.bk A20 .fl S816lC.j .fd feature additions .ed S816 .ei lC .rd S816 .ri lC f 107 ds Mud brick wall running west to east in the middle of k4. The wall is constructed of one brick (40x40 cms) and a half for a width of approximately 60 cms and it is 300 cm long from the east to the west section of k4. The wall forms a corner under the eastern baulk of k3 with the wall f99 running S-N in k3, just in part visible that seems to be part of the same structure. el 9357 @top tx clay co light yellowish brown c# 10YR6/4 f 106 el 9311 @top tx sandy clay co light yellowish brown c# 10YR6/4 f 105 el 9329 @top co light yellowish brown c# 10YR6/4 tx clay f 104 ds Fill of a possible pit, doorway or animal hole in the western edge of the brickmelt f52 in k12. The fill is very soft, gray in color, very similar to the ashy layer f24 that could be the same. Inside this soft ashy soil there are also some more compact pieces, probably part of broken mud bricks. We excavated just few centimeters inside the hole and not a big amount of pottery came out. The sherds inside the fill lie both vertical and horizontal. el 9376 @top wm ash co light gray c# 10YR7/2 hd soft f 103 ds Ashy layer below the ash in the eastern half of k2 that we considered as f22. f103 compared to f22 has a more concentration of sherds, inclusions of charcoal, small lens of black and white ash, burnt red clay, burnt bones. Some areas are really soft while others are more compact, but with the same ashy texture. In general it looks like a very incoherent layer. wm ash co gray c# 10YR6/1 hd very soft f 100 ds Tannur in the southern baulk of k3 found during the excavation of A18. Currently the tannur is in poor condition due to weather exposure for some years, but originally it should has been almost complete. It seems to sit on an ashy layer and it is covered by the brickpile f68, but it seems that all around the tannur there are numerous vertical bricks forming a sort of supporting structure. This would suggest that the brickpile forms an installation to support the tannur. It is about 45 cms in width and 30 cms in depth. co red c# 2.5YR5/8 tx clay f 99 ds Mud brick wall running north to south in k3 just next to the eastern baulk. Only few centimeters of the bricks are visible near the section. This wall could be part of the same structure formed with the wall f107 in k4. We will be clearer only after the removal of the baulk which prohibits us to visually link the two walls. el 9360 @top co light brown c# 7.5YR6/4 hd compact tx clay f 98 ds Very compact bricky mass of about 200 cms in N-S and 130 cms E-W, uncovered in the eastern half of k2 after the removal of the ashy layer f22, which overlays f98. This feature is not considered brickmelt because it is softer than other examples of brickmelt in the area and retains an ashier appearance than f27. It is also deeper than brickmelt which normally forms a thin layer. When compared to f52, also a bricky mass, it is much softer and easier to scrape with a trowel. It is very compact with a sharp edge in the western side where it seems that some bricks can be recognized, particularly on the top surface, just to the north of the ashy layer f103. el 9343 @top co light gray c# 10YR7/2 hd compact tx silty clay ad bricky mass f 97 ds Mud brick wall running west to east in the southern part of k14 that is quite badly preserved. The wall doesn't have a clear face and only few mud bricks are visible. It appears to be a large wall composed of at least one brick and probably another half, measuring 60 cms in width, like the parallel wall f106. The wall goes through the baulk and its length for now measuring about 240 cms. The wall is in relationship with the N-S wall f92 but is still unclear which type of contact, forming the room a4. el 9314 @top co light gray c# 10YR7/2 tx clay f 94 ds Initially this feature was labeled as a mud brick wall, but after some attempts to find a regular brick faces failed by removing 5 cms of soil at a time, this feature has been relabeled as brickfall. It is composed of large quantities of broken gray mud bricks with an irregular shape. Some of these bricks appeared horizontal in section thus our original definition of a wall however while excavating the surface, these horizontal bricks resulted in only broken bricks and were removed to expose the southern face of f40. el 9350 @top co mixed, light gray to brown c# 10YR7/2 hd compact tx clay P1 S816 f 92 el 9309 @top ds Mud brick wall running north to south in k14. This wall is composed of small vertical bricks (about 5x32x30 cms). These bricks measure only 5 cms in thickness are slightly oblique. We are uncertain if f92 functioned as a wall or bench. It could be part of the eastern structure a2, also because its relationship with the other walls f106 and f97 is still to be clarified. Pavement f93 seems to continue underneath this wall. The construction of this wall differs in technique when compared to the other adjoining walls of a4, making this wall an anomaly possibly reflecting a different function. co light yellowish brown c# 10YR6/4 hd compact tx clay f 90 ds Accumulation below the pavement f35 in k3. The matrix of this accumulation seems to have a gray granular bricky soil mixed with ash. Inside the accumulation there are numerous sherds lying almost flat, together with bones and small pebbles. Under this accumulation another pavement f112 has been uncovered. el 9349 @top el 9337 @bottom wm ashy soil co pale brown c# 10YR6/3 hd compact f 86 ds Mud brick wall running south to north in the western half of k15. Its length is unknown because the wall goes into the north section of k15 and at the moment measures about 165 cms. The bricks are flat and measure 40 by 40 cms and we can see a nice face of the wall to the east. The wall is built of one brick and an half for a width of about 60 cms. The wall seems to finish towards the south with a big vertical brick, maybe next to a doorway, but we will understand the wall and also its link with the big wall running east to west f63 after the removal of the a2 and the excavation of the layers underneath, going down inside the probable structure. el 9306 @top co light gray c# 10YR7/2 hd compact tx clay f 85 ds Mud brick wall running south to north in k101. The wall is very badly preserved because part of it was excavated during MZ16 by A19 and the northern part is badly preserved due to its close proximity to the section. The wall seems to be built of only one brick in thickness, at least in its upper part. The relationship with the wall running east to west f84 is not still clear, but seems that between the two walls there is an orange vertical brick and f85 is abutting f84. el 9278 @top co light gray c# 10YR7/2 hd compact tx sandy clay f 84 ds Mud brick wall running east to west in k101. The wall was very badly preserved in the upper part so we cut it for few cms in order to have better preserved bricks. The bricks are gray in color and they don't appear to be of good quality. The wall is constructed of a brick and an half for about 70 cms in width and in the eastern portion of it, at least four or five courses are still preserved. el 9279 @top co brownish yellow c# 10YR6/6 hd compact tx clay f 83 ds The drain f83 was partly uncovered below a layer of accumulation f81. The drain has a probable semicircular shape running from north-west to east. It is built with hard gray clay, small stones and vertical yellow/orange bricks. The drain is still in part to be excavated so its shape is not yet completely clear. It is related to the pebble pavement south of it and to the installation f96 to the north. It doesn't seem to have a sharp slope but is slightly oriented towards the east. el 9368 @top wm clay, stones, sherds, vertical bricks co light gray c# 10YR7/1 hd compact f 81 ds Accumulation type "a" between two pavements f50 and f80. It is composed by a reddish soft layer with small patches of red bricky (baqaia) material with small white limestone inclusions and really small pebbles and few sherds. These patches could be a sort of preparation for the cobble stone pavement f50 that was above. This accumulation seems to be limited just to this area below the f50 and stopping towards the south next to the ashy layer f36 along a row of stones that probably were used to contain the ashy layer from the south. el 9367 @top wm ash, sandy, small pebbles co reddish yellow c# 5YR6/6 hd soft P1 S814