.bk A20 .fl S902lC.j .fd Feature descriptions and feature additions .ed S902 .ei lC .rd S902 .ri lC f 152 ds Mud brick wall running north to south. The bricks are gray in color and very badly preserved, only four courses of bricks are visible, and the lower bricks are more compact and better preserved. The wall f152 seems to be bounded with the mud brick wall f84. The wall ends to the north with a probable doorway, and it is almost in the same line of the wall f86, just to the north of it, that has also the same width (80 cm). In its eastern portion it is very poorly preserved with just one course of brick visible. The clay layer f150, belonging to the a6, seems to abut this wall in its western face. wm clay, bricks co light gray c# 10YR7/2 hd medium compact f 148 ds Stone installation built of two big flat stones of 65x40 cm and 60x30 cm, and more other smaller stones toward south. It is just about 10-20 cm higher than the level of the floor f135 and the pavement f134 right next to it, inside a5, but it is more or less at the same level of the stone installation f136. The stones are sitting in a quite soft layer on top of the floor f135. We don't know exactly its measurements because has been uncovered only in part. wm stones co white c# 10YR8/2 f 135 ds Floor type b in the northern part of a5, measures 150 cm east to west and 80 cm north to south. It is built of a very compact layer of gray clay, with many sherds embedded in it. Some of these sherds are vertical, many others lye flat. This floor is very compact and seems to go underneath the stone installation f148. Probably covers part of the pavement f134 and it is possible that below this clay layer the pavement f134 continues toward north, also because some pebbles are visible under the clay of f135. wm clay, sherds co light gray c# 10YR7/2 hd hard f 134 ds Pavement type b uncovered in a5 between the floor f135 and the stone installation f136. It measures about 160 cm east to west and 70 cm north to south, and it is built of numerous small (3-5 cm) and medium (8-12 cm) pebbles. Just few sherds have been used in this pavement. The pavement could continue toward north below f135, but only further excavation will clarify it. wm Pebbles, sherds, clay co White, light gray c# 10YR8/2 10YR7/2 f 136 ds Stone installation in the southern part of a5, built of medium sized stones between 15 and 30 cm in diameter, with few bigger stones (30-40 cm). In this installation are clearly visible two stone alignments, one north-south of about 160 cm in length, and one east-west of about 70 cm. These alignments form two external faces, one to the west and one to the north. In the internal part there are a series of scattered irregular medium sized stones. Toward west, outside the stone face, there is a cluster of bigger stones. It doesn't seem a pavement, probably it has had a function of some kind, perhaps as a very low bench or as working area. wm Stones co White c# 10YR8/2 f 133 ds Mud brick wall running north-east to south-west closing the a5 toward east. A good elevation of 19 courses of mud brick for a height of about 170 cm is preserved. It measures about 300 cm north to south and 90 cm in width. The mud bricks are gray with many chaffs inclusions and measure 10x40x40 cm. It is in not very good conditions because it has been exposed for some years, having been excavated during A19 excavation in MZ N. The wall is 2 or 3 bricks in width and it seem having a sort of "lesena" in the internal face forming a kind of bench. In its southern half is damaged probably by a later pit. The wall seems to abut the wall f116. wm Bricks, clay co Very pale brown c# 10YR7/4 hd compact f 116 ds Northern wall of a5, running west to east. In the external face it presents a sort of step in the upper preserved part, reducing its width from two bricks to a brick and an half. It is built of gray mud bricks measuring 10x40x40 cm. It is 300 cm long, and 75 cm in the lower part and 45 cm in the upper part in width. 16 courses of gray bricks and other 5 courses of red bricks next to the base are recognizable, for a total height of about 175 cm. f 138 ds Brick installation constituted of vertical mud brick slightly oblique. The bricks are quite small, between 5 and 8 cm in thickness for 30x40 cm. In some points are visible two courses of bricks, in other just one. It is preserved for about 130 cm north to south and 70 cm east to west, and its function is not clear. wm bricks co light gray c# 10YR7/1 hd compact f 137 ds Brick installation covering in part the other brick installation f138 and the accumulation f119. It is built of 5 or 6 vertical gray bricks of normal size (10x40x40 cm). As for f137 its function is not totally clear. wm Bricks, clay c# 10YR7/4 co Very pale brown hd compact f 119 ds Thick layer of accumulation above the floor f142. This accumulation presents numerous sherds, pebbles and bones. The soil is of bricky clay, with some patches of gray ash above all in its southern portion. Many also the fragments of broken bricks, both of the gray and red kind. It is compact and generally gray-brownish in color. It is interpreted as a fill inside the structure, probably like an accumulation of abandonment. f 141 ds Stone installation constituted of big sized stones, to 60 cm in diameter. It is preserved for about 100 cm south to north and 180 cm east to west. On top of some stones in its western edge there is also a big stone of about 70 cm in length. At the beginning we thought it was a stone pavement, i.e. the continuation of the pavement f93 in k14. But then, because of its irregularity and the substantial difference from the pavement f93 has been labeled as stone installation. Toward east the feature presents a cluster of 7 medium sized stones, very well built together, also with a door socket that could be in situ or reused in a secondary context. It is also possible that these more eastern stones belonging to the pavement f93. wm stones co White c# 10YR8/2 f 140 ds Accumulation above the stone installation f141. This layer is very compact and gray in color. Just few sherds are coming from this accumulation. At the beginning we thought it was a kind of floor, because of its hardness and aspect, but removing a small portion of it, looking for the face of same mud bricks that were next to it, we found all the stones of f141. Moreover also f89 that was above f140 was very compact and constituted of bricky material like f140. wm clay co Very pale brown c# 10YR7/3 hd very hard f 143 ds Mud brick wall running north to south, almost parallel and built in the same technique of the wall f92. There were preserved just 5 or 6 thin vertical bricks in the southern part of k13, below its eastern baulk. The bricks were really badly preserved and we removed this feature in order to understand the link between the stone of the pavement f93 in k14 and the stones of the stone installation f141. wm Bricks co Light yellowish brown c# 10YR6/4 hd medium compacted f 131 ds Accumulation type a above pavement f132. This accumulation is very compact and not really different in the matrix from that one of the vertical bricks that were on top of it. In some points this accumulation was a little bit softer and no clear mud brick faces or lines were visible. Moreover inside this accumulation there were more big sherds. But generally this accumulation, like all the others accumulations on top of the pavements of A20, was very clean, with few sherds, q-items and bones. Only a small animal mandible was found on top of the pavement f132 as shown from v122b. wm clay co Pale brown c# 10YR6/3 hd Very compact