.bk A20 .fl S811lr6.j .fd feature additions .ed S811 .ei lR .rd S811 .ri lR f 27 ds Originally defined as brickmelt from presumably Mittani structures that collapsed in the vicinity, this feature is now defined as the natural Tell surface at abandonment. f27 is used to refer to the same compact layer but discretely refers to f18 in the eastern half of k12, f16 in the eastern half of k2, f17 in k3, f7 in k13, and f20 in the western half of k14. nl Volumetric localization for q-lots were given label f27 but should have been labeled with their discrete feature numbers thus q46, q62, q63 are from k3; q47, q76, q79, from k13, q61 from k14, and q83, q156 from k12. nv f27 was relayed as a cumulative whole, please refer to these relay points to reconstruct f18, f17, f16, f7, and f20. The top and bottom elevations give the maximum difference at it's highest and lowest point. K99 Massive in structure, few inclusions c# 10YR7/1 co light gray hd hard P2 S726 q 46 nl from k3, f17 q 62 nl from k3, f17 q 63 nl from k3, f17 q 47 nl from k13, f7 q 76 nl from k13, f7 q 79 nl from k13, f7 q 61 nl from k14, f20 q 83 nl from k12, f18 q 156 nl from k12, f18 f 19 ds Topsoil layer with roots present, only rim and diagnostic sherds kept in the q-lots. co brown hd soft nv no relays taken for topsoil, refer to corner stakes m3745 m3746 m3747 m3416 for spatial definition. f 20 f 16 ds A compact layer originally defined as brickmelt since the appearance resembled clay that had been melted from the rain, then baked by the sun forming a crust. We later redefined this feature after excavating it as the ancient tell surface at abandonment, with the compaction resulting from walking on the surface and natural rain and sun exposure. f27 was created to subsume all the compact brickmelt layers in A20 for ease in reference an event although the discrete feature numbers are still present according to loci. f20 was found on the western half of k14, not as compact and solid as in other loci, eventually diminishing towards the east turning into patches. tx cl K99 Massive in structure, few inclusions c# 10YR7/1 co light gray hd hard nv Relays are under label f27 nl Excavated under label f27, see q61 f 21 ds Topsoil layer with roots present, only rim and diagnostic sherds kept in the q-lots. co brown hd soft nv no relays taken for topsoil, refer to corner stakes m3748 m3732 m3750 for spatial definition f 22 ds Multiple accumulations of deep ash ranging in shades of gray pink to dark black sloping into k2 from presumably the northwest (slope visible in section). This ash was found in the entire locus, except for a small patch of f16 then a larger patch of f98 in the northeast corner. The ash is also present in the western half of k12 as well as in A18. In A18, a deep vertical section shows the ash extending down several meters. In k2, we stopped excavating the ash at the same elevation as A18, an arbitrary stopping point. sl the ash slopes down from the east down to the west, 45 degree angle. nf The depth of this ash and lack of inclusions (clean ash) suggests this accumulation is the result of a specific activity requiring firing. The presence of several colors in layers with laminations present also suggests that the ash was not accumulated in one moment but over several moments enough to leave differences in colors and water to pool forming laminations. P2 S810 co gray c# 10YR3/2-10YR6/2 tx silty f 23 nv no relays were taken of this feature but are drawn to scale by eE along with f11. f 24 ds Multiple accumulations of deep ash ranging in shades of gray pink to dark black sloping into k12 from presumably the northwest (slope visible in section). This ash was found in the western half of the locus abutting a large amorphous bricky mass in the east and the ash continues to slop down to the south, into k2. In A18, a deep vertical section shows the ash extending down several meters. In k12, we stopped excavating the ash at the same elevation as A18, an arbitrary stopping point as it continues to go down. sl the ash slopes down from the east down to the west, 45 degree angle. nf The depth of this ash and lack of inclusions (clean ash) suggests this accumulation is the result of a specific activity requiring firing. The presence of several colors in layers with laminations present also suggests that the ash was not accumulated in one moment but over several moments enough to leave differences in colors and water to pool forming laminations. P2 S810 co gray c# 10YR3/2-10YR6/2 tx silty el m4900 76 150 at bottom f 25 wm li co white f 26 ds A natural build-up of soil containing no discernable elements or components beyond small fragments of brick. This feature was assigned very close to the top surface after find f25 stones. co brown tx loam nv no relays were taken for this feature f 28 wm li ds Several small stones