ri aP i 138 ;B10 ^cv ;ct cv D01 k204 F02 si f0314 K99 Pot smash on the stone pavement a12 i 139 ;B10 ^cv ;ct cv .rd M920 .ri lR ;B10 ^ca C99 found in a burial .rd M919 .ri aP D01 k205 F02 si f0316 G03 associated q-lot: 791 .rd M920 .ri lR J01 27 J03 10.9 J05 8 K03 cl K10 excellent .rd M919 .ri aP K99 in situ located on the western side similar to i122 .rd M920 .ri lR ;P99 to drafting and photography .rd M919 i 140 ;B10 ^cv ;ct cv D01 k202 F02 si f0301 G03 associated q-lot: 835 K99 ceramic vessel lying on the red phase 4 material, several large body sherds flat on the red. .ri aP i 141 D01 k206 F02 si f0313 G03 associated q-lot: 837 i 142 B10 uc ct maf D01 k205 F02 si f0318 G03 associated q-lot: 839 K99 bronze .ri lR i 143 ad sealing impression .rd M920 B10 ^sl B11 fragment of gray sealing clay with fingerprint impressions. .rd M919 D01 k207 F02 si f0313 G03 associated q-lot: 837 .rd M920 ;P99 ZSB 11.12 .rd M919 .ri lF i 144 ;ad ^si .rd M920 .ri lR B10 ^sl B11 sealing clay with string impressions on one side .rd M919 .ri lF D01 k207 F02 si f0313 G03 associated q-lot: 837 .rd M920 .ri lR J02 2.1 J04 1.4 J07 1 K05 gray ;P99 ZSB 11.12 .rd M919 .ri lF i 145 ad sealing impression .rd M920 .ri lR B10 ^cl .rd M919 .ri lF D01 k207 F02 si f0313 G03 associated q-lot: 837 .rd M920 .ri lR P01 discarded i 146 ;B10 ^sa ;B11 fill inside i139 cv. Only the top portion found in the neck contained soil, the rest of the jar was hollow. Possibly filled with liquid that evaporated (via gb) .rd M930 D01 k205 F02 si f0316 G03 associated q-lot: 791 K99 Soil found inside i139 jar- associated with burial a21 .rd M920 i 147 B10 ^sm B11 Soil sample inside jar i122. Contains fragments of bones and soft fill. Three items were found inside: one small fragment of a tannur and two light green pottery sherds. .rd M930 D01 k206 F02 si f0316 G03 associated q-lot: 791 K99 soil inside i122 jar- associated with burial a21 .rd M920 i 148 B10 ^sm B11 soil sample from the burial jar i98 .rd M930 D01 k207 F02 si f0277 G03 associated q-lot: 729 K99 soil inside i98 cv .rd M920 i 149 B10 ^si B11 fragment of a dark gray seal impression possibly sealed. Sent to the conservator for cleaning. .rd M921 .ri aP D01 k206 F02 si f0313 G03 associated q-lot: 848 .rd M920 .ri lR ;P99 to Conservation .rd M922 i 150 B10 ^fg .rd M921 .ri aP D01 k206 F02 si f0313 G03 associated q-lot: 848 .rd M922 .ri lR J01 3 J02 5.6 J04 2.5 K05 tan .rd M920 i 151 ;B10 ^si B11 gray sealing clay with possible impression on it. Sent to the conservator for cleaning. .rd M921 .ri lF D01 k206 ;F02 si f0313 G03 associated q-lot: 848 .rd M920 .ri lR J02 2.5 J04 2.6 K03 cl ;P99 to Conservation .rd M921 .ri lF ;i 152 ;B10 ^si .rd M922 .ri lR B10 ^sl .rd M921 .ri lF D01 k206 F02 si f0313 G03 associated q-lot: 848 G03 associated q-lot: 850 .rd M922 .ri lR J02 4.2 J07 2.3 K05 gray ;P99 ZSB 11.13 .rd M920 i 153 B10 ^cl .rd M921 .ri lF ;B10 ^si D01 k206 F02 si f0313 G03 associated q-lot: 850 .rd M920 .ri lR P01 discarded i 154 B10 ^sl .rd M921 .ri lF ;ad ^si .rd M920 .ri lR B11 fragment of sealing clay with an impression. Does not appear sealed. .rd M921 .ri lF D01 k206 F02 si f0313 G03 associated q-lot: 850 .rd M920 .ri lR J02 1.1 J04 1.5 K03 cl K05 gray ;P99 zsb 11.13 .rd M922 i 155 B10 ^bd B11 Circular flat red transparent bead with a small hole in the center. .rd M921 .ri lF D01 k206 F02 si f0313 G03 associated q-lot: 857 .rd M922 .ri lR J04 0.8 J07 0.4 K03 li K05 red i 156 B10 ^hb B11 The skeletal remains of burial a21. D01 k205 F02 si f0320 G03 associated q-lot: 849 K99 Human remains from a21 P99 to Natural science lab i 157 ;B10 ^cv ;ct cv D01 k205 F02 si f0320 G03 associated q-lot: 849 K99 ceramic vessel below i139 fragmented found in burial a21 i 158 B10 ^pi ct maf D01 k205 F02 si f0320 G03 associated q-lot: 849 K99 Bronze pin found in burial a21 i 159 B10 ^pi ct maf D01 k205 F02 si f0320 G03 associated q-lot: 849 K99 second bronze pin found in burial a21- also see i158 i 160 B10 uk ct maf D01 k205 F02 si f0320 G03 associated q-lot: 849 K99 Metal object found in burial a21- found in the under side of the skull .rd M923 .ri aP i 161 ;B10 ^cv ;ct cv D01 k205 F02 si f0320 G03 associated q-lot: 849 K99 Pot smash .ri fAB i 162 B10 gr D01 k205 F02 si f0289 G03 associated q-lot: 869 ds Large grinding stone, oblong shape, made of rough porous basalt .ri lR i 163 B10 animal bone ct specimen D01 k205 F02 si f0320 G03 associated q-lot: 849 ;K99 Portion of an animal skull and bones found under the jar i122 part of a21 i 164 ad ^ca D01 k205 F02 si f0289 G03 associated q-lot: 871 .ri aP i 165 ad sealing impression D01 k206 F02 si f0324 G03 associated q-lot: 876 i 166 ;ad ^si D01 k209 F02 si f0325 G03 associated q-lot: 879 i 167 D01 k206 F02 si f0306 G03 associated q-lot: 881 K99 piece of pottery with a seal impression i 168 ;ad ^ca D01 k205 F02 si f0289 G03 associated q-lot: 871 .rd M924 .ri lR i 169 B10 ^fg D01 k205 F02 si f0289 G03 associated q-lot: 886 i 170 D01 k206 F02 si f0306 G03 associated q-lot: 885 .rd M925 .ri aP i 171 D01 k108 F02 si f0330 G03 associated q-lot: 896 i 172 B10 ^si D01 k205 F02 si f0289 G03 associated q-lot: 887 .ri fAB i 173 ad needle D01 k205 F02 si f0289 G03 associated q-lot: 899 K99 long needle .ri lR i 174 B10 ^si D01 k205 F02 si f0289 G03 associated q-lot: 900 K99 reddish clay .rd MX01 i 175 B10 ^hb D01 k205 F02 si f0343 K99 human remains found in f342 former A13 pit .rd M902 k 108 C01 We started removing the protruding section of k108 on the eastern section. This piece was left when we removed a2 at the top and eventually created a long pillar to the south side. The section measures approx. 150cm x 50cm in width and will be especially useful for pottery analysis since it gives us a sampling from the top of the pit to the bottom (including red material that was cut by the pit). We began to excavate the pillar at the top by removing the interface layer between house accumulation of a2 and pit fill. Since the upper area of the pit is significantly higher than the stone pavement of k108, excavation must be proceeded very slowly with a big pick working down using a ladder. We expect this work to continue for the next few days. .rd M929 O01 v0089 O01 v0089b O01 v0090 .rd L831 k 111 B11 The north half of k110- west of k108. This locus is the splitting of k110 since it became too large for excavation. This loci was only used for several days. .rd M903 k 201 B11 Part of A10 but excavated this year by A16. This small rectangular area is located to the far west, NW of k202. D03 m2928: 100E, 300N k 202 B11 East of k201, north of the burial cut f206 .rd M909 C01 The wall f249 was removed today since we could not find any clear faces and appeared to be constructed of mud. It was relayed in then removed. .rd M903 D03 m2924: 200E, 290N .rd M929 O01 v0089 O01 v0089a O01 v0106 .rd M903 k 203 B11 East of k202 .rd M909 C01 The wall f249 which extended into this locus was removed today then 10 cm was removed in the eastern portion. C02 We plan to dig down in the whole locus to the red in 10cm increments. .rd M903 D03 m2921: 240E, 290N .rd M929 O01 v0089 O01 v0089a O01 v0106 .rd M903 k 204 B11 East of k203 .rd M909 C01 We started to remove 10 cm from the entire area to get down to the red. .rd M903 D03 m2920: 200E, 290N .rd M929 O01 v0089 .rd M903 k 205 B11 South of k202, south of f206 burial cut .rd M909 C02 We plan to follow f282 gray from the cut of the burial f206 since we see it clearly on that side in section. We will then be able to follow it going north to south and come down to the same level that is already exposed on the western side. .rd M903 D03 m2925: 200E, 450N .rd M929 O01 v0089 O01 v0094 O01 v0094a O01 v0098 O01 v0102 O01 v0109 O01 v0109a .rd M903 k 206 B11 South of k203 D03 m2927: 240E, 450N .rd M929 O01 v0089 O01 v0089a O01 v0094 O01 v0094a O01 v0099 O01 v0107 .rd M903 k 207 B11 South of k204 .rd M911 C01 5-7 cm was removed from f294 which spreads throughout the locus. Removal