.bk J01 .fl T731lC.j .fd Journal ;.fn included T801lc.j,T802lc2.j,T802lc.j,T804lc2.j,T804lc3.j,T804lc.j (U812lc) .ed T731 .ei lC .rd T731 .ri lC -sm The first 10 days of excavation have already added many new informations to the understanding of J01 area. At first in k127, f294 and f296 are the same and both belong to the second escarpment. Removing this feature it has been noticed that a big ancient cut f321 cuts both part of the early escarpment f309 and of the late Chalcolitic wall f288. This is probably due to a water damage of the early escarpment. In fact the escarpment f196 we uncovered this year has a surface really badly preserved, and we assume that a big amount of water was coming from the west along the revetment wall, that was protected from the water with the escarpment. So in ED III they cut all the damaged part and made a new big escarpment. Next days will be useful to confirm this idea, when we will be able to arrive at the base of the filling of the second escarpment. The excavation in k129, not planned at the beginning, shows again that Mitanni levels, i.e. accumulations and floors, just above probably layer of ED III like the stones f318 that we assume are part of the second or first escarpment that is rising up to the west, together with the level of the plaza. .rd T729 .ri lC -dy Today we didn't work in the field because of a strong sand storm already at 5 A.M. So we had the first of the two UGR days that was supposed to be on Monday. We stayed at home and we worked on objects, entering data, templates and view descriptions. .rd T730 .ri lC -dy Today we cleaned all the area from the dirt brought by the sand storm. dM took pictures of the accumulation f315 in k129 after the removal of f314.4 and of k127 during the removal of f296 and f294 with all the mud brick fragments highlighted. f315 was then removed and we started to excavate also the accumulation f319 below it. In k127 part of f299 still in place on top of the sloping surface f317, was removed. We excavated also part of f296 following the cut f321 of the early escarpment f309 and f196, uncovering a small ash layer f320. This ash layer was in part abutting f317 and in part overlaying f294. We removed it because it was just a thin patch in the middle of k127. k 129 dy Today we removed the accumulation f315, that was much denser to the north, next to the stones of f318. the accumulation was abutting both the stones of f318 and the big stones, probably floating, and perhaps coming from the bench next to the revetment wall. Then we started to excavate f319, an accumulation below the sherds, bones and pebbles accumulation. Removing this layer we are finding other pebbles and sherds belonging probably to another accumulation of the same type. k 127 dy Early in the morning dM took photos of the surface of f294 and f296 showing all the fragments of broken mud bricks that characterize the big filling of the second escarpment. We removed part of f299 still in place, that seems the same of the other two features and it is right above the sloping surface f317. Removing f294 in the southern part of k127 we uncovered a small layer of ash. We gave to this layer a new number (f320) and we took photos showing its relationships both with the surface f317 and the accumulation itself f294. f320 was then removed and the soil below seems still mixed between ashy lenses and mud brick chunks. f 296 dy Today we continued to remove this feature. It is still similar from what above, with a yellow soil full of red mud brick chunks, with small patches of brown pure clay, ashy lenses and burnt staff. It is easily recognizable from the other features, like the early escarpment f196 much greyer and compact, and like the sloping surface to the south, resting above a layer with the same hardness but black in color and almost made of ash. -sg Long site meeting with fAB about stratigraphy and then with gB and fAB about stratigraphy and strategy for next days. From the first meeting resulted that the big cut of ED III probably was done because of the damage of water along the first escarpment. Checking the difference in elevation between East and West, probably the first escarpment was damaged and there was a sharp slope. ED III people so cut everything in between the damaged first escarpment and the southern Ninivite 5 levels and filled this cut with a big amount of dumping material, most of all broken mud bricks. The water damage is still visible in the surface of early escarpment f196 in the western portion of k127. Can the water erosion explain a such big cut? Probably the quantity of water coming from west along the revetment wall was enough to damage deeply the area where it was flowing. Probably also the stone wall f259 running north to south has had a