.bk A20 .fl S812lr7.j .fd feature additions .ed S812 .ei lR .rd S812 .ri lR f 48 P2 S730 f 50 el 9363 bottom elevation P2 S806 f 51 ds A thin soft accumulation from abandonment found below the brickmelt/ Tell surface at abandonment f18 on the eastern half of the locus. This appears to be accumulation from the ash on the western area, f24 that built up over f52. co gray hd soft P2 S726 nv no relays taken, feature extends the same area as r166, r165, r162, and r159, at elevation 9401. f 53 ds Labeled as interface between brickmelt and ash. This feature is a thin layer of pinkish gray soil slightly compact found within the ash f24 and assumed that it was the end of the ash f24 however underneath this layer more ash was found and f24 used again. This feature extends from m4704 100 cm east, 400 cm south, becoming wider in the south to 200cm. el 9399 at bottom co pinkish gray hd medium compact tx ashy clay nv no relays taken, see relays r155, r156, r157, and r158 for spatial definition using elevation at 9409. f 54 =l f60 ds Feature assigned twice, see f60 for the correct label. This feature is an accumulation below f30, localized in the eastern half of k13. The soil is ashy, contains lots of pottery and animal bones, and appears to extend under the eastern baulk. f 55 el 9243 at bottom P2 S805 f 58 el 9331 at bottom nv no relays taken, spatial area defined from m3416 200 cm east and 200 north in the western half of k14. f 59 el 9337 at bottom f 60 el 9310 at bottom co gray tx ashy sandy clay hd soft f 61 el 9320 at bottom ds A small pavement or installation made of cobblestones located in the western part of k14. These stones are organized in a square shape flanked by a larger stone on the north corner. The stones appear to abut f63 wall, respecting the edge with the larger stone overlaying f63. A cluster of pottery sherds were found between f48, f34, and f61, perhaps a continuation of the sherd pavement suggesting that these features are contemporary. Underneath f61, approximately 40 cm below, another cobblestone pavement was found f93. f 62 ds Accumulation found south of wall f63 and west of f56, structure, at the point with the earliest emergence of wall f63, abutting these structures. The cobblestone installations, f61 and f34, sit on f62, with a thin lens of pottery found between f48 and f61 in f62, perhaps forming a link between the two pavements. el 9298 at bottom P2 S806 f 63 ds Mud brick wall running west to east located adjacent to the north section with the wall continuing north under the section. The wall is constructed of 2 bricks and a half, forming a portion of the large wall that spans from k12, k13, k14, and k15 (see f64 and f41). Another mud brick wall was found at a lower elevation, f106, that either abuts or bonds with wall f63 to the south, forming a thick wall that measures approximately 200 cm in thickness. The depth of this wall is unknown as it is only partially excavated but from k12, we see that this wall continues down at least a meter to the current excavated level. In A18, a stone pavement was found at elevation 9185, perhaps the floor surface associated with this wall. If this is the case, then the wall would measure 2 meters in depth. f 64 ds A mud brick wall running west to east adjacent to the north section of k12, extending into the north and east section. This feature represents a portion of a large wall found throughout four loci, with this portion forming the western end, extending 300 cm to the west then ending with f24 ash abutting the wall. The first two courses of bricks were removed to see better brick faces below, finding the walls constructed utilizes both vertical and horizontal bricks. The horizontal bricks are half bricks set lengthwise in one row with a set of vertical bricks to the north. This construction appears only in the northwest half of the wall with the eastern portion appearing to be only horizontal bricks with the same construction as f41 and f63 wall. One possibility is that this wall was reused at a later phase, making it into a bin similar to f79 and f71 wall in k4. Soft fill was found between the vertical bricks labeled f88 and partially excavated. To the south of this wall, f52 either abuts or bonds with f64 wall. Currently this wall continues down for over a meter in depth. el 9391 at top f 65 ds Topsoil level from the eastern and northern baulk of k101. This locus is from old J1 west, relabeled as A19, with A20 excavating the baulks. Only rims and bases were kept from the pottery lot. co brown tx loam el 9364 at top el 9334 at bottom P2 S805 nv no relays taken f 66 ds Topsoil layer full of roots and pottery. Only rims and bases were kept from the q-lots. nv no relays were taken, see m4884, m4883, m3415, and m3757 for spatial definition at elevation 9399. f 67 ds Patches of compact brick melt layer (see f27) that does not cover the entire locus. This layer was softer, brick components were visible resembling a thinner brickfall. .rd S728 -su With the brickmelt f27 exposed in 5 loci we then proceeded to remove the sections between the loci where the brick melt continued into the next square. Photographs were taken of this continuous layer then began to remove the brickmelt which was only 10cm in thickness. By the end of the week, brick faces began to emerge, suggesting an occupation phase below. .rd S801 -su Spent the week defining the occupation phase below the brickmelt finding several strata. A stone pavement was found in k15, possibly the earliest level in A20 that parallels to the pavement found in A18 while several pebble, sherd, and cobblestone pavements were found scattered in the area. We are interpreting these as later strata that reused the built up space. The large section of A18 was also removed last week, making it easier to visualize the horizontal continuity between these two areas. .rd S806 -su The latest phase appears completely exposed, finding small pavements constructed of pebble and sherds, a tannur, cobblestones, a drainage channel, and medium sized stones. These are scattered in the area and ephemeral in many aspects as they don't seem to be linked with any walls or structures but may have reused an earlier wall. A large wall surfaced to the north, running E-W through four loci that if this wall sits on a stone pavement similar to what we see in A18 and A19 (both at elevation 9185) then this wall is deep with the scattered installations reusing the top of the large wall. .rd S813 -su Spent several days in the house working on documentation. Our goals this week are to work on the Harris Matrix to facilitate with the strata assignment which we are waiting to finish until some features are excavated further to pull everything together. We have less than two weeks left in the excavation season and will concentrate on removing some of the later strata to articulate the early walls and presumed pavements below. .rd S813 -dy Decided we needed another day to work on the UGR, our workmen have been temporarily assigned to J5 for the day. .rd S812 -dy Day off from the field, UGR day .rd S811 -dy Day off from the field, UGR day