.bk J01 .fl V211lC.j .fd strata assignment reasons .ri lC .rd V211 .ed V211 .ei lC f 3 I10 Because of the elevation it could also belong to s7-J1A, but not elements have been recovered to support this hypotesis. f 377 I10 No Direct evidence for this cut. Below the filling of esc^ filling cut f321 we found mixed Lc and EDIII material belonging to the stratum of the construction of the revetment wall. Assuming that for the construction of the wall the LC mound was cut (see the difference in elevations of LC material). We will find the shape of the cut, only after further excavation, when the surface of the Late Chalcolithic material will be exposed. f 376 I10 Floating stones found on top of f371 considered the ancient tell surface, after Mitanni abandonment. On top of it later possible Middle Assyrian structures have been found (f374, f375, f372, f373). f 375 I10 Series of structure found on top of the hard surface f371 considered the ancient tell surface, after Mitanni abandonment. So possibly dating to Middle assyrian period I11 Pottery mixed Mitanni and Middle Assyrian. f 374 I10 Series of structure found on top of the hard surface f371 considered the ancient tell surface, after Mitanni abandonment. So possibly dating to Middle assyrian period I11 Pottery mixed Mitanni and Middle Assyrian. f 373 I10 Series of structure found on top of the hard surface f371 considered the ancient tell surface, after Mitanni abandonment. So possibly dating to Middle assyrian period I11 Pottery mixed Mitanni and Middle Assyrian. f 372 I10 Series of structure found on top of the hard surface f371 considered the ancient tell surface, after Mitanni abandonment. So possibly dating to Middle assyrian period I11 Pottery mixed Mitanni and Middle Assyrian. f 371 I10 Hard surface on top of Mitanni accumulation covering the Revetment Wall linked to the abandonment of the tell, and below the later possible Middle Assyrian structures. f 369 I10 Part of the construction of First Escarpment as shown by LC and EDIII mixed pottery. It is on top of LC structure that therefore was still visible (at least the upper part) until later period. f 368 I10 Not excavated but cut from f344 and later covered by f366 dating to Ninevite 5 period. Moreover it could be the same as f364, as part of the Ninivite 5 accumulations and floors abutting the western side of LC structure a8. f 365 I10 Still part of the Ninevite 5 filling of cut f344. It is overlayed by the baqaya f353 probably dating to later Ninevite 5. f 364 I10 Deepest Ninevite 5 floor found so far, abutting lC Structure. Similar to f368 and below Ninevite 5 accumulations and floors f351 and f352. Not excavated. f 363 I10 Date unclear. Accordind to the texture, material and stratigraphy seems plausible to considered it the same as f369, dating to EDIII. At the same time to the south of f363 we have Ninevite 5 accumulations on top of which the pebbles installation f343 (also dated to Ninevite 5 period) is sitting. These pebbles are also on top of f363, so it should show a Ninevite 5 date for f363. f 362 I81 Mixed pottery LC and EDIII, typical of the features below first escarpment. f 361 I12 Same level of all the filling below Early Escarpment. Probably part of the filling itself or late collapse (still during EDIII) from wall f259. f 359 I10 Stratigraphic position and relationship with other nearby features, elevation show a date of EDIII. f 358 I10 Stratigraphic position and relationship with other nearby features, elevation show a date of EDIII. f 357 I10 Stratigrapically earlier than wall f288 because it seems going under its stones. The accumulations feature f350 and f355 on the base of pottery are date to LC and abutting the base of wall f288 and covering accumulation f357 and mudbrick f356 also these should date to LC. f 356 I10 Stratigrapically earlier than wall f288 because it seems going under its stones. The accumulations feature f350 and f355 on the base of pottery are date to LC and abutting the base of wall f288 and covering accumulation f357 and mudbrick f356 also these should date to LC. f 354 I10 Stratigraphic position and relationship with other nearby features, elevation show a date of EDIII. f 353 I10 Coverd by accumulations and on top of accumulations dated to Ninevite 5 on the basis of the pottery tipology. Put during Ninevite 5 period to protect the wall from water seepage. f 349 I10 These stones are part of the large collapse f336. These stones should be the lower part of the EDIII