function in this direction, but still date and function have to be checked. Moreover don't have to be excluded that the wall f259, either Chalcolithic or later could be a sort of edge of the plaza, with a narrowing of it. Besides the plaza should be lower and it worked as water collector. Coming back to the strategy for next days we are planning, on gB's suggestion, to dig two small trenches to accelerate the excavation, one at the base of the stone wall f259, and another one north-south in k127 to check what do we have at the bottom of the big filling of second escarpment. .rd T801 .ri lC -dy Today we finished to removed f319 in k129. Then dM took photos of the accumulation f322, full of sherds, pebbles and bones included the big jaw q1243.1. f322 was soon removed as part of the next accumulation f323. Removing this accumulation we started to find another pavement, in the north-western corner of k129, right next to the big stones. Tomorrow we will see if this pavement does extent to the entire surface of k129. In k127 we continued to excavate f294 but most of all f296 as the previous days. We tried to excavate a small trench north to south, but the situation is too complicated and it is necessary to link the excavation whit what next. So we excavated f296 down, almost at the same level of the lower stones (so far exposed) of the Chalcolithic wall f288. Tomorrow we will continue here, but probably more to the south removing f294 looking for the sloping surface f317. k 129 dy Today we removed the last remaining corner of accumulation f319. Then dM took photos of the accumulation of sherds bones and pebbles f322, that was excavated before breakfast. f322 was above another very thin accumulation, f323. f323 was excavated just in the western part of k129, next to the big stones, where we uncovered a new sherd and pebbles pavement, f324 that seems much better of the previous ones. Tomorrow we will check if it is extending all over the surface of k129. k 127 dy A small portion of f294 was today removed in southern part of k127, but we concentrated the daily efforts in removing f296. We reached almost the level of the lower stones of the Chalcolithic wall f288, and tomorrow we will check carefully all the edges of f296 in relationship with the cut escarpment. f 296 dy Today we continued to remove this layer. At the beginning it was the same of yesterday both in colour and composition. It was easy to remove it uncovering the blackish ashy sloping surface of f317. Then it became darker with a bigger amount of clay patches and lenses of burnt material, that made to distinguish it more difficult. We arrived almost at the same level of the lower stones of f288. Tomorrow we will just scrape it or remove a little bit more to see what below, hoping that the cut is not going deeper. -sg After the stratigraphic review of yesterday and the site meeting of the day before, on gB's suggestion we decided to excavate two small trenches running north to south in k127. One at the bottom of the stone wall f259 to date it, but we didn't start yet, and another one next to the western section to check what below the lower part of the filling f296 and f294 belonging to the second escarpment. We started with the last one, but we didn't continue because of the stratigraphical complexity and we preferred to excavate entire f296 to the level to the stones of wall f288. .rd T802 .ri lC f 318 ds This feature is the same of J5f188. Big flat stones almost in perfect line embedded in the red bricky material belonging to the second escarpment f239. The three stones to the east are slightly sloped to the south, perhaps for water damage of the escarpment. Assuming the early escarpment f196 seems to rise to the west we can't exclude that these stones could be part of the earlier structure, but just more excavation could probe it. f 319 ds Natural hard accumulation dark brown in color, just below the pavement f315. It is very compact and composed by sandy soil, probably accumulated from water. Some sherds of f315 were embedded on it forming a really hard surface that could have been used as pavement. f 320 ds Ashy lens inside filling f294. We assigned this feature number because this lens was much more extended than all the others characterizing the filling of the second escarpment and also because it was in part abutting the sloping surface f317. Just few sherds were recovered. f 321 ds Cut cutting the early escarpment f196 and f309, at the beginning recovered in the north-eastern corner of k127. It seems continuing to the south cutting early escarpment f196, even if we don't have the continuation because of the small sounding k128 excavated in MZ21 right in the middle. The cut is irregular and stepped to the north, but more regular going to the