; File processed on 2024-07-27 J2k0.5 D1a 2009-07-23_T823SH.j sH q833.3 D1a 2009-07-25_T823SH.j sH q838.1 J2k1 D1a 2009-07-23_T823SH.j sH q833.2 D1a 2009-07-30_T823SH.j cJC q855.2 D1a 2009-08-10_T823SH.j sH q882.2 D1a 2009-08-10_T823SH.j sH q883.2 J2k1.8 D1a 2009-08-06_T823SH.j sH q873.2 J2k2 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0850 J02w0050 T327 pC.jpg B11 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC k2 is a 5x5 meters regular locus. A german trench cuts three quarter of it. At the beginning of the excavation was left only a pseudo baulk in the eastern part, the upper part of the apron f131 takes all the locus. It is defined by the relay r25, r26 and markers m3589, m3597 D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a4 D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a7 D1a 2004-07-04_O807AP4.j mh f21 D1a 2008-01-31_S131PC3.j pC f64 D1a 2008-01-31_S131PC3.j pC f69 D1a 2008-03-06_S306PC.j pC f74 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f78 D1a 2008-02-25_S211PC2.j pC f84 D1a 2008-01-31_S131PC3.j pC f85 D1a 2009-07-21_T823SH.j sH q832.1 D1a 2009-07-23_T823SH.j sH q833.1 D1a 2009-07-25_T823SH.j sH q836.2 D1a 2009-07-25_T823SH.j sH q838.2 D1a 2009-07-30_T823SH.j sH q856.4 D1a 2009-08-06_T823SH.j sH q873.1 D1a 2009-08-12_T823SH.j sH q889.2 D1a 2009-08-12_T823SH.j sH q889.4 D1a 2009-08-12_T823SH.j sH q891.1 D1a 2009-08-15_T823SH.j sH q892.1 D1a 2009-08-15_T823SH.j sH q892.3 D1a 2009-08-15_T823SH.j sH q892.5 D1a 2004-07-14_O717MH.j ap q151 D1a 2004-07-15_O717MH.j mh q161 D1a 2004-07-15_O717MH.j mh q167 D1a 2004-07-22_O724MH.j mh q233 D1a 2004-07-22_O724MH.j mh q235 D3 0000-00-00_O703MH3R.j bp r25 (40393 51375 - / Relay location: top) D3 0000-00-00_O703MH3R.j bp r25 (40393 51375 - ##### / Relay location: top) O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j aP v73 O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j mh v26 O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j pC v26a O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j pc v27 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v72 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v50 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v56 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v57 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p1 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p2 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p3 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p8 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p17 J2k2.3 D1a 2009-07-27_T823SH.j sH q844.1 J2k2.5 D1a 2009-08-01_T823SH.j cJC q865.1 D1a 2009-08-06_T823SH.j sH q873.3 D1a 2009-08-08_T823SH.j sH q877.1 D1a 2009-08-11_T823SH.j sH q886.1 D1a 2009-08-12_T823SH.j sH q889.3 D1a 2009-08-15_T823SH.j sH q892.4 J2k3 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0851 J02w0051 T327 pC.jpg B11 2004-07-01_O703MH2.j mh North of k4, west of k100. A German trench cuts through its souther half in east-west direction. Defined by the markers m3589, m3597, m3646, m3647, m3599, m3648 B11 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC k 3 is a regular locus south of k2. The upper part is cut by the german trench. It was opened to see the continuation of the apron f131 C1 2004-07-01_O703MH3.j mh Opened the square and had time to remove just the upper most surface layer in the northern half of the square. C1 2004-07-04_O704MH.j mh In the morning we continued removing topsoil in the northern half of the unit. Near the eastern baulk of the unit we found a nearly complete skeleton of a small juvenile canine. I assigned that as i2. C1 2004-07-05_O705MH4.j mh Continued down on the northern half. 3cm before the end of f29 q53 we ran into a slightly harder batch of soil in the NE corner of the unit. It's aerial extent was m3647 50W, 50S. I did not make it into a separate feature since it did not substantially differ from what was around it. Here the softer parts were just slightly further apart than elsewhere. C1 2004-07-06_O706MH.j mH We continued going down with f25, natural soil matrix. At the interchange of q62 and q66 we found several large stones. These stones are located 9 cm higher than the southern most stones in the German trench to the north of k3. While this difference is not much, the stones are clearly higher up than I expected to find stones associated with the apron. From the German trench it seems that the apron is sloping down and hence stones belonging to the apron should be deeper in k3 than in the German trench. It is possible that stones visible in the German trench are not the original top most stones and that the stones in k3 are. Another possibility is that the stones in k3 are eroded stones. I doubt that, however, since there are quite a few of them and they sit quite densely together. C1 2004-07-24_O730MH.j mh We continued removing the eastern baulk of the unit. After it was removed, we continued to level and clean the unit. C1 2005-08-02_P802MH.j mH We have very little of the original loci left to excavate because stones of apron f131 now occupy most of the unit in its northern and middle areas. There is no baulk between k3 and k4, which makes it difficult to tell where the one ends and the other begins. This situation will improve once bP re-establishes the baulks of these loci. Today we defined our features and q lots so that when we removed the first 10 cm of the surface (contamined soil), we defined it as f136. Underneath we established f139 but defined it as beloging to k4 although in actuality it extends little bit over to k3. C1 2005-08-03_P803MH.j mH There is only very little left of this square as most of is occupied by the stones of the first apron f131. As yesterday we did not assign separate feature numbers for this loci but used the ones of k4 as it is difficult to tell where the one ends and the other beginings. The q lot that partly refers to this loci is f139 q372 when we removed approximately 10 cm soil in the western half of the joint k3 and k4. The next is f139 q375 which partly refers to the eastern half of k3 and k4. The latest q-lot, f141 q380. This latter pick run exposed more steps of the apron. C1 2005-08-04_P806MH.j mH We had discovered laminations (f141) approximately in the middle of the loci the day before and excavated some of those laminations. Some of them, however, still remained today. We had also differentiated the material north of the laminations as f145. This feature did not contain laminations, but is similar to the material above them and what we have generally been finding in this loci. We decided to remove 10cm of this feature with a big pick (q381) in order to examine the border of the two features and see whether the laminations would still continue. The border of the two features indicated that the laminations only continued for a layer or two. Since we did not see it necessary to keep following the laminations and because our goal in this loci is to reach the steps of the 1st apron (f131) below, we decided to remove the remaining of the laminations (q383). Once the laminations had been examined the SE corner of the unit that we had defined as f143 because it contained charcoal and more pottery than the laminations (f141) abutting in the north. f143 was also much softer than the lamination (f141) layer. We had originally thought that that this feature could be pit, but after excavating it (q385), we determined that it was not a pit, but just another type of accumulation. After removing the laminations and determining that the feature in the corner was not a pit, we removed a circa 50 cm stretch of soil (q386) in order to expose another step of the apron (f131). C2 2004-07-04_O704MH.j mh We will continue going down with big picks. C2 2004-07-06_O706MH.j mH Tomorrow we will continue down around the stones. I will changed the feature number for the soil around them. D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a7 D1a 2004-07-04_O807AP4.j mh f18 D1a 2004-07-04_O807AP5.j mh f25 D1a 0000-00-00_O807AP5.j mh f32 D1a 2008-01-31_S131PC3.j pC f45 D1a 2010-08-10_U0810YM.j yM f90 D1a 2004-07-24_O808AP3.j ap f92 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f97 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f98 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f99 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f101 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f106 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f108 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f112 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f131 D1a 2005-08-02_P803AL2.j sC f136 D1a 2005-08-07_P912MH.j sC f154 D1a 2010-09-05_U906YM.j yM i5 D1a 2009-07-26_T823SH.j cJC q840.5 D1a 2009-08-01_T823SH.j cJC q868.1 D1a 2009-08-10_T823SH.j sH q883.1 D1a 2009-08-15_T823SH.j sH q892.6 D1a 2004-07-01_O703MH.j mh q40 D1a 2004-07-04_O705MH2.j mh q49 D1a 2004-07-04_O705MH2.j mh q52 D1a 2004-07-05_O705MH2.j mh q54 D1a 2004-07-05_O705MH2.j mh q59 D1a 2004-07-06_O706MH2.j mH q62 D1a 2004-07-06_O706MH2.j mH q66 D1a 2004-07-07_O710MH.j ap q71 D1a 2004-07-07_O710MH.j ap q79 D1a 2004-07-07_O710MH.j ap q81 D1a 2004-07-07_O710MH.j ap q85 D1a 2004-07-08_O710MH.j ap q90 D1a 2004-07-22_O724MH.j mh q226 D1a 2004-07-22_O724MH.j mh q240 D1a 2004-07-24_O724MH.j ap q241 D1a 2004-07-24_O724MH.j ap q243 D1a 2005-08-03_P803AL3.j vvE q364 D20 2004-07-01_O703MH2.j mh m3646 D21 2004-07-01_O703MH2.j mh 400e D21 2004-07-01_O703MH2.j mh 400s O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j aP v73 O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v10 O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v10a O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v10b O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j mh v26 O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j pC v26a O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v73a O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v73b O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v73c O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v73d O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v73e O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v73f O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v73g O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v73h O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v73i O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v73j O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v73k O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v74 O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v74a O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v74b O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v74c O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v74d O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v74e O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v74f O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v74g O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v74h O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v75 O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v75a O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j mH v78 O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77 O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77a O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77b O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77c O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77d O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77e O15 2004-08-07_S204PC2.j sC v81 O15 2004-08-07_S204PC2.j sC v81a O15 2004-08-07_S204PC2.j sC v81b O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v46 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v65 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v65a O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v67 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v69 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v71 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v71a O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v49 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v50 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v51 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v53 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v56 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v59 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v63 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v64 O15 2004-09-12_S204PC2.j mH v138 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p1 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p2 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p3 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p8 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p17 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p21 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p25 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p26 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220a O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220b O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v500 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v502 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v503 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v504 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v506 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v507 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v516 J2k3.5 D1a 2009-07-25_T823SH.j sH q837.1 D1a 2009-08-12_T823SH.j sH q890.2 J2k4 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0852 J02w0052 T327 pC.jpg B11 2004-06-27_O627MH2.j mH west of k100, north of k5 B11 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC k4 is a regular 5x5 meters regular locus. The northern baulk is cut by a german trench running East-West. It was opened to see the continuation of the apron f131. Is defined by the markers m3599, m3607, m3569, m3595, m3608, m3587 B11 2009-08-22_T822CJC.j cJC In MZ22 this locus was only partially excavated. The northern part of this locus contains the apron f131 while only about 1 meter extending south from the apron was excavated. It is defined in the south by m6150 and m6152. In the north the excavated area is bounded by the lowest visible step of the apron (f131) and markers m6154 and m6156. It's east baulk is defined by m6155 and m6151. C1 2004-06-28_O628MH.j mH We continued using the topsoil feature f3 for the first q-lot of the day q9 since we were still leveling the surface of the unit. After that I changed the feature into f5, layer below topsoil. I made this into a separate feature since it is located underneath a dark organic band, which represents a previous tell surface. f5 is hard and compacted with patches of softer soil where roots are or have been. It also contains small stones or pebbles. Thus far we have uncovered some pottery sherds and a few objects, which have mostly been figurine parts. C1 2004-06-28_O628MH.j mH z- Judging from the German trenches around k4 and k5 f5 will continue for quite some time and I expect to use this feature all through this week and possibly even longer. In the morning we did not have time to go very deep since I wanted to make sure first that we are level in the whole unit. Once that had been accomplished we continued going down in the whole locus with big picks. C1 2004-06-29_O629MH3.j mH We continued with big picks in this unit. So far we have not located any stones. At the end of the day we got the elevator working and I moved men of this unit to operate the elevator. C1 2004-06-30_O630MH.j mH The workmen assigned to this unit also work in k100 and thus they went between the two units all day and not a lot of progress was made here. Despite the fact that the soil matrix here did not change from yesterday I changed the feature here into f11 in order to keep better track of the q-lots. The soil matrix, however, is the same as in f5. C1 2004-07-04_O704MH.j mh On Thursday we left the eastern half of the unit unexcavated. This half is east of the stones we discovered in the western half of unit towards the end of the day on Thursday. I continued that half with f11, which I have been using above in the whole unit. After this half was brought to the same level with the eastern half I changed the feature into f22 and defined it as lens type d. This feature is closely associated with the stones in this unit. The stones form a southeast-northwest running line in the southwest corner of the unit. I assigned these stones as f26 and defined it as lens type c. The stones are clearly the result of human activity but at the moment do not form a clear structure. In order to bring out the stones we worked first on the eastern half of the unit. This q-lot, q49, is included in f22 although no stones were found while excavating this q-lot. As in k5, the stones seem to be confined to the western half of the unit. We then excavated the western side of the unit under a different q-lot, q50. By the end of the day we had cleared soil around the stones and stopped the work on that level. C1 2004-07-05_O705MH4.j mh We took two photos of the unit with the stone feature f27 as the target. I also sketches them in on the plots I ran yesterday. We did not excavated here today. C1 2004-07-06_O706MH.j mH Sylvana drew the northern baulk of the unit. C1 2005-08-02_P802MH.j mH We are excavating only in the northern half of the unit. Last year, due to time and efficiency concerns, we did not excavate the southern half as deep as the northern half, which was level with k3 and k13. We continued our excavations in just those areas that were left lowest last year. As with k3 and k13 we fist removed the first 10 cm of the surface, which was contaminated. In the corner formed by the western baulk of k4 and the southern face of our excavated area, just about where r445 is located, someone had lit a fire during the winter. This fire had left marks on the sections. Below the contaiminated soil we stated with f139 and excavated one q lot q367. C1 2005-08-03_P803MH.j mH In order to verify wheather we are indeed dealing with a slope we tried to follow them with a small pick (f141). The laminations did not seem to continue lower down except in patches. Whether these patches are natural, i.e. relating to a smaller water puddle, or the result of our removing the laminations only in parts and not others. The in the southwest corner of the unit the soil is granier, contains melted brick pieces, charcoal pieces, and pottery. Some of the workmen suggested that it might be a pit. We defined it as such for now with the provision that we will change the feature definition once we determine what it is (f143). As the last task of the day we started removing another 10 cm layer of soil (f141 q380) heading from the edge of k100 towards k13, i.e. east to west. The plan is to stop at the border of f143. C1 2005-08-03_P803MH.j mH The first pick run of the day concentrated on the southern half. This was f139 q370. Next was f139 q372 when we removed approximately 10 cm soil in the western half of the joint k3 and k4, and the next is f139 q375 which refers to the eastern half of k3 and k4. These pick runs exposed an east-west oriented line of large stone blocks (f144). The western end of this stone alignment is close to but not quite at the edge of k4 and k100. At an approximately correponding place on the other side of k100 we have the "doorjam" belonging to f129. These could perhaps be related but we will have to see. vVE made an observation that the line of stones seems to be continued by bricks or at least bricky material. gB inspected the area and agreed that the material was indeed bricky but he hesitated calling them bricks due to lack of clear faces. He suggested scraping the area in order to see whether they indeed were bricks. After this was done, they disappeared, although the area approximately between r445 and m3956 does contain lumps of melted bricks. Instead of being a brick wall, the stone alingment seems to continue towards east. Underneath q-lots q372 and q375 we found laminations clearly visible in the shade that we put up after breakfast. These laminations were located in an area center and south of our k4. It is possible that we went through earlier lamination layers with the big pick and just did not notice them. These laminations seem to continue to k13 and they seem to slightly slope towards south. C1 2005-08-06_P806MH2.j mH Thursday we had removed soil from an area 50 cm wide (q386) along the apron (f131) in order to expose another step for the review on Saturday P805. Today we started by bringing the whole unit level (q386 and q389). We then cleaned the unit very well and took three pictures. v78 was of the floating stones (f147.1, f147.2, and f147.3), which we removed later together with their pedestals (f148 q390) and placed with stones removed last year. v79 shows the Western baulk k4 and v80 shows the southern baulk. We will cut these baulks further back tomorrow. We continued going down with the big pick (q391 and q392), but changed the feature into f149. This changes of feature did not result from a change in the characteristics of the soil, but from a concern of not letting features grow too thick. After the last big run of the day we found plenty of ash, charcoal and the small patches of the same reddish material that characterizes some areas of the palace and the packing of the upper parts of the temple terrace. Tomorrow we will give this a new feature number. C1 2005-08-07_P807MH.j mH Our intention today was to cut back the southern-most 1 m of k4 that had been left in place last year to due time constraints. However, because our back dirt pile located in k5 was very close to the edge of the southern border of k4, I dedided to go down in k4 while this back dirt was being removed. At the end of the day yesterday we had run into soil that contained ash, charcoal, reddish soil, and perhaps melted pieces of brick. We labeled that feature as f150. Today we started by excavating the first 10 cm of that feature (q393). We then continued with a second 10 cm pick run (q394). The last pile of dirt removed with the latter pick-run was included in q395, which might be contaminated by soil from steps (f131) closed to its edge. Beucase this feature was so clearly different from anything else we had discovered and because it is contained by f131 and capped by f144 and f151, we decided to flag q-lots q393 and q394 for mKB. She came to the field briefly after breakfast and took a look at one of the qlots. She found at least one Mittani sherd in the bag. She also suggested that we should ask vS whether she thinks it would be a good idea to take floating samples from this feature. Based on recommendations and instructions by vS we took three floating samples (q397, q398, and q399) from places where the ash and charcoal concentration was most pronounced. After taking the samples we started removing the last 1 m of soil from the southern portion of k4. We labeled this pseudobaulk as f152 and excavated q-lot q400. We relayed the large, flat stone (f154) overlaying f131 with the idea that it might be removed at some point. C1 2005-08-08_P808MH.j mH We continued removing the pseudobaulk with feature f152 (q402 and q405). In section we could see that the soil matrix changed from a fine, sandy soil to a crumbly consistency. From the section it seems that the soil has packed into little balls of about 1-2 cm in diameter, which crumble very easily. This change was very difficult to see when excavating, but based on the section we changed the feature to f155 to reflect this change. C1 2005-08-08_P808SC2.j sC Today we dug only in the southern area of k4: this area is approximately 1m Sx6m WE and we treated it as a baulk. Here we finished digging f152, feature assigned yesterday to this limited area in k4, and we assigned a new feature number to the accumulation below, characterized by a compact surface and a soft and friable texture (f155). Two qlots have been collected during the excavation of f152 (q402 and q405). We dug also f155 for about 20 cm (one qlot has been collected during the exavation of the first 20 cm of f155, q406). Although we did not reach the bottom of this feature we decided to stop digging f155 in order to move the workmen into k5. After a meeting in the area with gB and fAB we decided to start digging in k5 in order to reach the same level there as feature f155 in k4, and at that point start to dig the southern area of k4 and either all, or only the northern area k5: we agree that throught the exposition of a larger area we will have a better understanding of the stratigraphy. C1 2005-08-16_P816MH.j mH We first started by bring the northern baulk of k5 down to level with the southern part of k4 (f181 q497, q501). We started labeling the northern baulk of k5 below the 90 m level as k4 since it is excavated together with the southern part of k4. We then continued down in this whole southern area of k4 (q507). Just in the area of the corner of northern and eastern baulk of k5 we found small pieces of broken bricks. C1 2005-08-17_P817MH.j mH At the corner formed by the former east baulk and north baulk of k5 we found brown soil and pieces of brick. We defined this area as f188, whereas the gray and crumbly soil to its east was labeled as f189. We first excavated within f188 (q512) in order to examine whether the feature continues and perhaps reveals a structure in situ. After the first pick run it became evident that so such structure exits. We then excavated f189 (q513), which partly covers f144. C1 2005-08-18_P820MH.j mH We continued with two features f189 in the west and f188 in the east. In feature f189 we excavated q521 and q531. In feature f188 we excavated q527. C1 2005-08-20_P820MH.j mH We continued first in f189 (the western part, q534) and then went down in the eastern part (f188 q537). C1 2005-08-20_P820VVE1.j vVE k4 is still excavated on its southern half only: south of stones f144. It still consists of the two different deposits f188 and f189. C1 2005-08-23_P823SC.j sC Today we continued to dig in the southern area of k4 and to the north baulk of k5. The whole area was characterized by the presence of bricky material and by a brown-reddish coloration. We differenciated three feature numbers on the basis of the structure and consistence of the bricky material. In the north corner a layer characterized by a very fine consistence (due to the presence of melted bricks) has been differenciate (f216, it has been defined by r674, r675, r676) from the rest of the area, characherized by fragments of bricky materials of bigger dimension. f216 presents also some ashes area, element that suggest that this feature could be the same of f150 (in k3 and f171 in k13 and f174 in k101). We assigned two feature numbers to the southern area of k4, defining them through r677 (that has been located in the area where the transition between the bricky rubble and the bricky debris was more evident): f217 has been assigned to the south-weastern area of k4 from r677 (200m W and 200m S from r677) and f218 has been assigned to the south-eastern area of k4 (200m E and 200m S from r677). It has been very difficult to define the boundary between these two features (f217 and f218) because they present the same texture (very fine), consistence (medium soft) and color (brown-reddish coloration). We assigned f217 to the bricky rubble (on the eastern area of k4) and f128 to the bricky debris (on the weastern area of k4). We finished to dig f217, but we did not finished to remove f218 and f216. C1 2005-08-24_P824SC.j sC Today we continued to dig in the southern area of k4 and to the north baulk of k5 where feature f218 and f216 were still present. We first finished to remove f218 (that we started excavating yesterday), then we remove f216, while bP took the relay of the wall f144. From the excavation of f216 we recovered only one pottery sherd (qlot579). C1 2005-08-25_P825SC.j sC Today we did not exacavate in this area of J2; we took a picture of wall f232 (gv103, gv103a) and aL and AA relayed it (r718-r742). C1 2005-08-29_P830MH.j mH This is the same as the elevation of f150 as we currently have it. After removing f232 and its pedestal f260, we started remving the pseudobaulk (f261), which I had left between k4 and k100 in order to prevent contamination between the two loci. At first we removed a large stone (f265), which was parallel to walls f144 and f232, and thus possibly part of the upper wall (f144). This stone is defined by relays r928 and r929. We did not finish removing f261 today. C1 2005-08-29_P830MH.j mH We removed f232, the stone wall that was found below f144, another stone wall. This feature consisted of six stones, which we labeled as components of the feature. We then excavated the pedestal on which the wall stood. This is feature f260. The stones were highest in the east and sloped gradually to the west. The highest point in the east was m4082 +165-155 = 89.07 m, in the middle the elevation was m4082 +149-155 = 88.91 m, and in the west, at the lowest point, it was m4082 +121-155 = 88.63 m. C1 2005-08-31_P831MH.j mH We continued down north of f224 with qlot q677, which is associated with q680 coming from the sifter. C1 2005-08-31_P831MH.j mH We finished removing the last of f261 (q675), the pseudobaulk between k4 and k100. After that we started excavating in f150 starting along the steps of f131. We started from m4081 and moved first along approximately 2 m wide stretch along the steps (f150 q684). Then we excavated south of that q-lot all the way to the northern edge of k5. We ended the day by excavating along the western edge of k4 next to f127 (f150 q698). We removed f151, a stone floating on top of apron (f131) steps next to f127. C1 2005-09-04_P903SC.j sC Today we continued to dig f286 in k4. Firstly we start by removing soil only in the south-eastern area of k4, which was left higer since yesterday (q729); then we continuing down in the whole unit (half an hour before breakfast). The work proceeded very slowly after breakfast since the elevator located in k5 was not working, and because the workmen had to remove the dirty using the little baskets. Therefore, in the second half of the morning the work in k4 has been basically of removing the dirty from the pickrun done in all the unit before breakfast. We also removed the little baulk left on the eastern area of k4, in order to avoid contamination in k 100 (to this baulk we have assigned a new feature number, f296, and the pottery has been collected in the q748). At the end of the morning we clean and scraped very well the whole area and expose a very nice and uniform surface, basically constituited by melted bricks (red and gray in colour). In the afternoon we called DAdin, we took a picture of the whole area, and then we start digging again. In the eastern area of k4 two pits have been noticed (r982, r983) quadrangolar in shape. Therefore, while another team of workmen was excavating in the western area of k4, we moved in the pit f298 Shallal, who dug f299 (the fill of the pit) and in f300 Shallal, who dug f301 (the fill of the pit). The fill of the pit is medium soft, a bit crumble, with ash areas and poor in pottery sherds. C1 2005-09-05_S307PC.j mH on P904 the pit f300 was dug too deep. A metal artifact i25 was found, very similar and located close to i24; another pit to the West of the northern pit was found: the pitcut shape is round, and at the bottom was found gravel and seeds. Then was excavated f286. The pseudobaulk f261, very close to the North edge of k5,was removed C1 2005-09-05_P831SC.j sC Today we continued to dig in k4 f150 in all the area. All the qlots collected in the first pickrun in the whole area area contaminated (q684, q692 and q698). We first dug in the NE area of k4 (q684), where f150 abuts the Apron (f131), then in the SE area of k4 (qlot6892, aproximately 2m N and 4mW to r942) and then in the W area of the unit (q698, aproximately 2m E and 4mS from r944). f150 presents almost the same characteristics in all the unit: it was characterized by a crumble texture, by a medium-soft consistence and by the presence of ash areas. After breakfast we dug in the weastern area of k4 (q684, q692). There is still an area to be excavated (1.5m N in corrispondence of the E baulk of k15): we