.bk J02 .fl O628mh.j .fd daily journal O628 .ei mH .ed O628 .rd O628 .ri mH -dy We continued going down on k4 and k5. We did not work on k100 since the elevator was still broken. -eq We broke one small pick and a trowel and got loners for those from Mary's unit A17. -wk Both k4 and k5 had 5 men assigned to them. k4 and k5 both had two pickmen, two shovel guys and a wheel barrow guy. This worked well. Safwan in k5 always keeps an eye out for work that should be done at any given moment and while he is a shovel guy he does not hesitate to use the wheel barrow if that is needed. Anwar in k4 also watches over what ever is going on, i.e. shows Masud how to pick and makes sure that we keep the square level. In the afternoon Anwar helped with fixing the elevator and thus Masud picked alone for awhile. k 4 dy We continued using the topsoil feature f3 for the first q-lot of the day q9 since we were still leveling the surface of the unit. After that I changed the feature into f5, layer below topsoil. I made this into a separate feature since it is located underneath a dark organic band, which represents a previous tell surface. f5 is hard and compacted with patches of softer soil where roots are or have been. It also contains small stones or pebbles. Thus far we have uncovered some pottery sherds and a few objects, which have mostly been figurine parts. dy z- Judging from the German trenches around k4 and k5 f5 will continue for quite some time and I expect to use this feature all through this week and possibly even longer. In the morning we did not have time to go very deep since I wanted to make sure first that we are level in the whole unit. Once that had been accomplished we continued going down in the whole locus with big picks. k 5 dy Yesterday we reached a level below topsoil the bottom boundary of which I considered to be a dark organic band also visible in k4. We spend a fair amount of time making sure we were level after which we continued down with big picks. f4 in k5 is similar to f5 in k4. It is mostly hard and compact with patches of softer soil where there is or was organic matter. We unearthed some pottery but very few other kinds of objects.