found floating in the ash f22. The stones were found clustered together forming no specific shape or possible function without a pit cut; similar to the other stones f12 and f15. These stones were removed without drawing and only a photograph of the first stone emerging was taken. co white f 30 P2 S803 co mixed light gray to light orange tx silty clay nv no relays taken, feature found in entire locus .rd S721 f 29 ds A layer consisting of larger brickfall (large fragments of broken bricks) mixed with ash. To the south, the brickfall appears more organized with possibly another wall under f29. In the north, this feature turns ashier around the tannur f42. f29 is concentrated in the western half of the locus starting from m4702 extending north 400 cm and 150 cm east. co mixed, light brown to light gray tx mixed, clay and ash nv no relays taken; see relays for f68, the brick pile found in f29 and the western border of the ash f36 f 31 co gray tx ashy clay hd more compact than f36 ds A compact ashy surface where the sherd pavement f35 is embedded in. Underneath is f90. .rd S804 f 32 ds Only patches of the compact bricky layer were found in k14 in the western part of the locus with f32 assigned to the abandonment accumulation in the eastern half consisting of softer gray soil with broken bricks. The feature extends from m3747 north 400 cm and 150 cm east, becoming wider in the north. P2 S804 co pale brown tx sandy clay loam nv no relays taken f 33 ds Sherd pavement constructed of large sherds lying flat on a surface creating a rectangular shape that runs north to south in the eastern side of k14. These sherds overlay a series of stones that extends the pavement towards the south, keeping the same alignment as the sherd pavement. Underneath f33, another sherd pavement was found, nicer and more compact than f33. The sherds from this pavement are smaller in size with small pebbles embedded in a clay matrix, see f61. .rd S811 f 34 ds A cluster of 28 stones ranging in size concentrated south in k14. The eastern border of f34 forms a line while the western border is irregular in shape. Two pavements are associated with f34, sherd pavement f33, a later pavement that overlays the stones covering a cluster in the north while f48 appears to have been constructed at the same time as f34 for some of the stones sit on f48 with sherds also overlaying. Another cluster of cobblestones were found in the west, f61, perhaps associated with these stones. The stones are the typical white limestone found at Mozan. el 9339 at top P2 S728 co white .rd S809 f 35 dy Removed the pavement today, assigned f90 to the soil underneath the pavement ds A rough pavement constructed with pottery sherds some lying flat while most are at an irregular angle concentrated within the eastern area of k3, alongside the east section continuing under the baulk into k4 (see f73 and f72). The pavement contained animal bones embedded with multiple layers of the pavement visible. One suggestion, especially viewing the pavement in k4 is that this was either an unintentional pavement created from a walking surface that embedded loose sherds into the soil or that this is an ancient wadi with sherds washed in. The presence of a channel, f83 drain to the immediate northwest of f35 suggests that water was present and diverted. In k4, the pavement is at a higher elevation, sloping down into k3. P2 S809 el m4902 117 150 at bottom f 36 ds Ashy accumulation found in the middle of the locus, running south to north. This ash appears to be the same accumulation as f22 in k2 that spreads east into k3. At some point bricks were added, f68 (f29) over the ash south of the tannur f42 to perhaps contain the ash to the west. f36 likely is under f68, and at the moment we have excavated f31 and f35 finding the ash f36 under these features continuing east. el m4715 65 190 P2 S809 c# 10YR3/2-10YR6/2 tx silty ash f 37 ds Layer of abandonment consisting of broken brick fragments mixed within a compact matrix located in the western half of k14, west of f33 and f34. nv no relays taken, feature extends from m3416 400 cm north and 200 cm east. co pale pinkish brown tx sandy clay f 38 ds Mud brick wall running east to west located near the northern section of k15. The wall bonds with another wall, f46, running north to south and forms a small room labeled as a1. The width of f38 is constructed using one whole brick and a half, measuring 55 cm and 195 cm in length extending into the eastern baulk. The wall goes down 4 courses of bricks, 10 cm thick, and rests on f57 stone pavement. el 9264 at bottom tx clay co pale brown f 39 ds The latest fill in a1, room beginning at the point where bricks began to surface. The fill is typical of collapse, containing large broken bricks within a soft matrix. co mixed, pale brown to brown tx mixed, sandy clay loam el 