.bk J03 .fl Q828rE.J .fd daily journal Q828 .ei rE .ed Q828 .rd Q828 .ri rE -wk All assigned workmen reported. Farid excused and left after the breakfast. Khalaf and Emad worked the last hour with vE. k 109 dy We resumed the work on what was the north half of k32. We were expecting to find the continuation of floor f173 which was found in k22, so we measured the depth of this feature from the topsoil, and when we were 15cm above where we might reach the floor, the workmen used the small pick. But there was no continuation for f173 in k109 - it could be sloping more then f173. At the same elevation of f173 we found a piece of hard material, f196, on the east part of f194. It was similar to f184 which was in the south half of what was k32, but at a lower elevation. So we removed the soft accumulation around it which is f192, while keeping f196. There was also another feature f197, which contains 3 parts cut from a sandy stone, and small limestones with many sherds of pottery (f195, a large stone block was formed of the same material). So we cleaned around it and we stopped here for today in order to take a photo for those features and study their function tomorrow. -sg Tomorrow we will discuss the function of f197, and we will explore it more, and take a photo for it then we will remove, in order to reach f184, then we will move to the south half of k31, and the south half of k21 in order to have more space, so the view for all the area will be beautiful.