.bk J02 .fl O807ap1.j .fd daily journal, descriptions of f106-f126 .ed O807 .ei ap .rd O726 .ri ap f 106 ;df ly ds This feature is a layer composed by melted bricks and some well preserved bricks and a large amount of pottery in k3. The external surface is gray while the core is reddish. f 107 ;df ly ds This feature consists of the columns of soil below the floating stones (f93) in k83. pr We labeld f107 the feature where the stones rested and f62 the feature where the stones seated, while we dug them in two different moments. However they are constitued by the same kind of material. f 108 ;df ly ds This feature is located in the north-western corner of k3. It consists of mixed material with an abundant presence of ash. f 109 ;df ld ds This feature is a mixture of softer (powder-like) soil and laminations in the western part of k14. The colour is brownish. f 110 ;df ld ds This feature is part of the eastern baulk of k4 and k5 or, better, is the western side of the German trench (k100). pr Also if we usually dug the baulks without differentiating the layers here we decided to make a new feature since the large presence of ash which could be realated with the doorjam. f 111 ;df ly ds This feature covers the whole surface of k14. The soil is compact and hard, brownish in colour. pr we reached this feature in k14 after removing the german trench (f104) and f109 (mixture of material according to the different lenses). f 112 ;df bf ds This feature consists of broken and almost complete bricks which were clearly recognizable already cleaning the German trench (k100). The external surface is gray, while the core reddish. pr It's possible that they collapsed from the north/eastern part of the apron where we supposed the existence of a construction in mudbrick. f 113 ;df ly ds This feature is the layer below the top soil f67 in k84. f113 is the same as f118 in k85 (f68); the soil matrix is not so different fron the top soil f67. pr We decided to dig in the same time k84 and k85 and so we removed the baulk between them creating the new locus k101 which comprises the southern half of k84 and the northern half of k85. However we thought that was better to maintain the distinction between the two units and we dug k84 and k85 as two different units. For this reason f113 is equal to f117 in k84 and f118 in k85. f 114 ;df ly ds This layer is located in the northern baulk of k4. f 115 ;df ly ds This layer is located in the northern baulk of k14. f 116 ;df ly ds This layer is located in the eastern baulk of k13. pr We have not the top elevation since at the moment of the excavation we had not the control points to measure it. f 117 ;df ly ds This layer is below the top soil in k84. The consistency is quite the same of the top soil. pr After one day of excavations we decided to re-establish the two units: k84 and k85 instead of k101: in k84 below the topsoil we changed feature number of f113 in f117. At the end of season the bottom elevation was m3895 + 0 -0 in the southern half and m3895 + 38 - 164 in the northern half. f 118 ;df ly ds This layer is located below the top soil f68 in k85. The consistency is quite the same of f68. pr After one day of excavations we decided to re-establish the two units: k84 and k85 instead of k101: in k84 below the topsoil we changed feature number of f113 in f118. At the end of excavations season the bottom elevation was m3895 + 51 -164 in the northern half; m3829 + 0 - 13 in the southern half. f 119 ;df ly ds This feature is the corner between the eastern baulk of k4 and the northern baulk of k4. It's equal to f101 in k3. The soil is reddish, quite compact and with many sherds. We decided to distinguish this layer for its strong likeness with f101 in k3. f 120 ;df ly ds This feature belongs to the columns of soil under the floating stones f84 in k13. The consistency, texture and hardness of this soil is the same of f103 which is compact, very hard and graysh in colour. pr f84 were removed by the crane with the proposal to show as well as possible the "oval" wall. Technically f84 do not belong to k13 but to k2 but practically the stones rested also in k3, k13 and k12. f 121 ;df ly ds This feature is located in the eastern baulk of k14. f 122 ;df ly ds This feature is located in the eastern baulk of k100 along the western side of k84 and k85. Medium compact soil, color reddish and presence of sherds and bones. .rd 0729 f 123 ;df ly ds This feature is located in the eastern baulk of k5. The soil is medium compact. f 124 ;df ly ds This feature is located in the northern baulk of k85. The layer is very homogeneous, medium compact, with stones and sherds. Presence of rodent hole. f 125 ;df ly ds this feature is brownish in colour and it is medium compact in consistence. f 126 ;df ly ds this feature is the column of soil below f84.40. pr f84.40 is the last of the floating stones we removed; we decided to keep separate the material coming from the pedestal for a more accurate analysis of the pottery sherds. The stones (f84)in fact sealed f103 and 125 and f126 could be a sample of this incontaminate material since in the pedestal are present both the features (f103 and f125). Practically f126 is equal to f105 (and f120) in the upper part; equal to f125 in the lower part.