material at the base of Early Escarpment. Below the stones we have the possible pure Late Chalcolithic material linked with structure a8. f 348 I10 Date uncertain beacause not excavated. Iterpreted as the bottom of the erosion or the cut of ED III period It should date to this stratum. It also could be earlier. f 344 I10 Date on the base of the stratigraphic relationship. It seems cutting Ninevite 5 features and it is filled by Ninevite 5 material. f 343 I10 Pebbles resting on top of Ninevite 5 feature f346. f 342 I10 Baqaya resting on top of Ninevite 5 feature f346. Same function as deeper baqaya f353. f 341 I10 Ash part of the filling of Early Escarpment. The doubt at the beginning arised because the ash was on top of the stones belonging to structure a8. The pottey analisys clarifyed its date, as EDIII, mixed with LC material, typical of the features below the earlier escarpment. f 339 I10 Covered by ash f341, these stone should be part of the Early Escarpment construction, filling the earlier gap created in wall f259 by water. f 337 I10 Right belw Mitanni pavement f325 the feature is dated to Ninevite 5 on the basis of the stratigraphic relationship uncovered in k126 with Ninevite 5 features right below Mitanni pavement f238 (same as f325). f 336 I10 Sitting on top of Mixed ED III and LC material, are covered by the the same type of material. Beside their possible use or intepretation the stones date to the construction of Revetment Wall and Early Escarpment. f 335 I10 Traces of human activity between the Early and Late Escarpment, right after the erosion of first escarpment. f 332 I10 Traces of human activity between the Early and Late Escarpment, right after the erosion of first escarpment. f 331 I10 Curtain wall at the base of revetment wall, right next to one step of first escarpment, linked to ^acc1. f 328 I10 Stones on top of Mitanni pavement f325, probably set abit later than the pavement to divert water coming from west. f 327 I10 In between the two Escarpments f 325 I81 Many Mitanni sherds, some earlier probably ED III. The earlier sherds could just come from the lower earlier level. I12 Same as f238 dating to Mitanni. f 324 I11 Many Mitanni sherds f 323 I11 Mitanni sherds f 322 I11 Many Mitanni sherds f 321 I10 Cutting the material of Early escarpment f309 to rebuilt the larger Later Escarpment. f 320 I10 Ash material part of the filling of Late Escarpment. f 319 I11 Many Mitanni sherds f 318 I10 Same as Early Escarpment f196, different on the base of the construction tecnique. At the base of Revetment Wall. Some doubts regarding its chronology, it could be earlier, because going to the west, in J5 it does not follow exactly the base of Ed III Revetment Wall. f 317 I10 In between the two Escarpments f 315 I11 Many Mitanni sherds f 314 I10 Stones belonging to ^curt2 resting on top of Mitanni Accumulation ^acc1. f 313 I11 Many Mitanni sherds f 312 I11 Mitanni sherds f 310 I11 Many Mitanni sherds f 309 I10 Early escarpment abutting the base of ED III revetment wall and built in the same period. Same as f196. f 307 I10 Sones sitting in the material of Early escarpment. They could also date to a later moment, following the erosion of the surface of the Escarpment, set to divert the water coming from West. f 306 I10 Part of the filling of Second Escarpment f 305 I10 Part of the filling of Second Escarpment f 304 I10 Part of the filling of Second Escarpment f 303 I10 Part of the filling of Second Escarpment f 301 I10 Date uncertain, not enough stratigraphy and typological elements available. Cut pit, below the material of Early escarpment, filled by material possibly dating to Late Chalcolithic. f 300 I10 Not excavatded. Same elevation as f294, f297, but to the south and cut by ED III cut f321. I11 Pottery on the surface seems showing Ninevite 5 sherds. f 299 I10 Part of the filling of Second Escarpment f 297 I10 Part of the filling of Second Escarpment, because inside the cut. Possibly kind of structural south edge for the Late Escarpment. f 296 I10 Part of the filling of Second Escarpment I81 Pottery clearly EDIII I11 Many sealing impressions (for example i71, i72, i78, i79, i80) f 295 I10 Part of the filling of Second Escarpment, or structural South edge of the Escarpment, as f297. f 294 I10 Part of the filling of Second Escarpment I81 Pottery clearly EDIII f 293 I10 Date uncertain, probably Ninevite 5 because of the elevation and its relationship with other nearby Ninevite 5 features. f 292 I10 Date