began in the north end extending south with a reference view from the burial which cut the material creating a section. South of the burial a19 a very nice seal impression was recovered i108. This contains an impression of a seated figure on a chair wearing a hat and has been sent to conservation for cleaning. Two photographs were taken, one with the item in place another with the relay tag. .rd M903 D03 m2916: 200E, 450N .rd M929 O01 v0089 O01 v0089a O01 v0091a O01 v0092 O01 v0093 O01 v0096 O01 v0100a O01 v0104 .rd M903 k 208 B11 East section/baulk of k110, east of k207 .rd M919 C01 The soil above the laminations was removed and left a thin gray layer that runs through k208, and k209 seen in section. Portions of the east section k208, k209 are being removed today. .rd M903 D03 m2918: 100E, 450N .rd M929 O01 v0089 O01 v0089a O01 v0089c .rd M903 k 209 B11 East section/baulk of k110, east of k204 north of k208 D03 m2914: 100E, 390N .rd M929 O01 v0089 O01 v0089a O01 v0089c O01 v0089d O01 v0100 O01 v0100a .rd M903 k 210 B11 area below tannur f180 in k108- small extension out of the East baulk of k108 .rd M909 C01 Today we continued to remove the ashy pit fill found in this "pillar". This pit fill has a very clear boundary that is marked by a dark gray ashy layer that slopes down making the containment of this feature easy. Below this pit fill f280 is the accumulation that was cut by the pit. This accumulation contains the tannur f180 and the layers associated with it. When scraping the area to make sure that the entire pit fill was excavated a small pit was discovered in the eastern side of the locus. The matrix consisted of a jumble of pottery sherds and may be a continuation of the pit fill f280 or a separate pit that cuts into f283. This eastern side was given a separate feature number f284 which contains this mixture of pit and accumulation that went down approx 30 cm. We assume that this feature is contaminated and decided not to keep the pottery unless something significant was found. We did find one object a long curved piece of clay which is the only element associated with this feature. Once the area was leveled below f284 and f283 we noticed that the matrix again changed- the western side retained a bright orange color while the eastern side a grayish tone. We decided to keep these areas separate and the orangish material remained f283 while the gray was assigned f287. Currently only 20-30 cm remain until the red f190. C02 A buffer of 10cm will remain separating the red f190 with the accumulation above, f283 and f284. .rd M903 D03 ?: 100E, 130N .rd M929 O01 v0089 O01 v0089d O01 v0090 .rd L710 .ri tR q 245 B10 p D01 k3 D99 10cm excavated F02 si f0047 q 246 B10 p D01 k5 D99 15cm excavated F02 si f0025 q 247 B10 p D01 k107 D03 NE: 200W, 400S D06 8778 @bottom D06 8798 @top D13 m2521 (9009) + 211 (height of instrument) - 20 @bottom F02 si f0098 q 248 B10 pio D01 k105 D06 8968 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0084 .ri sV q 249 B10 o D01 k105 D06 8944 @top - 2 @bottom F02 si f0092 .ri lR q 250 B10 po D01 k106 D06 8967 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0100 q 251 B10 p D01 k105 D06 8960 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0099 q 252 B10 i D01 k7 D06 8975 @top - 0 @bottom F02 si f0088 q 254 B10 p D01 k107 D06 8749 @bottom D06 8769 @top D13 m2521 (9009) + 240 (height of instrument) - 20 @bottom F02 si f0098 .rd L711 .ri sV q 255 B10 p D01 k107 D99 30cm excavated F02 si f0098 q 256 B10 pib D01 k106 D03 NE: 400W, 350S D06 8954 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0100 q 257 B10 p D01 k105 D03 SE: 150W, 250N D06 8845 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0099 .ri aBK q 258 B10 pi D01 k106 F02 si f0101 q 259 B10 p D01 k107 F02 si f0098 .rd L712 .ri sV q 260 B10 pb D01 k2 D03 NW: 400E, 400S D06 8891 @top - 15/20 @bottom F02 si f0077 q 261 B10 p D01 k106 D03 NE: 400W, 400S D06 8943 @top - 15/20 @bottom F02 si f0103 q 262 B10 po D01 k105 D03 NW: 300S, 400E D06 8966 @top - 15/20 @bottom F02 si f0104 q 263 B10 pbi D01 k5 D03 SW: 400N, 100E D06 8825 @top - 20/30 @bottom F02 si f0105 q 264 B10 pb D01 k105 D03 r85: 400S, 250E D06 8938 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0106 q 265 B10 p D01 k102 F02 si f0098 q 266 B10 pb D01 k1 D03 r4: 250E, 100S D06 8803 @bottom D06 8823 @top D13 m2505 (8931) + 108 (height of instrument) - 20 @bottom F02 si f0041 q 267 B10 pob D01 k105 D03 NW: 300S, 400E D06 8966 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0104 q 268 B10 p D01 k1 D03 r4: 250E, 100S D06 8784 @bottom D06 8804 @top D13 m2505 (8931) + 127 (height of instrument) - 20 @bottom F02 si f0043 .ri tR q 269 B10 pbo D01 k105 D03 relay105: 350N, 100E D06 8942 @top - 15to20 @bottom F02 si f0110 .ri lR q 270 B10 p D01 k2 D03 NW: 400E, 400S D06 8891 @top - 15/20 @bottom F02 si f0077 .rd L714 .ri tR q 271 B10 pbo D01 k105 D03 SE: 400N, 200W D06 8911 @bottom D06 8911 @top D13 m2647 (9061) + 150 (height of instrument) F02 si f0106 q 272 B10 pb D01 k2 D03 SW: 400, 350E D06 9015 @bottom D06 9035 @top D13 m2598 (9073) + 38 (height of instrument) - 20 @bottom F02 si f0086 q 273 B10 p D01 k105 D03 NW: 160S, 145E D06 8865 @bottom D06 8885 @top D13 m2687 (8987) + 105 (height of instrument) - 3 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0110 q 274 B10 pbis D01 k5 D03 NE: 400S, 180W D06 8799 @bottom D06 8819 @top D13 m2541 (8873) + 78 (height of instrument) - 24 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0105 q 275 B10 pbi D01 k105 D03 realy 105: 400E, 180N D06 8903 @bottom D06 8923 @top D13 m2687 (8987) + 105 (height of instrument) - 41 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0111 q 276 B10 p D01 k1 D03 r4: 150W, 50N F02 si f0027 q 277 B10 p D01 k4 D03 realy88: 200N, 100E F02 si f0126 q 278 B10 p D01 k105 D03 NW: 160S, 145E D06 8885 @bottom D06 8885 @top D13 m2687 (8987) + 125 (height of instrument) - 23 @top F02 si f0110 q 279 B10 pb D01 k105 D03 ISE: 400N, 200W F02 si f0116 q 280 B10 p D01 k105 D03 NW: 160S, 145E D06 8866 @bottom D06 8866 @top D13 m2687 (8987) + 121 (height of instrument) F02 si f0110 .ri sV q 281 B10 pb D01 k1 D03 NE: 300W, 250S F02 si f0028 .ri lR q 282 B10 pb D01 k105 D03 r108: 300S, 200E D06 r108 - 15cm down F02 si f0104 .rd L715 .ri sV q 283 B10 pi D01 k105 D03 r180: 150S, 150W D06 8861 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0110 q 284 B10 pi D01 k105 D03 r108: 350S, 100W D06 8918 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0106 q 285 B10 po D01 k2 D03 m2524: 250E, 400N D06 8722 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0078 q 286 B10 po D01 k1 D03 r4: 200N, 250W D06 8757 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0028 .ri lR q 287 B10 pb D01 k106 D03 m2599: 150S, 150E D06 8837 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0104 q 288 B10 pbo D01 k105 D03 r108: 250S, 150N D06 8933 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0111 q 289 B10 po D01 k2 D03 m2524: 250E, 400N D06 8722 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0078 q 290 B10 p D01 k105 D03 m2688: 350N, 150W D06 8918 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0116 .ri tR q 291 B10 p D01 k106 D03 r90: 50W, 20S D06 r90 - 25cm down F02 si f0082 .ri sV q 292 B10 opi D01 k105 D03 r180: 150 D06 8860 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0128 q 294 B10 pb D01 k105 D03 r108: 300W, 150N D06 8921 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0129 .rd L716 q 295 B10 pb D01 k105 D03 r105: 100N, 200W D06 8921 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0129 q 296 B10 pbi D01 k6 D03 m2524: 100S, 300N D06 8932 @top - 60 @bottom F02 si f0033 q 297 B10 pbi D01 k3 D03 r118: 200E, 100S D06 8930 @top - 15/20 @bottom F02 si f0074 q 298 B10 pbo D01 k1 D03 r4: 100N, 200W D06 8755 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0028 .ri lR q 299 B10 pb D01 k105 D03 r D06 8926 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0104 q 