; File processed on 2024-08-05
; A16.1
A21 2001-06-11_L818LR3.j !! ^ figurine
A35 2011-02-11_V211LC.j lC L_V23d4048 A16i1 U818 dM fg f3.jpg
B10 2001-06-11_L818LR3.j lR ^ figurine
B11 2001-06-11_N129LR.j lR Head of a ram figurine, circular curving horns, broken at the neck
B11 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH OVIS I, ram's head. Compare with bitumen-repaired Ovis head 58 (A7.308); eye treatment of this example is an impression with a dot in the middle whereas the earlier figure has appliquéed discs for eyes. The raised disc may have been abraded away in this example. Placement in the caudal section of the head is coincident, all the same. The muzzle is considerably longer here and a useful diagnostic tool; it is a rounded rectangle in section. The horns are large and curve down behind the eye-disc (visible only in left median plane). Horns meet atop the crown in a V.
B20 2001-06-11_-M726-A.j lR 1
C10 2007-07-19_R719CJC.j cJC Alternative measurements occur because the initial measurement was revised when the object was cleaned and measured in the lab. Both measurements are retained here.
D1 2001-06-11_L818LR3.j lR k5
D3 2001-06-12_L620LR-R.j lR r1 (41371 36587 - 8794 / Relay location: at object)
F51 2001-06-11_L818LR3.j lR i1 (^ figurine) sits in f3 (^ accumulation B)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a1
G3 2001-06-11_L818LR3.j lR associated q-lot: 4
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s240-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6m-AAH
J1 2001-06-11_-M726-A.j lR 4
J1 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 4.4
J2 2001-06-11_L818LR3.j lR 3
J2 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH 4.6 @cranial
J3 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH 1.375 @horns
J3 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH 1.46 @transverse horizontal section, snout
J3 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH 4.275 @ransverse vertical section, snout
K3 2001-06-11_-M726-A.j lR ^cl
K5 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH pink
K6 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH 7.5YR 8/3
K10 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH abraded
K11 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH head only, horns broken.
K99 2001-06-11_L818LR3.j lR head of animal figurine
K99 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH medium fine with fine inclusions (sand)
L2 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH The piece appears to have been assembled from thin slabs of fabric. See cut in right median; there are several "layers" of fabric that progressively build up the conformation of the face around the snout.
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4048 A16i1 U818 dM fg f3.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4049 A16i1 U818 dM fg f3.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4050 A16i1 U818 dM fg f3.jpg
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH ZSB 2-2
; A16.2
A21 2002-08-14_N304LR.j !! ^ jar
A35 2002-08-16_M816SB.j MISSING L_V14d4518 A16.2 L721 ms cr.jpg
B10 2001-06-12_L818LR3.j lR ceramic vessel
B10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB ^ jar
B11 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB large jar found in situ containing decoration lines on shoulder; the 3 paint stripes on the shoulder are dark brown and reddish according to firing
C1 2001-06-11_L630TR.j lR The ceramic vessel is still in the ground and we are excavating the area around it trying to find the floor in which the vessel sits on. The conservator sb suggested that we still have another 15 to 20cm until we reach the base of the vessel.
C1 2001-06-12_L630TR.j lR Even though we have temporarily limited excavations in A16 to catch up with data entry, we will still excavated f3 to find the base of i2.
C1 2001-06-12_L630TR.j sB The Khabur jar is still in place and is very large. The upper part is already at the lab being restored.
C1 2001-06-14_L630TR.j lR i2 is standing upright next to the wall running E-S and has three dark decoration bands on the vessel. We removed i2 since the bottom was smashed inwards and were afraid that the sherds might be lost if left in place. Inside the fill f23, we found seeds, pottery, a grinding stone fragment, and one tooth. We probably should have left the base of i2 in place since we have not yet found the floor, but was afraid that the bottom sherds would get lost since there were many small pieces; an indentation remains where the base was standing. We took a photo, v2 and v2a of the area showing both i1 and i2 in place and the relationship between the two bones (mandible and the vertebra column), which are not next to each other and suggest that they do not belong to the same skeleton.
C10 2007-07-19_R719CJC.j cJC Two definitions were given and jar was selected as the respresentative definition as it is more precise than the generic form, ceramic vessel. Both definitions have been retained.
D1 2001-06-12_L818LR3.j lR k5
D3 2001-06-12_L620LR-R.j lR r2 (41208 37066 - 8809 / Relay location: center of cv)
F51 2001-06-12_L818LR3.j lR i2 (^ jar) sits in f51 (^ floor, type a)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a1
G3 2001-06-12_L818LR3.j lR associated q-lot: 1
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s244-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6m-AAH
K3 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB cl
K3 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB pottery
K3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware
K4 2007-10-16_RX16GB.j gB jar
K10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB ceramic in good condition, missing half of the rim and large part of base and lower part of body
K99 2001-06-12_L818LR3.j lR large Khabur vessel
ZcaD1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 1
ZcaD2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC K4
ZcaS1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC shouldered
ZcaS3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 102
N1 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB ceramic in good condition, the 3 paint stripes on the shoulder are dark brown and reddish according to firing
N3 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB reconstructed with difficulties due to the lack of pieces, Steff did all the plaster fills
O1 2001-06-14_-M726-A.j lR v0002
O1 2001-06-14_-M726-A.j lR v0002a
O2 2001-07-21_A16V14I.j ms L_V14d4517 A16.2 L721 ms cr.jpg
O2 2001-07-21_A16V14I.j ms L_V14d4518 A16.2 L721 ms cr.jpg
O4 2001-07-23_A16W14.j cw L_W14d4034 A16.0002 L723 cw cv.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in 2001
; A16.3
A20 2001-06-12_L818LR3.j fAB maf
A21 2002-08-14_N304LR.j !! pin
A35 2002-08-16_M816SB.j MISSING L_V14d4524 A16.jpg
B10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB pin
B11 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB whole bronze pin. The head rounded with decorated base, square section
D1 2001-06-12_L818LR3.j fAB k3
D3 2001-06-12_L620LR-R.j lR r3 (41288 38128 - 9163 / Relay location: at object)
F51 2001-06-12_L818LR3.j fAB i3 (pin) sits in f2 (^ topsoil)
G3 2001-06-12_L818LR3.j fAB associated q-lot: 10
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s20-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6s-AAH
J2 2001-06-13_-M726-A.j lR 10.1
K3 2001-06-13_-M726-A.j lR bronze
K10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB good
K99 2001-06-12_L818LR3.j fAB metal pin
N1 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB very good, the head is rounded with decorated base, square section
N3 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB treated by OPD
O2 2001-07-14_A16V-L^.j gg L_V14d4501 A16.3 L714 gg zc bt.jpg
O2 2001-07-25_A16V14I.j gg L_V14d4524 A16.3 L725 gg zc at.jpg
O2 2001-07-25_A16V14I.j gg L_V14d4525 A16.3 L725 gg zc at.jpg
O4 2015-01-10_A16W14.j kf L_W14d4086 A16.0003 Z110 kF mt f2k3.jpg
P2 2012-03-26_W326LC.j lC disposition missing
P99 2001-06-13_N129LR.j lR sent to conservation
; A16.4
A21 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j !! ^ jar
A30 2007-07-19_R719CJC.j cJC Large khabur jar with five painted stripes.
A35 2001-06-14_-M726-A.j !! v0002
B10 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j cC ^ jar
C1 2001-06-14_L630TR.j lR i4 is lying on its side and has 5 lines and is located in the NE corner. We took a photo, v6 and v6a of the area showing both i1 and i4 in place and the relationship between the two bones (mandible and the vertebra column), which are not next to each other and suggest that they do not belong to the same skeleton. View v6a shows f4 the wall where the bricks end; 4 courses of bricks are visible then stop, but i4 still continues past the bricks.
D1 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j cC k5
D3 2001-06-12_R7QFAB1R.j lr r43 (41417 37101 - 8801 / Relay location: at item)
F51 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j cC i4 (^ jar) sits in f24 (^ accumulation B)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a1
G3 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j cC associated q-lot: 20
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s240-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6m-AAH
K4 2007-10-16_RX16GB.j gB jar
K99 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j cC Khabur jar
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC not currently illustrated
O1 2001-06-14_-M726-A.j lR v0002
O1 2002-07-11_-M726-A.j lR v0005
O1 2002-07-11_-M726-A.j lR v0006
O1 2002-07-11_-M726-A.j lR v0006a
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.5
A21 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2014-05-18_A16W15.j !! L_W15d4058 A16.0005 Y518 kF si f2.jpg
B10 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j cC ^ seal impression
B11 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB small trace of cord impression
D1 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j cC k3
D3 2001-06-12_L620LR-R.j lR r25 (41415 38085 - 9110 / Relay location: at item)
D10 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB measured with edge of the seal at the bottom of the most complete rolling
F51 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB i5 (^ seal impression) sits in f2 (^ topsoil)
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s20-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6s-AAH
J2 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB 1.9
J3 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB 2
J7 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB 0.9
K3 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB dark gray with few inclusions visible
K5 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB very dark gray
K6 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB 10YR 3/1
K13 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB globular shapes, longed neck animal? Standing human?
O4 2014-05-18_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4058 A16.0005 Y518 kF si f2.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.6
A21 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j !! ^ figurine
A35 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !! L_V23d4042 A16i6 U818 dM fg f48.jpg
B10 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j lR ^ figurine
B11 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH EQUUS TYPE I torso. The tail is carried high and is thin, hanging down. There is a mane, although it has been abraded away. Forequarters narrow inverted V, breast ridge. Hindquarters inverted solidly founded U.
B11 2001-07-08_N128LR.j tR Equid figurine; part of the neck, the whole torso, and the hindquarters preserved with part of the tail visible.
D1 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j lR k104
D10 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH Note on width: tail
F51 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j lR i6 (^ figurine) sits in f48 (^ brickfall)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a4
G3 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j lR associated q-lot: 47
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s230-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6s-AAH
J1 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j lR 2.5
J2 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j lR 5.3
J3 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH 1.93
J4 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH 1.5
J5 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH 0.5
J5 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH 2.15
K3 2001-07-08_-M726-A.j tR cl
K5 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH pink
K6 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH 5YR 7/4
K10 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH heavy abrasion
K11 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH all appendages broken, tail broken
K99 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j lR animal figurine
K99 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH If this object is from late layers, it means that the manufacture of equids has remained relatively constant for at least 200 years.
K99 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH medium, medium fine chaff temper
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4042 A16i6 U818 dM fg f48.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4043 A16i6 U818 dM fg f48.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4044 A16i6 U818 dM fg f48.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 002-001
; A16.7
A21 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j !! ^ figurine
B10 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j lR ^ figurine
B11 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH HUMANOID. Two legs and partial torso only. Legs are rectangular in transverse section.
B11 2001-07-08_-M726-A.j tR figurine fragment in the shape of a humanoid torso
D1 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j lR k103
D3 2001-06-12_L620LR-R.j lR r23 (41519 38158 - 9087 / Relay location: at point)
D10 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH Note on ht: torso break to furthest "leg" extension
D10 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH Note on th: transverse section longer leg, long axis
D10 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH Note on th: transverse section longer leg, short axis
D10 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH Note on width: torso
D10 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH only torso and transverse sections are diagnostic
F51 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j lR i7 (^ figurine) sits in f47 (^ brickfall)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a4
G3 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j lR associated q-lot: 45
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s230-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6s-AAH
J1 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH 6.2
J2 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j lR 6
J3 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j lR 2.5
J4 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH 2.55
J7 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH 1.11
J7 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH 2.78
K3 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j lR cl
K5 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH pink
K6 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH 7.5 YR 7/3
K10 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH fragment, torso with legs; or alternatively, CAPRID horns.
K99 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j lR humanoid figurine
K99 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH As this figure is from Khabur levels, usage may in fact change. Certainly the manufacture and fabric is different than the corpus from the Royal Building.
K99 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH This is a problematic object because it is so fragmentary. Re-oriented, it might even be the horns of a large caprid, although no other details indicate the Genus, and the caudal join at the crown would have to be quite narrow. A typological parallel might be the rider and horse from Chuera that is displayed at the Damascus Museum in Case 26; acc #2476, although the "fork" of the rider is quite lower in the Chuera figure. Further research would be necessary to determine if the levels are in fact coeval; our object is from Khabour levels. The Chuera figurine is, if I am not mistaken, from Ur III levels. Check also more exact parallels of the form with the equids/riders of Tello/Girsu.
K99 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH coarse, heavy chaff temper
L2 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH The figurine has a blackened core, not unlike cooking pots. I have not encountered such coarse ware elsewhere in the corpus; although the surface finishing is apparent, and one edge of the leg has been rounded and smoothed repeatedly.
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.8
A21 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j !! ^ bead
B10 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j aBK ^ bead
B11 2001-06-20_-M726-A.j lR small white bead, round and perforated at the center
D1 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j aBK k8
F51 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j aBK i8 (^ bead) sits in f49 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a4
G3 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j aBK associated q-lot: 48
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s50-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h9c-AAH
J1 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 0.1
J2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 0.3
J4 2001-06-20_-M726-A.j lR 0.4
J7 2001-06-20_-M726-A.j lR 0.13
K3 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH bd
K99 2001-06-13_L818LR3.j aBK white bead
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 012-013
; A16.9
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! jar
A35 2011-02-11_V211LC.j lC L_V14d4502 A16.9 L716 ms.jpg
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB jar
C33 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC All informations missing except for pictures
D1 2001-06-20_L818LR3.j cC k5
D3 2001-06-12_R7QFAB1R.j lr r42 (41479 36633 - 8661 / Relay location: at item)
F51 2001-06-20_L818LR3.j cC i9 (jar) sits in f50 (^ accumulation A)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a1
G3 2001-06-20_L818LR3.j cC associated q-lot: 60
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s244-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6m-AAH
J3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 7.6
K3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware
K4 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC bottle
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Coding added from drawings and photographs
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Light buff slip all over vessel
ZcaD1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 1
ZcaD2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC K4+K7
ZcaS3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 1
O2 2001-07-16_A16V-L^.j ms L_V14d4502 A16.9 L716 ms.jpg
O2 2001-07-16_A16V-L^.j ms L_V14d4503 A16.9 L716 ms.jpg
O4 2001-07-07_A16W14.j cw L_W14d4005 A16.0009 L707 cw cv f50k5.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in 2001
; A16.10
A20 2001-06-20_L818LR3.j cC maf
A21 2002-08-14_N304LR.j !! weapon
A30 2007-07-19_R719CJC.j cJC beer strainer
A35 2002-08-16_M816SB.j MISSING L_V14d4510 A16.10 L717 gg zc at.JPG
B10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB weapon
B11 2001-06-20_-M726-A.j lR long conical metal point, hollow inside, possible javelin
B11 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB whole bronze point, looks like a javelin
C40 2007-07-19_R719CJC.j cJC Originally thought to be a javelin this was defined as a weapon. After cleaning in the lab it was found to be a metal strainer, thus correcting the definition from the field. Both definitions have been retained.
D1 2001-06-20_L818LR3.j cC k102
D3 2001-06-12_L620LR-R.j lR r26 (41755 37643 - 9008 / Relay location: at item)
F51 2001-06-20_L818LR3.j cC i10 (weapon) sits in f15 (^ brickfall)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a4
G3 2001-06-20_L818LR3.j cC associated q-lot: 52
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s230-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6s-AAH
J1 2001-06-20_L818LR3.j cC 5
J3 2001-06-20_L818LR3.j cC 1.3
K3 2001-06-20_-M726-A.j lR bronze
K99 2001-06-20_L818LR3.j cC conical metal object
N1 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB very incrusted with soil
N3 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB treated by OPD, it turned out to be a metal strainer
N99 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB once cleaned, turned out to be a metal strainer
O2 2001-07-17_A16V-L^.j gg L_V14d4508 A16.10 L717 gg zc bt .jpg
O2 2001-07-17_A16V-L^.j gg L_V14d4509 A16.10 L717 gg zc bt .jpg
O2 2001-07-17_A16V-L^.j gg L_V14d4510 A16.10 L717 gg zc at.jpg
O2 2001-07-17_A16V-L^.j gg L_V14d4511 A16.10 L717 gg zc at .jpg
O2 2001-07-17_A16V14I.j gg L_V14d4508 A16.10 L717 gg zc bt.jpg
O2 2001-07-17_A16V14I.j gg L_V14d4509 A16.10 L717 gg zc bt.jpg
O2 2001-07-17_A16V14I.j gg L_V14d4511 A16.10 L717 gg zc at.jpg
O2 2001-07-25_A16V14I.j gg L_V14d4526 A16.10 L725 gg zc at.jpg
O2 2001-07-25_A16V14I.j gg L_V14d4527 A16.10 L725 gg zc at.jpg
O4 2014-05-15_A16W14.j kf L_W14d4084 A16.0010 Y515 kF mt f15k102.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.11
A20 2001-06-20_-M726-A.j lR caf
A21 2001-06-20_-M726-A.j !! uncertain
A35 2002-08-16_M816SB.j MISSING L_V14d4520 A16.11 L727 ms ac cr.JPG
B10 2001-06-20_-M726-A.j lR crucible
B10 2001-06-20_-M726-A.j lR uncertain
B11 2001-06-20_-M726-A.j lR squarish clay object in the shape of a bowl, with a spout; possibly a libation vessel
D1 2001-06-20_L818LR3.j sB k5
D3 2001-06-12_L620LR-R.j lR r27 (41234 37110 - 8663 / Relay location: at item)
F51 2001-06-20_L818LR3.j sB i11 (uncertain) sits in f50 (^ accumulation A)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a1
G3 2001-06-20_L818LR3.j sB associated q-lot: 60
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s244-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6m-AAH
J2 2001-06-20_-M726-A.j lR 9.2
J3 2001-06-20_-M726-A.j lR 7.4
J7 2001-06-20_-M726-A.j lR 2.7
K99 2001-06-20_L818LR3.j sB crucible?
O2 2001-07-27_A16V-L^.j ms L_V14d4520 A16.11 L727 ms ac cr.jpg
O2 2001-07-27_A16V-L^.j ms L_V14d4521 A16.11 L727 ms ac cr.jpg
O4 2001-07-18_A16W14.j x L_W14d4063 A16.0011 L718 x cv.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in 2001
; A16.12
A21 2001-06-21_L818LR3.j !! ^ figurine
B10 2001-06-21_L818LR3.j fAB ^ figurine
B11 2001-06-20_N129LR.j lR circular base; flat bottom, circular protrusion extending out at the center, 5.3 thickness at body widening at top, with a width of 7.1, with two circular breaks at top splitting off
B11 2001-06-21_L818LR3.j fAB base of broken animal figurine?
B11 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH HUMANOID stand. Categorized thusly, because the form is upright, seems to have frontal orientation and even though it is founded so oddly, as a stand or shallow receptacle at the base, there may have been a down-curving lip, now broken and because there may have been two appendages, now broken off above. Similar to "aileron" forms in the corpus.
D1 2001-06-21_L818LR3.j fAB k1
F51 2001-06-21_L818LR3.j fAB i12 (^ figurine) sits in f57 (^ topsoil)
G3 2001-06-21_L818LR3.j fAB associated q-lot: 68
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s20-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6s-AAH
J2 2001-06-20_-M726-A.j lR 11.2
J4 2001-06-20_-M726-A.j lR 9.25
J7 2001-06-20_N129LR.j lR 3.3
J99 2001-06-20_-M726-A.j lR Note on w2: base
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 007-074
; A16.13
A21 2001-06-24_L707SV.j !! ^ figurine
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V23d4046 A16i13 U818 dM fg f3.jpg
B10 2001-06-24_L707SV.j sV ^ figurine
B11 2001-06-24_L707SV.j sV hind quarters of an animal figurine
B11 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH FELIS hindquarters, buttocks fused, but slightly recessed. Hole for tail. Many animals in the corpus carry the tail high, as does this animal. Leg separate from body (notably, right hind leg), curve from buttocks to leg may be diagnostic of body type. Animal solidly founded, but carnivore body join. Some definition of musculature, although not to the extent typical of corpus.
D1 2001-06-23_L818LR3.j cC k5
D3 2001-06-12_L620LR-R.j lR r49 (41386 36956 - 8768 / Relay location: bottom of object)
F51 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH i13 (^ figurine) sits in f3 (^ accumulation B)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a1
G3 2001-06-23_L818LR3.j cC associated q-lot: 85
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s240-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6m-AAH
J2 2001-06-24_L707SV.j sV 4.35
J3 2001-06-23_L818LR3.j cC 4
J4 2001-06-23_L818LR3.j cC 3.5
J4 2001-06-24_L707SV.j sV 4
J4 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH 2.51
J5 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH 3.89
J7 2001-06-23_L818LR3.j cC 3
K3 2001-06-24_L707SV.j lR cl
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH very pale brown
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 10YR 7/3
K99 2001-06-26_N206RAH.j rAH No CANIS has a hole for a tail. See FELIS 302 Z1.203 curve of hindquarters; CANIS 2 A2q389.1, also curve of hindquarters. This may be a variation of the CANIS type, in Khabour times.
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4045 A16i13 U818 dM fg f3.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4046 A16i13 U818 dM fg f3.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4047 A16i13 U818 dM fg f3.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 002-001
; A16.14
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-07-20_R719CJC.j !! jar
A35 2002-08-16_M816SB.j MISSING L_V14d4504 A16.14 L716 ms.JPG
B10 2007-07-20_R719CJC.j cJC jar
B11 2002-07-30_M730SB.j sB a whole jar chaff tempered with flaring neck. The surface doesn't show any treatment except for slight slip.
C99 2001-06-23_L630TR.j fAB Found neck down in f3 not far above f51; we did not put it in f50 which is floor accumulation because of its emplacement.
D1 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC k5
D3 2001-06-12_L620LR-R.j lR r50 (41251 36852 - 8764 / Relay location: bottom of object)
E1 2001-06-23_L630TR.j fAB 80 degrees at base, neck down or East
F51 2007-07-20_R719CJC.j cJC i14 (jar) sits in f3 (^ accumulation B)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a1
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s240-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6m-AAH
K3 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC pottery
K3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Chaff Tempered
K4 2007-10-16_RX16GB.j gB jar
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC small jar, base slightly concave
ZcaS1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC shouldered
ZcaS3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 4
ZcaS4 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center
O2 2001-07-16_A16V-L^.j ms L_V14d4504 A16.14 L716 ms.jpg
O4 2001-07-05_A16W14.j cw L_W14d4002 A16.0014 L705 cw cv f3k5.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in 2001
; A16.15
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! jar
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC v8a
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB jar
C99 2001-06-24_L630TR.j eD When we first described the jar we put it in f3, but digging it we realized that the jar's base belongs to f24.
D1 2001-06-24_L630TR.j eD k5
D3 2001-06-24_R7QFAB1R.j lr r54 (41337 36760 - 8767 / Relay location: top of cv)
F51 2007-07-20_R719CJC.j cJC i15 (jar) sits in f24 (^ accumulation B)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a1
G3 2001-06-23_L818LR3.j cC associated q-lot: 85
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s240-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6m-AAH
J99 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC No measurments taken
K3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Pebble Temper Ware ?
K4 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC jar
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC No illustration. Based on photographs appears to be Pebble-tempered.
O1 2001-06-24_-M726-A.j cC v0008
O1 2001-06-24_-M726-A.j cC v0008a
P2 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j lR to museum MZ15
; A16.16
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! clay strainer
A35 2002-08-16_M816SB.j MISSING L_V14d4505 A16.16 L716 ms.JPG
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB clay strainer
B11 2001-06-24_L708SV.j tR Circular ceramic strainer with decorated incised edges. The strainer contains small circular perforations throughout the body and possibly served as a type of filter for water or other liquids.
D1 2001-06-24_L818LR3.j eD k5
D3 2001-06-24_R7QFAB1R.j ed r55 (41341 36839 - 8757 / Relay location: bottom)
F51 2001-06-24_L818LR3.j eD i16 (clay strainer) sits in f24 (^ accumulation B)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a1
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s240-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6m-AAH
J1 2001-06-24_L708SV.j tR 2.35
J4 2001-06-24_L708SV.j tR 6.52
K3 2001-06-24_L708SV.j tR cl
K4 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC strainer
K99 2001-06-24_L818LR3.j eD ceramic filter/ holes
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Very small strainer. Reddish color with indentations along outer edge of rim
O2 2001-07-16_A16V-L^.j ms L_V14d4505 A16.16 L716 ms.jpg
O2 2001-07-16_A16V-L^.j ms L_V14d4506 A16.16 L716 ms .jpg
O2 2001-07-16_A16V14I.j ms L_V14d4506 A16.16 L716 ms.jpg
O4 2001-07-09_A16W14.j cw L_W14d4001 A16.0016 L709 cw cv.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in 2001
; A16.17
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2002-08-14_N304LR.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2001-06-24_-M726-A.j !! v0010
B10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB ^ seal impression
B11 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB cone shaped object, triangular in section, base broken, two cord impressions, peg impression
B11 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB whole piece of a seal impression, large, and made of hard black clay
D1 2001-06-24_L818LR3.j sV k4
D3 2001-06-24_R7QFAB1R.j ed r56 (41307 38653 - 9113 / Relay location: at object)
D5 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB series of animal heads and necks of caprids facing right; unclear how many figures in this row of figures were carved on the seal
D10 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB Note on sz: height of cylinder seal
F51 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB i17 (^ seal impression) sits in f54 (^ brickfall)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a4
G3 2001-06-24_L818LR3.j sV associated q-lot: 104
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s230-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6s-AAH
J2 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB 4.7
J3 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB 5.6
J6 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB 1.3
J7 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB 3.6
K3 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB red clay with large pebble inclusions; may be secondarily fired
K3 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB clay
K5 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB pink
K6 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB 5YR 7/3
K10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB good
K13 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB head and neck of three caprids facing right, the third one is the only clear one because it has horns preserved, modeled hair pattern on the neck and one raised bent leg, a fourth animal carved the same way and in the same position is not as clear but it is placed slightly higher on the seal and appears to be slightly larger, the last two figures on the rolling have the same shape and are the same size as the first four so probably are repetitions of the same figures; small trace of a second rolling.
N1 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB hard black clay, good condition
N3 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB cleaned
O1 2001-06-24_-M726-A.j sV v0010
O4 2014-05-15_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4052 A16.0017 Y515 kF si f54.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.18
A21 2001-06-24_L707SV.j !! ^ figurine
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V23d4056 A16i18 U818 dM fg f58.jpg
B10 2001-06-24_L707SV.j sV ^ figurine
B11 2001-06-24_L707SV.j lR Tiny animal figurine
B11 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH CARNIVORA/ URSUS (TENTATIVE) torso. MINIATURE. The orientation of the animal is important, although there is a good typological basis for reading the figurine as a bear. See URSUS 403 (A1.79) and 405 (A6q487.1). Also, the "cranial" detail would seem to represent, eyes and mouth. The hindquarters are relatively high and the breakage slices across them, making it difficult to read. The forequarters meet in a wide inverted V (90°). The foreleg/body join is 115°. The forequarters are contained within a rather narrow inverted u, almost solidly founded. This is not the manner in which forequarters join the neck or a typical head/body join, although Ursus neck/body join is not unlike this figurine.
D1 2001-06-24_L818LR3.j sV k4
D3 2001-06-24_R7QFAB1R.j ed r57 (41118 38770 - 9084 / Relay location: at object)
D10 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH measurements taken by excavator
F51 2001-06-24_L818LR3.j sV i18 (^ figurine) sits in f58 (^ accumulation B)
G3 2001-06-24_L818LR3.j sV associated q-lot: 100
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s235-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6m-AAH
J1 2001-06-24_L818LR3.j sV 1.5
J2 2001-06-24_L818LR3.j sV 2
J3 2001-06-24_L818LR3.j sV 1
J3 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH 1.15
J4 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH 1.01
K3 2001-06-24_L707SV.j sV cl
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH gray
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 10YR 5/1
K11 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH muzzle left foreleg terminated and intact. Other appendages chipped or broken.
K99 2001-06-24_L818LR3.j sV animal figurine
K99 2001-06-25_N206RAH.j rAH I should note that when I started to measure the figurine, I took the forequarters as hindquarters, so the interpretation is truly tentative, albeit intriguing.
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4054 A16i18 U818 dM fg f58.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4055 A16i18 U818 dM fg f58.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4056 A16i18 U818 dM fg f58.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 002-001
; A16.19
A20 2001-06-24_L818LR3.j lR caf
A21 2001-06-24_L818LR3.j lR andiron
A30 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB fragment of an andiron in three pieces (two large, one small), piece is very crumbly since it is not completely fired. The andiron has a decoration consisting of a hole along an area that is raised.
A35 2002-08-16_M816SB.j MISSING L_V14d4537 A16.19 L801 mS.jpg
B11 2001-07-01_L704SV.j sV Clay artifact with two rows of points carved on the top surface of the upper edge, broken at the base
B11 2001-07-01_L704SV.j sV two rows of points are carved on the top of upper edge in correspondence of the joining to the upper protrusion, unfortunately broken at the base
B11 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB fragment of andiron in two large pcs and one small
D1 2001-06-24_L818LR3.j lR k4
D3 2001-06-24_R7QFAB1R.j sv r62 (41273 38782 - 9100 / Relay location: base of item)
F51 2001-06-24_L818LR3.j lR i19 (andiron) sits in f60 (^ pit)
G3 2001-06-24_L818LR3.j lR associated q-lot: 110
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s230-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6s-AAH
J1 2001-07-01_L704SV.j sV 15
J3 2001-07-01_L704SV.j sV 19
J7 2001-07-01_L704SV.j sV 6
K3 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB cl
K10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB very crumbly since only partially fired
K99 2001-06-24_L818LR3.j lR piece of an andiron
N1 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB Very crumbly since it is not completely fired, it has a decoration made of hole along a risen part
N3 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB I cleaned and glued together the pieces, made fills along cracks with a paste made of Mowhital, fumed silica and pigments.
O1 2001-06-24_-M726-A.j cC v0009
O1 2001-06-24_-M726-A.j cC v0009a
O2 2001-07-23_A16V-L^.j gg L_V14d4537 A16.19 L891 mS.jpg
O2 2001-08-01_A16V14I.j ms L_V14d4537 A16.19 L801 ms.jpg
O2 2001-08-01_A16V14I.j ms L_V14d4538 A16.19 L801 ms.jpg
O2 2001-08-01_A16V14I.j ms L_V14d4539 A16.19 L801 ms.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 101-002
; A16.20
A20 2001-06-27_L818LR3.j tR laf
A21 2001-06-27_L818LR3.j !! uncertain
A35 2001-07-12_L818LR2.j !! v0035
B10 2001-06-27_L818LR3.j tR uncertain
B11 2001-06-30_L704SV.j sV stone ring possibly used as a weight
D1 2001-06-27_L818LR3.j tR k8
F51 2001-06-27_L818LR3.j tR i20 (uncertain) sits in f49 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a4
G3 2001-06-27_L818LR3.j tR associated q-lot: 143
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s50-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h9c-AAH
J4 2001-06-30_L704SV.j sV 10
J7 2001-06-30_L704SV.j sV 3.9
K3 2001-06-27_L818LR3.j tR lithic
K99 2001-06-27_L818LR3.j tR weight or grinding stone
O1 2001-07-12_L818LR2.j tR v0035
O1 2001-07-12_L818LR2.j tR v0035a
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.21
A20 2001-06-27_L818LR3.j lR caf
A21 2001-06-27_L818LR3.j lR various
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V23d4081 A16i21 U826 dM f49.jpg
B11 2001-06-27_L818LR3.j lR animal mold on pottery piece
B11 2001-06-30_L704SV.j sV front portion of a rython in the shape of an animal snout
D1 2001-06-27_L818LR3.j lR k8
D3 2001-06-30_R7QFAB1R.j lr r74 (41006 38514 - 9095 / Relay location: bottom of i)
F51 2001-06-27_L818LR3.j lR i21 (various) sits in f49 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a4
G3 2001-06-27_L818LR3.j lR associated q-lot: 156
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s50-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h9c-AAH
J1 2001-06-30_L704SV.j sV 4.5
J1 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 6
J2 2001-06-30_L704SV.j sV 4
K3 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH cl
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH light dive gray
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 5Y 6/2
O2 0000-00-00_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4065 A16i21 818 dM fg f49.jpg
O2 0000-00-00_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4066 A16i21 818 dM fg f49.jpg
O2 2010-08-26_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4080 A16i21 U826 dM f49.jpg
O2 2010-08-26_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4081 A16i21 U826 dM f49.jpg
O2 2010-08-26_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4082 A16i21 U826 dM f49.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 002-002
; A16.22
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2001-06-27_L818LR3.j !! bowl
B10 2001-06-27_L818LR3.j tR bowl
B11 2001-07-02_L703SV.j sV fragments of a human skull
B11 2007-08-14_R813LR.j lr Human bones found in animal bone q-lot; fragments of the cranium; right zygomatic bone; and two maxillary molars in full development showing very little wear.