uncertain, probably Ninevite 5 because of the elevation and its relationship with other nearby Ninevite 5 features. f 291 I10 Date uncertain, probably Ninevite 5 because of the elevation and its relationship with other nearby Ninevite 5 features. f 290 I10 Date uncertain. Very deep elevation behind the possible LC wall f288. Impossible to excavate. f 289 I10 Date uncertain. Very deep elevation behind the possible LC wall f288. In part covering it, so possibly later then the collapse of the wall. ar Could it be part of the washing coming from the north after the collapse of wall f288? f 288 I10 Very deep elevation (deepest 8475), and position at the base of the Late Chalcolithic Mound, that, as shown mainly in J3, reaches a very hign elevation. The base of the wall is abutted by two features (f350 and ff355) intepreted as Late Chalcolithic on the bases of few pottery sherds. f 287 I10 Date uncertain. Below Early Escarpment and almost behind LC wall f288. f 286 I10 Stratigraphy uncertain, uncovered for just a small portion. Seems going to the North but abuts LC wall f288. f 285 I10 Date uncertain, probably Ninevite 5 because of the elevation and its relationship with other nearby Ninevite 5 features. f 284 I10 Probably part of the filling of the Later Escarpment. I81 Date uncertain. No much pottery found. f 281 I10 Date uncertain, probably Ninevite 5 because of the elevation and its relationship with other nearby Ninevite 5 features. f 279 I10 Part of the filling of Second Escarpment f 278 I10 Ash accumulation in between the two escarpment showing probably an abandonment or less care period of this area. f 277 I10 Part of Mitanni pavement f238 f 276 I10 Date uncertain, probably Ninevite 5 because of the elevation and its relationship with other nearby Ninevite 5 features. f 275 I10 Date uncertain. Ash on top of Ninevite 5 accumulation f280. Probably Ninevite 5. f 272 I10 Part of the filling of Second Escarpment f 271 I10 Date uncertain, probably Ninevite 5 because of the elevation and its relationship with other nearby Ninevite 5 features. f 264 I10 Date uncertain, probably Ninevite 5 because of the elevation and its relationship with other nearby Ninevite 5 features. f 270 I10 First of a series of "curtain wall" sitting on top of the earlyest Mitanni pavement found in J1, f238. f 269 I10 Fill a shallow hollow (f271) cutting a Ninevite 5 accumulation and it is covered by another Ninevite 5 accumulation f264. f 268 I11 Several Ninevite 5 sherds f 267 I11 Mitanni sherds f 266 I11 Mitanni sherds f 263 I10 Date uncertain. Rest on top a Ninevite 5 accumulation f265. f 260 I10 Curtain wall at the base of revetment wall, right next to one step of first escarpment, linked to ^acc1. f 259 I10 Wall bonded (and so contemporary) to wall f288. Probably Late Chalcolithic. f 258 I10 Probably Mitanni, contemporary to ^curt1, even if sitting on f243 dated to Ninevite 5. Unclear because the features are very thin and they step directly from Ninevite 5 to Mitanni. f 254 I10 Date uncertain because no clear stratigraphic relationships recorded during excavation. Possibly Mitanni. f 252 I10 Elevation similar to accumulations belonging to ^acc1. f 250 A1 f232 I10 Same pavement as f232 I11 Many Mitanni sherds f 248 I10 On top of Mitanni pavement. This features abuts the reddish material of the Early Escarpments, but as often recorded in stratigraphy, in J1 is very common that Mitanni features are directly on top or abutting EDIII features. f 247 I10 Part of Mitanni ^curt2 f 246 I10 Part of Mitanni ^curt2 f 245 I10 Part of Mitanni ^curt2 f 244 I10 Part of the filling of Second Escarpment f 243 I10 Just below the Mitanni pavement f238. As we know just below it we found Ninevite 5 material and EDIII material (to the North). Because the sherds are mixed the date is uncertain. f 242 I10 Date uncertain, no clear stratigraphic relationships recorded during excavation. f 114 I99 After MZ22 we assign this feature to a short period of abandonment between ^esc1 and ^esc2, both dating to EDIII. So we assign this ashy layer to s63-JPA. f 195 I99 After MZ22 we assign this feature to a short period of abandonment between ^esc1 and ^esc2, both dating to EDIII. So we assign this ashy layer to s63-JPA. f 240 I99 Definitely Mitanni f 237 I99 Clearly Mitanni accumulation on top of Mitanni pavement f238. No Mitanni-Khabur transition nor Khabur attested in J1. f 235 I99 We know now from the pottery analysis that this feature is early Mitanni f 232 I99 Mitanni pavement