300 B10 p D01 k8 D03 r85: 100S, 200E D06 8955 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0106 q 301 B10 p D01 k7 D03 r180: 150S, 150W D06 8832 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0128 q 302 B10 p D01 k4 D99 40 50cm excavated F02 si f0060 .ri tR q 303 B10 p D01 k4 F02 si f0126 .rd L717 q 304 B10 pbo D01 k6 D03 m2517: 400N, 100E D06 8965 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0033 q 305 B10 p D01 k106 D03 relay121: 65E, 400N D06 8953 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0104 q 306 B10 ps D01 k4 D03 relay88: 215N, 45E D06 8993 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0081 q 307 B10 p D01 k4 D03 relay86: 90N, 80E D06 8953 @top - 30 @bottom F02 si f0126 q 308 B10 p D01 k3 D03 relay118: 200E, 100S D06 8925 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0074 q 309 B10 p D01 k6 D03 N baulk of K6 D06 8826 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0033 q 310 B10 p D01 k4 F02 si f0130 q 311 B10 p D01 k4 F02 si f0054 .ri fAB q 312 B10 po D01 k5 F02 si f0024 q 313 B10 p D01 k5 F02 si f0024 .rd L718 .ri tR q 314 B10 p D01 k105 D03 relay199: 100N, 140W D06 8977 @top - 40 @bottom F02 si f0131 q 315 B10 pb D01 k4 D03 relay125: 120N, 160W D06 8986 @top - 30 @bottom F02 si f0130 q 316 B10 p D01 k3 D03 relay118: 200E, 100S D06 8918 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0074 q 317 B10 p D01 k6 D03 m2517: 400N, 100E D06 8920 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0033 q 318 B10 p D01 k4 D03 relay88: 215N, 80E D06 8987 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0081 q 319 B10 p D01 k1 D03 E baulk of K1 D06 8803 @bottom D06 8863 @top D13 m2723 (8873) + 10 (height of instrument) - 60 @bottom F02 si f0039 .ri sV q 320 B10 pb D01 k5 D03 r12: 150E, 150N D06 8825 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0105 q 321 B10 pb D01 k105 D03 r105: 150N, 400E D06 8910 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0129 .rd L719 .ri tR q 322 B10 p D01 k3 D03 relay118: 200E, 100S D06 8891 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0074 q 323 B10 p D01 k4 D03 relay125: 120N, 160W D06 8944 @top F02 si f0134 q 324 B10 po D01 k105 D03 relay 80: 180 N, 420 E D06 8902 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0129 .ri lR q 325 B10 p D01 k105 D03 relay 80: 108 N, 420 E D06 8902 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0129 q 326 B10 p D01 k3 D06 8916 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0139 q 327 B10 p D01 k3 F02 si f0140 .ri sV q 328 B10 po D01 k5 F02 si f0004 .rd L721 .ri lR q 330 B10 pib D01 k105 D03 r105: 250 S, 100 N D06 8900 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0129 .ri sV q 331 B10 po D01 k7 D03 r205: 100 N, 100 E D06 8888 @top - 40 @bottom F02 si f0131 q 332 B10 pi D01 k3 D03 m2720: 400 S, 300 W D06 8890 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0139 q 333 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 100 N, 100 E D06 8805 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0137 q 334 B10 p D01 k3 D06 8891 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0074 q 336 B10 o D01 k2 F02 si f0015 .ri cV q 337 B10 p D01 k1 D03 m2505: 100W, 100S F02 si f0028 .ri sV q 338 B10 b D01 k105 D03 r108: 100E, 100W F02 si f0129 .rd L722 .ri tR q 339 B10 p D01 k5 D03 r11: 600S, 280E D06 8758 @top - 15/20 @bottom F02 si f0007 q 340 B10 pi D01 k1 D03 m2505: 100W, 100S D06 8740 @top F02 si f0123 q 341 B10 po D01 k3 D03 r18: 200E, 100S D06 8891 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0074 q 342 B10 pobi D01 k5 D03 r12: 260N, 190E D06 8812 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0148 .ri lR q 343 B10 pb D01 k105 D03 r108: 100N, 100E D06 8905 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0129 q 344 B10 p D01 k6 D03 r22: 150E, 50N D06 8861 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0150 q 345 B10 p D01 k3 D03 m2739: 100E, 50S D06 8869 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0131 .ri tR q 346 B10 po D01 k2 D03 r217: 340N, 330W D06 8797 @top F02 si f0151 q 347 B10 p D01 k2 D03 r220: 80S, 45E D06 8843 @top F02 si f0152 .ri sV q 348 B10 po D01 k6 D03 r22: 100N, 100E D06 8740 @top - 60/70 @bottom F02 si f0153 .rd L723 .ri lR q 349 B10 p D01 k6 D03 r22: 150N, 200W D06 8765 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0153 q 350 B10 pb D01 k6 D03 r22: 100E, 50E D06 8861 @top - 5 @bottom F02 si f0150 q 351 B10 p D01 k105 D03 r199: 400E, 100N D06 8940 @top - 70 @bottom F02 si f0111 q 352 B10 p D01 k6 D03 m2517: 50W, 100N D06 8902 @top F02 si f0155 q 353 B10 pb D01 k5 D03 r10: 200E, 80S D06 8827 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0005 q 355 B10 pb D01 k6 D03 r22: 150N, 200W D06 8750 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0153 .ri fAB q 356 B10 pbi D01 k6 D03 r22: 180N, 200W D06 8711 @top F02 si f0157 .ri lR q 357 B10 pb D01 k1 D03 r187: 200W, 200N D06 r187 - 10cm down F02 si f0123 .ri aBK q 358 B10 p D01 k105 D03 r199: 400E, 180N D06 8940 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0111 .ri fAB q 359 B10 p D01 k6 D03 r16: 150W, 150S D06 8740 @top - 60 @bottom F02 si f0153 .ri sV q 360 B10 p D01 k6 D03 r22: 150N, 200W D06 8711 @top F02 si f0157 .ri tR q 361 B10 po D01 k105 F02 si f0128 q 362 B10 po D01 k105 F02 si f0128 .rd L724 .ri lR q 363 B10 p D01 k6 D03 r28: 300E, 150N D06 8690 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0157 q 364 B10 pb D01 k107 D03 r4: 200N, 200W D06 8719 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0123 .ri tR q 365 B10 p D01 k4 D03 r52: 180N, 75W D06 8929 @top - 30 @bottom F02 si f0103 q 366 B10 p D01 k6 D03 r221: 50W, 100N F02 si f0156 q 367 B10 p D01 k3 D03 r230: 70N, 160W D06 8890 @top - 30 @bottom F02 si f0160 .ri sV q 368 B10 pbi D01 k6 D03 r16: 70S, 200W D06 8790 @top - 100 @bottom F02 si f0153 q 369 B10 pi D01 k4 D03 r121: 350N, 250E D06 8897 @top F02 si f0103 q 370 B10 pi D01 k5 D06 8795 @top - 30 @bottom F02 si f0004 q 371 B10 pi D01 k2 D03 m2524: 400N, 250E D06 8792 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0161 .ri aBK q 372 B10 p D01 k1 F02 si f0123 .ri tR q 373 B10 p D01 k5 D03 r12: 150W, 200N D06 8790 @top F02 si f0162 .ri fAB q 374 B10 p D01 k6 F02 si f0153 .rd L721 .ri sV q 375 B10 po .rd L725 .ri tR B10 p .rd L721 .ri sV D01 k5 .rd L725 .ri tR D01 k106 D03 r52: 190N, 340W D06 8898 @top - 10 @bottom .rd L721 .ri sV F02 si f0007 .rd L725 .ri tR F02 si f0103 .ri lR q 376 B10 p D01 k5 D03 m2526: 500W, 400N D06 8753 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 .ri tR q 377 B10 p D01 k5 D03 m2526: 500W, 400N D06 8753 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 378 D01 k6 D03 r30: 250N, 350E D06 8700 @top - 50 @bottom F02 si f0157 q 379 B10 p D01 k1 D03 WK D06 8745 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0166 q 380 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 400N, 250E D06 8793 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0161 q 381 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 400N, 250E D06 8793 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0161 q 382 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 400N, 250E D06 8793 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0161 q 383 B10 pi D01 k6 D03 r30: 250N, 350W D06 8700 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0157 .ri lR q 384 B10 pb D01 k6 D03 r30: 250N, 350W D06 8917 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0153 .ri sV q 385 B10 pi D01 k1 D03 WK D06 8745 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0166 q 386 B10 p D01 k5 D03 r30: 250N, 350E D06 8753 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 .ri tR q 387 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 400N, 250E D06 8793 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0161 .ri lR q 388 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 400N, 250E D06 8775 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0161 q 389 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 