.bk A20 .fl S823lC.j .fd daily journal .ed S823 .ei lC .rd S823 .ri lC -dy Today we continued to work in k13 removing f89 in search for the possible continuation of the stone pavement of k14. In k14 we (lC, lR) removed another row of vertical bricks of a2 structure, leaving the workmen for other tasks. In k101 we continued to remove the accumulation f119 to better understanding the relationship between the wall with vertical bricks f115 with the structure east to it. In k101 sE and yM took many points for relaying the structure with hB using the total station. Around 8 am we stopped work for about fifteen minutes due to a large sand storm. f 89 dy After the removal of the east baulk of k13 and with the discovery of the wall f143, today we continued to remove f89 in k13 to clarify the wall f143 and the possible continuation of the stone pavement f93, also in k13. After the removing a portion of f89, we uncovered two red mud bricks in the south eastern corner of k13, possibly pertinent to the wall f97. k 13 dy After the removal of the east baulk of k13 and with the discovery of the wall f143, today we continued to remove f89 in k13 to clarify the wall f143 and the possible continuation of the stone pavement f93, also in k13. After the removing a portion of f89, we uncovered two red mud bricks in the south eastern corner of k13, possibly pertinent to the wall f97. To have a better understanding of the link between these two bricks, the big stone in k13, the wall f97 and the wall f143, we changed features and we removed the last 10 cms of accumulation f140, uncovering a series of stones labeled as a stone installation, f141. f 141 dy Almost at the end of the day we uncovered in k13 a series of stones labeled as f141. At the beginning I thought it could be the continuation of the stone pavement f93 of k14 to the west in k13. But after a better analysis the stone installation f141, it is evident that this pavement differs in size and construction from pavement f93. The stones are bigger and, to be a pavement, it is very irregular and the stones don't create a flat surface. We have labeled this feature a stone installation rather than a pavement due to its irregularity. Moreover the big stone, already uncovered some days ago appears to sit on other stones. It could be a tomb. Very similar tombs were discovered in the Khabur level in area C2 from the German excavation utilizing several large elongated stones for a cover with smaller stones set between forming a cist type tomb. .ri lr f 141 ar These stone appear too irregular to form a pavement and contrasts sharply with the cobblestone pavements found in A20. One elongated stone overlays more stones that are partly visible in the small cracks between the stones. The shape almost appears to form a cist type tomb with elongated stones used as a cover however this is all speculative as we only have one human tooth from a1 and portions of a skull in k101 and this season we don't have time to investigate this possibility. These stones may also form a drain or other type of installation. .ri lC k 101 dy Today we continued to remove f119 south and north to the vertical bricks f137. In the northern half we uncovered part of a nice floor; f142, that we will finish to uncover tomorrow. In the southern half we preceded more slowly because of the presence of some mud bricks and we have to check if they are simply broken bricks from a brickfall or some kind of installations. At the end of the morning a skull of a small animal was found just next to the southern section of k101. .ri lR f 142 dy This floor appears lined or plastered and was first noticed while scraping the section where thin multiple layers of white material flaked off in section. The floor surface appears to be a living floor or a floor that was used inside the structure a5. Given it's height in elevation with another floor surface and stones below (approx 25 cm) and the continuation of the bricks from wall f116, this floor likely belongs to a reuse of this structure at a later phase when the floor was raised. .ri lC f 119 dy Today we continued to remove f119 south and north to the vertical bricks f137. In the northern half we uncovered part of a nice floor; f142, that we will finish to uncover tomorrow. In the southern half we preceded more slowly because of the presence of some mud bricks and we have to check if they are simply broken bricks from a brickfall or some kind of installations. At the end of the morning a skull of a small animal was found just next to the southern section of k101. k 14 dy Today we continued to remove the vertical bricks of the a2. The bricks in this part of the structure are badly preserved, damaged from numerous animal holes. Some bricks seem to be broken already in antiquity and it is a little bit more difficult to find their faces. Removing these vertical bricks, the floor f132 continues to be uncovered. Probably tomorrow we will link the stones of the pavement with the stones found just to the north east of the a2 and that we assume are part of the same pavement. f 132 dy Today we continued to remove the vertical bricks of the a2. The bricks in this part of the structure are badly preserved, damaged from numerous animal holes. Some bricks seem to be broken already in antiquity and it is a little bit more difficult to find their faces. Removing these vertical bricks, the cobblestone floor f132 continues to be uncovered. Probably tomorrow we will link the stones of the pavement with the stones found just to the northeast of the a2, f93, and that we assume are part of the same pavement. a 2 dy Today we continued to remove the vertical bricks of the a2. The bricks in this part of the structure are badly preserved, damaged from numerous animal holes. Some bricks seem to be broken already in antiquity and it is a little bit more difficult to find their faces. Removing these vertical bricks, the floor f132 continues to be uncovered. Probably tomorrow we will link the stones of the pavement with the stones found just to the north east of the a2 and that we assume are part of the same pavement. -sg After a short meeting in the field between lC, sE, eE, yM and gB we decide to concentrate the efforts for the last three days of excavation, continuing the strategy decided in the past days, in k101. The goal is to expose all the pavement f132 to understand its relationships with the other pavements f57 and f93. And very important seems also to excavate the accumulations f120 and the others below, south to the mud brick wall f126 to find the link between the pavement f132 and the pavement f108. Moreover it will be nice to have the three different levels of pavements for the final photos.