will remove it tomorrow. Today f151 (a floating limestone) have been removed: it consist of just one big stone and not of two, as first thought (its irregular shape make us think that f151 consisted of two stones). In the pedestal (f271) of the stone f151 we did not collect any pottery sherd or bone. C1 2005-09-05_P901SC.j sC We start by removing the ledge of soil that was left higer since yesterday (aproximately 2m N and 2m E, from r945 q701); this qlot is contaminated (the first 10 cm of the feature have been contaminated by the excavation held in k5 and k14 in the previous days). Then we change feature number: the whole area has been labeled as f286. f286 is the same of f150 but as a difference, f286 is not characterized by ashy areas, altough in all the surface can be noticed little fragments of charcoals. We dug f286 for an area wide aproximately 2m N and 2m E, from m4082 (q709) and a line of stones belonging to the Apron (f131) have been exposed. The first pickrun in this area produced a lot of dirt and the elevator -located in k5- broke early in the morning, therefore, the workmen took almost all the second half of the morning to remove the dirt from this little area (they removed the dirt by using little baskets). At the same time Shallal, Hussein and Akmet have been busy in exposing the step of the Apron "found" with the last pickrun of the morning. On three of these steps, 4 holes have been notices: we assigned a feature number to all of them (f278, f280, f282, f284; f279=q720, f281=q721, f283=q726, f285=q727): two of which seems to be natural, but two of them could be hand-made. The two hole that seems to be hand-made are aproximately 7cm in diameter; in their fill (f279=q720, f281=q721) have been found a stone that has same diameter of the cut of the hole, and for this reason we keep the stone as a q-item (q720.1 and q721.1); we collect also the soil contained in the fill of these holes as a q-item (q720.2, q721.2, q726.1 and q727.1) in order to be analized by vS. C1 2005-09-06_S307PC.j mH Today we found several floor layers above the white floor (f326), all one on top of the other: expecially f328, f329 and f330 are very similar; we took a picture of the floors v132. We had difficulties exposing them, hence the pickman had to dig from various directions. at least there are 4 floors visible: f328, f327, f329, f330 C1 2009-08-09_T809CJC.j cJC Yesterday at the very end of the day we exposed several features which I described in yesterday's daily. Today we decided to continue removing f367 until we have only f369 and f359 showing. The small isolated plaster patches were assigned f370 and were relayed and photographed and then left in place. Once we removed f367 it became more apparent that f368 and f369 are likely the same as f369 seems to slope up and meet f358 under f367. I decided with fAB and pC that once we finished exposing f369 by removing f367 we should stop excavating temporarily in k4 and k5 and focus our efforts on reaching f359 in k15. Mohammed Kher removed all of f367 with only the small pick and the brush and so it took all day but we achieved a nice result. C2 2004-06-29_O629MH3.j mH We are still roughly 5 cm above the level where the stone was located in k5 today, but since the stone in k5 is probably isolated, I do not expect to find any large stones here any time soon. If the machine is working tomorrow, the men of this unit will operate the elevator in the morning and return to this unit after breakfast. We will continue with big picks the whole unit at a time. C2 2004-06-30_O630MH.j mH Depending on the condition of the elevator, we will continue here with a big pick. At the end of the day today we were roughly 50 cm above today's ending level of k5, where there is clearly something going on. Tomorrow we will try to reach this level. C2 2004-07-01_O703MH3.j mh Since the crew in k4 has been moving between k100 and k4, the excavation have not yet reached as deep a level as in k4 and k5. Judging from the presence of stones in k4 and k5, I expected to find similar stones in this square as well. Right at the end of the day we did indeed find similar sized stones in this unit as well. They are, however higher up than in k14 and k5. C2 2004-07-01_O703MH3.j mh We will continue uncovering the stones with care paying special attention to the possibly of a floor being present. I continued using f11 all day today. While the nature of the soil was not different above the stones (q38) I am contemplating whether to make a new feature "accumulation over stones" starting from this q-lot. I will determine it on Sunday when the whole unit has been excavated. C2 2004-07-04_O704MH.j mh Work stopped here for a while. C2 2004-07-06_O706MH.j mH We will take the northern baulk down tomorrow to connect k5, k4, and k14. C2 2005-08-07_P807MH.j mH At the moment the ashy layers of f150 seem to be capped by the line or wall of stones (f144) and a group of smaller stones (f151) near the NW corner of k4. One of the purposes for removing the pseudobaulk (f152) is to see how f144 relates to the apron f131, to the stone feature f154, and to the soil feature f150. We hope to accomplish this tomorrow. C2 2005-08-08_P808MH.j mH We stopped excavating approximately 30 cm above the highest stone belonging to f144 in order to wait for k5 to be brought to the same level before continuing further down. The goal with this is to understand the nature of f144, its possible relationship with door jamb in f129 and with f150. We can achieve this goal better if we approach the feature from above with a larger horizontal exposure than would have been possible if we just continued excavating the 1 m wide pseudobaulk. C2 2005-08-16_P816MH.j mH We are getting close to stone feature f144. From the section it seems that there is a layer of bricks just above them during their whole length. This layer of bricks then seems to slope down towards west after the stones end. Tomorrow we have to pay close attention to the surface in order to detect these possible brick. C2 2005-08-17_P817MH.j mH Tomorrow we will continue excavating these two features (f188 and f189) in search for a possible structure to which the bricks belong. C2 2005-08-24_P824SC.j sC yesterday mH, fAB, jO and I talked in the field about the nature of f144. We were thinking that f144 was a wall on the top of an accumulation. We were not expecting that this accumulation would have hidden another wall. The plan for today was to remove f144 (looking for a possinle different phase in the accumulation under f144) and then start digging in f150, close to the Apron (f131) in order to expose more steps. Therefore, after a discussion in the field with fAB and jO, we decided to change strategy: we will leave for today f232 in place, and tomorrow we will take a picture of all the area; then we will remove the wall f232. At the end of the morning, FAB, gB and jO came in J2: we discuss, togheter with aL, about the strategy for tomorrow, especially about how to make the section in k14. We agree that we need more workmen, that should arrive tomorrow, in order to oper k24 while go down in k15 and k14. C3 2005-08-07_P807MH.j mH The ashy, red accumulation f150 in front of the steps of the apron f131 could perhaps be associated with and related to the same activities that the large, flat stone f154 was used. gB and mKB suggested that the f154 could perhaps be an offering stone and perhaps f150 shows the use this area was put to while the stone (f154) was used. C3 2005-08-08_P808MH.j mH f155 slopes towards the east and I suspect it is due to stone features f151 and f144, which delineate the SW corner in front of the pseudobaulk. It is possible that these stones contained material between them and the apron f131, and hence the process of accumulation was different to the north and south of these stones. It seems that to the north the accumulation was faster and hence a slope formed to the south and south-west of stone features f144 and f151. I suspect that f143, which we at first thought might have been a pit, also formed as a result of these stones. f143 was located higher up in this corner than the stones, but their presence affected the accumulation process also higher up. C3 2005-08-17_P817MH.j mH From the section we could see that just above f144 there were a few bricks which, after the stone feature ends, slope towards the east and then continues horizontally. They were very difficult to notice when approaching from above and they do not seem to form an easily detectable structure. Perhaps it was destroyed in antiquity. C3 2005-08-18_P820MH.j mH fAB visited our unit in the morning and explained the terminology applicable to various stages of brick collapse. This they had come up with in A16 a few years back. According to this terminology brick melt is a deposit where one cannot recognize individual bricks, but it is clear that the soil matrix does consist of bricky material. This is the last stage of brick decomposition. Brick crumble is material in which melting is not yet complete and brick crumples are visible. The first stage in the sequence is brick fall where individual pieces of bricks can be disserned. According to this terminology, our feature f188 located in the easter part of k4 is brick melt, whereas f189 in the west is brick crumble. Right on top of the stone feature f144 we have one line of brick extending from east to west, sloping down and east after the stones end and continuing east. This, I suspect, is then brick fall. The direction of the brick deposits seems to indicate a collapse from east to west. Perhaps this brick fall is related to the bricks seen next to f129 (door jamb) in the eastern section of k100. C3 2005-08-24_P824SC.j sC I decided to characterize and assigne a different feature number for the accumulation between the stones (f226) and for the accumulation under the stones (f230) of wall f144 because of their different consistence. I tought it could have been useful in the case the analisys of the pottery would have given a intresting datation. A layer of ash was in fact noticed in the pedestal of f144, and mH and I thought that it could have been a marker/indicator of a possible different phases in the accumulation under f144. C3 2005-08-24_P824SC.j sC f216 seems to be the same accomulation under the wall f232 (the wall under wall f144): it is very compact and it is bricky melted in texture and consistence. We took a picture of the section of wall f144 (gv99, gv99a, gv99b) and we remove wall f144. I assigned f226 to the soil contained between the stones of f144 (the soil between the top and the bottom elevation of the stones of the wall): f226 present a loose texture, very easy to remove. Under f144 another wall have been exposed, separated to f144 by an accumulation thick aproximately 15-30cm. I assigned a new feature number to this accumulation (f230). f230 it is similar to f226 in texture (very fine, and clayish) but very different in consistence (f226 is very easy to remove while f230 is more compact). Once excavated f230, another lines of 7 big stones (f232) have been exposed. C32 2009-08-26_T826CJC.j cJC After plotting the J2 loci from MZ22 it became apparent that they do not exactly match the squares of the previous years. This is not totally unexpected as we had many problems at the beginning of the season trying to reestablish the squares due to the small number remaining markers in J2 as well as the depth of J2 compared to the remaining markers. The differences are not substantial but should be noted. D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a5 D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a6 D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a7 D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a9 D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a10 D1a 2004-06-30_O630MH3.j mh f3 D1a 2004-06-30_O630MH3.j mh f5 D1a 2004-06-29_O705MH.j mH f11 D1a 2004-07-04_O807AP5.j mh f22 D1a 2004-07-04_O807AP5.j mh f27 D1a 2004-07-04_O807AP5.j mh f28 D1a 0000-00-00_O807AP5.j mh f39 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f79 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f81 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f102 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f105 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f110 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f114 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f119 D1a 2005-08-02_P803AL2.j sC f135 D1a 2005-08-02_P912MH.j vVE f139 D1a 2005-08-03_P912MH.j vVE f141 D1a 2005-08-03_P912MH.j vVE f143 D1a 2005-08-03_P912MH.j vVE f144 D1a 2005-08-04_P912MH.j sC f145 D1a 2005-08-06_P912MH.j sC f147 D1a 2005-08-06_P912MH.j sC f148 D1a 2005-08-06_P912MH.j mH f149 D1a 2005-08-07_P912MH.j sC f150 D1a 2005-08-07_P912MH.j sC f151 D1a 2005-08-07_P912MH.j sC f152 D1a 2005-08-08_P912MH.j sC f155 D1a 2005-08-16_P912MH.j sC f181 D1a 2005-08-17_P912MH.j sC f188 D1a 2005-08-17_P912MH.j sC f189 D1a 2005-08-22_P913MH.j vVE f207 D1a 2005-08-22_P913MH.j vVE f208 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j mH f216 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j sC f217 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j sC f218 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j sC f226 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j sC f230 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j sC f232 D1a 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC f257 D1a 2005-08-27_P913MH.j mH f260 D1a 2005-08-27_P913MH.j aL f261 D1a 2005-08-29_P913MH.j aL f265 D1a 2005-08-31_P913MH.j sC f271 D1a 2005-09-01_P913MH.j sC f278 D1a 2005-09-01_P913MH.j sC f279 D1a 2005-09-01_P913MH.j sC f280 D1a 2005-09-01_P913MH.j sC f281 D1a 2005-09-01_P913MH.j sC f282 D1a 2005-09-01_P913MH.j sC f283 D1a 2005-09-01_P913MH.j sC f284 D1a 2005-09-01_P913MH.j sC f285 D1a 2005-09-01_P913MH.j sC f286 D1a 2005-09-03_P913MH5.j sC f296 D1a 2005-09-03_P913MH5.j mH f298 D1a 2005-09-03_P913MH5.j mH f299 D1a 2005-09-03_P913MH5.j mH f300 D1a 2005-09-03_P913MH5.j mH f301 D1a 2005-09-04_P913MH5.j aL f310 D1a 2005-09-05_P913MH5.j aL f311 D1a 2005-09-05_P913MH5.j aL f312 D1a 2005-09-05_P913MH5.j aL f315 D1a 2005-09-05_P913MH5.j sC f316 D1a 2005-09-05_P913MH5.j aL f317 D1a 2005-09-05_P913MH5.j aL f318 D1a 2005-09-05_P913MH5.j sC f322 D1a 2005-09-05_P913MH5.j aL f324 D1a 2005-09-06_P913MH5.j mH f326 D1a 2005-09-06_P913MH5.j mH f327 D1a 2005-09-06_P913MH5.j mH f328 D1a 2005-09-06_P913MH5.j mH f329 D1a 2005-09-06_P913MH5.j mH f330 D1a 2005-09-13_P913MH5.j mH f332 D1a 2009-07-25_T822CJC2.j cJC f339 D1a 2009-08-19_T819CJC2.j cJC f365 D1a 2009-08-06_T822CJC2.j cJC f367 D1a 2009-08-06_T822CJC2.j cJC f368 D1a 2009-08-09_T822CJC2.j cJC f370 D1a 2010-08-25_U906YM.j yM i1 D1a 2005-08-18_P913MH4.j sC i11 D1a 2005-08-29_P913MH4.j aL i24 D1a 2005-08-29_P913MH4.j aL i25 D1a 2009-07-27_T823SH.j sH q842.1 D1a 2009-07-30_T823SH.j sH q856.1 D1a 2004-06-27_O627MH3.j mH q7 D1a 2004-06-28_O628MH2.j mh q9 D1a 2004-06-28_O628MH2.j mh q11 D1a 2004-06-28_O628MH2.j mh q13 D1a 2004-06-29_O629MH.j mh q14 D1a 2004-06-29_O629MH.j mh q17 D1a 2004-06-30_O630MH2.j mh q27 D1a 2004-07-01_O703MH.j mh q33 D1a 2004-07-01_O703MH.j mh q38 D1a 2004-07-04_O705MH2.j mh q43 D1a 2004-07-04_O705MH2.j mh q47 D1a 2004-07-04_O705MH2.j mh q50 D1a 2004-07-07_O710MH.j ap q84 D1a 2004-07-08_O710MH.j ap q89 D1a 2004-07-08_O710MH.j ap q96 D1a 2004-07-22_O724MH.j mh q229 D1a 2004-07-22_O724MH.j mh q237 D1a 2004-07-24_V910CJC.j mH q263 D1a 2005-08-03_P803AL3.j vvE q367 D1a 2005-08-03_P803AL3.j vvE q370 D1a 2005-08-03_P803AL3.j vvE q372 D1a 2005-08-03_P803AL3.j vvE q375 D1a 2005-08-03_P803AL3.j vvE q377 D1a 2005-08-03_P803AL3.j vvE q380 D1a 2005-08-03_X925CJC.j vVE q381 D1a 2005-08-04_V910CJC.j mH q383 D1a 2005-08-04_U808YM3.j aL q385 D1a 2005-08-04_U808YM3.j aL q386 D1a 2005-08-06_U808YM3.j aL q387 D1a 2005-08-06_V910CJC.j sC q388 D1a 2005-08-06_U808YM3.j aL q389 D1a 2005-08-06_U808YM3.j sC q390 D1a 2005-08-06_U808YM3.j mH q391 D1a 2005-08-06_U808YM3.j sC q392 D1a 2005-08-07_P808VVE1.j sC q393 D1a 2005-08-07_P808VVE1.j sC q394 D1a 2005-08-07_P808VVE1.j sC q395 D1a 2005-08-07_P808VVE1.j sC q397 D1a 2005-08-07_P808VVE1.j sC q398 D1a 2005-08-07_P808VVE1.j sC q399 D1a 2014-01-17_Y117CJC.j cJC q400 D1a 2005-08-08_P808VVE1.j sC q402 D1a 2014-01-17_Y117CJC.j cJC q405 D1a 2014-01-17_Y117CJC.j cJC q406 D1a 2005-08-16_P909MH.j sC q497 D1a 2005-08-16_P909MH.j sC q501 D1a 2005-08-16_P909MH.j sC q507 D1a 2005-08-17_P909MH.j sC q512 D1a 2005-08-17_P909MH.j sC q513 D1a 2005-08-18_P909MH.j vVE q521 D1a 2005-08-18_P908MH2.j vVE q527 D1a 2005-08-18_P908MH2.j vVE q531 D1a 2005-08-20_P908MH2.j vVE q534 D1a 2005-08-20_P908MH2.j vVE q537 D1a 2005-08-20_P908MH2.j vVE q540 D1a 2005-08-20_P908MH2.j vVE q541 D1a 2005-08-21_P908MH2.j vVE q547 D1a 2005-08-21_P908MH2.j vVE q548 D1a 2005-08-22_P908MH2.j vVE q558 D1a 2005-08-23_P908MH2.j sC q564 D1a 2005-08-23_P908MH2.j sC q570 D1a 2005-08-24_P908MH2.j sC q574 D1a 2005-08-24_P908MH2.j sC q579 D1a 2005-08-24_P908MH2.j sC q582 D1a 2005-08-24_P908MH2.j sC q583 D1a 2005-08-24_P908MH2.j sC q586 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q666 D1a 2005-08-29_P910MH.j mH q671 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j aL q675 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j mH q684 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j sC q692 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j sC q698 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH.j mH q701 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH3.j sC q709 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH3.j sC q720 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH3.j sC q721 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH3.j sC q726 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH3.j sC q727 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j mH q729 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j aL q739 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j sC q748 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j mH q750 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j mH q751 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j aL q752 D1a 2005-09-04_P910MH3.j mH q755 D1a 2005-09-04_P910MH3.j mH q760 D1a 2005-09-04_P910MH3.j mH q761 D1a 2005-09-04_P910MH3.j aL q763 D1a 2005-09-04_P910MH3.j aL q770 D1a 2005-09-04_P910MH3.j mH q771 D1a 2014-01-17_X925CJC.j cJC q773 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j sC q774 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j sC q777 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j aL q779 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j aL q790 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j aL q793 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j aL q795 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j aL q797 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j sC q799 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j aL q803 D1a 2005-09-06_P910MH3.j sC q806 D1a 2005-09-06_P910MH3.j sC q809 D1a 2005-09-06_P910MH3.j sC q813 D1a 2005-09-06_P910MH3.j aL q816 D1a 2005-09-06_P910MH3.j aL q818 D1a 2005-09-06_P910MH3.j mH q821 D1a 0000-00-00_T826CJC2.j cJC q878 D1a 0000-00-00_T826CJC2.j cJC q879 D1a 2009-08-09_T826CJC2.j sH q880 D3 2005-09-04_S306PC-R.j aL r991 (39080 50361 - 4027 / Relay location: p) D20 2004-06-27_O627MH2.j mH m3595 D21 2004-06-27_O627MH2.j mH 400e D21 2004-06-27_O627MH2.j mH 400n O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v6 O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v6a O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v8 O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v8a O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v15 O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v18 O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j mh v16 O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j mh v19 O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j pC v26a O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v75 O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v75a O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j mH v78 O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j mH v79 O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j mH v80 O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77 O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77a O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77b O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77c O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77d O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77e O15 2004-08-07_S204PC2.j sC v81 O15 2004-08-07_S204PC2.j sC v81a O15 2004-08-07_S204PC2.j sC v81c O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v34 O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v34a O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v36 O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v39 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v46 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v65 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v65a O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v69 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v71 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v71a O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v56 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v57 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v61 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v64 O15 2004-08-17_S204PC2.j mH v91 O15 2004-08-17_S204PC2.j mH v91a O15 2004-08-24_S204PC2.j aL v100 O15 2004-08-24_S204PC2.j aL v100a O15 2004-08-24_S204PC2.j sC v99 O15 2004-08-24_S204PC2.j sC v99a O15 2004-08-24_S204PC2.j sC v99b O15 2004-08-25_S204PC2.j sC v103 O15 2004-08-25_S204PC2.j sC v103a O15 2004-08-29_S204PC2.j mH v115 O15 2004-08-31_S204PC2.j mH v117 O15 2004-08-31_S204PC2.j mH v117d O15 2004-08-31_S204PC2.j mH v117e O15 2004-09-03_S204PC2.j mH v123 O15 2004-09-03_S204PC2.j mH v123a O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j mH v129 O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j mH v129a O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j sC v132 O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j sC v132a O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j sC v132b O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j sC v132c O15 2004-09-12_S204PC2.j mH v133 O15 2004-09-12_S204PC2.j mH v133a O15 2004-09-12_S204PC2.j mH v133b O15 2004-09-12_S204PC2.j mH v134 O15 2004-09-12_S204PC2.j mH v135 O15 2004-09-12_S204PC2.j mH v139 O15 2004-09-12_S204PC2.j mH v139a O15 2004-09-12_S204PC2.j mH v139b O15 2004-09-13_S204PC2.j mH v140 O15 2004-09-13_S204PC2.j mH v141 O15 2004-09-13_S204PC2.j mH v141a O15 2004-09-13_S204PC2.j mH v141b O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p1 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p2 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p3 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p5 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p8 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p21 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p25 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p26 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p27 O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v154 O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v154a O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v154b O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v155 O15 2009-07-21_T826CJC3.j cJC v158 O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v166 O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v166a O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v167 O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v167a O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v167b O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v167c O15 2009-08-03_T826CJC3.j sG v168 O15 2009-08-03_T826CJC3.j sG v168a O15 2009-08-06_T826CJC3.j cJC v169 O15 2009-08-06_T826CJC3.j cJC v169a O15 2009-08-08_T826CJC3.j cJC v170a O15 2009-08-08_T826CJC3.j cJC v170b O15 2009-08-08_T826CJC3.j cJC v170c O15 2009-08-08_T826CJC3.j cJC v172 O15 2009-08-08_T826CJC3.j cJC v172a O15 2009-08-08_T826CJC3.j cJC v172b O15 2009-08-08_T826CJC3.j cJC v172c O15 2009-08-09_T826CJC3.j cJC v173 O15 2009-08-09_T826CJC3.j cJC v173a O15 2009-08-09_T826CJC3.j cJC v173b O15 2009-08-09_T826CJC3.j cJC v173c O15 2009-08-09_T826CJC3.j cJC v173d O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v178 O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v178a O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v178b O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v179 O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v179a O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v179b O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v180 O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v181 O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v181a O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v181b O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187 O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187a O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187b O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187c O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v188 O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v189 O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v183 O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v184 O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v184a O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v186 O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v186a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v206 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v206a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v206b O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v207 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v207b O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v208 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v208a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v210 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220a O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220b O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v500 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v502 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v503 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v504 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v506 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v507 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v514 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v516 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v518 J2k5 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0853 J02w0053 T327 pC.jpg A98 2005-08-15_P815MH.j mH Whereas most of k5 will remain at the 90 m level, the northern baulk will be excavated until the 88 m level thus it will first be brought level with the southern part of k4 and then we will continued together in these two areas. The joint area will be labeled under k4. A98 2005-08-16_P816MH.j mH We started labeling the northern baulk of k5 below the 90 m level as k4 since it is excavated together with the southern part of k4. B11 2004-06-27_O627MH2.j mH west of k100, south of k4 B11 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC k5 is a regular 5x5 meters locus. It was opened to have a better view of the apron f131 from the south; is defined by the markers m3587, m3586, m3614, m3605, m3594, m3604, m3595 B11 2009-08-22_T822CJC.j cJC In MZ22 this locus was only partially excavated. The southern part consists of a raised baulk while the northern half was excavated. The northern points are m6152 in the NW and m6150 in the NE. The southern corners of the locus are m6157 in the SW and r1077 in the SE. The east baulk is defined by only one point, m6151. C1 2004-06-28_O628MH.j mH Yesterday we reached a level below topsoil the bottom boundary of which I considered to be a dark organic band also visible in k4. We spend a fair amount of time making sure we were level after which we continued down with big picks. f4 in k5 is similar to f5 in k4. It is mostly hard and compact with patches of softer soil where there is or was organic matter. We unearthed some pottery but very few other kinds of objects. C1 2004-06-29_O629MH3.j mH We continued with f4 in this unit for most of the day. Compared with yesterday, however, the pebbles seem to have become larger. Half way through the day we located a large stone close to the middle of the northern baulk. We did not reach the bottom of it today. This stone seems to be there alone and probably has eroded down from the temple terrace to the north. It is definitely located much higher than we wound expect if it were an in situ part of the apron. Towards the end of the day I changed the feature in the whole locus into f8 although there was no change in the soil matrix. fAB suggested I do this in order to keep track of the pottery that comes from this unit better. Close to the southwestern corner of the unit we located a bird's nest with three dead birds in it. The nest seems to be quite big and thus has created significant disturbance to this area of the unit. The nest influences q15 and q19 excavated today and will continue to affect the first q-lot excavated in this unit tomorrow. C1 2004-06-30_O630MH.j mH In k5 we continued clearing the whole unit one big pick full at a time. The feature continued as f8, which means that the soil was a mixture of harder and softer patches. It is clearly natural accumulation. Towards the end of the day we run into a line of stones running south from the large stone close to the middle of the northern baulk (f14). These stones are quite small but since they are clearly in a line they must be the result of human activity. To the east of this line two such stones are slightly visible on the surface. More of these stones are located to the west of the line. In case these stones delineate a working area or the like, I made the area 300 cm east and 400 cm south of m3604 into f16, which I termed a (accumulation). This area includes also the two stones visible to the east of the stone line. I had the workmen pick with a small pick to the west of the stone line (q31). As of now there does not seem to be any associated floor surface, but this will be determined tomorrow. Interestingly, it now seems that the large stone (f14) in the north is resting on another large stone. If this is indeed the case, it would seem that this stone is not an isolated stone but perhaps a part of a feature. C1 2004-07-01_O703MH3.j mh We excavated more around the stoneline in f16. To the east of f16 I kept the feature as f8 with the provision that if stones would be revealed under q36, I would include this area into f16. We did not, however, find more stones in that area and thus I kept q36 within f8. After we had excavated q36 the unit floor was level. The stoneline discovered extends now from the big stone in the north to the middle of the unit. To the west and to the south of it there are scattered stones. I expect that the line extends further south although it does not do so now. The stone placements are clearly man made but since we have thus far been unable to locate any floor surfaces associated with the stones, it seems that this construction was only used temporarily. C1 2004-07-04_O704MH.j mh We did not excavate in this unit today, but relayed the stones found here. I assigned them as f27 and defined that as lens type c. C1 2004-07-05_O705MH4.j mh We took two photos of the unit with the stone feature f24 as the target. I also sketches them in on the plots I ran yesterday. We did not excavated here today. C1 2004-07-06_O706MH.j mH I drew the northern baulk. C1 2005-08-08_P808MH.j mH We left a 40 cm wide ledge on the southern edge of the unit abutting the baulk in preparation for the stepped sectioning we will do later when we reach lower depths. C1 2005-08-08_P808SC2.j sC Today we start digging k5. We delineated the area where to dig with a relay (r483) and we started to dig 350mEWx390NS. We assigned two feature numbers: f157 to the top 10 cm of k5 and f158 to the accumulation below this: