.bk BT .fl ZJ116pC.j .fd feature description architecture .rd T924 .ri pC .ed ZJ116 .ei pC f 9 df stair ds staircase with 21 steps overcoming a high of 6 m, flanked by walls. To the east is flanked by staircase f8. The staircase has a North East axis rising from the plaza to the terrace. Parallelogram in shape, has an inclination to the west of 20 cm. Lower half regular, whereas upper part looks irregular and is damaged. The high of the rows for the lower part correspond to the high of the staircase, whereas the upper part the re rows are higher than the staircase. The upper first two rows are missing B13 West of staircase f8 and east of revetment wall wm lime stone sz 133x70x35 60x60x30 25x40x20 nm size of stones large, medium and small tx smooth and flat for most of the stones sh rectangular and square, but irregualr cn lower half well preserved, upper half damaged (missing stones, moved, upper two rows are missing) or Northeast sl 30° ht 6m L99 The steps consist in medium large undressed stones laid in regular lines. The upper stone overlays for 2-5 cm the lower stone. Smaller stones are set under the step stones to adjust the irregular back side of the stone. Some larger stones are located under steps stones as substructure. Pitch is XX tc ov f12 I3 construction phase 2 I10 ED III floor abuts the lower excavated step, to the north mudbrick ED III terrace abut it M1 staircase made to rise from the plaza to the terrace, could be used as a theater, while the high of the steps are not confortable as too high to rise up r 1