D3 2001-06-30_R7QFAB1R.j lr r75 (40880 38070 - 8987 / Relay location: k7)
F51 2007-08-14_R813LR.j lr i22 (bowl) sits in f22 (^ accumulation A)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a2
G3 2001-07-01_L818LR3.j dC associated q-lot: 167
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s250-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6h-AAH
K99 2001-07-01_L818LR3.j dC fragments of a human body
P99 2001-07-02_L703SV.j sV to Natural science lab
; A16.23
A21 2001-07-01_L818LR3.j !! ^ figurine
A35 2014-05-18_A16W15.j !! L_W15d4054 A16.0023 Y518 kF fg.jpg
B10 2001-07-01_L818LR3.j dC ^ figurine
B11 2001-07-02_L703SV.j sV Head of an equid figurine, with the yoke, bridle, and blinkers visible.
D1 2001-07-01_L818LR3.j dC k2
D3 2001-07-01_R7QFAB1R.j lr r76 (41366 37884 - 8966 / Relay location: base)
F51 2001-07-01_L818LR3.j dC i23 (^ figurine) sits in f15 (^ brickfall)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a4
G3 2001-07-01_L818LR3.j dC associated q-lot: 169
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s230-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6s-AAH
J1 2001-07-02_L703SV.j sV 4
J2 2001-07-02_L703SV.j sV 5
J7 2001-07-02_L703SV.j sV 2.1
K3 2001-07-02_L703SV.j sV cl
K5 2001-07-02_L703SV.j sV very pale brown
K6 2001-07-02_L703SV.j sV 10YR 8/2
K99 2001-07-01_L818LR3.j dC head of a horse figurine
O4 2014-05-18_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4054 A16.0023 Y518 kF fg.jpg
P99 2001-07-02_L703SV.j sV to rAH
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.24
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2001-07-01_L818LR3.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2002-08-16_M816SB.j MISSING L_V14d4514 A16.24 L722 gg.jpg
B10 2001-07-01_L818LR3.j dC ^ seal impression
B11 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB very small fragment with two chips, a fresh break, dark gray clay, very strong surface w/t inscription.
D1 2001-07-01_L818LR3.j dC k105
D3 2001-07-01_R7QFAB1R.j sv r78 (41015 38238 - 8974 / Relay location: base)
D10 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB measured with figure upright
F51 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB i24 (^ seal impression) sits in f83 (^ brickfall)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a4
G3 2001-07-01_L818LR3.j dC associated q-lot: 188
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s230-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6s-AAH
J2 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB 1.8
J3 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB 1.6
J7 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB 0.7
K3 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB gray with few inclusions, secondarily fired
K3 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB cl
K3 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB clay
K5 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB light gray exterior, black interior
K6 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB 10YR 7/2 exterior, 2.5Y 2.5/1 interior
K13 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB seated figure facing left, part of inscription box. The stool is divided into rectangular compartments; not clear if the figure is holding something in his left hand
K15 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB figure linear with modeling only in the area of the skirt, proportionally long neck and left arm
N1 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB dark grey clay, very strong surface w/t inscription
N3 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB cleaned and glued the two parts
N3 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB glued the two parts, cleaned
O2 2001-07-22_A16V-L^.j gg L_V14d4514 A16.24 L722 gg.jpg
O4 2014-05-01_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4057 A16.0024 Y501 kF si f83.jpg
P2 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j lR to museum MZ15
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH in MKB office
; A16.25
A20 2001-07-01_L818LR3.j dC maf
A21 2002-08-14_N304LR.j !! tool, pin or nail
A35 2002-08-16_M816SB.j MISSING L_V14d4528 A16.jpg
B10 2001-07-01_L818LR3.j dC uncertain
B10 2001-07-08_L709TR2.j sV probably a pin
B10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB tool, pin or nail
B11 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB whole bronze point with square section, the surface is well preserved but very dark, may be burnt? Possibly a nail
D1 2001-07-01_L818LR3.j dC k7
D3 2001-07-01_R7QFAB1R.j sv r79 (41152 38181 - 9012 / Relay location: base)
F51 2001-07-01_L818LR3.j dC i25 (tool, pin or nail) sits in f21 (^ brickfall)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a4
G3 2001-07-01_L818LR3.j dC associated q-lot: 194
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s230-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6s-AAH
J2 2001-07-08_-M726-A.j sV 4.5
J7 2001-07-08_-M726-A.j sV 0.2
K99 2001-07-01_L818LR3.j dC metal pin or nail
N1 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB the surface is well preserved but very dark, may be burnt?
N3 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB treated by OPD
O2 2001-07-25_A16V14I.j gg L_V14d4528 A16.25 L725 gg ac at.jpg
O2 2001-07-25_A16V14I.j gg L_V14d4529 A16.25 L725 gg zc.jpg
O2 2003-08-04_A16V-N^.j gg L_V16d5027 A16.25 N804 gg.jpg
O4 2014-06-17_A16W17.j kf L_W17d9603 A16.0025 Y617 kF ma.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ17
; A16.26
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! kiln waster
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB kiln waster
C33 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC All informations missing
D1 2001-07-08_L818LR3.j sV k105
D3 2001-08-07_R7QFAB1R.j sv r98 (40685 38497 - 9033 / Relay location: at object base)
F51 2001-07-08_L818LR3.j sV i26 (kiln waster) sits in f84 (^ brickfall)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a1
G3 2001-07-08_L818LR3.j sV associated q-lot: 231
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s230-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6s-AAH
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 104-003
; A16.27
A21 2001-07-13_-M726-A.j !! ^ figurine
A35 2015-07-01_A16W15.j !! L_W15d4402 A16.0027 Z701 rL fg.jpg
B10 2001-07-13_-M726-A.j sV ^ figurine
B11 2001-07-13_-M726-A.j sV female figurine with one breast intact and hands that are supporting them
D1 2001-07-10_L818LR3.j tR k105
F51 2001-07-10_L818LR3.j tR i27 (^ figurine) sits in f84 (^ brickfall)
G3 2001-07-10_L818LR3.j tR associated q-lot: 248
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s230-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6s-AAH
J7 2001-07-13_-M726-A.j sV 2.2
K3 2001-07-13_-M726-A.j sV cl
K99 2001-07-10_L818LR3.j tR one breasted female figurine
O4 2015-07-01_A16W15.j rl L_W15d4402 A16.0027 Z701 rL fg.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
; A16.28
A20 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! unknown
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB unknown
C33 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC All informations missing
D1 2001-07-11_L818LR3.j sV k5
D3 2001-07-15_R7QFAB1R.j lr r176 (41060 38735 - 8934 / Relay location: bottom)
F51 2001-07-11_L818LR3.j sV i28 (unknown) sits in f101 (^ layer)
G3 2001-07-11_L818LR3.j sV associated q-lot: 258
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s230-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6s-AAH
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.29
A20 2001-07-12_L818LR3.j tR maf
A21 2001-07-12_L818LR3.j !! bucket
A35 2012-03-26_W326LC.j lC L_W14d4010 A16.0029 M801 sb mt.jpg
B10 2001-07-12_L818LR3.j tR bucket
B11 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB bronze bucket found fractured in situ, missing part of rim
D1 2001-07-12_L818LR3.j tR k105
D3 2001-07-15_R7QFAB1R.j lr r177 (41048 37961 - 8931 / Relay location: top)
F51 2001-07-12_L818LR3.j tR i29 (bucket) sits in f104 (^ accumulation)
G1 2001-07-12_L724LR.j lR a9
G3 2001-07-12_L818LR3.j tR associated q-lot: 105
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s240-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6m-AAH
J99 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC Measurments missing because not finished to be conserved
K3 2001-07-12_L818LR3.j tR bronze
K3 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB metal
K5 2001-07-12_L818LR3.j tR green
K10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB very badly damaged by roots and the state of the metal is very fragile.
K99 2001-07-12_L818LR3.j tR bronze bucket
N1 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB metal is very fragile, in many fragments and held together by the soil around it.
N1 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB very badly damaged also by roots, fragile metal
N3 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB bA started the treatment, excavated in the lab, removed and numbered all pieces
O1 2001-07-12_-M726-A.j tR v0035
O1 2001-07-12_-M726-A.j tR v0035a
O4 2002-08-01_A16W14.j sb L_W14d4010 A16.0029 M801 sb mt.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.30
A20 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! unknown
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC v30
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB unknown
C33 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC All informations missing
D1 2001-07-14_L818LR3.j sV k106
D3 2001-07-14_R7QFAB1R.j lr r178 (40955 38690 - 8931 / Relay location: E part)
G3 2001-07-14_L818LR3.j sV associated q-lot: 277
K99 2001-07-14_L818LR3.j sV pot smash in a8
O1 2001-07-15_-M726-A.j sV v0037
O1 2001-07-15_-M726-A.j sV v0037a
O1 2001-07-16_-M726-A.j lR v0041
P99 2001-07-18_-M726-A.j sV to Conservation
; A16.31
A21 2001-07-15_L818LR3.j !! ^ human body
A35 2007-07-20_R719CJC.j cJC v40a
B10 2001-07-15_L818LR3.j sV ^ human body
D1 2001-07-15_L818LR3.j sV k105
F51 2001-07-15_L818LR3.j sV i31 (^ human body) sits in f128 (fill)
G1 2001-07-12_L724LR.j !! a9
G3 2001-07-15_L818LR3.j sV associated q-lot: 292
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s245-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6m-AAH
K99 2001-07-15_L818LR3.j sV human burial in a9
O1 2001-07-16_-M726-A.j lR v0040b
O2 2007-08-14_A16V-R^.j lr L_V20d5021 A16.31 R814 lR ta mandible.jpg
Zpa1df 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr hs
Zpa2bs 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr Fe
Zpa2sm 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr Biological Sex was determined using sexually diagnostic characteristics of the pelvis and skull. The presence of the ventral arc, sub-pubic concavity, presence of preauricular surface, U-shaped greater sciatic notch, and a broad pelvis with overall gracile bones estimates this skeleton predominately within the female range.
Zpa2ba 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr Ad
Zpa2da 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr Biological age was estimated through a combined approach of various aging techniques. Dental wear patterns visible on the mandibular molars estimates an age between 28-36 years (Miles 1962). Alterations of the pubic symphysis (Suchey and Brooks 1990) at stage 2-3 estimates this skeleton also within the range 25-34 years of age. The average of both methods suggests that this is a young adult 25-35 years at time of death.
Zpa2es 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr 145-154 cm (4'8-5'1)
Zpa2ms 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr Trotter and Gleser 1952; formulae for "negro females" using a complete ulna at 242mm
Zpa4pt 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr ta, pd, eh, cr
Zpa4pn 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr Teeth are in excellent condition and display slight calculus build-up with medium periodontal disease. Carious lesions were visible on LM1 affecting the buccal root surface, LM2 at the enamel root junction on the distal end, and RM1 lingual side where a large abscess formed on the gum. Bone resorption was noted on the pubic symphyses, anterior surface with the pubic tubercle pulled out. The cervical vertebrae exhibit slight lipping, increased porosity, and Schmorl's nodes.
Zpa5sn 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr Stress Markers (MSM) visible on both deltoid tuberosities (slight) with the right humerus showing a deep groove for the long head of Biceps brachii, ulna on supinator crest with more pronounced points on the right side, and both linea aspera of the femur with the left more rugged.
Zpa7pr 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr In good condition; 61% post cranium, 95% cranium, and 100% of ribs complete. The lower legs including tibiae, fibulae, and the feet were missing from the body. Teeth are in excellent condition with six missing post-mortem.
Zpa8bt 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr sb
Zpa8go 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr north-south
Zpa8tp 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr late Khabur
Zpa8nb 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr A16.31 was found within primary context inside an elaborate subterranean vaulted mud-brick tomb. The dimensions of the pit suggest that it may have housed two burials with the body placed to the east end leaving a sizeable gap in the west. Possibly this individual was removed which correlates to other funerary structures in the area that were found empty along with the absence of the lower limbs of A16.31 where not one foot bone was recovered suggests postmortem activity such as secondary reburial occurred.
; A16.32
A21 2001-07-15_L818LR3.j !! ^ figurine
B10 2001-07-15_L818LR3.j aBK ^ figurine
C33 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC All informations missing
D1 2001-07-15_L818LR3.j aBK k1
D3 2001-07-15_R7QFAB1R.j abk r196 (41704 37382 - 8759 / Relay location: at base of fg)
F51 2001-07-15_L818LR3.j aBK i32 (^ figurine) sits in f124 (^ accumulation A)
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s246-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6h-AAH
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.33
A21 2002-08-14_N304LR.j !! ^ jewelry item
A30 2007-07-20_R719CJC.j cJC Silver earring, matching i36, found in burial a9 with human body i31.
A35 2002-08-16_M816SB.j MISSING L_V14d4532 A16.33 L725 gg zc at.jpg
B10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB ^ jewelry item
B11 2001-08-02_N129LR.j lR earring from burial a9
B11 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB various fragments of silver earrings
D1 2001-07-15_L818LR3.j sV k105
F51 2001-07-15_L818LR3.j sV i33 (^ jewelry item) sits in f128 (fill)
G1 2001-07-12_L724LR.j !! a9
G3 2001-07-15_L818LR3.j sV associated q-lot: 292
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s245-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6m-AAH
J99 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC Measurments missing
K10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB contains very thick whitish encrustation
K99 2001-07-15_L818LR3.j sV metal earring found on hb i31
N1 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB very thick whitish incrustation
N3 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB treated by OPD
O2 2001-07-17_A16V-L^.j gg L_V14d4507 A16.33 L717 gg zc bt .jpg
O2 2001-07-17_A16V-L^.j gg L_V14d4512 A16.33 L717 gg zc bt .jpg
O2 2001-07-17_A16V-L^.j gg L_V14d4513 A16.33 L717 gg zc bt.jpg
O2 2001-07-17_A16V14I.j gg L_V14d4507 A16.33 L717 gg zc bt.jpg
O2 2001-07-17_A16V14I.j gg L_V14d4512 A16.33 L717 gg zc bt.jpg
O2 2001-07-25_A16V14I.j gg L_V14d4532 A16.33 L725 gg zc at.jpg
O2 2001-07-25_A16V14I.j gg L_V14d4533 A16.33 L725 gg zc at.jpg
O4 2014-06-17_A16W17.j kf L_W17d9606 A16.0033 Y617 kF ma.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ17
; A16.34
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! bowl
A35 2002-08-16_M816SB.j MISSING L_V14d4519 A16.34 L727 ms.jpg
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB bowl
B11 2001-07-23_N128LR.j sV Portion of a chaff tempered ceramic bowl or flared vase with only 3-6 centimeters of the body with red painted stripes preserved. The vessel contains a typical Khabur decoration with the stripes extending down to the base of the vessel. This vessel was found in a9, with the head i31 resting on this vessel. Please refer to drawing w48 and W14d4059
D1 2001-07-15_L818LR3.j lR k105
F51 2001-07-15_L818LR3.j lR i34 (bowl) sits in f128 (fill)
G1 2001-07-12_L724LR.j !! a9
G3 2001-07-15_L818LR3.j lR associated q-lot: 292
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s245-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6m-AAH
J1 2001-07-23_-M726-A.j sV 6.3
J2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 12.3
J3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 10
J5 2001-07-23_-M726-A.j sV 10.3
J10 2001-07-23_-M726-A.j sV w48
K3 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH cl
K3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Chaff Tempered
K5 2001-07-15_-MX12-99.j lR ceramic vessel- The lower portion of a khabur jar in which the head of i31 (human skeleton) rested on.
K99 2001-07-15_L818LR3.j lR base of cv that i31 head rests on
ZcaD1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 1
ZcaD2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC K4
ZcaS4 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC base: flat
O1 2001-07-16_-M726-A.j lR v0040
O1 2001-07-16_-M726-A.j lR v0040a
O1 2001-07-16_-M726-A.j lR v0040b
O2 2001-07-27_A16V-L^.j ms L_V14d4519 A16.34 L727 ms.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4073 A16i34 U818 dM cv.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4074 A16i34 U818 dM cv.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4075 A16i34 U818 dM cv.jpg
O4 2001-07-26_A16W14.j cw L_W14d4059 A16.0034 L726 cw cv.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 006-007
S4 2022-10-30_ZGy22mKB.J mKB The sherd seems to have been worked so as to be level at the upper edges, see this image from one side, and this one from the other. I assume that this may have been in function of the use to be made in the burial: the sherd was to serve as a pillow for the head of the deceased, so that it may not be in contact with the dirt. The template of the context shows this well. This suggests a special level of care for the deceased. -- It is interesting that there should be no complete ceramic vessel in this burial, even though there were two silver rings (i33 and i36) and one bronze bucket (i29). The unusual shape of the sherd i34 may perhaps be reminiscent of the shape of the bucket.
; A16.35
A21 2001-07-21_-M726-A.j !! sealing impression
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V23d4039 A16i35 U818 dM si f74.jpg
B10 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j sV ^ sealing
B10 2001-07-21_-M726-A.j sV sealing impression
B11 2001-07-21_-M726-A.j sV fragment of a sealing with one smooth convex face and one flat side with a cord impression.
D1 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j sV k3
D3 2001-07-19_R7QFAB1R.j sv r210 (41505 38008 - 8871 / Relay location: at object base)
F51 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j sV i35 (sealing impression) sits in f74 (^ accumulation)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a6
G3 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j sV associated q-lot: 323
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s245-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6m-AAH
J2 2001-07-21_-M726-A.j sV 4.35
J3 2001-07-21_-M726-A.j sV 3.45
J7 2001-07-21_-M726-A.j sV 1.7
K3 2001-07-21_-M726-A.j sV ^cl
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH grayish brown
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 10YR 5/2
K99 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j sV sealing with possible impression
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4039 A16i35 U818 dM si f74.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4040 A16i35 U818 dM si f74.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4041 A16i35 U818 dM si f74.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 011-010
; A16.36
A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact
A21 2002-08-14_N304LR.j !! ^ jewelry item
A30 2007-07-20_R719CJC.j cJC Silver earring, matching i33, found in burial a9 with human body i31.
A35 2002-08-16_M816SB.j MISSING L_V14d4534 A16.36 L725 gg zc at.jpg
B10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB ^ jewelry item
B11 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB various fragments of silver earrings earrings found in a grave next to the skull
D1 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j fAB k3
F51 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j fAB i36 (^ jewelry item) sits in f128 (fill)
G1 2001-07-12_L724LR.j !! a9
G3 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j fAB associated q-lot: 292
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s245-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6m-AAH
K3 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB metal
K99 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j fAB second earring found on human body i31
M99 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB part of a burial, refer to matching earring i33
N1 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB earrings found on grave, attached to skull, same as i33
N3 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB treated by OPD
O2 2001-07-23_A16V-L^.j gg L_V14d4522 A16.36 L723 gg zc at.jpg
O2 2001-07-23_A16V-L^.j gg L_V14d4523 A16.36 L723 gg zc at.jpg
O2 2001-07-25_A16V14I.j gg L_V14d4534 A16.36 L725 gg zc at.jpg
O2 2001-07-25_A16V14I.j gg L_V14d4535 A16.36 L725 gg zc at.jpg
O4 2014-06-17_A16W17.j kf L_W17d9605 A16.0036 Y617 kF ma.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ17
; A16.37
A20 2001-07-21_-M726-A.j sV laf
A21 2001-07-21_-M726-A.j !! river pebble
A35 2001-07-16_-M726-A.j !! v0040
B10 2001-07-21_-M726-A.j sV river pebble
B11 2001-07-21_-M726-A.j sV pebble with a very refined smooth surface, found next to the skeleton in burial a9
B11 2001-07-21_N128LR.j sV River cobble with a very smooth surface, milky white in color, found next to the skeleton in burial a9. Please refer to template w48 for location of this stone in relationship to the body and other artifacts associated to burial a9
D1 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j fAB k3
F51 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j fAB i37 (river pebble) sits in f128 (fill)
G1 2001-07-12_L724LR.j !! a9
G3 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j fAB associated q-lot: 292
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s245-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6m-AAH
J1 2001-07-21_-M726-A.j sV 5
J2 2001-07-21_-M726-A.j sV 5.6
J10 2001-07-21_-M726-A.j sV w48
K3 2001-07-21_-M726-A.j sV river stone
K5 2001-07-21_-M726-A.j sV very pale brown
K6 2001-07-21_-M726-A.j sV 2.5Y 7/4
K99 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j fAB smooth pebble found with i31
O1 2001-07-16_-M726-A.j lR v0040
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 016-019
; A16.38
A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact
A21 2002-08-14_N304LR.j !! ^ jewelry item
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V21d9126 A16.38 S904 dM ma.jpg
B10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB ^ jewelry item
B11 2001-07-21_N128LR.j sV circular fragment of an earring
B11 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB one bent piece it can be a half ring
D1 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j aBK k3
D3 2001-07-26_R7QFAB1R.j lr r235 (41421 38046 - 8864 / Relay location: at object top)
F51 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j aBK i38 (^ jewelry item) sits in f74 (^ accumulation)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a6
G3 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j aBK associated q-lot: 334
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s245-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6m-AAH
J1 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 0.1
J2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 1.3
J3 2001-07-21_-M726-A.j sV 1.8
K3 2001-07-21_-M726-A.j sV silver
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH white
K10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB has very thick white-yellow encrustation, could be silver
K99 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j aBK metal earring?
N1 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB it can be a half ring; it has a very thick white-yellow incrustation, could be silver
O1 2001-07-16_-M726-A.j lR v0040a
O2 2008-09-04_A16V-S^.j !!! L_V21d9126 A16.38 S904 dM ma.jpg
O2 2008-09-04_A16V-S^.j !!! L_V21d9127 A16.38 S904 dM ma.jpg
O2 2008-09-04_A16V-S^.j !!! L_V21d9128 A16.38 S904 dM ma.jpg
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH ZSB 20-1
; A16.39
A20 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j lR caf
A21 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j lR unknown
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V23d4070 A16i39 U818 dM ca f453.jpg
B11 2001-08-01_-M726-A.j sV clay artifact with hollows of different shape on both sides
D1 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j lR k6
D3 2001-07-26_R7QFAB1R.j lr r237 (41255 37508 - 8712 / Relay location: at object base)
F51 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j lR i39 (unknown) sits in f153 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a13
G3 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j lR associated q-lot: 393
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s255-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6h-AAH
J1 2001-08-01_-M726-A.j sV 4.9
J2 2001-08-01_-M726-A.j sV 7.6
J3 2001-08-01_-M726-A.j sV 5.5
K3 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH clay
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH pinkish gray
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 7.5YR 7/3
M99 2012-03-26_W326LC.j lC Could it be a clay mold for metal objects?
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4070 A16i39 U818 dM ca f453.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4071 A16i39 U818 dM ca f453.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4072 A16i39 U818 dM ca f453.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 007-020
; A16.40
K99 2001-07-19_L818LR3.j lR changed to q-lot
; A16.41
A20 2001-07-26_L818LR3.j lR maf
A21 2002-08-14_N304LR.j !! pin
A35 2007-07-20_R719CJC.j cJC L_V16d5002 A16.41 N730 gg.jpg
B10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB pin
B11 2001-08-01_-M726-A.j sV long bronze pin
B11 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB bronze pin missing tip and head
D1 2001-07-26_L818LR3.j lR k5
D3 2001-07-26_R7QFAB1R.j lr r236 (41409 36933 - 8702 / Relay location: at object base)
F51 2001-07-26_L818LR3.j lR i41 (pin) sits in f163 (accumulation C)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a13
G3 2001-07-26_L818LR3.j lR associated q-lot: 443
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s255-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6h-AAH
J1 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 0.12
J2 2001-08-01_-M726-A.j sV 9.7
K3 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB metal
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH green
K10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB missing tip and head
O2 2002-09-24_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4543 A16.41 M924 gg ma bc.jpg
O2 2003-07-30_A16V-N^.j gg L_V16d5001 A16.41 N730 gg.jpg
O2 2003-07-30_W522LC.j gg L_V16d5002 A16.41 N730 gg.jpg
O4 2014-05-13_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4431 A16.0041 Y513 kF mt.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.42
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2007-07-20_R719CJC.j !! figurine
B10 2007-07-20_R719CJC.j cJC figurine
B11 2001-08-02_-M726-A.j lR bird figurine
C33 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC Descriptive data missing
D1 2001-07-28_L818LR3.j sV k2
D3 2001-07-28_R7QFAB1R.j sv r238 (41503 37586 - 8677 / Relay location: at bottom)
F51 2001-07-28_L818LR3.j sV i42 (figurine) sits in f171 (fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a13
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a17
G3 2001-07-28_L818LR3.j sV associated q-lot: 451
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s265-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6c-AAH
K99 2001-07-28_L818LR3.j sV bird figurine
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to Der-el Zor Museum in 2003
P99 2001-08-02_-M726-A.j lR to rAH
; A16.43
A21 2001-07-28_L818LR3.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2014-05-13_A16W15.j !! L_W15d4056 A16.0043 Y513 kF si f7.jpg
B10 2001-07-28_L818LR3.j sV ^ seal impression
B11 2001-07-28_-M726-A.j sV fragment of a seal impression or tablet with an impression of a tree and may have cuniform signs.
B11 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB thick cord impression?
D1 2001-07-28_L818LR3.j sV k1
D3 2001-07-29_R7QFAB1R.j sv r239 (41600 37026 - 8747 / Relay location: at point)
D10 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB measured with tree upright
F51 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB i43 (^ seal impression) sits in f7 (^ wall)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a1
G3 2001-07-28_L818LR3.j sV associated q-lot: 475
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s246-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6h-AAH
J2 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB 3.2
J3 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB 2.5
J7 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB 2.2
K3 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB red with large pebble inclusions
K5 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB pinkish gray
K6 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB 5YR 7/2
K13 2001-09-12_-M726-A.j mKB coniferous tree? Lines of an unclear object
K99 2001-07-28_L818LR3.j sV seal impression found above 172
O4 2014-05-13_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4056 A16.0043 Y513 kF si f7.jpg
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH in MKB office
; A16.44
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2001-07-29_L818LR3.j !! ^ seal
A35 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC L_V15d4561 A16.44_A9.24 M928 gg si.jpg
B10 2001-07-29_L818LR3.j lR ^ seal
B11 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB A complete stone cylinder seal with a geometric pattern on one surface constituted of curved and straight lines.
D1 2001-07-29_L818LR3.j lR k6
D3 2001-07-29_R7QFAB1R.j sv r240 (41159 37724 - 8580 / Relay location: at object base)
F51 2001-07-29_L818LR3.j lR i44 (^ seal) sits in f183 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a13
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a17
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2001-07-29_L818LR3.j lR associated q-lot: 497
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s270-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6c-AAH
J2 2001-07-29_L818LR3.j lR 3
J3 2001-07-29_L818LR3.j lR 1
K3 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB lithic
K10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB encrusted with calcar
K99 2001-07-29_L818LR3.j lR cylindrical seal
N1 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB very incrusted with calcar, it has a geometric pattern
N3 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB cleaned
O2 2002-09-28_A16O9TV.j gg L_V15d4561 A16.44 M928 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-28_A16O9TV.j gg L_V15d4562 A16.44 M928 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-28_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4563 A16.44 M928 gg si.jpg
O4 2014-05-13_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4429 A16.0044 Y513 kF si f183.jpg
O4 2015-01-10_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4059 A16.0044 Z110 kF si f133.jpg
P99 2001-07-30_-M726-A.j mKB to mKB
; A16.45
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! bowl
A35 2002-08-16_M816SB.j MISSING L_V14d4536 A16.45 L801 ms.jpg
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB bowl
B11 2001-07-30_N129LR.j sV carinated Khabur bowl with flat rim decorated with thin brownish stripes.
D1 2001-07-30_L818LR3.j sV k6
D3 2001-07-30_R7QFAB1R.j sv r241 (41184 37663 - 9242 / Relay location: base of object)
F51 2001-07-30_L818LR3.j sV i45 (bowl) sits in f183 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a13
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a17
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2001-07-30_L818LR3.j sV associated q-lot: 540
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s270-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6c-AAH
J3 2001-07-30_-M726-A.j mKB 15.7
J3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 12
J4 2001-07-30_-M726-A.j mKB 5.4
K3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware
K4 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC bowl
K5 2001-07-30_-M726-A.j mKB pink
K6 2001-07-30_-M726-A.j mKB 7.5YR 7/4
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Ware added based on photograph
ZcaD1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 1
ZcaD2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC K8
ZcaS1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC carinated
ZcaS2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC rounded (carination)
ZcaS3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 9
ZcaS4 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC base: disk base, slightly concave
O2 2001-08-01_A16V14I.j ms L_V14d4536 A16.45 L801 ms.jpg
O4 2001-08-02_A16W14.j cw L_W14d4072 A16.0045 L802 cw cv.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in 2001
; A16.46
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! jar
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC v65a
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB jar
C33 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC All descriptive data missing
D1 2001-07-31_L818LR3.j aBK k108
F51 2001-07-31_L818LR3.j aBK i46 (jar) sits in f185 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a13
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a17
G3 2001-07-31_L818LR3.j aBK associated q-lot: 582
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s270-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6c-AAH
K3 2001-07-31_L818LR3.j aBK cl
O1 2001-07-29_-M726-A.j tR v0065
O1 2001-07-29_-M726-A.j tR v0065a
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4077 A16i46 U818 dM so f316.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.47
A21 2001-08-02_-M726-A.j !! ^ human body
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V20d5012 A16.47 R814 lR ta 2 neonates.jpg
B10 2001-08-02_-M726-A.j lR ^ human body
B11 2001-08-02_-M726-A.j lR fragments of a human burial located within a ceramic small vessel i46
D1 2001-07-31_L818LR3.j sV k108
F51 2001-07-31_L818LR3.j sV i47 (^ human body) sits in f185 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a13
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a17
G3 2001-07-31_L818LR3.j sV associated q-lot: 582
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s270-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6c-AAH
O1 2001-07-29_-M726-A.j tR v0065
O1 2001-07-29_-M726-A.j tR v0065a
O2 2007-08-14_A16V-R^.j lr L_V20d5012 A16.47 R814 lR ta 2 neonates.jpg
P99 2001-08-02_-M726-A.j lR to Natural science lab
; A16.48
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! jar
A30 2007-07-20_R719CJC.j cJC Potsmash located above the stone pavement a12
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC v67a
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB jar
B11 2001-08-02_L818LR.j lR One sherd belonging to a jar with grooves along one surface.
C1 2001-08-02_L815LR.j lr In the Southeast part of k108, the pot smash i48 has been removed but some of the pot extended into the baulk and has been left in place. We decided to remove this pot smash since it sits on top of the stone pavement and would most likely suffer further damaged and lost if left in place until next season when we remove the baulk.