the square has been contaminated by the dirt moved here during the past days (due to the presence of the elevator). f157 is characterized by a very soft and dusty texture and gray colour. One qlot was collected during the excavation of f157 (q408) and one during the excavation of f158 (q409) . C1 2005-08-09_P809MH.j mH We started by removing soil only on the eastern half of the unit, which was left higher at the end of the day yesterday. We then continued down (both included in q410). The soil here was a combination of extremely hard patches alternating with significantly softer areas. This resembles the situatiuon at the same elevation in all units. After breakfast bP came to define the baulks and edges of the unit and thus the work here was stopped for a while. Since we started work here without the baulk lines, I had defined an area for excavation that was located securely within the unit. After bP had redefined the unit, we had about 30 cm wide area unexcavated in the east, 15 cm in the north and 30 in the west. We started removing them from the west (q416), continued in the north (q417), in the east (q418). In the east we were able to remove only an area 1 m long north-south before it was time to call it a day. sC and I returned to the field in the afternoon and draw the northern section. C1 2005-08-10_P810MH.j mH sC and I drew the norther baulk of k5 yesterday afternoon. This morning we removed it (q421). The baulk was not particularly high, but its edges were very soft and thus they were a safety hazard. Before bP had put the baulk markers in we had excavated well with the limits of the unit in order to make sure that we would not accidentally excavate into our baulks. Yesterday bP but the markers in and we started to excavate the areas in between the real baulk and our excavated area. Yesterday we were able to do most of it and today we finished this work on the east (q422). After that we continued going down the whole unit (q424, q426). C1 2005-08-11_P813MH.j mH We started the morning by excavating the southern half of the unit (q429), which was left higher up at the end of the day yesterday. When we removed the northern baulk on Thursday, we had removed the northwest baulk corner stake (m4037) and the northeast baulk corner stake (m4038). Today bP gave us new markers for these corners (NE baulk corner is m4050 and the NW corner is m4051). When that was done, we could straighten the section (q430). At the start of excavations here in k5 we had left a 40 cm legde along the southern edge of the unit in preparation for the stepped section. Because we decided yesterday that we would place the steps on fixed elevations, we did not need this ledge here anymore and thus we removed it (f163 q431). We gave it a new feature number (f163) but in actuality it consists of both f157 at the top and f158 below it. Afterwards we continued excavations in the whole unit (q434). C1 2005-08-13_P813MH2.j mH We started excavating in the eastern half of the unit (q436), which had been left higher on Thursday. We continued by going down in the whole unit (q437, and q444) until we reached the 90 m elevation the ledge of which this unit is. While excavating q444, we found a metal item (i8). At the end of the day we moved the elevator from k15 into this unit since we stop the excavation in this unit at this 90 m level. C1 2005-08-15_P815MH.j mH We removed the norther baulk of the unit (q479) and brought it level with the southern part of k4 left higher during last year's excavations. We also worked just east of the NE corner of the whole locus (f178 q488) in order to make our excavation area visually nicer. We also removed the corner formed by the northern and eastern baulks of k5 (f180 q493). C1 2005-08-23_P823SC.j sC Today we started to remove the E baulk of k5. On in the top of the baulk a floating limestone (f222, r678, r679) has been removed. C1 2005-08-24_P824SC.j sC Today one team of workmen (Omar, Abdrhim, Adel, Abdrhman and Ahmed) continued to remove the E baulk of k5 (f220). The elevator was not working propely almost all the day, therefore some of the workmen took some time from the work in order to help to move the elevator outside of the excavation area before breakfast. f220 is characterized by a medium loose soil on the top surface mixed with layers with more compact texture. It is grayish and light brown in colour. It is poor in pottery sherd and bones. Today we dig aproximately 400N and 80cm E, and a large area still need to be removed: part of the E baulk, in fact, is bound with a ledge of soil that extends toward E for about 1,30m. Due to the breake of the elevator the workmen needed to move the sirty from the the square by passing the baskets, and this made the work slower. C1 2005-08-25_P825SC.j sC Today Omar, Abdrhim, Adel, Abdrhman and Ahmed continued to remove the 1,3m ledge of soil extending toward E in the E baulk of k5 (f220); this feature is rich in pottery sherds and in q-items (qlot597, qlot603 and qlot605). It is still characterized by a medium loose soil mixed with layers with different texture, more compact. It is grayish and light brown in colour. C1 2005-08-27_P827MH.j mH We finished removing the remainder of the east baulk (f220 q612). Since the plan in k4 and k5 was to go as deep as the apron (f131) steps take us, it was no longer possible to leave the whole of k5 onto the 90 m elevation. We need to excavate this locus so that it will eventually contain the 86 m ledge, slope between the 86 m and 88 m ledge, the 88 m legde, the slope between 88 m and 90 m, and the 90 m ledge. The 90 m ledge will be located along the southern edge of the locus. I measure 2 meters in from the northern edge of the ledge-to-be and instructed the men to dig within this 2 m stretch. We could not excavated all the way to the northern edge of the locus today, since the northern face still needs to be drawn. We continued with the feature we finished with a while back and excavated three q-lots (q619, q622, and q628). These were all located to the east of the elevator, which occupies roughly the center of the locus. C1 2005-08-28_P828MH.j mH We continued going down in f164 on the eastern side of the elevator for one q-lot (q164) after which we moved to the western side of elevator. There we excavated one q-lot (q645) in which we found a glazed pottery piece (i20). C1 2005-08-29_P830MH.j mH We went down in three different locations defined by the presence of the elevator approximately in the middle of the unit and the fact that we had had to save the edge for drawing, which we finished yesterday. We excavated to the west of the elevator (f164 q662 and q665), next to the edge both west (f164 q664) and east of the elevator (f164 q656, q670, and q672). These q-lots procuded several lithic artifacts and q670 even contained a piece of a tannur. C1 2005-08-31_P831MH.j mH We continued removing f164 in various areas of k5. We started in the northeast corner of the excavation area. This is not the real northeast corner of the locus, but approximately 2 m to the east. The northeast corner of this qlot (q678) is r942. We then excavated due north of the elevator located approximately in the middle of the unit (q685) and in the northwest corner of the locus (q686). C1 2005-09-04_P903SC.j sC Today we continued to dig f277 in k5. Firstly we start by removing soil only in the western area of k5, which was left higer since yesterday (q730, q735), then we continuing down in the whole unit. After breakfast Omar was picking in the eastern area of k5 (q738, and E to the elevator) while Mamu and Shallal in the western part of the unit (q743, W to the elevator). In the afernoon we continued excavating here. First we define the limits in k5 of (for the sections) in the S and in the E the area of k5, leaving 40cm along the southern and westsern section of k5, then we start by removing the soil only in the southern part of the unit, which was left higer from the morning excavation (q749), and we dig W to the elevator (q753) for just one pickrun; we stop digging in k5 because we move Shallal in k C1 2005-09-05_P831SC.j sC After breakfast we continued to dig f164 in k5 in the northern area of the unit, where we dug a ledge that was higer (q697) and that abut the E baulk of k15. We removed also a "pseudo baulk" in the E baulk of k5 (aproximately 3m S and 1mW from r942) to which we assigned another feature number, f261 (q675, q678). C1 2005-09-05_P901SC.j sC Today we continued to dig f164 in k5 by removing it firstly in the NW corner the unit (q705, q708 and q711). Then we change feature number, and we labeled all the area as f277. We then start to dig f277 (that is the same of f164: we change because we were digging f164 since a lot of days) by removing it firstly in the area of k5, W to the elevator (the pottery recovered has been collected in the following qlots: q719, q724; q724 contains the pottery recovered in the excavation of a little area E to the elevator -0,10cm E and 0,10cm S from r961- that was left has been better defined). C1 2009-08-05_T805CJC.j cJC Today we only worked in k5. We went down only about 20 centimeters because we are working with the small pick. We have 2 pickmen working in the square. We had only 2 features and 2 q-lots. C1 2009-08-13_T815CJC.j cJC We are finished excavating in this locus. It will be backfilled at the end of the season. C2 2004-06-29_O629MH3.j mH Tomorrow we will continue with the big pick since there does not seem to be anything going on in this unit. We will leave the stone pedestalled once we reach its bottom. C2 2004-06-30_O630MH.j mH We will carefully clean the area excavated last today (q31) and excavate the rest of the unit with small pick looking for a floor or the like. Outside f16 I will still use f8 until it becomes necessary to change it. The stones are quite small and after we have excavated the rest of the unit, they are on the surface of the unit. At this point we will take a picture of the situation and if no clear floor level has emerged we will remove the stones and continue down with a different feature number in the whole unit. C2 2004-07-01_O703MH3.j mh We stopped the excavations here temporarily so that other units can reach this level. Once we have done so, we will resume excavations here. C2 2004-07-06_O706MH.j mH We will take down the northern baulk tomorrow. C2 2005-08-09_P809MH.j mH On further consideration I came to the conclusion that we should not have left the 40 cm legde at the southern edge of k5. Instead we should continued 2 m down from the southern edge of the J2 (which is simultaneously the southern egde of k5), move south 90 cm, continue down 2 m, and then cut a slope so that only 50 cm remains of the 90 cm ledge we left. Repeating this procedure we should be able to make the stepped section we are planning. C2 2005-08-15_P815MH.j mH Whereas most of k5 will remain at the 90 m level, the northern baulk will be excavated until the 88 m level thus it will first be brought level with the southern part of k4 and then we will continued together in these two areas. The joint area will be labeled under k4. C3 2005-08-23_P823SC.j sC in order to define the localization of f222 we took only two relays because of the lack of markers point in this moment in and close to this area. C32 2009-08-26_T826CJC.j cJC After plotting the J2 loci from MZ22 it became apparent that they do not exactly match the squares of the previous years. This is not totally unexpected as we had many problems at the beginning of the season trying to reestablish the squares due to the small number remaining markers in J2 as well as the depth of J2 compared to the remaining markers. The differences are not substantial but should be noted. D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a5 D1a 2004-06-30_O630MH3.j mh f2 D1a 2004-06-30_O630MH3.j mh f4 D1a 2004-06-30_O630MH3.j mh f8 D1a 2004-07-29_O807AP3.j mh f14 D1a 2004-07-29_O807AP3.j mh f16 D1a 2004-07-04_O807AP5.j mh f24 D1a 2008-01-31_S131PC3.j pC f44 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f82 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f123 D1a 2005-08-08_P912MH.j sC f157 D1a 2005-08-08_P912MH.j aL f158 D1a 2005-08-08_P912MH.j mH f160 D1a 2005-08-11_P912MH.j vVE f163 D1a 2005-08-11_P912MH.j sC f164 D1a 2005-08-14_P912MH.j sC f177 D1a 2005-08-15_P912MH.j vVE f178 D1a 2005-08-15_P912MH.j vVE f180 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j sC f220 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j sC f222 D1a 2005-09-01_P913MH.j aL f277 D1a 2009-09-02_T830CJC.j cJC f338 D1a 2009-07-25_T822CJC2.j cJC f340 D1a 2009-07-25_T822CJC2.j cJC f342 D1a 2009-07-26_T822CJC2.j cJC f343 D1a 2009-07-26_T822CJC2.j cJC f344 D1a 2009-09-02_T830CJC.j cJC f359 D1a 2009-08-01_T822CJC2.j cJC f360 D1a 2009-08-01_T822CJC2.j cJC f361 D1a 2009-08-02_T822CJC2.j cJC f362 D1a 2009-08-03_T822CJC2.j cJC f363 D1a 2009-08-05_T822CJC2.j cJC f364 D1a 2009-08-06_T822CJC2.j cJC f365 D1a 2009-08-06_T822CJC2.j cJC f366 D1a 2009-08-06_T822CJC2.j cJC f369 D1a 2009-08-12_T822CJC2.j cJC f376 D1a 2005-08-13_P913MH4.j vVE i8 D1a 2005-08-25_P913MH4.j mH i20 D1a 2005-08-29_P913MH4.j aL i23 D1a 2005-09-07_P913MH4.j sc i26 D1a 2009-08-01_T823SH.j cJC q859.1 D1a 2004-06-27_O627MH3.j mH q6 D1a 2004-06-27_O627MH3.j mH q8 D1a 2004-06-28_O628MH2.j mh q10 D1a 2004-06-28_O628MH2.j mh q12 D1a 2004-06-29_O629MH.j mh q15 D1a 2004-06-29_O629MH.j mh q19 D1a 2004-06-30_O630MH2.j mh q24 D1a 2004-06-30_O630MH2.j mh q31 D1a 2004-07-01_O703MH.j mh q34 D1a 2004-07-01_O703MH.j mh q36 D1a 2004-07-08_O710MH.j ap q95 D1a 2004-07-11_O711MH.j ap q104 D1a 2004-07-22_O724MH.j mh q230 D1a 2014-01-17_Y117CJC.j cJC q408 D1a 2014-01-17_Y117CJC.j aL q409 D1a 2005-08-10_P909MH.j mH q410 D1a 2005-08-10_P909MH.j mH q416 D1a 2005-08-10_P909MH.j mH q417 D1a 2005-08-10_P909MH.j mH q418 D1a 2005-08-10_P909MH.j mH q421 D1a 2005-08-10_P909MH.j mH q422 D1a 2005-08-10_P909MH.j mH q424 D1a 2005-08-10_P909MH.j vVE q426 D1a 2005-08-11_P813VVE1.j vVE q429 D1a 2005-08-11_P813VVE1.j vVE q430 D1a 2005-08-11_P813VVE1.j vVE q431 D1a 2005-08-11_P813VVE1.j vVE q434 D1a 2005-08-13_P813VVE1.j sC q436 D1a 2005-08-13_P813VVE1.j sC q437 D1a 2005-08-13_P813VVE1.j sC q444 D1a 2005-08-14_P909MH.j sc q451 D1a 2005-08-14_P909MH.j sC q465 D1a 2005-08-14_P909MH.j sC q467 D1a 2005-08-15_P909MH.j vVE q479 D1a 2005-08-15_P909MH.j vVE q488 D1a 2005-08-15_P909MH.j vVE q493 D1a 2005-08-23_P908MH2.j sC q566 D1a 2005-08-24_P908MH2.j sC q575 D1a 2005-08-25_P908MH2.j sC q597 D1a 0000-00-00_P908MH2.j sC q603 D1a 0000-00-00_P908MH2.j vVE q605 D1a 0000-00-00_P908MH2.j sC q612 D1a 2005-08-27_P908MH2.j sC q619 D1a 2005-08-27_P908MH2.j aL q622 D1a 2005-08-27_P908MH2.j aL q628 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j sC q634 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q641 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q643 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q645 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q656 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q662 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q664 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q665 D1a 2005-08-29_P910MH.j mH q670 D1a 2005-08-29_P910MH.j aA q672 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j aL q678 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j mH q685 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j aA q686 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j aA q688 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j sC q697 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH.j mH q705 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH3.j aA q708 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH3.j aA q711 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH3.j sC q719 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH3.j sC q724 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j mH q730 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j aL q735 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j aL q738 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j sC q743 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j mH q749 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j aL q753 D1a 2005-09-04_P910MH3.j mH q754 D1a 2005-09-04_P910MH3.j sC q767 D1a 2005-09-04_P910MH3.j aL q769 D1a 2014-01-17_X925CJC.j cJC q773 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j sC q775 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j mH q787 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j aL q789 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j aL q792 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j aL q796 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j sC q800 D1a 2005-09-06_P910MH3.j sC q810 D1a 2005-09-07_P910MH3.j sC q825 D1a 2009-07-25_T729CJC3.j sH q836 D1a 2009-07-25_T729CJC3.j sH q838 D1a 2009-07-26_T729CJC3.j sH q841 D1a 2009-07-26_T729CJC3.j cJC q842 D1a 2009-08-02_T804CJC.j cJC q862 D1a 2009-08-02_T804CJC.j cJC q863 D1a 2009-08-02_T804CJC.j cJC q864 D1a 2009-08-03_T804CJC.j cJC q865 D1a 2009-08-03_T804CJC.j cJC q866 D1a 2009-08-03_T804CJC.j sG q867 D1a 2009-08-03_T804CJC.j sG q868 D1a 2009-08-03_T804CJC.j cJC q869 D1a 2009-08-05_T826CJC2.j sH q870 D1a 2009-08-05_T826CJC2.j cJC q871 D1a 2009-08-06_T826CJC2.j sH q872 D1a 2009-08-06_T826CJC2.j sH q873 D1a 2009-08-06_T826CJC2.j sH q874 D1a 2009-08-06_T826CJC2.j sH q875 D1a 0000-00-00_T826CJC2.j cJC q876 D1a 2010-08-19_TX6HQ.j cJC q902 D3 2005-09-01_P913MH3R.j sC r957 (39044 50254 - 9022 / Relay location: top) D3 2009-08-01_T820CJCR.j cJC r1083 (38794 50674 - 8775 / Relay location: SW corner eastbaulk ) D3 2009-08-01_T820CJCR.j cJC r1083 (38794 50674 - 8775 / Relay location: SW corner eastbaulk) D6 2005-09-12_P913MH7.j mH 8893 D6 2005-09-12_P913MH7.j mH 8908 D20 2004-06-27_O627MH2.j mH m3594 D21 2004-06-27_O627MH2.j mH 400e D21 2004-06-27_O627MH2.j mH 400n K99 2009-09-18_T920MKB.j mKB none of the wares in J2 Phase 4c are as fine as many of the contemporary ceramics found inside Temple BA; this may be due to the differential functional uses of both areas. In assessing the shape typology of both areas there are more small bowl and cup types in the temple and its immediate surroundings than in the access way. O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v5 O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v5a O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v7 O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v7a O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v15 O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v20 O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j mh v16 O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j mh v17 O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j mh v19 O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j pC v26a O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j pC v35 O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j mH v80 O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77 O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77a O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77b O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77c O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77d O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77e O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v46 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v65 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v65a O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v71 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v71a O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v56 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v64 O15 2004-08-17_S204PC2.j mH v91 O15 2004-08-29_S204PC2.j mH v115 O15 2004-09-03_S204PC2.j mH v123 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p8 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p21 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p25 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p26 O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v154 O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v154a O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v154b O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v155 O15 2009-07-21_T826CJC3.j cJC v158 O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v166 O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v166a O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v167 O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v167a O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v167b O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v167c O15 2009-08-03_T826CJC3.j sG v168 O15 2009-08-03_T826CJC3.j sG v168a O15 2009-08-03_T826CJC3.j sG v168b O15 2009-08-03_T826CJC3.j sG v168c O15 2009-08-06_T826CJC3.j cJC v169 O15 2009-08-06_T826CJC3.j cJC v169a O15 2009-08-08_T826CJC3.j cJC v170 O15 2009-08-08_T826CJC3.j cJC v170a O15 2009-08-08_T826CJC3.j cJC v170b O15 2009-08-08_T826CJC3.j cJC v170c O15 2009-08-08_T826CJC3.j cJC v171 O15 2009-08-08_T826CJC3.j cJC v171a O15 2009-08-08_T826CJC3.j cJC v172 O15 2009-08-08_T826CJC3.j cJC v172a O15 2009-08-08_T826CJC3.j cJC v172b O15 2009-08-08_T826CJC3.j cJC v172c O15 2009-08-09_T826CJC3.j cJC v173 O15 2009-08-09_T826CJC3.j cJC v173a O15 2009-08-09_T826CJC3.j cJC v173b O15 2009-08-09_T826CJC3.j cJC v173c O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v176a O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v178 O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v178a O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v178b O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v179 O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v179a O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v179b O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v180 O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v181 O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v181a O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v181b O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187 O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187a O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187b O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187c O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v189 O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v183 O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v184 O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v184a O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v186 O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v186a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v206 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v206a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v206b O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v207 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v207a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v207b O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v208 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v208a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v210 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v211 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v211a O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220a O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220b O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v500 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v502 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v503 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v504 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v506 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v513 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v514 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v516 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v518 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v519 O15 2011-01-04_T921CJC.j cJC v520 J2k6 D1a 2009-07-27_T823SH.j sH q844.2 D1a 2009-08-01_T823SH.j cJC q859.2 D1a 2009-08-12_T823SH.j sH q889.1 J2k6.5 D1a 2009-07-23_T823SH.j sH q833.4 J2k7 D1a 2009-07-21_T823SH.j sH q832.3 J2k8 D1a 2009-07-28_T823SH.j cJC q851.1 J2k8.5 D1a 2009-07-21_T823SH.j sH q832.5 J2k9 D1a 2009-08-05_T823SH.j cJC q872.1 D1a 2009-08-12_T823SH.j sH q888.2 J2k10 D1a 2009-07-26_T823SH.j cJC q840.4 J2k11 D1a 2009-07-21_T823SH.j sH q832.4 D1a 2009-07-30_T823SH.j sH q856.2 J2k12 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0854 J02w0054 T327 pC.jpg B11 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC k12 is a regular 5x5 meters locus. Two german trenches are cutting the square on the nortern and western part. The second apron f132 takes all the square. Defined by relays r26, r27 and markers m3597, m3613 D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a7 D1a 2004-07-04_O807AP4.j mh f20 D1a 2008-01-31_S131PC3.j pC f63 D1a 2008-01-31_S131PC3.j pC f70 D1a 2008-02-25_S211PC2.j pC f84 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f134 D1a 2009-07-21_T823SH.j sH q832.2 D1a 2004-07-14_O717MH.j ap q150 D1a 2004-07-15_O717MH.j mh q160 D1a 2004-07-15_O717MH.j mh q166 D1a 2004-07-15_O717MH.j mh q170 D3 0000-00-00_O703MH3R.j bp r26 (40567 50902 - / Relay location: top) D3 0000-00-00_O703MH3R.j bp r26 (40567 50902 - ##### / Relay location: top) O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j aP v73 O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j mh v26 O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j pC v26a O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j pC v26b O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v55 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p1 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p2 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p3 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p8 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p17 J2k13 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0855 J02w0055 T327 pC.jpg B11 2004-07-01_O703MH2.j mh German trench cut through the middle of the locus in north-south direction and also in east-west direction in the eastern half of the locus. Defined by m3613, m3617, m3630, m3600 and r29 B11 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC k13 was opened to see the continuation ok the second apron f132. which was already showing in the german trench C1 2004-07-01_O703MH3.j mh Opened the square and had time to remove just the upper most surface layer in the eastern half of the square. C1 2004-07-04_O704MH.j mh We continued removing topsoil in the western side of the unit. After a while I changed the feature into f23, which consists of the same variation of soft and hard soil as in all the other units. At the end of the day we broke the soil also in the eastern side of the unit. That did not produce any pottery during the short time we worked on it today. C1 2004-07-05_O705MH4.j mh We reached roughly the level of k4, k5 and k14 in the western half of the unit so I stopped the excavation there and started going down in the eastern half. In the eastern half, however, we found two large stones: one was in the NW corner of the unit and one near the southern baulk. These stone are not only higher than the apron stones in the German trench that runs through k13, they are also higher than the stone features f24, f26, and f27 in k5, k14 and k4 respectively. It appears that they have eroded down from the temple terrace to the north. In the eastern half of the unit we started from topsoil feature f29 and after awhile continued with f30. This is latter material is similar to what we have found in other units: natural accumulation with patches of harder and softer soil. C1 2004-07-06_O706MH.j mH We started the day with f30, which consists of the same natural soil matrix as everywhere else, i.e. patches of hard and soft soil. Towards the end of the day I changed the feature into f31. Originally I defined it as ly since it does not differ from the soil above it. I did the division arbitrarily in order to make it easier to separate q-lots. After one pickful we found a large stone near the northern baulk of the unit. Since this stone is probably a part of the stone apron flanking the temple steps, I decided to define the feature as ld, accumulation associated with the stones. C1 2004-07-24_O730MH.j mh Continued in two locations: 1) close to the western edge (q245) and 2) at/around the northwest corner. At the northern edge of k13 the stones end abruptly. About 50 cm south there is, however, an east-west line of stones. We do yet know if these stones continue towards south since we have not excavated there yet. C1 2005-08-03_P803MH.j mH We started by removing a small area of soil that was left from yesterday's pit run (q369). After this fAB brough aL and pC to practice small picking in the southeast corner of k13 just above stones that are emerging from the soil. aL discovered patches where there was plenty of pottery sherds all aligned horizontally. We determined that this area was a walking floor and defined it as f142. On the floor we found a decorated Khabur sherd q373.3 in situ. We took photos of this floor and the sherd. These are represented in v76. After the photos we tried to see whether the floor continued towards west by removing a few centimeters at a time with a small pick. The floor did not continue and thus we continued with the big pick. This area was removed as f140 q379. C1 2005-08-04_P806MH.j mH We continued going down in k13, but just with one q lot (q382). C1 2005-08-06_P806MH2.j mH We placed the third elevator into this unit and it now prevents us from going down in it. We opted for this placement at least for now, since we have plenty of work to do both in k100 and k4 and we only have men for two operations at a time. Before placing the elevator into the unit, however, we placed a plasting on our excavation surface and collapsed some dirt from the top of the western section of this unit where there had been a large and dangerous-looking crack. C1 2005-08-07_P807MH.j mH We did not excavated here today since the elevator is located in this unit. C1 2005-08-08_P808SC2.j sC Today we dug the north-east area of k13 where we finished removing f142. f142 was assigned last week and was not completely excavated because the elevator was located in the middle of the square; the area in which f142 was still in place was aproximately 2m NE and 2m S. One qlot was collected during the exavation of f142 (q404). Once reached the bottom of f142 we moved the workmen in k14. C1 2005-08-09_P809MH.j mH We did not excavate here today, but the baulk markers bP put in today made it clear that some part of the unit we have been calling k13 is actually the north baulk of k14 and some of that area even falls into the last 1 m of the 4x4 of k14. With the new baulk markers this will no longer be a problem. C1 2005-08-13_P813MH2.j mH Once we had removed the elevator into k14, we cleaned the area well and started excavating in the 2x2 m area that is left from k13 in front of the oval wall (f128) when k101 is excluded. We continued with the feature we had assigned this locus earlier (f140), but noted that the first q-lot excavated (q439) has been contaminated by the soil that ended up here when the elevator was located in this unit. While cleaning up after this q-lot we collected a seed sample (q439.1) close to the border between k101 and k13, right next to the oval wall. The next q-lot was q443. Both q-lots contained pieces of gypsum in the soil along the oval wall and f127. We finished the day by excavating the southern half of the unit (q447). C1 2005-08-15_P815MH.j mH We continued excavating in f171, which contains heavy and discreet concentrations of ash. At the start of the day, the ash was concentrated mainly south of the stone and next to f127 (v86c). At the end of the day we found a heavy ash concentration more towards the middle of the unit (v87d and v87e). In the morning we also took a picture of the doorsocket (i9, v86b) before removing it and starting to excavate q480 with a small pick. Near the wall the deposit was harder but it consisted of the same material as the rest of the unit. The ash concentrations were very strong and quite large, and it and the deposition around it have very distinct colors ranging from very pale grey/ash white to strong brown (7.5YR5/6), very dark grayish brown (10YR3/2), light brownish gray (10YR6/2), and yellowish brown (10YR5/4). We continued excavating with a small pick still in search of a possible floor surface (q487), but did not find one. After q487 we switched into a big pick and continued down (q491). Below the this last qlot we found yet another large ash concentration this time located more in the center of the unit (v87d and v87e). This ash concentration forms a semicircal around an area where there is not ash, but there is a animal hole in the middle of this. This animal hole influences q-lots q487 and q491. C1 2005-08-16_P816MH.j mH At the start of the morning gB came to take a look at the area formed by k101 and k13 and shown in v87. The elevation this plane in k13 is m3965+42-138 = 88.65 m, i.e. the same elevation where f150 in k4 is currently and where samples q397, q398, and q399 were taken. He was of the opinion that we are definitely excavating in a use area. He told us to continue excavating with a big pick but paying attention to possible surfaces. At this point we had been excavating in f171 for 30 cm and thus we decided to change the feature (f183) although the brown soil with ash concentrations seemed to continue. Right at the start of the excavation of the next pick run (f183 q496) we ran into what seems to be a pebble and sherd pavement or floor just south of the stone and next to f127. At the sight of this we decided just to remove the dirt that Kamiran had loosened and not excavate further. At this point we do not know whether the pavement/floor continues beyond the exposed area of approximately 40x30cm. At this point we were at 88.47m, i.e. 20cm lower than the current surface of f150 in k4. C1 2005-08-24_P824SC.j sC After having string and took the relay for define k101 (the pottery column) and therefore k13, Kamiran start to dig in k13. I checked the area and assigned two features numbers: f227 to the layer of pottery sherds lying in a horizontal way in the north-east corner of k13 (aproximately 40cm W from r713 and 35cm S from r713, at the absolute elevation of 88.45) and f229, that interests the remaining portion of the area. The q580, that contains pottery collected from the first 10 cm from the excavation of this feature (f229), could have been contaminated by the excavation in k14 from the previous days. f229 present the same characteristics of f228 (in k101): the soil has a very fine and soft texture; one little area with ashes interests the central area of k13. After a pickrun of aproximately 5-10cm of f229 a very compact and well defined surface have been exposed, which have been labeled f231. f231 is probably a floor surface characterized by a very compact surface with a fine texture and slopes a bit toward the southern part of k13; once excavated, is very soft and friable in consistence. In same part of the area we noticed also some ash lenses. Two animal holes (f250 and f251) intrude f231, on the south and central area of k13. Both have a diameter of 9-11cm and one of the them was fill with a very soft soil texture. fAB helped me to explain to the workmen that they must keep trace of these two animal holes while excavating (boths continue under feature f231) and therefore remove firstly the soil contained in these holes in order to avoid any contamination in the lower features. With the excavation of f229, f227 (the pottery layer) is cleary localized only in the the north-eastern corner of k13; f227 abuts f231, and f231 is the same of f234 in k101. From the excavation of this feature (f227) it has been collected a large amount of pottery (qlot588, qlot591). After having took a picture (gv102, gv102a) we started to remove f231. C2 2004-07-04_O704MH.j mh We will continue with both sides of the unit tomorrow. C2 2004-07-06_O706MH.j mH Tomorrow we will continue down to the level of k4, k5, and k14 and of course leave any stones we find pedestalled. C2 2005-08-16_P816MH.j mH Once gB heard that we had exposed a pavement/floor surface he suggested that we should aim for a large horizontal exposure of the use area formed by f150 in k4, f171 and f183 in k13, and f174 and f182 in k101. This necessitates going down in k14, in the southern part of k4, and north baulk of k5. Thus stopped excavating in k13 and k101, and moved the team to k14. C3 2005-08-15_P815MH.j mH Excavation here progressed very slowly because we were excavating mostly with small pick. I chose this approach because I suspected that we might be near some sort of a floor as this feature must be a use area. The tannur fragments, ash, charcoal, bone, and also the doorsocket suggest such an interpretation. D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a6 D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a7 D1a 2004-07-04_O807AP4.j mh f19 D1a 2004-07-04_O807AP5.j mh f23 D1a 2004-07-04_O807AP5.j mh f29 D1a 0000-00-00_O807AP5.j mh f30 D1a 0000-00-00_O807AP5.j mh f31 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f52 D1a 2010-08-10_U0810YM.j yM f56 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f80 D1a 2008-02-25_S211PC2.j pC f83 D1a 2008-03-11_S211PC2.j pC f87 D1a 2010-08-10_U0810YM.j yM f91 D1a 2004-07-24_O808AP3.j ap f95 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f103 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f116 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f120 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f125 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f126 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f127 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f128 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f132 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f133 D1a 2005-08-02_P803AL2.j sC f137 D1a 2005-08-02_P912MH.j vVE f140 D1a 2005-08-03_P912MH.j sC f142 D1a 2005-08-14_P912MH.j mH f171 D1a 2005-08-14_P912MH.j sC f175 D1a 2005-08-14_P912MH.j sC f176 D1a 2005-08-16_P912MH.j sC f183 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j aL f227 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j sC f229 D1a 2005-08-03_P913MH4.j sC i6 D1a 2005-08-15_P913MH4.j sC i9 D1a 2004-07-01_O703MH.j mh q41 D1a 2004-07-04_O705MH2.j mh q42 D1a 2004-07-04_O705MH2.j mh q48 D1a 2004-07-04_O705MH2.j mh q51 D1a 2004-07-05_O705MH2.j mh q53 D1a 2004-07-05_O705MH2.j mh q55 D1a 2004-07-05_O705MH2.j mh q60 D1a 2004-07-06_O706MH2.j mH q61 D1a 2004-07-06_O706MH2.j mH q65 D1a 2004-07-06_O706MH2.j mH q69 D1a 2004-07-07_O710MH.j ap q70 D1a 2004-07-07_O710MH.j ap q77 D1a 2004-07-11_O711MH.j ap q103 D1a 2004-07-11_O711MH.j ap q111 D1a 2004-07-12_O712MH.j ap q119 D1a 2004-07-12_O712MH.j ap q122 D1a 2004-07-22_O724MH.j mh q227 D1a 2004-07-22_O724MH.j mh q228 D1a 2004-07-22_O724MH.j mh q236 D1a 2004-07-24_O724MH.j ap q242 D1a 2004-07-24_O724MH.j ap q245 D1a 2005-08-03_P803AL3.j vvE q365 D1a 2005-08-03_P803AL3.j vvE q368 D1a 2005-08-03_P803AL3.j vvE q369 D1a 2005-08-03_P803AL3.j vvE q373 D1a 2005-08-03_P803AL3.j vvE q378 D1a 2005-08-03_P803AL3.j vvE q379 D1a 2005-08-03_X925CJC.j vVE q382 D1a 2005-08-08_P808VVE1.j sC q404 D1a 2005-08-13_P813VVE1.j aL q439 D1a 2005-08-13_P813VVE1.j sC q443 D1a 2005-08-13_P813VVE1.j vVE q447 D1a 2005-08-14_P909MH.j sc q450 D1a 2005-08-14_P909MH.j mH q455 D1a 2005-08-14_P909MH.j sC q460 D1a 2005-08-14_P909MH.j sC q461 D1a 2005-08-14_P909MH.j sC q462 D1a 2005-08-15_P909MH.j vVE q480 D1a 2005-08-15_P909MH.j sC q487 D1a 2005-08-15_P909MH.j sC q491 D1a 2005-08-16_P909MH.j sC q496 D1a 2005-08-24_P908MH2.j sC q580 D1a 2005-08-24_P908MH2.j fAB q588 D1a 2005-08-24_P908MH2.j fAB q589 D1a 2005-08-24_P908MH2.j sC q591 D1a 2005-08-25_P908MH2.j aL q593 D3 0000-00-00_O703MH5R.j bp r29 (39668 50463 - / Relay location: top) D3 0000-00-00_O703MH5R.j bp r29 (39668 50463 - ##### / Relay location: top) D20 2004-07-01_O703MH2.j mh m3600 D21 2004-07-01_O703MH2.j mh 400e D21 2004-07-01_O703MH2.j mh 400n O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v14 O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v14a O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j mh v26 O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j pC v26a O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j pC v26b O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v76a O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v76b O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77 O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77a O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77b O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77d O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v23 O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v23a O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v30 O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v30a O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v37 O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v37a O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v38 O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v40 O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v42 O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v42a O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v65 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v65a O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v71 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v71a O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v52 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v52a O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v53 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v54 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v56 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v58 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v59 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v60 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v61 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v61a O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v64 O15 2004-08-13_S204PC2.j mH v85 O15 2004-08-13_S204PC2.j mH v85a O15 2004-08-13_S204PC2.j mH v85b O15 2004-08-13_S204PC2.j mH v85c O15 2004-08-14_S204PC2.j sC v86 O15 2004-08-14_S204PC2.j sC v86a O15 2004-08-14_S204PC2.j sC v86b O15 2004-08-14_S204PC2.j sC v86c O15 2004-08-14_S204PC2.j sC v87 O15 2004-08-14_S204PC2.j sC v87b O15 2004-08-14_S204PC2.j sC v87d O15 2004-08-14_S204PC2.j sC v87e O15 2004-08-20_S204PC2.j mH v93 O15 2004-08-24_S204PC2.j aL v98 O15 2004-08-24_S204PC2.j aL v98a O15 2004-08-24_S204PC2.j aL v98b O15 2004-08-24_S204PC2.j aL v102a O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p1 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p2 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p3 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p8 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p13 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p17 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p21 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p25 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p26 O15 2009-07-19_T729CJC2.j cJC v147b O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v152 O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v152a O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v152c O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v154 O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v154c O15 2009-07-25_T826CJC3.j cJC v161a O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v182 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v206 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v206a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v206c O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220a O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220b O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v500 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v502 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v503 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v504 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v506 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v507 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v508 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v509 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v511 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v514 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v516 O15 2011-01-04_T921CJC.j cJC v521 J2k14 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0856 J02w0056 T327 pC.jpg B11 2004-06-29_O629MH2.j mh west of k4, western half of the unit falls into the German trench 20. Defined by markers m3600, m3616, m3599, r31, r30 B11 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC k14 was opened to have a better view from the south of the second apron f132 and revetment wall f128 C1 2004-06-29_O629MH3.j mH We opened this locus today. The western half of k14 is the German trench 20. The current bottom of that trench (including collapse) is approximately 1.5 m below the tell surface. Near the northern baulk of k14 we ran into a large stone near the surface. It seems to be there alone and has probably rolled to its current location from the temple terrace to the north. It is located much higher than we would expect for the apron we think extends into this unit from the north. We also found a tannur, f9, close to the middle of the southern baulk. C1 2004-06-30_O630MH.j mH Since we discovered a tannur feature f9 yesterday in the southern half of the unit, I divided the unit into two q-lots, q25 and q26, at the start of the day. In the southern half we dug with a small pick looking for a possible floor associated with the tannur f9. In the northern half we went once with a big pick and the same material f7 continued there. During these two q-lots I kept the feature f7 the same since the soil matrix had not changed from what we had earlier. It was still a combination of harder and softer patches and is clearly natural. After ca. 7 cm we found a hard, compacted layer west of the tannur and extending about 150 cm north. This layer did not contain any sherds embedded in it, nor did it include any other kinds of larger inclusions. In compactness it definitely differed from what was above it (f7) and next to it in the north (f7). I made this layer into f12. At this time we excavated the inside of the tannur to get an impression of where a floor level should be. Since the top of f12 was clearly much higher than the bottom of the tannur and since it did not seem to be a deliberate floor, I decided to go through it in search for a better floor. At the bottom of f12 we ran into sherds that had been embedded into it. Since these sherds were not horizontal but tilted, it became more obvious that f12 was not a real floor (intentional and constructed) but perhaps a "working floor", which had formed due to higher foot traffic around the tannur when it was used. We took pictures of this part of f12 and the tannur f9. This are v2 and v2a. After taking the pictures we cleared the remains of the working floor in order to see whether another floor would be under it. Under it, however, was the same kind of soil as had been above and around it in the whole unit. Starting from below f12 I made this layer in to f15. It covers the whole unit and is essentially the same type of material as f7. The working floor f12 was thus quite ephemeral; it does not even show up in the section. C1 2004-07-01_O703MH3.j mh We removed features f13 (large stone) and f9 (tannur) after i had drawn them. Under the large stone we discovered several smaller stones. In the northwest corner, underneath the large stone was also an area of very hard, brick-like material. In the south it was delineated by stones. This is f17. The stones in k14 are mostly aligned in east-west direction. Along the northern baulk, at the border with the German trench the stones form a half circle. The stones here are about 10 cm higher than in k5. This difference in elevation can be explained by the tell slope. As in k5, they do not seem to form a permanent, clear structure but appear more like the remains of a temporary structure. C1 2004-07-04_O704MH.j mh We did not excavate in this unit today. GB looked at f17 in northwest corner of the unit and suggested that the hard deposit was formed there because the surrounding stones had prevented the soil from eroding and disintegrating as it did beyond the stones. We relayed the stones today. I assigned them as f26 and defined that as lens type c. C1 2004-07-05_O705MH4.j mh We took two photos of the unit with the stone feature f26 as the target. I also sketches them in on the plots I ran yesterday. We did not excavated here today. C1 2004-07-06_O706MH.j mH Sylvana drew the N baulk. We did not draw the east baulk; GB did not think it was necessary. C1 2005-08-08_P808MH.j mH Based on a strategy meeting with gB, fAB, and members of J02, we decided to start digging here and bring it to the same level k13 is currently. The hard surface we ran into within f156 is the same as feature f103 in k13. This hard layer consists of laminations, brown sand, and very fine, dust-like material that has hardened into a cement-like consistency. C1 2005-08-08_P808SC2.j sC Today we started digging in k14. We assigned a new feature number (f156) to the top 10 cm and tomorrow we will change it when starting digging. We think that the square has been contaminated by the dirt moved here during the past days (due to the presence of the elevator in k13). f156, a natural accumulation characterized by a compact surface in all the area, was particulary hard to remove in the SW area where it present a very very compact surface. mH explained us that this accumlation was found very often in this area during last season. One qlot was collected during the exavation of f156 (q407). C1 2005-08-09_P809MH.j mH We continued excavating f159, the extremely hard and compact layer, which also contains a fair amount of pottery sherds. The workmen had hard time penetrating the layer even with big picks and therefore the work progressed slowly. We were, however, able to collect three qlots: q414, q415, and q419. At fAB's request we took three soil samples (q411.1, q412.1 and q413.1) from various places at the elevation of approximately 90.08 m. Of these vVE and aL sieved q413.1. The location from which this sample is taken is shown in v82b. We also collected two painted pottery sherds as q-items q415.1.1 and q415.1.2. These sherds were located at the elevation of 90.12 m. The baulk markers bP put in today made it clear that some part of the unit we have been calling k13 is actually the north baulk of k14 and some of that area even falls into the last 1 m of the 4x4 of k14. C1 2005-08-10_P810MH.j mH We continued excavating in the hard feature f159 for one q-lot (q420). Since we had been using the same feature for quite some time and since the same material seemed to continue, we decided to change the feature into f161 and excavated two q-lots with this feature (q423 and q425). We found one decorative painted sherd, which we made into q-items (q423.1). The hard layer ended after this pick run and thus we changed the feature into f162. The work in this unit did not proceed as fast as normally today since the workmen had to wait for us to decide on the strategy of the ledges and their placement. C1 2005-08-11_P813MH.j mH We started by removing soil from the western half of the unit (f162 q428), which was left higher up at the end of the day yesterday. After that we continued going down in the whole unit (q433) and brought it level with k13 (q435). In the last unit we found decoratively painted pottery sherds, which we made into q-items (435.4 and q435.5). C1 2005-08-13_P813MH2.j mH The unit had been brought approximately level with k13 on Thursday (q435). At the start of the morning we cleaned the unit well and took a picture of it (v83). We then placed plastic on the surface and moved the elevator from k13 into k14. We will not pause the excavations here for a while. C1 2005-08-16_P816MH.j mH After stopping the excavations in k101 and k13 we moved the team here in order to reach the level of features f150 in k4, f171 (f183) in k13, and f174 (f182) in k101. We continued with the feature we had stopped in earlier, feature f162, which is a sandy water deposit. We are only excavating in an area 400 cm east and 250 cm south of m4031 since the elevator is in the south part of the unit. The first and second q-lots were contaminated. These two q-lots also had labelling problems. Back at the house Diadin noticed that two bags had the same label q502 when one of them should have been q504. We now do not know, which one is which thus pottery data from these two q-lots are unreliable.The last q-lot of the day (q506) was located in the eastern part of the unit 100 cm east and 250 south of m4034. This q-lot already started approximately from the starting elevation of f150 in k4 (f150 started from 89.18 m whereas q506 started from 89.14 m), it remained as the sandy water deposit of f162. From the southern section of k13 and k101 we can see that we have still a couple of pickruns to go before we reach the use-area deposit if it is to be found here. C1 2005-08-17_P817MH.j mH We started by excavating one q-lot (q511) in the western half of the unit. This was left higher at the end of the day yesterday. Yesterday afternoon vVE and aL drew the eastern section of k14, thus we were able to take it down today (f190 q515 and q516). At the end of the day we excavated the eastern half of the area (q520). C1 2005-08-18_P820MH.j mH We started by going down in the western part (q524). In the northeastern corner of the unit I noticed an ash lense right next to the east baulk. The aerial extent of this ash lense was quite small and the sandy pockets continued everywhere else in the excavated area. Thus I did not make the ash lense into a separate feature. This ash layer is 13 cm higher than the ash deposit visible between the apron f131 and stone feature f151 in the western section of k4. We then continued down in the whole area we are currently excavating (q526). The soil was still very sandy, but in the east the sandy parts were more localized whereas in the west sandy areas were larger. The northeast corner, underneath the ash deposit, did not contain any sand, but it had pinkish parts. We thus made it into a separate feature (f198), and made the rest of the unit into feature f197. The ash and the pink material did not show in the northern baulk. I was concerned that we had missed the connection between f150 in k4 and f171 in k13, but after examining the sections and the top of feature f198, jO ensure me that we had not and that our strategy seemed correct. We then removed one pickrun of f197 (q528). This pick run reavealed that sand and pebbles seemed to continue under f197. This finding encouraged us to excavate f197 (q529). After removing that corner, we continued with one more pick run in the whole excavated area (q530). C1 2005-08-19_P820MH.j mH sC and I drew the northern half of the east section of k14. While we were drawing it, we decided to label the ash deposit so clearly visible in the NE corner, as f199. C1 2005-08-20_P820MH.j mH At the start of the morning I checked the surface and noted that the ash lenses are now spead wider west. We thus changed the feature number to f200, which now corresponds to f150 (k4), f171 (k13), and f174 (k101). After one pickrun of this feature, we reached the current level of k13 and k101. We then decided to take down the northern half of the eastern baulk of k14 (m4031 120 cm east and 200 cm south). C1 2005-08-20_P820VVE1.j vVE Excavation was continued in the northern half of k14. Also the northern part of the east baulk of k14 was removed which showed the continuation of wall f127. At the end the elevator, which was standing in the southern half of k14, was moved to k15 and the top part of the southern half of k14 was removed. The finds from this area might be contaminated with material that was excavated from the other loci. However, it is not very likely to be actually contaminated because we had put a plastic sheet on the surface before we started to remove dirt with this elevator. C1 2005-08-23_P823SC.j sC Today we finished to remove the dirty produced from yesterday excavation of f210. Lots of dirty in fact was still in the area, since yesterday the elevator was not working properly. The consistence of the soil is plastic and this is the reason why it sticks on the walls of the elevator, making difficult for it to remove the dirty. Then we started to remove f219 (the N baulk of k14). f219 presents the same structure and the same consistence of f174 in k101 and f171 in k13 (and of f210 and f211, both in k14): a medium compact soil with a very fine texture, clay and sandy, and ash areas. Once reached the bottom of the baulk (=88.37) the workmen moved on th E area of k14 and finished to remove f202 (the E baulk of k14); in fact a a little area was left (200m N and 100m E from m4097) since we started to dig this feature two days ago. In this area, f202 presents the same characteristics of f208 (above it) and f217 (on the eastern area of k4), and of f189 above f217): it is a bricky debris. We assigned also a feature number (f224) to the wall running E-W in k14, that seems to be connected on the north to the wall f127 (running N-S on the E baulk of k14). The elevation at the top is m4097 +82 -120 (=89.15) and at the bottom is m4097 +30 -120 (=88.63). C1 2005-08-28_P828MH.j mH After reaching third millennium levels in k104 we moved Kamiran and Massum back to k14. We were only able to do a small q-lot today (f200 q652) with an additional q-lot (q653) recovered at the sifter. We continued with the use-area feature f200 we finished with here a while back. C1 2005-08-29_P830MH.j mH We continued excavating in an area delimited by the northern baulk in the north, f224 in the south, and f127 in the east. We only excavated two qlots (q668 and q673). At the start of lot q673 we noted two ash lenses, one located in the northwest corner and one in the southwest corner of the excavation area. Otherwise the soil was characterized by different phases of brick decay. C1 2005-08-29_P830MH.j mH We took two pictures of the west section wall. These are v114 and v114a. C1 2005-09-04_P903SC.j sC Before start excavating in k14 I assigned a feature number to the wall running E-W (f288) exposed yesterday (after we removed the wall f224) and Kamiran define better the section of this wall (f289, q289). At the same time Masum dug f290 (q737), a little area characterized by the presence of ash in the corner between the wall f288 (N of it) and f127 (the wall running N-S). Then we scraped all the area and we noticed different accomulations: all of them slope toward the south area of the unit (therefore there is a difference in high between the south and the north area of the unit, between 5 to 20cm); Kamiran and Masums started by removing the first of these ones, f293 (q744). f293 is a layer located aproximately 1m N of wall f288, characterized by a very fine and compact accomulation, plastic in consistence (when wet but also when dry) and brown in colour. Then they removed f295 (q747), a layer located in the SW corner of k14 (160m W from r980, and 120m N to r980), that does not present a big difference in elevation even if it slopes a bit toward the south area of k14. In this layer have been found a seal impression that mKB dates to the late Akkadian period. We stop dig here for today: in the afternoon we take some photos of k14 (with feature f297, v124, v124a, v124b) and some paticular views of the N baluk of k14 and of the section of the wall f127 (v125, v125a, v125b, v125c). C1 2005-09-05_S307PC.j mH in k14 ash layers are alternating with brown layers, sloping very sharply untill the second millennium wall f288. In k14 South to the wall ther is a different type of accumulation (f210). We found an akkadian seal impression in f295, but we found it together with 4 Khabur sherds. North of wall f288 we found a small area were there is a glacis f319 C1 2005-09-05_P831SC.j sC Today we remove the wall f232 (it was composed by 9 stones) in k4. We assigned a feature number for the accomulation between and under the stones, f269, that was characterized by a crumble texture and by a soft-loose consistence (the same we had for the accomulation under the wall f144, f226, in k4). At the same time we removed three collapsed stones belonging to the wall f127. A feature number has been assigned to the pedestal under the three stones (f127.1, f127.2, f127.3) f270 (q690), and the pottery recovered in this accomulation have been collected in the qlot q689. Then we dig f200 in the N area of k14 (the area delimited by the N baulk of k14 and the wall f288): several qlots of pottery have been collected whit the digging and with the swifting of f200: q677 (of which q680 is the swift), q964 (swift q695) q696 and q699. In the SW area of k14 a ledge have been left higer because two big stone (belonging to the wall f224) have been located here. We are waiting for a craine in order to remove them. C1 2005-09-05_P901SC.j sC Today we dig in the southern area of k14, S to the wall f224. We assigned a feature number to the briky melted and crumble accomulation N to the wall f288, f293. f293 is a accomulation located N of wall f288, and that is aproximately 1m N and 140 W. Then we dug f210 (aproximately 2m N and 3m W from r945) in the southern area of k14 (S to wall f288): the area is characterized by the presence of melted brick spread uniformly in all the exacavated area, and the surface individuated are completely flat, in the sense that they are not characterized by any kind of slope, as insted we had just on the other side of the wall f288. Lots of pottery sherds have been collected: q703, q710, q713, q717, q718 (q718 is the swift of q713, q717), q722 and q725. C1 2009-07-25_T725CJC.j cJC Today we began to remove the remaining baulk stub in the western part of k14. We are calling this f341. It is composed primarily of brickfall. We will excavate it from the top down in 50cm increments until it is level with the current bottom of k14. C1 2009-07-26_T726CJC.j cJC Today we continued removing f341. In the northern portion of f341 we uncovered a grouping of stones. It appears that they are a continuation of f334, the curtain wall of k14 (also assigned to k54 at the beginning of the excavations during cleaning). Tomorrow we will photograph the stones and assign a new feature and component numbers for the stones. We also found several medium-sized stones floating in the brickfall of f341. We didn't finish removing f341 today because the shaffat had to be shut down while Adeeb established the points. C1 2009-07-27_T727CJC.j cJC Today we continued removing f341, the brickfall. We are almost to the bottom. The wall in the south part of f341, called f346, is almost completely exposed. Tomorrow we will relay the stones and remove it. We also began removing the accumulation under the wall, f334, that we removed last week. C2 2004-06-29_O629MH3.j mH My initial idea was to go with the big pick until we reach the level of the German excavation and then continue down in the whole unit. I did not expect to run into any major features until reaching the possible apron. Now that we located the tannur f9 at the southern end of the locus, we will continue excavating around it with small picks looking for a floor possibly associated with this installation. We will also excavate inside the tannur trying to find its bottom. The tannur will be cleaned and photographed. This will significantly slow down the excavation in this unit. For now we will leave the stone pedestalled. C2 2004-06-30_O630MH.j mH Tomorrow, after I have drawn the large stone in the northern half of the unit (f13) and the tannur (f9) in the southern half of the unit, we will remove them and continue down with a big pick. We should reach the level of the German trench tomorrow. C2 2004-07-01_O703MH3.j mh As in k5 we stopped the excavations here for now. When we start we need to proceed carefully since there still could be a floor associated with these stones. They are not yet completely exposed and thus there is still a faint possibly for such a floor. C2 2004-07-06_O706MH.j mH Tomorrow we should be able to take down the north and the east baulks of