400W, 250E D06 8775 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0161 q 390 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 400W, 250E D06 8775 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0161 q 391 B10 p D01 k3 D03 r201: 100N, 50E D06 8903 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0167 q 392 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 400W, 250E D06 8775 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0161 .ri tR q 393 B10 pi D01 k6 D03 r30: 250N, 350W D06 8685 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0153 .ri sV q 394 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 400W, 250E D06 8775 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0161 q 395 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 400W, 250E D06 8775 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0161 .ri tR q 396 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 400W, 250E D06 8775 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0161 q 397 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 400W, 250E D06 8775 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0161 q 398 B10 p D01 k5 D03 m2526: 500W, 400N D06 8738 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 399 B10 p D01 k1 F02 si f0166 .ri lR q 400 B10 pb D01 k5 D03 m2526: 500W, 400N D06 8738 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 401 B10 pb D01 k1 D03 WK D06 8735 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0166 q 402 B10 pi D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8775 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0161 q 403 B10 p D01 k6 D03 r16: 400W, 50S D06 8685 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0153 q 404 B10 pi D01 k5 D03 m2527: 100E, 400N D06 8753 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 405 B10 p D01 k1 D03 WK D06 8735 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0166 q 406 B10 p D01 k3 D03 r201: 100N, 50E D06 8903 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0167 .ri fAB q 407 B10 p D01 k1 D06 8712 @top F02 si f0166 .ri lR q 408 B10 p D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8751 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0161 .ri fAB q 409 B10 p D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8751 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0161 q 410 B10 p D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8751 @top F02 si f0161 q 411 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 100E, 150N D06 8756 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0170 .ri lR q 412 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 100E, 150N D06 8756 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0170 q 413 B10 p D01 k2 .rd L802 D01 k108 .rd L725 D03 m2524: 100E, 150N D06 8751 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0170 .rd L802 F02 si f0190 .rd L725 q 414 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 100E, 150N D06 8738 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0170 q 415 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 100E, 150N D06 8738 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0170 q 416 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 100E, 150N D06 8738 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0170 q 417 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 100E, 150N D06 8738 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0170 q 418 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 100E, 150N D06 8738 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0170 q 419 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 100E, 150N D06 8738 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0170 q 420 B10 p D01 k2 D03 m2524: 100E, 150N D06 8738 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0170 q 421 B10 p D01 k5 D03 m2524: 500W, 400N D06 8752 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 .rd L726 .ri sV q 422 B10 p D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8686 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0157 q 423 B10 pbi D01 k5 D03 m2526: 500W, 400N D06 8722 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 424 B10 p D01 k1 D03 WK D06 8741 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0166 q 425 B10 pi D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8686 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0157 q 426 B10 p D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8745 @top F02 si f0171 .ri lR q 427 B10 pbi D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8686 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0157 .ri sV q 428 B10 p D01 k1 D03 WK D06 8741 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0166 .ri aBK q 429 B10 p D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8890 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0157 q 430 B10 pi D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8890 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0157 q 431 B10 p D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8890 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0157 q 432 B10 p D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8890 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0157 .ri lR q 433 B10 pi D01 k1 D03 r193: 150E, 100S D06 8712 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0173 q 434 B10 p D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8745 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0171 q 435 B10 p D01 k1 D03 r4: 200W, 150N D06 8712 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0175 q 437 B10 pi D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8726 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0171 q 438 B10 pi D01 k5 D03 WK D06 8752 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 439 B10 p D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8691 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0176 .ri tR q 440 B10 p D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8691 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0176 q 441 B10 p D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8691 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0176 q 442 B10 pi D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8691 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0176 q 443 B10 pi D01 k5 D03 WK D06 8752 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 444 B10 p D01 k1 D03 r4: 200W, 150N D06 8711 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0175 q 445 B10 pi D01 k6 D03 r228: 125N, 40E D06 8802 @top - 130 @bottom F02 si f0177 q 446 B10 p D01 k5 D03 WK D06 8684 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 447 B10 p D01 k5 D03 WK D06 8684 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 .rd L728 .ri sV q 448 B10 pi D01 k5 D03 WK D06 8700 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 .ri lR q 449 B10 pi D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8656 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0177 q 450 B10 p D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8656 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0177 q 451 B10 pi D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8702 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0171 q 452 B10 pi D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8656 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0177 q 453 B10 p D01 k1 D03 WK D06 8724 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0175 q 454 B10 p D01 k1 D03 WK D06 8724 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0175 q 455 B10 p D01 k5 D03 WK D06 8700 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 456 B10 p D01 k5 D03 WK D06 8700 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 457 B10 pi D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8656 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0177 .ri sV q 458 B10 pb D01 k5 D03 WK D06 