.bk J01 .fl T819mM3.j .fd View log .ed T819 .ei mM .rd T722 .ri lC v 342 W gk127 gf239,241,196,259 gi67 View showing the ash layer f241, same as f278, before excavation. This ash layer is in between the two escarpments f196 and f239 and it is sloping to the south following the surface of the f196. The ash is probably linked to water damage and it covers the eroded and irregular surface of the early escarpment. i67 is a stone visible next to the section and likely belonging to the Mittani curtain wall f188. 342a m NW gk127 gf239,241,196,259 gi67 View showing the ash layer f241 sloping to the south on top of early escarpment f196 and below the second escarpment f239. Interesting is its relationship with the wall f259 running north to south. While f239 seems cut, the ash was continuing to the south abutting the stones of wall f259. The relationship is not clear now because to the south the ash was removed during last season. The stone i67 likely belongs to the Mittani curtain wall f188 excavated in the previous years. 342b t W gk127 gf239,241,196,259 gi67 Tight shot showing the relationship between f241 and f259 and the probable ancient cut or erosion damage that cut the southern edge of f239. The ash f241 was continuing to the south and was excavated last season. This is the reason because it is not preserved to the south. 343 N gk127 gf296,306,309 View showing f306 during excavation with many mud brick fragments. It appears to me the same of what above and to the south. It is part of the filling with dump material during the construction of the second escarpment in the late ED III. 343a NE gk127 gf296,303,305,306,309 View showing f306 during its excavation in relationship with the section. Above it there were another accumulation f305 and a thin ashy accumulation f303 sloping to the south. Likely they are all part of the construction of the later escarpment. It seems moreover that the ashy layer f303 is different from the ashy accumulation f241 or f278 to the west. .rd T723 344 E gk127 gf72,303,305,306,309,296,321 View showing the ash layer f303 sloping towards south. The view shows also the accumulation f305 and f306 covering f309 and f296. f305 and f306 as f296 are likely part of the construction of the second escarpment, while f309 much different in hardness and composition could be part of the early escarpment. 345 W gk129 gf308 View showing the initial situation of the new locus k129 before excavation. In the picture is visible the topsoil f308, indeed part of natural accumulation dating to Mittani period. But it was exposed for a long time so it was considered as topsoil. 345a N gk129 gf308 View showing the initial situation of the new locus k129 before excavation. In the picture is visible the topsoil f308, indeed part of natural accumulation dating to Mittani period. But it was exposed for a long time so it was considered as topsoil. 346 N gk129 gf310 View showing k129. After removing topsoil f308, a natural compact accumulation f310 was uncovered. It is constituted of different sandy and clayish layer formed by wind and water. .rd T725 347 N gk127 gf72,196,239,241,278,294,296,307,309 View showing the early escarpment f196 sloping to the south after removal of f241. Its surface id badly preserved and three stones in line, f307 are embedded in it. These stones are probably part of a sort of arrangement against the water flowing from the west. The picture shows also f294 and f296, part of the construction material of second escarpment that fills the late ED III cut. The picture shows the ash layer f241 and f278. They are the same but the ash was in part removed last year in order to show the surface of the escarpment f196. 348 NW gk127 gf72,239,241,307,196,259 View showing the early escarpment f196 and its unclear relationship with wall f259. The second escarpment f239 and the ash layer f241 are visible in section. 348a w N gk127 gf72,239,241,196,259,296,307 View showing the revetment wall with the second escarpment f239 sloping to the south probably against the north-south wall f259. The early escarpment f196, uncovered after the removal of ashy layer f241 is also sloping to the south. Its surface is damaged and three big stones in line f307, probably were used to divert the waters coming from the west. 348b t W gf239,241,196,307,259,278,296,294 View showing the early escarpment f196 after the removal of f241 and f239, still visible in section. The early escarpment is clearly sloping to the south but also to the east as this picture shows. 349 N gk127 gf72,296,309,321 View showing f309, probably the early escarpment and f296 abutting it. The early escarpment is clearly cut by the cut f321, while the accumulation f296 presents many mud brick fragments part of the filling of the second escarpment. 349a c N gk127 gf72,309,321,296 View showing f309, probably the early escarpment cut in antiquity by f321. The accumulation f296 abuts f309, and it is part of the filling material of the second escarpment. 350 NE gk129, gf312,311,314 View showing the accumulation f312, slightly more compact than the accumulation f310 that was above. On top of this accumulation we found a lens of reddish bricky material f311 and 3 big stones belonging to f314. 351 NE gk129, gf312,311,314 View showing f311, a lens of reddish bricky material found on top of the accumulation f312 and abutting the stone f314.4. .rd T726 352 E gk129 gf72,188,314,313,331 View showing f314 in relationship with the Mittani curtain wall f188 removed some years ago but still partly visible in section. The stones belonging to f314 don't seem be part of f188, because they are more isolated and at different levels. 353 E gk129 gf239,314,313,318,331,316 View showing the accumulation with flat sherds and pebbles f313 and the big stones f314 forming a sort of alignment. These stones probably don't form the continuation of f188, the Mittani curtain wall excavated some years ago. More likely the stone f331 and the stone i67, not visible because already removed, were instead part of the Mittani wall. 353a t E gk129 gf313,314,318,239 View showing the accumulation with flat sherds and pebbles f313. This natural accumulation is abutting both the big flat stones f318 and the reddish bricky soil f239 belonging to the second escarpment. 