the unit. C2 2005-08-09_P809MH.j mH We should go down another 70 cm, move 90 cm south (i.e. leave a ledge), and cut back on the southern edge (N baulk of k15) to form the first slope for this unit. We can then continue another 2 m down, move north 90 cm and cut the previous ledge into a slope so that a 50 cm legde remains. C2 2005-08-16_P816MH.j mH This unit will be a transition area between the target elevation 85 m, a required 60 cm ledge at 86 m, a 2 m slope betweeen 86 m and 88 m, and the 88 m ledge. I have planned to position these so that the vertical section between 85 m and 86 m will be at the north baulk line and the 60 cm wide ledge at 86 m will be the just south of the baulk line. We will use the next 40 cm of horizontal extent south of the ledge for the slope, and the southern 3 m will be at the 88 m elevation. Thus, in search for the possible use-area deposit relating to f150 in k4, f171 (f183) in k13, and f174 (f182) in k101, we can go down without compromising the stepped sections planned for this locus. C2 2005-08-18_P820MH.j mH Our strategy here is to look for a similar feature to f150 in k4 and f171 in k13. Currently we are a bit higher than the current level of either one of these units. Thus we need to go down at least one more pickrun. We also need to draw the east section of k14 so that we can connect k14 and k4. C2 2005-09-05_P901SC.j sC In order to remove the dirt fast from k14 and k15 we decided to swift togheter the soil belonging to these two areas: therefore after q718 (that is the swift of q713, q717) the qlots q723 and q728 contained the swift from both k14 and k15. C2 2009-07-26_T726CJC.j cJC In the southern part of f341 we have exposed a line of stones. These probably belong to f334. We will expose them, photograph them to show thier relationship to the brickfall of f341 and then remove them. Also under these stones is a very hard compacted mud layer. It is visible if you stand north of f341 and look south. It may not be an ancient feature but rather created in the past few years by water accumulating in the corner, which is the low point of the area. We will investigate this question after we remove the stones. D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a2 D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a5 D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a6 D1a 2004-06-30_O630MH3.j mh f6 D1a 2004-06-30_O630MH3.j mh f7 D1a 2004-06-29_O705MH.j mH f9 D1a 2004-06-29_O705MH.j mH f10 D1a 2004-06-29_O705MH.j mH f12 D1a 2004-06-29_O705MH.j mH f13 D1a 2004-07-29_O807AP3.j mh f15 D1a 2004-07-04_O807AP4.j mh f17 D1a 2004-07-04_O807AP5.j mh f26 D1a 2010-12-22_U809YM.j cJC f35 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f76 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f104 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f109 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f111 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f115 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f121 D1a 2005-08-08_P912MH.j sC f156 D1a 2005-08-08_P912MH.j mH f159 D1a 2005-08-10_P912MH.j vVE f161 D1a 2005-08-10_P912MH.j vVE f162 D1a 2005-08-17_P912MH.j sC f190 D1a 2005-08-17_P912MH.j sC f191 D1a 2005-08-19_P912MH.j sC f197 D1a 2005-08-19_P912MH.j sC f198 D1a 0000-00-00_P913MH.j vVE f199 D1a 0000-00-00_P913MH.j vVE f200 D1a 0000-00-00_P913MH.j mH f202 D1a 0000-00-00_P913MH.j vVE f204 D1a 2005-08-22_P913MH.j vVE f210 D1a 2005-08-22_P913MH.j vVE f211 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f219 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j sC f224 D1a 2005-08-31_P913MH.j sC f269 D1a 2005-08-31_P913MH.j sC f270 D1a 2005-09-03_P913MH.j sC f288 D1a 2005-09-03_P913MH5.j sC f289 D1a 2005-09-03_P913MH5.j mH f290 D1a 2005-09-03_P913MH5.j sC f293 D1a 2005-09-03_P913MH5.j sC f295 D1a 2005-09-03_P913MH5.j sC f297 D1a 2005-09-04_P913MH5.j sC f303 D1a 2005-09-04_P913MH5.j sC f306 D1a 2005-09-04_P913MH5.j mH f307 D1a 2005-09-04_P913MH5.j mH f308 D1a 2005-09-04_P913MH5.j mH f309 D1a 2005-09-05_P913MH5.j mH f319 D1a 2005-09-05_P913MH5.j aL f325 D1a 2005-09-07_P913MH5.j sC f331 D1a 2009-07-29_T729CJC.j cJC f334 D1a 2009-09-02_T830CJC.j cJC f335 D1a 2009-09-02_T830CJC.j cJC f336 D1a 2009-09-02_T830CJC.j cJC f337 D1a 2009-07-25_T822CJC2.j cJC f341 D1a 2009-07-26_T822CJC2.j cJC f346 D1a 2009-07-26_T822CJC2.j cJC f349 D1a 2009-07-26_T822CJC2.j cJC f351 D1a 2009-07-26_T822CJC2.j cJC f352 D1a 2009-07-30_T822CJC2.j cJC f354 D1a 2012-10-13_WX08CJC.j cJC f393 D1a 2005-08-20_P913MH4.j vVE i12 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH4.j sC i13 D1a 2004-06-29_O629MH.j mh q16 D1a 2004-06-29_O629MH.j mh q18 D1a 2004-06-30_O630MH2.j mh q25 D1a 2004-06-30_O630MH2.j mh q26 D1a 2004-06-30_O630MH2.j mh q28 D1a 2004-06-30_O630MH2.j mh q29 D1a 2004-06-30_O630MH2.j mh q30 D1a 2004-07-01_O703MH.j mh q35 D1a 2004-07-01_O703MH.j mh q37 D1a 2004-07-01_O703MH.j mh q39 D1a 2004-07-07_O710MH.j ap q78 D1a 2004-07-12_O712MH.j ap q117 D1a 2004-07-12_O712MH.j ap q126 D1a 2004-07-13_O713MH.j mh q133 D1a 2004-07-13_O713MH.j mh q137 D1a 2004-07-14_O717MH.j ap q146 D1a 2004-07-22_O724MH.j mh q238 D1a 2014-01-17_Y117CJC.j cJC q407 D1a 2005-08-10_P909MH.j mH q411 D1a 2005-08-10_P909MH.j mH q412 D1a 2005-08-10_P909MH.j mH q413 D1a 2005-08-10_P909MH.j mH q414 D1a 2005-08-10_P909MH.j mH q415 D1a 2005-08-10_P909MH.j mH q419 D1a 2005-08-10_P909MH.j mH q420 D1a 2005-08-10_P909MH.j mH q423 D1a 2005-08-10_P909MH.j sC q425 D1a 2005-08-10_P909MH.j vVE q427 D1a 2005-08-11_P813VVE1.j vVE q428 D1a 2005-08-11_P813VVE1.j aL q433 D1a 2005-08-11_P813VVE1.j mH q435 D1a 2005-08-16_P909MH.j sC q502 D1a 2005-08-16_P909MH.j sC q504 D1a 2005-08-16_P909MH.j sC q506 D1a 2005-08-17_P909MH.j sC q511 D1a 2005-08-17_P909MH.j sC q515 D1a 2005-08-17_P909MH.j sC q516 D1a 2005-08-17_P909MH.j sC q520 D1a 2005-08-18_P908MH2.j sC q524 D1a 2005-08-18_P908MH2.j sC q526 D1a 2005-08-18_P908MH2.j sC q528 D1a 2005-08-18_P908MH2.j sC q529 D1a 2005-08-18_P908MH2.j sC q530 D1a 2005-08-20_P908MH2.j vVE q536 D1a 2005-08-20_P908MH2.j mH q539 D1a 2005-08-20_P908MH2.j vVE q543 D1a 2005-08-20_P908MH2.j sC q546 D1a 2005-08-22_P908MH2.j vVE q551 D1a 2005-08-22_P908MH2.j vVE q552 D1a 2005-08-22_P908MH2.j mH q553 D1a 2005-08-22_P908MH2.j sC q557 D1a 2005-08-22_P908MH2.j vVE q559 D1a 2005-08-23_P908MH2.j mH q561 D1a 2005-08-23_P908MH2.j sC q565 D1a 2005-08-23_P908MH2.j sC q568 D1a 2005-08-23_P908MH2.j sC q569 D1a 2005-08-23_P908MH2.j sC q571 D1a 2005-08-23_P908MH2.j sC q573 D1a 2005-08-24_P908MH2.j sC q576 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q652 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q653 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q661 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q663 D1a 2005-08-29_P910MH.j mH q668 D1a 2005-08-29_P910MH.j sC q673 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j aL q677 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j aA q680 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j sC q689 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j sC q690 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j sC q694 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j sC q695 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j sC q696 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j sC q699 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH.j mH q703 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH3.j sC q710 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH3.j sC q713 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH3.j sC q717 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH3.j sC q718 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH3.j sC q722 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH3.j sC q725 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j aL q736 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j aL q737 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j sC q744 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j sC q747 D1a 2005-09-04_P910MH3.j sC q756 D1a 2005-09-04_P910MH3.j sC q762 D1a 2005-09-04_P910MH3.j sC q768 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j sC q778 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j sC q781 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j sC q784 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j mH q785 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j mH q788 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j sC q791 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j sC q794 D1a 2005-09-06_P910MH3.j mH q804 D1a 2005-09-06_P910MH3.j sC q807 D1a 2005-09-06_P910MH3.j aL q819 D1a 2005-09-06_P910MH3.j mH q820 D1a 2005-09-07_P910MH3.j sC q826 D1a 2005-09-07_P910MH3.j sC q828 D1a 2009-07-25_T729CJC3.j sH q837 D1a 2009-07-25_T729CJC3.j sH q839 D1a 2009-07-26_T729CJC3.j sH q840 D1a 2009-07-26_T729CJC3.j sH q843 D1a 2009-07-27_T729CJC3.j cJC q844 D1a 2009-07-28_T729CJC3.j cJC q845 D1a 2009-07-28_T729CJC3.j cJC q850 D1a 2009-07-28_T729CJC3.j cJC q851 D1a 2009-07-30_T804CJC.j cJC q854 D3 0000-00-00_O703MH5R.j bp r30 (39201 50286 - / Relay location: top) D3 0000-00-00_O703MH5R.j bp r30 (39201 50286 - ##### / Relay location: top) D3 0000-00-00_O703MH5R.j bp r31 (39576 50429 - / Relay location: top) D3 0000-00-00_O703MH5R.j bp r31 (39576 50429 - ##### / Relay location: top) D3 2009-07-25_T728CJCR.j cJC r1026 (39568 50419 - 8806 / Relay location: SE corner) D3 2009-07-25_T728CJCR.j cJC r1027 (39654 50464 - 8819 / Relay location: NE corner) D6 2005-09-12_P913MH7.j mH 8853 D6 2005-09-12_P913MH7.j mH 8868 D20 2004-06-29_O629MH2.j mh m3616 D21 2004-06-29_O629MH2.j mh 400e D21 2004-06-29_O629MH2.j mh 400s O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v3 O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v4 O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v4a O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v9 O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v9a O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j pC v26a O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j pC v26b O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v75 O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v75a O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j mH v79 O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77 O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77a O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77b O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77d O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v24 O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v24a O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v32 O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v32a O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v33 O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v33a O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v38 O15 2004-08-09_S204PC2.j mH v82 O15 2004-08-09_S204PC2.j mH v82a O15 2004-08-09_S204PC2.j mH v82b O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v44 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v65 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v65a O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v71 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v71a O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v2a O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v56 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v57 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v61 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v64 O15 2004-08-13_S204PC2.j mH v83 O15 2004-08-20_S204PC2.j mH v92 O15 2004-08-20_S204PC2.j mH v92a O15 2004-08-24_S204PC2.j aL v98 O15 2004-08-24_S204PC2.j aL v100 O15 2004-08-29_S204PC2.j mH v114 O15 2004-08-29_S204PC2.j mH v114a O15 2004-08-29_S204PC2.j mH v115 O15 2004-08-31_S204PC2.j mH v117 O15 2004-08-31_S204PC2.j mH v117a O15 2004-08-31_S204PC2.j mH v117b O15 2004-08-31_S204PC2.j mH v117c O15 2004-08-31_S204PC2.j mH v117d O15 2004-08-31_S204PC2.j mH v117e O15 2004-09-03_S204PC2.j mH v124 O15 2004-09-03_S204PC2.j mH v125 O15 2004-09-03_S204PC2.j mH v125a O15 2004-09-03_S204PC2.j mH v125b O15 2004-09-03_S204PC2.j mH v125c O15 2004-09-03_S204PC2.j mH v125d O15 2004-09-03_S204PC2.j mH v125e O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j mH v128 O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j mH v128a O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j mH v128b O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j mH v130 O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j mH v130a O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j mH v130b O15 2004-09-12_S204PC2.j mH v133c O15 2004-09-12_S204PC2.j mH v135 O15 2004-09-12_S204PC2.j mH v135a O15 2004-09-12_S204PC2.j mH v136 O15 2004-09-12_S204PC2.j mH v136a O15 2004-09-12_S204PC2.j mH v139 O15 2004-09-13_S204PC2.j mH v140 O15 2004-09-13_S204PC2.j mH v141 O15 2004-09-13_S204PC2.j mH v141a O15 2004-09-13_S204PC2.j mH v141b O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p1 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p2 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p3 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p6 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p8 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p19 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p21 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p25 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p26 O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v152c O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v153 O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v153a O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v154 O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v154a O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v154c O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v155 O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v156 O15 2009-07-25_T826CJC3.j cJC v161 O15 2009-07-25_T826CJC3.j cJC v161a O15 2009-07-25_T826CJC3.j cJC v161b O15 2009-07-25_T826CJC3.j cJC v161c O15 2009-07-25_T826CJC3.j cJC v161d O15 2009-08-09_T826CJC3.j sH v174 O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v175 O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v175a O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v176 O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v176a O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v178 O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v179b O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v182 O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187 O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187b O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v183 O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v184 O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v184a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v206 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v206a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v206c O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v207 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v207a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v207b O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220a O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220b O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v500 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v502 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v503 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v504 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v506 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v507 J2k15 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0857 J02w0057 T327 pC.jpg B11 2004-07-08_O712MH2.j mh south of k14, west of k5 B11 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC k15 is a regular 5x5 meters locus. A german trench running North-South cuts it. k15 was opened tto heve a better view from the south of second apron f132 and revetment wall f128. k15 is defined by markers m3964, m3885, m3871, m3887, m4035, m4067, m3967 B11 2009-08-22_T822CJC.j cJC In the MZ22 season this locus was only partially excavated. It's northern half lies in the area of excavation. It is defined in the north by normal corner points m6180 and m6152. In the south it is defined by two points, m6157 and r1139. The southwest corner is not a corner but rather has a diagonal cut across it as the corresponding section in the upper part of southern J2 is cut at an angle for stablization purposes. The east baulk is defined by only one point, m6153 and we did not leave a northern baulk. C1 2005-08-15_P815MH.j mH We continued going down in the whole unit (q478). The northwest corner of the unit was especially contaminated. This was due to an earlier German trench in this location. C1 2005-08-16_P816MH.j mH We continued going down in the whole unit (q500 and q505). Progress was rather slow since we had problems with the elevator located in k5 and jointly used by k15 and k4 (+northern baulk of k5). The north-east corner of the unit is still contaminated by a German trench. C1 2005-08-17_P817MH.j mH We started by taking a picture of stone feature f185 (v88 and v88a) after which we removed it and its pedestal (f186 q509) and continued down. Starting from q-lot q514 changed the feature into f190, which is garay layer with sandy water deposits. It is very similar to f162 in k14. We excavated two q-lots today (q514 and q518). q518 contains several pieces of a large found located next to a large stone. C1 2005-08-18_P820MH.j mH We worked mostly on the northern baulk of the unit (f195 q523), but we also continued going down in the whole unit. C1 2005-08-20_P820MH.j mH We leveled the unit after reaching the 90 m elevation. We then moved the team to help with k102 for the time we need to draw the eastern section of the unit. We then started to take down that baulk in order to connect k5 and k15. C1 2005-08-20_P820VVE1.j vVE One final pick run was done in k15 f193 to make its excavation surface more level. We will stop excavating here because we are now at the level of the next ledge of the stepped section at an elevation of 90. C1 2005-08-23_P823SC.j sC Today we finished to remove f206 (the E baulk of k15); two ledges (one in the South and another in the North area of the baulk) were left from yesterday excavation. Once finished we moved the workmen in k5 (where they started to remove the E baulk of k5). C1 2005-08-27_P827MH.j mH We continued removing the northern baulk (f233). With the help of Shallal the work was progressing faster, although it was still rather slow. This was due to the hardness of the deposit, which was the by now very familiar cement-like deposit. Four q-lots were excavated here today (q614, q623, q627, and q632). C1 2005-08-28_P828MH.j mH We still had some of the northern baulk left thus we spent most of the day removing it. Its removal has taken us quite a few days due to the hardness of the soil in this location. q633 was collected by the pickmen, while q639 and q654 were recoved during sifting. After we finished removing the baulk, the northern edges of k5 and k15 were parallel. sC drew these sections. We then moved back on top of the loci and started preparing the ledges, which in this unit are diagonal sloping from northwest to southeast with the southwest corner remaining at the 90 m elevation. We continued with the same q-lot we had finished here a few weeks earlier (f193) and excavated one q-lot (q649) with one additional q-lot coming from the sifter (q649). C1 2005-08-29_P830MH.j mH Yesterday when I strang the limits of the ledges in this unit, I had left a triangluar area in the northeast corner of the unit as well as a stretch along the northern egde of the unit outside the limits of excavation temporarily. I did this so that we could draw the southern edge of k14 and k4. Thus yesterday we had excavated approximately in the middle of the unit. Since we drew the section yesterday, we could now extend the area of excavation to reflect the total area, where we want to go down. Here we filled three qlots. One (f193 q659) came from the excavators and the other two (q660, q674) from the sifter. We also removed one floating stone (f259), which is defined by relays r912, r913, r914, and r915. C1 2005-09-04_P903SC.j sC Today we continued to dig in k15 f273 until breakfast. We first excavated 2m W from m4213 (q731, q742) and 1m from the W section of k15 (q743). After breakfast I moved Mamu (who was digging here) in k5 to help Shallal in digging f277 W to the elevator. C1 2005-09-05_P831SC.j sC Today we continued to dig f193 in k5 (q676 and q700). The pottery have been swifted and the swift have been collected in a different qlot (q682). The feature is characterized by a very soft, fine and loose texture, but it presents also some hard layers, difficult to remove; therefore the work is not proceeding very fast in this area. C1 2005-09-05_P901SC.j sC We did not dig the whole area; the elevator is in fact located in the SW corner of k15, where there will be the step of the section). We dig f273, that is a briky melted and crumble accomulation in the NW corner of k15. Lots of pottery sherds have been collected (q704, q716, and q714, that contains the pottery swifted from both qlots) from today excavation. C1 2009-08-09_T809CJC.j cJC Today we began excavating in k15. Before today we had mostly only cleaned the area and removed the south and west sections to give more room to work. At the beginning of excavation we had what appeared to be several features already showing. We decided the clearest way to excavate would be to follow the west section of k5 across. We were hoping to expose the salmon-colored floor (f359) all the way across the loci in front of the apron f131 and try and follow it around the north turn next to the wall f127 if it turned that way. By following f364 across through the section we found several different features. There is the plate-like accumulation which we is the same as f365 (immediately under f364) which is what we expected based on k5. f365, however, does not continue all the way west. Instead we found a reddish layer which we have not yet really exposed or excavated and some plaster, possibly similar to that found in k5 (f370) or that seen in the west section of k5. I decided we should try and excavate the latest moment in time first and so we removed a small accumulation of f364 in the middle of the northern edge of the square that seemed to possibly be overlaying f372 but when we removed it we found bricky material underneath which is actually overlaid by the gray layer f371. So we decided to stop in that small area and instead to photograph and remove both f339 and f371. We will first remove the flaky structure of f371 and see if it overlays the very hard gray later that is f339 or if it is actually a damaged section of f339. C1 2009-08-10_T810CJC.j cJC Yesterday we decided that the best strategy was to excavate down from the latest features (f371, f339) and try and follow them in k15 instead of going across from the west baulk of k5. We started by removing f371, the flaky gray layer on top of f339. We wanted to remove the hard gray layer f339. It was relayed and then we began removing it. When we picked the hard layer however it came apart very differently in the two areas where the pickmen were working. Coming down from the north Kamiron found that the hard gray layer was very hard and thick (about 3cm or more) and when picked it removed a 10cm layer underneath as well. Underneath he found the dramatic reddish layer (f348) and a gray layer which we assigned as f374. In contrast, in the SW corner where Mohammed Kher was working we found that f339 was extremely thin and came off easily revealing a dramatic pink layer (f373). This layer is soft and easily damaged with the pick. Because we have now exposed several layers (f373, f348, f374)due to the nature of the removal of f339 we decided to follow the layers across through the section of k5 to see how they relate to the newly exposed layers. In the west section we can see f365 and a thin yellow line which we have assigned f375. We wanted to remove f365 above f375 and see how it comes up against the pink layer f373. It seems that f365 would have covered the pink layer f373 but it was cut by the erosion. By following f365 across from the east to the west we should be able to answer this question. Before we could remove all of f365 we needed to expose the plaster layer (f375) and see its extent. We used the small pick and the brush to expose as much of this delicate layer as possible. Tomorrow we hope to finish exposing the plaster (f375) relay and photograph it before removing it. After we finish with f375 we will continue removing f365 across to see its relationship to the pink (f373). (This daily is revised version of today's strategy entry). C1 2009-08-11_T811CJC.j cJC We exposed the floor with plaster inclusions (f375), photographed and relayed it and removed it. We then went down following the layers seen in the west section of k5. Once we had cleaned everything we did our best to expose f375, the floor with plaster inclusions. We photographed it when we thought it had reached its full extent but then as we were removing f365 we found it continued and so we photographed it again. After that we removed f375 and started removing the accumulations of f365 by moving from the west section of k5 in a westward direction. In the south portion of k15 f365 came down on top of the salmon-colored floor f359 just as we expected. We did not finish exposing f359 and will work on exposing its extent tomorrow. In the north part of k15 we found the situation was more disturbed possibly due to erosion as we saw in k5 with the erosion of f359 and the brown accumulation of f367. It seems that f367 continues into k15 with some disturbed accumulations (not in nice thin layers of accumulations like f365) and some sherds that are not lying flat as well as some pebbles. We will explore this area tomorrow. C1 2009-08-13_T815CJC.j cJC We are finished excavating in this locus. It will be backfilled at the end of the season. C32 2009-08-26_T826CJC.j cJC After plotting the J2 loci from MZ22 it became apparent that they do not exactly match the squares of the previous years. This is not totally unexpected as we had many problems at the beginning of the season trying to reestablish the squares due to the small number remaining markers in J2 as well as the depth of J2 compared to the remaining markers. The differences are not substantial but should be noted. D1a 2008-01-31_S131PC3.j pC f58 D1a 2008-01-31_S131PC3.j pC f65 D1a 2008-01-31_S131PC3.j pC f71 D1a 2005-08-14_P912MH.j sC f168 D1a 2005-08-16_P912MH.j sC f185 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f185.1 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f185.2 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f185.3 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f185.4 D1a 2005-08-16_P912MH.j sC f186 D1a 2005-08-17_P912MH.j sC f193 D1a 2005-08-19_P912MH.j sC f195 D1a 2005-08-22_P913MH.j sC f206 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j sC f233 D1a 2005-08-27_P913MH.j aL f259 D1a 2005-09-01_P913MH.j aL f273 D1a 2005-09-04_P913MH5.j aL f305 D1a 2009-09-02_T830CJC.j cJC f338 D1a 2009-09-02_T830CJC.j cJC f339 D1a 2009-09-02_T830CJC.j cJC f341 D1a 2009-07-26_T822CJC2.j cJC f345 D1a 2009-07-26_T822CJC2.j cJC f348 D1a 2009-09-02_T830CJC.j cJC f359 D1a 2009-08-19_T819CJC2.j cJC f365 D1a 2009-09-02_T830CJC.j cJC f366 D1a 2009-09-02_T830CJC.j cJC f367 D1a 2009-08-09_T822CJC2.j cJC f371 D1a 2009-08-09_T822CJC2.j cJC f372 D1a 2009-08-10_T822CJC2.j cJC f373 D1a 2009-08-10_T822CJC2.j cJC f374 D1a 2009-08-10_T822CJC2.j cJC f375 D1a 2009-08-30_T830CJC.j cJC f376 D1a 2004-07-12_O712MH.j ap q124 D1a 2004-07-13_O713MH.j mh q134 D1a 2004-07-14_O717MH.j ap q147 D1a 2004-07-14_O717MH.j ap q152 D1a 2004-07-15_O717MH.j mh q163 D1a 2005-08-14_P909MH.j sc q452 D1a 2005-08-15_P909MH.j vVE q478 D1a 2005-08-16_P909MH.j sC q500 D1a 2005-08-16_P909MH.j vVE q505 D1a 2005-08-16_P909MH.j sC q509 D1a 2005-08-17_P909MH.j sC q514 D1a 2005-08-17_P909MH.j sC q518 D1a 2005-08-18_P909MH.j sC q523 D1a 2005-08-18_P908MH2.j sC q532 D1a 2005-08-20_P908MH2.j aL q538 D1a 2005-08-20_P908MH2.j vVE q544 D1a 2005-08-20_P908MH2.j sC q545 D1a 2005-08-22_P908MH2.j sC q556 D1a 2005-08-23_P908MH2.j sC q562 D1a 2005-08-25_P908MH2.j sC q599 D1a 0000-00-00_P908MH2.j sC q607 D1a 0000-00-00_P908MH2.j sC q614 D1a 2005-08-27_P908MH2.j aL q623 D1a 2005-08-27_P908MH2.j sC q627 D1a 2005-08-27_P908MH2.j sC q632 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j sC q633 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j sC q639 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q649 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q651 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q654 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q659 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q660 D1a 2005-08-29_P910MH.j aA q674 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j aL q676 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j aA q682 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j sC q700 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH.j mH q704 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH3.j sC q714 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH3.j sC q716 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j mH q731 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j sC q742 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j sC q745 D1a 2005-09-04_P910MH3.j mH q757 D1a 2005-09-04_P910MH3.j aL q764 D1a 2005-09-04_P910MH3.j aL q765 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j sC q776 D1a 2009-07-28_T729CJC3.j cJC q846 D1a 2009-08-09_T826CJC2.j sH q881 D1a 2009-08-10_T826CJC2.j cJC q882 D1a 2009-08-10_T826CJC2.j cJC q883 D1a 2009-08-11_T826CJC2.j cJC q884 D1a 2009-08-11_T826CJC2.j cJC q885 D1a 2009-08-11_T826CJC2.j cJC q886 D1a 2009-08-12_T826CJC2.j sH q887 D1a 2009-08-12_T826CJC2.j sH q888 D3 2009-08-22_T823CJCR.j cJC r1139 (39106 49934 - 8632 / Relay location: SW corner) D6 2005-09-12_P913MH7.j mH 8893 D6 2005-09-12_P913MH7.j mH 9003 D20 2004-07-08_O712MH2.j mh m3797 D21 2004-07-08_O712MH2.j mh 400e D21 2004-07-08_O712MH2.j mh 400n O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j pC v26a O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j pC v26b O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77 O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77a O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77b O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77d O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v25 O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v25a O15 2004-08-09_S204PC2.j mH v82 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v71 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v71a O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v56 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v64 O15 2004-08-17_S204PC2.j mH v88 O15 2004-08-17_S204PC2.j mH v88a O15 2004-08-29_S204PC2.j mH v115 O15 2004-08-31_S204PC2.j mH v117 O15 2004-09-12_S204PC2.j mH v136 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p8 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p21 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p25 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p26 O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v154 O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v154a O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v154c O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v155 O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v156 O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v157 O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v157a O15 2009-07-25_T826CJC3.j cJC v161 O15 2009-07-25_T826CJC3.j cJC v161a O15 2009-07-25_T826CJC3.j cJC v161d O15 2009-08-08_T826CJC3.j cJC v171 O15 2009-08-08_T826CJC3.j cJC v171a O15 2009-08-09_T826CJC3.j sH v174 O15 2009-08-09_T826CJC3.j sH v174a O15 2009-08-09_T826CJC3.j sH v174b O15 2009-08-09_T826CJC3.j sH v174c O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v175 O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v175a