.bk J01 .fl R812sG.j .fd f 243, 244, 248, 249, 250 .ed R812 .ei sG .rd R730 .ri lC f 243 117 ad light yellowish brown 10YR 6/4 244 117 fi light brown 7.5YR 6/4 f 243 ds Natural accumulation, brown in color, quite soft, with some stones of medium-small size. .rd R812 dy This feature was very recently uncovered after the removal of f238, and now that excavation has stopped for the season we will be able to define it further only after future excavation. f 238 tc ov f244 f 244 ds Natural accumulation, yellowish-red in color, compact. ar Although we do not have a point of contact between f244 and f239, f244 could be part of f239, which slopes noticeably to the south in k117. The relationship between the two features can be clarified only after further excavation. .rd R802 f 248 10 lb pale brown 10YR 6/3 f 248 ds narrow accumulation between f232 and the cut of f189. It was compact and somewhat hard. There were very few sherds recovered and they may be from f232, that was both next to and below f248. tc ab 189 tc ov 232 .rd R812 .ri sG f 250 117 pc m4602 136 134 pale brown 10YR 6/3 f 250 ds Pavement constituted by sherds, pebbles and bones without any apparent distinct boundaries in the south. nr This pavement is still in place and we will leave it to be excavated next year in MZ21. ar This pavement seems to be the same type of accumulation as f240, although are not the same they demonstrate a continuity in the use of the space over time. This can be further clarified when f250 is excavated. tc ab f189 tc ov f237 f 235 tc ov f250