f 228 I10 According to the latest discoveries from MZ22 the large crossing wall is dating back to Mitanni period, when happened a strong remaking of the western portion of the Temple terrace with the construction of a new staircase (see J5). f 218 I10 Dated to a very late phase of occupation becauseof the high elevation. This installation is just below the topsoil, and it could also belong to s70 (Middle Assyrian). f 217 I10 Dated to a very late phase of occupation becauseof the high elevation. This installation is just below the topsoil, and it could also belong to s70 (Middle Assyrian). f 196 I99 Early escarpment abutting the base of the wall and built in the same period. The pottery is mixed between EDIII and LC, because, we assume they used dirt cut by the LC mound in order to build the EDIII Revetment Wall. f 195 I99 Ashy accumulation in between the two escarpments dating to EDIII, and showing a period of abandonment or less care of this area. f 193 I10 Date uncertain, possibly EDIII, because part of the filling of the Late Escarpment. f 189 I10 Late Escarpment, part of the filling, ED III. f 188 I10 Curtain wall at the base of revetment wall, right next to one step of first escarpment, linked to ^acc1. f 185 I99 With the new strata and phase matrix the curtain wall is dated to the stratum 17b, and even if the stone seems to be higher, we assigne it to the same stratum.???? f 184 I99 According to the new strata and phases this feature belongs to stratum 13. f 181 I99 According to the new strata and phases this feature belongs to stratum 17. f 178 I99 According to the new strata it belongs to s13-J1A f 177 ds Natural compacted floor f 164 I99 After three more excavation seasons we know that the stone installation f164 is part of a stone escarpment (see J5) dated at least to the EDIII, because is covered by the reddish bricky material belonging to the LAte Escarpment. Moreover the installation seems to be linked with the clay Early Escarpment. According to some it could also be earlier (see f318). f 158 I99 According to the later excavation in J1 and J5, this features clearly date back to the EDIII on the bases of the recovered ceramics and the stratigraphy. More complex the interpretation, could it be a structural part of the Late Escarpment or just washed material from above the terrace? f 114 I99 EDIII: ash accumulation in between two Escarpments. Pottery mixed EDIII and Late Chalcolithic f 98 I10 According to the stratigraphy this accumulation abuts the lower portion ot the Revetment Wall, below Mitanni accumulations. The bricky texture and red color remind the filling material of the Late Escarpment. f 89 I12 Natural accumulation with elevation between 90 an 88. f 81 I12 Natural accumulation with elevation between 90 an 88. f 76 I12 Natural accumulation with elevation between 90 an 88. f 72 I99 EDIII large Revetment wall. f 71 I10 Probably part of the MItanni rebuilding of the western portion of the temple terrace (see J5) f 43 I10 EDIII Revetment wall f 47 I10 Elevation I11 Mitanni pottery f 41 I10 EDIII Revetment wall f 20 I10 Elevation I11 Mitanni pottery f 19 I11 Mitanni pottery f 16 I10 Elevation I11 Mitanni pottery f 15 I10 Elevation I11 Mitanni pottery f 14 I10 Elevation I11 Mitanni pottery f 13 I10 Elevation I11 Mitanni pottery f 12 I10 Elevation I11 Mitanni pottery f 10 I10 Elevation I11 Mitanni pottery f 8 I10 Elevation I11 Mitanni pottery f 9 I10 Elevation I11 Mitanni pottery f 7 I10 Elevation I11 Mitanni pottery f 6 I10 Elevation I11 Mitanni pottery f 378 ds Erosion of Early Escarpment that caused many problems and against which the stone wall f307 was built. This erosion is clearly visible in v389 in the western side. To the east the material eroded was removed by the later EDIII cut made to rebuild the larger Late escarpment. df Erosion lc 127 nc This feature number was given just at the end of MZ23 for stratighrapic and strata assignement reasons, although its esistence was clear for us since the beginning. tc cu 196 f 379 df Erosion ds Erosion of the Late Escarpment. We don't know clearly when it took place, probably at the end of the late EDIII or in a moment in between EDIII and Mitanni. In J1 there are not any attestations of occupation or use from EDIII to Early Mitanni (Khabur, Isin-Larsa, Akkadian). lc 127 nc This feature number was given just at the end of MZ23 for stratighrapic and strata assignement reasons, although its esistence was clear for us since the beginning. tc cu f239