O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v176 O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v176a O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v176b O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v176c O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v177 O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v177a O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v178 O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v178a O15 2009-08-11_T826CJC3.j cJC v178b O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v179b O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v182 O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187 O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187a O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187b O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187c O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v183 O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v184 O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v184a O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v186 O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v186a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v206 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v206a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v206c O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v207 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v207a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v207b O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v208 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v208a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v210 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v212 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v212a O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220a O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220b O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v500 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v502 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v503 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v504 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v506 J2k17 D1a 2009-07-25_T823SH.j sH q836.1 J2k22 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0858 J02w0058 T327 pC.jpg B11 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC k22 was only relayed but not excavatd. It is then part of J3 D3 0000-00-00_O703MH3R.j bp r27 (40742 50442 - / Relay location: top) D3 0000-00-00_O703MH3R.j bp r27 (40742 50442 - ##### / Relay location: top) D3 0000-00-00_O703MH4R.j bp r28 (40921 49975 - / Relay location: top) D3 0000-00-00_O703MH4R.j bp r28 (40921 49975 - ##### / Relay location: top) O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p1 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p2 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p3 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p8 J2k23 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0859 J02w0059 T327 pC.jpg B11 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC k23 in season 2005 was excavated only a 2,5x4 meters area. It was created in order to create east facing stepped section, to allow a better visibility for the wall f128 and for safety reasons. markers are m3613, m3600 C1 2005-08-17_P817MH.j mH We continued going down in the unit (q508). q508 contained one modern artifact, thus it is contaminated. C1 2005-08-18_P820MH.j mH We continued going down in the 2.6 m x 4 m area (q522). C1 2005-08-20_P820MH.j mH We had reached the 92 m elevation in the area we were excavating. Thus we moved our string 1 w to the east and continued there (f199 q533). C1 2005-08-20_P820VVE1.j vVE Yesterday (P819) we had reached the elevation of 92 m for the first ledge of the stepped section. Now we continued excavating in a smaller area to reach the next ledge at an elevation of 90 m. C1 2005-08-23_P823SC.j sC We continued to dig in k23 f203. With today excavation a line of three limestones (belonging to f128) have been exposed. The soil is characterized by compact and hard surfaces alternated to soft ones: this is the same type of accumulation we have excavated in in k14 and k15 at this elevation. C1 2005-08-24_P824AL.j aL we excavated in order to arrive at absolute elevation of 90, at the end of the day we are at an absolute elevation of 90.70 (f203 q577). C1 2005-08-24_P824SC.j sC We continued to dig f203 in k23. I have the sensation that the work does not proceed very fast in this square. One reason is that the workmen are a bit uncertain and even if I told them to dig with the big pick they prefer to dig with the little pick. Another reason is that the soil is characterized by a compact and hard surfaces (the same we had in k14, f162) and therefore is very difficult to remove. Another lines of limestones (belonging to f128) have been exposed. They seems to be more regular in their allignment and in better condition of preservation respect to the ones that are exposed in k3-k2. C1 2005-08-25_P825SC.j sC We continued to dig f203 in k23; as usual the work is a bit slow in this square. The soil is still characterized by a compact and hard surfaces (the same we had at this elevation in all the square), difficult to remove; f203 is not rich in pottery; only one qlot have been collected (qlot593; starting elevation m4167 +12 -162). C1 2005-08-27_P827MH.j mH Approximately 1 m west and 1 m north of r744 we had an extremely hard surface (f242), which differed from the rest of the excavation area by being very homogenous in nature and lacking pebbles and pottery sherds clearly visible the in the rest of unit (f241). These are shown in v106. Ahmed Muhammed, who returned to the locus after having helped with the geophysical survey, suggested that these were the remains of bricks. He also saw two courses of bricks on the western wall of the excavated area. I could see what he suggested were lines marking the possible upper and lower faces of bricks, but I am still not convinced that we indeed had bricks. If we did, they were very ephemeral. I decided to remove f242 (q618). After only a couple of centimeters, the layer dissappeared and the whole excavation area was now f241, which we then excavated further (q621). Under f241 we located another hard surface with plenty of pottery sherds and pebbles. We labeled this f249. C1 2005-08-28_P828MH.j mH We started excavating it (q636) during the excavation which we found a pit approximately 50 cm in diameter close to the southern end of the excavation area (v111 and v111a). The pit is feature f254 and its fill is f255. We then excavated the pit fill (f255 q644) and found a what seemed to be a Nuzi cup at the bottom (v113 and v113a). At the end of the day the bottom elevation of the area varies between 90.15 m closest to the north and 90.08 in the south. C1 2005-08-29_P830MH.j mH The day before we had nearly reached the target elevation of 90 m in this unit. The deepest part of the excavation area was the bottom of pit f254, which was 89.97 m. We told the pickman to level everything with the bottom of the pit and then finish. We thus dug only one q-lot (q657) in this unit after which me moved the men to work in k4. C2 2005-08-17_P817MH.j mH The goal here is to go down first to the 92 m elevation, then move 1 m to the east and start going down to the 90 m level. At the end of the day we ended approximately at the elevation of 92.38, thus we have approximately 38 cm to go, which we should be able to accoplish tomorrow. C2 2005-08-20_P820MH.j mH The goal is to reach the 90 m elevation, make a ledge between 92 m and 90 m, move 1 m to the east and go down to the 88 m level. D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a8 D1a 2005-08-16_P912MH.j mH f184 D1a 2005-08-16_P912MH.j vVE f187 D1a 0000-00-00_P913MH.j vVE f201 D1a 0000-00-00_P913MH.j vVE f203 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j aL f241 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j aL f242 D1a 2005-08-27_P913MH.j aL f249 D1a 2005-08-27_P913MH.j mH f254 D1a 2005-08-27_P913MH.j aL f255 D1a 2005-08-16_P909MH.j mH q499 D1a 2005-08-16_P909MH.j vVE q503 D1a 2005-08-16_P909MH.j sC q508 D1a 2005-08-18_P909MH.j vVE q522 D1a 2005-08-20_P908MH2.j vVE q533 D1a 2005-08-20_P908MH2.j vVE q542 D1a 2005-08-22_P908MH2.j vVE q550 D1a 2005-08-23_V910CJC.j sC q563 D1a 2005-08-24_V910CJC.j sC q577 D1a 2005-08-27_P908MH2.j aL q618 D1a 2005-08-27_X925CJC.j aL q621 D1a 2005-08-27_P908MH2.j mH q631 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aL q636 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q644 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q647 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q657 D1a 2005-09-06_P910MH3.j mH q817 D1a 2005-09-06_P910MH3.j mH q822 D20 2005-08-16_P913MH3.j mH m3968 D21 2005-08-16_P913MH3.j mH 400s D21 2005-08-16_P913MH3.j mH 400w O15 2004-08-25_S204PC2.j sC v106 O15 2004-08-25_S204PC2.j sC v109 O15 2004-08-25_S204PC2.j sC v109a O15 2009-02-22_S204PC2.j aL v113 O15 2009-02-22_S204PC2.j aL v113a O15 2009-02-22_S204PC2.j pC v111 O15 2009-02-22_S204PC2.j pC v111a O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p1 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p2 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p3 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p8 J2k24 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0860 J02w0060 T327 pC.jpg B11 2005-08-17_P913MH3.j aL West of k14, south of k23. Opened in order to make east-facing stepped sections west of k14. B11 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC k24 is not a regular locus and it is only 260x400cm. Is defined by markers m3609, m3600, m3599, m4068, m4069, m4070, m4071 C1 2005-08-27_P827MH.j mH We continued with the top soil feature (f243) and excavated one q-lot (q615). We found one metal item (i14), possibly a coin, from this q-lot. C1 2005-08-28_P828MH.j mH We finished removing the top soil (f243 q637) and continued with the layer below topsoil (f252 q640). Abutting the southern edge of the unit was a semi-globular ashy lense. I relayed the southern edge of it (r756). It was approximately 63 cm east-west at the widest and approximately 27 cm high north-south. Within that area we found what seem to be a modern pottery handle. C1 2005-08-29_P830MH.j mH The elevation was m4071 +21-155 = 91.43 m when made the excavation area smaller. At this level there was also a single, rather small, floating stone, which we relayed and removed. This stone (f262) is defined by relays r924, r925, r926, and r927. After removing the stone and decreasing the excavation area we changed the feature number, although the soil texture did not change, and continued excavating down (q669). C1 2005-08-29_P830MH.j mH We continued with the removal of f252, layer below topsoil (q658). The target here was to reach the 92 m elevation and then reduce the excavation area by 1 m and only excavate there. The work, however, had progressed here so swiftly that we actually went quite a bit below 92 m before we reduced the excavation area. C1 2005-09-05_P831SC.j sC We continued to dig f263 (q679). C1 2005-09-05_P901SC.j sC Today we continued to dig f263 in all the area (q707). Here, we remove a floating limestone (f274, r947) and few pottery sherds has been recovered in the pedestal of this stone (f275, q706). D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j aL f243 D1a 2005-08-27_P913MH.j sC f252 D1a 2005-08-29_P913MH.j mH f262 D1a 2005-08-29_P913MH.j mH f263 D1a 2005-09-01_P913MH.j sC f274 D1a 2005-09-01_P913MH.j sC f275 D1a 2005-09-05_P913MH5.j sC f313 D1a 2005-09-05_P913MH5.j mH f314 D1a 2005-08-27_P913MH4.j sC i14 D1a 0000-00-00_P908MH2.j aL q615 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aL q637 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q640 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q646 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q658 D1a 2005-08-29_P910MH.j aL q669 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j aL q679 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH.j sC q706 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH.j sC q707 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j sC q783 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j mH q786 D1a 2005-09-05_P910MH3.j aL q798 D1a 2005-09-06_P910MH3.j sC q805 D1a 2005-09-06_P910MH3.j sC q814 D6 2005-09-12_P913MH7.j mH 9043 D6 2005-09-12_P913MH7.j mH 9170 D20 2005-08-17_P913MH3.j aL m4070 D21 2005-08-17_P913MH3.j aL 260w D21 2005-08-17_P913MH3.j aL 400s O15 2004-09-01_S204PC2.j mH v119 O15 2004-09-01_S204PC2.j mH v119a O15 2004-09-13_S204PC2.j mH v145 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p1 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p2 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p3 J2k25 B11 2010-12-14_S206PC.j cJC This loci was never assigned. The relays were measured but the area was never excavated. D3 2005-08-29_P913MH-R.j mH r930 (39423 49422 - 4043 / Relay location: top) D3 2005-08-29_P913MH-R.j mH r931 (39438 49413 - 4043 / Relay location: top) D3 2005-08-29_P913MH-R.j mH r932 (39287 49789 - 4061 / Relay location: top) D3 2005-08-29_P913MH-R.j mH r934 (39661 49248 - 4032 / Relay location: top) D3 2005-08-29_P913MH-R.j mH r935 (39048 49270 - 4032 / Relay location: top) D3 2005-08-29_P913MH-R.j mH r936 (39425 49325 - 4028 / Relay location: top) J2k33 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0861 J02w0061 T327 pC.jpg B11 2004-07-08_O712MH2.j mh west of k13 by one unit. delimited by markers m3615, m3609, m3619, m3620, m3694, m3695 B11 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC k33 was opened to follow the second apron to the west, but it was decided to stop excavating here. this locus was then excavated as a J3 locus D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a1 D1a 2010-12-22_U809YM.j cJC f42 D1a 2008-01-31_S131PC3.j pC f46 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f49 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f54 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f55 D1a 2008-01-31_S131PC3.j pC f61 D1a 2004-07-08_O710MH.j ap q87 D1a 2004-07-08_O710MH.j ap q99 D1a 2004-07-11_O711MH.j ap q102 D1a 2004-07-11_O711MH.j ap q106 D1a 2004-07-11_O711MH.j ap q108 D1a 2004-07-11_O711MH.j ap q112 D1a 2004-07-12_O712MH.j ap q118 D1a 2004-07-12_O712MH.j ap q125 D1a 2004-07-13_O713MH.j mh q130 D1a 2004-07-13_O713MH.j mh q136 D1a 2004-07-13_O713MH.j mh q141 D1a 2004-07-14_O717MH.j ap q145 D20 2004-07-08_O712MH2.j mh m3619 D21 2004-07-08_O712MH2.j mh 400e D21 2004-07-08_O712MH2.j mh 400n O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j aP v70 O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v11 O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v11a O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v13 O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v13a O15 2011-01-04_T921CJC.j cJC v522 J2k43 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0862 J02w0062 T327 pC.jpg B11 2004-07-08_O712MH2.j mh west of k33, delimited by markers m3625, m3620, m3619, m3624 B11 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC k33 was opened to follow the second apron to the west, but it was decided to stop excavating here. this locus was then excavated as a J3 locus D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f53 D1a 2008-01-31_S131PC3.j pC f59 D1a 2008-01-31_S131PC3.j pC f60 D1a 2004-07-11_O711MH.j ap q113 D1a 2004-07-12_O712MH.j ap q115 D1a 2004-07-12_O712MH.j ap q127 D1a 2004-07-13_O713MH.j mh q129 D1a 2004-07-13_O713MH.j mh q140 D1a 2004-07-14_O717MH.j ap q144 D1a 2004-07-15_O717MH.j mh q159 D20 2004-07-08_O712MH2.j mh m3624 D21 2004-07-08_O712MH2.j mh 400e D21 2004-07-08_O712MH2.j mh 400n J2k48 D1a 2010-08-10_U0810YM.j yM f67 J2k53 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0863 J02w0063 T327 pC.jpg B11 2004-07-08_O712MH2.j mh west of k43, delimited by markers m3627, m3625, m3624, m3626 B11 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC k33 was opened to follow the second apron to the west, but it was decided to stop excavating here. this locus was then excavated as a J3 locus D1a 2008-01-31_S131PC3.j pC f57 D1a 2008-01-31_S131PC3.j pC f66 D1a 2004-07-12_O712MH.j ap q123 D1a 2004-07-13_O713MH.j mh q128 D1a 2004-07-14_O717MH.j ap q143 D1a 2004-07-14_O717MH.j ap q154 D1a 2004-07-15_O717MH.j mh q158 D1a 2004-07-15_O717MH.j mh q172 D20 2004-07-08_O712MH2.j mh m3626 D21 2004-07-08_O712MH2.j mh 400e D21 2004-07-08_O712MH2.j mh 400n J2k54 B11 2009-07-22_T722CJC.j cJC This locus was assigned to the area west of wall f127 at the beginning of MZ22 (2009) when we began cleaning the J2 area. The original idea was that the 50-series of loci would correspond to the same as previous squares (for example, k54 would be the new k4) however, we were unable to determine the exact location of the squares before beginning work so k54 does not correspond to a previous area. Eventually the normal squares were reestablished and the rest of the excavations continued using the old assignments such as k4, k5 etc. D1a 2009-07-21_T822CJC2.j cJC f334 D1a 2009-07-21_T822CJC2.j cJC f335 D1a 2009-07-21_T822CJC2.j cJC f336 D1a 2009-07-22_T822CJC2.j cJC f337 D1a 2009-07-23_T822CJC2.j cJC f338 D1a 2009-07-21_T729CJC3.j cJC q829 D1a 2009-07-21_T729CJC3.j cJC q830 D1a 2009-07-21_T729CJC3.j cJC q831 D1a 2009-07-22_T729CJC3.j cJC q832 D1a 2009-07-24_T729CJC3.j cJC q833 D1a 2009-07-24_T729CJC3.j cJC q834 D1a 2009-07-25_T729CJC3.j sH q835 O15 2009-07-19_T729CJC2.j cJC v147 O15 2009-07-19_T729CJC2.j cJC v147a O15 2009-07-19_T729CJC2.j cJC v147b O15 2009-07-19_T729CJC2.j cJC v148 O15 2009-07-19_T729CJC2.j cJC v148a O15 2009-07-19_T729CJC2.j cJC v148b O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v151 O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v152 O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v152a O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v152b O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v152c J2k72 D1a 2010-12-22_U809YM.j cJC f41 J2k75 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f75 J2k82 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0864 J02w0064 T327 pC.jpg B11 2004-07-07_O707MH.j MISSING East of k92, first 1 meter of the northern half of unit is taken by a German trench. m3672, m3680, m3671, m3682, m3681, m3665, m3666 D1a 0000-00-00_O807AP5.j mh f38 D1a 2010-12-22_U809YM.j cJC f40 D1a 2004-07-07_O710MH.j ap q83 D1a 2004-07-08_O710MH.j ap q92 D1a 2004-07-08_O710MH.j ap q97 D1a 2004-07-11_O711MH.j ap q100 D20 2004-07-07_O707MH.j MISSING m3682 D21 2004-07-07_O707MH.j MISSING 400n D21 2004-07-07_O707MH.j MISSING 400w O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77 O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77a O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77b O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77c O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77d O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77e O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p3 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p8 J2k83 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0865 J02w0065 T327 pC.jpg B11 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC k83 ia a regular 5x5 meters square, definde by markers m3671, m3665, m3677, m3678, m3664, m3679, m3670. This locus was opened to expose the eastern part of the staircase f130 and wall f129 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f50 D1a 2008-01-31_S131PC3.j pC f62 D1a 2004-07-24_O808AP3.j ap f93 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f107 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f129 D1a 2010-08-25_U906YM.j yM i3 D1a 2010-09-05_U906YM.j yM i4 D1a 2004-07-11_O711MH.j ap q109 D1a 2004-07-12_O712MH.j ap q116 D1a 2004-07-12_O712MH.j ap q121 D1a 2004-07-13_O713MH.j mh q131 D1a 2004-07-13_O713MH.j mh q142 D1a 2004-07-14_O717MH.j ap q148 D1a 2004-07-14_O717MH.j ap q149 D1a 2004-07-14_O717MH.j ap q153 D1a 2004-07-15_O717MH.j mh q162 D1a 2004-07-15_O717MH.j mh q165 D1a 2004-07-15_O717MH.j mh q169 D1a 2004-07-15_O717MH.j mh q171 O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77 O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77a O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77b O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77c O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77d O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77e O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v28 O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v29 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v46 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v71 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v71a O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v53 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v61 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v62 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v63 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v64 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p3 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p8 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p18 J2k84 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0866 J02w0066 T327 pC.jpg B11 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC k84 is a regular 5x5 meters square, defined by markers m3822, m3823, m3824, m3821, m3670, m3664, m3815. This locus was opened to expose the eastern side of the staircase f130 and wall f129. It was then excavated as a J4 and J6 locus D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a3 D1a 2008-01-31_S131PC3.j pC f67 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f72 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f73 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f77 D1a 2004-07-24_O808AP3.j ap f96 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f113 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f117 D1a 2004-07-22_O724MH.j mh q225 D1a 2004-07-22_O724MH.j mh q232 D1a 2004-07-22_O724MH.j mh q234 O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v31 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v46 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v71 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v71a O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v53 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v60 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v61 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v62 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v63 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v64 J2k85 B11 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC k85 is cut in the western part by the german trench, therefore is not a regular locus. Is defined by markers m3921, m3815, m3828, m3829, m3820, m3830, m3814. It was opened to have a better exposure of the eastern side of wall f129. It was then excavated as a J6 locus D1a 2008-01-31_S131PC3.j pC f68 D1a 2010-08-10_U0810YM.j yM f86 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f118 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f124 O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v41 O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v41a O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v44 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v46 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v71 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v71a O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v53 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v60 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v63 J2k92 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0867 J02w0067 T327 pC.jpg B11 2004-07-07_O707MH.j MISSING East of k100, north of k93, much of the top first meter of the square is taken by two German trenches. defined by markers m3674, m3672, m3683, m3684, m3671, m3685, m3675 B11 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC k92 was opened to expose the terrace surface, but just under the topsoil was found bricky material and therefore stopped to excavate to wait for another season D1a 0000-00-00_O807AP5.j mh f33 D1a 0000-00-00_O807AP5.j mh f36 D1a 2010-12-22_U809YM.j cJC f40 D1a 2004-07-07_O710MH.j ap q72 D1a 2004-07-07_O710MH.j ap q80 D20 2004-07-07_O707MH.j MISSING m3684 D21 2004-07-07_O707MH.j MISSING 400s D21 2004-07-07_O707MH.j MISSING 400w O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p3 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p8 J2k93 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0868 J02w0068 T327 pC.jpg B11 2004-07-07_O707MH.j MISSING South of k92, east of k100. Half of the top 1 meter of the square is taken by a German trench. defined by markers m3675, m3685, m3687, m3686, m3676, m3688 B11 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC k93 was opened to expose the upper part of the staircase f130 C1 2004-07-24_O730MH.j mh Continued to remove the east baulk (q244). D1a 0000-00-00_O807AP5.j mh f34 D1a 0000-00-00_O807AP5.j mh f37 D1a 2010-08-10_U0810YM.j yM f43 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f47 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f48 D1a 2007-07-20_S131PC2.j sC f51 D1a 2008-02-25_S211PC2.j pC f88 D1a 2004-07-24_O808AP3.j ap f94 D1a 2004-07-07_O710MH.j ap q73 D1a 2004-07-07_O710MH.j ap q82 D1a 2004-07-08_O710MH.j ap q91 D1a 2004-07-08_O710MH.j ap q93 D1a 2004-07-08_O710MH.j ap q94 D1a 2004-07-08_O710MH.j ap q98 D1a 2004-07-11_O711MH.j ap q101 D1a 2004-07-11_O711MH.j ap q105 D1a 2004-07-11_O711MH.j ap q107 D1a 2004-07-11_O711MH.j ap q110 D1a 2004-07-12_O712MH.j ap q114 D1a 2004-07-12_O712MH.j ap q120 D1a 2004-07-13_O713MH.j mh q132 D1a 2004-07-13_O713MH.j mh q135 D1a 2004-07-22_O724MH.j mh q239 D1a 2004-07-24_O724MH.j ap q244 D20 2004-07-07_O707MH.j MISSING m3687 D21 2004-07-07_O707MH.j MISSING 400s D21 2004-07-07_O707MH.j MISSING 400w O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v12 O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v12a O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v21 O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v21a O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v22 O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v27a O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j pc v27 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p3 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p8 O15 2010-12-15_T330PC.j cJC p9 J2k100 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0869 J02w0069 T327 pC.jpg B11 2004-06-27_O627MH2.j mH 15m stretch of south of m3583 in the long German trench B11 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC k100 from the beginning of the excavation in J2 was associated to the long german trench above the staircase f130. This trench was circa 1,5 m wide and several meters long, beginning from area C2 south of the temple terrace, until the temple BA. here k100 is only the lower part of the staircase B11 2009-08-15_T815CJC.j cJC This year k100 is defined in the east by J6k106 and J2k110 in the west. In the north this locus is bounded by the lower staircase f380. The south section is defined by markers along the site-wide grid. B11 2009-09-02_T830CJC.j cJC This season k100 is defined by r1129 (SW), r1130 (SE), r673 (NW), and r670 (NE). C1 2004-06-29_O629MH3.j mH Towards the end of the day we got the elevator working. We started removing the weather induced collapse roughly in the middle of the unit. C1 2004-06-30_O630MH.j mH In the morning we tried to use the elevator and continue to clear soil from roughly in the middle of the unit. The machine, however, worked roughly two minutes at a time. While it would always restart again, we were not able to make a lot of progress. After a while we abandoned the elevator only to return to it after breakfast. By that time the switch protecting the motor had been removed and we tried to use it again. After a short amount of time the machine got stuck and we were not able to use it. C1 2004-07-05_O705MH4.j mh The machine worked fine all day. We removed mostly the dry, top most layers of dirt. C1 2004-07-06_O706MH.j mH The machine worked without problems most of the day. Towards the end of the day, however, one of the hinges on the shifter broke. C1 2004-07-24_O730MH.j mh We continued moving soil that was pushed into it in previous days. C1 2005-08-04_P806MH.j mH We collapsed a part of the upper part of the western section of the loci just south of the SE corner of k5. C1 2005-08-06_P806MH2.j mH We continued alternatively by collapsing both western and eastern baulks of the unit and by removing older fallen dirt from the bottom of the unit. The operation was not very efficient; it took relatively long to first collapse the dirt and then get it into the elevator. This inefficiency was due partly to the nature of the work and partly to the lack of enthusiasm by the workmen involved. C1 2005-08-07_P807MH.j mH We alternatively worked below in the trench digging collapse with big picks and collapsing more from the top C1 2005-08-09_P809MH.j mH Elevator in k100 broke early in the morning and it did not work for the rest of the day. The workmen continued loosening the collapsed soil at the bottom of the trench with a big pick. C1 2005-08-10_P810MH.j mH We continued removing the collapse. C1 2005-08-11_P813MH.j mH Continued to remove collapse (q432). C1 2005-08-13_P813MH2.j mH We cleaned the bottom very well, took a picture of the first 3m in front of the steps (v84) including laminations or shiny parts that may we the result of having been under plastic (v84a). C1 2005-08-14_P814AL.j aL We started to remove the top surface of k100 (f173) in order to reach the step below the latest one found during German excavations. We started to remove the first 10 cms in the whole area(q457) in order to find the step from the bottom of the first artificial layer with a stake (hight ca 30 cms) but we did not find it. We decided to dig another 10 cm and after removing from the beginning part of k100 (ca 300 cm south of the step, q466) we tried another time to reach the step with the same stake without any result. During this operation we realized that the real bottom of German trench is perhaps 10 cms below the level of our current excavation. At the end of the day we cleaned the excavated area and finished our daily job in the field. C1 2005-08-14_P815AL.j aL We finished excavating the remaining 60 cms (starting from m4055) of k100, f173 (q481) and we started from an aboslute elevation of 87.39m. This feature is totally contaminated by modern objects (nylon, plastic bag, and so on). After this operation we tried to find the possible new step under the latest one found by the German team with a long metal rod (lg 64 cms) (bottom surface of q481) in three different parts of the surface. The rod was blocked by something in two points at the depth of about 30 cms. Then we started the excavation of other 10 cms of f173 (q484) in order to try reaching the bottom of the German excavation. We started from an absolute elevation of 87.33(m4054) and reached the absolute elevation of 87.27 which is the bottom of f173 and the top surface of f179; at this elevation we have inserted the rod into the soil another three times and all of these attempts discovered an obstacle at the depth of about 25 cms from the surface, about 50 cms from the top of the lowest step. At the bottom of f173 we assigned a new feature number (f179) for the new feature that, even if it is quite similar to the upper one, was separated from this by some tatters of nylon left there by the German expedition. We started removing 10 cms in the whole area (q492). We observed in the area near marker m4054, just in front of the lowest step, at an absolute elevation of 87.21, a change in colour, texture and soil composition. It became reddish with calcareous inclusion (bricks???). We observed that also this new feature is contaminated by modern objects. C1 2005-08-15_P815MH.j mH At the start of the morning aL looked for additional steps with a long metal rod in front of the last steps exposed. After trying in three places we came to the conclusion that the steps do indeed continue, but but unexpectedly deep down (approximately 25 cm below the bottom of the last step exposed). Thus we decided to