353b c E gk129 gf313,314,318,328 Close up showing f313 clearly abutting the stones f318, below the stones f314.4 To the west is in part visible the upper part of stone f328.1 354 E gk129 gf313,314,316 View showing f314.1 and f314.2 before their removal. These stones don't seem belonging to the curtain wall f188 because they are more to the south and slightly higher in elevation. They are likely floating stones. 355 W gk129 gf314,313,318,316 View showing f314.1 and f314.2 before their removal in relationship with the other two stones f314.3 and f314.4. They don't form an alignment. f314.1 and f314.2 are sitting more to the south and at an higher level. Instead f314.3 and f314.4 are almost parallel to the revetment wall and in line with other stones in J5. 355a w W gk129 gf314,318,313,239,331 View showing f314.1 and f314.2 before their removal in relationship with the other features f313, f318, but most of all with the other two stones f314.3 and f314.4. They don't seem to belong to the same alignment. 356 t E gk129 gf313,314,316 gi68 View showing f314.1 that turned out to be a big basin upside down. So we assigned to this stone the i68. We also took a soil sample below it. 356a t N gk129 gf313,316 View showing f316,a pillar of soil below f314.1 (i68) after its removal. 356b t E gk129 gf314 gi68 View showing the big stone f314.1 that once removed turned out to be a big stone basin to which we assigned the item number i68. 357 E gk129 gf316,314 gi69 View showing f314.2 after its removal that turned out to be a big door socket to which we assigned the item number i69. .rd T727 358 OH gk129 gf239,315,314,318 View showing the big stones f314.3 and f314.4 before their removal. These stones are on top of the accumulation f315 that is abutting the stones forming f318 and the bricky material of the second escarpment f239 in relationship with f315. f315 is similar to f313, but more compact with more flat sherds, pebbles and bones. 358a N gk129 gf72,318,315,314 View showing the accumulation f315, full of flat sherds, pebbles and several animal bones. This accumulation is abutting both the stones of f318 and the surface of the second escarpment f239. The stones f314.3 and f314.4 are resting on f313. 359 OH gk127 gf296 gi70 View showing i70, a very encrusted pin or bronze nail in situ, found in f296 while cleaning it. 359a w N gk127 gf296 gi70 View showing the larger context where the bronze pin or nail i70, was found in f296. 360 OH gk127 gf278,196,294,296,309,317,279,288,72 View showing f294 and f296 that after cleaning look the same. At the beginning two different numbers were assigned because in f296 many more mud brick fragments were visible. After a strong brushed the features look the same, and they are part of the filling of the second escarpment covering f317, f278 and abutting f309 and f196. 361 E gk127 gf278,279,294,317 View showing the sloping surface f317 after removal of a small portion of f299. f299 was the same of f294, but a little softer, and both were overlaying this hard sloping surface formed probably by water flowing on top of the ash f278. 361a N gk127 gf294,296,317,278,279 Sub view showing the sloping surface f317 after removal of a small portion of f299. f299 was the same of f294, but a little softer, and both were overlaying this hard sloping surface f317 probably formed by water flowing on top of the ash f278. 362 NW gk127,129 gf196,239,241,259,288,331,296 gi67 View showing the west section of k127 and the relationship between the area to be excavated and the wall f259. It is clearly visible the sequence of early escarpment f196, ashy layer f241 and the second escarpment f239. .rd T728 .ri mM 363 W gk129 gf239,314,315,318,331,307,296 ga6 View showing the stones f314.3 and f314.4 and their relationship with the stones found in J5, J5f216 and J5f217. Together with stone f331, they form a sort of very irregular alignment. It doesn't seem having a particular function, but to divide the south from the base of the revetment wall. Moreover these features date to the Mittani, while the features to the east as f318, f239, f307 and f196 are dating back to the ED III. 363a t W gk129 gf,314,315,318,331,239 View showing the stones f314.3 and f314.4 and their relationship with the stones found in J5, J5f216 and J5f217. Together with stone f331, they form a sort of very irregular alignment. It doesn't seem having a particular function, but to divide the south from the base of the revetment wall. Moreover these features date to the Mittani, while the features to the east as f318, f239, f307 and f196 are dating back to the ED III. 364 N gk129 gf296 gi71,72 View of two sealings with seal impressions i71 and i72 found at the same level, close to each other inside f296. 364a t OH gk127 gf296 gi72 View of the seal impression i72 in situ inside f296. 364b t OH gk127 gf296 gi72 View of the seal impression i71 in situ inside f296. .ri lC 365 N gk127,128 gf72,196,288,294,296,307,309,317,320,321 View showing the fragmentary mud bricks embedded in f294 and f296, and their relationships with the ash lens f320. This ashy layer is in part overlying f317 and in part resting on f294. The view also shows the early escarpment f196 with stones f307 sloping to the south and in part also to the east. From this picture appears clear that f309 can likely be part of f196 sloping to the east, but the spatial link is missing because excavated several years ago. 365a N gk127 gf72,196,239,294,296,309,317,320,288 View showing the ashy lens f320, in part overlaying the sloping floor f317, but most of all resting on top of the accumulation f294, constituted of many broken mud brick fragments. 365b OH gk127 gf294,296,320 Sub view showing the several fragmentary bricks in f294 and f296. These bricks are red and yellow in color, and are just part of the filling for the construction of the second escarpment. Probably also the ash lens f320 was used for this aim. 365c t OH gk127 gf294,296,320 Sub view showing the several fragmentary bricks in f294 and f296. These bricks are red and yellow in color, and are just part of the filling for the construction of the second escarpment. Probably also the ash lens f320 was used for this aim. 365d W gk127 gf294,296,320,309,72,196 Sub view showing the bricky accumulation f294 and f296 and the ash layer f320. These features are all part of the filling for the construction of the second escarpment in the late ED III.