.bk J02 .fl P831mh.j .fd daily journal .rd P831 .ri mH .ed P831 .ei mH -sf I stayed at the house most of the morning after breakfast making a Harris Matrix of k101, k103, and k104. sC will write the daily journal for the latter part of the day. -mk Removed markers m4095 and m4084. k 4 dy We finished removing the last of f261 (q675), the pseudobaulk between k4 and k100. After that we started excavating in f150 starting along the steps of f131. We started from m4081 and moved first along approximately 2 m wide stretch along the steps (f150 q684). Then we excavated south of that q-lot all the way to the northern edge of k5. We ended the day by excavating along the western edge of k4 next to f127 (f150 q698). We removed f151, a stone floating on top of apron (f131) steps next to f127. f 151 ns This stone could perhaps have been originally part of f127. They were, however, sitting on a stone belonging to the apron f131 thus being later than these steps. The east-most stones of f232 were directed towards northwest whereas this stone was directed southeast. I suspect that f151 dates to the same period as f232 and that they both served to delineate a specific area in front of the apron f131. f 232 ns The east-most stones of f232 were directed towards northwest whereas f151, a single stone sitting on an apron step, was directed southeast. I suspect that f151 dates to the same period as f232 and that they both served to delineate a specific area in front of the apron f131. f 224 ds This is a east-west oriented stone wall abutting f127, a north-south oriented stone wall, which in turn abuts f131 and bonds with f128. f224 is located one stone north of the (current?) end of f127. The wall is quite irregular on top and its stones sit on material that seems to be brick crumble f269. At its north end, where it bonds with f128, f127 is equal in height with the apron steps (f131) next to it. As it progresses south it becomes slowly higher than the apron (f131). For the most part it is level on top. Just south of m3968 the top, however, becomes irregular. ns I suspect that the stones forming f224 were taken from the top of f127. Thus f224 must be later in time than f127. f224 was not constructed to contain material dumped into the corner formed by f128 and f127 until much later than the original start of the dumping activity. The third millennium dump layers discovered in the corner of f127 and f128 slope very heavily towards the south and seem to follow a slope noticeable lower down in the wall f127. The top of f224, however, slopes from west to east whereas the material that was contained by it is approximately horizontal. Today we removed a course of stones from f224 underneath which was the crumbly material. Under this layer we have another course of stones, which is still in situ. It remains to be seen whether this part of f224 appears much earlier than the upper course. f 127 ns This is a north-south oriented stone wall abutting f131 and bonding with f128. One stone north of the (current?) end of f127 is a east-west oriented stone wall, f224. At its north end, where it bonds with f128, f127 is equal in height with the apron steps (f131) next to it. As it progresses south it becomes slowly higher than the apron (f131). For the most part it is level on top. Just south of m3968 the top, however, becomes irregular. I suspect that the stones forming f224 we taken from the top of f127. I also think that f151 used to be a stone belonging to f127. Thus f224 and f151 must be later in time than f127. We removed two small stones (f127.1 and f127.2) located near the corner of f127 and f224 today. They had fallen off from f127 on top of a southward sloping deposit containing red bricky material and a few ash lenses. This fall thus happened after the area to the west of f127 had started to be used as use-area or dumping area. q 502 pb The top elevation given in the q log is wrong. It does not fit within the sequence of q-lots excavated within this feature (f162). k 5 dy We continued removing f164 in various areas of k5. We started in the northeast corner of the excavation area. This is not the real northeast corner of the locus, but approximately 2 m to the east. The northeast corner of this qlot (q678) is r942. We then excavated due north of the elevator located approximately in the middle of the unit (q685) and in the northwest corner of the locus (q686). k 4 dy We continued down north of f224 with qlot q677, which is associated with q680 coming from the sifter.