.bk A20 .fl U919lC.j .fd daily journal .ed U919 .ei yM .rd U919 .ri lC -sg Only 4 day left before the end of the excavation. In order to reach the goals established at the beginning of the season, i.e. explore the possible building linked to ^wall1, we will concentrate our efforts in 3 (k24, k25 and k34) of the 4 open loci. The operations B7 and J3 are going to end so we can get more workmen and this will let us going much faster than before. The idea is to explore the inner part of the building and the external part of it in k25. In k25 we are already deep, almost at the level of ^wall1, while in k24 and k34 we have still to go deeper. .rd U920 -sg Today we had a short meeting in the field with gB and fAB and we showed them the progresses of the excavation in the last two days. For the next days we will work in k24, k25 and k34. The most complex situation regards k25 where we found a deep pit (f) that seems cutting at least two walls f188 and f195, clearly visible in its northern and southern sections. To the East the pit seems cutting a structure with vertical mudbricks labelled as f191. The idea is to completely remove the filling of the pit and look at its section. The relationship between the vertical mudbrick structure and the pit is not clear and probably the pit cuts also the structure. Because this structure could be a tomb we want to verify this hypotesis and in case start to remove its covering from above and not approaching it from one side. r 459 nv This relay number has been skipped for mistake .rd U921 -sg Today we almost finished to excavate in k25, but still remain to understand the relationship between the vertical bricks f191 and the pit f189 and the pavement f190. Tomorrow we will draw the structure and then we will remove some of the vertical bricks that seem to be above some lamination layers and the ashy filling of the pit. This will let us to understand the stratigraphic relationship. f 191 sg Today we finished to remove the filling of the pit and scraping the eastern side of it we saw that the western vertical bricks of f191 are above some lamination layers and the ash f188 is going below them. At the beginning we thought that the pit was cutting also the bricks f191 but this seems showing that the vertical bricks are later than the pit and for some reasons they were set in part on top of the ash. Tomorrow we will remove the western bricks trying to understand their relationship and if the pavement f190 is extending to the south.