.bk J01 .fl R731ms.j .fd view log MZ19 192-226 .ed R731 .ei mS .rd Q921 .ri mS v 192 n gk117,115,103,24 gf 232,196,72,233 view of pc looking N showing its relation to the wall 192a t n gk117,gf232 view of pc looking N showing its relation to the wall 192b w gk117,gf232 view of pc looking west 193 w gk117,24,103,115 gf232,196,72 view from above looking down on pc e with wall in background 193a gk117,24,103,115 gf232,196,72 view from above looking down on pc e with wall in background 193b s gk117,24 gf232 view of pc from atop the wall f72 looking south 194 gk117 gf232 closeup of pebble layer showing detail 194a gk117 gf232 closeup of pebble layer showing detail 194b gk117 gf232 closeup of pebble layer showing detail 194c gk117 gf232 closeup of pebble layer showing detail 194d gk117 gf232 closeup of pebble layer showing detail 194e gk117 gf232 closeup of pebble layer showing detail 195a w gk117,103 gf195,196,232,72 view of pc and its relation to escarpment and wall 195 w gk117,103 gf195,196,232,72 view of pc and its relation to escarpment and wall .ri mS 196a w gk117 gf232,196,72 view of pc in sun with cloud shade 196b gk117 gf232,196,72 view of pc in full sun 196 n gk117 gf232,196,72 view of pc in full sun 197 n gk117,118,24 gf232,72,196 afternoon light 197a oh gk117,118,24 gf232,72,196 afternoon light 197b t gk117,118,24 gf232,72,196 afternoon light 198 e gk117,24,118 gf232,231,233,229,227,234 pc floor e section showing main accumulations 199 s gk117,118,24 gf231,232 from top of wall .rd Q928 .ri mS 200 gk117,gf232,gq894,895,896,897,898,899 series of view taken by gB e faB documenting this Khabur pebble floor .rd Q929 .ri mS 201 gk118,gf236,gi42,gq892.1 view of large animal skull in fairly clear accumulation 201a t gk118,gf236,gi42 closeup of skull of animal in fairly clear accumulation 201b oh gk118,gf236,gi42 context with staircase in fairly clear accumulation 202 oh gk117,gf232 gq894.1 q894.1 Khabur sherd installation 203 oh gk117,gf232 gq895.1 q895.1 Khabur sherd installation 204 oh gk117,gf232,gq897.1 q897.1 Khabur sherd installation 205 oh gk117,gf232,gq898.1 q898.1 Khabur sherd installation 206 oh gk117,gf232,gq899.1 q899.1 Khabur sherd installation 207 oh gk117,gf232,gq899.2 q899.2 khabur sherd installation 208 oh gk117,gf232,gq895.2 q895.2 khabur sherd installation .rd Q930 .ri hQ 209 sw gk117,gf238,235,237,gi44,45,46 for f238 k117 floor with stonesand sherds 209a n gk117,gf238,235,237,gi44,45,46 for f238 k117 floor with stonesand sherds .ri mS 210 w gk117,103 gf239,240,232,196,238,gi43,44,45,46 shoowing escarpment end accumulations in top 210a w gk117,103 gf239,240,232,196,238,gi43,44,45,46 closer 210b n gk117,103 gf239,240,232,196,238,gi43,44,45,46 from above 210c s gk117,103 gf239,232,196 corner view of section .rd Qx02 .ri mS 211 s gk117 gf239,240,241,gi44,45 view of mudflow with sherds on their side 211a oh ne gk117 gf239,240 west half of 239 showing sherd 211b s gk117 gf239,240 east half of 239 showing sherd 212 w gk117 gf 239,240,238,gi43,44,45,46 showing pebble surface abutting mudflow 212a s gk117 gf 239,240,238,gi43,44,45,46 showing section towards south and horizontal deposition 212b n gk117 gf 239,240,238 showing section towards south and horizontal deposition 213 s gk117,24,118 gf231,232,233,235,237,238,239,240,gi43,44,45,46 south baulk in k117 showing the horizontal deposition 214 e gk118,24 gf229,203,205,225,233,231,235,237,239,240,232,gi46 view of depositional section 215 n gk117,103,24 gf 238,239,240,196,72,232, gi43,44,45,46 view of locus with pebble surface,mudflow,escarpment and wall .rd Qx08 .ri mS 216 e gf72,239,238,gk103,117 gi46,45 final photos:looking along the wall to the east to see the curve and jogs 216a e gf72,196,239,238 ga6 final photos: oblique to the wall 217 se gk117,2,3,4,118,14,112,22,gf232,239,238,236,gi45,46 final photos: southern view looking at the area of J1 217a se gk117,24,118, gf238,232,239,72 final photos: southern view looking at the area of J1 218 ne gk22,112 gf72 final photos: panorama of J1 219 ne gk117,112,24,103, gf72,239,238,196,232 final photos: view of the wall with the temple 220 t nw gk103,gf196,194,72 final photos 221 s gk117,118 gf239,238,232,231,233,236,gi44,45,46 final photos 222 e gk103,107,22,gf72,239,238,gi46 final photos 222a w e gk103,107,22,gf72,239,238,gi46 final photos 223 w gf72,228,172,171,181,184,gk22,103 final photos: wall looking west with stones .rd Qx10 224 n ga6,gf72,232,239,238,gk103,117,24,118,14,3,116,112 overview of entire area looking north 224a n ga6,gf72,232,239,238,gk103,117,24,118,14,3,116,112 overview of entire area looking north 224b ga6,gf72,232,239,238,gk103,117,24,118,14,3,116,112 overview of entire area looking north .rd Qx11 225 w n ga6,gf72,232,239,238,gk103,117,24,118,14,3,116,112 view of entire J1 area looking north 225a t n ga6,gf72,232,239,238,gk103,117,24,118,14,3,116,112 view of entire J1 area looking north 225b n ga6,gf72,232,239,238,gk103,117,24,118,14,3,116,112 view of entire J1 area looking north 226 s gk14,4,3,2,117,118,116,112,24 view of J1 looking south 226a e gk14,4,3,2,117,118,112,gf232,238,239 view of J1 looking east 226b s gk4,3,2,117,103,118,112,gf232,72,238,239 view of J1 looking south