8700 @top F02 si f0163 q 459 B10 p D01 k5 D03 WK D06 8700 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 460 B10 pi D01 k1 D03 WK D06 8724 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0175 .ri lR q 461 B10 pbi D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8656 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0177 q 462 B10 p D01 k5 D06 8648 @top F02 si f0178 .ri aBK q 463 B10 p D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8656 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0177 q 464 B10 p D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8656 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0177 .ri lR q 465 B10 p D01 k1 .rd L731 .ri sV D01 k5 .rd L728 .ri lR D03 r4: 150E, 100S D06 8725 @top - 15 @bottom .rd L731 .ri sV D06 8545 @top - 20 @bottom .rd L728 .ri lR F02 si f0179 .rd L731 .ri sV F02 si f0163 .rd L728 .ri lR q 466 B10 p D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8656 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0177 q 467 B10 pb D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8677 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0171 q 468 B10 p D01 k1 D03 WK D06 8725 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0175 q 469 B10 p D01 k1 D03 WK D06 8656 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0175 q 470 B10 pb D01 k1 D03 WK D06 8656 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0175 q 471 B10 pi D01 k5 D03 WK D06 8648 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 472 B10 p D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8677 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0171 q 473 B10 pi D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8656 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0177 q 474 B10 p D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8677 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0171 .ri fAB q 475 B10 pi D01 k1 D03 WK D06 8710 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0175 .ri lR q 476 B10 pi D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8654 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0171 q 477 B10 p D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8654 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0171 .ri tR q 478 B10 p D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8654 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0171 q 479 B10 p D01 k5 D03 WK D06 8648 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 .rd L729 .ri lR q 480 B10 p D01 k6 D03 r16: 150S, 200W D06 8638 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0183 q 481 B10 p D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8659 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0171 q 482 B10 p D01 k5 D03 WK D06 8650 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 .ri tR q 483 B10 pb D01 k6 D03 r16: 150S, 200W D06 8638 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0183 q 484 B10 po D01 k1 D03 WK D06 8703 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0175 .ri aBK q 485 B10 pi D01 k5 D03 WK D06 8650 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 486 B10 p D01 k5 D03 WK D06 8650 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 487 B10 pi D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8659 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0171 q 488 B10 pi D01 k6 D06 8638 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0183 q 489 B10 p D01 k6 D03 WK D06 8638 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0183 .ri sV q 490 B10 i D01 k1 F02 si f0175 q 491 B10 p D01 k6 D06 8620 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0183 q 492 B10 p D01 k6 D06 8620 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0183 .ri fAB q 493 B10 pi D01 k5 D06 8635 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 494 B10 p D01 k6 D06 8595 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0183 q 495 B10 p D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8634 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0171 q 496 B10 p D01 k1 D03 WK D06 8678 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0175 .ri tR q 497 B10 p D01 k6 D03 r10: 150S, 200W D06 8580 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0183 q 498 B10 p D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8634 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0171 q 499 B10 p D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8634 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0171 q 500 B10 p D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8634 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0171 q 501 B10 pb D01 k1 D03 WK D06 8678 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0175 q 502 B10 p D01 k1 D03 WK D06 8678 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0175 q 503 B10 p D01 k1 D03 WK D06 8663 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0175 q 504 B10 p D01 k6 D03 r16: 150S, 200W D06 8580 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0183 q 505 B10 p D01 k6 D03 r16: 150S, 200W D06 8580 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0183 q 506 B10 pb D01 k6 D03 r16: 150S, 200W D06 8580 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0183 q 507 B10 p D01 k5 D03 WK D06 8620 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 508 B10 p D01 k5 D03 WK D06 8620 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 509 B10 p D01 k5 D03 WK D06 8620 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 510 B10 p D01 k1 D03 WK D06 8663 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0175 q 511 B10 pi D01 k1 D03 WK D06 8663 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0175 q 512 B10 pi D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8634 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0171 q 513 B10 p D01 k5 D03 WK D06 8620 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 514 B10 pb D01 k5 D03 WK D06 8620 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 515 B10 p D01 k6 D03 r16: 150S, 200W D06 8580 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0183 q 516 B10 p D01 k6 D03 r16: 150S, 200W D06 8580 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0183 q 517 B10 p D01 k5 D03 WK D06 8620 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0163 .rd L730 .ri sV q 518 B10 p D01 k6 D06 8809 @top - 50/70 @bottom F02 si f0010 q 519 B10 p D01 k5 D06 8802 @top - 100 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 520 B10 p D01 k6 D06 8656 @top - 100 @bottom F02 si f0177 q 521 B10 p D01 k5 D06 8802 @top - 100 @bottom F02 si f0163 .ri tR q 522 B10 p D01 k1 D03 r5: 80N, 230E D06 8738 @top - 50 @bottom F02 si f0166 .ri sV q 523 B10 p D01 k5 D03 m2527: 170N, 180E D06 8678 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0178 .ri tR q 524 B10 p D01 k5 D03 m2527: 170N, 180E D06 8678 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0178 q 525 B10 pi D01 k5 D03 m2527: 170N, 180E D06 8678 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0178 .ri sV q 526 B10 pb D01 k1 D03 r5: 80N, 230E D06 8827 @top - 89 @bottom F02 si f0166 q 527 B10 p D01 k5 F02 si f0007 q 528 B10 p D01 k5 D03 m2527: 170N, 180E D06 8678 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0178 q 529 B10 i D01 k3 F02 si f0047 .ri tR q 530 B10 p D01 k5 D03 m2527: 170N, 180E D06 8678 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0178 .ri sV q 531 B10 pi D01 k6 D06 8656 @top - 100 @bottom F02 si f0177 .ri aBK q 532 B10 p F02 si f0007 .ri tR q 533 B10 p D01 k5 D06 8750 @top - 50 @bottom F02 si f0163 .ri sV q 534 B10 p D01 k5 D06 8750 @top - 50 @bottom F02 si f0163 .ri tR q 535 B10 p D01 k5 D03 m2527: 170N, 180E D06 8678 @top F02 si f0178 .ri sV q 536 B10 p D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8652 @top - 50 @bottom F02 si f0171 q 537 B10 p D01 k5 D06 8750 @top - 50 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 538 B10 p D01 k5 D06 8750 @top - 50 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 