C33 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC All descriptive data missing
D1 2001-08-01_L818LR3.j tR k108
D3 2001-08-02_R7QFAB1R.j lr r252 (40974 37486 - 8934 / Relay location: top of pot)
K3 2001-08-02_L818LR.j lR cl
K99 2001-08-01_L818LR3.j tR pot smash sitting on stone pavement
O1 2001-08-02_-M726-A.j lR v0067
O1 2001-08-02_-M726-A.j lR v0067a
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.49
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! jar
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC v66
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB jar
B11 2001-08-02_L815LR.j lr The vessel is a black over fired jar (i49) in a poor state of preservation. The jar was found sitting upright in a bricky red material in k108 and was photographed, triangulated, and then removed. Due to the poor state of the jar, the item had to be photographed with a trowel holding the item in place. It was removed in pieces since it was so over fired that it fell apart instantaneously. While removing the vessel small bones were found inside which may belong to an infant or a small animal, likely a small animal since the bones are rather small or a small child (i50). The bones and jar have been defined as a burial and treated as one.
C1 2001-08-02_L815LR.j lr In k108 we removed portions of the Western red bricky material to make the Western area straight since we could not identify any clear brick lines to define it as a wall. A ceramic vessel was found in the North portion of k108 in the Western area. The vessel is a black over- fired jar i49 and is in poor state of preservation.
C33 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC All descriptive data missing
D1 2001-08-02_L818LR3.j sV k108
D3 2001-08-02_R7QFAB1R.j lr r253 (41507 37571 - 8898 / Relay location: base of pot)
F51 2001-08-02_L818LR3.j sV i49 (jar) sits in f185 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a13
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a17
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s270-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6c-AAH
K4 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC jar
K99 2001-08-02_L818LR3.j sV pot in the west/ red layer
ZcaS1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC shouldered
O1 2001-08-02_-M726-A.j lR v0066
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.50
A21 2001-08-02_L818LR3.j !! ^ human body
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V20d5013 A16.50 R814 lR ta ribs on ceramic sherd.jpg
B10 2001-08-02_L818LR3.j sV ^ human body
B11 2001-08-02_L815LR.j lr Bones found inside i49 an over fired ceramic vessel. The bones are too small to belong to an infant and either belongs to a fetus or a small animal. The bones were not photographed and have been sent to the natural science storage unit for further analysis.
D1 2001-08-02_L818LR3.j sV k108
D3 2001-08-02_R7QFAB1R.j lr r254 (41507 37571 - 8890 / Relay location: same i49)
F51 2001-08-02_L818LR3.j sV i50 (^ human body) sits in f185 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a13
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a17
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s270-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6c-AAH
K99 2001-08-02_L818LR3.j sV burial inside pot f49
O2 2007-08-14_A16V-R^.j lr L_V20d5013 A16.50 R814 lR ta ribs on ceramic sherd.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC to Natural science Lab
; A16.51
A20 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! unknown
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC v69
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB unknown
B11 2001-08-23_M917LR.j fAB pot of a burial
D1 2001-08-23_M917LR.j fAB k110
F51 2001-08-23_M917LR.j fAB i51 (unknown) sits in f202 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a29
G3 2001-08-23_M917LR.j fAB associated q-lot: 623
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s315-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
O1 2002-07-16_-M726-A.j lR v0069
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.52
A21 2001-08-23_M917LR.j !! ^ human body
A35 2007-07-20_R719CJC.j cJC v0069
B10 2001-08-23_M917LR.j fAB ^ human body
B11 2001-08-23_M917LR.j fAB human remains found inside i51 jar
C1 2001-08-23_L825LR.j MISSING Today while excavating k110 we found a ceramic jar i52 in poor condition positioned upside-down. This jar was located in an area where staff and workers use as a step to enter the site. The jar when completely exposed revealed small bones inside i52. It is unclear whether these belong to a small child or an animal. We are treating this as a burial and was found at an elevation of 8617, the jar and bones were photographed then removed on L823.
D1 2001-08-23_M917LR.j fAB k110
F51 2001-08-23_M917LR.j fAB i52 (^ human body) sits in f202 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a29
G3 2001-08-23_M917LR.j fAB associated q-lot: 623
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s315-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
K4 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC jar
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC no illustration but notes indicate contained an infant burial
ZcaS1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC necked
O1 2002-07-16_-M726-A.j lR v0069
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC to Natural science Lab
; A16.53
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2001-08-27_M917LR.j !! ^ seal
A35 2012-03-26_W326LC.j lC L_W15d4411 A16.0053 Y521 kF li.jpg
B10 2001-08-27_M917LR.j lR ^ seal
B11 2001-08-27_M917LR.j lR lithic seal with sun motif incised
B11 2002-09-06_N116LR3.j MISSING Dark gray stone seal with one flat surface containing an incised sun design. The design contains one circle in the center with another 2 circles (the rays) and ends where the seal ends. The top of the seal has a triangular shape with a perforation running through the triangular handle. This piece is in excellent condition.
D1 2001-08-27_M917LR.j lR k110
D3 2001-08-27_R7QFAB1R.j lr r262 (42022 36723 - 8554 / Relay location: base of item)
F51 2001-08-27_M917LR.j lR i53 (^ seal) sits in f208 (^ accumulation)
G3 2001-08-27_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 633
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s320-AAH
J1 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 1.5
J3 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 2.0
J4 2002-09-06_-MX12-99.j lR 2
J7 2002-09-06_-MX12-99.j lR 1.3
K3 2002-09-06_-MX12-99.j lR lithic
K5 2002-09-06_-MX12-99.j lR gray
O4 2014-05-21_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4411 A16.0053 Y521 kF li.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
P99 2002-09-06_N116LR3.j MISSING to be photographed
; A16.54
A21 2001-08-29_M917LR.j !! ^ human body
A35 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j !! v0071
B10 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR ^ human body
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR human remains associated with the square tomb f206
B11 2002-09-20_N116LR3.j MISSING Bones of the western-most burial in f206 a16 burial. Partly excavated in A10, which removed half of the body.
C1 2001-08-31_L831LR.j MISSING Inside a16 f206 tomb, two sets of bones were found inside. One set appears to be the main burial and these bones are labeled as i54. We do not have a complete skeleton since it was mostly excavated by A10 several seasons ago, but we did encounter the head and several grave goods, see a16 for a list of these objects. This burial appears to be a re-used tomb, with i60 bones likely the original bones in this tomb. These bones are in poor condition and are concentrated to the east forming a large pile.
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
D3 2001-08-27_R7QFAB1R.j lr r265 (41513 36732 - 8476 / Relay location: center of bu)
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i54 (^ human body) sits in f206 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a16
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 650
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s280-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6c-AAH
O1 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j lR v0071
O1 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j lR v0071a
P99 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR to Natural science lab
; A16.55
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2001-08-29_M917LR.j !! ^ bead
A35 2012-03-26_W326LC.j lC L_W15d4414 A16.0055 Y521 kF bd.jpg
B10 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR ^ bead
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR similar to i61 transparent stone bead found in burial f206
B11 2002-09-20_N116LR3.j MISSING Eye shaped bead in profile, square shaped in plan view, two-toned stone bead. Milky white and clear brown agate. Perforated at both ends (perforation was done at each end then meets in the middle).
C99 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR found in burial a15
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
D3 2001-08-29_R7QFAB1R.j jlw r266 (41530 36768 - 8460 / Relay location: center of item)
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i55 (^ bead) sits in f206 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a16
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 650
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s280-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6c-AAH
J2 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 1.6
J4 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 1.3
J7 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 0.6
K3 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR lithic
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH brown and white
O4 2014-05-21_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4414 A16.0055 Y521 kF bd.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 012-009
P99 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR to be photographed
; A16.56
A20 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB maf
A21 2002-08-14_N304LR.j !! spearhead
A35 2007-07-20_R719CJC.j cJC L_V15d4622 A16.56 Mx05 sb ma.jpg
B10 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR ^ metal artifact
B10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB spearhead
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR spear or knife blade found in burial f206
B11 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB bronze whole spearhead; it has a complete shank with a hole for the wooden shaft, the metal seems in good condition
B11 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB bronze whole spearhead
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
D3 2001-08-29_R7QFAB1R.j jlw r267 (41525 36756 - 8459 / Relay location: north end)
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i56 (spearhead) sits in f206 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a16
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 650
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s280-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6c-AAH
J2 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 14.5
J3 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 2.4 @at widest point
K10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB good
N1 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB it has a complete shank with a hole for the wooden shaft, the metal seems in good condition
O1 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j lR v0071
O1 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j lR v0071a
O2 2002-09-21_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4534 A16.56 M921 gg ma bc.jpg
O2 2002-10-05_A16V-M^.j sb L_V15d4622 A16.56 Mx05 sb ma.jpg
O2 2002-10-05_A16V-M^.j sb L_V15d4623 A16.56 Mx05 sb ma.jpg
O2 2007-08-18_A16V-R^.j cjc L_V20d2709 A16.56 R818 cJC ma.jpg
O2 2007-08-18_A16V-R^.j cjc L_V20d2710 A16.56 R818 cJC ma.jpg
O4 2014-05-03_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4447 A16.0056 Y503 kF mt.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
; A16.57
A20 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR maf
A21 2002-08-14_N304LR.j !! pin
A35 2007-07-20_R719CJC.j cJC L_V15d4538 A16.57 M922 gg ma bc cr.jpg
B10 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR nail
B10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB pin
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR bronze nail or pin found inside burial f206
B11 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB bronze whole pin, very long pin with simple head
C99 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB found in burial with i56
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
D3 2001-08-29_R7QFAB1R.j jlw r268 (41525 36756 - 8459 / Relay location: metal pin)
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i57 (pin) sits in f206 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a16
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 650
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s280-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6c-AAH
J2 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 16.5
J3 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 0.9 @head
K3 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB metal
K10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB good
N1 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB very long pin with simple head, found in a burial with i56, good condition
O2 2002-09-22_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4538 A16.57 M922 gg ma bc cr.jpg
O2 2002-10-05_A16V-M^.j sb L_V15d4624 A16.57 Mx05 sb ma ac.jpg
O2 2002-10-05_A16V-M^.j sb L_V15d4629 A16.57 Mx05 sb ma.jpg
O2 2007-08-18_A16V-R^.j cjc L_V20d2711 A16.57 R818 cJC ma.jpg
O2 2007-08-18_A16V-R^.j cjc L_V20d2712 A16.57 R818 cJC ma.jpg
O4 2014-05-05_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4441 A16.0057 Y505 kF mt.jpg
P2 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j lR to museum MZ15
; A16.58
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2002-08-14_N304LR.j !! bowl
A35 2007-07-20_R719CJC.j cJC L_V15d4630 A16.58 Mx09 ms cv ac cr.jpg
B10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB bowl
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR black burnished carinated bowl found in burial a16
B11 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB carinated bowl, complete but fractured; black very fine ware, with corrugated border.
B11 2002-09-15_MX05SB.j sB whole bowl with ribbed upper body, missing some fragments
B11 2002-09-17_A16I58SB.j MISSING black burnished bowl found in burial a16.It has a disk base, and a ribbed upper body, showing a very fine manufacturing. The technique of burnishing is clearly understandable by looking at the marks left by the burnishing tool: the outiside is worked with regular vertical marks on the flat surface; the marks are about 1.5 mm wide and were obtained starting from the foot down to the rim. There is a stripe of unburnished surface just around the foot, of about 4-5 mm, where the tool did not reach. The outside of the ribs is flat and burnished too, while the ridges between the ribs are not. Even the interior of the bowl has been burnished but the effect is less remarkable because it is not continuous as in the outside: inside it is interrupted by the visible curves caused by the wheel. The base is burnished as well. The bowl was found in fragments and was reconstructed in MZ14; the ceramic was very fragile and there where many chips and flakes. It seems that the production of these kind of black burnished bowls was focused mainly on the shape and burnishing rather than in the quality of the ware. Its poor condition is due to a bad quality of the clay, possibly with many inclusion, and to the firing. The color in section was grey with some reddish tones. In MZ15 fills were made with tinted plaster to fill the numerous superficial losses
B11 2002-09-18_N116LR3.j MISSING Carinated bowl dark gray in color, burnished on the outer service showing vertical lines creating a very smooth feel. The rim protrudes out with three ridges. This item was found next to i54 in a16 burial of f206.
C1 2001-08-31_L831LR.j MISSING This khabur bowl was found next to i54, human remains in a16 tomb.
C99 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j lR found associated with a burial
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
D3 2001-08-29_R7QFAB1R.j jlw r269 (41466 36715 - 8469 / Relay location: middle of bo)
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i58 (bowl) sits in f206 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a16
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 650
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s280-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6c-AAH
J1 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j lR 7.5
J3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 10
J4 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j lR 16.2
K3 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j lR cl
K3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Gray Ware
K4 2007-10-16_RX16GB.j gB bowl
K5 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j lR dark gray
K10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB The ceramic is very fragile, lost many small chips
K11 2002-09-15_MX05SB.j sB restored in MZ14
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Burnished
ZcaS1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC carinated
ZcaS2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC rounded (carination)
ZcaS3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 106
N1 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB black very fine ware, with corrugated border. The ceramic is very fragile, lost many small chips
N3 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB reconstructed by Steff
N3 2002-09-15_N304LR.j sB restored in MZ14; filled the gaps with tinted plaster, sealed the fills with Paraloid 3%
O1 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j lR v0071
O1 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j lR v0071a
O2 2002-10-09_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4630 A16.58 Mx09 ms cv ac cr.jpg
O2 2002-10-09_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4631 A16.58 Mx09 ms cv.jpg
O2 2002-10-09_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4632 A16.58 Mx09 ms cv.jpg
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4641 A16.58 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4642 A16.58 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
O4 2002-07-31_A16W14.j sb L_W14d4081 A16.0058 M731 sb cv.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
; A16.59
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2002-08-14_N304LR.j !! ^ bowl
A35 2007-07-20_R719CJC.j cJC L_V15d4666 A16.59 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
B10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB ^ bowl
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR tan carinated bowl over fired and crooked found in burial a16
B11 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB carinated bowl, complete but fractured; the shape is irregular, damaged during the firing, the ware is also very rough
B11 2007-09-05_WY01LC.j mKB carinated bowl with body of the vessel wheel made but ring base, body above the carination and the rim are all hand made. Firing is poor, has carbon core, much chaff with some sand including mica temper.
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
D3 2001-08-29_R7QFAB1R.j jlw r270 (41497 36792 - 8472 / Relay location: center mouth)
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i59 (^ bowl) sits in f206 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a16
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 650
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s280-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6c-AAH
ZcaA1 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC k
J3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 14
K3 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB clay
K4 2007-10-16_RX16GB.j gB bowl
K5 2012-02-13_W213LC.j lC (in)Very Pale Brown
K5 2012-02-13_W213LC.j lC (out)Very Pale Brown
K6 2012-02-13_W213LC.j lC (in)10YR7/3
K6 2012-02-13_W213LC.j lC (out)10YR7/4
K10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB complete but fractured
K91 2007-09-05_WY01LC.j mKB This vessel was not produced by a craftsman specialized in making ceramics but rather is a household produced vessel made by a non-specialized potter. This type of coarse and poorly made pottery was usually made for grave offerings and was found in A16 in f206, part of a grave. Handmade or partially handmade ceramics as grave offerings only occurred in the Khabur period and more than likely point to a level of socio-economic stress due to the local political situation described in the Mari letters regarding the political situation in Urkesh.
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Non-standard ware since it is handmade. Misshapen.
ZcaS1 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC conical (cup)
ZcaS1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC carinated
ZcaS2 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC straight
ZcaS2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC sharp (carination)
ZcaS3 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC 1
ZcaS3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 2
N1 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB the shape is irregular, damaged during the firing, the ware is also very rough
N3 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB reconstructed by Steff
O1 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j lR v0071
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4666 A16.59 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4667 A16.59 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
O4 2002-12-07_A16W15.j fa L_W15d4027 A16.0059 Mz07 fa cv.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.60
A21 2001-08-29_M917LR.j !! ^ human body
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC v71c
A35 2012-03-26_W326LC.j lC L_V20d5011 A16.60 R814 lR ta femorae 5 individuals.jpg
B10 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR ^ human body
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR human bones found in the eastern end of the tomb f206 appear to be from multiple skeletons and moved aside during a re-use of the tomb.
B11 2002-09-20_N116LR3.j MISSING Multiple burial found inside f206 tomb structure. These bones were found concentrated in the eastern portion in a large pile, unable to articulate and separate the bodies. These bones were found east of i54, and suffer from severe weathering making the bones brittle and fragile.
C1 2001-08-31_L831LR.j MISSING we continued to excavate the square tomb f206 and made a separate feature for the material around the bones i60, f223. The bones i60 are badly preserved and were found scattered throughout the western end of the tomb. The bones appear to be going under the tomb and we are uncertain if it is an earlier burial or whether the edge of the tomb was misidentified.
C1 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j lR Today we uncovered the remains of i60-part of a burial, which was left in place from last season due to lack of time and comprehension of the situation. The bones were covered up with nylon then back-filled to protect them from the elements. This season after reviewing the tomb f206 it became visible that the pit face extended further east and therefore we had not finished excavating the fill of the tomb. The bones i60 are localized in the Eastern end of the tomb and are in an extremely fragile condition making removal difficult. When brushed they turn into white powder and we have resorted to scooping up the bones with our trowels and placing them in a box. Last season they were also in a fragile condition but after being exposed for one year they have become even more brittle. They are mixed with animal bones and several jaw fragments were recovered indicating that this is a multi-burial believed to be a re-use since the bones are found in a pile (not laid out) concentrated towards the eastern side. The main burial was found in the west suggesting that someone at a later date re-used this tomb and simply moved the older bones to the side. These bones are on top of some stones and red packing material.
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i60 (^ human body) sits in f206 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a16
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 650
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s280-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6c-AAH
K10 2002-09-20_N116LR3.j MISSING poor, flaky, brittle bones
O1 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j lR v0071
O1 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j lR v0071b
O1 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j lR v0071c
O2 2007-08-23_A16V-R^.j cjc L_V20d5008 A16.60 R814 lR ta femorae right side.jpg
O2 2007-08-23_A16V-R^.j cjc L_V20d5009 A16.60 R814 lR ta femorae multiple burial.jpg
O2 2007-08-23_A16V-R^.j cjc L_V20d5010 A16.60 R814 lR ta femorae left side.jpg
O2 2007-08-23_A16V-R^.j cjc L_V20d5011 A16.60 R814 lR ta femorae 5 individuals.jpg
P99 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR to Natural science lab
; A16.61
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2001-08-29_M917LR.j !! ^ bead
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V23d4063 A16i61 U818 dM bd f206.jpg
B10 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR ^ bead
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR stone transparent bead similar to i55 found inside the tomb a16
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR flat rectangular bead with rounded edges. The stone color is two toned- half transparent brown and the other white with striations. Perforated lengthwise. See bead i55 for similar type and color found in the same burial a16.
C99 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR found in a burial
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
D3 2001-08-29_R7QFAB1R.j jlw r271 (41537 36729 - 8457 / Relay location: inside jar)
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i61 (^ bead) sits in f206 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a16
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 650
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s280-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6c-AAH
J2 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 1.7
J4 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 1.1
J7 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 0.5
K3 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR lithic
O2 2006-08-27_A16V-Q^.j !!! L_V19e3046 A16.61 Q829 dM bd f206.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4063 A16i61 U818 dM bd f206.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4064 A16i61 U818 dM bd f206.jpg
O4 2014-05-30_A16W16.j kf L_W16d5410 A16.0061 Y530 kF bd.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 012-017
; A16.62
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! bowl
A35 2007-07-20_R719CJC.j cJC L_V15d4507 A16.62 M910 gg.jpg
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB bowl
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR Miniature carinated bowl with the outside painted in triangular designs. A bone was found inside along with the fill contents and belongs with a15- burial. Found inside the jar i71, the contents of this small bowl were removed and stored as i86
B11 2002-09-03_M903LR.j lR small miniature bowl painted with triangular designs (each triangle has a different design) found inside a jar burial a15. Diameter of mouth opening is 4.2
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
D3 2001-08-29_R7QFAB1R.j jlw r272 (41551 36893 - 8468 / Relay location: center of cv)
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i62 (bowl) sits in f227 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a15
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 655
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2002-09-03_M903LR.j lR 4
J3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 2
J4 2002-09-03_M903LR.j lR 2.4
K3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware
K4 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC pot
K5 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc very pale brown
K6 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 10YR 8/3
K9 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc hatched traingles pointing up around the shoulder. The decorations are strong brown (7.5YR 4/6) in color.
ZcaD1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 1
ZcaD2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC K6
ZcaS3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 104
O2 2002-09-10_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4507 A16.62 M910 gg.jpg
O2 2002-09-10_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4508 A16.62 M910 gg.jpg
O2 2002-09-10_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4509 A16.62 M910 gg.jpg
O4 2002-09-10_A16W15.j jm L_W15d4019 A16.0062 M910 jm cv f227.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
; A16.63
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! jar
A35 2007-07-20_R719CJC.j cJC L_V15d4505 A16.63 M910 gG.jpg
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB jar
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR Miniature jar with the outside painted in horizontal stripes found next to i62 inside the burial jar i71. The contents of this jar were removed and stored as i85.
B11 2002-09-03_M903LR.j lR small Khabur jar found in the ceramic jar burial. It appears to be a miniature jar with painted lines in a brownish orange color. There are four lines and fingerprint impressions visible. The fill of this item has been taken out and assigned i85. Diameter of neck 2.6, diameter of base is 2.6 cm
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
D3 2001-08-29_R7QFAB1R.j jlw r273 (41551 36918 - 8493 / Relay location: center of cv)
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i63 (jar) sits in f227 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a15
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 655
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2002-09-03_M903LR.j lR 7.85
J3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 4
J4 2002-09-03_M903LR.j lR 6.9
K3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Chaff Tempered
K4 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC jar
K5 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc very pale brown
K6 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 10YR 7/4
K9 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc Strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) stripes on shoulder and neck
ZcaD1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 1
ZcaD2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC K4
ZcaS1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC necked
ZcaS2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC flaring (necked)
ZcaS3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 1
O2 2002-09-10_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4505 A16.63 M910 gg.jpg
O2 2002-09-10_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4506 A16.63 M910 gg.jpg
O4 2002-09-10_A16W15.j jm L_W15d4018 A16.0063 M910 jm cv f227.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
; A16.64
A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact
A21 2002-08-14_N304LR.j !! ^ jewelry item
A30 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC Small perforated thin disk perhaps a silver pendant, found in a burial a16
B10 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB ^ jewelry item
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR Small perforated disk perhaps silver, found in a burial a16
B11 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB round disk with central hole the slightly purple-gray color indicate that it could be silver, it could be a button
B11 2002-09-07_M910AP.j aP thin metal artifact broken in three parts. Disk shape with a circular hole in the center. It could be a pendant. Color dark gray/ black with encrustations.
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
D3 2001-08-29_R7QFAB1R.j jlw r274 (41550 36913 - 8477 / Relay location: center of item)
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i64 (^ jewelry item) sits in f206 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a16
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 650
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s280-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6c-AAH
J4 2002-09-07_M910AP.j aP 1.6
K3 2002-09-07_M910AP.j aP metal
K5 2002-09-07_M910AP.j aP dark gray
N1 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB the slightly purple-grey color indicate that it could be silver, it could be a button
P99 2002-09-07_M910AP.j aP to Conservation
; A16.65
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2001-08-29_M917LR.j !! bead
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V23d4057 A16i65 U818 dM bd f206.jpg
B10 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR bead
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR small clear quartz bead found inside a burial a16
B11 2002-09-20_N116LR3.j MISSING Clear quartz bead, thick and rounded with perforation at center. Perforation was made at one time and goes all the way through with one hole larger than the other.
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
D3 2001-08-29_R7QFAB1R.j jlw r275 (41522 36905 - 8476 / Relay location: center of bd)
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i65 (bead) sits in f206 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a16
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 650
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s280-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6c-AAH
J4 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 1
J7 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 0.9
K3 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR lithic
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4057 A16i65 U818 dM bd f206.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4058 A16i65 U818 dM bd f206.jpg
O4 2002-03-14_A16W16.j kf L_W16e5402 A16.0065 M314 kf bd f206 k110.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 012-017
; A16.66
A20 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR maf
A21 2001-08-29_M917LR.j !! bead
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V23d4059 A16i66 U818 dM bd f206.jpg
B10 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR bead
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR small bead found in burial a16
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR round metal bead with protrusions jutting out where the perforation is located, somewhat lemon shaped. The perforation measured .3cm diameter.
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
D3 2001-08-29_R7QFAB1R.j jlw r276 (41529 36905 - 8471 / Relay location: center of bd)
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i66 (bead) sits in f206 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a16
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 650
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s280-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6c-AAH
J1 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 0.15
J2 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 1
J4 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 0.8
K3 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR metal
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4059 A16i66 U818 dM bd f206.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4060 A16i66 U818 dM bd f206.jpg
O4 2002-03-14_A16W16.j kf L_W16e5401 A16.0066 M314 kf bd f206 k110.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 012-017
; A16.67
A20 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR maf
A21 2001-08-29_M917LR.j !! metal wire
B10 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR metal wire
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR piece of bronze wire found in burial a16
C33 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC All descriptive data missing
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
D3 2001-08-29_R7QFAB1R.j jlw r277 (41192 37314 - 8575 / Relay location: center of ma)
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i67 (metal wire) sits in f211 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a13
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 648
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s315-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.68
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! jar
A30 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC round bottom chaff tempered jar with three grooves at rim found next to the large burial jar i71 part of a15.
A35 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC L_V15d4634 A16.68 Mx09 ms cv.jpg
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB jar
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR round bottom jar found next to the large burial jar i71 part of a15. This jar was found along with i69 and animal bones i79
B11 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB pot found broken but complete; good strong ware of buff-pinkish
B11 2002-09-20_N116LR3.j MISSING Complete jar with three grooves at the rim then widens in the middle. Chaff tempered
C1 2001-08-31_L831LR.j MISSING To the west of the vessel i71 of a15 were animal bones localized in one area and we assigned these bones a separate item number i79 due to their location as a whole group and not a mixed bone lot. Three small vessels i68, i69, i77 were found around the large jar, two carinated bowls and one small jar. These vessels along with the large jar were photographed in context. The large jar i71 rests on the red clay layer approximately 10 centimeters from the stone pavement. We continued to excavate the jar since it needed to be removed before the end of the day for reasons of security.
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
D3 2001-08-29_R7QFAB1R.j jlw r278 (41648 37412 - 8514 / Relay location: south edge rim)
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i68 (jar) sits in f236 (fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a15
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 651
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 10
J3 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 11.3 @rim
J3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 11
J7 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 6 @base
K3 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB cl
K3 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB pottery
K3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Chaff Tempered
K4 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC pot
K5 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc pink
K6 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 5YR 7/4
ZcaS3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 4
N1 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB good strong ware of buff-pinkish color
N3 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB reconstructed by Steff
O1 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j lR v0072
O1 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j lR v0072a
O2 2002-10-09_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4634 A16.68 Mx09 ms cv.jpg
O2 2002-10-09_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4635 A16.68 Mx09 ms cv.jpg
O2 2002-10-09_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4636 A16.68 Mx09 ms cv.jpg
O4 2014-05-13_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4047 A16.0068 Y513 kF cv.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
; A16.69
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! bowl
A35 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC L_V15d4646 A16.69 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB bowl
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR chaff tempered carinated bowl found next to i68 part of a15 burial
C1 2001-08-31_L831LR.j MISSING To the west of the vessel i71 of a15 were animal bones localized in one area and we assigned these bones a separate item number i79 due to their location as a whole group and not a mixed bone lot. Three small vessels i68, i69, i77 were found around the large jar, two carinated bowls and one small jar. These vessels along with the large jar were photographed in context. The large jar i71 rests on the red clay layer approximately 10 centimeters from the stone pavement. We continued to excavate the jar since it needed to be removed before the end of the day for reasons of security.
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
D3 2001-08-29_R7QFAB1R.j jlw r279 (41696 37415 - 8509 / Relay location: center of bo)
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i69 (bowl) sits in f236 (fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a15
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 651
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j lR 4.5
J3 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 12.3 @rim
J3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 12
J4 2002-09-18_N116LR3.j MISSING 12.4
K3 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j lR cl
K3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Chaff Tempered
K4 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC bowl
K5 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc very pale brown
K6 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 10YR 8/3
ZcaS1 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC conical (cup)
ZcaS1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC carinated
ZcaS2 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC straight
ZcaS2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC sharp (carination)
ZcaS3 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC 2
O1 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j lR v0072a
O1 2002-07-17_L818LR2.j lR v0072
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4645 A16.69 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4646 A16.69 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
O4 2002-12-15_A16W15.j khl L_W15d4046 A16.0069 Mz15 khl cv.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
; A16.70
A20 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR maf
A21 2001-08-29_M917LR.j !! uncertain
A35 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC L_V15d4535 A16.70 M921 gg ma bc.jpg
B10 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR uncertain
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR very thin blade or head piece contains a hole at one end- found inside the jar i71
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR thin elongated flat piece of metal with rounded edges. Purple in color with a perforation at one tip. Found with burial a15.
C1 2001-08-31_L831LR.j MISSING Inside the jar i71 of a15 numerous items were found along with the body of a small child i78. The items includes two bronze bracelets i72 i73, 8 metal rings i74, 9 beads i75 (one lapis bead shaped like a duck, one circular lapis bead, one red bread carved like a pair of eyes with white paint, and the rest quartz crystal beads), a metal pin i76, and a metal head piece i70.
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
D3 2001-08-29_R7QFAB1R.j jlw r281 (41707 37438 - 9027 / Relay location: center of ma)
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i70 (uncertain) sits in f226 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a15
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 655
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s320-AAH
J1 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 1
J2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 2
K3 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB metal
K10 2002-09-12_N304LR.j sB very corroded, the whole surface is gray-purple and very granular
K11 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB very thin silver leaf broken in 3 pieces
N3 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB treated by bA, to finish in MZ16
N99 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB one of the 3 pieces has a hole at one end
O2 2002-09-21_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4535 A16.70 M921 gg ma bc.jpg
O2 2004-07-20_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17e5008 A16.70 O720 gg - =V17e3061.jpg
O2 2006-12-06_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3061 A16.70 O720 gg.jpg
O2 2008-09-04_A16V-S^.j !!! L_V21d9009 A16.70 S904 dM ma.jpg
O2 2008-09-04_A16V-S^.j !!! L_V21d9010 A16.70 S904 dM ma.jpg
O23 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB b.t. gg M921
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH ZSC 20-1
P99 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR to Conservation
; A16.71
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! jar
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC v72
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB jar
B11 2001-08-29_L818LR3.j lR Large ceramic jar used as a burial and contained the human remains of a small child i78. The jar was found at an angle with the opening facing southeast. The jar was not intact and found in many fragments at the top.
B11 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB large jar found in situ, missing half of the rim and large part of base and lower part of body, it was used as a burial
C1 2001-08-31_L831LR.j MISSING The soil around the burial jar i71 was cleaned using a brush and dental pick, which exposed the large vessel resting on its side with the top portion cracked and broken. To the west of the vessel were animal bones localized in one area and we assigned these bones a separate item number i79 due to their location as a whole group and not a mixed bone lot. Three small vessels i68, i69, i77 were found around the large jar, two carinated bowls and one small jar. These vessels along with the large jar were photographed in context. The large jar i71 rests on the red clay layer approximately 10 centimeters from the stone pavement. We continued to excavate the jar since it needed to be removed before the end of the day for reasons of security. Inside the jar i71 numerous items were found along with the body of a small child i78.