9253 at bottom P2 S728 nv no relays were taken since the walls were relayed that bound this feature. See relays from f38 and f46 f 40 ds In the western part of k15, adjacent to the west section, several brick faces emerged, arranged vertically that continued into the western baulk. Within a few days more bricks emerged in the northeast corner, horizontal and different from the vertical bricks but since no definition could be concluded, both these sets of bricks were labeled f40. After we removed the west section of k15, or the east section of k14, the vertical bricks continued under the section and found in k14, labeled as f56. The horizontal bricks found earlier turned into a wall, oriented north to south and we relabeled these bricks as f86. f40 with f56 are included under aggregate 2 (a2) forming a box like structure with multiple courses of vertical bricks, obliquely set, with thick mortar between the bricks. The first course was eroded and removed early in the season so it's difficult to reconstruct the original shape of this structure; it appears that the bricks were set in a manner that created a domed outer shape with a square base. The top bricks were cut back in section to understand how it was constructed with more bricks found below, vertically set and identical to the top course. On the western end, a wall constructed of thin vertical bricks obliquely set abuts a2, given the similarities in construction we are assuming that this wall is associated with a2. The western border also shows some of the bricks collapsed and these bricks were left articulated. It is unclear how deep this structure is, at the moment it appears to be three courses in construction utilizing bricks measuring 36 x 36 x 10 cm. nl f86 is included under this label early in the season when the a distinction between f40 and f86 could not be established. As a result some of the early templates label f86 as f40. tx clay c# 10YR7/2 co light gray K99 K93 bricks contain small inclusions of charcoal and fine orange colored clay f 56 ds f40 with f56 are included under aggregate 2 (a2) forming a box like structure with multiple courses of vertical bricks, obliquely set, with thick mortar between the bricks. The first course was eroded and removed early in the season so it's difficult to reconstruct the original shape of this structure; it appears that the bricks were set in a manner that created a domed outer shape with a square base. The top bricks were cut back in section to understand how it was constructed with more bricks found below, vertically set and identical to the top course. On the western end, a wall constructed of thin vertical bricks obliquely set abuts a2, forming a wall oriented north to south, given the similarities in construction we are assuming that this wall is associated with a2. The western border also shows some of the bricks collapsed and these bricks were left articulated. It is unclear how deep this structure is, at the moment it appears to be three courses in construction utilizing bricks measuring 36 x 36 x 10 cm. f 42 ds A tannur set into ash f36, with the base in tact but broken. The tannur is 10 cm deep, found collapsed in, and shows small broken bricks around the top surface used as props to set the tannur. Ash was found inside, indicating no inclusions such as pottery or animal bones with the fill clean ash. tx clay f 43 el 9361 at bottom P2 S804 co white f 44 ds After a1, room, began to emerge we assigned new feature numbers to the soil inside the structure and outside the structure. This feature is the soil west of the wall f46 and north of wall f38, forming an "L" shape around the outside of a1. The accumulation is similar to collapse or abandonment build-up with brick fragments mixed with softer soil. Under f44, stones from f57 pavement were found with the last 5-7 cm of f44 becoming harder and more compact. co brown tx clay loam el 9259 bottom elevation P2 S729 f 46 ds Mud brick wall running north to south bonded with wall f38 that runs east to west, forming the walls of structure a1. The wall is constructed of one brick in width, 5 bricks in length, measuring 206 x 35 cm. The wall is 4 courses deep or 40 cm and sits on f57 stone pavement. el 9259 bottom elevation f 48 el 9362 at bottom nv q-lots give an elevation that is 20cm higher than the elevation at the top of this feature. Problem seems to be a wrong marker number. The depth of these q-lots should within 9365-9360. q 68 nv nv q-lots give an elevation that is 20cm higher than the elevation at the top of this feature. Problem seems to be a wrong marker number. The depth of these q-lots should within 9365-9360. q 69 nv nv q-lots give an elevation that is 20cm higher than the elevation at the top of this feature. Problem seems to be a wrong marker number. The depth of these q-lots should within 9365-9360.