539 B10 p D01 k5 D06 8714 @top - 30 @bottom F02 si f0165 .ri tR q 540 B10 p D01 k6 D03 r16: 50S, 200W D06 8713 @top - 100 @bottom F02 si f0183 .ri sV q 541 B10 p D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8652 @top - 50 @bottom F02 si f0171 q 542 B10 p D01 k5 D06 8714 @top - 50 @bottom F02 si f0165 q 543 B10 p D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8652 @top - 50 @bottom F02 si f0171 q 544 B10 p D01 k2 D06 8652 @top - 50 @bottom F02 si f0171 .ri tR q 545 B10 p D01 k5 D06 8677 @top - 30 @bottom F02 si f0184 .ri sV q 546 B10 p D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8652 @top - 50 @bottom F02 si f0171 q 547 B10 p D01 k6 F02 si f0157 .rd L731 q 548 B10 p D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8545 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0185 q 549 B10 p D01 k2 D03 WK D06 8545 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0185 .ri tR q 550 B10 pi D01 k5 D06 8677 @top - 30 @bottom F02 si f0184 q 551 B10 p D01 k5 D06 8677 @top - 30 @bottom F02 si f0184 .ri aBK q 552 B10 p D01 k5 F02 si f0184 q 553 B10 p D01 k5 F02 si f0184 .ri sV q 554 B10 p D01 k5 F02 si f0184 q 555 B10 p D01 k5 D06 8757 @top - 100 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 556 B10 p D01 k108 D06 8545 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0185 q 557 B10 pi D01 k108 D06 8545 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0185 q 558 B10 i D01 k3 D06 8545 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0047 .ri aBK q 559 B10 pi D01 k5 D06 8545 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 560 B10 p D01 k5 D06 8545 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 561 B10 p D01 k5 D06 8545 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 562 B10 p D01 k5 D06 8545 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0163 .ri sV q 563 B10 pib D01 k108 D06 8545 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0185 q 564 B10 p D01 k5 D06 8545 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0163 .ri aBK q 566 B10 p D01 k108 D03 m2598: 200W, 900S D06 8545 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0185 q 567 B10 p D01 k108 D03 m2598: 200W, 900S D06 8545 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0185 q 568 B10 pi D01 k108 D03 m2598: 200W, 900S D06 8545 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0185 q 569 B10 p D01 k5 D06 8677 @top - 30 @bottom F02 si f0184 q 570 B10 p D01 k5 F02 si f0163 q 571 B10 p D01 k5 F02 si f0163 q 572 B10 p D01 k5 F02 si f0163 q 573 B10 pbi D01 k109 D03 r 242: 150N, 630W D06 8699 @top - 40 @bottom F02 si f0166 q 574 B10 p D01 k109 D03 r 242: 150N, 630W D06 8699 @top - 40 @bottom F02 si f0166 .ri tR q 580 B10 pi D01 k109 D03 r 242: 150N, 630W D06 8659 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0166 q 581 B10 p D01 k5 D03 Nbauk F02 si f0165 .ri aBK q 582 B10 po .rd L801 .ri sV q 584 B10 p D01 k5 D03 Wbaulk D06 8692 @top - 50 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 585 B10 pb D01 k109 D03 r 242: 150N F02 si f0186 q 586 B10 pi D01 k108 D03 r22: 250W, 200N D06 8632 @top - 50 @bottom F02 si f0182 q 587 B10 p D01 k108 F02 si f0185 q 588 B10 p D01 k109 D03 r242: 150N, 500W D06 8653 @top - 50 @bottom F02 si f0186 .ri aBK q 589 B10 pi D01 k5 F02 si f0163 q 590 B10 b D01 k109 F02 si f0186 q 591 B10 p D01 k108 F02 si f0182 .ri sV q 592 B10 i D01 k5 F02 si f0004 .ri aBK q 593 B10 p D01 k108 D06 8490 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0188 q 594 B10 p D01 k108 F02 si f0188 .ri tR q 595 B10 p D01 k108 F02 si f0188 .ri sV q 596 B10 p D01 k5 D03 Wbaulk D06 8692 @top - 50 @bottom F02 si f0163 q 597 B10 p D01 k110 D03 r242: 200S, 300W F02 si f0186 q 598 B10 p D01 k108 D06 8490 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0188 q 599 B10 p D01 k108 D03 r22: 250W, 200N D06 8632 @top - 50 @bottom F02 si f0182 .ri tR q 600 B10 pb D01 k108 D03 r22: 200N, 250W F02 si f0182 .ri sV q 601 B10 p D01 k109 D03 WK D06 8653 @top - 50 @bottom F02 si f0186 q 602 B10 p D01 k108 D06 8490 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0188 .ri tR q 603 B10 p D01 k108 D03 r22: 200N, 250W D06 -167397 @top - 15@bottom F02 si f0190 q 604 B10 p D01 k108 D03 r246: 185W, 365S D06 8490 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0190 q 605 B10 pb D01 k108 D03 r22: 200N, 250W D06 -179397 @top - 20@bottom F02 si f0190 q 606 B10 p D01 k108 D03 r22: 200N, 250W D06 2763 @top - 20@bottom F02 si f0191 .rd L802 .ri sV q 607 B10 pi D01 k109 D03 WK D06 -20633 @top - 50@bottom F02 si f0186 q 608 B10 pi D01 k108 D03 r249: 250W, 300S D06 -217367 @top - 30@bottom F02 si f0191 q 609 B10 p D01 k110 D06 -107452 @top - 50@bottom F02 si f0163 q 610 B10 p D01 k110 D99 50cm excavated F02 si f0163 q 611 B10 pb D01 k110 F02 si f0163 .ri lR q 612 B10 p D01 k108 F02 si f0195 .rd L822 q 614 B10 p D01 k110 D03 r243: 600E, 100S D06 2592 @top - 25@bottom F02 si f0165 q 615 B10 p D01 k110 D03 r243: 600E, 100S D06 2592 @top - 25@bottom F02 si f0165 q 616 B10 p D01 k110 D03 r243: 600E, 100S D06 2592 @top - 25@bottom F02 si f0165 q 617 B10 p D01 k110 D03 r243: 600E, 100S D06 2592 @top - 25@bottom F02 si f0165 q 618 B10 ipb .rd M920 B21 qi061803 .rd L822 D01 k110 D03 r243: 600E, 100S D06 2592 @top - 25@bottom F02 si f0165 .rd L823 q 619 B10 p D01 k110 D03 r243: 600E, 250S D06 2592 @top - 25@bottom F02 si f0165 q 620 B10 p D01 k110 D03 r243: 600E, 250S D06 2592 @top - 25@bottom F02 si f0165 q 621 B10 pi .rd M920 B21 qi062107 .rd L823 D01 k110 D03 r243: 600E, 250S D06 2592 @top - 25@bottom F02 si f0165 q 622 B10 pib D01 k110 D03 r242: 600E, 150W D06 8637 @top - 25 @bottom F02 si f0202 q 623 B10 p D01 k110 D03 r242: 600S, 250W D06 8637 @top - 25 @bottom F02 si f0202 .rd L825 q 624 B10 p D01 k110 D03 r242: 600S, 350W D06 8630 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0202 q 625 B10 pbi .rd M920 B21 qi062503 .rd L825 D01 k110 D03 r242: 600S, 400W D06 8630 @top - 20 @bottom F02 si f0202 q 626 B10 pi D01 k110 F02 si f0202 .rd L826 .ri fAB q 627 B10 pbi D01 k110 D03 WK D06 -131567 @top - 15@bottom F02 si f0202 .rd M920 .ri lR q 629 B21 qi062902 .rd L827 .ri fAB q 634 B10 pb D01 k110 D03 WF F02 si f0211 .rd L828 .ri lR q 635 B10 pb D01 k110 D03 WF D06 8697 @top - 10 @bottom F02 si f0213 q 636 B10 pb D01 k110 D03 WF D06 8659 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0212 q 637 B10 p D01 k110 D03 r258: 200E, 150N D06 8550 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0206 q 638 B10 pi .rd M912 B21 qi063807 .rd M920 B21 qi063801 .rd L828 D01 k110 D03 r258: 200E, 150N D06 8550 @top - 15 @bottom F02 si f0206 q 639 B10 pib D01 k110 D06 -81303 @top F02 si f0211 .ri fAB q 640 B10 i .rd M920 .ri lR B21 qi064001 .rd L828 .ri fAB D01 k110 F02 si f0206 q 641 B10 pi D01 k110 F02 si f0216 .rd L829 .ri lR q 642 B10 p D01 k110 D03 r258: 200E, 150N D06 -61621 @top - 15@bottom F02 si f0206 .ri fAB q 643 B10 pib D01 k110 D03 r263: 70S, 70W D06 -82621 @top - 30 @bottom F02 si f0216 .ri lR q 644 B10 p D01 k108 F02 si f0219 q 645 B10 pi D01 k110 D03 r263: 70S, 70W D06 2371 @top F02 si f0220 .ri fAB q 646 B10 pbi D01 k108 D03 WF F02 si f0221 q 647 B10 pbi D01 k110 F02 si f0222 .rd L830 .ri lR q 648 B10 p D01 k110 F02 si f0211 q 649 B10 p D01 k110 D03 WF F02 si f0221 q 650 B10 p D01 k110 D03 r258: 200E, 150N D06 2538 @top F02 si f0206 q 651 B10 pi .rd M920 B21 qi065101 .rd L830 D01 k110 F02 si f0217 q 652 B10 p .rd M906 B21 qi065202 .rd M920 B21 qi065201 .rd L830 D01 k110 D03 r258: 200E, 150N D06 -66619 @top F02 si f0223 q 653 B10 p D01 k110 D99 20cm excavated F02 si f0224 .ri fAB q 654 B10 p D01 k108 D99 80cm excavated F02 si f0226 q 655 B10 pi D01 k110 F02 si f0227 .rd L831 .ri lR q 656 B10 i D01 k110 D03 WF D99 3-5cm down in whole feature F02 si f0228 q 657 B10 i D01 k110 D03 WF D99 5cm down in whole feature F02 si f0229 q 658 B10 i D01 k110 D03 WF D99 3-5cm down in whole feature F02 si f0230 .rd L901 q 659 B10 pi D01 k110 D03 WF D99 80cm down in whole feature F02 si