.bk A20 .fl ZE819yG.j .fd view log .ei yG .ed ZE819 v .rd U920 .ri yM 188 S gk25 the vertical bricks 189 OH S gk34 gf185,181 showing ad f181 and pavement f185 .rd U921 .ri lC 190 OH S k25,pit,walls,pavements 190a E relationship between vertical bricks and pit 191 S pit .rd U922 .ri yM 192 OH S gk25 gf188,190,189,187,191 view showing the pavement f190 with the vertical brick f191,the pit f189 and the wall f188,f187 193 E gf191 view showing the section of the vertical brick,the pit fill in it and the lamination 194 OH S k34,now clean feature ;195 S gk34 gf197 showing floor surface f197 195 N North section of k24 without string 195a N North section of k24 with string 196 E East section of k24 with string 197 W West section of k25 with string 197a W West section without string .rd U925 198 OH S k24,34 sloping layer 198a N k24,34 sloping layer 199 k24 pit and layer f192 .rd U926 .ri yM 200 E view showing k24 the floor surface, pit cut 200a S view showing k24 the floor surface, pit cut 201 S k24 new sloping surface 201a E surface and ^wall1 .rd U928 202 OH S general k25 and k15 showing final situation 203 W general k25 and k15 showing final situation 204 W k25,24,23 different elevation of floors 205 OH W two walls belonging to the big building 206 OH pavement in k34 206a pavement in k34 207 N different levels of building k24 and k34 207a N ... level to see the elevations 208 N all area from north 209 E all wall 209a all wall 210 N particular of the corner of ^wall1 and f195 .rd U929 .ri yM 211 N gk34 North section without string 211a N gk34 North section with string 212 E gk34 East section without string 212a E gk34 East section with string 213 N gk25 North section without string 213a N gk25 North section with string 214 E gk25 East section without string 214a E gk25 East section with string