.bk J01 .fl Qx05mL1.j .fd features description .ed Qx05 .ei mL .rd Qx05 .ri mL f 214 ds This yellowish brown accumulation has a silty clay texture, it`s quite soft and it has a granular structure. This feature seems denser material than above and it spreads to the north of the wall, f72, all along the crossing wall, f228, on the eastern side through k31 and k41. f214 is primarily underneath f209 in the northen portion of k31 and in the southern part of k41. f 215 ds This feature consists in a carbon layer, placed between two stone of the revertement wall, f72, where the crossing wall, f228, abuts to f72. f215 is quite soft, deep only few centimeter and it has a dark grey colour (10YR 3/4).