.bk A20 .fl S903yM .fd View log .ed S903 .ei yM v .rd S826 .ri lC 122 W gk14,15,101 gf46,57,84,85,86,63,40,56,131,132,144,150,152,106,108,125,126,127 ga2 View showing the last unexcavated part of the vertical bricks a2 and the pavement f132, found under the removed part of a2 and the compact clay layer f150 running around and underneath the stones of the pavement f132. The shot shows clearly the relationship between these two features and the wall f127. The view also shows the difference in elevation between the three Mittani pavement in k15 and k101 f132, f108 and f57. The shot Also shows the structures around the pavements, that are the mud brick walls f63, f86, f46, f106, f84, f85. Presumably the walls f86 and f152 form a door way with the clay layer f150 running between them. 122a W gk14 gf84,86,63,40,56,57,150,106,132,152,127 ga2 Sub view showing the uncovered part of the pavement f132 under the vertical bricks a2, a small part of the pavement f57 and the difference in elevation between the two .The view also shows the remaining part of the vertical bricks a2 and the relationship between it, the wall f127 and the clay layer f150 around the pavement that runs toward east between the walls f152 and f86. Next to the wall f86 we can see a stone that might be possibly a door socket for the assumed door way. 122b W gk14 gf132,150 Sub view showing the stone pavement f132 that was discovered under the vertical bricks of a2 and the compact clay layer f150, that surrounds the stones of the pavement. The shot also shows an animal bone, part of the jaw, that was sitting on top of the pavement. 122c W gk14 gf132,150,127,40,56 ga2 Sub view showing the stone pavement f132 that continues running under the unexcavated part of the vertical bricks a2 and the clay compact layer next to the stone pavement .The shot also shows the mud brick wall f127 next to f150 and f132. This sub view do not show f125 but it shows the stone on top of that feature. 123 S gk15 gf132,57,86,150,152 View showing the clay compact layer f150 which the stone pavement f132 rests on, and which surrounds the pavement, running between the two mud brick wall f86 and f84 (the possible door way). The view also shows small part of the pavement f132 and the pavement f57. 124 S gk14,15,101 gf132,150,127,108,109,110,115 View showing the stone pavement f132 and the clay compact layer that surround and go under it and the relationship between these two features and the mud brick wall f127. The view shows the stone pavement f108 in k101 and the difference in elevation between the two pavements f108 and f132. The shot also shows toward east the big stone f110 that sits on the wall f109 that abuts the vertical mud brick wall f115.