.bk J01 .fl T909lC.j .fd View log .ed T909 .ei lC .rd T806 .ri lC v 384 W gk129 gf259,325,330,333,334 View showing the two floating stones f333 and f334. The stone f334 is clearly sitting in f330 excavated as volumetrically defined layer, while the stone f333 rests on top of the pebble and sherd pavement f325, that is abutting the stone wall f259 visible in the foreground. 384a OH gk129 gf330,325,334,333,259 View showing the floating stones f333 and f334. The southern stone f334 sits in f330 while stone f333 rest on the pebble and sherd floor f325. .rd T808 .ri lC 385 E gk127 gf278,279,317,335,345,329,309,329,340 View showing The accumulation of pebbles and sherds f335 sitting in f317. This accumulation is very similar to f332, but more extended in dimension. To the north is visible the ash f278 abutting the hard accumulation f345 that was eroded in antiquity. On top of it there is f340 the core of the early escarpment f196. 385a t N gk127 gf317,335,278,345 View showing the installation of sherds and pebbles f335 sitting in f317. It is constituted of many medium sized pebbles and few big sherds. It does seem linked to a natural process of formation. It is too irregular and too little compact to be interpreted as a pavement. 385b c N gk127 gf335,317,278,345 Close up showing the sherds and pebbles accumulation f335 embedded in f317. It is constituted of many pebbles and many big sherds, some lying vertically and other flat. To the north, below the arrow and the small meter there is a strip of ash f278 that was overlaying f345, an earlier eroded accumulation. 385c m N gk127 gf335,317,278,345 View showing the pebbles and sherds accumulation f335 sitting in the south-eastern portion of the sloping floor f317. The edge visible to the north is the southern eroded part of the hard accumulation f345. 387 OH gk129 gf239,325,259 View showing the pavement f325 uncovered also in the south eastern notch of k129 that deeper will be labeled as k131. This pavement is abutting the stones of the late Chalcolithic wall f259 so we have a Mittani pavement on top of a Late Chalcolithic structure. To the north the pavement f325 is abutting the material belonging to f239, the second escarpment. 387a W gk129 gf259,325,239 View showing the pebble and sherd pavement f325 sloping to the south and abutting the upper stones belonging to the wall f259, running north to south. .rd T809 .ri lC 388 W gk127,129 gf196,259,307,239,337,325,318 View showing the pavement f325 completely exposed in k129, until the eastern locus of J5. To the west the pavement was already in part removed but the picture wants to show the extension of the mentioned pavement from east to west, where it is abutting the lower rows of stones belonging to the J5 stone escarpment. The picture also shows clearly the material belonging to the second escarpment f239, cut or eroded in antiquity and going farther to the south toward the east. In the foreground is visible the sloping first escarpment f196, probably contemporary and likely with the same function, even if built with different techniques, of the stone escarpment J5f225 and J5f188. 388a E gk129 gf318,239,337,325 View showing the complete exposure of pavement f325 form east to west. The picture wants to show the important relationship between the pavement and lower stones belonging to the stone escarpment uncovered most of all in J5. The pavement is right to the south of the third row of stone and it seems abutting it. 388b t W gk129 gf325,337 View showing a particular of the relationship between the pavement f325 and the lower stones of the stone escarpment uncovered in J5. This relationship is very important and shows the Mittani pavement abutting the base of the stones belonging to the stone escarpment, likely dating back to the ED III period. 389 N gk127 gf239,278,196,307,309,288,329,259,345,348,279,336,72 This picture shows a general view of k127 after the removing of the lower features in its south eastern corner. To the north are visible the early escarpment f309 and f196 abutting the base of the revetment wall f72. On top of 196 is visible the ashy accumulation f278 that was sloping down toward south and east and it is still visible at the base of f345, filling the ED III erosion. On the west is also visible f239, part of the second escarpment that was extending to the south but most of all to the east filling the big ED III cut f321, made to rebuild a higher escarpment able to protect the base of the wall, better than the eroded earlier clay escarpment. On the contrary the stone escarpment found to the west seems to have worked well. 389a t N gk127 gf278,348,336,345,329 View showing a particular of the southern edge of the hard accumulation f345 sharply eroded in antiquity. Next to it is still visible the base of the ashy accumulation f278 not completely removed. This ashy accumulation was covering the surface of the early escarpment f196 and was sloping toward south and east, becoming thinner and thinner, except next to this sharp edge. This is probably explained, as this ash was coming from above, maybe from the top part of the terrace and it covered this surface, filling more the differences in elevation. 389b w OH gk127 gf288,329,196,345,321,336,278,348 Over head view of k127 showing both the action of the erosion and of the ED III cut in the area at the base of the revetment wall f72. The picture shows clearly the cut f321 that removed part of the damaged early escarpment and also of the earlier accumulations, like for example f345. In the southern half of k127 is visible a sharp edge, likely the deeper part of the erosion caused by waters running from west to east toward the level of the plaza. Also the east section of k127 shows this hollow. 