south and sloping almost vertically. The cut, probably dating to the ED III, removed also part of the stones of wall f288. This cut seems linked to the other cut south of f297, as part of the big ED III reconstruction of escarpment. f 322 ds Irregular accumulation with many flat sherds, big bones and pebbles. The surface is not very compact, so probably it should be interpreted as an accumulation more then a true pavement. To the north, next to the sloping surface of f239, it is more compact and there are less sherds and pebbles going to the south. This is a common element to the different accumulations excavated, as f315 and f324. It abuts f239. f 323 ds Natural accumulation with almost no sherds. It is compact and it comes out in big chunks. The soil is brown in color, and clearly natural. This accumulation covers both f324 and the sloping pavement f325. f 324 ds Small patch of sherds and pebbles, abutting both the red soil of escarpment f239 and the stones f318. It is very compact with many small to medium sized flat sherds, small pebbles and some big bones. It is going below the big stones f328.1 and f328.2 but it doesn't extend all over the square to the south. It is irregular in shape, could be just a patch or maybe it has been eroded by water, even if it doesn't seem. As f322 it is more compact next to the sloping surface of f239. .rd T802 .ri lC -sg Daily meeting with fAB. For k129 we decided to not remove the east baulk in order to draw a section showing all the horizontal accumulations and floors abutting the sloping surface of the second escarpment f239. So we will wait also to remove the southern small portion on top of the stone wall f259. In k127 we are still going down removing f296 and tomorrow probably we will concentrate on excavate f294 uncovering the surface of f317, sloping sharply to the East. -dy Today we removed accumulation f323 in k129, then dM took photos of the pavement f324. f324 was removed uncovering a new pavement f325. This was in part below f324 and in part still below f323. dM took picture of it, but then starting to excavate again the accumulation f323 we saw that the new pavement was sloping sharply to the south. So tomorrow we will take new pictures even if part of the pavement f325 has already been removed. In k127 we excavated f296 down to the level of the lower stones (seen so far) of wall f288. It seems that to the east no other stones are at the same elevation, but it is possible that the cut is still continuing deeper and deeper. The filling f296 seems starting to change and the pottery shows more Late Chalcolithic sherds. The edges of cut f321 were checked, and they appear clear to the north and to the west. We continued to remove f294 following the sloping surface f317. k 127 dy Today we removed small portion of f296 to the level of the lower stones of wall f288, seen so far. Actually no other stones have been uncovered at the level of the previous ones, but we can't exclude that they could be deeper because of the cut f321 still going down. The edges of the cut are clear both to the north and to the west, but it seems to me that we haven't yet reached the bottom of the cut. Anyway the filling f296 seems starting to change, it is darker and ashier, and some Late Chalcolithic sherds were found. Also f294 was continued to be removed looking for the slope of the hard surface f317. k 129 dy Today we removed part of the accumulation f323, uncovering a small but very compact pavement, f324. It was photographed and then removed, showing another pavement f325, built of small sherds and small pebbles. Also f325 was photographed and after we removed the exposed part of the pavement we recognized that it was continuing to the south sloping sharply. So tomorrow we will finish uncovering it and we will take new pictures even if part of it has been removed. f326, a floating stone next to the east baulk, even if in line with f314.3 and 314.4, was removed because it didn't show relationships with any another structure. f 296 dy Today we removed just few centimetres of this accumulation to probe the presence of more stones belonging to the wall f288 that so far there aren't. The feature is still the same, with many broken mud bricks, but is getting darker and with more ash. If so far was easy to distinguish the filling from what around now it is more difficult. Tomorrow in the daily meeting we will decide how to proceed. .rd T803 .ri lC -dy Today we finished to clean pavement f325 and dM took picture of it. Then waiting for the daily site meeting with fAB and gB, Saud was moved down to work in k127. In k127 we continued to removed f294 uncovering a new very hard layer f327. This seems similar in composition to f317 but at the same time it is distinguished from its clear