.bk A16 .fl L704SVQ.J .fd L704SVQ.J .rd L624 .ri sV q 34.1 B11 a half of a clay artifact like a parallelepiped, smooth in five faces, showing a protrusion on a corner of the upper surface q 94.1 P99 to Conservation q 106.2 ;B11 a fragment of a clay artifact similar to q 106.1 (a half of a clay artifact like a parallelepiped), but different in the consistency of the clay .rd L630 q 106.50 A99 was labeled -s1 .rd L624 q 112.1 B10 ^sl ;B11 fragments of door sealing; the main piece shows traces of fire on the smooth face q 113.2 ;B11 fragments of obsidian artifacts K03 obsidian q 122.1 ;B11 feagment of a flint blade ;K03 flint .rd L701 q 125.1 K06 10YR 7/2 q 126.1 B11 fragment of worked hollow bone, tubolar in the shape .rd L630 q 129.1 ;B11 needle? ;P99 to Conservation .rd L701 q 129.50 A99 was labeled -s1 .rd L630 q 132.1 B11 clay artifact, circular in the shape, with a light protrusion in one face and a light hollow on the other one: the circular edge is hollow. A wheel, a stopper, or a loom tool? q 143.1 B11 cubic worked stone with a light hollow in one of the faces q 145.1 ;P99 to Conservation q 146.2 B11 strainer with spread fire traces on the two surfaces .rd L701 q 155.1 P99 to Conservation .rd L630 q 156.2 ;B11 cubic fragment of worked stone (basalt?), very smooth in three faces K03 Basalt .rd L701 q 158.1 K03 FLINT q 159.2 ;B11 fragment of clay artifact, possibly a figurine, cylindrical in the shape and with a square protrusion at the base ;q 168.1 ;J03 4 q 173.1 ;B11 worked stone (basalt?), like a blade in the shape ;K03 Basalt?