.bk J2 .fl P813mH.j .fd daily journal .rd P811 .ri mH .ed P813 .ei mH -mk We removed marker m4033. bP added four control points low in the western wall of k100. These markers are (from north to south): m4054, m4055, m4056, and m4057. She also gave us new baulk corners for k5: NE baulk corner is m4050 and the NW corner is m4051. -wk Juma left around 7.55 in order to do something at home (we understood that he went to wanter his fields, but this might be a misunderstanding). He came back after faidos. -sg Over breakfast gB asked me to calculate how much further south would the steps of f130 extend if they continued until the 85 m elevation of the stone paved courtyard of the palace. Assuming that the steps are all 50 cm wide, we would have to go 9 m south of where the steps are now exposed in k4. This would take of slightly south of the current southern edge of J2 (southern edge of k5 and k15). Assuming that the steps are only 40cm wide, we would have to go 7.2m further south. k 14 dy We started by removing soil from the western half of the unit (f162 q428), which was left higher up at the end of the day yesterday. After that we continued going down in the whole unit (q433) and brought it level with k13 (q435). In the last unit we found decoratively painted pottery sherds, which we made into q-items (435.4 and q435.5). k 5 dy We started the morning by excavating the southern half of the unit (q429), which was left higher up at the end of the day yesterday. When we removed the northern baulk on Thursday, we had removed the northwest baulk corner stake (m4037) and the northeast baulk corner stake (m4038). Today bP gave us new markers for these corners (NE baulk corner is m4050 and the NW corner is m4051). When that was done, we could straighten the section (q430). At the start of excavations here in k5 we had left a 40 cm legde along the southern edge of the unit in preparation for the stepped section. Because we decided yesterday that we would place the steps on fixed elevations, we did not need this ledge here anymore and thus we removed it (f163 q431). We gave it a new feature number (f163) but in actuality it consists of both f157 at the top and f158 below it. Afterwards we continued excavations in the whole unit (q434). k 100 dy Continued to remove collapse (q432).