.bk A16 .fl R711cJC.j .fd sm and best image for f1-f5, f11-f58 .fn Notes preceded by semicolons are inconsistencies or questions noticed by cJC while attempting to create summaries. RESOLVED means it has been properly researched and resolved or I have spoken to gB to determine the appropriate solution .rd R711 .ri cJC .ed R711 .ei cJc f 1 sm Shallow layer of soft brown topsoil located in locus k2 A12 v0012 f 2 sm Topsoil layer in locus k3 A12 v0014 f 3 sm Accumulation of a soft ashy material mixed with brickfall inside of structure a1. The pottery from q1 is Khabur pottery suggesting a date for the accumulation. A12 v002 f 4 sm Two course wide mudbrick wall which runs from the SE to the NW. It forms the eastern wall of structure a1 and is bonded with f142 (the southern wall of structure a1) as well as f7 (the northern wall of a1). The relationship with wall f5 is unclear but it appears the two are not bonded (see f5 description). f4 rests on the stone foundation, f172, only on the NE side. The wall is several courses of mudbrick in height. A12 v0043a f 142 pb see note under a1 a 1 pb Unclear relationship between walls f5, f4 and f142. Both f5 and f142 are labeled as a buttress, and both are described as not bonding with f4. They are presumeably two distinct walls, since a difference was seen in the field, and one is the original wall while the other is a buttress - it remains unclear which is which. After reviewing all of the entries relating to this discrepancy, we are unable to resolve the issue. Several entries reflect this ambiguity, but we left the entries as they are to document the view of the individual excavators as the work unfolded. f 11 sm Gray silty accumulation in locus k6 ;***Lacks relationship to any other feature? f 12 sm Accumulation which abuts the north side of wall f4 in locus k1. It consists of a medium brown soil containing some cobbles and brickfall. A12 v003 f 13 sm Although originally identified as a pit this feature was later identified as an animal hole. f 14 sm Shallow layer of medium-soft brown topsoil located in locus k7 ;A12 v0017 f 15 sm Large area of brickfall, part of a4, sloping from the northeast to the southwest. The bricks are several different colors and have no definitive orientation. A12 v0012 f 16 sm Layer of medium soft brown topsoil mixed with an emerging layer of brickmelt in locus k8. This feature is equal to f46. A12 v0020 f 17 sm Topsoil layer of medium-soft brown soil covering locus k4 f 18 sm Mudbrick wall with a niche. Was located close to the surface in locus k7. Excavated as part of A15. A12 v0026 f 19 sm Mudbrick wall bonded with f18. Excavated as part of A15 A12 v007a f 20 sm Mudbrick wall in locus k7. Excavated as part of A15 op See f20 in book A15 f 22 sm Accumulation of a reddish layer overlaying a gray ashy layer which could not be separated. The accumulation lies within structure a2. f 23 sm Fill from inside of a Khabur vessel i2 located in structure a1. Inclusions were seeds, pottery, a tooth and a fragment of a ground stone f 24 ;sm Accumulation of melted bricks and blocky clay within structure a1 in locus k5. A12 v002 f 26 sm Human bones later redefined as i22. It remains unclear if this constitutes a burial or incidental collection of the bones. This feature is located in the structure a1. f 27 sm Brickfall see in the northern and western sections of k1, part of a4. Brickfall contains large portions of bricks, small to medium cobbles and ashy material. A12 v0073f f 28 ;sm Compacted accumulation of a hard gray material and flat sherds in locus k1. f 30 sm Accumulation of hard light brown material in k6. It is cut by a pit, f31. f 31 sm Pit cutting into accumulation f30 and wall f10 in the north section of k6. f 32 sm Fill of pit f31. The material was soft and ashy and brown and dark gray color. It contained pebbles and sherds. f 33 sm Accumulation covering pit f31 in locus k6. The layer is very fine gray ashy material. f 34 sm Brickfall that is part of a4. It slopes from the NW of k6 and merges with f25 in locus k5 A12 v003d f 35 sm Hard light gray accumulation found outside a2 in k6. This accumulation is compacted and is the same as f147 in locus, k2. f 36 A12 v0011 f 37 sm Thick layer of brickmelt with brick and pebble inclusions. It covers brickfall a4 sloping westwards in locus k1. A12 v0073d f 38 sm Thin very fine soft ashy layer located below brickfall a4, f27. A12 v0073f f 39 sm This feature consists of several hard pink and gray ashy bands of soil with pebble and sherd inclusions. A12 v0042b f 40 sm This feature consists of several compacted hard pale yellow/gray layers under layer f39 seen in north and east sections of k1 A12 v0042c f 41 sm Compacted medium hard pale pink/gray layer seen in north and east sections of k1 A12 v0073f f 43 sm Very pale brown layer seen in north and east sections of k1. A12 v0073f f 49 sm Thick brickmelt layer previously identified as an acummulation. The brickmelt contains small pieces of multi-colored bricks as well as sherds. It slopes across k8 with the thickest portion in the north. A12 v0017a f 51 sm A white plastered floor with an irregular surface in structure a1. The floor slopes towards f59, an indentation in the floor. Two complete Khabur vessels, i2 and i4, are associated with the floor. A12 v006 f 52 sm Mudbrick wall 1.5 bricks thick and reaching a height of 21 brick courses. It is oriented EW with a doorway (see f70) identified on its north face. It abuts walls f93 and f80 to form a8. It bonds with f113 and f96 to form a10. ;***RESOLVED According to later records f69 and f70 it is not a niche but actually a doorway so maybe niche should be changed to doorway in these entries A12 v0045 f 55 sm Thick layer of brickmelt that is more compact at the higher elevation and more loose at the lower elevations. It covers all of locus k3 and slopes slightly to the south. It is part of a4 A12 v0073c f 57 sm Soft light brown topsoil layer covering locus k1 A12 v0073f f 58 sm Accumulation with pebble and charcoal inclusions. It slopes away from wall f52, sloping down and to the south. A12 v0031 .rd R728 .ri pC f 5 sm Southern internal mudbrick wall of structure a1 running SW to NE. The wall measures 70 cm in width and 3m in length. Only a few courses of bricks are seen in section A12 v0043a