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
D3 2001-08-29_R7QFAB1R.j jlw r282 (41679 37468 - 8518 / Relay location: center of rim)
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i71 (jar) sits in f236 (fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a15
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 655
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
K3 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB cl
K4 2007-10-16_RX16GB.j gB jar
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC No lab photographs
N1 2002-10-04_MX12SB.j sB it was used as a burial
N3 2002-08-14_N304LR.j sB reconstructed by Steff
O1 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j lR v0072
O1 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j lR v0072a
O1 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j lR v0072b
O1 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j lR v0072c
O1 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j lR v0072d
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in 2001
; A16.72
A20 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR maf
A21 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j !! jewellery
A35 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC L_V15d4530 A16.72 M921 gg ma bc.jpg
B10 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR bracelet
B10 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR jewellery
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR bronze bracelet found with i78 human remains. A matching bracelet was found i73 both inside the burial jar i71.
B11 2002-09-08_M910AP.j aP bronze bracelet of a child with encrustations on the surface associated with a15 burial. In the circumference there is a gap of 0.7 cm. This bracelet was found inside i71 ceramic vessel used as a burial.
B11 2002-09-12_N304LR.j sB whole bronze bracelet; very small piece, found in a baby burial
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR metal bracelet similar to i73
C1 2001-08-31_L831LR.j MISSING Inside the jar i71 of a15 numerous items were found along with the body of a small child i78. The items includes two bronze bracelets i72 i73, 8 metal rings i74, 9 beads i75 (one lapis bead shaped like a duck, one circular lapis bead, one red bread carved like a pair of eyes with white paint, and the rest quartz crystal beads), a metal pin i76, and a metal head piece i70.
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i72 (jewellery) sits in f227 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a15
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 655
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J4 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 4.35
J7 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 0.6
K3 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR metal
K10 2002-09-12_N304LR.j sB very encrusted with fresh, soft yellowish incrustation, in some parts there is gray-purple incrustation on top of the green one
K11 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB whole bronze bracelet
N1 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB very small piece, found in a baby burial; very encrusted with fresh,soft yellowish incrustation, in some parts there is grey-purple incrustation on top of the green one
N3 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB started the treatment by bA, to continue in MZ16
N99 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB very strange and complex corrosion, there may be silver associated with bronze
O2 2002-09-21_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4529 A16.72 M921 gg ma bc.jpg
O2 2002-09-21_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4530 A16.72 M921 gg ma bc.jpg
O4 2014-06-17_A16W17.j kf L_W17d9604 A16.0072 Y617 kF ma.jpg
O23 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB b.t. gg M921
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ17
; A16.73
A20 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR maf
A21 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j !! jewelry
A35 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC L_V15d4501 A16.73 M910 gg.jpg
B10 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR bracelet
B10 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR jewelry
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR bronze bracelet matching to i72 found with the arm bone attached from i78.
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR metal bracelet found in a15 burial with a portion of the arm bone of i78 solidified to the bracelet.
C1 2001-08-31_L831LR.j MISSING Inside the jar i71 of a15 numerous items were found along with the body of a small child i78. The items includes two bronze bracelets i72 i73, 8 metal rings i74, 9 beads i75 (one lapis bead shaped like a duck, one circular lapis bead, one red bread carved like a pair of eyes with white paint, and the rest quartz crystal beads), a metal pin i76, and a metal head piece i70.
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i73 (jewelry) sits in f227 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a15
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 655
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J4 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 0.5
J99 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB photo taken by gG
K3 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR metal
K10 2002-09-21_N304LR.j sB there is a strange, soft and waxy kind of corrosion
K11 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB whole bronze bracelet
N1 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB corroded, it comes from a burial of a baby, the bone is still inside
N3 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB started the treatment by bA, to continue in MZ16, there is a strange, soft and waxy kind of corrosion
O2 2002-09-10_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4501 A16.73 M910 gg.jpg
O2 2007-08-23_A16V-R^.j cjc L_V20d3201 A16.73 R823 dM ma.jpg
O2 2007-08-23_A16V-R^.j cjc L_V20d3202 A16.73 R823 dM ma.jpg
O2 2007-08-23_A16V-R^.j cjc L_V20d3203 A16.73 R823 dM ma.jpg
O2 2007-08-23_A16V-R^.j cjc L_V20d3204 A16.73 R823 dM ma.jpg
O2 2007-08-23_A16V-R^.j cjc L_V20d3205 A16.73 R823 dM ma.jpg
P2 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB in box to treat MZ16
P99 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR to Conservation
; A16.74
A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact
A21 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j !! jewelry
A35 2002-09-25_A16V-M^.j !! L_V15d4556 A16i74 M925 gg ma bc.jpg
B10 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR ^ metal artifact
B10 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB jewelry
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR 8 metal rings found within i71 burial jar part of a15
B11 2002-09-08_M910AP.j aP 9 small metallic rings. 2 of the 9 are fragmentary (just half of the circle). Bronze with encrustations in an extremely fragile state. These rings were found inside i71 jar burial next to some beads and the body. These rings are presumably a part of a necklace or earrings.
B11 2002-09-08_M910AP.j aP This item is made up of nine small bronze rings in which two are fragments while the remaining are complete rings. These rings are in fragile condition undergoing conservation and were found inside i71 jar burial next to a group of beads and the body. These rings are presumably a part of a necklace or earrings and should refer to a15 for a complete list of objects found.
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 8 metal rings belonging to a15 burial.
C1 2001-08-31_L831LR.j MISSING Inside the jar i71 of a15 numerous items were found along with the body of a small child i78. The items includes two bronze bracelets i72 i73, 8 metal rings i74, 9 beads i75 (one lapis bead shaped like a duck, one circular lapis bead, one red bread carved like a pair of eyes with white paint, and the rest quartz crystal beads), a metal pin i76, and a metal head piece i70.
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i74 (jewelry) sits in f227 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a15
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 655
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J5 2002-09-08_M910AP.j aP 1.4
K3 2002-09-08_M910AP.j aP metal
K11 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB 8 silver rings
N1 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB encrusted with grey-purple material
N99 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB probably not worthed to be clean
O2 2002-09-25_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4556 A16i74 M925 gg ma bc.jpg
O23 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB b.t. gg M921
P2 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB ZSC-20
P99 2002-09-08_M910AP.j aP to conservation, photography, drafting
; A16.75
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2007-08-15_R815MKB.j !! seal impression
A35 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC L_V17d3287 A16.75 O731 gg si.jpg
B10 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR bead
B10 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC seal
B10 2007-08-15_R815MKB.j mkb seal impression
B11 2001-08-29_L818LR3.j lR This is a bead lot for 9 beads found in i71, in a15 burial. The items have been given component numbers i75.1 - i75.9 for identification purposes. These beads are an assortment of clear quartz, lapis, and carnelian.
B11 2007-08-15_R815MKB.j mkb cylinder seal but could be an inscribed bead since its context indicates that it was part of a string of beads.
B11 2007-08-15_R815MKB.j mkb upper register: alternating embedded triangles with a raised frame and filled center. At the end of the line of triangles is placed a slightly diagonal ladder pattern. Lower register: two running semi-circles filled with what may be stylized flowers. Between the two semi-circles is placed a small circle with a dot in the center.
C1 2001-08-31_L831LR.j MISSING Inside the jar i71 of a15 numerous items were found along with the body of a small child i78. The items includes two bronze bracelets i72 i73, 8 metal rings i74, 9 beads i75 (one lapis bead shaped like a duck, one circular lapis bead, one red bread carved like a pair of eyes with white paint, and the rest quartz crystal beads), a metal pin i76, and a metal head piece i70.
C10 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC Also named as seal or seal impression because of the shape and decoration. In fact it belongs to a group of 9 beads, so very likely it is a bead.
C30 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC This seal was found together whith a lot of 9 beads and interpreted as a bead
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i75 (seal impression) sits in f227 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a15
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 655
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
K3 2007-08-15_R815MKB.j mkb frit
K11 2007-08-15_R815MKB.j mkb approximate three quarters preserved
K15 2007-08-15_R815MKB.j mkb geometric
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3283 A16.75 O731 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3284 A16.75 O731 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3285 A16.75 O731 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3286 A16.75 O731 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3287 A16.75 O731 gg si.jpg
O4 2014-05-22_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4416 A16.0075 Y522 kF bd.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.75.1
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2011-01-19_V119LC.j !! bead
A35 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC L_V16d5105 A16.75.1 N908 dia bd.jpg
B10 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC bead
B11 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC red bead, trapezoidal in section, the top is decorated whith white concentric circles.
J1 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC 1
J2 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC 2
J7 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC 0.7
K5 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC red, white
K10 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC complete
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5105 A16.75.1 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5106 A16.75.1 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5107 A16.75.1 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5108 A16.75.1 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5109 A16.75.1 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5110 A16.75.1 N908 dia bd.jpg
O4 2014-05-24_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4417 A16.75.1 Y524 kF bd f227 k110.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.75.2
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2011-01-19_V119LC.j !! bead
A35 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC L_V16d5111 A16.75.2 N908 dia bd.jpg
B10 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC bead
B11 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC Small lithic bead romboid in section, rectangular in shape. Thin passing through hole.
J1 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC 0.7
J2 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC 1
J7 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC 0.5
K3 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC lithic
K5 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC white, light brown, dark gray
K10 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC complete
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5111 A16.75.2 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5112 A16.75.2 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5113 A16.75.2 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5114 A16.75.2 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5115 A16.75.2 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5116 A16.75.2 N908 dia bd.jpg
O4 2014-05-24_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4418 A16.75.2 Y524 kF bd f227 k110.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.75.3
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2011-01-19_V119LC.j !! bead
A35 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC L_V16d5125 A16.75.3 N908 dia bd.jpg
B10 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC bead
B11 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC round quartz bead perforated at the center
J1 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC 0.7
J3 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC 0.4
J4 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC 0.8
K3 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC quartz
K5 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC transparent
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5123 A16.75.3 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5124 A16.75.3 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5125 A16.75.3 N908 dia bd.jpg
O4 2014-05-25_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4419 A16.75.3 Y525 kF bd f227 k110.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.75.4
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j !! ^ bead
A35 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC L_V16d5120 A16.75.4 N908 dia bd.jpg
B10 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR ^ bead
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR Transparent reddish colored stone bead elongated and rounded with a perforation in the center. The middle of the bead is slightly thicker in width. Found in a15 burial along with 8 other beads see i75.1-i75.9
B11 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC round lapis lazuli bead perforated at the center and flattened on both the top and bottom surfaces.
J2 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 0.55
K3 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR lithic
K5 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR red
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5120 A16.75.4 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5121 A16.75.4 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5122 A16.75.4 N908 dia bd.jpg
O4 2014-05-25_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4420 A16.75.4 Y525 kF bd f227 k110.jpg
P99 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR to drafting and photography
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.75.5
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j !! ^ bead
A35 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC L_V16d5117 A16.75.5 N908 dia bd.jpg
B10 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR ^ bead
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR round lapis lazuli bead perforated at the center and flattened on both the top and bottom surfaces. This bead belongs to a15 burial with 8 other beads.
J4 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 0.6
J7 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 0.4
K3 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR lithic
K5 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR blue
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5117 A16.75.5 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5118 A16.75.5 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5119 A16.75.5 N908 dia bd.jpg
O4 2014-05-25_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4421 A16.75.5 Y525 kF bd f227 k110.jpg
P99 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR to drafting and photography
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.75.6
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j !! ^ bead
A35 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC L_V16d5129 A16.75.6 N908 dia bd.jpg
B10 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR ^ bead
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR Elongated round bead made of clear quartz perforated lengthwise on each end separately (the perforation hole is visible with the technique of drilling a small hole on each end then meeting in the center clearly displayed). Part of a15 burial along with 8 other beads see i75.1-i75.9
J2 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 0.6
J4 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 0.45
K3 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR lithic
K5 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR clear
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5129 A16.75.6 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5130 A16.75.6 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5131 A16.75.6 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5132 A16.75.6 N908 dia bd.jpg
O4 2014-05-25_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4422 A16.75.6 Y525 kF bd f227 k110.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.75.7
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j !! ^ bead
A35 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC L_V16d5126 A16.75.7 N908 dia bd.jpg
B10 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR ^ bead
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR Round stone bead with perforation in the center. Part of a15 burial along with 8 other beads see i75.1-i75.9
J4 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 0.8
K3 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR lithic
K5 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR black
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5126 A16.75.7 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5127 A16.75.7 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5128 A16.75.7 N908 dia bd.jpg
O4 2014-05-26_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4423 A16.75.7 Y526 kF bd f227 k110.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.75.8
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j !! ^ bead
A35 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC L_V16d5133 A16.75.8 N908 dia bd.jpg
B10 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR ^ bead
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR Teardrop shaped clear bead with perforation on the top portion. Part of a15 burial along with 8 other beads; see i75.1-i75.9
J2 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 1.5
J4 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 0.6
K3 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR lithic
K5 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR clear
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5133 A16.75.8 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5134 A16.75.8 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5135 A16.75.8 N908 dia bd.jpg
O2 2003-09-08_A16V-N^.j dia L_V16d5136 A16.75.8 N908 dia bd.jpg
O4 2014-05-26_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4424 A16.75.8 Y526 kF bd f227 k110.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.75.9
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2011-01-19_V119LC.j !! bead
A35 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC L_V16d5140 A16.75.9 N908 dia x.jpg
B10 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC bead
B11 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC Lapis lazuli bead Irregular in shape with a very polished surface. Hole in the middle.
C33 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC Measurments missing
K3 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC lapis lazuli
K5 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC blue
O2 2003-08-13_W522LC.j gg L_V16d5137 A16.75.9 N908 dia x.jpg
O2 2003-08-13_W522LC.j gg L_V16d5138 A16.75.9 N908 dia x.jpg
O2 2003-08-13_W522LC.j gg L_V16d5139 A16.75.9 N908 dia x.jpg
O2 2003-08-13_W522LC.j gg L_V16d5140 A16.75.9 N908 dia x.jpg
O2 2003-08-13_W522LC.j gg L_V16d5141 A16.75.9 N908 dia x.jpg
O4 2014-05-26_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4425 A16.75.9 Y526 kF bd f227 k110.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.76
A20 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR maf
A21 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j !! ^ pin
A35 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC L_V16d5009 A16.76 N730 gg.jpg
B10 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB ^ pin
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR metal pin found in a15 burial inside i71
B11 2002-09-12_N304LR.j sB bronze pin; missing head and slightly bent
C1 2001-08-31_L831LR.j MISSING Inside the jar i71 of a15 numerous items were found along with the body of a small child i78. The items includes two bronze bracelets i72 i73, 8 metal rings i74, 9 beads i75 (one lapis bead shaped like a duck, one circular lapis bead, one red bread carved like a pair of eyes with white paint, and the rest quartz crystal beads), a metal pin i76, and a metal head piece i70.
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i76 (^ pin) sits in f227 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a15
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 655
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
K11 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB pin missing head
N1 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB bronze pin slightly bent
N3 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB treated by bA
O2 0000-00-00_W522LC.j x L_V15d7971 A16.76 x x ZC_before treatment.jpg
O2 2002-09-21_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4533 A16.76 M921 gg ma bc.jpg
O2 2003-07-30_A16V-N^.j gg L_V16d5009 A16.76 N730 gg.jpg
O23 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB b.t. gg M921
P2 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB ZSC-5
; A16.77
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! bowl
A35 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC L_V15d4643 A16.77 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB bowl
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR small carinated bowl found next to i71 found in a15 burial on the other side- isolated.
C1 2001-08-31_L831LR.j MISSING To the west of the vessel i71 of a15 were animal bones localized in one area and we assigned these bones a separate item number i79 due to their location as a whole group and not a mixed bone lot. Three small vessels i68, i69, i77 were found around the large jar, two carinated bowls and one small jar. These vessels along with the large jar were photographed in context. The large jar i71 rests on the red clay layer approximately 10 centimeters from the stone pavement. We continued to excavate the jar since it needed to be removed before the end of the day for reasons of security
C99 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j lR found in burial a15
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
D3 2001-08-29_R7QFAB1R.j jlw r280 (41691 37485 - 8509 / Relay location: south edge rim)
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i77 (bowl) sits in f236 (fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a15
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 651
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j lR 4.8
J3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 13
J4 2002-09-18_N116LR3.j MISSING 13.4
K3 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j lR cl
K4 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC bowl
K5 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc very pale brown
K6 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 10YR 8/2
ZcaS1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC carinated
ZcaS2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC sharp (carination)
ZcaS3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 12
O1 2002-07-17_L818LR2.j lR v0072
O1 2002-07-17_L818LR2.j lR v0072a
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4643 A16.77 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4644 A16.77 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
O4 2014-05-13_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4050 A16.0077 Y513 kF cv.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
; A16.78
A20 !!_!! !! organic
A21 2007-08-09_R809PC.j !! human body
A35 2012-03-26_W326LC.j lC L_V15d4502 A16.78 M910 gg.jpg
B10 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC human body
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR human remains found inside i71 appears to be of a small child. The bones were found scattered within and did not hold any shape.
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR The human remains of a small child found inside jar i71. This body was found in poor condition and could not be articulated. The arm bone of this item has been removed and is included with i73 metal bracelet since the bone had solidified to the bracelet. Refer to a15 for objects associated with this burial.
B11 2007-08-18_UZ15MM.j lR A16.78 are the remains of a child buried inside a large ceramic jar recovered in the early Khabur levels at Mozan (1900 BCE). The funerary assemblage contained various artifacts including metal rings, jars, and beads representing the most elaborate burial in terms of artifacts present in A16. During the early Khabur, the practice of burying young children within ceramic jars or portions of jars appears commonplace however this practice appears to diminish during the later Khabur phase. Age estimate for this skeleton determined through dental development, diaphyseal long bone lengths, and stages of epiphyseal union visible on the skeleton. The deciduous molars and canines show incomplete root development with both deciduous mandibular molars in Rc development stage, deciduous mandibular canine at R ¾, and permanent mandibular molar 1 at Cr ¾- Crc. Using Moorrees, Fanning, and Hunt 1963, dental development was assessed between 1-2.8 years for both male and female profiles. Diaphyseal measurements of the humerus (130 mm) and fibula (135 mm) also suggest an age within 1.7-3.5 years (Hoppa 1992). Skeletal growth establishes this child between ages 1-3, fusion of the vertebral arches at midline and the lateral portion of the occipital bone unfused. Averaging the ranges for all the methods results in estimating A16. 78 within the age range of 1.5-2.5 years at the time of death. No pathological conditions were noted however several bones are discolored due to their proximity to oxidized metals.
C1 2001-08-31_L831LR.j MISSING Inside the jar i71 numerous items were found along with the body of a small child i78. The items includes two bronze bracelets i72, i73, 8 metal rings i74, 9 beads i75(one lapis bead shaped like a duck, one circular lapis bead, one red bread carved like a pair of eyes with white paint, and the rest quartz crystal beads), a metal pin i76, and a metal head piece i70.
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i78 (human body) sits in f227 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a15
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 655
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
O2 2002-09-10_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4502 A16.78 M910 gg.jpg
P99 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR to Natural science lab
; A16.79
A20 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR specimen
A21 2001-08-29_M917LR.j !! animal bones
A35 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j !! v0072b
B10 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR animal bones
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR animal bones found next to i71 with i68 and i69. These bones were found concentrated under the carinated bowl i69.
C1 2001-08-31_L831LR.j MISSING To the west of the vessel i71 of a15 were animal bones localized in one area and we assigned these bones a separate item number i79 due to their location as a whole group and not a mixed bone lot. Three small vessels i68, i69, i77 were found around the large jar, two carinated bowls and one small jar.
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k110
F51 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR i79 (animal bones) sits in f236 (fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a15
G3 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 651
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
O1 2002-07-17_-M726-A.j lR v0072b
O1 2002-07-17_L818LR2.j lR v0072
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH ZSB 21-8
; A16.80
A20 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! zoomorphic vessel
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V23d4069 A16i80 U818 dM fg f237.jpg
B10 2001-07-15_-MX12-99.j lR uncertain clay artifact
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB zoomorphic vessel
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR hind quarters of a zoomorphic ceramic vessel
B11 2002-09-07_M910AP.j aP lower part of a zoo-morphic vessel with the tail preserved under the body and traces of the two legs or feet in front on the figure. The animal seems to be sitting. Part of the vessel is worked on the pottery wheel with the bottom hand-made. It was worked in two parts which after were joined together. Traces of bitumen (for repairing?). Coarse ware with evident traces of chaff. Hole (0.5 cm. diam.) in the centre of the base.
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k112
F51 2001-07-15_-MX12-99.j lR i80 (zoomorphic vessel) sits in f237 (fill)
G3 2001-07-15_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 665
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s320-AAH
J1 2001-07-15_-MX12-99.j lR 7
J5 2002-09-07_M910AP.j aP 10.1
J7 2002-09-07_M910AP.j aP 2
K3 2001-07-15_-MX12-99.j lR cl
K5 2002-09-07_M910AP.j aP exterior white interior very pale red
K5 2002-09-07_M910AP.j aP pale red
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 10R 6/4
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4067 A16i80 U818 dM fg f237.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4068 A16i80 U818 dM fg f237.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4069 A16i80 U818 dM fg f237.jpg
O4 2002-12-06_A16W15.j fa L_W15d4026 A16.0080 Mz06 fa cv f237.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 002-007
; A16.81
A20 2001-07-15_-MX12-99.j lR laf
A21 2001-07-15_-MX12-99.j !! door socket
A35 2001-07-15_-M726-A.j !! v0036
B10 2001-07-15_-MX12-99.j lR door socket
B11 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR Door socket located at the end of the sherd pavement next to a3. This item was not removed and is still in situ
C33 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC Descriptive data missing because the item has not been removed.
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k105
O1 2001-07-15_-M726-A.j sV v0036
; A16.82
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! jar
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB jar
B11 2002-09-20_N116LR3.j MISSING Complete jar with a rope design on the neck. Sent to conservation since the neck is over fired and flaking off, too delicate for further analysis at the moment.
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR jar with rope design on the neck. Jar in too fragile condition for description and sent to the conservator.
C33 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC All descriptive data missing
D1 2001-08-29_M917LR.j lR k105
K10 2002-09-20_N116LR3.j MISSING fragile
P99 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR to Conservation
; A16.83
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! jar
A35 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC L_V15d4647 A16.83 Mx10 ms cr.jpg
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB jar
B11 2002-09-03_-MX12-99.j lR small jar with incisions associated with the burial a18
C1 2002-09-04_M904LR2.j MISSING This item was surveyed today by BP using the GTS. She was not able to see the vessel so a point was placed to mark the position 10 cm above the object. Photograph v91 shows were the item was surveyed and it's elevation should be subtracted 10cm. Towards the end of the day we decided to remove the object which was half way excavated on it's side. Due to security reasons on the site we did not want to leave the object exposed over night. A dental pick was used to dislodge the soil from its edges then it was pulled out leaving a wonderful impression in the soil. Tomorrow we plan on coming down to the burial after removing the tannur f180 that sits on top of the burial and excavating the skeletal remains that is emerging.
C99 2002-09-07_M907LR.j MISSING we removed this jar a few days ago before exposing the entire burial since we did not want to leave the jar exposed overnight. The jar was brought back to the field for photos today.
D1 2002-09-03_-MX12-99.j lR k108
D99 2002-09-07_M907LR.j MISSING this item was surveyed 10cm above its current location since it was out of range of the GTS unit.
F51 2002-09-03_-MX12-99.j lR i83 (jar) sits in f182 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a18
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J1 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 12.8
J3 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 7.6 @rim
J3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 7
J7 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 0.7 @rim
K3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Chaff Tempered
K4 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC jar
K5 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc very pale brown
K6 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 10YR7/4
K10 2002-09-07_M907LR.j MISSING the jar is over fired and the rim is cracking off
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC probably handmade
ZcaD1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 2
ZcaD2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC I
ZcaS1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC necked
ZcaS2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC flaring (necked)
ZcaS4 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC base: ring
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0090a
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0091
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0095a
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0095b
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4647 A16.83 Mx10 ms cr.jpg
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4648 A16.83 Mx10 ms cr.jpg
O4 2014-05-13_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4051 A16.0083 Y513 kF cv f182.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
; A16.84
A21 2002-09-03_-MX12-99.j !! ^ human body
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC v95b
B10 2002-09-03_-MX12-99.j lR ^ human body
B11 2002-09-03_-MX12-99.j lR The skeleton which belongs to a baby (the age possibly 1 or 2 years) was in fetal position with its orientation towards the North. The funerary set was simply composed of a small jar devoid or other items. The jar laid close to the head. Given the nature of the burial's deposition in the earth without any other features suggests that it is a simple kind of burial.
B11 2002-09-03_-MX12-99.j lR human remains of burial a18 next to i83 jar
B11 2002-09-07_M907LR.j MISSING The body rests in fetal position facing north with the left side of the body in the ground. The burial contained an over fired jar i83 with rope like incisions around the neck.
B11 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING Infant, estimated age at 2-3.5 years based on the diaphyseal length of the ulna (106mm)using methods devised by Hoppa (1992) and by deciduous teeth formation of the maxillary canine (AC stage); Dm2 (at Coc stage) using methods devised by Moorrees, Fanning, and Hunt (1963). The skeleton is in poor condition and shows no signs of epiphyseal fusion or ossification. The skull was excavated and removed prior to the removal of the body due its location near the edge of the excavated area. The skull was brought to the lab three years ago in a large block of soil. Unfortunately it was not possible to preserve the skull due to the hardness of the soil around it and the fragile state of the bones. The soil was separated using a wooden stick, which exposed four small beads next to the hyoid bone and the axis cervical vertebra. Photographs were taken of the beads in the soil with the hyoid in place. The items were washed, labeled, and photographed. Refer to items i176, i177, i178, i179 for the description of these beads.
C1 2002-09-17_M917AP.j aP Today we removed the skeleton from f182 in k108; excavated by Miser and ap. Yesterday it was drawn and photographed with the jar i84 in place, today it was photographed without it.
C4 2002-09-17_M917AP.j aP The skeleton was carefully excavated with the dental pick to avoid damage to the bones, which already showed shattering, and damage particularly at the ribs. The skull suffered the most, probably damages during last years excavation or more likely, the large Khabur pit cut a17 or a13. After articulating each bone, it was finally removed once photography and drafting had taken place, wrapped in linen and put in a cardboard box.
C99 2002-09-07_M907LR.j MISSING The skull was removed three days earlier since it was cut by the previous year (or cut by the large pit a17, a13) and could not support itself on the pedastalled area.
D1 2002-09-03_-MX12-99.j lR k108
F51 2002-09-03_-MX12-99.j lR i84 (^ human body) sits in f182 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a18
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0090a
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0091
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0095
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0095a
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0095b
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0095c
O2 2007-08-14_A16V-R^.j lr L_V20d5022 A16.84 R814 lR ta mandible.jpg
O4 2014-05-07_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4454 A16.0084 Y507 kF bones a18.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC to Natural science Lab
; A16.85
A21 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j !! ^ sample
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V23d4076 A16i85 U818 dM so f216.jpg
B10 2002-09-04_-MX12-99.j lR fill
B10 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR ^ sample
B11 2002-09-04_-MX12-99.j lR fill from MZ14 i63 cv associated with a15 burial inside the ceramic burial jar i71
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR soil sample inside i63 jar contains fragments of animal bones. This item was found in a burial a15.
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR soil sample inside i63 small jar associated with a15 burial.
D1 2002-09-04_-MX12-99.j lR k110
F51 2002-09-04_-MX12-99.j lR i85 (^ sample) sits in f227 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a15
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
K3 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH samples: soil
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH very pale brown
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 10YR 7/3
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4079 A16i85 U817 dM so f216.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4076 A16i85 U818 dM so f216.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 027-002
; A16.86
A21 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j !! ^ sample
A35 2007-08-18_A16V-R^.j !! L_V20d2706 A16.86 R818 cJC vs.jpg
B10 2002-09-04_-MX12-99.j lR fill
B10 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR ^ sample
B11 2002-09-04_-MX12-99.j lR fill from MZ14 i62 cv associated with a15 burial inside the ceramic burial jar i71
B11 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP soil found inside i62. Grainy texture
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR soil sample inside i62 contains fragments of animal bones. This item was found in a burial a15.
D1 2002-09-04_-MX12-99.j lR k110
F51 2002-09-04_-MX12-99.j lR i86 (^ sample) sits in f227 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a15
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
K3 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH soil
K5 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP brown
O2 2007-08-18_A16V-R^.j cjc L_V20d2706 A16.86 R818 cJC vs.jpg
O2 2007-08-18_A16V-R^.j cjc L_V20d2707 A16.86 R818 cJC vs.jpg
O2 2007-08-18_A16V-R^.j cjc L_V20d2708 A16.86 R818 cJC vs.jpg
P2 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR to Natural science lab
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 027-002
; A16.87
A21 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j !! ^ clay lump
B10 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j lR sealing
B10 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR ^ clay lump
B11 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j lR small gray lump of clay with possible impression
D1 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j lR k110
D3 2002-09-05_R7QFAB1R.j lr r299 (41400 36845 - 8486 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j lR i87 (^ clay lump) sits in f237 (fill)
G3 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 697
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s320-AAH
J1 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j lR 2
J2 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j lR 1.2
K5 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j lR gray
P1 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR discarded
; A16.88
A20 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP maf
A21 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j !! uncertain
B10 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j fAB bead
B10 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP uncertain
B11 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP Metal slag with a porous glazed surface. The color is due to azurite found in copper.
B11 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP Probable slag of metal of almost circular shape. Porous surface with small holes and encrustations. The surface seems glazed. The color is due to the azurite connected with the presence of copper.
C10 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC this item was at first defined as a bead, probably in the field, but after cleaning was understood as a slag
D1 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j fAB k207
D3 2002-09-05_R7QFAB1R.j lr r300 (41260 37367 - 8558 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j fAB i88 (uncertain) sits in f268 (^ accumulation C)
G3 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j fAB associated q-lot: 701
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J4 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP 1.1
K5 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j fAB light blue
K5 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP blue
P2 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP ZSB 10.1.1
; A16.89
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2010-09-07_U907BH.j !! seal impression
A35 2007-08-09_R809PC.j pC L_V15d4607 A16.89 M929 gg si.jpg
B10 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j fAB ^ seal impression
B10 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH seal impression
B11 2002-09-11_N304LR.j sB small fragment of black clay, part of inscription
B11 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB part of small knot with one curved edge preserved and the rest broken. There are three horizontal lines as if register lines, below (or above, not clear the orientation of the design) unclear pattern with horizontal zigzags. Dark gray clay inside and outside
B11 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB part of small knot? one curved edge preserved, rest broken
D1 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j fAB k203
D3 2002-09-05_R7QFAB1R.j lr r301 (41751 37195 - 8545 / Relay location: @bottom)
D10 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB measured with preserved edge of the sealing on the left
F51 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j fAB i89 (seal impression) sits in f264 (^ accumulation C)
G3 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j fAB associated q-lot: 700
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J2 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 1.5
J3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 2.1
J7 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 1
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB cl
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB dark gray clay inside and outside
K5 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB very dark gray
K6 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB N/3
K11 2002-09-11_MX05SB.j sB small fragment
K13 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB three horizontal lines as if register lines, below (or above, not clear the orientation of the design) unclear pattern with horizontal zigzags
N1 2002-09-11_MX05SB.j sB Black clay,part of inscription
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4607 A16.89 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4608 A16.89 M929 gg si.jpg
O4 2002-09-20_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4615 A16.0089 M920 fk2 si f264.jpg
O4 2002-09-20_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4616 A16.0089 M920 fk2 si f264.jpg
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH in MKB office
; A16.90
A21 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2007-08-09_R809SC.j sC L_V15d4606 A16.90 M929 gg si.jpg
B10 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j fAB ^ seal impression
B11 2002-09-11_N304LR.j sB 3 small fragments, one just a chip, the larger fragment has the same geometric pattern as i91
B11 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB unclear impression, material is gray in color but may be secondarily fired
D3 2002-09-05_R7QFAB1R.j lr r302 (41769 37182 - 8849 / Relay location: @bottom)
D10 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB only largest fragment measured; it is measured with the seal impression at the top portion of the fragment
F51 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j fAB i90 (^ seal impression) sits in f264 (^ accumulation C)
G3 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j fAB associated q-lot: 700
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J2 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 1.5
J3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 1.1
J7 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 0.8
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB cl
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB gray but may be secondarily fired
K5 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB Dark Gray
K6 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 2.5Y4/1
K11 2002-09-11_MX05SB.j sB 3 small frags,one just a chip
K13 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB three tiny fragments the largest of which has a geometric pattern of crossed lines
K15 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB tiny seal with small thin lines
N1 2002-09-11_MX05SB.j sB the larger fragm has the same geometric pattern as 91
N3 2002-09-11_MX05SB.j sB cleaned
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4604 A16.90 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4605 A16.90 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4606 A16.90 M929 gg si.jpg
O4 2014-05-13_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4428 A16.0090 Y513 kF si f264.jpg
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH in MKB office
; A16.91
A21 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2007-08-09_R809SC.j sC L_V15d4586 A16.91 M929 gg si.jpg
B10 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j fAB ^ seal impression
B11 2002-09-11_N304LR.j sB one large piece plus small fragments of gray very strong. It has a geometric pattern repeated on two registers.
