J1 Ceramic Assemblages

July 2015 - L. Recht
August 2016 - C. Chaves Yates

Assemblages within the J1 book were put together based on stratigraphic, typological, and functional groupings. The assemblages were created during the excavations as a way to help understand the stratigraphy and typology of the ceramics. Some are grouped solely by feature. Assemblages were not intended to be comprehensive and the full ceramic catalogs can be found in the ceramics book in the Shapes by Horizon section.

Sequential list by assemblage label
    1 f229 s146, h7m
    2 f225 s146, h7m
    s146 Gray Ware
    4 f224

    s146 Painted
    s130, h7s Gray Ware
    s130 Painted
    8 f337 s178
    s174-s176-s178, h7f Undecorated
    s174-s176-s178, h7f Painted / bitumen
    s174-s176-s178, h7f Gray Ware
    s174-s176-s178, h7f Typical
    13 f158

    14 f163 s130 Gray Ware
    15 f162

    16 f151-f152
    Typical / distinctive
    17 f226

    19 f181

    20 f178 s130, h7s
    21 f151

    22 f195

    23 f238
    Mittani sherds
    24 f183 s130, h7s
    s120, h7v Gray Ware
    26 f143-f175 s120, h7v
    27 f209 s122, h7v
    28 f209 s122, h7v Painted
    s122, h7v Gray Ware
    31 f243
    33 f278
    LC / ED III: Use of ^esc1
    34 f262
    Late Chalcolithic
    35 f283

    36 f280
    NIN V / Late Chalcolithic
    37 f282-f284-f286-f290
    NIN V / Late Chalcolithic
    38 f287
    Late Chalcolithic
    39 various units
    Mittani animals
    40 various fs
    Late Chalcolithic
    41 f143-f175
    Decorated / undecorated
    42 f239
    Construction of ^esc2
    43 f150 s120, h7v
    44 various units
    Checkerboard design
    45 f163
    46 f203 s130, h7s
    47 f171

    48 various units
    Piecrust stands
    49 f229 s146, h7m
    50 f233 s174
    51 f329
    ED III / LC3: Below ^esc1
    52 f345
    ED IIIa: Below ^esc1
    53 f363
    LC3: Below ^esc1
    55 f359
    Below ^esc1
    56 f358
    Below ^esc1
    57 f354
    Below ^esc1
    58 f196
    ED IIIa: Construction of ^esc1
    59 f196
    LC3: Construction of ^esc1
    60 f340
    Construction of ^esc1
    61 f341
    Construction of ^esc1
    62 f338
    Construction of ^esc1
    63 f294
    Construction of ^esc2
    64 f296
    Construction of ^esc2
    65 f299
    Construction of ^esc2
    66 f306
    Construction of ^esc2
    67 f189
    Construction of ^esc2
    68 f303
    Construction of ^esc2
    69 f305
    Construction of ^esc2
    70 f317
    Use of ^esc1
    71 f320
    Use of ^esc1
    72 f332
    Use of ^esc1
    73 f335
    Use of ^esc1
    74 f327
    Use of ^esc1
    77 f189