f0226 q 660 B10 p D01 k111 D03 WF D99 10cm down in whole feature F02 si f0231 q 661 B10 pb D01 k111 D99 10cm excavated F02 si f0232 q 662 B10 pb D01 k112 D03 WK D99 3cm down in whole locus F02 si f0202 .ri fAB q 663 B10 pb D01 k111 D03 WF D06 -117600 @top - 10@bottom F02 si f0232 .ri lF q 664 B10 pb D01 k111 D03 WF D06 -54599 @top F02 si f0236 .ri fAB q 665 B10 p D01 k111 D03 WK F02 si f0237 .rd L902 .ri lR q 666 B10 pi D01 k108 D03 r217: 150S, 50E D06 -22368 @top - 30@bottom F02 si f0238 q 667 B10 p D01 k108 D03 r217: 150S, 50E D06 -58368 @top - 60@bottom F02 si f0239 q 668 B10 p D01 k108 D03 r217: 150S, 50E D06 8662 @top - 30 @bottom F02 si f0240 q 669 B10 p D01 k108 D03 r217: 150S, 50E D06 -58368 @top - 60@bottom F02 si f0239 q 670 B10 p D01 k108 D03 r217: 150S, 50E D06 8607 @top F02 si f0241 q 671 B10 pi D01 k108 D03 r217: 150S, 50E D06 8662 @top - 30 @bottom F02 si f0240 q 672 B10 p D01 k112 D99 50cm excavated F02 si f0222 q 673 B10 p D01 k108 D03 r217: 150S, 50E D06 8607 @top F02 si f0241 .rd L903 q 674 B10 pbi D01 k108 D03 r217: 150S, 50E D06 8678 @top - 70 @bottom F02 si f0242 q 675 B10 pbi D01 k109 D03 r217: 150S, 50E D06 8608 @top - 35 @bottom F02 si f0243 q 676 B10 pbi D01 k108 D03 r217: 150S, 50E D06 8574 @top F02 si f0244 q 677 B10 pbi D01 k108 D03 r217: 150S, 50E D06 8544 @top F02 si f0245 .rd L904 q 678 B10 pb D01 k110 D03 r288: 350E, 200S D06 8612 @top - 32 @bottom F02 si f0207 q 679 B10 p D01 k110 D03 r288: 350E, 200S D06 8612 @top - 30 @bottom F02 si f0202 q 680 B10 p D01 k108 F02 si f0239 .rd L905 q 681 B10 pi D01 k111 D03 WK D99 5cm down in whole locus F02 si f0237 q 682 B10 pi .rd M906 B21 qi068201 .rd M920 B21 qi068202 .rd L905 D01 k112 D03 WK D99 5cm down in whole locus F02 si f0202 .rd L906 q 683 B10 pbi .rd M920 B21 qi068301 .rd L906 D01 k110 D03 r288: 350E, 100 ? D06 8612 @top - 30 @bottom F02 si f0202 .rd M906 q 684 B21 qi068401 .rd M920 B21 qi068403 .rd M918 q 704 B21 qi070401 .rd M920 q 711 B21 qi071101 q 759 B21 qi075901 q 768 B21 qi076801 q 797 B21 qi079702 q 837 B21 qi083708 q 842 B21 qi084202 .rd M922 q 847 B21 qi084702 q 850 B21 qi085003 q 851 B21 qi085101 q 852 B21 qi085201 B21 qi085203 q 855 B21 qi085505 .rd M918 q 451.1 ;B10 ^ca ;B11 small clay jar or artifact with a small base then curves out, widening at the center then curving in at the neck. Similar in shape to a small miniature jar split in half possibly used as an oil lamp. J02 4.6 .rd M920 q 618.3 B10 ^fg B11 animal figurine with horns, rounded eyes, and lines on its body. Three perforations are visible, one on each leg and one that goes through the neck region. The lines run from it's head to where it is broken off a the body. J01 8.2 J02 6.1 J04 4.4 ;P99 to drafting and photography q 621.7 B10 uc ct caf ;B11 conical shaped clay piece with a perforation running through it with a diameter of 1.1. Possibly a fragment of pottery or the leg of a figurine. J01 3.1 J04 2.9 q 625.3 B10 uc ct caf ad plaque B11 clay piece with the shape of a women molded on. She has two legs broken at the knee. The legs are together and forms a nice groove in the center which turns into a "V". Her pubis area is triangular with a small circular dot markings, her upper portion is broken off. The backside is flat and smooth. Uncertain whether part of a plaque or for a ceramic vessel. J01 4.9 J04 4.2 J07 1.8 K03 cl P99 to be photographed q 629.2 B10 ^sh ;B11 white shell from a snail- not worked J04 2.1 K05 white q 638.1 B10 ^bd B11 elongated round bead made out of cream colored stone with a perforation running lengthwise. J02 2.1 J04 1.4 K03 li P99 to be drawn and photographed .rd M912 q 638.3 ;B10 ^ca ;B11 Portion of a clay plaque with a female body. Appears to be made from a mold since the figure appears pressed in with the sides smoothed down and extending out. The figure is from the waist down including the legs and feet. The figure contains a thin waist 1cm wide then curves out into full hips 2.5 cm wide then tapers into a smooth v containing this form to the ankles. The feet are flat, pointing out and extending 1.5cm out. There is a space in between the legs of .4cm. A small orange red dot is painted for her belly button and below she has a painted belt with tassels or extensions coming out. The pubis is also painted and contains a line that outlines the inner area clearly defining her vagina. The feet are painted in the same orange-red paint 1.7cm up from the ankles suggesting shoes and there are lines painted on the both sides of the flattened extensions of the plaque. The plaque is broken at the sides so one can not tell the design of these lines. The back is rough and broken. J02 6.7 J04 4.3 J07 2.2 ;K03 cl ;P99 to drafting and photography .rd M920 q 640.1 B10 uc ct caf ad bead B11 rounded clay artifact with a hole in the center. Appears to be a piece of pottery worked into a bead similar to q683.1 J04 1.6 J07 0.6 q 651.1 B10 ^si B11 flattened piece of gray sealing clay with fingerprints on both sides. J02 3.2 J04 2.6 J07 0.6 q 652.1 B10 ^cl B11 fragments of a clay lump that has an oval shaped surface. Appears to be a fragment of a clay sling ball. .rd M906 q 652.2 ;B10 ^ma B11 two fragments of metal forming a ring. J04 0.2 P99 to Conservation q 682.1 B10 ^sh B11 Triangular piece of shell- flat and slightly curving with one smooth side and one with ridges. This piece is a fragment of a shell with one side containing some of the rim. J02 3 J04 2 J07 0.2 .rd M920 q 682.2 B10 ^si B11 rounded dark gray piece that appears to have some kind of depression or impression J04 0.7 P99 to Conservation q 683.1 B10 uc ct caf ;B11 flattened clay artifact with rounded off edges and perforation measuring .6cm inside. Appears to be a piece of pottery that has been worked into possibly a bead. J04 2 J07 0.6 .rd M906 q 684.1 ct maf ;B11 8 metal fragments that are flattened J07 0.2 K03 mt ;P99 to Conservation .rd M920 q 684.3 B10 ^bd B11 elongated round lapis bead- perforated lengthwise J02 0.8 J04 0.6 K03 li K05 blue .rd M918 q 704.1 ;B10 ^cl .rd M920 B10 ^fg B11 hind quarters of an animal figurine with a long tail and broken at the body and leg. J02 6.2 J04 4.5 K05 light green .rd M918 ;P01 discarded .rd M920 ;P99 to photography q 711.1 B10 ^fg ;B11 animal figurine broken at the neck and contains one leg of the fore-quarters in tact. A small tail is visible. J02 6.5 J04 3.5 K03 cl P99 to photography q 759.1 ;ad ^cv ;B11 fragments of a carinated bowl- not complete. Sent to conservation for possible restoration. P99 to Conservation q 768.1 B10 uc ct caf ad sling ball B11 solid egg shaped piece of clay- possibly a clay sling ball. The ends are tapered and rounded off. J02 5 J04 3.5 K05 brown ;P99 to photography q 795.1 ;B11 animal figurine, uncertain whether a body or head. Contains hatch lines on sides and needs furthur description by a figurine specialist. J01 3.6 J04 2.7 K05 dark gray q 797.2 B10 ^fg ;B11 head of an animal figurine with a long neck and muzzle looking up forming a point. One side has small slits for eyes and small clay pieces for the ears. J01 4.3 J04 2.5 K05 light tan P99 to drafting and photography q 837.8 B10 uc ct caf B11 conical shaped clay artifact similar in shape to a sling ball. The tip rounds out, round body, and solid. J02 2.7 K05 dark gray ;P99 zsb7.22 q 842.99 B10 uk ct laf B11 egg shaped lithic similar in shape to a sling ball. Solid piece of stone with the two ends smoothed and rounded. J02 4.5 J04 2.5 ;P99 zsb 16.22 .rd M922 q 847.2 B10 uc ct baf ;B11 long rounded bone fragment with smooth sides- possibly used as a needle or a tool J02 2.7 J07 0.3 ;P99 zsb18.2 q 850.3 B10 ^cl P01 discarded q 851.1 B10 ^cl ;P01 discarded q 852.1 B10 uc ct caf B11 hard baked clay artifact in the shape of a human torso with a hole through the center of the artifact. This may be an anthropomorphic figurine. J02 3 J04 2.2 J07 0.9 ;P99 zsb2.13.3 q 852.3 B10 ^la B10 ^ma B11 debitage-primary flake ;B11 Small bronze fragment- flat in shape J02 2 J02 