B11 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB one smooth surface but rest unclear
D1 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j fAB k203
D3 2002-09-05_R7QFAB1R.j lr r303 (41694 37189 - 8552 / Relay location: @bottom)
D10 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB measured with the largest preserved portion of the design above the double register line on top
F51 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j fAB i91 (^ seal impression) sits in f264 (^ accumulation C)
G3 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j fAB associated q-lot: 700
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J2 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 2.6
J3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 1.9
J7 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 1.1
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB cl
K5 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB Dark Gray
K6 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 10YR4/1
K11 2002-09-11_MX05SB.j sB one large piece plus small fragments
K13 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB two registers of an uneven geometric pattern; the small part preserved of the lower register appears to be done more regularly than the upper register
K15 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB geometric pattern with very thin lines
K99 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB same seal rolled as A16.90 but a larger piece
N1 2002-09-11_MX05SB.j sB grey clay,strong.It has a geometric pattern repeated on two register
N3 2002-09-11_MX05SB.j sB cleaned
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4584 A16.91 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4585 A16.91 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4586 A16.91 M929 gg si.jpg
O4 2014-05-13_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4426 A16.0091 Y513 kF si f264.jpg
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH in MKB office
; A16.92
A21 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2007-08-09_R809SC.j sC L_V15e5045 A16.92 Mx14 fab si.jpg
B10 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j fAB ^ seal impression
B11 2002-09-11_N304LR.j sB one large piece of a triangular section
B11 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB one flat sloping surface and place for a cord impression but no cord impression preserved. Color of clay is gray on the exterior and reddish inside
D1 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j fAB k203
D3 2002-09-05_R7QFAB1R.j lr r304 (41730 37172 - 8553 / Relay location: @bottom)
D10 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB measured with short trace of the bottom of the seal rolling down
F51 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j fAB i92 (^ seal impression) sits in f264 (^ accumulation C)
G3 2002-09-05_-MX12-99.j fAB associated q-lot: 700
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J2 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 2.8
J3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 2.3
J7 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 2.1
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB cl
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB gray on the exterior and reddish inside
K5 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB Light Brown
K6 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 7.5YR6/3
K11 2002-09-11_MX05SB.j sB one large piece of triangolar section
K13 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB one or two possible figures but badly preserved
K15 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB figures have wide full bodies
N3 2002-09-11_MX05SB.j sB cleaned
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5042 A16.92 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5043 A16.92 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5044 A16.92 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5045 A16.92 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O4 2002-09-22_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4618 A16.0092 M922 fk2 si f264.jpg
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH in MKB office
; A16.93
A20 2002-09-07_-MX12-99.j lR maf
A21 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j !! tool
A35 2007-08-09_R809SC.j sC L_V15d4619 A16.93 Mx05 sb ma.jpg
B10 2002-09-07_-MX12-99.j lR pin
B10 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR needle
B10 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB tool
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR long pin thicker at the top with a perforation then tapers out at the bottom.
B11 2002-09-21_N304LR.j sB bronze needle with broken head; the hole in it is quite large and oblong.
D1 2002-09-07_-MX12-99.j lR k207
D3 2002-09-07_R7QFAB1R.j ap r305 (41217 37225 - 8554 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-07_-MX12-99.j lR i93 (tool) sits in f268 (^ accumulation C)
G3 2002-09-07_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 703
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J2 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 6.6
J7 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 0.3
K3 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR metal
K10 2002-09-21_N304LR.j sB slightly bent
K11 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB bronze needle with broken head;the hole in it is quite large and oblonged,
N1 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB large needle, slightly bent
N3 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB treated by bA
N99 2002-09-21_N304LR.j sB once cleaned, it turned out to have a square section with a very sharp tip
O2 0000-00-00_W522LC.j x L_V15d7906 A16.93 x x ZC_before treatment.jpg
O2 0000-00-00_W522LC.j x L_V15d7907 A16.93 x x ZC_before treatment.jpg
O2 0000-00-00_W522LC.j x L_V15d7908 A16.93 x x ZC_before treatment.jpg
O2 0000-00-00_W522LC.j x L_V15d7909 A16.93 x x ZC_before treatment.jpg
O2 2002-09-24_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4541 A16.93 M924 gg ma bc.jpg
O2 2002-09-24_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4542 A16.93 M924 gg ma bc.jpg
O2 2002-10-05_A16V-M^.j sb L_V15d4619 A16.93 Mx05 sb ma.jpg
O4 2014-05-05_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4442 A16.0093 Y505 kF mt.jpg
O23 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB b.t gg M926
P2 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j lR to museum MZ15
P2 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB to Museum?
P99 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR to Conservation
P99 2002-09-21_N304LR.j sB should be sent to Museum
; A16.94
A20 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR maf
A21 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j !! tool
A35 2007-08-09_R809SC.j sC L_V15d4546 A16.94 M924 fab ma bc.jpg
B10 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR uncertain
B10 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB tool
B11 2002-09-07_-MX12-99.j aP fragments of metal object
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR three bronze fragments that fit together. Flat shaped possibly a metal blade.
D1 2002-09-07_-MX12-99.j aP k203
D3 2002-09-07_R7QFAB1R.j ap r306 (41578 37145 - 8548 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-07_-MX12-99.j aP i94 (tool) sits in f264 (^ accumulation C)
G3 2002-09-07_-MX12-99.j aP associated q-lot: 704
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
K3 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB metal
K11 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB small blade or scraper broken in 3 pieces
N1 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB very corroded surface, the inner core shown in section seems badly preserved
N3 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB treated by bA
N99 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB interesting shape
O2 2002-09-24_A16V-M^.j fab L_V15d4546 A16.94 M924 fab ma bc.jpg
O2 2008-09-04_A16V-S^.j !!! L_V21d9018 A16.94 S904 dM ma.jpg
O4 2014-05-05_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4438 A16.0094 Y505 kF mt.jpg
P2 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB ZSC-7
; A16.95
A21 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j !! ^ clay lump
B10 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR ^ clay lump
C33 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC All descriptive data missing
D1 2002-09-07_-MX12-99.j lR k203
D3 2002-09-07_R7QFAB1R.j ap r307 (41547 37157 - 8551 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-07_-MX12-99.j lR i95 (^ clay lump) sits in f264 (^ accumulation C)
G3 2002-09-07_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 704
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
P1 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR discarded since lump showed no visible signs of impression or working
; A16.96
A21 2002-09-09_-MX12-99.j !! ^ human body
A35 2007-08-09_R809SC.j sC L_V15d4020 A16v96 M909 gg.jpg
B10 2002-09-09_-MX12-99.j lR ^ human body
B11 2002-09-09_-MX12-99.j lR remains of burial a19
B11 2002-09-09_N304LR2.j lR The body i96 rests in the fetal position with the left shoulder in the ground head facing north. The right hand crosses over and lies next to the left shoulder. Two jars were found in the grave; i98 and i97. The complete burial constitutes a19.
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR The human remains of burial a19. The bones of this adult were placed in two boxes; one for the skull and the other for the body. The body was found 40cm below the top of the tomb lying in fetal position facing north.
D1 2002-09-09_-MX12-99.j lR k207
D3 2002-09-10_R7QFAB1R.j lr r340 (41265 37215 - 8514 / Relay location: 3cm north of forehead)
F51 2002-09-09_-MX12-99.j lR i96 (^ human body) sits in f277 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a19
G3 2002-09-09_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 729
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0096
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0096a
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0096b
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0097
O2 2007-08-14_A16V-R^.j lr L_V20d5014 A16.96 R814 lR ta 2 patella.jpg
O2 2007-08-14_A16V-R^.j lr L_V20d5015 A16.96 R814 lR ta right clavicle CCL.jpg
O2 2007-08-14_A16V-R^.j lr L_V20d5016 A16.96 R814 lR ta mandible.jpg
O2 2007-08-14_A16V-R^.j lr L_V20d5023 A16.96 R814 lR ta patella.jpg
O2 2007-08-14_A16V-R^.j lr L_V20d5024 A16.96 R814 lR ta mandible.jpg
O2 2007-08-14_A16V-R^.j lr L_V20d5025 A16.96 R814 lR ta mandible.jpg
O2 2007-08-14_A16V-R^.j lr L_V20d5026 A16.96 R814 lR ta mandible.jpg
O21 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR tight shot
P99 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR to Natural science lab
; A16.97
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! jar
A35 2007-08-09_R809SC.j sC L_V15d4639 A16.97 Mx09 ms cv.jpg
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB jar
B11 2002-09-09_-MX12-99.j lR carinated jar with 2 rope designs associated with burial a19
B11 2002-09-14_N304LR.j sB whole small jar with broken rim
B11 2002-09-20_N116LR3.j MISSING Complete jar with a rope design on the neck. Sent to conservation since the neck is over fired and flaking off, too delicate for further analysis at the moment.
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR jar with rope design on the neck. Jar in too fragile condition for description and sent to the conservator.
C1 2002-09-09_N304LR2.j lR The second vessel i97 is also a jar but much more complete than i98, both part of a19 burial. This vessel is white in color with a sharp neck and a rope design. The rim of the jar is in pieces and appears to mushroom out.
D1 2002-09-09_-MX12-99.j lR k207
D3 2002-09-10_R7QFAB1R.j ap r338 (41240 37301 - 8513 / Relay location: center bottom)
F51 2002-09-09_-MX12-99.j lR i97 (jar) sits in f277 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a19
G3 2002-09-09_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 729
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 18.5
J3 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 10 @rim
J3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 10
J7 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 0.7 @rim
K3 2002-09-14_N304LR.j sB white yellow ware, clay not very refined
K4 2007-10-16_RX16GB.j gB jar
K5 2002-09-09_-MX12-99.j lR white
K6 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 5Y8/1
K10 2002-09-14_N304LR.j sB in 5 pieces
K11 2002-09-14_MX05SB.j sB whole small jar with broken rim, 5 pieces
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Probably handmade, rough, inscised on shoulder
ZcaD1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 2
ZcaD2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC I
ZcaS1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC necked
ZcaS2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC flaring (necked)
M99 2002-09-14_N304LR.j sB from a burial
N1 2002-09-14_MX05SB.j sB coming from a burial, white yellow ware, not very refined
N3 2002-09-14_MX05SB.j sB glued the rim
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0096
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0096b
O2 2002-10-09_A16V-M^.j mc L_V15d4640 A16.97 Mx09 mc cv.jpg
O2 2002-10-09_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4639 A16.97 Mx09 ms cv.jpg
O4 2014-05-13_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4048 A16.0097 Y513 kF cv.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
; A16.97.1
A21 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j !! ^ sample
B10 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR ^ sample
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR soil sample inside jar i97 associated with burial a19
D1 2007-08-09_R809SC.j sC k207
; A16.98
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! jar
A35 2007-08-09_R809SC.j sC L_V15d4637 A16.98 Mx09 ms cv.jpg
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB jar
B11 2002-09-09_-MX12-99.j lR broken jar associated with burial a19
B11 2002-09-22_N304LR.j sB whole small jar
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR Orange colored jar found in burial a19, chaff tempered. Double rim with lower pointed and has a slightly convex base type xfx. Missing a portion of the rim but has been restored with plaster.
C1 2002-09-09_N304LR2.j lR The bottom of the vessel i98 remains intact and was found above the head to the north of the body.
D1 2002-09-09_-MX12-99.j lR k207
D3 2002-09-10_R7QFAB1R.j lr r339 (41267 37206 - 8515 / Relay location: center bottom)
F51 2002-09-09_-MX12-99.j lR i98 (jar) sits in f277 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a19
G3 2002-09-09_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 729
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J3 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 10
J4 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 5
K3 2002-09-22_N304LR.j sB cl
K3 2002-09-22_N304LR.j sB red ware
K3 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR Chaff Tempered
K4 2007-10-16_RX16GB.j gB jar
K5 2002-09-09_-MX12-99.j lR red
K10 2002-09-22_N304LR.j sB fragmented but in good condition
K11 2002-09-22_MX05SB.j sB whole small jar in pieces
ZcaS1 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR N
ZcaS1 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC necked
ZcaS2 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR straight
ZcaS2 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC flaring (necked)
ZcaS3 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 1
ZcaS3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 2
ZcaS4 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC base: flat, slightly convex
N1 2002-09-22_MX05SB.j sB red ware in goods condition
N3 2002-09-22_MX05SB.j sB glued by Stef; part of the neck and rim turned out to be missing and was reconstructed with tinted plaster
N3 2002-09-22_N304LR.j sB glued by Steff
N99 2002-09-22_N304LR.j sB part of the neck and rim turned out to be missing and was reconstructed with tinted plaster
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0096
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0096a
O2 2002-10-09_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4637 A16.98 Mx09 ms cv.jpg
O2 2002-10-09_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4638 A16.98 Mx09 ms cv.jpg
O4 2002-12-04_A16W15.j fa L_W15d4021 A16.0098 Mz04 fa cv.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
; A16.99
A21 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2007-08-09_R809SC.j sC L_V15d4569 A16.99 M929 gg si.jpg
B10 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB ^ seal impression
B11 2002-09-11_N304LR.j sB small fragment of black clay, part of an inscription
B11 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB unusual object as it has three short wide impressions near an irregular protrusion, which was filling a hole in the sealed container. Color of clay is dark gray on the outer surface but red inside
D1 2002-09-09_-MX12-99.j lR k205
D3 2002-09-07_R7QFAB1R.j ap r333 (41207 36810 - 8553 / Relay location: bottom)
F51 2002-09-09_-MX12-99.j lR i99 (^ seal impression) sits in f266 (^ accumulation C)
G3 2002-09-09_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 728
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J2 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 1.7
J3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 1.9
J7 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 1.8
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB cl
K5 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB Dark Gray
K5 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB dark gray but red inside
K6 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 10YR4/1
K11 2002-09-11_MX05SB.j sB small fragment
K13 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB two register lines below which is a figure facing right with one hand extended forward
K15 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB small figure, the head is a single drill hole, the shoulders are exaggerated and the outstretched hand is disproportionately large. Figure very flat
N1 2002-09-11_MX05SB.j sB Black clay,part of inscription
N3 2002-09-11_MX05SB.j sB cleaned
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4568 A16.99 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4569 A16.99 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4570 A16.99 M929 gg si.jpg
O4 2002-09-20_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4617 A16.0099 M920 fk2 si f266.jpg
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH in MKB office
; A16.100
A21 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2002-12-23_A16W15.j !! L_W15d4635 A16.0100 Mz23 fk2 si f286.jpg
B10 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR ^ seal impression
B11 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP Fragment of seal impression with double roll. On the upper part human or, more probably animal, legs. On the lower traces of impressions not readable. In the back concave place for the stick.
B11 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP fragment of seal impression with a double rolling
B11 2002-10-05_N304LR.j sB part of a sealing; strong gray clay with parts of two rollings; lower part of a scene with animal legs very well visible
D1 2002-09-09_M917LR.j lF k202
D3 2002-09-10_R7QFAB1R.j lr r347 (41848 36942 - 8533 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-09_M917LR.j lF i100 (^ seal impression) sits in f268 (^ accumulation C)
G3 2002-09-09_M917LR.j lF associated q-lot: 747
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP 2
J2 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP 2.7
J7 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP 1.3
K3 2002-10-05_MX05SB.j sB cl
K5 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP gray
K11 2002-10-05_MX05SB.j sB part of a sealing
N1 2002-10-05_MX05SB.j sB strong grey clay with parts of two rollings
N3 2002-10-05_MX05SB.j sB cleaned
N99 2002-10-05_MX05SB.j sB lower part of a scene with animal legs very well visible
O4 2002-12-23_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4635 A16.0100 Mz23 fk2 si f286.jpg
P99 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR to mKB
P99 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP to Conservation
; A16.101
A20 2002-09-09_M917LR.j lF maf
A21 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j !! pin
A35 2007-08-09_R809SC.j sC L_V15d4531 A16.101 M921 gg ma bc.jpg
B10 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR pin
B11 2002-09-09_M917LR.j lF pin found with the human remains in a19 burial. This pin was found with the bulb part next to the teeth of i96
B11 2002-09-20_N116LR3.j MISSING Complete bronze pin with a point at one end and the other forming a bulb.
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR long metal pin with a point in one end and the other forming a bulb.
C99 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB found in a burial, sticking out of a skull mouth
C99 2002-09-12_N304LR.j sB found in a burial, protruding out of the skull
D1 2002-09-09_M917LR.j lF k207
D3 2002-09-10_R7QFAB1R.j lr r348 (41274 37275 - 8505 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-09_M917LR.j lF i101 (pin) sits in f277 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a19
G3 2002-09-09_M917LR.j lF associated q-lot: 752
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J2 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 10.7
J7 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 0.4
K3 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR metal
K10 2002-09-20_N116LR3.j MISSING good
K11 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB whole pin
N1 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB very encrusted but metal could be in good condition
N3 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB treated by bA
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0097
O2 2002-09-21_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4531 A16.101 M921 gg ma bc.jpg
O2 2002-10-05_A16V-M^.j sb L_V15d4621 A16.101 Mx05 sb ma.jpg
O4 2014-05-05_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4444 A16.0101 Y505 kF mt.jpg
O23 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB b.t. gg M921
P2 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j lR to museum MZ15
; A16.102
A21 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j !! ^ figurine
A35 2007-08-09_R809SC.j sC L_V15d4527 A16.102 M914 gg ac.jpg
B10 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR ^ figurine
B11 2002-09-09_M917LR.j lF equid head
B11 2002-09-20_N116LR3.j MISSING Small clay head of an animal figurine with finger impressions visible on the clay surface. This item has a pinched face with perforated eyes and small ears.
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR small clay head of an animal figurine with finger impressions visible. Has a pinched face with perforated eyes and small ears.
D1 2002-09-09_M917LR.j lF k203
D3 2002-09-10_R7QFAB1R.j lr r349 (41754 37185 - 8532 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-09_M917LR.j lF i102 (^ figurine) sits in f286 (^ accumulation C)
G3 2002-09-09_M917LR.j lF associated q-lot: 749
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J2 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 2.1
J7 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 1
K3 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR cl
O2 2002-09-14_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4527 A16.102 M914 gg ac.jpg
O2 2002-09-14_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4528 A16.102 M914 gg.jpg
O2 2005-08-25_A16V-P^.j !!! L_V18d7063 A16.102 P831 dM.jpg
O2 2005-08-25_A16V-P^.j !!! L_V18d7064 A16.102 P831 dM.jpg
O2 2005-08-25_A16V-P^.j !!! L_V18d7065 A16.102 P831 dM.jpg
O2 2005-08-25_A16V-P^.j !!! L_V18d7066 A16.102 P831 dM.jpg
O2 2005-08-25_A16V-P^.j !!! L_V18d7067 A16.102 P831 dM.jpg
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4010 A16i102 U817 dM la f286.jpg
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4011 A16i102 U817 dM la f286.jpg
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4012 A16i102 U817 dM la f286.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 016-072
; A16.103
A20 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR maf
A21 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j !! earring
A35 2007-08-09_R809SC.j sC L_V15d4628 A16.103 Mx05 sb ma.jpg
B10 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB jewelry
B10 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR earring
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR thing round metal ring
D1 2002-09-09_M917LR.j lF k204
D3 2002-09-10_R7QFAB1R.j lr r350 (41667 37324 - 8531 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-09_M917LR.j lF i103 (earring) sits in f285 (^ accumulation C)
G3 2002-09-09_M917LR.j lF associated q-lot: 751
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J4 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 1.5
K3 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB metal
K11 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB bronze thin earring, whole
N3 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB treated by bA
O2 2002-09-24_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4544 A16.103 M924 gg ma bc.jpg
O2 2002-10-05_A16V-M^.j sb L_V15d4628 A16.103 Mx05 sb ma.jpg
O4 2014-05-03_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4449 A16.0103 Y503 kF mt.jpg
P2 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j lR to museum MZ15
; A16.104
A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact
A21 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j !! jewelry item
A35 2007-08-09_R809SC.j sC L_V15d4552 A16.104 M925 gg ma.jpg
B10 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j sB ^ jewelry item
B10 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP jewelry item
B11 2002-09-20_N116LR3.j MISSING Gold item with a bright shiny yellow color, thin and forms a cap, hollow inside with a perforation on the top end. This item may be a possible seal holder.
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR gold item with a bright shiny yellow color. This item may be a possible head or seal holder. This item is thin and forms a cap- hollow inside with a hole at the end.
B11 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP small part of gold object. The gold lamina is so thin that results almost deformes. The shape is similar to a cap with a circular hole in the top. There are two possible hypothesis about the use: it could be the upper part of a pendent or one of the extremities of a cylinder seal. No traces of decoration.
B11 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j lR Small gold artifact in the shape of a cap, hollow inside, with a small perforation at the top. Artifact is not decorated and may be the top portion of a pendant or a cylinder seal holder. This gold piece is made entirely of a very thin sheet of gold, resulting in a very fragile condition where the gold appears smashed and dented in certain areas.
D1 2002-09-09_M917LR.j lF k206
D3 2002-09-10_R7QFAB1R.j lr r351 (41095 36913 - 8553 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-09_M917LR.j lF i104 (jewelry item) sits in f287 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a13
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a17
G3 2002-09-09_M917LR.j lF associated q-lot: 753
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s270-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6c-AAH
J1 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 0.7
J4 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP 0.6
J7 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP 0.03
K3 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j sB metal
K5 2002-09-09_M917LR.j lF gold object
K10 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j sB good
K11 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j sB small gold object
N3 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j sB cleaned
O2 2002-09-25_A16O9TV.j gg L_V15d4552 A16.104 M925 gg ma.jpg
O4 2014-05-13_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4430 A16.0104 Y513 kF mt f286.jpg
P2 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j lR to museum MZ15
; A16.105
A20 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR caf
A21 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j !! unknown
A35 2007-08-11_R809SC.j sC L_V16d5013 A16.105 N802 gg.jpg
B10 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR unknown
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR flat rectangular clay piece with pinched sides forming a smooth curving shape to the rectangle. The shorter sides are pinched in which forms the curve. The object is baked consisting of a orange brown color with sand and calcar inclusions. This item may be an unfinished hominoid figurine.
D1 2002-09-11_M917LR.j lF k206
D3 2002-09-11_R7QFAB1R.j lf r353 (41193 36792 - 8529 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-11_M917LR.j lF i105 (unknown) sits in f289 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a22
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2002-09-11_M917LR.j lF associated q-lot: 759
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 2.4
J2 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 4.8
J4 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 3.2
J7 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 1.1
K3 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR cl
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH pink
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 5YR 8/3
O2 2003-07-30_W522LC.j gg L_V16d5014 A16.105 N802 gg.jpg
O2 2003-07-30_W522LC.j gg L_V16d5015 A16.105 N802 gg.jpg
O2 2003-07-30_W522LC.j gg L_V16d5016 A16.105 N802 gg.jpg
O2 2003-08-02_A16V-N^.j gg L_V16d5013 A16.105 N802 gg.jpg
O4 2014-05-30_A16W16.j kf L_W16d5412 A16.0105 Y530 kF li f289 k205.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 007-063
; A16.106
A20 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP maf
A21 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j !! uncertain
B10 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP uncertain
B11 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP Amorphous metal slag. Porous surface with white inclusions.
B11 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP Porous fragment of slag with white inclusions on surface.
D1 2002-09-11_M917LR.j lF k203
D3 2002-09-11_R7QFAB1R.j lf r354 (41668 37098 - 8520 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-11_M917LR.j lF i106 (uncertain) sits in f286 (^ accumulation C)
G3 2002-09-11_M917LR.j lF associated q-lot: 763
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP 0.7
J7 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP 0.3
K5 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP green
P2 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP ZSB 18.2
; A16.107
A20 2002-09-11_M917LR.j lR maf
A21 2002-10-05_MX05SB.j !! pin
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V21d9029 A16.107 S904 dM ma.jpg
B10 2002-10-05_MX05SB.j sB pin
B11 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP Bronze pin broken in two parts.
D1 2002-09-11_M917LR.j lR k207
D3 2002-09-11_R7QFAB1R.j lf r355 (41381 37193 - 8553 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-11_M917LR.j lR i107 (pin) sits in f294 (^ layer)
G3 2002-09-11_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 766
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP 7.4
J4 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP 0.3
K3 2002-10-05_MX05SB.j sB metal
K5 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP green with encrustations
K11 2002-10-05_MX05SB.j sB bronze pin broken in two parts
N1 2002-10-05_MX05SB.j sB very encrusted, slightly bent, the broken part is squarish in section, one point sharp
O2 2008-09-04_A16V-S^.j !!! L_V21d9029 A16.107 S904 dM ma.jpg
P2 2002-10-05_MX05SB.j sB ZSC-5
P99 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP to Conservation
; A16.108
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j !! v0104
B10 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB ^ seal impression
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR Seal impression with a seated figure visible. Sent to conservation for cleaning.
B11 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB typical container sealing that is triangular in section and tapers at one end, traces of at least two and possibly three cord impressions, the widest part at the base is slightly curved on one side and is of very thin clay, inside this part are cloth impressions. Upper part of front surface undulating but not clear the reason for this. The clay is gray in color, granular clay with some pebble inclusions, consistency of clay such that impression is clear even if lightly rolled.
D1 2002-09-11_M917LR.j lR k207
D3 2002-09-11_R7QFAB1R.j lf r356 (41152 37270 - 8558 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-11_M917LR.j lR i108 (^ seal impression) sits in f294 (^ layer)
G3 2002-09-11_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 766
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J2 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 3.3
J3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 2.9
J7 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 1.1
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB cl
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB gray, granular clay with some pebble inclusions, consistency of clay such that impression is clear even if lightly rolled
K5 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB Very Pale Brown
K6 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 10YR7/3
K11 2002-09-11_MX05SB.j sB one large fragment
K13 2002-09-11_N304LR.j sB Akkadian seal impression
K13 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB bearded figure of Shamash wearing a horned crown facing right, the one preserved arm held at waist level, the end of a diagonal element as if a staff below the hand, bearded deity with horned crown seated facing left holding an unclear object? stool decorated with square patterns and continues under the feet of the god as an attached foot rest, faint rays above his right shoulder (identifying the deity as Shamash), vertical single case inscription box, smaller figure facing right wearing a cap with striations (or can be interpreted as hair).
K15 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB typical Naram Sin or later presentation or adoration scene, the figure on the far right may have been added later as it is smaller and has a nose carved in a v shape which is typical for Post Imperial Akkadian seals. This figure is facing right and therefore would be facing the deity.
N1 2002-09-11_MX05SB.j sB well preserved, strong surface, slightly encrusted
N3 2002-09-11_MX05SB.j sB cleaned
N99 2002-09-11_MX05SB.j sB nice accadian seal impression
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0104
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0104a
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0105
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3176 A16.108 O726 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3177 A16.108 O726 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3178 A16.108 O726 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3179 A16.108 O726 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3180 A16.108 O726 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3181 A16.108 O726 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3182 A16.108 O726 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3821 A16.108 O725 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3822 A16.108 O725 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3823 A16.108 O725 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3824 A16.108 O725 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3825 A16.108 O725 gg si.jpg
O4 2002-09-24_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4611 A16.0108 M924 fk2 si f294.jpg
O4 2002-09-24_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4612 A16.0108 M924 fk2 si f294.jpg
O4 2002-09-24_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4614 A16.0108 M924 fk2 si f292.jpg
P2 2002-09-11_MX05SB.j sB to mKB
; A16.109
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2007-08-11_R809SC.j sC L_V15e5027 A16.109 Mx14 fab si.jpg
B10 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB ^ seal impression
B11 2002-09-12_M917LR.j lR animal scene
B11 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB door sealing but portion against door not preserved. clay very granular with portions secondarily fired. very large peg, one thick cord impression, a second smaller cord, rest unclear
D1 2002-09-12_M917LR.j lR k203
D3 2002-09-12_R7QFAB1R.j lr r357 (41646 37142 - 8513 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-12_M917LR.j lR i109 (^ seal impression) sits in f286 (^ accumulation C)
G3 2002-09-12_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 775
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J2 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 3
J3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 4.3
J7 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 1.6
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB cl
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB part secondarily fired, clay very granular
K5 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB Pinkish Gray Dark Bluish Gray
K6 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 7.5YR7/2 5PB4/1
K11 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB whole large piece of door sealing
K13 2002-09-12_N304LR.j sB 2 fighting animals plus a character
K13 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB part of two rollings both rolled in the same direction, top rolling: unclear but may be the head of a reversed lion, human in knee length skirt, caprid legs. Bottom rolling: rampant animal, possibly a lion facing right attacking? An unclear reversed animal that may be a bull with its head depicted top view on one side of the torso, rampant lion facing left also attacking the central animal, human holding a dagger facing left with the dagger raised against the lion
K15 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB dotted eye style figures with human body made with thin lines cut at right angles, few curved lines depicting the lion's bodies and bodies cut with sharp angle between surface of the figure and the background. Lion legs are long and very thin as are the appendages of the man. The four figures evenly distributed across the scene but from the top rolling it is not clear just how many figures there are in the scene.
N1 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB very encrusted; one half is light red clay, the other is burnt showing a greyish color
N3 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB cleaned
N99 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB 2 fighting animal plus a character
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5026 A16.109 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5027 A16.109 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5028 A16.109 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5029 A16.109 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5030 A16.109 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5031 A16.109 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5032 A16.109 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5033 A16.109 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5034 A16.109 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5035 A16.109 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O4 2002-09-22_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4620 A16.0109 M922 fk2 si f286.jpg
O4 2002-09-22_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4625 A16.0109 M922 fk2 si f286.jpg
O4 2002-09-22_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4626 A16.0109 M922 fk2 si f286.jpg
P2 2002-09-12_MX05SB.j sB to mKB
; A16.110
A20 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP maf
A21 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j !! uncertain
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V21d9117 A16.110 S904 dM ma.jpg
B10 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP uncertain
B11 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP three small fragments of bronze, probably part of a pin.
D1 2002-09-12_M917LR.j lF k203
D3 2002-09-12_R7QFAB1R.j lf r358 (41649 37011 - 8516 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-12_M917LR.j lF i110 (uncertain) sits in f286 (^ accumulation C)
G3 2002-09-12_M917LR.j lF associated q-lot: 775
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP 4
J4 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP 0.5
K5 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP green
O2 2008-09-04_A16V-S^.j !!! L_V21d9117 A16.110 S904 dM ma.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.111
A20 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j lR maf
A21 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j !! uncertain
A35 2014-05-30_A16W16.j !! L_W16d5418 A16.0111 Y530 kF li f292 k206.jpg
B10 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j lR uncertain
B11 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j lR bronze object with a rounded elongated body and an extremity protruding out of the body. The extremity is flat and creates a niche where the body and the extremity meets. The body tapers off and rounds out. This piece resembles a hook of some sort possibly for fishing or a spear head with a broken off point. Item was restored this season.
