.bk J01 .fl T923lC1.j .fd Object description .ed T923 .ei lC .rd T921 .ri lC q 1217.2 df bk ds Fragment of overburnt brick, taken as sample ht 11 lg 11 th 5 wm clay co yellowish green cn fragment q 1228.3 df cs ds Carbon sample from the fill of the ^esc2. q 1228.4 ct laf df debitage ds Two fragments of flint still showing part of the cortex, covering the external part of the flint core from which they were detached. ht 2 lg 3.4 th 1.5 wm flint nm The measurments are taken from the bigger piece. q 1261.2 df soil ds Soil sample to analyse with the flotation q 1261.3 df soil ds Soil sample to analyse with the flotation q 1272.4 df soil ds ashy sample for flotation q 1282.2 df soil ds Soil sample from f196 for flotation q 1287.1 ds Fragment of obsidian without any trace of work. It is just a flake ct laf df debitage ht 1.4 lg 2.0 th 0.6 wm obsidian co black