.bk A20 .fl U918jH.j .fd notes on q items .ed U918 .ei jH qi .rd U907 .ri yM 264.1 bd 0.3 0.7 li white small bead 264.2 flake 0.6 4.5 1 li black its an obsidian flake 264.3 bd 0.3 0.2 li brownish white .rd U908 .ri bS 267.1 uk maf 0.2 1.4 bronze light brown round piece of bronze .rd U912 .ri jS 270.1 uk laf 2 12.5 6.5 li gray rectangular shaped artifact, one side rounded .ri bS 269.1 weight 2 3.5 li dark gray round stone object with plano convex shape and a hole in the center .rd U913 .ri bS 268.1 fg 1.8 3.8 2.1 cl light brown rear part of an animal fg .ri aMH 272.1 flake 2 1.2 0.5 `li black small piece of obsidan flake .ri jH 272.2 bl 1 1.5 0.3 li black small piece of obsidan blade .rd U914 .ri yM 266.1 bk 6 12 10.5 light brown piece of brick .ri bS 278.1 mother of pearl 0.07 1.3 0.8 fragment of mother of pearl .ri mM1 279.1 pestle 6 4.4 5.8 li dark gray pestle .ri mS1 279.2 morter 13.2 11.6 5.15 li light gray morter with calest .rd U915 .ri lH1 281.1 fg 3.3 3.9 cl light brown the head of an animal fg .ri mS1 284.1 gr 14 17 10 li semi light gray .ri jS 282.1 gr 6 17 12.5 li gray fragment of a plano-convex grinding stone .ri yM 283.1 gr 5 19 11.5 li bluish gray piece of an oval shaped grinding stone 283.2 gr 6 9 13.5 li bluish gray piece from a grinding stone .ri bS 286.1 shell 0.2 2 1.7 sh white shell fragment .ri jH 281.2 uk laf 1.1 1.5 0.3 li black could be a token for playing or counting .ri aMH 286.2 shell 3.4 0.8 0.6 mother of preal white fragment of shell .rd U916 .ri yM 288.1 uk laf 2.9 1 li brownish its celindrical shaped lithic artifact .ri lC 289.1 pestle 7 5 li black half of a pestle .ri bS 291.1 uk laf 1.4 4 3.2 cl brown fragment of a clay artifact 292.1 gr 5 16 15.5 li p.c gray 292.2 gr 6.65 19 10.55 li p.c gray 292.3 gr 6.15 16.5 13.6 li p.c gray with an hole 292.4 gr 5.6 12.6 12.4 li p.c gray .ri lH1 293.1 ds 12 18 li whitish gray 294.1 shell 1.8 3 white .rd U918 .ri lC 296.1 ll 1.7 3.5 0.6 ob black obsidian blade 297.1 bd 2.5 1.3 cl brownish shaped clay beade .ri jS 296.2 ds 10 23 21 li grayish white door socket found up side down 296.3 pestel 3 18 6 li gray pestle incrustation with calcite side on one 296.4 pestel 5 8 6 li gray pestle with calcite incrustation 296.5 pestel 4 7.5 6 li gray fragment of pestle with calcite incrustation .rd U919 .ri yM 303.1 morter 7 27 14 li gray morter from wall f171 304.1 gr 14 28 24 li gray grinding stone from wall f168 304.2 gr 14 32 30 li gray grinding stone from wall f168 304.3 gr 10 25 17 li gray grinding stone from wall f168 306.1 ds 10 20 15 li light gray door socket from st-is f164 306.2 ds 24 23 21 li light gray door socket from st-is f164 .ri lC 307.1 gr 23 13 5 li black granding stone complet 307.2 gr 26 12 4 li black granding stone complet 307.3 debitage 3.2 5 4 li gray a debitage 302.1 cl 4 2.5 2 cl brown clay lump