.bk J1 .fl T927mKB.j .fd date of feature f345 .ei mKB .ed T927 .ri mKB .rd T927 f 345 I12 Phase 3s mixed with Phases 3f? and 2h I11 LC3 coarse shapes: q1303-p6 casserole carination, q1298-p8 flat lid of cooking vessel (it is possible that this lid dates to Ninevite V), q1297-p5 small jar with s-shaped rim with small amount of burning on one part of rim, (this shape can also be imported but this example is locally made as seen in its coarse exterior texture and large amount of chaff, rest of LC3 sherds are from bowls and jars. Ninevite V shapes: q1303-p8 pointed base, q1309-p4 small pot with horseshoe shaped handle. ED III shapes: q1297-p7 short necked jar with large vertically pierced handle on the jar body, q1298 -p1, -p2 jars with a folded rim, interior groove on rim and globular body, q1298-p7 fine Simple ware cup darker green toward the bottom and yellow-buff near the rim, q1297-p3 small jar with beaded rim, q1297-p6 flat base with extension toward the exterior, q1298-p6 deep bowl with squared rim I12 q1309-p8 base with a wide hole in the center in RC ware should date to Phase 5c and is out of context here