.bk A16 .fl L703TR.J .fd L821-A16.J***L703TR.J .fn Edited by cjc and sG on R721 .rd L620 .ri lR ;i 12 ;J02 112 .rd L615 q 3.1 ;B11 flat clay artifact with rounded edges finger prints visible on both sides q 4.2 ;B11 thin and long piece of metal rounded and forms a circular shape .rd L611 q 4.4 ad sealing ;q 5.1 ;B11 body of a gray figurine q 6.1 ;B11 ceramic round bead, perforated at center, rounded edges .rd L613 q 11.3 B11 a red bead, perforated at the center, rounded edges .rd L615 q 11.50 ;B11 fragment of a possible grinding stone. Basalt with large holes, pourous .rd L613 ;q 13.1 ;B11 head of figurine, ram .rd L615 ;q 20.1 ;B11 ^fg ;B11 leg of figurine ;q 20.2 ;B11 ^ca with one flat side, other side has a protrusion that is smoothed up ;q 22.50 ;Relabeled this to q22.53 to display in UGR Yy07 cJC q 22.53 ;A99 =l q22.53 A99 tagged as A16q22-s3 B10 ^sp .rd L618 ;q 29.1 ;B11 thin metal pin; to SB .rd L620 q 54.2 B11 square piece of tannur or burnt clay q 55.1 B10 ^bl ;B11 lithic blade, flat on one side, worked on the other .bk A16 .fl L703TR.J .fd L824-A16.J***L703TR.J .rd L611 .ri lR q 5.2 ;B11 leg of figurine tapered at bottom getting wider in diameter a??t top