D1 2002-09-12_M917LR.j lF k206
D3 2002-09-12_R7QFAB1R.j ap r359 (41419 37086 - 8550 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-12_M917LR.j lF i111 (uncertain) sits in f292 (^ layer)
G3 2002-09-12_M917LR.j lF associated q-lot: 772
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J2 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j lR 2.2
J4 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j lR 1.1
J7 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j lR 0.4
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH green
O4 2014-05-30_A16W16.j kf L_W16d5418 A16.0111 Y530 kF li f292 k206.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN A12-A16-A20 Metal Obj
; A16.112
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2002-09-12_M917LR.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2007-08-11_R809SC.j sC L_V16d5038 A16.112 N813 gg.jpg
B10 2002-09-12_M917LR.j aP ^ seal impression
B11 0000-00-00_M913AP.j MISSING fragment of seal impression. On one side string traces. on the other concave space for the stick.
B11 2002-09-17_M913AP.j aP Sealing clay fragment with string impression on one side and a concave surface on the other
D1 2002-09-12_M917LR.j aP k206
D3 2002-09-12_R7QFAB1R.j ap r360 (41274 36778 - 8505 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-12_M917LR.j aP i112 (^ seal impression) sits in f289 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a22
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2002-09-12_M917LR.j aP associated q-lot: 773
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2002-09-17_M910AP.j aP 3.7
J2 2002-09-17_M910AP.j aP 2.1
J7 2002-09-17_M910AP.j aP 1.4
K3 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH clay
K5 2002-09-17_M910AP.j aP very dark gray/black
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 2.5Y N3/N2
O2 2003-08-13_A16V-N^.j gg L_V16d5038 A16.112 N813 gg.jpg
O2 2003-08-13_W522LC.j gg L_V16d5039 A16.112 N813 gg.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4051 A16i112 U818 dM si f289.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4052 A16i112 U818 dM si f289.jpg
O2 2010-08-18_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4053 A16i112 U818 dM si f289.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 011-012
; A16.113
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2007-08-11_R809SC.j sC L_V15d4601 A16.113 M929 gg si.jpg
B10 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB ^ seal impression
B11 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB peg impression with the face surface containing a thin layer of gray brown clay while the remaining portion of the sealing is gray.
D1 2002-09-12_M917LR.j aP k205
D3 2002-09-12_R7QFAB1R.j ap r361 (41246 36820 - 8530 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-12_M917LR.j aP i113 (^ seal impression) sits in f282 (^ layer)
G3 2002-09-12_M917LR.j aP associated q-lot: 781
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J2 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 2
J3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 1.9
J7 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 1.5
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB cl
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB surface of the face with the seal impression has a thin layer of gray brown clay while the remaining portion of the sealing is gray.
K4 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC jar
K5 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB Light Brownish Gray
K6 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 10RY6/2
K13 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB The only part that is clear is a head on the lower right looking right, above and to the right of this head is evidence of a hole in the original cylinder seal, above this hole are some geometric lines with another possible head on the upper right
K15 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB dotted eye style
ZcaS1 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC necked
ZcaS2 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC straight
ZcaS3 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC 4
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4601 A16.113 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4602 A16.113 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4603 A16.113 M929 gg si.jpg
O4 2002-09-22_A16W15.j flp L_W15d4602 A16.0113 M922 flp si f282.jpg
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH in MKB office
; A16.114
A1 2007-08-11_R809SC.j sC i115
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2002-09-13_M917LR.j !! jar
A30 2007-08-11_R809SC.j sC i114 is a almost complete ceramic vessel found inside a child burial (a20) in k206.
A35 2007-08-11_R809SC.j sC L_V15d4669 A16.115 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
B10 2002-09-13_M917LR.j aP jar
B11 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR ceramic vessel that includes i115. When a20 emerged we believed that the body rested on two different jars but after viewing it properly, they are from the same jar so i115 and i114 are combined.
C1 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j lR fragments of a jar next to i115 that are lying flat. See i115 for further description
D1 2002-09-13_M917LR.j aP k206
D3 2002-09-12_R7QFAB1R.j ap r368 (41355 36911 - 8556 / Relay location: @Southend)
F51 2002-09-13_M917LR.j aP i114 (jar) sits in f292 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a20
G3 2002-09-13_M917LR.j aP associated q-lot: 765
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 14
K3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware
K4 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC jar
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC i114 and i115 are the same vessel
ZcaS1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC necked
ZcaS2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC straight
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0099
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0105
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0107
O4 2002-12-13_A16W15.j fa L_W15d4043 A16.0114 Mz13 fa cv.jpg
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v110
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v110a
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v110b
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v112
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.115
A1 2007-08-11_R809SC.j sC i114
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! jar
A30 2007-08-11_R809SC.j sC i115 has been wrongly attribuited to some pottery sherds found inside a child burial (a20). In the field these pottery sherds were though to be part of a jar, but, later they turn to belong to i114, i.e. the ceramic vessel found within a20, the child burial in k206.
A35 2007-08-11_R809SC.j sC L_V15d4669 A16.115 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB jar
B11 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR combined ceramic vessel with i114. This item should be found as i114.
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR flat base jar slightly convex base type xfx. This item belongs to a burial a20 in which the remains of a small child were laid across the sherds of this incomplete broken vessel. Jar contains three incised lines for decoration and is a light green color. Jar has been restored. This jar contains i114 since initially we perceived that i114 and i115 were two different jars. When the body was removed and the jars removed it turns out that i114 and i115 are one jar. The label on the object reads i115 and should be referred to as i115.
B11 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo reconstructed round jar, complete rim and abour 1/2 of body, incised bands at base of neck and shoulder
C1 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j lR this jar rests on a "L" shape brick installation. Relays taken at middle of rim top and one at the base of i114 south side. This jar is fragmented and lies on one side with an intact rim. Body appears to be split in half and incomplete. Another jar i114 lies next to it touching i115 and both appear to rest on the same surface but when the surrounding area was excavated no traces of a floor were identified. This is quite puzzling since the brick installation and jars must be sitting on a floor unless this is a burial. It is currently unclear whether i115 and i114 constitute the same jar, both are the same color but there is currently too much soil to determine this.
C2 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j lR we will remove the fill inside these jars to see whether they are a burial then remove them
D1 2002-09-13_M917LR.j aP k206
D3 2002-09-12_R7QFAB1R.j ap r369 (41313 36883 - 8556 / Relay location: @NWrim)
F51 2002-09-13_M917LR.j aP i115 (jar) sits in f292 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a20
G3 2002-09-13_M917LR.j aP associated q-lot: 765
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo 38.2
J2 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo 32.7
J3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 14
J7 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo 1.82
K3 2002-09-28_N304LR.j sB cl
K3 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware
K3 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware
K4 2007-10-16_RX16GB.j gB jar
K5 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo very pale brown
K6 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo 10YR8/2
K10 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo incomplete
K11 2002-09-28_MX05SB.j sB half of a whitish jar used as a burial for a baby
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC i114 and i115 are the same vessel
ZcaD1 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR A
ZcaD2 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 3
ZcaS1 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR N
ZcaS1 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC necked
ZcaS2 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR flaring (necked)
ZcaS2 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC straight
ZcaS3 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 4
N1 2002-09-28_MX05SB.j sB surface is damaged by calcium carbonate white inclusion that have exploded
N3 2002-09-28_N304LR.j sB reconstructed by Steff
N99 2002-09-28_MX05SB.j sB half jar from neck to base
O1 2002-09-29_-MX12-99.j lR v0107
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4669 A16.115 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
O2 2003-08-05_A16V-N^.j gg L_V16d5029 A16.115 N805 gg.jpg
O2 2003-08-05_W522LC.j gg L_V16d5030 A16.115 N805 gg.jpg
O2 2003-08-05_W522LC.j gg L_V16d5031 A16.115 N805 gg.jpg
O2 2003-08-05_W522LC.j gg L_V16d5032 A16.115 N805 gg.jpg
O2 2003-08-05_W522LC.j gg L_V16d5033 A16.115 N805 gg.jpg
O2 2003-08-05_W522LC.j gg L_V16d5034 A16.115 N805 gg.jpg
O2 2003-08-11_A16V-N^.j gg L_V16d5036 A16.115 N811 gg.jpg
O4 0000-00-00_A16W16.j cv L_W16e5623 A16.0115 kf cv.jpg
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v110
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v110a
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v110b
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v112
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.116
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2007-08-15_R815MKB2.j !! figurine
A35 2007-08-11_R809SC.j sC L_V15e5060 A16.116 Mx15 fab si - f292.jpg
B10 2007-08-15_R815MKB2.j mkb figurine
B11 2002-09-13_M917LR.j aP figure of a female torso
B11 2002-09-18_N116LR3.j MISSING Torso of a female figurine, broken at the head with some of the neck intact. The figure has round protruding breasts and appears to have on a garment visible by small circular pieces of clay forming a strap on both sides similar to a sleeveless gown. The figure is broken just below the breasts, her arms are also broken.
B11 2007-08-15_R815MKB2.j mkb human female, flat on reverse, two breasts made from applied pellets pyramidal in shape. Small portion of right arm preserved extends straight out from the body and is raised slightly. There may be portions of her right hand supporting her right breast but this is uncertain. On the reverse, portions of a necklace draped over her shoulders and hanging down her back ending at mid torso with small trace of a single part hanging further down as a counterweight. Necklace was made of large beads applied as small balls of clay and then joined. A part of the necklace is preserved over the front of both shoulders
D1 2002-09-13_M917LR.j aP k206
D3 2002-09-12_R7QFAB1R.j ap r370 (41099 36901 - 8527 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-13_M917LR.j aP i116 (figurine) sits in f292 (^ layer)
G3 2002-09-13_M917LR.j aP associated q-lot: 783
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J2 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j lR 3.5
J99 2007-08-15_R815MKB2.j mkb thickness taken at right breast
K3 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j sB cl
K5 2007-08-15_R815MKB2.j mkb pink
K6 2007-08-15_R815MKB2.j mkb 7.5YR 7/3
K11 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j sB bust of human figurine, broken
K11 2007-08-15_R815MKB2.j mkb upper half of female torso, small part of neck, upper part of right arm, both breasts
N1 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j sB bust broken vertically between the breast, old break;there are 3 more fragments
N3 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j sB cleaned the crack, glued the 2 halves
O2 2002-10-15_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5060 A16.116 Mx15 fab si - f292.jpg
O2 2002-10-15_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5061 A16.116 Mx15 fab si - f292.jpg
O2 2002-10-15_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5062 A16.116 Mx15 fab si - f292.jpg
O2 2002-10-15_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5063 A16.116 Mx15 fab si - f292.jpg
O4 2014-05-21_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4412 A16.0116 Y521 kF li.jpg
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH in MKB office
; A16.117
A21 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2007-08-12_R809SC.j sC L_V17d3258 A16.117 O731 gg si.jpg
B10 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB ^ seal impression
B11 2002-09-13_N304LR.j sB large fragment of a sealing; black hard clay, nice part of a scene with a bull man fighting reverse lion plus palm tree
B11 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB one twisted leather strip and many narrower impressions in no order, which may be leather or fiber.
C1 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j lR this item was found while removing the gray ashy layer f292 but found in the reddish material to the west of f292 and was given a new feature number for this material, f293. It is difficult to separate these layers of gray and reddish material since there are a number of overlaying layers, refer to v94a. r371 was taken to indicate the location of the seal impression.
D1 2002-09-13_M917LR.j aP k206
D3 2002-09-12_R7QFAB1R.j ap r371 (41137 36927 - 8529 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-13_M917LR.j aP i117 (^ seal impression) sits in f292 (^ layer)
G3 2002-09-13_M917LR.j aP associated q-lot: 783
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 1.9
J2 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 2.5
J3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 4
J7 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 1.3
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB cl
K5 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 5PB4/1
K5 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB dark Bluish Gray
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH B5 3/1
K11 2002-09-13_MX05SB.j sB large fragm of a sealing
K13 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB reversed lion with head to the left and face seen from above, legs of the lion are on the right side of his body and his front paw is shown open and from above, the other leg is shown with the foot depicted in profile; bullman facing left holding with his left hand the open paw of the lion, his right arm is raised toware the lion, his head is in frontal view, palm tree with a date cluster hanging down from either side, some of the leaves seen from above, back leg of a third figure facing right it appears to be one leg of a hero (in this case the other leg would be raised on top of a reversed bull), part of head and horn of a reversed bull.
K15 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB this type of contest scene is unusual at Urkesh but not the first one we have had with reversed figures in the contest
N1 2002-09-13_MX05SB.j sB black hard clay,nice part of a scene with a bullman fighting reverse lion plus palm tree
N3 2002-09-13_MX05SB.j sB cleaned
O2 2002-10-15_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5056 A16.117 Mx15 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-15_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5057 A16.117 Mx15 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-15_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5058 A16.117 Mx15 fab si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3257 A16.117 O731 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3258 A16.117 O731 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3259 A16.117 O731 gg si.jpg
O4 2002-09-24_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4613 A16.0117 M924 fk2 si f292.jpg
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH in MKB office
Zsi5ba 2004-03-10_SEALS01.j MISSING bl
Zsi5ge 2004-03-10_SEALS01.j MISSING fr
Zsi5gr 2004-03-10_SEALS01.j MISSING no
Zsi5nu 2004-03-10_SEALS01.j MISSING 2
Zsi5th 2004-03-10_SEALS01.j MISSING to
; A16.118
A21 2002-09-13_M917LR.j !! ^ seal impression
B10 2002-09-13_M917LR.j aP ^ seal impression
B11 2002-09-29_L901LR.j aP fragment of seal impression. It's clear that in the surface something is impressed but it's not possible to distinguish the subject.
D1 2002-09-13_M917LR.j aP k203
D3 2002-09-12_R7QFAB1R.j ap r372 (41755 37067 - 8508 / Relay location: @bottom)
F51 2002-09-13_M917LR.j aP i118 (^ seal impression) sits in f286 (^ accumulation C)
G3 2002-09-13_M917LR.j aP associated q-lot: 788
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2002-09-29_L901LR.j aP 1.9
J2 2002-09-29_L901LR.j aP 1.2
J7 2002-09-29_L901LR.j aP 0.7
K3 2002-09-29_MX01AP.j aP cl
K5 2002-09-29_L901LR.j aP gray
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 7.5Y 5/1
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 011-013
; A16.119
A21 2002-03-09_MX01AP.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V23d4032 A16i119 U817 dM si f298.jpg
B10 2002-03-09_MX01AP.j aP ^ seal impression
B11 2002-03-09_MX01AP.j aP seal impression with traces of amorphous design. Flat surface. Concave space for the stick and very irregular surface.
D1 2002-09-13_M917LR.j lF k207
D3 2002-09-13_R7QFAB1R.j lf r406 (41172 37093 - 8493 / Relay location: @bottom of item)
F51 2002-09-13_M917LR.j lF i119 (^ seal impression) sits in f298 (^ pit)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2002-09-13_M917LR.j lF associated q-lot: 784
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2002-03-09_MX01AP.j aP 2.7
J2 2002-03-09_MX01AP.j aP 3.2
J7 2002-03-09_MX01AP.j aP 1.3
K3 2002-03-09_MX01AP.j aP cl
K5 2002-03-09_MX01AP.j aP very dark gray
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 10YR 3/1
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4032 A16i119 U817 dM si f298.jpg
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4033 A16i119 U817 dM si f298.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 011-013
; A16.120
A20 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j lR maf
A21 2002-09-30_MX05SB.j !! needle or pin
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V21d9110 A16.120 S904 dM ma.jpg
B10 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j lR uncertain
B10 2002-09-30_MX05SB.j sB needle or pin
B11 2002-09-18_N116LR3.j MISSING Long cylindrical piece of metal in two pieces, either a needle or end of a pin.
B11 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP fragment of bronze, probably belonging to a pin or a needle.
B11 2002-09-30_N304LR.j sB bronze tip of a tool probably a chisel tip, in good condition, squarish shaft, and rounded cylindrical tip
D1 2002-09-13_M917LR.j lF k206
D3 2002-09-13_R7QFAB1R.j lf r373 (41088 36882 - 8513 / Relay location: @bottom of item)
F51 2002-09-13_M917LR.j lF i120 (needle or pin) sits in f292 (^ layer)
G3 2002-09-13_M917LR.j lF associated q-lot: 783
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP 3.3
J2 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j lR 3.3
J7 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j lR 0.4
K3 2002-09-30_MX05SB.j sB metal
K10 2002-09-30_N304LR.j sB good
K11 2002-09-30_MX05SB.j sB bronze tip of a tool
N1 2002-09-30_MX05SB.j sB probably a chisel tip, in good condition, squarish shaft, rounded cilindrical tip
N3 2002-09-30_MX05SB.j sB cleaned by bA
O2 2008-09-04_A16V-S^.j !!! L_V21d9110 A16.120 S904 dM ma.jpg
O2 2008-09-04_A16V-S^.j !!! L_V21d9111 A16.120 S904 dM ma.jpg
O2 2008-09-04_A16V-S^.j !!! L_V21d9116 A16.120 S904 dM ma.jpg
O4 2014-05-05_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4451 A16.0120 Y505 kF mt.jpg
P2 2002-09-30_MX05SB.j sB ZSC-*
P99 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP cleaned by bA, to conservation sB
; A16.121
A21 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j !! ^ bead
B10 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP ^ bead
B11 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP Small stone bead, probably part of a necklace or a bracelet. Smoothed surface damaged around the internal diameter.
D1 2002-09-13_M917LR.j lF k207
D3 2002-09-13_R7QFAB1R.j lf r374 (41311 37333 - 8538 / Relay location: @bottom of item)
F51 2002-09-13_M917LR.j lF i121 (^ bead) sits in f294 (^ layer)
G3 2002-09-13_M917LR.j lF associated q-lot: 786
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J4 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP 0.7
J7 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP 0.5
K5 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP translucent orange
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 012-013
; A16.122
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2011-01-19_V119LC.j !! jar
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC v122
B10 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC jar
B11 2002-09-20_N116LR3.j MISSING Tan colored jar found along with i139, another ceramic vessel. Contains no rim. Below the neck are three incised lines. Body is egg shaped and has no base, simply rounding out on the bottom. Chaff tempered and contains salt encrustations on the outside surface.
C1 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j lR This item was discovered while clearing f299 pit. The item lies a few centimeters below the end of the pit. The body of the ceramic vessel was noticed first and part of the neck exposed. The jar rests at an angle (rim facing east) and appears slightly compressed with an egg shape. We will leave this jar in place until we come down on it from the top.
C1 2002-09-22_N303LR.j lR Three ceramic vessels were found with the body i156. One next to the feet i122 (similar to a19) and two vessels next to the head, i139 complete jar and i157 that was under i139.
C4 2002-09-22_N303LR.j lR We first removed i122 and i139 since we did not want to leave the ceramic vessels exposed over night. At the lab I removed the soil inside and made them into samples i146 and i147. The jar i122 was filled with soil containing some bone fragments but i139 only contained a dirt coating at the top and when removed exposed it hollow. gB suggested that it may have been filled with liquid which evaporated leaving only a coating of soil at the very top.
D1 2002-09-14_M917LR.j lF k206
D3 2002-09-14_R7QFAB1R.j lr r378 (41655 37069 - 8506 / Relay location: South edge middle)
F51 2002-09-14_M917LR.j lF i122 (jar) sits in f303 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a21
G3 2002-09-14_M917LR.j lF associated q-lot: 791
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J1 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 32
J3 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 10.5
K3 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR cl
K3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Chaff Tempered
K4 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC jar
ZcaD1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 2
ZcaD2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC I7
ZcaS1 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC necked
ZcaS2 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC straight
ZcaS2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC flaring (necked)
ZcaS3 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC 4
ZcaS3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 10
O4 2002-12-05_A16W15.j khl L_W15d4023 A16.0122 Mz05 khl cv (q0303).jpg
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v112
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v113
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v120
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v122
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v122a
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v122b
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
P99 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j aP to Natural science lab
; A16.123
A21 2002-09-14_M917LR.j !! ^ human body
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC v110a
B10 2002-09-14_M917LR.j lR ^ human body
B11 2002-09-18_M917AP.j aP Inside the jar we discovered a human body, belonging to a baby, of female sex (presence of earrings). The position is not fetal, the legs are open and the arms go down along the hips so it seems that the baby is sleeping. On the right and on the left ear lie small ring shaped bronze earrings. The bones, except for the skull are in a good state of preservation (we also found the fingers/fingers). Below the left foot, attached to the jar, are small salt crystals. The funerary set consisted of a pair of bronze earrings i124 and i134. No jars or bowls were found except for the jar in which the body was deposed i114. This burial may be associated with another burial that is emerging below this burial.
B11 2002-09-20_N116LR3.j MISSING Skeletal remains of a small child laid across the ceramic jar i114 and i115.
D1 2002-09-14_M917LR.j lR k205
D3 2002-09-14_R7QFAB1R.j ap r404 (41719 37003 - 8510 / Relay location: @bottom of item)
F51 2002-09-14_M917LR.j lR i123 (^ human body) sits in f304 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a20
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
K5 2002-09-14_M917LR.j lR remains of a small child laid across two halves of a ceramic vessel
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v110
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v110a
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v110b
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v112
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC to Natural science Lab
Zpa1df 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr hs
Zpa1mi 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr 1
Zpa2bs 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr unknown
Zpa2ba 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr infant
Zpa2da 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr infant, 5-12 months of age estimated through multiple aging techniques. The diaphyseal length of the long bones; Humerus 66mm, Ulna 85mm, radius 74mm, tibia 95mm, femur 113 mm using Hoppa 1992 suggests this is an infant of 12 months. Bone ossification places this infant within 9-12 months of age with the mandible fused (>6-9 months) while the vertebral bodies remain un-fused (<12 months) via Buikstra and Ubelaker 1994. Deciduous teeth formation estimates this infant within 5-10 months; canine at stage Crc= 5-8 months, molar 1 at stage r1/4= 5-10 months, and permanent molar 1 at Coc= 6 months via Moorees, Fanning and Hunt 1963; Smith 1991.
Zpa4pt 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr pr
Zpa4pl 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr left ulna, left fibula
Zpa4pd 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr The left ulna and fibula show signs of periostitis, an inflammation of the periosteum either through trauma or infection, with evidence of woven bone formation on the shaft that takes on a porous appearance. The inflammation is nonspecific resulting from either periostitis as the primary disease or as a secondary reaction of another disease. No other skeletal lesions where noted. In archaeological skeletal material, periosteal inflammation of the long bones forms the most common pathological condition recorded (Ortner 2003).
Zpa7sc 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr gd
Zpa7pr 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr The bones were found in good condition with 43% post cranium, 85% skull, and <75% of the ribs complete.
Zpa8bt 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr sj
Zpa8go 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr W-E
Zpa8bo 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr supine
Zpa8sf 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr north
Zpa8tp 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr early Khabur
Zpa9mu 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr 85
Zpa9mr 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr 74
Zpa9mt 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr 95
Zpa9mf 2007-08-06_R815LR.j lr 113
; A16.124
A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact
A21 2002-09-15_MX05SB.j !! ^ jewelry item
A30 2007-08-12_R809SC.j sC Complete copper-alloy earring found inside a female child burial (a20, i123) in k206. i124 was resting on the right ear of the female child skull, which seems to indicate that it was worn (see v110).
A35 2007-08-12_R809SC.j sC L_V15d4627 A16.124 Mx05 sb ma.jpg
B10 2002-09-15_MX05SB.j sB ^ jewelry item
B11 2007-08-12_R809SC.j sC Copper-alloy earring, with overlapping endings, circular sectioned hoop; complete.
C99 2002-09-15_N304LR.j sB found in a child burial
D1 2007-08-12_R809SC.j sC k205
D3 2007-08-12_R809SC.j sC r404
F51 2007-08-12_R809SC.j sC i124 (^ jewelry item) sits in f304 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a20
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
K3 2002-09-15_MX05SB.j sB metal
K11 2002-09-15_MX05SB.j sB whole bronze earring
O2 2002-09-21_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4536 A16.124 M921 gg ma bc.jpg
O2 2002-10-05_A16V-M^.j sb L_V15d4627 A16.124 Mx05 sb ma.jpg
O4 2014-05-03_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4450 A16.0124 Y503 kF mt.jpg
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v110
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v110a
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v110b
O23 2002-09-15_MX05SB.j sB b.t. gg M921
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
; A16.125
A20 2002-09-14_M917LR.j lR maf
A21 2002-09-14_M917LR.j !! earring
A30 2007-08-12_R809SC.j sC i125 is a copper-alloy earring found inside a child burial (a20) in k206.
B10 2002-09-14_M917LR.j lR earring
B11 2002-09-14_L818LR3.j lR bronze earring found with the burial i123
D1 2007-08-12_R809SC.j sC k205
D3 2007-08-12_R809SC.j sC r404
F51 2002-09-14_M917LR.j lR i125 (earring) sits in f301 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a20
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2002-09-14_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 796
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.126
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2007-07-19_R719SG.j sG L_V17d3132 A16.126 O725 gg si.jpg
B10 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB ^ seal impression
B11 2002-09-15_N304LR.j sB small squarish fragment of a sealing; black-fired clay
B11 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB reverse broken, seal impression with a dark gray exterior and interior
B11 2004-09-10_O910MKB.j mKB all surfaces broken except sealed surface
D1 2002-09-14_M917LR.j lR k202
D3 2002-09-14_R7QFAB1R.j ap r405 (41668 36944 - 8510 / Relay location: @bottom of item)
D10 2004-09-10_O910MKB.j mKB measured along the axis of the design
F51 2004-09-10_O910MKB.j mKB i126 (^ seal impression) sits in f301 (^ layer)
G3 2002-09-14_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 796
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J2 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 2
J3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 1.9
J7 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 0.7
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB cl
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB dark gray exterior and interior of the clay
K3 2004-09-10_O910MKB.j mKB gray with no visible inclusions
K5 2002-09-15_MX05SB.j sB black fired clay
K5 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB Very Dark Gray
K6 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 2.5Y3/1
K11 2002-09-15_MX05SB.j sB small squarish frag of a sealing
K13 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB Figure facing right drinking from a straw, his hand holding the straw. This figure wears a belt and has a pattern on the top of the skirt which is broken off. Next to the straw is a vertical extending above the straw. A second diagonal straw is held by a second figure, but the rest of this figure is missing.
K15 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB Head of the figure is a rectangle with an interior depression almost the same shape as the rectangle. In the center of this depression is a raised dot for the eye. The nose is made by a short line and the chin is a point at the end of one side of the rectangle. In the back the rectangle is slightly elongated and thickened to indicate hair.
K15 2004-09-10_O910MKB.j mKB The preserved figure has a head drawn as a rectangular outline with the nose as an extension of part of the rectangle and large eye made with a dingle drill hole in the center of the rectangle.
N3 2002-09-15_MX05SB.j sB cleaned
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4579 A16.126 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4580 A16.126 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4581 A16.126 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3099 A16.126 O725 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3130 A16.126 O725 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3131 A16.126 O725 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3132 A16.126 O725 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3133 A16.126 O725 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3260 K1q193-i O731 gg si.jpg
O4 2002-09-20_A16W15.j flp L_W15d4603 A16.0126 M920 flp si f301.jpg
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH in MKB office
; A16.127
A20 2002-09-15_M917LR.j lR maf
A21 2002-09-15_M917LR.j !! unknown
B10 2002-09-15_M917LR.j lR unknown
B11 0000-00-00_M913AP.j MISSING Small bronze fragment. Since it was found among the bones in f286 within k203, it could be a part of something buried with the human body.
B11 2002-09-17_M913AP.j aP small bronze fragment found among the bones associated to a burial in f286 k203.
D1 2002-09-15_M917LR.j lR k203
D3 2002-09-15_R7QFAB1R.j lf r407 (41604 37147 - 8505 / Relay location: @bottom of item)
F51 2002-09-15_M917LR.j lR i127 (unknown) sits in f286 (^ accumulation C)
G3 2002-09-15_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 805
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2002-09-17_M910AP.j aP 1
J2 2002-09-17_M910AP.j aP 0.5
J7 2002-09-17_M910AP.j aP 0.3
K5 2002-09-17_M910AP.j aP blue/green with encrustations
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 029-038
; A16.128
A20 2002-09-15_M917LR.j lR maf
A21 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j !! ^ pin
A35 2007-07-19_R719SG.j sG L_V15d4620 A16.128 Mx05 sb ma.jpg
B10 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j sB ^ pin
B11 2002-09-18_N304LR.j sB encrusted
B11 2002-09-18_N304LR.j sB whole small eye head pin
B11 2007-08-12_R809SC.j sC Plain copper alloy pin, rolled-head, square sectioned shaft tapering toward pointed end, complete.
D1 2002-09-15_M917LR.j lR k208
D3 2002-09-15_R7QFAB1R.j lf r408 (41418 37442 - 8554 / Relay location: @bottom of item)
F51 2002-09-15_M917LR.j lR i128 (^ pin) sits in f307 (^ accumulation)
G3 2002-09-15_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 810
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
K3 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j sB metal
K11 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j sB whole small pin
N1 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j sB encrusted
N3 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j sB treated by bA
O2 0000-00-00_W522LC.j x L_V15d7918 A16.128 x x ZC_before treatment.jpg
O2 0000-00-00_W522LC.j x L_V15d7919 A16.128 x x ZC_before treatment.jpg
O2 2002-09-24_A16V-M^.j fab L_V15d4547 A16.128 M924 fab ma bc ac.jpg
O2 2002-10-05_A16V-M^.j sb L_V15d4620 A16.128 Mx05 sb ma.jpg
O4 2014-05-05_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4443 A16.0128 Y505 kF mt.jpg
P2 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j lR to museum MZ15
; A16.129
A21 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j !! uncertain clay artifact
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V23d4015 A16i129 U817 dM ca f309.jpg
B10 2002-09-15_M917LR.j lR ^ figurine
B10 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j aP uncertain clay artifact
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j aP Clay piece appears like an anthropomorphic shape with a round torso and nubs for the arms, no head. The thickness increases at the bottom and rounds off.
D1 2002-09-15_M917LR.j lR k206
D3 2002-09-15_R7QFAB1R.j lf r409 (41494 37249 - 8518 / Relay location: @bottom of itme)
F51 2002-09-15_M917LR.j lR i129 (uncertain clay artifact) sits in f309 (^ layer)
G3 2002-09-15_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 814
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s490-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h4m-AAH
J1 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j aP 2.7
J4 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j aP 1.5
J7 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j aP 1
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4015 A16i129 U817 dM ca f309.jpg
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4016 A16i129 U817 dM ca f309.jpg
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4017 A16i129 U817 dM ca f309.jpg
O4 2014-05-30_A16W16.j kf L_W16d5417 A16.0129 Y530 kF li f309 k206.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 007-026
; A16.130
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j !! bowl
A30 2007-08-12_R809SC.j sC complete carinated bowl (reconstructed from several pieces) found aprox. 100cm north to a female child burial (a20) in k206.
A35 2007-07-20_R720SG.j sG L_V15d4633 A16.130 Mx09 ms cv.jpg
B10 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB bowl
B11 2002-09-21_N304LR.j sB Whole carinated bowl in pieces. There is a large hole at the bottom with uneven break.
