.bk A20 .fl S720.j .fd journal .ed S720 .ei lR .rd S720 .ri lR k 3 dy The north section was drawn, photographed, and removed today. The entire baulk was removed as f9, topsoil. Once the baulk was removed, the area was scraped to find the compact brick melt f27 continuing, uniting k13 and k3. k 14 dy f27 continues into k14 however the texture differs in the eastern area where by k15, the brick melt is no longer compact showing distinct fragments of bricks. Today after the section between k3 and k2 were removed, the locus was brushed to see if f27 dips down in the eastern side. Small patches were noted under a softer accumulation but do not form a solid compact surface that is visible in k13. k 12 dy finished removing the eastern baulk, following f27 to unify k12 and k13. k 2 dy The east section was drawn, photographed, and removed today under f8 topsoil. f27 continued under the baulk, connecting k2 and k3 together. -dy Removed the following baulks today; north k3, east k2, east k12, east k13. The purpose for removing the section after only a meter down was to connect f27 which is present in all 5 loci. The sections will be restrung after photographs are taken. By the end of the day, all the sections were removed with f27 continuing throughout. k2 north section was not removed. This decision was based on trying to understand the relationship between the ashy accumulation f10 and f27. Leaving the north section will profile these features.