.bk J02 .fl P808aL.j .fd features descriptions P808 .ei aL .ed P808 .rd P808 .ri sC f 151 ;df stone ds f151 has been assigned to two floating stones in the NE area of k4: f151.1 (r470,r473) and f151.2 (r474,r475). f 152 ;df ad ds This is a natural accumulation in the southern area of k4. It is characterized by compact surfaces alternating with soft surfaces. It has a fine and soft texture, it is graysh in color, and it is characterized by the presence of little pebbles. Lots of q-items (grinding stones and lithic artifacts) have been recovered during the excavation of f152. pr We treated this feature as a baulk. f 153 ;df ad ds We assigned f153 to the natural accumulation in the E baulk of k100. The feature is charachterized by a compact texture and by a fine and cramble consistency; it is brownish in colour. pr We collapsed part of the natural accumulation of the E baulk of k100 -for safety reasons- into the bottom of k100 and then removed. f 154 ;df stone ds f154 has been assigned to a large, flat stone resting on the Apron (f131) in k3.