390 NW gk127 gf348,278,336,345,259,196 View showing the edge running almost east to west of the erosion that removed in antiquity the eastern portion of the accumulation f345. At the base of f345 is still in part visible the ashy accumulation f278 that fills this erosion covering the surface of the earlier features. 391 N gk127 gf239,278,307,196,72,309,259,345 View showing the eroded surface of the sloping early escarpment f196 before starting to remove it. The escarpment was abutting the wall f259 and sloping to the south where its surface wasn't preserved and the lower layers like f345 were exposed by the water flowing. Moreover, because of this strong erosion, was difficult to distinguish between the different layers that were badly and irregularly preserved. .rd T810 .ri lC 392 NW gk127 gf239,72,196,307,339,341,288,340,309 View showing the north western corner of k127 after the removal of the first part of the early escarpment f196. Removing it was clear that the stones belonging to f307 were deeply embedded in the material of the escarpment but were separated from the other structures. In fact were uncovered more stones belonging to the wall f288 and another group of unorganized stones f339, probably part of the attempt to block the water or at least to make the escarpment stronger. 392a c W gk127 gf339,307,196,341 Picture showing a particular of the stones f307 after the removal of part of the early escarpment. These stones are embedded in the material belonging to f196 and its hard clay surface seems abutting at least the lower two stones. The third one is higher and it could have been added in a second moment, because the clay surface of the escarpment is clearly below it, but at the same time another higher surface was abutting the stone. 393 OH gk127 gf72,278,239,196,341,339,307,288 View showing the hard surface of f196 abutting the lower stones of f307. This surface is well preserved next to the base of the revetment wall f72 and we assume it was covering the entire surface of the slope, but it is not preserved because of the later water erosion. Removed part of the fill of f196, were uncovered more stones belonging to the wall f288 and other unorganized stones f339. .rd T811 .ri lC 394 E gk127 gf72,188,239,303,305,306,294,296,238,309,320,327,317,348,345,347,329 View showing the east section of k127 without the string. The big section shows the fill forming the second escarpment. It is constituted of f303, f305, f306 and of the two big fills f296 and f294 showing that the material was brought in this area from two different directions: from the south and from the north. Below the filling there are few features linked with the intermediate period between the two escarpments. For example f320, f327 and f317, natural accumulations and floors formed on top of the eroded surface of the earlier levels as f345 and probably f348 that could likely be interpreted as the bottom of the erosion. At the base of the revetment wall is also visible the early escarpment f309 cut in the late ED III period to rebuilt the second escarpment. 394a E gk127 gf72,188,239,303,305,306,294,296,238,309,320,327,317,348,345,347,329 View showing the east section of k127 with the string. The big section shows the fill forming the second escarpment. It is constituted of f303, f305, f306 and of the two big fills f296 and f294 showing that the material was brought in this area from two different directions: from the south and from the north. Below the filling there are few features linked with the intermediate period between the two escarpments. For example f320, f327 and f317, natural accumulations and floors formed on top of the eroded surface of the earlier levels as f345 and probably f348 that could likely be interpreted as the bottom of the erosion. At the base of the revetment wall is also visible the early escarpment f309 cut in the late ED III period to rebuilt the second escarpment. 395 N gk127 gf196,341,339,288,259,344,340 View showing wall f288 with more stones uncovered after the removal of part of f197 and of the stones belonging to f307. Below f196 has been assigned a different number, f340, to the core of the escarpment itself, to distinguish the pottery in the case that to build the escarpment was used earlier material for the core adding just a hard clay layer to its surface. The stones f339 seem floating on top of a break inside wall f259. It is possible that these stones form a first attempt to block the water coming from the west. 395a N gk127 gf288,259,344,339,341,340 View showing a particular of wall f288 after the removal of the three stones f307. The wall is continuing to the west and some floating stones f339 found further to the west, can likely be interpreted as a first attempt to block the water flowing, that likely caused also the break f344 in the wall f259. 396 E gk129 gf239,318,338,325 View showing the beautiful sloping floor f338 uncovered below the thin accumulation f337, itself below the pebble and sherd pavement f325. This floor seems going underneath the bricky material f239, but just further excavation will clarify this open question. 396a t OH gk129 gf239,325,338 Sub view showing a particular of the floor f338 sloping to the south. The thin accumulation f337 was in between the sloping floor f338 and the pebble and sherd pavement f325. To the north is visible the eroded southern edge of the late escarpment and, in the lower part, probably also a portion of the material belonging to the early escarpment, in which the big flat stones f318 are embedded.