3.3 J04 1.5 P99 to Conservation ;P99 zsb16.23 q 855.5 B10 ^cl P01 discarded .rd M929 v 89 O11 a12 O12 193,206,250,114,158,263,264,265,266,267,268 O15 k108,k202,k203,k204,k205,k206,k207,k208,k209,k210 O22 n v 89A O11 a12,a22,a16 O12 206,250,193 O15 k202,k203,k205,k206,k207,k208,k209 B11 Southern view of lower A16 taken from overhead of the entire excavation area in the beginning of the season MZ15. This view shows the limit of the stone pavement and A13 palace AF walls in the south. O22 s v 89B O11 a12 O12 190,193,279,280,281 O15 k108,k210 B11 View showing the "pillar"- a long section that protruded out of k108 east section due to a wall on the top that contoured the section. This pillar is a slice of the pit a17 with khabur structures in the first layer (a2) mixed with the interface of the pit. The next two layers are pit fill that cut the red f190 phase 4 material below. O22 n v 89C O11 a22 O12 206,250 O15 k208,k209 O22 ne v 89D O11 a12,a22,a17 O12 193,250 O15 k209,k210 B11 East view of f250, a22, East baulk, and the large East section of k108 showing the pit a17 below khabur structures phase 5. O22 ne v 90 O11 a2,a12,a18 O12 153,157,180,189,190,279,280,281,283,193 O15 k108,k210 O22 se O13 i83,i84 v 90A ;O11 a18 O12 180,281,283,305 O13 83,84 B11 Tight shot of the tannur f180 with the collapsed interior in view and with a18 burial emerging. i84, the skull of a child is in frontal position that was cut by the pit. The photo shows the view of the back end of the skull from the inside. O22 s v 91 O12 180 O13 83,84 O22 se O15 k108 ;v 91A ;O12 267,272 ;O15 k207 ;B11 close-up view of the shallow pit f272 that was cut by the south section in k207. ;O22 ov v 92 O12 268,272,273,298 O15 k207 O22 n v 93 O11 a19 O12 268,274,276 O15 k207 B11 View of k207 with f274 bricks and f276 pit cut emerging. This is the beginning of a19 burial with f274 bricks covering the grave. O22 oh v 93A O12 274 B11 Tight view of the bricks that cover the burial a19. The bricks did not form any kind of pattern and included gray and orange bricks. O21 t O22 oh v 94 O11 a22 O12 206,250,267,289,292,293,266 O15 k205,k206 B11 Overhead view of the western portion of lower A16 showing the alternating layers of red and gray from a leveled surface next to f250 pit. O22 w v 94A O11 a12 O12 193,250,266,267,282,289,292,293,302,313 O15 k205,k206 B11 View of the South section of k205, and k206 with the alternating layers of gray and pink/reddish material on top of the red f313. f292 is a combination of three layers. O22 n v 95 O11 a18,a17 O12 180,190,279,280,281,283,305 O13 84 B11 General overview of the "pillar" that extends out into k108, the tannur f180 that was removed, and the burial found below the tannur. The view also shows the gray layers of the pit a17 that cut f283 reddish accumulation. The burial was found 20 cm below the tannur with a small over fired jar i83 next to the skull. The skull suffered severe damage caused by the pit cut and what was left was removed by the excavators. The body i84 is that of a small child lying in fetal position with the body facing to the north. Subviews v95c, v95b show an overhead view of the remains. O22 se v 95A ;O11 a18 O12 281,305 O13 83,84 B11 Southern view of the burial a18 with the jar i83 in place. The pit cut is seen on the eastern end f281. O22 s v 95B ;O11 a18 O12 305 O13 83,84 B11 Overhead view of a18 showing the position of the skeleton in fetal position, the cut of the burial, the fill f305, and the jar i83 in place. O22 oh v 95C O11 a18 O12 305 O13 84 O22 oh v 96 O11 a19 O12 276,277 O13 96,97,98 O15 k207 B11 Overhead view of the phase 4 burial a19 in k207 with items in place. A metal pin i101 was also found but is not seen in this view. Refer to view v97 for a photo of this item with the body. v97a and v97b are tight shots of the items with the burial. O22 oh v 96A O11 a19 O12 277 O13 96,98 B11 overhead tight shot of the ceramic vessel i98 showing the condition of the vessel and it's association with the human remains. O22 oh v 96B O11 a19 O12 277 O13 96,97 B11 Overhead tight shot of i97 ceramic vessel showing the condition of the vessel and it's association with i96. The vessel is over fired and the rim cracking off. The item has a rope design on it's neck. O22 oh v 97 O11 a19 O12 277 O13 96,101 B11 overhead view of a19 with i101 in view. This bronze pin was found while removing the burial with the head of the pin placed between the teeth with the end pointing away from the body. The red relay tags are also visible which marked the points r339, r340 for measurement of i96 and i98. O22 oh O15 k207 v 98 O11 a22 O12 250,288,289 O15 k205 B11 View of the pit a22 with the fill inside and a line of bricks to the west f288. v98a shows a close-up of the fill material f289. O22 oh v 98A O11 a22 O12 289 B11 tight shot of the fill material in f289 O22 oh O15 k205 v 99 O11 a20 O12 251 O13 114 O15 k206 B11 View of i114 cv sitting next to f251 vertical bricks. This feature turned out to be a burial a20. O22 oh v 100 O11 a12 O12 260,272,273,294,295,193,313 O15 k209 B11 View of A16 south section with the stone pavement in front showing the features above the courtyard. v100a is a closer view of the section. O22 n v 100A O11 a12 O12 260,272,273,294,295,193,313 O15 k207,k209 O22 n v 102 O11 a22 O12 289,250,291,302 O15 k205 B11 Pit a22 showing the cut f250 and the fill f289. Inside this pit was another smaller pit f291 which was also circular but contained more charcoal inclusions. This photograph was taken at the very beginning of the secondary pit f291 with 10cm taken down. O22 w v 103 B11 Accidentally deleted from the system. v 104 O12 276,294 O13 108 O15 k207 B11 View of i108 (seal impression) exact location marked by a small red tag which equals r356. This item has an impression of a seated figure on a chair and sits in f294 k207. A direct overhead view of i108 in place is shown in v104a. O22 se v 104A O12 294 O13 108 B11 Overhead close-up of i108 seal impression in place. This item contains a rolling of a seated figure found in f294 k207. O21 t O22 oh O15 k207 v 105 O11 a20 O12 276,292,293,294,304,250 O13 108,114 B11 View of k205, k206, k207 at an angle showing i108 relationship to the surrounding area f292, f293, and the two burials a20 and f276. O22 nw O15 k205,k206,k207 v 106 O11 a12 O12 192,301,314,317 O15 k202,k203 B11 Sloping red brick level seen in the big North section. The red brick is presumably bricks from the palace that have collapsed on top of abandonment material f317. This material sits ontop of the stone pavement a12 in this area. O22 n v 107 O11 a12,a20,a21 O12 193,250,273,276,292,298,299,302,304,306 O13 114,115 O15 k206 B11 Overhead photograph of k206 with a series of pits in view with a20, a21 burials. Pit f299, f298 (both at the top-unexcavated), f273 (at the bottom-excavated), and f250 (50cm down-currently being excavated) are shown. Burial a20 in overhead view with the unexcavated fill material inside i114 and i115 burial jars along with f297 wall, part of another burial a21. O22 oh O22 sw v 107a O11 a12,a20,a21 O12 193,250,273,276,292,298,299,302,304,306 O13 114,115 O15 k206 B11 Overhead photograph of k206 with a series of pits in view with a20, a21 burials. Pit f299, f298 (both at the top-unexcavated), f273 (at the bottom-excavated), and f250 (50cm down-currently being excavated) are shown. Burial a20 in overhead view with the unexcavated fill material inside i114 and i115 burial jars along with f297 wall, part of another burial a21. O22 oh O22 sw v 109 O11 a12,a22 O12 193,250,289,319 O15 k205 B11 f250 pit view showing the stones of a12 pavement cut by the pit a22. The pit continued to go down below this level. O22 se v 109A O11 a12,a22 O12 193,250,289,319 O15 k205 B11 f250 pit view showing the stones of a12 pavement cut by the pit a22. The pit continued to go down below this level. This view is identical to v109 but with different light and contrast. O22 se .rd R807 .ri sC i 90 ;D01 k204