D1 2002-09-15_M917LR.j lR k207
D3 2002-09-16_R7QFAB1R.j ap r410 (41379 37025 - 8525 / Relay location: between the two halves)
F51 2002-09-15_M917LR.j lR i130 (bowl) sits in f306 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a20
G3 2002-09-15_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 798
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 5.7
J3 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 13.2 @rim
J3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 13
J7 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 0.3 @rim
K3 2002-09-21_N304LR.j sB cl
K3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware
K4 2007-10-16_RX16GB.j gB bowl
K5 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc pinkish white
K6 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 7.5YR 8/2
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Ware added based on photograph
ZcaS1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC carinated
ZcaS2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC rounded (carination)
ZcaS3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 1
N1 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB There is a large hole at the bottom with uneven break
N3 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB glued
O2 2002-10-09_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4633 A16.130 Mx09 ms cv.jpg
O4 2014-05-13_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4049 A16.0130 Y513 kF cv.jpg
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v112
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
; A16.131
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC L_V15e5051 A16.131 Mx15 fab si.jpg
B10 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB ^ seal impression
B11 2002-09-15_N304LR.j sB one large piece of sealing plus two freshly broken fragments
B11 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB dark gray on exterior and red interior
D1 2002-09-15_M917LR.j lR k205
D3 2002-09-16_R7QFAB1R.j ap r411 (41225 37570 - 8510 / Relay location: @bottom of item)
F51 2002-09-15_M917LR.j lR i131 (^ seal impression) sits in f310 (^ layer)
G3 2002-09-15_M917LR.j lR associated q-lot: 819
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J2 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 2.3
J3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 3.2
J7 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 1.5
K3 2002-09-15_N304LR.j sB gray over fired clay, reddish inside
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB cl
K5 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB Dark Gray
K6 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 7.5YR4/1
K11 2002-09-15_MX05SB.j sB one large piece of sealing plus two freshly broken frags
K13 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB seated figure in flounced garment facing right with one hand raised and one hand on lap, figure facing right with one hand on lap of seated figure, standing figure facing left, bottom portion of inscription box, small seated figure facing right with hand to cheek
K15 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB seal of Uqnitum q4.
N1 2002-09-15_MX05SB.j sB grey overifired clay, reddish inside
N3 2002-09-15_MX05SB.j sB glued the 2 pieces, cleaned
N99 2002-09-15_MX05SB.j sB nice impression of Uqnitum with lire player
O2 2002-10-15_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5051 A16.131 Mx15 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-15_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5052 A16.131 Mx15 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-15_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5053 A16.131 Mx15 fab si.jpg
O4 2002-09-21_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4608 A16.0131 M921 fk2 si f310.jpg
O4 2002-09-21_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4609 A16.0131 M921 fk2 si f310.jpg
O4 2002-09-21_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4610 A16.0131 M921 fk2 si f310.jpg
P2 2002-09-15_MX05SB.j sB to mKB
; A16.132
A20 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP laf
A21 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j !! lithic tool
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V23d4013 A16i132 U817 dM la f309.jpg
B10 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP lithic tool
B11 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP Lithic arrow, teardrop in shape with two flat smoothed surfaces, edges are worked evenly and seriated and are very regular. The material could be alabaster.
D1 2002-09-17_M917LR.j lF k206
D3 2002-09-17_R7QFAB1R.j ap r412 (42289 37461 - 8511 / Relay location: bottom of object)
F51 2002-09-17_M917LR.j lF i132 (lithic tool) sits in f309 (^ layer)
G3 2002-09-17_M917LR.j lF associated q-lot: 825
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s490-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h4m-AAH
J1 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP 3.2
J2 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP 3
J7 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP 0.5
K5 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP whitish
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4013 A16i132 U817 dM la f309.jpg
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4014 A16i132 U817 dM la f309.jpg
O4 2014-05-30_A16W16.j kf L_W16d5411 A16.0132 Y530 kF li f309 k206.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 016-009
; A16.133
A20 !!_!! !! other
A21 2002-09-29_MX05SB.j !! tool
B10 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP pin
B10 2002-09-29_MX05SB.j sB tool
B11 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP small fragment of bronze,probably the pointed end of a pin.
B11 2002-09-29_N304LR.j sB point of a chisel?. short point of a tool, the tip is very sharp, the other end has a larger, squarish section
D1 2002-09-17_M917LR.j lF k206
F51 2002-09-17_M917LR.j lF i133 (tool) sits in f309 (^ layer)
G3 2002-09-17_M917LR.j lF associated q-lot: 825
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s490-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h4m-AAH
J1 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP 2.1
J4 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP 0.4
K3 2002-09-29_MX05SB.j sB metal
K5 2002-09-28_MX01AP.j aP green
N1 2002-09-29_MX05SB.j sB short point of a tool, the tip is very sharp, the other end has a larger, squarish section
N3 2002-09-29_MX05SB.j sB treated by bA
P2 2002-09-29_MX05SB.j sB ZSC-8
; A16.134
A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact
A21 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j !! ^ jewelry item
A30 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC Complete copper-alloy earring, found inside a female child burial (a20, i123) in k206, below the skull, at the height of the left ear.
A35 2007-07-20_R720SG.j sG L_V15d4537 A16.134 M921 gg ma bc.jpg
B10 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j sB ^ jewelry item
B11 2002-09-18_N304LR.j sB whole small bronze earring; same as i124, found on other side of the skull from a child burial
B11 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC Copper-alloy earring, with overlapping endings, circular sectioned hoop; complete. It is similar to i124, the copper-alloy earring found while exposing the child skull (this was resting at the height of the right ear).
D1 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j aP k205
D3 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC r404
F51 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j aP i134 (^ jewelry item) sits in f304 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a20
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
K3 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j sB metal
K10 2002-09-18_N304LR.j sB it is less encrusted than the other i124, it looks thinner, needs only a superficial cleaning
K11 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j sB whole small bronze earring
K99 2002-09-18_N225LR2.j aP Bronze earring found on the left side of the body i123 from a20, see also i124 the matching earring
N1 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j sB same as i124, found on other side of baby skull
N99 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j sB it is less encrusted than the other, it looks thinner, needs only a superficial cleaning
O2 2002-09-21_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4537 A16.134 M921 gg ma bc.jpg
O4 2014-06-18_A16W17.j kf L_W17d9602 A16.0134 Y618 kF ma.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ17
P2 2002-09-18_MX05SB.j sB for bA to treat
P2 2002-09-18_N304LR.j sB ZSC-14
; A16.135
A21 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC L_V15e5047 A16.135 Mx15 fab si.jpg
B10 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB ^ seal impression
B11 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB Typical container sealing with a triangular section but unusual because it has no traces of a peg impression. Two leather strap impressions, narrow peg impression through the base. Rolled twice on the preserved portion in usual manner from end to end with no over rolling. Rolled so that heads are facing opposite directions. The sealing contains a gray exterior with a gray brown interior.
D1 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j aP k205
D3 2002-09-17_R7QFAB1R.j lf r414 (41303 36852 - 8493 / Relay location: bottom of object)
D10 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB measured with attendant behind queen standing up
F51 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j aP i135 (^ seal impression) sits in f313 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a27
G3 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j aP associated q-lot: 829
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J2 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 2.3
J3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 3.8
J7 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 1.8
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB cl
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB gray exterior with gray brown interior
K5 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB Dark Gray
K6 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 10YR4/1
K13 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB small portion of chair (of singer), feet (of both singer and lyre player), skirt of attendant (standing behind queen), braid of queen hanging down (no braid ornament visible), patterned top of stool (of the queen)
K15 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB Uqnitum seal but not enough of scene to determine if it is q4-8
O2 2002-10-15_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5046 A16.135 Mx15 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-15_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5047 A16.135 Mx15 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-15_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5048 A16.135 Mx15 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-15_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5049 A16.135 Mx15 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-15_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5050 A16.135 Mx15 fab si.jpg
O4 2014-05-20_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4409 A16.0135 Y520 kF si f313.jpg
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH in MKB office
; A16.136
A21 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2007-07-20_R720SG.j sG L_V15d4566 A16.136 M925 gg si ac.jpg
B10 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB ^ seal impression
B11 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB Large peg impression about 1.6cm in diameter containing a semi-flat base with many chaff impressions. The impression is a dark gray color, heavily secondarily fired.
D1 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j aP k203
D3 2002-09-17_R7QFAB1R.j lf r415 (41641 37035 - 8492 / Relay location: bottom of object)
F51 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j aP i136 (^ seal impression) sits in f314 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a27
G3 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j aP associated q-lot: 830
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J2 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 4.2
J3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 1.9
J7 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 2
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB cl
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB dark gray, heavily secondarily fired
K5 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB Dark Gray
K6 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB N/4
K13 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB two rollings both with heads in the same direction, lower rolling upper register: standing figure in short skirt facing right holding a curved object (fan) above the back of the head of a seated person facing right wearing a medium length skirt, table with a rectangular object on top? Lower register: stylized flower on the right. Upper rolling upper register: standing figure in short skirt facing left? Standing figure in short skirt facing right with one arm raised. Lower register: unclear figure, bird with body frontally positioned and head with pointed beak in profile, bird with body in profile?
K15 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB seal design divided into two parts with a single horizontal line separating them, the lower register is narrower than the upper
O2 2002-09-25_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4564 A16.136 M925 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-25_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4565 A16.136 M925 gg si ac.jpg
O2 2002-09-25_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4566 A16.136 M925 gg si ac.jpg
O2 2002-09-25_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4567 A16.136 M925 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4571 A16.136 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4572 A16.136 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4573 A16.136 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4574 A16.136 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-10-15_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5054 A16.136 Mx15 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-15_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5055 A16.136 Mx15 fab si.jpg
O4 2002-09-24_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4628 A16.0136 M924 fk2 si f314.jpg
O4 2002-09-24_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4629 A16.0136 M924 fk2 si f314.jpg
O4 2002-09-25_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4627 A16.0136 M925 fk2 si f314.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.137
A20 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR maf
A21 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j !! unknown
A35 2007-07-20_R720SG.j sG L_V15d4660 A16.137 Mx10 fab ma.jpg
A35 2007-07-20_R720SG.j sG L_V15d4661 A16.137 Mx10 fab ma.jpg
B10 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR unknown
B11 2002-09-20_N116LR3.j MISSING Solid piece of bronze in the shape of a bovis head, with long slits for the eyes, protruding muzzle. Possibly the head of a pin, or a pendant.
B11 2002-09-21_N304LR.j sB whole finished piece possibly the head of a cow?
D1 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j aP k205
D3 2002-09-19_R7QFAB1R.j ap r416 (41150 36959 - 8510 / Relay location: bottom of ma)
F51 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j aP i137 (unknown) sits in f313 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a27
G3 2002-09-18_-MX12-99.j aP associated q-lot: 833
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J1 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 1.7
J2 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 2.1
K3 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB metal
K10 2002-09-21_N304LR.j sB Very corroded bronze
K11 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB whole finished piece
N1 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB possibly the head of a cow? Very corroded bronze
O2 2002-09-21_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4532 A16.137 M921 gg ma bc.jpg
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j fab L_V15d4657 A16.137 Mx10 fab ma.jpg
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j fab L_V15d4658 A16.137 Mx10 fab ma.jpg
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j fab L_V15d4659 A16.137 Mx10 fab ma.jpg
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j fab L_V15d4660 A16.137 Mx10 fab ma.jpg
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j fab L_V15d4661 A16.137 Mx10 fab ma.jpg
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j fab L_V15d4662 A16.137 Mx10 fab ma.jpg
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j fab L_V15d4663 A16.137 Mx10 fab ma.jpg
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j fab L_V15d4664 A16.137 Mx10 fab ma.jpg
O4 2014-05-05_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4445 A16.0137 Y505 kF mt.jpg
P2 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j lR to museum MZ15
P2 2002-09-21_MX05SB.j sB for bA to treat
; A16.138
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! jar
A35 2007-08-03_R803PC.j !! v121
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB jar
B11 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP Five fragments belonging to the shoulder of a ceramic vessel with a rope decoration, ware RC1, the rim and base not preserved.
B11 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo 4 fragments of a jar
B20 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP 5
C1 2002-09-19_M919LR.j lR yesterday this item was uncovered while removing the last 10cm of red material on top of the stones. We are referring to it as a pot smash since there are several sherds from the same vessel lying right on the stone pavement suggesting they were smashed. The sherds were triangulated today and we will keep them in situ for a photograph.
D1 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j aP k204
D3 2002-09-19_R7QFAB1R.j ap r417 (41971 37469 - 8481 / Relay location: middle of cv)
F51 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j aP i138 (jar) sits in f314 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a27
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J1 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo 9.4
J2 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo 13.7
J7 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP 2.1
J7 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo 4.12
K3 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware
K3 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP cl
K3 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo Chaff Tempered
K4 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo jar
K5 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP pale red
K5 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo pinkish white
K6 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo 7.5YR8/2
K10 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo incomplete
K99 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j aP Pot smash on the stone pavement a12
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC pot smash, excavation photos only
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v121
P99 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP to Conservation
; A16.139
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! jar
A35 2007-07-20_R720SG.j sG L_V15d4665 A16.139 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB jar
B11 2002-09-20_N116LR3.j MISSING Light tan colored complete jar, chaff tempered with a long neck and double rim (the lower rim is pointed). Incised below the neck with three lines. The body is egg shaped.
C1 2002-09-22_N303LR.j lR Three ceramic vessels were found with the body. One next to the feet i222 (similar to a19) and two vessels next to the head, i139 complete jar, and i157 that was under i139. The ceramic vessel i139 is in wonderful condition but i157 a cooking vessel appears fragmented. The condition of i157 is noted as fragile since it is fragmented and cracking.
C4 2002-09-22_N303LR.j lR We first removed i122 and i139 since we did not want to leave the ceramic vessels exposed over night. At the lab I removed the soil inside and made them into samples i146 and i147. The jar i122 was filled with soil containing some bone fragments but i139 only contained a dirt coating at the top and when removed exposed it hollow. gB suggested that it may have been filled with liquid which evaporated leaving only a coating of soil at the very top.
C99 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR found in a burial
D1 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j aP k205
D3 2002-09-19_R7QFAB1R.j ap r418 (41385 36937 - 8523 / Relay location: top of cv)
F51 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j aP i139 (jar) sits in f316 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a21
G3 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j aP associated q-lot: 791
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J1 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 27
J3 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 10.9
J3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 10
J5 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 8
K3 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR cl
K3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Chaff Tempered
K4 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC jar
K10 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR excellent
K99 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j aP in situ located on the western side similar to i122
ZcaD1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 2
ZcaD2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC I7
ZcaS1 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC necked
ZcaS2 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC straight
ZcaS2 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC flaring (necked)
ZcaS3 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC 4
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4665 A16.139 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
O4 2002-12-08_A16W15.j fa L_W15d4036 A16.0139 Mz08 fa cv f316.jpg
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v120
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v122
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v122a
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v122b
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v131
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v131b
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to DeZ Museum in MZ15
; A16.140
A20 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! unknown
A35 2007-07-20_R720SG.j sG L_V16d5037 A16.140 N812 gg.jpg
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB unknown
B11 2002-09-19_V119LC.j lR Large fragments of thick pottery smashed.
C1 2002-09-19_M919LR.j lR yesterday we uncovered this item which we have called a potsmash. This vessel does not contain any base nor rim and consists of large fragments of thick pottery. They were all found lying outside down. We triangulated this item then photographed in relation to the burnt area to the east and the stone pavement to the north. It was removed this morning.
D1 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j lR k202
D3 2002-09-19_R7QFAB1R.j ap r419 (41700 36840 - 8509 / Relay location: middle of cv)
F51 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j lR i140 (unknown) sits in f301 (^ layer)
G3 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 835
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
K3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware
K99 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j lR ceramic vessel lying on the red phase 4 material, several large body sherds flat on the red.
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Unclear if this is a base
ZcaS4 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC base: rounded
O2 2003-08-12_A16V-N^.j gg L_V16d5037 A16.140 N812 gg.jpg
O4 2002-12-13_A16W15.j fa L_W15d4042 A16.0140 Mz13 fa cv (q0301).jpg
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v116
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v116a
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.141
A21 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2007-07-20_R720SG.j sG L_V15d4582 A16.141 M929 gg si.jpg
B10 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB ^ seal impression
B11 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB unclear, seal impression is dark gray and secondarily fired
D1 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j aP k206
D10 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB measured with the one preserved end of the rolling on the right
F51 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j aP i141 (^ seal impression) sits in f313 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a27
G3 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j aP associated q-lot: 837
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J2 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 1.6
J3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 1.5
J7 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB 0.7
K3 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB cl
K5 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB dark gray secondarily fired
K6 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB N/5
K13 2002-09-21_M921MKB.j mKB geometric motif
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4582 A16.141 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4583 A16.141 M929 gg si.jpg
O4 2014-05-13_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4427 A16.0141 Y513 kF si f313.jpg
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH in MKB office
; A16.142
A20 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j aP maf
A21 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j !! uncertain
B10 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j aP uncertain
B11 2002-09-29_MX01AP.j aP part of a bronze object, probably a pin or a needle. The extremities (point and end) are not preserved.
D1 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j aP k205
D3 2002-09-19_R7QFAB1R.j ap r421 (41234 36876 - 8500 / Relay location: bottom of ma)
F51 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j aP i142 (uncertain) sits in f318 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a27
G3 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j aP associated q-lot: 839
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J1 2002-09-29_MX01AP.j aP 4.6
J4 2002-09-29_MX01AP.j aP 0.2
K3 2002-09-29_MX05SB.j sB metal
K5 2002-09-29_MX01AP.j aP green
K11 2002-09-29_MX05SB.j sB bronze needle without head
K99 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j aP bronze
N1 2002-09-29_MX05SB.j sB very thin, round section, slightly bent, sharp tip
N3 2002-09-29_MX05SB.j sB cleaned only mechanically without B-70 treatment
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN A12-A16-A20 Metal Obj
P99 2002-09-29_MX01AP.j aP to Conservation
; A16.143
A21 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j !! ^ sealing
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V23d4002 A16i143 U817 dM si f313.jpg
B10 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j lR sealing impression
B10 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR ^ sealing
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR fragment of gray sealing clay with fingerprint impressions.
C10 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC both definition retained, but once cleaned, was obvious it was just a sealing with finger impression.
D1 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j lR k207
F51 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j lR i143 (^ sealing) sits in f313 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a27
G3 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 837
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J1 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 1.6
J2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 2.1
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH dark gray
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 10YR 4/1
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4001 A16i143 U817 dM si f313.jpg
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4002 A16i143 U817 dM si f313.jpg
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4003 A16i143 U817 dM si f313.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 011-012
; A16.144
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j !! ^ sealing
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V23d4004 A16i144 U817 dM si f313.jpg
B10 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR ^ sealing
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR sealing clay with string impressions on one side
D1 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j lF k207
F51 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j lF i144 (^ sealing) sits in f313 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a27
G3 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j lF associated q-lot: 837
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J2 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 2.1
J4 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 1.4
J7 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 1
K3 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH clay
K5 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR gray
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 2.5Y 6/1
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4004 A16i144 U817 dM si f313.jpg
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4005 A16i144 U817 dM si f313.jpg
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4006 A16i144 U817 dM si f313.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 011-012
; A16.145
A21 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j !! ^ clay lump
B10 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j lF sealing impression
B10 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR ^ clay lump
C33 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC All descriptive data missing
D1 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j lF k207
F51 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j lF i145 (^ clay lump) sits in f313 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a27
G3 2002-09-19_-MX12-99.j lF associated q-lot: 837
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
P1 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR discarded
; A16.146
A21 2002-09-20_N116LR3.j !! ^ sample
B10 2002-09-20_N116LR3.j MISSING ^ sample
B11 2002-09-20_N116LR3.j MISSING Soil inside i139 ceramic vessel. The jar when excavated proved to be hollow except for a small soil cap at the top. Possibly filled with liquid that evaporated (gB).
C1 2002-09-22_N303LR.j lR We first removed i122 and i139 since we did not want to leave the ceramic vessels exposed over night. At the lab I removed the soil inside and made them into samples i146 and i147. The jar i122 was filled with soil containing some bone fragments but i139 only contained a dirt coating at the top and when removed exposed it hollow. gB suggested that it may have been filled with liquid which evaporated leaving only a coating of soil at the very top.
D1 2002-09-30_-MX12-99.j lR k205
F51 2002-09-30_-MX12-99.j lR i146 (^ sample) sits in f316 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a21
G3 2002-09-30_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 791
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
K3 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH soil
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH pale brown
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 10YR 6/3
K99 2002-09-30_-MX12-99.j lR Soil found inside i139 jar- associated with burial a21
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 027-002
; A16.147
A21 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j !! ^ sample
B10 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR ^ sample
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR Soil sample inside jar i122. Contains fragments of bones and soft fill. Three items were found inside: one small fragment of a tannur and two light green pottery sherds.
C1 2002-09-22_N303LR.j lR We first removed i122 and i139 since we did not want to leave the ceramic vessels exposed over night. At the lab I removed the soil inside and made them into samples i146 and i147. The jar i122 was filled with soil containing some bone fragments but i139 only contained a dirt coating at the top and when removed exposed it hollow. gB suggested that it may have been filled with liquid which evaporated leaving only a coating of soil at the very top.
D1 2002-09-30_-MX12-99.j lR k206
F51 2002-09-30_-MX12-99.j lR i147 (^ sample) sits in f316 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a21
G3 2002-09-30_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 791
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
K99 2002-09-30_-MX12-99.j lR soil inside i122 jar- associated with burial a21
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.148
A21 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j !! ^ sample
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V23d4078 A16i148 U817 dM so f277.jpg
B10 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR ^ sample
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR soil sample from the burial jar i98
D1 2002-09-30_-MX12-99.j lR k207
F51 2002-09-30_-MX12-99.j lR i148 (^ sample) sits in f277 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a19
G3 2002-09-30_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 729
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
K3 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH soil
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH pale brown
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 10YR 6/3
K99 2002-09-30_-MX12-99.j lR soil inside i98 cv
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4078 A16i148 U817 dM so f277.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 027-002
; A16.149
A21 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2002-10-15_W522LC.j !! L_V15e5059 A16.149 Mx15 fab si - q313 given next to A16.149 in original input.jpg
B10 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR ^ seal impression
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR fragment of a dark gray seal impression possibly sealed. Sent to the conservator for cleaning.
B11 2002-09-23_N304LR.j sB small piece; triangular fragment of black hard clay
D1 2002-09-21_-MX12-99.j aP k206
F51 2002-09-21_-MX12-99.j aP i149 (^ seal impression) sits in f313 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a27
G3 2002-09-21_-MX12-99.j aP associated q-lot: 848
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J1 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 1.7
J2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 1.9
K3 2002-09-23_MX05SB.j sB cl
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 7.5YR 4/1
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH dark gray
K11 2002-09-23_MX05SB.j sB small piece
N1 2002-09-23_MX05SB.j sB triangular frag of black hard clay
N3 2002-09-23_MX05SB.j sB cleaned
N99 2002-09-23_MX05SB.j sB part of unidentifiable impression
O2 2002-10-15_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5059 A16.149 Mx15 fab si - q313 given next to A16.149 in original input.jpg
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH in MKB office
; A16.150
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j !! ^ figurine
B10 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR ^ figurine
B11 2002-09-22_N116LR3.j MISSING Body of an animal figurine broken at the neck and legs with fingerprints visible on the clay surface. The back end is incised in a "V" shape with a line indicating the tail.
D1 2002-09-21_-MX12-99.j aP k206
F51 2002-09-21_-MX12-99.j aP i150 (^ figurine) sits in f313 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a27
G3 2002-09-21_-MX12-99.j aP associated q-lot: 848
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J1 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR 3
J2 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR 5.6
J4 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR 2.5
K3 2007-07-20_R720SG.j sG clay
K5 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR tan
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 002-015
; A16.151
A21 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j !! ^ sealing
A35 2002-12-23_A16W15.j !! L_W15d4637 A16.0151 Mz23 fk2 si f313.jpg
B10 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR ^ sealing
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR gray sealing clay with possible impression on it. Sent to the conservator for cleaning.
B11 2002-09-23_N304LR.j sB there is part of a nice scene, hard to read
D1 2002-09-21_-MX12-99.j lF k206
F51 2002-09-21_-MX12-99.j lF i151 (^ sealing) sits in f313 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a27
G3 2002-09-21_-MX12-99.j lF associated q-lot: 848
G3 2002-09-21_-MX12-99.j lF associated q-lot: 850
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J2 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 2.5
J2 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR 4.2
J4 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 2.6
J7 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR 2.3
K3 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR cl
K5 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR gray
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 2.5Y 5/1
K10 2002-09-23_N304LR.j sB surface very abraded
K11 2002-09-23_MX05SB.j sB piece of hard black clay
N1 2002-09-23_MX05SB.j sB surface very abraded, there is part of a nice scene, hard to read
N3 2002-09-23_MX05SB.j sB cleaned
O4 2002-12-23_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4637 A16.0151 Mz23 fk2 si f313.jpg
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH in MKB office
; A16.152
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH seal impression
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V23d4034 A16i152 U817 dM si f313.jpg
B11 2002-09-22_N116LR3.j MISSING Piece of a door sealing containing a round peg impression, not sealed.
J1 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 4.3
J2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 4.4
K3 2002-09-22_N116LR3.j MISSING cl
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH gray
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 10YR 6/1
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4034 A16i152 U817 dM si f313.jpg
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4035 A16i152 U817 dM si f313.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 011-013
; A16.153
A21 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j !! ^ clay lump
B10 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR ^ clay lump
C33 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC All descriptive data missing
D1 2002-09-21_-MX12-99.j lF k206
F51 2002-09-21_-MX12-99.j lF i153 (^ clay lump) sits in f313 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a27
G3 2002-09-21_-MX12-99.j lF associated q-lot: 850
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
P1 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR discarded
; A16.154
A21 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j !! ^ sealing
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V23d4025 A16i154 U817 dM si f313.jpg
B10 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR ^ sealing
B11 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR fragment of sealing clay with an impression. Does not appear sealed.
D1 2002-09-21_-MX12-99.j lF k206
F51 2002-09-21_-MX12-99.j lF i154 (^ sealing) sits in f313 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a27
G3 2002-09-21_-MX12-99.j lF associated q-lot: 850
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J1 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 1.2
J2 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 1.1
J4 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR 1.5
K3 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR cl
K5 2002-09-20_-MX12-99.j lR gray
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 5YR 5/1
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4025 A16i154 U817 dM si f313.jpg
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4026 A16i154 U817 dM si f313.jpg
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4027 A16i154 U817 dM si f313.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 011-013
; A16.155
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j !! ^ bead
B10 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR ^ bead
B11 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR Circular flat red transparent bead with a small hole in the center.
D1 2002-09-21_-MX12-99.j lF k206
D3 2002-09-21_R7QFAB1R.j lf r431 (41507 36977 - 8501 / Relay location: at bottom)
F51 2002-09-21_-MX12-99.j lF i155 (^ bead) sits in f313 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a27
G3 2002-09-21_-MX12-99.j lF associated q-lot: 857
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J4 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR 0.8
J7 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR 0.4
K3 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR lithic
K5 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR red
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 012-009
; A16.156
A21 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j !! ^ human body
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC v122b
B10 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR ^ human body
B11 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR The skeletal remains of burial a21.
C1 2002-09-22_N303LR.j lR While excavating the area, Diadin encountered the remains of an adult burial. i156 is the human remains of the burial. The bones break off at the slightest touch and there is some evidence of laminations around the body. The body faces Northeast exactly in the same position as a19 burial and a18. This is presumably the body of an adult based on the size of the bones and likely female. The body rests on the left side in fetal position, a very typical position encountered in A16. All of the burials recovered in A16 are in fetal position with the exception of the jar burials. The arms of i156 human body are bent at the elbow with the hands under the chin. A number of items were found associated with this burial a21.
D1 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR k205
F51 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR i156 (^ human body) sits in f320 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a21
G3 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 849
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
K99 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR Human remains from a21
N99 2002-09-22_N116LR3.j MISSING The bones suffered water damage, based on the condition of the bones and the laminations found inside the grave. They were removed using a dental pick, brush, and spoon and are now stored in linen inside a cardboard box in the natural science laboratory.
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v122
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v122a
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v122b
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v122c
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v131
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v131a
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v131b
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v131c
P99 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR to Natural science lab
; A16.157
A20 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! unknown
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC v131b
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB unknown
C1 2002-09-22_N303LR.j lR Three ceramic vessels were found with the body. One next to the feet i222 (similar to a19) and two vessels next to the head, i139 complete jar, and i157 that was under i139. The ceramic vessel i139 is in wonderful condition but i157 a cooking vessel appears fragmented. The condition of i157 is noted as fragile since it is fragmented and cracking.
C33 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC All descriptive data missing
D1 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR k205
D3 2002-09-23_R7QFAB1R.j lf r435 (41293 37007 - 8491 / Relay location: at top of cv)
F51 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR i157 (unknown) sits in f320 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a21
G3 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 849
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
K99 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR ceramic vessel below i139 fragmented found in burial a21
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Only excavation photos, remains unclear if this is a "cooking vessel" as described in the original notes
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v122
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v131
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v131b
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.158
A20 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR maf
A21 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j !! ^ pin
A35 2007-07-20_R720SG.j sG L_V16d5007 A16.158 N730 gg.jpg
B10 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR ^ pin
B11 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC Two fragments of plain pin, round sectioned shaft, tapering toward pointed end; copper-alloy.
C1 2002-09-22_N303LR.j lR The burial a21 was removed in the afternoon and three more items were found while removing the bones. Two bronze pins (i158, i159) were found on each shoulder with the ends pointed at each other and silver fragment i160 was located under the skull. The pins are likely used to hold a garment in place and i160, a rounded metal item, may possibly be a hair ornament due the item's location by the head. The metals have been sent to the conservation laboratory.
D1 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR k205
D3 2002-09-23_R7QFAB1R.j lf r432 (41343 36943 - 8490 / Relay location: at bottom)
F51 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR i158 (^ pin) sits in f320 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a21
G3 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 849
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
K3 2002-09-22_MX05SB.j sB metal
K11 2002-09-22_MX05SB.j sB bronze part of pin, with tip
K99 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR Bronze pin found in burial a21
N3 2002-09-22_MX05SB.j sB treated by bA
O2 0000-00-00_W522LC.j x L_V15d7902 A16.158 x x ZC_before treatment.jpg
O2 0000-00-00_W522LC.j x L_V15d7903 A16.158 x x ZC_before treatment.jpg
O2 0000-00-00_W522LC.j x L_V15d7904 A16.158 x x ZC_before treatment.jpg
O2 2002-09-24_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4539 A16.158 M924 gg ma bc.jpg
O2 2002-09-24_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4540 A16.158 M924 gg ma bc.jpg
O2 2003-07-30_A16V-N^.j gg L_V16d5007 A16.158 N730 gg.jpg
O4 2014-05-13_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4433 A16.0158 Y513 kF mt.jpg
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v131
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v131b
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v131c
P2 2002-09-22_MX05SB.j sB ZSC-5
; A16.159
A20 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR maf
A21 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j !! ^ pin
A35 2007-07-20_R720SG.j sG L_V16d5003 A16.159 N730 gg.jpg
B10 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR ^ pin
B11 2002-09-22_N304LR.j sB bronze part of pin with globular head
B11 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC Fragments of plain pin, lentil-shaped head, round sectioned shaft; copper-alloy.
C1 2002-09-22_N303LR.j lR The burial a21 was removed in the afternoon and three more items were found while removing the bones. Two bronze pins (i158, i159) were found on each shoulder with the ends pointed at each other and silver fragment i160 was located under the skull. The pins are likely used to hold a garment in place and i160, a rounded metal item, may possibly be a hair ornament due the item's location by the head. The metals have been sent to the conservation laboratory.