continue excavations here and not wait for excavations in k4 to expose apron steps (f131) at this same level. C1 2005-08-16_P816AL.j aL We continued to remove f179 (q498) in the southern part of k100 trying to evidence the red layer below. we started from an absolute elevation of 87.20 (m4054, 81 -138). and we tried to follow the layer characterized by red ground and inclusion of different dimension of gypsum and some piece of charcoal. Also f179 is contaminated by modern objects (nylon and plastic bag). We took elevation in two different partas of f179 between m4054 and m4055 and we have a slope of about 10% between the two points. C1 2005-08-17_P817AL.j aL we started to clean k100 (q510) in order to evidence the botton of f179; we started from an elevation of 86,94m taken in correspondence of m4056 (m4054, 61 -144). we have taken three pictures of k100 (v89, v89a, v89b), in order to show the colour and the inclusion of it. We gave a feature number to the stone which is in correspondence of m4055 (220W cms); the number is the same given to the six others which collapsed into german trench (f170.1-7). A new feature number (f192) is given to the pedestal of f170.7, it comprends f173 and f179 (q517). After cleaning the whole area we have observed that there is a difference between the northern part (from 0 to 230 cms South from m4054)and the southern one (from 230 to 400 cms South from m4054). The first part (f194) has a reddish colour and a lot of pebbles and gypsum of different dimension, the second has a brownish colour and inclusion of sherds, pebbles and some bones. we can observe the presence of natural patina above some parts of reddish ground. We have taken two pictures (v90 and v90a) to mark the boundaries (very confused) between the two features. Before starting excavation of f194 we have taken the elevation of two different points of it to calculate the slope of the feature. First point is taken next to the step (m4054, 86 -142: 87.21), the second one is taken at the border between the two features (230 cms South from m4054), (m4054, 63 -142: 86.98). The slope of f194 is almost 10%. We started with the excavation of f194 (q519) and the cleaning of the West and East section. We have taken a sample of gypsum (q519.1). C1 2005-08-18_P818AL.j aL we try to define the relation between f194 and f196 which seems partially overlay the first one. In order to make clear this relation we have decided to dig about 5 cms of f196 (q525) trying to understad if the brownish layer below this is the same presents below f194. At about 300 cms by m4054 20 cms West by the wall of german trench seems begins a walking floor constitued by sherds, pebbles and gypsum; their position on the floor is almost flat; the ground in this zone doesn't seem different from the surrounding area (f196), just more dark for the dampness.The floor of pebbles and sherds continues under f196. We have cleaned the section (both East and West one). In each section we noted the disappearing of f194 in the m4055 zone; in East section the disappearing is unexpected and in this area we have some flattened sherds; in west section f194 continues sometimes like little lenses in f196. C1 2005-08-20_P820AL.j aL we have taken relay (r515 to r519) and take picture of pebble floor (v95 - v95a) C1 2005-08-22_P822AL.j aL we started the excavation of a trench in k100 (r521-524)which has east baulk of German trench as East border and the line of the lowest steps of f130 as North border. We began to remove f209 (q549), and at 7 cms of depht by its surface we found two very large stones: their medium width is about 65 cms, their top surface is about 60 cms below the top surface of the lower step of f130 (absolute elevation 87.04). We decided to dig totally the area until the m4055, the feature is the same but we opened another qlog (q554) and we discovered another big stone put in line with other two. Once removed f209 (bottom of f209 has an absolute elevation of 86.89) we observed two different walking floor (f213 and f214); in NW corner of trench we have put in evidence a walking floor formed by big pebble. We stopped because this floor is lower than f214 and f213. We also removed soil from the hole on the third step from the bottom of f130; we gave it a feature (f212) and a qlog (q555) we have taken the ground inside f212 as sample (q555.1) in order to see if in it are kept some organic traces. We tested with a long rod if below top surface of f 213 and f 214 in front of the newest stones founded there are other stones; something has blocked our rod at the depht of 20 cms in five different points. C1 2005-08-23_P823AL.j aL we assigned a new feature number to the big pebble floor below f214 (f215), it is classified as "pc" even though the pebbles are quite large, then we took away f209 (q560) trying to expose whole area of f213 and f214. We took absolute elevation for f215: 86.84; we finished excavating f209 and we put in evidence another stone close to f215. We started the excavation of f221 (q567) trying to put in evidence f205 (first walking floor with pebbles and sherds). The new area excavated is towards southern part of k100, 150 cms towards N and 220 towards W from m4057; it is the collapsed ground of german trench and is strongly contaminated by modern object. We finished take away f221 (q567) and we took absolute elevation for new feature f223 (86,79). We started asportation of f223 (q572) which is probably similar to f196. About 10 cms below its surface we found f205. We also took away the stone inserted in E baulk close to the lower steps of f130 (f225). C1 2005-08-24_P824AL.j aL We started to remove the last 10 cms of f223, and we put in evidence f205 in whole area (where present); the bottom of f223 is (4054 +35 -140) 86.72. Then we took pictures of f205 (v101, v101a, v101b). We started removing f205 in order to arrive at f209; the pottery present in this feature must be taken very well (q584). After the removal of f205 we put in evidence f209 and started removing it in the whole area (q587). f209 starts from m4055 (400 cms South and 220 cms West) and its surface in this zone has an elevation of (m4054 52 -140) 86.89. Once excavated it revealed below it f213. C1 2005-08-27_P827AL.j aL we finished cleaning section of West baulk of german trench (f237, q613) and we recognize that a very thin white layer of gypsum, connected to the latest step, excavated by the german excavation, could be the walking surface connected to it. Then we have taken pictures of the section (v108, v108a, v108b). After this we started removing f213 from the whole area to expose the pebble floor (q625). The excavation has put in evidence that the pebble floor (f215) continue at least to m4055. f215 seems to overlay the second steps exposed. C1 2005-08-28_P828AL.j aL We started removing f213 in the whole area (just to m4056), and we exposed f215 which seems to continue South v112; under the floor f215, we found another layer f256. We removed f256 (q650) and found 10 cms below it another pebble floor (pebbles of various dimension). This new floor seems to be above another line of big stones. We stopped because we must clean the area. We took pictures of f215 (v112a, v112b, v112c, v112d, v112e, v112f, v112g). C1 2005-08-28_P904AL.j aL We took pictures to f292 (v126) and to the SE corner of k100 (f304) that has no floors. Then we made a new locus in the NW corner of k100 in order to reach the lower steps. The new locus is k105 and we started to remove feature f302, q759. We took final pictures of k100 and of k105 (v127) and finished excavation. C1 2005-08-29_P829AL.j aL we continued removal of f256 (q655) from the whole area in order to put in evidence the f258. After the complete removal of f256 from the top of f258 we took pictures (v116-v116L) and relay (r917-r920). Than we have removed the remaing part of f256 (q667) from the southern-est corner of k100. In this area we found charcoal and clay lump. Then we stopped in order to remove West Baulk of k100 (east Baulk of k4). C1 2005-08-31_P831AL.j aL We removed f258 (q683) in order to reach the lower step and see if there are more. Just under this layer, the soil is very wet and orange in colour, with charcoal and gypsum. This new layer covers another possible pebble floor. We started removing from South (r920-r921). We found not much pottery between these two floors. After removing f258, we found a walking floor constitued of gypsum, very red soil and pebbles. Close to the steps the soil is more red. In the Esat side of k100 (m4055 100N and 50W) is evident a very hard and compact surface which we have called f266. It has a lot of gypsum, the greater part of area have gypsum too but have pebbles and is reddish in colour, which is f267. Below f267 is appeared a new little step in NW corner. We took relay for f267 (r937-940) and for f266 (r941) and took pictures. Then we removed f268 to expose f267. After removing f268 we removed f266 (q691). Below it a new brown layer appeared, then we removed f267 (q693) and below it appeared the same layer that we named f272. C1 2005-09-01_P901AL.j aL We started removing f272 (q702) from the whole area. Below f272 another walking floor f276 appared: it is the forth floor found in this locus; it consists of big pebbles and little and coloured pebbles. In the corner we have f268 which is above f276. This column in the SE corner of k100 is characterized by the absence of pebbles floor, it is present by the second floor but here it is larger (r955 180 East 80 North). We removed about 10 cm of f268 (q712) and we observed that continues to go down; then we removed f276 (q715). Below f276 another layer with small pebbles and pottery appeared. we took picture (v120). Below f276 we have a new floor (the fifth) that we named f287, wich is characterized by medium and little pebbles and sherds. We take pictures of f287 (v121) C1 2005-09-03_P903AL.j aL we started removing the remaining part of f268 (q732). It continues with ash and charcoal as usual. Then we removed f287 (q733). We didn't take relay of f287 because is the same of f276. Below f287 we found in the North part another floor (f292) which is overlayed by f291. We removed f291 (q741) to expose the sixth floor (f292). Below f291 we found another transition layer that we named f294 which is reddish and very hard to dig and with the presence of big and small gypsum. We took picture of f292 (v122) and we removed f294 (q746), in the SE corner as usual we have a different feature (f304) in the same area of f268. C1 2009-08-15_T815CJC.j cJC Today we decided to remove the backfill in this area and go down and see if we can find enough material to date the construction of the lower staircase (f380). We started removing the backfill which was pretty deep. We found lots of garbage and plastic in the backfill. C1 2009-08-16_T816CJC.j cJC In the morning we finished removing the backfill in k100. We were aided by v127. We were able to find f292 and f304 with no difficulties. We also cleaned out the sounding of k105. After we exposed all of k100 as it appeared at the end of the previous excavations we found that f304 from the previous excavations was probably a pit. We assigned it a new feature number f383 in case it wasn't exactly the same but it appears in the east section that in fact f304 is the same as our new f383. Because f383 would be the latest moment in time in k100 we decided to excavate it first. This took the rest of the morning and we still haven't finished. We will continue tomorrow. C1 2009-08-17_T819CJC.j cJC We finished removing the fill of a12 which was f383 and found a row of small stones at the bottom (f384) sitting in a hard accumulation f385. We removed the stones and excavated a small portion of f385 to see if the pit continues but we now think that f385 is the bottom so we stopped in the pit sounding. Instead we started excavating in the rest of k100 and we started by removing the pebble floor (f292) under which we found a nice sherd and bone pavement (f386). We exposed f386 in the afternoon and then photographed it and began removing it. We will continue removing it tomorrow and hopefully reach a good stopping point beneath it. C1 2009-08-18_T819CJC.j cJC First we continued removing f386 which took a long time as it was composed of very small sherds. After we removed f386 we found a brown subsoil (f387) which overlaid another surface (f388) which also had a brown softer subsoil (f389). We exposed f388, photographed it and decided that we should try and go down to a better, clearer, stopping point. We removed f388 and the softer layer below it (f389) and found another sherd and bone floor (f390) which we decided would be a good stopping point. We also found a red bakaya-like layer right in front of the lowest step we have, lapping up against the stones (f391). We did not have enough time to fully explore this feature this season so we will leave it for next season. We exposed all of f390 and then cut back the west section before finishing for the season. C2 2004-06-29_O629MH3.j mH Since the air in k100 is not very good, we might just operate the elevator in the morning and continue with the all three surface units in the afternoon. Every 20 min we will stop working and give the men below a break. During this time the men above will collect pottery sherds, bones, and possible artifacts from the shifter. Today we had two pottery bags open at the same time. One was below and one was up by the shifter. To make sure that these bags stay connected I have made them into a q-lot aggregate. This aggregate also includes q-items and bones. I did the same thing previously when the elevator was working and will continue to do so. The pottery bag up by the shifter fills in quicker than the one below. Starting tomorrow I will close the bags at the same time thus always forming an aggregate from two q-lots. These q-lots then come roughly from the same place in the collapse. C2 2005-08-07_P807MH.j mH gB and fAB calculated that in order to make k100 safe we should move back 270cm at the top of the section, and for every 90 cm of horizontal movement we should go down 200 cm. The ledges would thus be 50 cm in width. In order to accomplish this we need bP to set up one line on each side of k100 parallel to its edges. Until this has been accomplished we will dig along a 1 m wide stretch along the egde. C2 2005-08-14_P814AL.j aL After the complete removal of the remaining part of 10 cm in k100 we should go down other 10 cms in order to completely remove f173. After this operation, we should try to reach the step below the latest one (from this new layer) with a long stake (ca 64 cms). If we will not have positive results with this attempt we must change our strategy. During the excavation we should pay attention to reaching and finidng the actual bottom of German trench. C2 2005-08-14_P815AL.j aL We have to finish the excavation of f179 from the whole area, clean the surface very well and take pictures of this surface before starting with its total removal in order to reach the step (if there really is one) under the latest one found. C2 2005-08-15_P815MH.j mH Because at the end of the day yesterday it was not certain we would find more steps below the last step we had exposed (f130), we (gB, mKB, fAB, mH) decided upon a new strategy. According to this we would push a long metal rod into the soil in several places in front of the steps. In case we would not feel stones below, we would stop excavations here and wait until we reached the same level with the apron (f131) steps k4. These apron steps might gives us clues of whether the steps in k100 (f130) do continue. Based on excavations in k4 we would then decided how to proceed in k100. If, however, we would feel stones in front of the steps, we would continue excavations here. C2 2005-08-17_P817AL.j aL we must finish the cleaning of f194 in order to clear the relation between this one and the brownish one. Then we must assign a new feature number to brownish layer. The goal is to remove totally f194 in order to arrive at the step under it. C2 2005-08-18_P818AL.j aL we have to take relay of the floor, give a feature number and take picture of it. C2 2005-08-20_P820AL.j aL we have to did a little trench (2x1 m) from m4054 in order to find stairs under last step. C2 2005-08-22_P822AL.j aL we must take a picture which represents the whole area with three walking floor, then we must dag the whole area until elevator taking away the first pebble floor (f205). C2 2005-08-23_P823AL.j aL we must finish taking away f223 and put in evidence f205 in the area. After cleaning and taking picture we should open another time k102 in order to build safety steps. C2 2005-08-24_P824AL.j aL We must uncover all of f213 to m4057; we also must test with long rod in front of last step of f130 in order to find out whether there are other stones below it. C2 2005-08-27_P827AL.j aL we must finish to remove f213 from whole area (just to m4056), after we decide if we must remove f215 to reach the steps that presumibly are below f215. C2 2005-08-28_P828AL.j aL we must remove f256 in order to put in evidence the new floor in the whole area. C3 2005-08-13_P813MH2.j mH The partuially shiny surface perhaps relating to having been under plastic, makes me think that we reached the bottom of the German excavations in this trench. C3 2005-08-15_P815MH.j mH gB suggested that the reason for the unexpectedly high difference between the last step exposed and the stones found with the metal rod might indicate the presence of another building phase. C3 2005-08-24_P824AL.j aL sometimes big pebbles mixed with sherds are used in Tell Mozan as filling on top parts of a wall in order to make it flat on the top. C3 2005-08-31_P831AL.j aL if f215 covered second line of steps and perhaps had any relation with the first line of steps, f258 cover third line of steps and seems have relation with second line. D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a7 D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a11 D1a 2004-06-30_O630MH3.j mh f1 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f100 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f122 D1a 0000-00-00_O808AP3.j ap f130 D1a 2005-08-04_P912MH.j vVE f146 D1a 2005-08-07_P912MH.j sC f153 D1a 2005-08-14_P912MH.j aL f170 D1a 2005-08-14_P912MH.j aL f173 D1a 2005-08-15_P912MH.j aL f179 D1a 2005-08-17_P912MH.j aL f192 D1a 2005-08-17_P912MH.j aL f194 D1a 2005-08-19_P912MH.j aL f196 D1a 0000-00-00_P913MH.j mH f205 D1a 2005-08-22_P913MH.j aL f209 D1a 2005-08-22_P913MH.j aL f212 D1a 2005-08-22_P913MH.j aL f213 D1a 2005-08-22_P913MH.j aL f214 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j aL f215 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j aL f221 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j aL f223 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j sC f225 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j aL f237 D1a 2005-08-27_P913MH.j aL f256 D1a 2005-08-27_P913MH.j aL f258 D1a 2005-08-29_P913MH.j aL f264 D1a 2005-08-29_P913MH.j aL f266 D1a 2005-08-29_P913MH.j aL f267 D1a 2005-08-29_P913MH.j aL f268 D1a 2005-09-01_P913MH.j aL f272 D1a 2005-09-01_P913MH.j aL f276 D1a 2005-09-01_P913MH.j aL f287 D1a 2005-09-03_P913MH5.j aL f291 D1a 2005-09-03_P913MH5.j aL f292 D1a 2005-09-03_P913MH5.j aL f294 D1a 2005-09-04_P913MH5.j aL f304 D1a 2008-03-07_S206PC.j pC f333 D1a 2009-08-12_T822CJC2.j cJC f380 D1a 2009-08-16_T822CJC2.j cJC f382 D1a 2009-08-16_T822CJC2.j cJC f383 D1a 2009-08-17_T822CJC2.j cJC f384 D1a 2009-08-17_T822CJC2.j cJC f385 D1a 2009-08-17_T822CJC2.j cJC f386 D1a 2009-08-17_T822CJC2.j cJC f387 D1a 2009-08-17_T822CJC2.j cJC f388 D1a 2009-08-17_T822CJC2.j cJC f389 D1a 2009-08-17_T822CJC2.j cJC f390 D1a 2009-08-17_T822CJC2.j cJC f391 D1a 2005-08-25_P913MH4.j mH i15 D1a 2005-08-25_P913MH4.j aL i18 D1a 2005-08-29_P913MH4.j aL i19 D1a 2005-08-29_P913MH4.j aL i21 D1a 2005-08-29_P913MH4.j aL i22 D1a 2004-06-27_O627MH3.j mH q1 D1a 2004-06-27_O627MH3.j mH q2 D1a 2004-06-27_O627MH3.j mH q3 D1a 2004-06-27_O627MH3.j mH q4 D1a 2004-06-27_O627MH3.j mH q5 D1a 2004-06-29_O629MH.j mh q20 D1a 2004-06-29_O629MH.j mh q21 D1a 2004-06-30_O630MH2.j mh q22 D1a 2004-06-30_O630MH2.j mh q23 D1a 2004-06-30_O630MH2.j mh q32 D1a 2004-07-04_O705MH2.j mh q44 D1a 2004-07-04_O705MH2.j mh q45 D1a 2004-07-04_O705MH2.j mh q46 D1a 2004-07-05_O705MH2.j mh q56 D1a 2004-07-05_O705MH2.j mh q57 D1a 2004-07-05_O705MH2.j mh q58 D1a 2004-07-06_O706MH2.j mH q63 D1a 2004-07-06_O706MH2.j mH q64 D1a 2004-07-06_O706MH2.j mH q67 D1a 2004-07-06_O706MH2.j mH q68 D1a 2004-07-07_O710MH.j ap q74 D1a 2004-07-07_O710MH.j ap q75 D1a 2004-07-07_O710MH.j ap q76 D1a 2004-07-07_O710MH.j ap q86 D1a 2004-07-08_O710MH.j ap q88 D1a 2004-07-13_O713MH.j mh q138 D1a 2004-07-13_O713MH.j mh q139 D1a 2004-07-14_O717MH.j ap q155 D1a 2004-07-14_O717MH.j ap q156 D1a 2004-07-14_O717MH.j ap q157 D1a 2004-07-15_O717MH.j mh q164 D1a 2004-07-15_O717MH.j mh q168 D1a 2004-07-22_O724MH.j mh q231 D1a 2011-01-15_V115MKB.j mKB q272 D1a 2011-01-15_V115MKB.j mKB q297 D1a 2005-08-04_V910CJC.j mH q384 D1a 2005-08-07_P808VVE1.j sC q396 D1a 2005-08-07_P808VVE1.j sC q401 D1a 2005-08-08_P808VVE1.j sC q403 D1a 2005-08-11_P813VVE1.j sC q432 D1a 2005-08-14_P909MH.j mH q457 D1a 2005-08-14_P909MH.j aL q466 D1a 2005-08-15_P909MH.j aL q481 D1a 2005-08-15_P909MH.j aL q484 D1a 2005-08-15_P909MH.j aL q492 D1a 2005-08-16_P909MH.j sC q498 D1a 2005-08-16_P909MH.j aL q510 D1a 2005-08-17_P909MH.j aL q517 D1a 2005-08-17_P909MH.j aL q519 D1a 2005-08-18_P908MH2.j aL q525 D1a 2005-08-22_P908MH2.j aL q549 D1a 2005-08-22_P908MH2.j aL q554 D1a 2005-08-22_P908MH2.j aL q555 D1a 2005-08-22_P908MH2.j aL q560 D1a 2005-08-23_P908MH2.j aL q567 D1a 2005-08-23_P908MH2.j aL q572 D1a 2005-08-24_P908MH2.j aL q578 D1a 2005-08-24_P908MH2.j aL q584 D1a 2005-08-24_P908MH2.j aL q587 D1a 2005-08-25_P908MH2.j aL q592 D1a 0000-00-00_P908MH2.j sC q602 D1a 0000-00-00_P908MH2.j vVE q611 D1a 0000-00-00_P908MH2.j sC q613 D1a 2005-08-27_P908MH2.j aL q625 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aL q635 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q648 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q650 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q655 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q667 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j aL q683 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j aL q687 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j aA q691 D1a 2005-08-31_P910MH.j aL q693 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH.j aL q702 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH3.j aL q712 D1a 2005-09-01_P910MH3.j aL q715 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j aL q732 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j aL q733 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j aL q741 D1a 2005-09-03_P910MH3.j aL q746 D1a 2009-08-16_T826CJC2.j cJC q892 D1a 2009-08-17_T826CJC2.j sH q893 D1a 2009-08-17_T826CJC2.j cJC q894 D1a 2009-08-17_T826CJC2.j cJC q895 D1a 2009-08-17_T826CJC2.j cJC q896 D1a 2009-08-18_T826CJC2.j cJC q897 D1a 2009-08-18_T826CJC2.j sH q898 D1a 2009-08-18_T826CJC2.j cJC q899 D1a 2009-08-18_T826CJC2.j cJC q900 D3 2009-08-17_T820CJCR.j cJC r1129 (38566 51027 - 8667 / Relay location: SW corner k100) D3 2009-08-17_T820CJCR.j cJC r1130 (38514 51205 - 8667 / Relay location: SE corner) D20 2004-06-27_O627MH2.j mH m3583 D21 2004-06-27_O627MH2.j mH 1500s D21 2004-06-27_O627MH2.j mH 200e K99 2009-09-18_T920MKB2.j mKB features are all Phase 3s (early ED III). There are very few Late Chalcolithic sherds in this locus and therefore a different depositional history than in J1. Most of the body and shape sherds from this locus are tiny, especially in f386 and f389; this pattern would be consonant with a functional deposition resulting from a high foot traffic area. The fact that k100 is located in the primary third millennium access to the temple terrace and temple above appears to indicate a pattern of repeated use by a large number of individuals giving us a glimpse into the nature of the ritual and social activities connected with the temple. O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v1 O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v12 O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v12a O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v21 O15 2004-07-18_R708SC.j mH v21a O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j pC v43 O15 2004-07-18_S128PC.j pC v47 O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v75 O15 2004-08-04_S204PC2.j vvE v75a O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77 O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77a O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77b O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77c O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77d O15 2004-08-06_S204PC2.j vvE v77e O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v22 O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v27a O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j aP v29 O15 2004-08-08_R708SC.j pc v27 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v45 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v46 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v66 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v68 O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j aP v68a O15 2004-08-11_R708SC.j pC v48 O15 2004-08-13_S204PC2.j mH v84 O15 2004-08-13_S204PC2.j mH v84a O15 2004-08-17_S204PC2.j mH v89 O15 2004-08-17_S204PC2.j mH v89a O15 2004-08-17_S204PC2.j mH v89b O15 2004-08-17_S204PC2.j mH v90 O15 2004-08-17_S204PC2.j mH v90a O15 2004-08-20_S204PC2.j mH v95 O15 2004-08-20_S204PC2.j mH v96 O15 2004-08-20_S204PC2.j mH v96a O15 2004-08-20_S204PC2.j mH v96b O15 2004-08-20_S204PC2.j mH v96c O15 2004-08-20_S204PC2.j mH v97 O15 2004-08-20_S204PC2.j mH v97a O15 2004-08-20_S204PC2.j mH v97b O15 2004-08-24_S204PC2.j aL v101 O15 2004-08-24_S204PC2.j aL v101a O15 2004-08-24_S204PC2.j aL v101b O15 2004-08-25_S204PC2.j sC v108 O15 2004-08-25_S204PC2.j sC v108a O15 2004-08-25_S204PC2.j sC v108b O15 2004-08-29_S204PC2.j pC v116 O15 2004-08-29_S204PC2.j pC v116a O15 2004-08-29_S204PC2.j pC v116b O15 2004-08-29_S204PC2.j pC v116c O15 2004-08-29_S204PC2.j pC v116d O15 2004-08-29_S204PC2.j pC v116e O15 2004-08-29_S204PC2.j pC v116f O15 2004-08-29_S204PC2.j pC v116g O15 2004-08-29_S204PC2.j pC v116h O15 2004-08-29_S204PC2.j pC v116i O15 2004-08-29_S204PC2.j pC v116j O15 2004-08-31_S204PC2.j aL v118 O15 2004-08-31_S204PC2.j aL v118a O15 2004-09-01_S204PC2.j aL v120 O15 2004-09-01_S204PC2.j aL v120a O15 2004-09-01_S204PC2.j aL v121 O15 2004-09-01_S204PC2.j aL v121a O15 2004-09-01_S204PC2.j aL v121b O15 2004-09-01_S204PC2.j aL v122 O15 2004-09-01_S204PC2.j aL v122a O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j aL v126 O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j aL v126a O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j aL v126b O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j aL v127 O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j sC v132 O15 2004-09-12_S204PC2.j mH v137 O15 2004-09-12_S204PC2.j mH v137b O15 2004-09-13_S204PC2.j mH v146 O15 2009-02-22_S204PC2.j aL v112 O15 2009-02-22_S204PC2.j aL v112a O15 2009-02-22_S204PC2.j aL v112b O15 2009-07-19_T729CJC2.j cJC v147a O15 2009-07-19_T729CJC2.j cJC v150 O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v151 O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v152b O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v154b O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v155 O15 2009-07-25_T826CJC3.j cJC v159 O15 2009-07-25_T826CJC3.j cJC v159a O15 2009-07-25_T826CJC3.j cJC v159b O15 2009-07-25_T826CJC3.j cJC v159c O15 2009-07-25_T826CJC3.j cJC v160 O15 2009-07-25_T826CJC3.j cJC v160a O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v166a O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v180 O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v180a O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187 O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187b O15 2009-08-16_T827CJC.j cJC v192 O15 2009-08-16_T827CJC.j cJC v192a O15 2009-08-16_T827CJC.j cJC v192b O15 2009-08-16_T827CJC.j cJC v192c O15 2009-08-16_T827CJC.j cJC v193 O15 2009-08-17_T827CJC.j cJC v198 O15 2009-08-17_T827CJC.j cJC v199 O15 2009-08-17_T827CJC.j cJC v199a O15 2009-08-17_T827CJC.j cJC v199b O15 2009-08-17_T827CJC.j cJC v199c O15 2009-08-17_T827CJC.j cJC v199d O15 2009-08-17_T827CJC.j mCT v197 O15 2009-08-17_T827CJC.j mCT v197a O15 2009-08-17_T827CJC.j mCT v197b O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v200 O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v200a O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v200b O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v200c O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v200d O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v201 O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v202 O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v202a O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v202b O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v202c O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v202d O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v203 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v203a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v204 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v204a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v206 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v206a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v207 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v207b O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v208 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v208a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v209 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220a O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220b O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v500 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v502 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v503 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v504 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v505 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v506 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v514 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v516 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v517 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v518 O15 2011-01-04_T921CJC.j cJC v523 O15 2011-01-04_T921CJC.j cJC v524 O15 2011-01-04_T921CJC.j cJC v525 O15 2011-01-04_T921CJC.j cJC v526 O15 2011-01-04_T921CJC.j cJC v527 J2k101 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0870 J02w0070 T327 pC.jpg A98 2007-07-13_S205PC.j pC k101 is the pottery column in k13, made in season 2005. in season 2004 probably was the intention do create a new locus k101 for k84 and k85, but because the excavation in k84-k85 during season 2004 was not continued, locus k101 was never created. k101 remains the pottery column in k13 B11 2005-08-02_P802AL.j aL k101 is the pottery witness column located in the NW corner of k13; It is a square of 2x2 m; its corners correspond to relays r447, r448, r449, and r450. B11 2005-08-02_P802MH.j mH This 2 x 2 locus was separated from the northwestern corner of k13 abutting the oval f128 and the western section of J02. The purpose of the column is to define an area the pottery of which mKB can analyze reasonably quickly. This analysis will help us determine where we are in terms of time period. C1 2005-08-02_P802MH.j mH We excavated one q lot q366 with a big pick. C1 2005-08-03_P803MH.j mH We started by remocing the pseudobaulk between k13 and k101. We continued going down with the pick big q371, but starting from q374 we continued with a small pick in order to see whether we would recover more pottery and other finds than with the big pick. aL and pC practiced small picking here during the last few ours of the day. Their q-lot no. was q376. C1 2005-08-13_P813MH2.j mH After the elevator and the plastic was removed and the area had been cleaned, we removed the pseudobaulk (f165 q438) we had left in between k13 and k101. We also decided to simplify our definition of this locus. Previously this