.bk A20 .fl S805lr2.j .fd journal .ed S805 .ei lR .rd S805 .ri lR .rd S803 f 69 c# 10YR6/4 co light yellowish brown tx silty clay K99 K93 small charcoal, ash, fine orange clay inclusions present. ds Found in the north and south part of k4 with a softer gray material in the center running east to west, f70. The soil contains roots, areas of ashy patches mixed with harder clay and small components of fine orange clay. A pavement f73 was found below, with f74 made as the accumulation on top of the pavement to keep the pottery stratified. f 70 ds A softer gray soil found in the center of k4, forming a strip running east to west with f69, a more compact surface to the north and south. Under this pavement f72 was found, same as f73 but sloping down, perhaps another level of the pavement. c# 10YR6/4 co gray tx sandy silty loam K99 K93 Roots present, small grains of sand and small orange inclusions f 71 ds A series of light gray half bricks set to form a thin wall, currently four present running west to east. c# 10YR7/2 co light gray tx clay hd hard K99 K93 massive in structure, few inclusions present .rd S805 k 4 dy Spent the morning articulating the pavement f73, exposing many fragmented animal bones embedded in the pavement. The pavement is irregular in level, likely a simple outdoor floor surface unintentionally created. Once the pavement was fully exposed, it was cleaned, and covered in plastic to protect it for a photograph tomorrow. In the south, f71 was defined, excavating north and south of the bricks. No more bricks were found with the material north of the bricks showing a grayish soil while to the south; f79 was brown, containing phytoliths. Since the soil between these two areas was so different, we created f79 as a new feature to separate between the soils, possibly fill within a bin. f 73 dy Spent the morning articulating the pavement f73, exposing many fragmented animal bones embedded in the pavement. The pavement is irregular in level, likely a simple outdoor floor surface unintentionally created. Once the pavement was fully exposed, it was cleaned, and covered in plastic to protect it for a photograph tomorrow. In the south, f71 was defined, excavating north and south of the bricks. f 71 dy In the south, f71 was defined, excavating north and south of the bricks. No more bricks were found with the material north of the bricks showing a grayish soil while to the south, f79 was brown, containing phytoliths. Since the soil between these two areas was so different, we created f79 as a new feature to separate between the soils, possibly fill within a bin. f 79 dy In the south, f71 was defined, excavating north and south of the bricks. No more bricks were found with the material north of the bricks showing a grayish soil while to the south; f79 was brown, containing phytoliths. Since the soil between these two areas was so different, we created f79 as a new feature to separate between the soils, possibly fill within a bin. f 72 dy This feature was assigned to the first pavement that surfaced, under f70. To the north, another pavement was found f73 with the connection unclear between the two pavements and thus assigned two discrete features. After excavation today, it appears that both these pavements are the same with f72 possibly representing either an earlier level that was added to forming f73 or that this pavement simply slopes down to the south. Given the pavement's irregular surface, understanding if f73 is on top of f72 is impossible. At the moment, we will use f73, assuming that the features are the same pavement. f 50 dy removed this feature today finding another pavement underneath, similar to f76 with fewer inclusions. k 3 dy removed f50 today, the cobblestone pavement k 2 dy Continued from yesterday to remove the ash f22 in the south area and level the area out. The western side continues to be more compact, pinkish in color but irregular in shape. This surface has been left pedastooled, focusing on removing the ash. k 15 dy excavated the south section, a continuation of the fill inside a1 in an attempt to find the southern wall. Nothing was found. West of a1, still in the southern section, a corner was found from bricks to the north, possibly from a wall under the south section of k14. f 40 dy Met with gB today to discuss the strategy for excavating this structure. He suggested to cut several sections to understand the size of the bricks, orientation, and construction before the top surface of the bricks are removed. Tomorrow we will begin to do this. f 77 ds Several bricks, only 2 courses deep found running north to south in the baulk east baulk of k13. The wall is short and associated with f61 stone pavement, thus we are attributing it as a later construction phase contemporary to f61 and the other cobblestone pavements f50, f43. The wall sits on an ashy layer seen in section.