.bk A20 .fl S804 .fd dailyjournal .rd S804 .ri lR .ed S804 .ei lR -dy k2, k12, k14, k15, k4, k3 open today. The entire area was photographed this morning in order to remove the latest strata and proceed to excavate to the level of A18 storehouse. Finished removing the east section of k14, excavated the ash in k2 f22, defined the bricks in k12 f52, defined the bricks f40 and f56 in k14 and k15, and continued to excavate in k4 finding a pebble and sherd pavement at the same level as f35 in k3. The sherds and cobblestones pavement, f43 were also removed today. k 12 dy defined the area south of the wall f64 by removing the softer material over a harder bricky surface. To the south, the compactness changes and becomes more like brick fall than what is visible to the north. Possibly brick faces are visible in the east section, perhaps forming a wall running north to south, meeting f64 wall in the north. f 64 dy The extent of the wall is unknown with hard, compact, bricky material to the immediate south of the defined bricks of f64. Today we removed the soft material above the compact layer to see if we could articulate the brick fall or bricks. Several brick lines emerged, as well in the section with the area to the south becoming less compact and more like brick fall. New feature numbers will be assigned to these two areas since f52 was defined as brick melt and may be a wall. f 22 dy removed approximately 10 cm from the southern end of k2, all ash with several areas containing laminations, patches of brown soil alternating with darker stains of charcoal. The presence of laminations suggests that the ash was not dumped at one time but over a period of time enough for water to pool forming laminations. The ash continues to be clean, meaning few inclusions of pottery and animal bones, quite different from f60 and f62. k 2 dy removed 10 cm from f22, ash in the southern half of the locus. f 45 dy removed the north section of k2 yesterday and defined these stones which run north, perhaps part of the cobblestone pavement f43 or a wall. f 43 dy removed the sherds and cobblestones today in k3 and found another pavement below similar to f35 containing small pebbles and smaller pottery sherds. k 3 dy removed the sherds and cobblestones from the pavement f43 today with another pavement found underneath. k 4 dy articulated the wall f71 today, excavated f69 finding f73 pavement below that is at the same elevation as f35. The pavement f73 contains lots of animal bone, with an almost complete jaw (animal unknown) lying on the surface. f 73 dy this pavement began to emerge today with small pebbles and cobblestones present, similar to f35 and at the same elevation likely a continuation of this feature into k4. The pavement appears to have multiple phases of use with another pavement below, seen in the middle of the locus, labeled f72. The same situation is present in k3, with multiple levels of f35 pavement. k 14 dy finished removing the east section today and articulated the bricks from f56 which connect with f40 in k15. f 40 dy Articulated this feature today after the east baulk of k14 was removed. This appears to be a several courses of vertical bricks forming a rectangular shape located between k14 and k15. The eastern portion was cut back to see if a section could be made, exposing the brick faces but only a few faces emerged. The sides were also defined. This is either a wall, using vertical bricks however since it doesn't continue in k14 or k15; it seems strange to be a wall. Another possibility is a grave with several cases at Mozan and other areas showing vertical bricks used in tomb construction. Lastly, this could also simply be a brick pile used for construction that was left in place after abandonment. f 56 dy Articulated this feature today after the east baulk of k14 was removed. This appears to be several courses of vertical bricks forming a rectangular shape located between k14 and k15. The eastern portion was cut back to see if a section could be made, exposing the brick faces but only a few faces emerged. The sides were also defined. This is either a wall, using vertical bricks however since it doesn't continue in k14 or k15; it seems strange to be a wall. Another possibility is a grave with several cases at Mozan and other areas showing vertical bricks used in tomb construction. Lastly, this could also simply be a brick pile used for construction that was left in place after abandonment.