locus had been defined by relays r447, r448, r449, and r450, which left an approximatly 10-20 cm area between the southern edge of k101 and the southern edge of k13. From today onwards, k101 is defined by r450, r488, r489, and m3965. This definition eliminates the small sliver I mentioned earlier and makes this and k13 easier to excavate and to keep track of. We excavated with a big pick and sifted the soil (sift mesh approximately 1.7cm). All pottery bags marked with a blue ribbom. The first q-lot (q440) contaminated by elevator use and should not be used for dating purposes. There is also a problem with the depth of this q-lot. Other q-lots were q442, q445, q446. The last is only the eastern half of the unit. While excavatin q-lot q442, we found a beautiful bead (i7). C1 2005-08-15_P815MH.j mH We continued with the strategy adopted yesterday: one pick run has one q-lot bag below for the pickman and one above by the sifter. We started with the q-lot pair q482 and q483 with the latter being by the sifter. q482 had laminations near the oval wall (f128). The next pair was q485 and q486 with the latter being by the sifter. Although f174, which we are currently excavating, resembles f171 in k13 in the brown color and in conistency, f174 has had much less ash and charcoal in it. This changed, however, at the end of the day, when we discovered two large concentrations of ash. One was located to the north, near the oval wall, and the other was located to the south. Near the southern ash deposit we also found a white deposit and as of the end of the day we were not sure what that was. In between the ash concetrations we also found a very heavy concentration of charcoal pieces, which we collected as a sample (i10). We start with the excavation of q494 yet, but will begin with it tomorrow morning. The last q-lot excavated (q485) contained very little pottery, which is puzzling. We took pictures of the the ash deposit (v87d and v87e), the white deposit (v87b), and the charcoal deposit (i10). C1 2005-08-16_P816MH.j mH At the start of the morning gB came to take a look at the area formed by k101 and k13 and shown in v87. The elevation this plane in k101 is m3965+39-138 = 88.62 m, i.e. the same elevation where f150 in k4 is currently and where samples q397, q398, and q399 were taken. gB also took a look at the white layer (v87b). He determined that it was vegetable fibers. Their preservation does suggest that this surface was once a horizontal plane. We took a sample of this material (q496.1) and continued excavating. At this point we had been excavating in f174 for about 35 cm so we decided to change the feature (f182), although the brown soil with ash concentrations seemed to continue. After we had dug one pickrun (q494 below and q495 by the sifter), developments in k13 resulted in stopping the excavations there and in k101 temporarily until k14, remaining part of k4 and the north baulk of k5 have been brough to the same level as f150 in k4, f171 (f183) in k13, and f174 (f182) in k101. C1 2005-08-24_P824SC.j sC Today we string the square for the pottery column (k101) in the north-west area of k13 (it has been defined with r709, r710, r712, r713). I checked the area and assigned a new feature number (f228) to the whole square: the top 5-10 cm of this feature are contaminated by the excavation occurred in this area in the previous days (the pottery sherds belonging to the first 5-10cm have been collceted in the qlot581). f228 is the same of f174 and f182. Masom started to dig with the big pick f228. Under only 5 cm form the top of f228 we find a very compact and well defined surface (f234), that continues also in k13 (f231). We took a picture of k101 and k13 (gv102, gv102a) and then we started to remove f234. C1 2005-08-25_P825SC.j sC Before start excavating, I assigned a feature number (f234) to the surface find yesterday under f228 (f228 is the top 5 cm of soil belonging to the last feature exacavated in this area, f182, contaminated by the excavation held in k14 last week). f234 is very well defined in terms of consistence (very compact respect to the accomulation above) and texture (very fine). f234 cover the whole unit and that it extends also in k103 (where is defined as f231), and slopes toward south. In general the north area is generally higer of 7 to 10 cm than the southern one both in k101 and in k103. In k101 there is a difference of 10 cm between the top elevation in the N and the top elevation in the S area of the square. For example, the top elevation of feature f234 in the N area of k101 is m3953 +12 -165, while in the S is m3953 +5 -165. C1 2005-08-27_P827MH.j mH The surface of the unit slopes to the south/southwest. Thus we took the top elevation of f239 q626 from four locations. The north-most elevation is m3953 +12-169 = 88.15, moving south the next elevations are m3953 +4-169 = 88.07, m3953 +5-169 = 88.08, and the southern-most elevation is m3953 +10-175. At the end of the day we took two elevation measurements. The northern-most was m3953 +7-173 = 88.06 and the southern-most was m3953 +3-173 = 88.02. At the end of the day f239 still remained in most of the locus, but following the northern along the oval wall (f128) there was a gray layer we labeled f248. This equals f247 in k103. At the end of the day we decided to combine k101 and k103 as k104 starting tomorrow. C1 2005-08-27_P827MH.j mH We started by excavating in the southwest corner of the locus in f244 (q616). After we had removed that feature, the whole unit was rather uniform. The material (f239) was rather brown with pieces of broken red bricks that were mostly concentrated in the northwest corner of the unit. We removed that with q-lot q626. C2 2005-08-02_P802MH.j mH Our plan is to first excavate a 10-15 cm big pick run in k101, then do the same in k13 surrounding it and continue working these two loci together like this. We left a small pseudobaulk in between the two loci. This baulk will be removed every 20-30 cm or so and the strings defining the locus will be replaced. The purpose of the baulk is to help us differentiate between the two loci. It is not meant to be left standing. C3 2005-08-15_P815MH.j mH jO suggested that we might be close to a floor surface since this unit and k13 is clearly some sort of a use area. I am puzzled, however, by the fact that we have had very finds from f174 (and from f171 in k13) and even pottery was scarse during the last q-lot of the day (q485). C3 2005-08-25_P825SC.j sC We have the same situation also in k103: all the feature exacavated today are characterized by a general difference in hight between the top elevation (aproximately 6 to 10cm) in the north and the south area of the square. Therefore, I decided to take record of both elevations in k101 and k103 for each feature assigned today, in order to have a better idea of the sloping of the accomulations in this area. This may also help in case we need to check the records of the elevations of the qlots; somethimes it has happened, in fact, that we had some difference in the elevation before/after excavating (with the second higer that the first). f234 is rich in pottery (two qlots have been collected: qlot596 and qlot600; for this qlots the top elevation in the N area is m3953 +12 -165 while on the S is m3953 +5 -165.). After two pickrun another surface have been exposed in the NW corner of k101: f239. f239 has a bricky melted consistence and texture and is greyish in colour. At this point, I decided to stop digging in k101 and move Masum in k103: here a different situation have been exposed since we started to dig today. I preferred to move Masum in k103 in order to help Kamiran to dig f235. I prefer to go down at the same elevation in both areas to expose a larger area at the same time and therefore have a better understanding of the stratigraphy in the two squares. D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a6 D1a 2005-08-02_P912MH.j vVE f138 D1a 2005-08-13_P912MH.j aL f165 D1a 2005-08-13_P912MH.j aL f166 D1a 2005-08-14_P912MH.j mH f172 D1a 2005-08-14_P912MH.j sC f174 D1a 2005-08-16_P912MH.j sC f182 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j sC f228 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j sC f234 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j sC f239 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j sC f244 D1a 2005-08-27_P913MH.j sC f248 D1a 2005-08-13_P913MH4.j mH i7 D1a 2005-08-15_P913MH4.j sC i10 D1a 2005-08-03_P803AL3.j vvE q366 D1a 2005-08-03_P803AL3.j vvE q371 D1a 2005-08-03_P803AL3.j vvE q374 D1a 2005-08-03_P803AL3.j vvE q376 D1a 2005-08-13_P813VVE1.j aL q438 D1a 2005-08-13_P813VVE1.j sC q440 D1a 2005-08-13_P813VVE1.j sC q442 D1a 2005-08-13_P813VVE1.j sC q445 D1a 2005-08-13_P813VVE1.j sC q446 D1a 2005-08-14_P909MH.j sc q449 D1a 2005-08-14_P909MH.j sC q454 D1a 2005-08-14_P909MH.j mH q456 D1a 2005-08-14_P909MH.j sC q458 D1a 2005-08-14_P909MH.j sC q459 D1a 2005-08-14_P909MH.j sC q463 D1a 2005-08-14_P909MH.j sC q464 D1a 2005-08-15_P909MH.j vVE q482 D1a 2005-08-15_P909MH.j vVE q483 D1a 2005-08-15_P909MH.j vVE q485 D1a 2005-08-15_P909MH.j vVE q486 D1a 2005-08-15_P909MH.j sC q489 D1a 2005-08-15_P909MH.j sC q490 D1a 2005-08-15_P909MH.j sC q494 D1a 2005-08-16_P909MH.j sC q495 D1a 2005-08-24_P908MH2.j sC q581 D1a 2005-08-24_P908MH2.j fAB q590 D1a 2005-08-25_P908MH2.j sC q596 D1a 2005-08-25_P908MH2.j sC q600 D1a 2005-08-27_P908MH2.j sC q616 D1a 2005-08-27_P908MH2.j sC q626 D1a 2005-08-27_P908MH2.j aA q630 D3 2005-08-02_P821MH-R.j sC r449 (40010 50234 - 8952 / Relay location: top) D3 2005-08-02_P84VVE2R.j sC r447 (39951 50366 - 8949 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 2005-08-02_P84VVE2R.j sC r448 (39769 50300 - 8948 / Relay location: WS corner) D3 2005-08-02_P84VVE2R.j sC r449 (40098 50345 - 8952 / Relay location: NW corner) D3 2005-08-02_P84VVE2R.j sC r450 (40030 50195 - 8959 / Relay location: NE corner) D3 2005-08-13_P815MH-R.j sC r488 (39722 50302 - 8931 / Relay location: top) D3 2005-08-13_P815MH-R.j sC r489 (39948 50378 - 8927 / Relay location: top) D20 2005-08-02_P913MH3.j aL r447 D21 2005-08-02_P913MH3.j aL 200s D21 2005-08-02_P913MH3.j aL 200w O15 2004-08-13_S204PC2.j mH v85 O15 2004-08-13_S204PC2.j mH v85a O15 2004-08-14_S204PC2.j sC v86 O15 2004-08-14_S204PC2.j sC v86a O15 2004-08-14_S204PC2.j sC v87 O15 2004-08-14_S204PC2.j sC v87a O15 2004-08-14_S204PC2.j sC v87c O15 2004-08-20_S204PC2.j mH v94 O15 2004-08-24_S204PC2.j aL v98 O15 2004-08-24_S204PC2.j aL v102 O15 2004-08-24_S204PC2.j aL v102a O15 2004-08-25_S204PC2.j sC v104 O15 2004-08-25_S204PC2.j sC v104a O15 2004-08-25_S204PC2.j sC v104b O15 2004-08-25_S204PC2.j sC v105 O15 2009-02-22_S204PC2.j pC v107 O15 2009-03-30_T330PC.j pC p21 J2k102 B11 2005-08-13_P913MH3.j aL East of k100. We established this locus in order to create a west-facing stepped section for k100 . C1 2005-08-13_P813MH2.j mH This locus was established today. It is located to the east of k100 and it will be used to create a sloped section on the eastern wall of k100. The western edge of the locus is defined by the edge of k100 and its eastern edge is defined by a north-south line starting from m4046 and going south. aL will be keeping on eye on the work in this unit. We excavated one q-lot (q441) in the topsoil feature (f167) of this locus. C1 2005-08-14_P814AL.j aL we have continued the removal of top soil from the whole area but we stopped excavation due to a change in strategy. C1 2005-08-20_P820VVE1.j vVE Excavation was continued in k102 in the hope that eventually we might be able to make the work in k100 (the German trench) more safe by having created a stepped or sloping section. C2 2005-08-14_P814AL.j aL excavation closed. D1a 2005-08-13_P912MH.j sC f167 D1a 2005-08-14_P912MH.j aL f169 D1a 2005-08-13_P813VVE1.j sC q441 D1a 2005-08-14_P909MH.j mH q448 D1a 2005-08-14_P909MH.j aL q453 D1a 2005-08-20_P908MH2.j aL q535 D20 2005-08-13_P913MH3.j aL m4046 D21 2005-08-13_P913MH3.j aL 1000s D21 2005-08-13_P913MH3.j aL 400w J2k103 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0871 J02w0071 T327 pC.jpg B11 2005-08-24_P913MH3.j fAB SE corner of k13, immediately east of k101. C1 2005-08-25_P825SC.j sC Today we continued to dig f231, after having removed f227 on the north-eastern area of the square (the layer of pottery sherds; yesterday we collecet one qlot -qlot558-, and today another one, qlot594). f231 is a compact surface with a fine texture, well defined in term of texture and consistence from f229 (above it), and therefore very easy to differenciate from the accomulation above. It is the same of f234 in k101, altought they differ in elevation: probably, this could depend by the general slope that characterized this area. f231 is a bit plastic (when wet) leaving a light brown colour on fingers, while dry it has a grayish coloration. like f234 (in k101) also f231 presents a difference between the top elevation in the N and the top elevation within the square: the top elevation of f231 in the N area is m3953 +31 -165 while on the S is m3953 +21 -165. f231 covered another well defined surface f236 (with a very fine texture and compact consistence, reddish-brownish in color), that was overlayed, on the south-eastern area, by a layer thick layer of pottery sherds and pebbles (f235, which limits have been defined with a relay, r743). I moved Masum in k103 in order to help Kamiran to expose this layer of pottery sherds. C1 2005-08-27_P827MH.j mH We started by removing what we thought were the remains of f240 (q617). Underneath the removed area, however, we found more of similar brown soil with an ash lense roughly in the middle of the locus. Since the spoil color, texture, and composition did not differ from that of f240, we considered this to be part of the same feature. We relayed the approximate center of the ash lense (r747), gave feature numbers to the two rodent holes in this unit (f250 and f251) and relayed them (r745 and r746, respectively) and continued the excavation (f240 q624). Underneath we discovered another brown layer (f246), and following the the northern edge of the locus, a gray layer (f247), which seemed to go under f246. This equals f248 in k101. At the end of the day we decided to combine k101 and k103 as k104 starting tomorrow. C3 2005-08-25_P825SC.j sC Altough there were a lots of pottery sheds lying in a horizontal way, especially in the periferics edges of f235, I considered f235 as an accomulation rather than a floor surface; there were some pottery sherds lying in a vertical way (expecially in the central area). Also f235 presents a slope toward the south area of k103: the top elevation of f235 in the N area is m3953 +21 -166 while on the S is m3953 +12 -166. It is a thin layer : about 3-7 cm; the soil between the sherds has a clay loam texture (sticky and a bit plastic). Once exposed we took a picture of f235 and of f236 (gv104, gv104a and 104b) and we start to remove f235 (qlot 604, qlot 608 and qlot 609). Therefore we start removing f236: before start digging the feature we remove the dirty from the the two animal holes (f250 and f251) that intruded f236 in the south and central area of k13. C3 2005-08-25_P825SC.j sC Toward mid day vvE came in the field for let me know that the last qlot from the pottery colum have been dated by mKB to phase 1 (altought we need to wait before thinking that we area really in phase 1, because just 5 shapes have been recognized by mKB and the sherds are prevantly wall of pottery vessels). D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j fAB f231 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j sC f235 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j sC f236 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j sC f238 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j sC f240 D1a 2005-08-23_P913MH.j sC f245 D1a 2010-12-30_U809YM.j cJC f246 D1a 2005-08-27_P913MH.j sC f247 D1a 2005-08-27_P913MH.j sC f250 D1a 2005-08-27_P913MH.j sC f251 D1a 2005-08-25_P908MH2.j sC q594 D1a 2005-08-25_P908MH2.j sC q595 D1a 2005-08-25_P908MH2.j sC q598 D1a 2005-08-25_P908MH2.j sC q601 D1a 0000-00-00_P908MH2.j sC q604 D1a 0000-00-00_P908MH2.j sC q606 D1a 0000-00-00_P908MH2.j sC q608 D1a 0000-00-00_P908MH2.j sC q609 D1a 0000-00-00_P908MH2.j sC q610 D1a 2005-08-27_P908MH2.j sC q617 D1a 2005-08-27_P908MH2.j sC q620 D1a 2005-08-27_P908MH2.j sC q624 D1a 2005-08-27_P908MH2.j mH q629 D20 2005-08-24_P913MH3.j fAB r710 D21 2005-08-24_P913MH3.j fAB 200e D21 2005-08-24_P913MH3.j fAB 200s O15 2004-08-24_S204PC2.j aL v102 O15 2004-08-25_S204PC2.j sC v104 O15 2004-08-25_S204PC2.j sC v104a O15 2004-08-25_S204PC2.j sC v104b O15 2004-08-25_S204PC2.j sC v105 O15 2004-08-25_S204PC2.j sC v105a O15 2009-02-22_S204PC2.j pC v107 O15 2009-02-22_S204PC2.j pC v107a O15 2009-02-22_S204PC2.j pC v107b J2k104 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0875 J02w0075 Yx24 cJC.jpg B11 2005-08-17_P913MH3.j aL Combining k101 and k103 into a single loci. C1 2005-08-28_P828MH.j mH We started following the gray layer and thus removing f246 in the whole unit (q638). We found what might be roofing pieces in q638, although nobody seems to be quite certain of the function of these things. Underneath we discovered a new brown soil layer (f253), which is shown in v110, v110a, and v110b. The feature slopes heavily towards south/southwest. The starting elevation at the highest point in the northwest was m4170 +84-154 = 88.03 and in the northeast it was m4170 +85-154 = 88.04. In the southeast corner, which is the lowest point, it was m4170 +75-154 = 87.94 m. While removing it (q642), we discovered two sealings (i16 and i17). After removing f253 the only feature left was f248 (=f247) and the difference between the northern edge of k104 and the southern end had increased significantly. In the north the elevation is m4169 +71-133 = 88.09 and in the south it is m4169 +41-133 = 87.79 m. For a couple of days now the pottery that has come from this area (previously k101 and k103) has been third millennium. Although the amounts of diagnostic sherds has been low, no later material has been found in these lots. Thus, gB and mKB thought it would be best to stop the excavation here for the time being and continue in k14 to the south of k104. We did than during the last hour of the day. C1 2005-09-06_S307PC.j mH we relay the stones f320.1, f320.2, f320.3 C3 2005-08-28_P828MH.j mH Yesterday gB suggested that rather than being a use-area, this area might actually be a dump area formed by the corner of f127 and f128. He suggested that perhaps refuse from the activities associated with the apron (f131) and perhaps located in front of it were dumped here behind f127. fAB paid attention to the apparent downward (south) slope of f127 and suggested that we took photos of f127 with a line and a line-level in place showing the slope. This we took. They are v110, v110a and v110b. D1a 2007-07-18_S206PC2.j pC a11 D1a 2005-08-27_P913MH.j sC f253 D1a 2005-09-05_P913MH5.j sC f320 D1a 2005-09-05_P913MH5.j sC f321 D1a 2005-08-25_P913MH4.j mH i16 D1a 2005-08-25_P913MH4.j sC i17 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j sC q638 D1a 2005-08-28_P908MH2.j aA q642 D1a 2005-09-06_P910MH3.j sC q811 D1a 2005-09-06_P910MH3.j sC q812 D1a 2005-09-06_P910MH3.j sC q815 D20 2005-08-17_P913MH3.j aL m4169 D21 2005-08-17_P913MH3.j aL 200n D21 2005-08-17_P913MH3.j aL 400e O15 2004-08-29_S204PC2.j mH v114 O15 2004-08-29_S204PC2.j mH v114a O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j mH v131 O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j mH v131a O15 2004-09-12_S204PC2.j mH v138 O15 2004-09-13_S204PC2.j mH v145 O15 2009-02-22_S204PC2.j pC v110 O15 2009-02-22_S204PC2.j pC v110a O15 2009-02-22_S204PC2.j pC v110b J2k105 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0872 J02w0072 T327 pC.jpg B11 2005-09-04_P913MH3.j aL A small trench in k100 opened to explore whether f130 step continue downwards. C1 2009-08-16_T816CJC.j cJC Today we cleaned out k105 which was the sounding in front of the monumental staircase (f380). We will no longer use this locus but instead will excavate all of k100. D1a 2005-09-04_P913MH5.j aL f302 D1a 2005-09-04_P910MH3.j aL q759 D3 2005-09-04_S306PC-R.j aL r987 (38867 51173 - 3914 / Relay location: p) D3 2005-09-04_S306PC-R.j aL r988 (38807 51167 - 3905 / Relay location: p) D3 2005-09-04_S306PC-R.j aL r989 (38814 51075 - 3905 / Relay location: p) D3 2005-09-04_S306PC-R.j aL r990 (38875 51092 - 3916 / Relay location: p) D6 2005-09-12_P913MH7.j mH 8620 D20 2005-09-04_P913MH3.j aL r987 D21 2005-09-04_P913MH3.j aL 100w D21 2005-09-04_P913MH3.j aL 60s O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j aL v126 O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j aL v127 O15 2004-09-04_S204PC2.j aL v127a O15 2009-08-16_T827CJC.j cJC v192 O15 2009-08-16_T827CJC.j cJC v192a O15 2009-08-16_T827CJC.j cJC v192b O15 2009-08-16_T827CJC.j cJC v192c O15 2009-08-17_T827CJC.j cJC v198 O15 2009-08-17_T827CJC.j cJC v199 O15 2009-08-17_T827CJC.j cJC v199a O15 2009-08-17_T827CJC.j cJC v199b O15 2009-08-17_T827CJC.j cJC v199c J2k106 B11 2009-09-02_T902CJC2.j cJC This locus was assigned to the construction of the cement staircase in the south of J2 k5. The staircase extends from the surface of the tell, east of the panorama down to the level even with the lowest step of the apron (f131). The staircase was constructed in MZ20 (2007) by a team of workmen under the direction of lC. This staircase was built to give access to the monumental staircase and the apron from the south. It was rendered obsolete in MZ21 when J7 was excavated and the entry to J2 was provided via the long trench and a small staircase in the south of J7. Q-items were collected and records kept but the records were lost in MZ21. In MZ22 the q-items were located and were assigned new numbers as the numbers used by lC were reused by the excavations in MZ22. All the q-lots from MZ20 were reassigned to one q-lot, q901, which is the last of the MZ22 sequence. These items have all been located and renumbered to the best of our ability in MZ22. D1a 2009-09-02_T902CJC2.j cJC q901 J2k110 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0873 J02w0073 Yx24 cJC.jpg B11 2009-07-27_T727CJC.j cJC This locus is assigned to the area between k100 and the east baulks of k4 and k5. It is smaller than a traditional 5x5m square due to the cut of k100 to the east. B11 2009-08-01_T801CJC.j cJC k110 is an irregular locus. It is bounded by the cut of k100 to the east and by squares k4 and k5 to the east. It is defined in the south by relays r1077 (in the south-west corner of the locus) and r1078 in the south-east corner of the locus. In the north it is defined by m6154 in the north-west. B11 2009-08-22_T822CJC.j cJC This locus is irregular in shape. In the south it is defined by r1078 and r1077, in the north it is bounded by the apron(f131) and r1142 and m6154 in the north. C1 2009-08-01_T801CJC.j cJC We are going to begin excavating the whole of locus k110 today. Our goal is to expose the salmon colored layer that is available in the west section of k100. We removed the remaining portion of f355 and then began removing f357. We did not reach the salmon layer but we should tomorrow. C1 2009-08-13_T815CJC.j cJC Today we began removing f359 in k110. Now that we have exposed f359 in k110, k5 and k15 we are going to make a sounding in all of k110. We began by removing f359 in k110. mKB and hQ came during our daily meeting with gB and fAB and said that although we did not have enough sherds to be conclusive the sherds we collected from f359 are provisionally from the EDIII period. This confirms our suspicions that f359 is not the floor associated with the construction of the apron (f131). We excavated the layers by first examining the west section of k100 and using the layers there as a starting point for exploring the features across k110 from east to west. Under f359 in section was a gray layer which we named f377. It appeared to be thick in section but as it moved southwest across the locus it became apparent that there was a difference, with f377 becoming thinner in the south portion of the locus overlaying a very thick red layer with ash in it which we called f379. Some of f379 was removed before we understood the differences in the layers from north to south and under f379 we exposed a mud surface f381 which had the paw print of a dog in it. We photographed the pawprint normally and then experimented with filling it with powder to make it show up better in pictures. C1 2009-08-19_T819CJC2.j cJC The southern portion of k110, covering the human footprints, was backfilled first with clean dirt, then a cloth covering, then plastic capped with more dirt. Next year it should be possible to still see the human footprints. C2 2009-08-01_T801CJC.j cJC If we followed the site-wide grid the baulk would run right through the middle so instead we will excavate without a north baulk, relying on the south section for drawing. This should not be a problem due to the small size of the locus. A north baulk would also inhibit our understanding of how the layers relate to the apron. We have decided it is better to excavate the area as delimited by the boundaries specified here. D1a 2009-07-26_T822CJC2.j cJC f347 D1a 2009-07-26_T822CJC2.j cJC f350 D1a 2009-07-26_T822CJC2.j cJC f353 D1a 2009-07-30_T822CJC2.j cJC f355 D1a 2009-08-01_T822CJC2.j cJC f357 D1a 2009-08-01_T822CJC2.j cJC f358 D1a 2009-08-01_T822CJC2.j cJC f359 D1a 2009-08-12_T822CJC2.j cJC f377 D1a 2009-08-12_T822CJC2.j cJC f378 D1a 2009-08-12_T822CJC2.j cJC f379 D1a 2009-08-12_T822CJC2.j cJC f381 D1a 2011-11-16_V930CJC.j cJC f392 D1a 2009-07-28_T729CJC3.j cJC q848 D1a 2009-07-28_T729CJC3.j cJC q849 D1a 2009-07-26_T729CJC3.j sH q852 D1a 2009-07-30_T804CJC.j cJC q853 D1a 2009-07-30_T804CJC.j cJC q856 D1a 2009-08-01_T804CJC.j cJC q857 D1a 2009-08-01_T804CJC.j cJC q858 D1a 2009-08-01_T804CJC.j cJC q859 D1a 2014-01-17_Y117CJC.j cJC q860 D1a 2014-01-17_Y117CJC.j cJC q861 D1a 2009-08-13_T826CJC2.j cJC q889 D1a 2009-08-13_T826CJC2.j cJC q890 D1a 2009-08-15_T826CJC2.j sH q891 D3 2009-07-30_T820CJCR.j cJC r1077 (38757 50755 - 8726 / Relay location: SW corner of k110) D3 2009-07-30_T820CJCR.j cJC r1078 (38659 51030 - 8726 / Relay location: SE corner of k110) D3 2009-08-22_T823CJCR.j cJC r1142 (39044 51072 - 8745 / Relay location: NE corner) H99 2009-08-13_T815CJC.j cJC The accumulations (beginning with f359 but including f377 and f379) are thicker in the southern portion of k110 than in the northern portion closer to the apron. This may be due to water flowing away from the apron (f131) or due to heavy use of the area immediately in front of the apron (f131). O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v154 O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v154a O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v154b O15 2009-07-21_T729CJC2.j cJC v155 O15 2009-07-21_T826CJC3.j cJC v158 O15 2009-07-21_T826CJC3.j cJC v158a O15 2009-07-25_T826CJC3.j cJC v159 O15 2009-07-25_T826CJC3.j cJC v159a O15 2009-07-25_T826CJC3.j cJC v159b O15 2009-07-25_T826CJC3.j cJC v159c O15 2009-07-30_T826CJC3.j cJC v162 O15 2009-07-30_T826CJC3.j cJC v162a O15 2009-07-30_T826CJC3.j cJC v162b O15 2009-07-30_T826CJC3.j cJC v162c O15 2009-08-01_T826CJC3.j cJC v164 O15 2009-08-01_T826CJC3.j cJC v164a O15 2009-08-01_T826CJC3.j cJC v164b O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v166 O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v166a O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v166b O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v166c O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v167 O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v167a O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v167b O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v167c O15 2009-08-06_T826CJC3.j cJC v169 O15 2009-08-06_T826CJC3.j cJC v169a O15 2009-08-08_T826CJC3.j cJC v172 O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v179 O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v179a O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v180 O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v180a O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187 O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187a O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187b O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187c O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v188 O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v189 O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v189a O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v190 O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v190a O15 2009-08-14_T827CJC.j cJC v191 O15 2009-08-14_T827CJC.j cJC v191a O15 2009-08-16_T827CJC.j cJC v194 O15 2009-08-16_T827CJC.j cJC v194a O15 2009-08-16_T827CJC.j cJC v195 O15 2009-08-16_T827CJC.j cJC v195a O15 2009-08-16_T827CJC.j cJC v196 O15 2009-08-16_T827CJC.j cJC v196a O15 2009-08-16_T827CJC.j cJC v196b O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v183 O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v184 O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v184a O15 2009-08-18_T827CJC.j cJC v186 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v204 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v205 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v205a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v206 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v206a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v206b O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v207 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v207b O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v208 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v208a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v210 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v213 O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v213a O15 2009-09-21_T921CJC.j cJC v214 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v215 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v215a O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v215b O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v215c O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v216 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v216a O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v216b O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v216c O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v216d O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v217 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v217a O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v217b O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v217c O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v218 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v219 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v219a O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220a O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v220b O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v500 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v502 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v503 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v504 O15 2010-12-17_T921CJC.j cJC v518 O15 2011-01-04_T921CJC.j cJC v520 J2k111 A35 2010-08-21_U821CJC.j cJC v179 A35 2014-10-24_YX24CJC.j cJC L_W18d0874 J02w0074 Yx24 cJC.jpg B11 2010-08-21_U821CJC.j cJC This loci is the same overlaps with J7k6. It was excavated in MZ22 (2009) as part of J2. The operations in MZ22 were mostly cleaning and the removal of brickfall. C2 2010-08-21_U821CJC.j cJC The brickfall (f356) in J7k6 was excavated as part of J2 this year. We removed about 20cm to make access from J7 easier. This was part of the site presentation project, not really part of the objectives of J2. f356 contained articulated red and gray bricks similar to those seen in the south section of J2 k14 and visible in all of the west sections of J7. D1a 2009-07-30_T822CJC2.j cJC f356 D1a 2009-07-30_T804CJC.j cJC q855 D1a 0000-00-00_T826CJC2.j sH q877 O15 2009-07-30_T826CJC3.j cJC v163 O15 2009-07-30_T826CJC3.j cJC v163a O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v165 O15 2009-08-02_T826CJC3.j cJC v165a O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v179 O15 2009-08-12_T826CJC3.j cJC v179a O15 2009-08-13_T827CJC.j cJC v187a