D1 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR k205
D3 2002-09-23_R7QFAB1R.j lf r433 (41339 36943 - 8493 / Relay location: at bottom)
F51 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR i159 (^ pin) sits in f320 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a21
G3 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 849
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 0.15
J2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 7.1
K3 2002-09-22_MX05SB.j sB metal
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH green
K11 2002-09-22_MX05SB.j sB bronze part of pin with head
K99 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR second bronze pin found in burial a21- also see i158
N3 2002-09-22_MX05SB.j sB treated by bA
N99 2002-09-22_MX05SB.j sB globular head
O2 0000-00-00_W522LC.j x L_V15d7957 A16.159 x x ZC_before treatment.jpg
O2 0000-00-00_W522LC.j x L_V15d7958 A16.159 x x ZC_before treatment.jpg
O2 0000-00-00_W522LC.j x L_V15d7959 A16.159 x x ZC_before treatment.jpg
O2 2002-09-24_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4545 A16.159 M924 gg ma bc.jpg
O2 2003-07-30_A16V-N^.j gg L_V16d5003 A16.159 N730 gg.jpg
O4 2014-05-13_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4432 A16.0159 Y513 kF mt.jpg
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v131a
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v131b
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v131c
P2 2002-09-22_MX05SB.j sB ZSC-5
; A16.160
A20 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR maf
A21 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j !! unknown
A35 2007-07-20_R720SG.j sG L_V15d4548 A16.160 M925 gg ma bc.jpg
B10 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR unknown
B11 2002-09-19_V119LC.j lR Large metal fragment, found below the skull of the burial. Possibly silver. Fragmented and function unknown.
C1 2002-09-22_N303LR.j lR The burial a21 was removed in the afternoon and three more items were found while removing the bones. Two bronze pins (i158, i159) were found on each shoulder with the ends pointed at each other and silver fragment i160 was located under the skull. The pins are likely used to hold a garment in place and i160, a rounded metal item, may possibly be a hair ornament due the item's location by the head. The metals have been sent to the conservation laboratory.
D1 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR k205
F51 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR i160 (unknown) sits in f320 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a21
G3 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 849
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
K3 2002-09-22_MX05SB.j sB metal
K99 2002-09-22_-MX12-99.j lR Metal object found in burial a21- found in the under side of the skull
N99 2002-09-22_MX05SB.j sB bA started the treatment, to be continued in MZ16
O2 0000-00-00_W522LC.j x L_V15d7923 A16.160 x x ZC_before treatment.jpg
O2 0000-00-00_W522LC.j x L_V15d7924 A16.160 x x ZC_before treatment.jpg
O2 2002-09-25_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4548 A16.160 M925 gg ma bc.jpg
O4 2014-06-16_A16W17.j kf L_W17d9607 A16.0160 Y616 kF ma.jpg
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v131
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v131a
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v131b
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v131c
P2 2002-09-22_MX05SB.j sB for bA to treat
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.161
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! jar
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB jar
B11 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP Fragments belonging to a jar, ware P, rim and base not preserved.
B11 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo 28 fragments of a rounded jar, burnt
D1 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j aP k205
F51 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j aP i161 (jar) sits in f320 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a21
G3 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j aP associated q-lot: 849
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo 28.65
J2 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo 13.30
J7 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP 0.4
J7 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo 0.99
K3 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP cl
K3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Pebble Temper Ware
K4 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo jar
K5 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo light reddish brown, dark grey (burnt portion)
K6 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo 5YR6/4, 25Y4/1
K10 2005-08-31_P831WO.j wo incomplete
K99 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j aP Pot smash
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC fragmentary, no illustrations.
P99 2002-10-03_MX05AP.j aP to Conservation
; A16.162
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j !! grinding stone
B10 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j fAB grinding stone
B11 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j fAB Large grinding stone, oblong shape, made of rough porous basalt
C33 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC All descriptive data missing
D1 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j fAB k205
D3 2002-09-23_R7QFAB1R.j fab r440 (41244 36796 - 8420 / Relay location: bottom of la)
F51 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j fAB i162 (grinding stone) sits in f289 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a22
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j fAB associated q-lot: 869
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.163
A20 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j lR specimen
A21 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j !! animal bone
B10 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j lR animal bone
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR animal bones found under i122 in a21 burial. These bones were under a ceramic jar and when exposed revealed to be a portion of an animal head complete with the jaw and skull.
D1 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j lR k205
F51 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j lR i163 (animal bone) sits in f320 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a21
G3 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 849
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
P2 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR to Natural science lab
; A16.164
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! stand
A35 2007-07-20_R720SG.j sG L_V15d4672 A16.164 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
B10 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j lR ^ clay artifact
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB stand
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR Orange colored stand for pottery. This is half of a complete stand and contains visible traces of calcar inclusions. At the break two colors are visible; a bright orange color on the outside with the inner layer a light orange. The inner surface contains linear ridges with the bottom and top edge smoothed over. Contains one end that is wider than the other and presumably the wider end (diameter 12cm) is the base of the stand.
B11 2007-09-05_WY01LC.j mKB medium fired stand in typical RC ware with a “sandwich” section. It is unusual to have a stand made in this ware. Medium fired.
D1 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j lR k205
D3 2002-09-23_R7QFAB1R.j fab r441 (41259 36728 - 8413 / Relay location: bottom of ca)
F51 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j lR i164 (stand) sits in f289 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a22
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 871
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J3 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 12
J3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC 11
J4 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 10
J7 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 1.1
K3 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware
K4 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR stand
K5 2012-02-13_W213LC.j lC (in)Light Reddish Brown
K5 2012-02-13_W213LC.j lC (out)Light Reddish Brown
K6 2012-02-13_W213LC.j lC (in)5YR6/4
K6 2012-02-13_W213LC.j lC (out)5YR6/4
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4672 A16.164 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4673 A16.164 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
O4 2002-12-07_A16W15.j fa L_W15d4030 A16.0164 Mz07 fa cv f289.jpg
O4 2007-10-06_A16W20.j kf L_W20e7001 A16.0164 Rx06 kF cv f289.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.165
A21 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j !! ^ sealing
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V23d4028 A16i165 U817 dM si f324.jpg
B10 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j aP sealing impression
B10 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR ^ sealing
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR gray sealing clay lump with a flat line visible on one side containing smaller lines inside. Possibly a reed impression.
C10 2011-01-19_V119LC.j lC Both definition retained, but once cleaned the object turned out to be a sealing and not a sealing impression.
D1 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j aP k206
D3 2002-09-23_R7QFAB1R.j fab r442 (41310 36885 - 8483 / Relay location: bottom of si)
F51 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j aP i165 (^ sealing) sits in f324 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a27
G3 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j aP associated q-lot: 876
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J2 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 2.6
J4 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 1.8
J7 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 0.9
K3 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH sealings
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH dark gray
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 10YR 4/1
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4028 A16i165 U817 dM si f324.jpg
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4029 A16i165 U817 dM si f324.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 011-013
; A16.166
A21 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j !! ^ sealing
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V23d4031 A16i166 U817 dM si f325.jpg
B10 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR ^ sealing
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR gray clay lump with a string or reed impression visible. This sealing retains a lumpy irregular shape and does not appear sealed with a rolling.
D1 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j aP k209
F51 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j aP i166 (^ sealing) sits in f325 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a27
G3 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j aP associated q-lot: 879
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J2 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 3.9
J4 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 3.4
J7 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 2.6
K3 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH sealings
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH light gray
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 10YR 7/1
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4030 A16i166 U817 dM si f325.jpg
O2 2010-08-17_A16V-U^.j !!! L_V23d4031 A16i166 U817 dM si f325.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 011-013
; A16.167
A20 !!_!! !! clay artifact
A21 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j !! seal impression
A35 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC L_V15e5003 A16.167 Mx14 fab si.jpg
B10 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR seal impression
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR Pottery sherd with a seal impression rolled on the outer surface. This sherd shows only a portion of the rolling with three clear boundaries (top, bottom, and one side) visible. The rolling continues but only the last segment remains. The impression shows a seated figure on a small stool with arms bent at the elbow and hands working something that sits on top of a table next to him (table is not complete, broken to the left). The figure faces left and is in profile with a circular hollow denoting the eye. The hands are touching/working something but it is not clearly defined. Close to the head of the figure a small line with two items on top of this line are distinguished. This line appears to be a shelf holding the completed pieces that the figure had produced. The object look like upside-down jars. Another figure lies to the left of the first figure also in profile facing the first figure. This figure appears to be standing with hands touching the table and is cut at the left making further description difficult. This sealing may be interpreted as a cook or potter's seal. The sherd itself is chaff tempered and contains lines caused by smoothing the jar on the inner surface.
D1 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j aP k206
F51 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j aP i167 (seal impression) sits in f306 (^ layer)
G3 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j aP associated q-lot: 881
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J2 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 5.4
J7 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 1.1
K3 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR Chaff Tempered
K5 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR light yellow/tan
K99 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j aP piece of pottery with a seal impression
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Body sherd with impressed seal impression
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5002 A16.167 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5003 A16.167 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5004 A16.167 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5005 A16.167 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O4 2002-11-17_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4633 A16.0167 My17 fk2 si.jpg
P99 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR to photography, drafting, and mKB
; A16.168
A20 !!_!! !! ceramic vessel
A21 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j !! cup
A35 2007-07-19_R719SG.j sG L_V15d4671 A16.168 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
B10 2007-10-19_RX19GB.j gB cup
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR small complete conical cup with a rounded off base. Calcar and sand inclusions visible and the inner surface has a finger indentation at the bottom. This item has been restored. Found inside the pit fill f289.
B11 2007-09-05_WY01LC.j mKB small bowl or cup, RC ware, handmade, medium fired, shaped like a crucible but no traces of secondary firing on interior or exterior.
D1 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j aP k205
F51 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j aP i168 (cup) sits in f289 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a22
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2002-09-23_-MX12-99.j aP associated q-lot: 871
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J3 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 5
J4 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 2
K3 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR Fine Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware
K3 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware
K4 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR cup
K5 2012-02-13_W213LC.j lC (in)Very Pale Brown
K5 2012-02-13_W213LC.j lC (out)Very Pale Brown
K6 2012-02-13_W213LC.j lC (in)10YR7/3
K6 2012-02-13_W213LC.j lC (out)10YR7/3
K99 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC Crude, handmade example
ZcaS1 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC other
ZcaS1 2015-05-19_ZA519CJC.j cJC conical (cup)
ZcaS3 2012-02-20_W220LC.j lC 7
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j ms L_V15d4671 A16.168 Mx10 ms cv.jpg
O4 2002-12-05_A16W15.j khl L_W15d4025 A16.0168 Mz05 khl cv f289.jpg
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC disposition missing
; A16.169
A21 2002-10-02_MX04AP.j !! ^ lithic artifact
A35 2003-08-06_A16W16.j !! L_W16d5002 A16.0169 N806 kf cv f289 k205.jpg
B10 2002-09-24_-MX12-99.j lR ^ figurine
B10 2002-10-02_MX04AP.j lR ^ lithic artifact
B11 2002-10-02_MX04AP.j MISSING basalt millstone. Oval shape. Variable thickness (3-5,4). Rough and porous surface.
B11 2002-10-02_MX04AP.j lR Porous basalt grinding pestle with an oval shape. Variable thickness (3-5,4). Rough and porous surface.
B11 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR animal figurine with intact hindquarters and body. The rear end is positioned up with the body sloping downwards giving the figurine the impression of an animal stretching. One leg is slightly bent at the knee. The backside shows two lines delineating the tail in between the legs and the rear is considerably large and prominent in this figurine. The lines of the tail curve under forming the genitals. The knees, lower leg, and body are broken.
B11 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc Carnivora hindquarters. well formed animal figurine with distinct tail. upper half of hind legs are well preserved.
C30 2007-07-19_R719SG.j sG This record contains two different items. There is not enough information at this time to resolve the discrepancy and separate the two items into individual records.
D1 2002-09-24_-MX12-99.j lR k205
D3 2002-09-23_R7QFAB1R.j fab r446 (41120 36957 - 8354 / Relay location: bottom of ca)
D10 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR width taken at backside, length from break of neck to back end, height from brake of legs to highest point.
F51 2002-09-24_-MX12-99.j lR i169 (^ lithic artifact) sits in f289 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a22
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2002-09-24_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 886
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 5.9
J1 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 6.2
J1 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 12.1
J2 2002-10-02_MX04AP.j lR 30
J2 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 6.9
J2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 28.2
J3 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 7.4
J4 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR 4.9
J7 2002-10-02_MX04AP.j lR 4
K5 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc Interior is dark gray (10YR 5/1)
K5 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc light brown
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH black
K6 2007-08-18_R818CJC.j cjc 7.5YR 6/4
K10 2002-10-11_MX12LR4.j lR excellent
O4 2003-08-06_A16W16.j kf L_W16d5002 A16.0169 N806 kf cv f289 k205.jpg
P2 0000-00-00_R814FAB.j MISSING Sent to Der-el Zor Museum in 2003
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 105-046
P99 2002-10-02_MX04AP.j lR to drafting and photography
; A16.170
A21 2002-09-27_MX05SB.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC L_V15d4599 A16.170 M929 gg si.jpg
B10 2002-09-27_MX05SB.j sB ^ seal impression
B11 2002-09-27_N304LR.j sB small piece, hard black clay with part of well-defined impression
D1 2002-09-24_-MX12-99.j lR k206
D3 2002-09-23_R7QFAB1R.j fab r447 (41615 36802 - 8485 / Relay location: bottom of si)
F51 2002-09-24_-MX12-99.j lR i170 (^ seal impression) sits in f306 (^ layer)
G3 2002-09-24_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 885
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 1.3
J2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 2.3
K3 2002-09-27_MX05SB.j sB cl
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH very dark gray
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 2.5Y 1/3
K11 2002-09-27_MX05SB.j sB small piece
N1 2002-09-27_MX05SB.j sB hard black clay with part of well defined impression
N3 2002-09-27_MX05SB.j sB cleaned
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4599 A16.170 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4600 A16.170 M929 gg si.jpg
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH in MKB office
; A16.171
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2002-03-09_MX01AP.j !! blade
A35 2007-07-19_R719SG.j sG L_V15d4654 A16.171 Mx10 fab la.jpg
B10 2002-03-09_MX01AP.j aP blade
B11 2002-03-09_MX01AP.j aP fragment of a flint blade, in good condition
B11 2002-03-09_MX01AP.j aP well preserved fragment of blade without the extremities in flint. Traces of cutting.
D1 2002-09-25_-MX12-99.j aP k108
F51 2002-09-25_-MX12-99.j aP i171 (blade) sits in f330 (^ fill)
G3 2002-09-25_-MX12-99.j aP associated q-lot: 896
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s270-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h6c-AAH
J1 2002-03-09_MX01AP.j aP 3.2
J2 2002-03-09_MX01AP.j aP 1.4
J7 2002-03-09_MX01AP.j aP 0.3
K5 2002-03-09_MX01AP.j aP gray
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j fab L_V15d4654 A16.171 Mx10 fab la.jpg
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j fab L_V15d4655 A16.171 Mx10 fab la.jpg
O2 2002-10-10_A16V-M^.j fab L_V15d4656 A16.171 Mx10 fab la.jpg
O4 2014-05-20_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4410 A16.0171 Y520 kF li.jpg
P2 2002-03-09_MX01AP.j aP Museum Mz15
; A16.172
A21 2002-09-25_-MX12-99.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2007-07-19_R719SG.j sG L_V15d4589 A16.172 M929 gg si.jpg
B10 2002-09-25_-MX12-99.j aP ^ seal impression
B11 2002-09-27_N304LR.j sB large piece, possibly whole seal impression; 3 rolling on 3 faces, animal lines in 2 register
B11 2002-10-12_MX12FLP.j fLP rim impression visible with two large cord impressions (leather?) present
D1 2002-09-25_-MX12-99.j aP k205
D3 2002-09-23_R7QFAB1R.j fab r449 (41993 37936 - 8423 / Relay location: bottom of si)
D10 2002-10-12_MX12FLP.j fLP measured with largest visible rolling at bottom and at a 45-degree angle-figures are upright
F51 2002-09-25_-MX12-99.j aP i172 (^ seal impression) sits in f289 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a22
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2002-09-25_-MX12-99.j aP associated q-lot: 887
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2002-10-12_MX12FLP.j fLP 4.15
J2 2002-10-12_MX12FLP.j fLP 3.4
J7 2002-10-12_MX12FLP.j fLP 2.5
K3 2002-09-27_MX05SB.j sB cl
K5 2002-10-12_MX12FLP.j fLP outside-pinkish grey inside-light brown
K6 2002-10-12_MX12FLP.j fLP inside-7.5YR 6/4
K6 2002-10-12_MX12FLP.j fLP outside-7.5YR 7/2
K11 2002-09-27_MX05SB.j sB large piece, possibly whole si
K13 2002-10-12_MX12FLP.j fLP This seal-impressed object contains three separate rollings of the same seal. The first rolling, at the top of the object, is the smallest and only depicts part of the head of a dog, which nips at the tail of a suckling ewe. Its head is clearly represented, but its facial features are obscured. Only the hindquarters of the ewe are seen with part of the head of the suckling young. Above these figures is a ladder-like partition dividing this lower register from an upper register. It consists of alternating diagonals creating triangles between two straight lines above and below. Only part of this divider is depicted. The second rolling, below the uppermost rolling, reveals more of the figures and the ladder-like partition. Half of the suckling couple is represented and the dog nipping at the ewe's tail is seen in whole. It has a stubbed tail and a saddle-bag section of the torso. Again, its facial features are unclear. The register divider is clear and separates the lower figures from one/two figure/s in the upper register. These figures are unclear. The third rolling, the largest of all three rollings, is on the bottom-most section of the object. Again, the dog with the open mouth is present, and here its facial features are distinguishable.
K13 2002-10-12_MX12FLP.j fLP (continue) The suckling duo is represented in whole and follows, or at least stands behind, a nude, human figure (sex is unidentifiable) facing right with well defined musculature in his/her legs and left buttock. He/she is the largest figure in the seal and his/her body crosses the ladder-like partition to stand in both registers. A mound obscures his/her upper body, possibly to mask a hole in the seal in antiquity. Preceding this human figure are the hindquarters of an animal, presumably the dog as the leg musculature and the dimensions match that of the dog represented in whole in the second rolling. These hindquarters are slightly flattened by thumbprints. The head is missing, so we can only assume that this figure is the same dog represented nipping at the tail of the suckling ewe. Above these figures is the ladder-like partition. On the upper register on the far left side of the rolling, above the head of the dog, are two legs and the head of a goat with a well-defined beard. It follows another animal with a clearly defined belly, decorated so as to indicate a coat of fur or hide. On the right side of the human figure, on the upper register, is the same unintelligible object in the second rolling above the whole dog. The most logical assumption is that this unclear object is the repetition of the goat with the beard as he is depicted above the dog. If this is true, then we have the seal and its asymmetrical iconography in its entirety.
N1 2002-09-27_MX05SB.j sB light reddish clay, finished face well preserved, weaker along breaks in the back
N3 2002-09-27_MX05SB.j sB consolidated the breaks, cleaned
N99 2002-09-27_MX05SB.j sB 3 rolling on 3 faces, animal lines in 2 register
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4587 A16.172 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4588 A16.172 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4589 A16.172 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5007 A16.172 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5008 A16.172 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5009 A16.172 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5010 A16.172 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5011 A16.172 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5012 A16.172 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5013 A16.172 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5014 A16.172 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5015 A16.172 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5016 A16.172 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5017 A16.172 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5018 A16.172 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5019 A16.172 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5020 A16.172 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5021 A16.172 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5022 A16.172 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5023 A16.172 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5024 A16.172 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-14_W522LC.j fab L_V15e5025 A16.172 Mx14 fab si.jpg
O2 2003-08-02_A16V-N^.j gg L_V16d5011 A16.172 N802 gg.jpg
O4 2002-10-06_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4622 A16.0172 Mx06 fk2 si f289.jpg
O4 2002-10-06_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4623 A16.0172 Mx06 fk2 si f289.jpg
O4 2002-10-06_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4624 A16.0172 Mx06 fk2 si f289.jpg
O4 2002-10-06_A16W15.j fk2 L_W15d4631 A16.0172 Mx06 fk2 si f289.jpg
P2 2002-09-27_MX05SB.j sB to mKB
; A16.173
A20 !!_!! !! metal artifact
A21 2007-07-19_R719SG.j !! pin
A35 2007-07-19_R719SG.j sG L_V15d4625 A16.173 Mx05 sb ma.jpg
B10 2002-09-25_-MX12-99.j fAB needle
B10 2007-07-19_R719SG.j sG pin
B11 2002-09-23_N304LR.j sB bronze whole needle; very long
D1 2002-09-25_-MX12-99.j fAB k205
D3 2002-09-23_R7QFAB1R.j fab r450 (42698 37477 - 8294 / Relay location: bottom of ma)
F51 2002-09-25_-MX12-99.j fAB i173 (pin) sits in f289 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a22
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2002-09-25_-MX12-99.j fAB associated q-lot: 899
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
K3 2002-09-23_MX05SB.j sB metal
K10 2002-09-23_N304LR.j sB well preserved shape
K11 2002-09-23_MX05SB.j sB bronze whole needle
K99 2002-09-25_-MX12-99.j fAB long needle
N1 2002-09-23_MX05SB.j sB very long, well preserved shape
N3 2002-09-23_MX05SB.j sB treated by bA
O2 0000-00-00_W522LC.j x L_V15d7938 A16.173 x x ZC_before treatment.jpg
O2 2002-10-05_A16V-M^.j sb L_V15d4625 A16.173 Mx05 sb ma.jpg
O4 2014-05-05_A16W15.j kf L_W15d4440 A16.0173 Y505 kF mt.jpg
P2 2002-09-13_MX12LR4.j lR to museum MZ15
; A16.174
A21 2002-09-25_-MX12-99.j !! ^ seal impression
A35 2007-07-19_R719SG.j sG L_V15d4590 A16.174 M929 gg si.jpg
B10 2002-09-25_-MX12-99.j lR ^ seal impression
B11 2002-09-27_N304LR.j sB 3 very fragile pieces; reddish clay with calcar inclusions, very friable; scattered, unclear signs, bulla shape
D1 2002-09-25_-MX12-99.j lR k205
F51 2002-09-25_-MX12-99.j lR i174 (^ seal impression) sits in f289 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a22
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a28
G3 2002-09-25_-MX12-99.j lR associated q-lot: 900
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
J1 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 2.1
J2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 3.8
K3 2002-09-27_MX05SB.j sB cl
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH 10YR 7/3
K6 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH very pale brown
K11 2002-09-27_MX05SB.j sB 3 very fragile pieces
K99 2002-09-25_-MX12-99.j lR reddish clay
N1 2002-09-27_MX05SB.j sB reddish clay with calcar inclusions, very friable
N3 2002-09-27_MX05SB.j sB consolidated, glued 2 pieces together, the third flatter pieces does not go with the rest
N99 2002-09-27_MX05SB.j sB scattered, unclear signs, bulla shape
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4590 A16.174 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4591 A16.174 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4592 A16.174 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4593 A16.174 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4594 A16.174 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-09-29_A16V-M^.j gg L_V15d4595 A16.174 M929 gg si.jpg
O2 2002-10-04_A16V-M^.j fab L_V15d4609 A16.174 Mx04 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-04_A16V-M^.j fab L_V15d4610 A16.174 Mx04 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-04_A16V-M^.j fab L_V15d4611 A16.174 Mx04 fab si.jpg
O2 2002-10-04_A16V-M^.j fab L_V15d4612 A16.174 Mx04 fab si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3156 A16.174 O725 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3157 A16.174 O725 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3158 A16.174 O725 gg si.jpg
O2 2004-07-25_V17VQZ6.j !!! L_V17d3159 A16.174 O725 gg si.jpg
O4 2002-03-19_A16W16.j kf L_W16e5403 A16.0174 M319 kf li.jpg
O4 2007-09-07_A16W20.j kf L_W20d7101 A16.0174 R907 kF si c2.jpg
O4 2007-10-06_A16W20.j kf L_W20e7101 A16.0174 Rx06 kF si c01.jpg
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH in MKB office
; A16.175
A21 2002-10-01_-MX12-99.j !! ^ human body
A30 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC i175 has been attribuited to a complete adult skeleton found within burial a25 located at the bottom of pit f342 (which cuts the stone pavement f193, a12) in k205. Interestingly, most of the human bones appear fired. Probably the firing of the bones took place in a later time; the pit fill f343, in fact, was mostly ash and charcoal chunks in nature.
A35 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC L_V15d4106 A16v140b Mx01 fab.jpg
B10 2002-10-01_-MX12-99.j lR ^ human body
C1 2002-12-01_N303LR.j lR The body appears secondarily fired given that the bones are a darker color and very hard. Usually the skeletons uncovered are brittle and white, these bones are hard and solid much like cooked animal bones. The pit fill f343 is all ash with chunks of charcoal found around the body. It is possible that either the body was filled with soil then later secondarily fired from the top, or that during burial it was fired. We removed the bones after photographing them and will leave the situation as it is until next season when we have more time to excavate this fill and understand better the situation.
D1 2002-10-01_-MX12-99.j lR k205
F51 2002-10-01_-MX12-99.j lR i175 (^ human body) sits in f343 (^ fill)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a25
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s330-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5h-AAH
K10 2002-12-01_N303LR.j lR The skull of i175 was excavated three years ago by A13 and re-covered. Cloth was placed on top of the bones then plastic and covered with soil to protect the bones. When uncovered this year, some damage occurred over the years. The cloth had dissolved and attached to some of the skull creating black splotches. The skull became more brittle and cracked. Evidence of water seepage was seen by the chin, which contained laminations. Better methods for preserving exposed bones must be employed. Likely the best technique is to cover the bones only with soil avoiding plastic and cloth.
K99 2002-10-01_-MX12-99.j lR human remains found in f342 former A13 pit
O2 2000-09-22_A16V-Q^.j !!! L_V19d5178 A16.175 Q826 dM pa.jpg
O2 2000-09-22_A16V-Q^.j !!! L_V19d5179 A16.175 Q826 dM pa.jpg
O2 2000-09-22_A16V-Q^.j !!! L_V19d5180 A16.175 Q826 dM pa.jpg
O2 2000-09-22_A16V-Q^.j !!! L_V19d5186 A16.175 Q826 dM pa.jpg
O2 2000-09-22_A16V-Q^.j !!! L_V19d5187 A16.175 Q826 dM pa.jpg
O2 2000-09-22_A16V-Q^.j !!! L_V19d5188 A16.175 Q826 dM pa.jpg
O2 2006-08-27_A16V-Q^.j !!! L_V19d5196 A16.175 Q827 dM pa.jpg
O2 2006-08-27_A16V-Q^.j !!! L_V19d5197 A16.175 Q827 dM pa.jpg
O2 2006-08-27_A16V-Q^.j !!! L_V19d5198 A16.175 Q827 dM pa.jpg
O2 2006-08-27_A16V-Q^.j !!! L_V19d5203 A16.175 Q827 dM pa.jpg
O2 2006-08-27_A16V-Q^.j !!! L_V19d5204 A16.175 Q827 dM pa.jpg
O2 2006-08-27_A16V-Q^.j !!! L_V19d5205 A16.175 Q827 dM pa.jpg
O2 2007-08-14_A16V-R^.j lr L_V20d5017 A16.175 R814 lR ta mandible dental cavity.jpg
O2 2007-08-14_A16V-R^.j lr L_V20d5018 A16.175 R814 lR ta cranium.jpg
O2 2007-08-14_A16V-R^.j lr L_V20d5019 A16.175 R814 lR ta cranium.jpg
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v140
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v140a
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v140b
O13 2007-08-03_R803PC.j pC v140c
P99 2012-02-04_W204LC.j lC to Natural science Lab
; A16.176
A21 2004-08-24_O824LR.j !! ^ bead
A30 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC i176 is a quartz bead found, toghether with 3 other beads (i177, i178, i179) at the height of the neck of a infant skeleton within burial i84 (a18) in k108. It was probably part (toghether with beads i177, i178, i179) of a necklace.
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V19e3035 A16.176 Q829 dM bd.jpg
B10 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING ^ bead
B11 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING Elongated clear quartz bead with rounded edges and flat sides, perforated at both ends. Found as a necklace (one of four beads) around i84 infant age 2-3.5 years. A small jar was also found in this burial.
D1 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC k108
F51 2007-07-19_R719SG.j sG i176 (^ bead) sits in f182 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a18
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J2 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING 1.2
J4 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING 0.9
J7 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING 0.7
K3 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC quartz
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH white
O2 2006-08-27_A16V-Q^.j !!! L_V19e3035 A16.176 Q829 dM bd.jpg
P2 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH ZSB 12-18
; A16.177
A21 2004-08-24_O824LR.j !! ^ bead
A30 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC i177 is a quartz bead found, toghether with 3 other beads (i176, i178, i179) at the height of the neck of a infant skeleton within burial i84 (a18) in k108. It was probably part (toghether with beads i176, i178, i179) of a necklace.
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V19e3049 A16.177 Q829 dM bd.jpg
B10 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING ^ bead
B11 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING Elongated clear quartz bead with rounded edges and flat sides, perforated at both ends. Found as a necklace (one of four beads) around i84 infant age 2-3.5 years. A small jar was also found in this burial.
D1 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC k108
F51 2007-07-19_R719SG.j sG i177 (^ bead) sits in f182 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a18
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J2 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING 1.05
J4 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING 0.8
J7 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING 0.65
K3 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC quartz
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH white
O2 2006-08-27_A16V-Q^.j !!! L_V19e3049 A16.177 Q829 dM bd.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 012-007
; A16.178
A21 2004-08-24_O824LR.j !! ^ bead
A30 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC i178 is a quartz bead found, toghether with 3 other beads (i176, i177, i179) at the height of the neck of a infant skeleton within burial i84 (a18) in k108. It was probably part (toghether with beads i176, i177, i179) of a necklace.
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V19e3045 A16.178 Q829 dM bd.jpg
B10 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING ^ bead
B11 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING Elongated clear quartz bead with rounded edges and flat sides, perforated at both ends, slighly smaller than the other two quartz beads. Found as a necklace (one of four beads) around i84 infant age 2-3.5 years. A small jar was also found in this burial.
D1 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC k108
F51 2007-07-19_R719SG.j sG i178 (^ bead) sits in f182 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a18
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J2 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING 1
J4 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING 0.65
J7 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING 0.45
K3 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC quartz
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH white
O2 2006-08-27_A16V-Q^.j !!! L_V19e3045 A16.178 Q829 dM bd.jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 012-007
; A16.179
A20 !!_!! !! lithic artifact
A21 2004-08-24_O824LR.j !! bead
A30 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC i179 is a lapislazuli bead found, toghether with 3 other beads (i176, i177, i178) at the height of the neck of a infant skeleton within burial i84 (a18) in k108. It was probably part (toghether with beads i176, i177, i178) of a necklace.
A35 2011-12-12_VZ12LC.j lC L_V19e3034 A16.179 Q829 dM bd (pendant).jpg
B10 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING bead
B11 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING Tear drop shaped lapis lazuli bead with rounded ends and flat sides. The narrowest rounded edge contains a small circular perforation through the thickness of the bead. Found as a necklace (one of four beads) around i84 infant age 2-3.5 years of age. A small jar was also found in this burial.
D1 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC k108
F51 2007-07-19_R719SG.j sG i179 (bead) sits in f182 (^ layer)
G1 2000-12-18_A-CUMUL.j !! a18
I1 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! s380-AAH
I3 2015-05-20_ZA520CJC.j !! h5c-AAH
J2 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING 1.1
J4 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING 0.75
J7 2004-08-24_O824LR.j MISSING 0.4
K3 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC lapislazuli
K4 2007-08-13_R812SC.j sC Tear-drop shaped with rounded endings and flat surfaces
K5 2010-09-07_U907BH.j bH blue
O2 2006-08-27_A16V-Q^.j !!! L_V19e3034 A16.179 Q829 dM bd (pendant).jpg
P2 2010-09-29_W203LC1.j jN ZSB 012-007