surface. Part of the feature was already removed and from the section we can see a concave shape, so unlike f317 it doesn't seems to slope in one direction. Next days we will check its nature. We finished removing f296 and no more stones belonging to f288 were uncovered. Moreover the pottery now seems clearly Late Chalcolithic II, so we assigned a new feature number f329. After breakfast the big stones f328.1 and 328.2 were removed and the pavement f325 was fully exposed. -sg Daily site meeting with fAB and gB. We decided to remove the stones f328.1 and 328.2 in order to fully expose pavement f325 and to check its relationship with the escarpment and the stones of J05f225. In k127 we planned to finish to remove at the beginning all the later features, as f327, f317 and f278, so to have at the end all the earlier levels, dating to ED II and LC. This should help us to reconstruct the stratigraphical and depositional history of this complicated sector of the Plaza and the Terrace. k 129 dy Today we finished to remove the accumulation f323 uncovering the sloping pavement f325. Then we removed the big stones f328.1 and 318.2 so pavement f325 was fully exposed. Next days we will remove the pavement following the surface of second escarpment f239. k 127 dy Today we finished to remove f296 in the northern half of the locus. We assigned a new number to the accumulation below, f329 that seems to be LC II. Also f294, still part of the ED III filling was removed uncovering a hard compact layer, very similar to f317 in composition, but not sloping and without a clear surface. We are still removing it and we hope next days to expose all the surface of f317. .rd T804 .ri lC -dy Today we have the second UGR day. WE will work in the house, most of all on templates, objects, views and features; descriptions and types of contact included. .rd T804 .ri lC f 309 nl f309 is the same as f196, but they have been excavated in different years. f 318 nl f318 is the same of f164, but they have been excavated in different seasons. .rd T801 .ri lC f 307 ds Three stones in line, running north to south, embedded in the upper part of first escarpment f196. The surface of the escarpment lies against the stones, at least to that one more to the north. So probably these stones were part of the first construction of the escarpment, or of a second reconstruction because they don't seem going deep. Their side to the west is more exposed and they were covered by the ash layer f241. Probably this is due to their function, to divert the water coming from west. In fact probably they worked, because the surface of the escarpment to the west, in the small exposed portion, is much more damaged than to the east. f 308 ds Topsoil. This feature was declared because the surface we were going to excavate was exposed for a long time, so the pottery could come from everywhere. f 309 ds Probably part of early escarpment. This feature is made of very hard clay with many small inclusions and some charcoal chunks. It has some medium to big sized stones inside it, visible thank to the later cut f321. The cut probably date to ED III and in some point it is still visible the eroded surface, probably exposed for a short period, before the ED III filling f296. ar This feature probably is the same of f196. We don't have a link because of the old sounding excavated some years ago, when they went trough the escarpment. f 311 ds Small reddish lens of irregular shape. It is made of bricky material and could also be just one or two melted red mud bricks. It is just 1-2 cms thick. f 312 ds Accumulation below f310. This feature is grayer then f310, but the composition is almost the same, with a thick accumulation of clay material and thin layers of sand, probably formed by water and wind. This accumulation is also more compact than what above, with small charcoal fragments. Just few sherds were recovered. f 314 ds Stone installation constituted of four big stones doesn't forming a clear alignment. f314.2, f314.3 and f314.4 form a line and could be seen as the continuation of the Mitanni curtain wall f188. But f314.2 is at a higher level, as f314.1 and these could be just floating stones. nr Removing f314.1 we recovered that was a big stone basin up side down and it became i68. And removing also f314.2 we saw it was a big stone used a door socket with clear traces of use. It is labeled also as i69. ar f314.3 and f314.4 could be the continuation of the Mitanni curtain wall f188, even if to the east this feature was a true wall with two rows of big sized stones. Instead going to the west we have just few isolated stones in a kind of alignment. f 316 ds Accumulation. This feature was assigned for the soil pillars below f314.1 and 314.2. It is almost the same of f310 and f312.