.bk A20 .fl S803lC.j .fd daily journal .ed S803 .ei lC .rd S803 .ri lC -dy After breakfast we continued to remove the eastern baulk of k14 in order to have a wider view of A20 for the picture tomorrow morning. About one hour before the end of the morning we stopped to excavate and we started to clean the area for the picture. k 4 dy After the removal of topsoil f66, we uncovered a layer, f67 with compact patches of brick melt. After one big pick run we uncovered two new features: a compact layer f69 in the northern and southern part of the locus and a soft material crossing E-W, maybe a fill of a channel or something similar to a cut. In the southern half of the locus, a row of three mud bricks were uncovered, labeled as f71. Tomorrow we will excavate to check if these mud bricks f71, are part of wall. Assuming that the soft layer f70 in the middle of the locus was the most recent we started to excavate it and we uncovered a possible sherd pavement f72 that seems to be the same of the pavement f35 in k3. f 67 dy After the removal of topsoil f66, we uncovered a layer, f67 with compact patches of brick melt. After one big pick run we uncovered two new features: a compact layer f69 in the northern and southern part of the locus and a soft material crossing E-W, maybe a fill of a channel or something similar to a cut. k 2 dy After breakfast we finished removing the northern baulk then continued to remove part of the ashy layer f22, making the east and the west sections of the locus straight and even. k 14 dy After breakfast we continued to remove the eastern baulk in order to link k14 and k15 and to check if the wall f63 in the north-eastern corner of k14 and the mud bricks of the western half of k15 are part of the same structure. The removal of the baulk allows us to work to the south towards the brick pile f56 constituted by numerous vertical bricks.