.bk A20 .fl S831lC2.j .fd Feature description .ed S831 .ei lC .rd S831 .ri lC f 113 ds Bin constructed of gray bricks. In its western edge it is constituted of a row of small vertical bricks (11x35 cm), at least 3 or 4, while in the southern and northern edge it is built with bigger bricks, but it is impossible define their exact measurements because the bricks are really bad visible. The bin measures about 140 cm in length, north to south and about 95 cm east to west, continuing under the east baulk of k12. It is quite difficult to recognize the bin because both the fill f114, that the layer outside f82 are really similar in color and hardness. f 114 ds Very compact layer, interpreted as the fill of the bin. It seems the same layer f82 found outside and above the bin, really similar in color and hardness. In this fill there are some circular red lines (about 2-3 cm in thickness), probably some kind of installations like tannurs or, with more difficulty, pottery vessels very badly preserved. The ware seems to be really coarse, so I am inclined to the interpretation of it like a tannur. Only one complete circle (with a diameter of about 30x40 cm) is clearly visible, more other isolated irregular pieces. f 124 ds Floor type b exposed for about 120 cm north to south and 25 cm east to south, in the western edge of f82. The floor shows some kind of lamination, probably because of its exposure to the water or to the atmospheric agents. In some points its surface appears to be whitish, but generally it is constituted of clay with many small (about 0,3-1cm) inclusions of pebbles and ceramics. It seems about 2-3 cm thick and it is very compact. To the north it seems the same of the floor f123 that instead, toward south starts to sloping down. f 123 ds Floor type b identified just in the section of the western edge of f82. It appears the same of f124, just a little thicker (3-5 cm). It is sloping down sharply toward south, arriving until the south section of k12. It has a gray surface, very compact, with small inclusions (about 0.5-1cm) of pebbles and ceramic fragments. On top of it there is a thin layer of black ash. f 112 ds Pavement exposed for about 400 cm north to south and for 100 cm east to west. It is constituted of pottery sherds, mostly body sherds averaging 5-6 cm in size with some sherds until 10 cm. Between these sherds just few show a painted decoration with horizontal bands. Numerous also the pebbles, usually 1-3 cm in length, and bigger pieces of stone, between which some fragments of basalt grinding stone, reused secondarily in the pavement. Numerous also the bones, particularly a skull of a small animal and a horn. It is a well built pavement of type c. better than the pavement f35 that was above it. It seems to abut the mud brick wall f99. f 121 ds Accumulation between two pavement f112 and f122. It is very compact and full of ceramic sherds, but it doesn't form a pavement because there isn't a clear visible surface. It is perhaps in relationship with the southern exit of the drain a3. Because of this probably we will take also a sample of soil to analyze. f 122 ds Pavement constituted of ceramic sherds and few small pebbles and bones. It seems to be well built, even if it is less compact of the pavement f112. The pottery sherds are small with a size between 3-4 cm. We have uncovered just a small portion of it, north to the pavement f112 and it seems to be in relationship with the southern drain to which it is physically linked. The pavement is sloping down toward south. f 128 ds Layer very compact constituted of a gray clay. It is a quite irregular plan sloping toward south, and initially we thought it was part of the pavement f80. Now it seems that the pavement f80 is set out on a very soft ash layer that is on top of this compact clay layer. To the north, just next to the pavement f80 it is built with numerous small pebbles and sherds (about 2-4 cm) embedded in the clay. Toward south is sloping down quite sharply, but its southern edge has not been excavated yet. The layer seems to be about 3-4 cm thick, just on top of a softer layer, constituted probably of ashy soil. f 149 ds Mud brick wall, running east to west. It is built of two vertical bricks and a small flat brick in between for a width of about 30 cm. It was preserved for just one course, on top of the pavement f108, from which was separated by a gray thin ashy layer with some white inclusion, coming from organic or burnt material. The bricks are brown in color and not very compact. To the north there is other bricky material, probably bricks, but without any clear face or line.