.bk J01 .fl S825mM3.j .fd objects descriptions .ed S825 .ei mM .rd S825 .ri mM q 1168.3 df cs ds Carbon from f239. P99 To be analyzed. q 1170.1 df cs ds Carbon from f239. P99 To be analyzed. q 1159.1 df cs ds Carbon from f273. P99 To be analyzed. q 1153.2 df cs ds Carbon from f272. P99 To be analyzed. q 1169.2 df cs ds Carbon from f239. P99 To be analyzed. q 1167.2 df cs ds Carbon from f239. P99 To be analyzed. q 1168.6 ct sm df seed co black ds Seed from f239. P99 to be analyzed. q 1169.7 ct sm df calcium lg 2.2 ht 1.7 w2 1.3 co whitish brown sh ovoidal wm calcium ds Fragment of calcium. q 1167.5 df sm ht 5.1 lg 9.5 w2 3.5 co whitish brown sh irregular wm calcium ds Large fragment of calcium. q 1153.1 df sm ht 5.0 lg 10.2 w2 6.1 wm cl co yellowish brown c# 10YR 5/4 sh squared irregular ds Large piece of clay with white and reddish intrusions. q 1169.3 df kw ht 1.5 lg 2.0 w2 1.5 wm cl co green ds Fragments of a kiln waste with withish intrusions. q 1123.1 df bone ds Bone from the E section of k126. P99 Moved to archaeozoology. q 1167.4 df kw ht 5.0 lg 3.3 w2 1.7 wm cl co greenish blue ds Kiln waste amorphous in shape. q 1168.7 ct sm df calcium ht 2.3 lg 3.9 w2 2.0 co white and dark gray sh irregular cn fragment ds Piece of calcium, burned on one side. q 1155.5 df bk ht 16.7 lg 16.5 w2 5.5 wm cl co very pale brown c# 10YR 7/3 sh square cn broken ds Large brick with a set of 3 parallel lines made with the fingers. q 1168.4 df debitage ct laf ht 3.4 lg 4.0 w2 1.1 wm fl co gray and brownish ds Two unshaped fragments of flint. q 1167.3 df cl ht 1.2 lg 1.7 w2 1.1 wm cl co light grey c# 10YR 7/2 ds 3 Fragments of baked clay. q 1168.2 df cl ht 2.7 lg 2.7 w2 2.1 wm cl co very pale brown c# 10YR 7/3 ds Fragment of burnished clay having one flat surface and one rounded corner. q 1168.5 df bk ht 3.0 lg 6.9 w2 2.5 wm cl co pale yellow c# 5Y 8/4 ds Fragment of a mud brick, yellowish on the inner part. q 1165.1 ct caf df uc ht 4.8 lg 4.3 w2 0.3 wm cl co very pale brown c# 10YR 7/3 cn fragment ds Thin plaquette of clay with whitish intrusions. q 1159.3 df cl ht 1.2 lg 1.1 w2 0.7 co brown c# 10YR 5/3 wm cl ds Fragment of burned clay. q 1169.5 df debitage ct laf ht 2.9 lg 4.0 w2 1.1 wm fl co gray ds Fragment of flint. q 1169.1 df debitage ct laf ht 1.7 lg 2.2 w2 1.1 wm fl co gray ds Fragment of flint. q 1144.2 df debitage ct laf ht 1.7 lg 2.1 w2 0.6 wm fl co reddish gray ds Unshaped fragment of flint. Working waste? q 1144.3 ct laf df debitage ht 1.2 lg 2.3 w2 0.3 wm ob co black ds Unshaped fragment of obsidian. q 1160.1 ct laf df debitage ht 0.8 lg 1.3 w2 0.4 wm ob co black ds Unshaped fragment of obsidian. q 1141.1 df sherd P99 Given to mKB. q 1160.2 df bl ht 2.4 lg 2.2 w2 0.7 co gray wm flint ds Fragmentary blade of flint trapezoidal in section. q 1169.11 df shell ht 0.5 lg 0.6 w2 0.2 wm shell co white ds Tiny snail shell. q 1159.2 df wh ht 2.0 lg 2.5 w2 1.3 wm cl co dark gray ds Fragment of a wheel. Only the central part survives, having a circular indentation and a hole passing through it. q 1168.1 df uc ct caf ht 3.3 lg 3.5 w2 1.7 wm cl co very pale brown c# 10YR 7/3 ds Thick fragment of clay with one rounded corner. Possibly a handle. q 1169.8 df shell ht 1.2 lg 2.1 w2 0.1 wm shell co whitish translucent ds Fragments of shell with mothershell. q 1169.6 df cl ht 1.2 lg 4.1 w2 1.4 wm cl co dark gray brown c# 10YR 4/2 ds Scattered fragments of clay. i 63 df cl ht 2.7 lg 7.1 w2 2.6 wm cl co brown c# 10YR 5/3 sh oblong ds Clay fragment with a large cilindrical indentation in the middle of one side. q 1169.9 df cl ht 2.2 lg 4.3 w2 1.6 wm cl co dark gray brown c# 10YR 4/2 ds Refined clay samples. q 1171.2 df cs ds Carbon from f239. P99 To be analyzed. q 1173.1 df cs ds Carbon from f278. P99 To be analyzed. q 1173.11 df sm ds Piece of a burned material, possibly wood. P99 To be analyzed. q 1172.6 df cs ds Carbon from f239. P99 To be analyzed. i 62 df cl ht 2.0 lg 2.5 w2 1.0 co dark brown wm cl ds Various clay samples. One has a flat side and some possible shallow vegetal impressions. q 1169.4 df cl ht 2.5 lg 3.5 w2 1.4 wm cl co brown c# 10YR 4/3 ds Scattered fragments of clay, some of which with vegetal elements impressions. q 1173.16 df sm wm soil co light yellowish brown c# 10YR 6/4 ds soil sample from f278. It looks like baqaya but it is somehow softer. It has whitish intrusions in it. q 1172.2 df cl ht 1.8 lg 2.0 w2 1.5 wm cl co brown c# 10YR 4/3 ds Scattered fragments of clay. q 1173.26 df to ht 0.2 lg 2.9 w2 0.3 wm bz co dark green sh oblong ds Nail of bronze with squared section. q 1172.5 ct laf df uc ht 3.5 lg 6.0 w2 3.5 wm basalt ds Squared fragmentary tool of stone having one flat surface. The other is slightly curved. Possible grinding stone? q 1123.1 ds Animal bone, only the ending articulation is preserved. P99 Moved to archaeozoology. q 1149.1 df b ds Long animal bone, almost intact. P99 Moved to archaeozoology. i 61 ct caf df uc ht 6.1 lg 8.4 w2 6.1 wm cl sh prism co pale brown c# 10YR 6/3 ds Fragmentary prism of clay without inscriptions. The surfaces are rather smoothed while the ware is coarse.